A/N from embee : Based on the comments, only one thing to say. PATIENT, guys... BE PATIENT!!! hahahaha! Seriously, we're considering some of your suggestions and ideas, trying to fit them in the story (altho we almost finished writing

). Sooo... sorry if some of the plots are not following your taste or expectations. Keep on reading and supporting~!!
P/S: I didn't do anything at all. All are Zhenny's ideas and plots. I'm just being a good teacher (while spanking her for mistakes) BWAHAHA!!
A/N from Zhen : ...... She say almost. (Which is true~ HAHA) We just keep adding scene.


From: Milky
Because Milky likes you too…BADUMP! BADUMP!My heart rate is speeding up after seeing the message. But it seems the text doesn’t end there… I scroll down the screen of my phone.
… as my funny and interesting friend. 
Oh god… she was about to give me a heart attack. Why this girl… I’ll get back at you!
From: Sayaka
You almost give me a heart attack… =.=
Perhaps… I should be the one to confess to you first.
Here goes nothing...
Umm… I really like you, Milky… I really do like my new best friend. Hehee. I look out the window to the street, I see couples hand in hand smiling happily. Suddenly words start flowing into my mind. I quickly turn to my laptop and start typing a few lines.
More often than before, I’ll envy couples on the streets
When did I become so afraid of being alone?
But now, I will cherish this brief moment of happiness
I wish we could just go on like this
Wait… I realized something… I look back outside the window, staring at random people but my eyes could only see one thing.
My mind is full of Milky image... Is this a curse? Because I jokingly confessed to Milky…?
NO WAY! Maybe... Just maybe I’m starting to have feelings for Milky. Arrrrgh!!! But it’s inappropriate! I mean… We only met in the forum. Well, not really met… we just chat and look at each other’s profile picture. Huh? Now that’s worse if I think about it.
What if… that picture is not really her?
What if… she’s a crazy old woman?
What if… she’s not even a she? Does that mean Milky is… GAY?
What if… Milky is actually a perverted old geezer obsessed with milk???!!
Aaah...What should I do?!
The next morning, in the studio...
I was playing my guitar while messing around with Rena and Tani. A weird scene, huh? Well, I just need some distractions to keep my head from thinking about… Milky.
“Ugh! Not again…” I slap my forehead after Milky (once again) appeared in my head, making the kouhai-senpai duo to scrutinize me like I’m about to go crazy.
“Ummm… you okay?” Tani ask with a brow raised.
“Yeah… I’m fine.” I tried to put the best smile I ever had, when Jurina suddenly looms her shadow over us.
“You.” She points at Tani. “Follow me.”
“May I ask why?”
“No. Get your ass moving.”
“Tch… can’t you ask nicely for once?”
“If you stop being an asshole all the time then I might reconsider that.”
Tani gives a pout at Rena, which the latter just smile in response. She mouthed something at Tani, making her frown more before hesitantly trudging her way behind Jurina.
“May I ask you something, Rena?”
“Sure. What is it?”
“Are you and Tani… ummm… how do I say it…” I scratched my head as I try to find to right word to say it.
“Let’s just say… are you guys an item?”
“A what…?”
“An item? Like… a couple or something?”
“Ehhh?! What made you think like that?”
“It’s not just me. Everyone thought the same thing, Rena…”
“Is that so…” Rena lets out a small giggle, “She’s just a kouhai, Sayanee. Nothing more.”
“Really? Heeeh...” I nod my head slowly, feeling a bit relieved with the revelation. “Then, what about Jurina?”
“Jurina, huh…” Rena stare at the wall, a small bitter smile appearing on her face.
“I don’t know how to describe what is Jurina to me…But I do know one thing.”
I tried to study Rena’s side feature. Her face is showing nothing, nor sadness or happiness. Instead, she was smiling as if she was… contented.
“I won’t be here if it’s not for Jurina. She have always… will always be someone important in my life.”
“Then… it must be hard for you.”
“Since you guys are… you know.” I turn to Rena, only for her to look at me in confusion.
“Ah! I’m sorry!!! Ummm… Jurina kinda told me about you guys. But not all the details! Just… I know you guys are bestfriend before. That’s all…”
That’s when Rena’s smile fades away. She pulls her face to the side, probably trying to hide her sad face from me.
“I think she’s having it harder than me…” Rena mutters silently.
I was about to asked the meaning behind her words when the others appeared from the door… with a big, rectangle box.
“Uwwoh! What’s in there?”
“A human.” Yuki answered indifferently, no one dares ask if it was a joke or a real answer.
“Eh? Really?” I ask with shocking face, only to have Jurina responds with the same expressionless face as Yuki.
“Yeah. A real live one.”
“Human? Is this delivery? W-wait a MINUTE…. DID YOU GUYS KILL SOMEONE?!”
“What are you, Sayanee? An idiot? Of course we did not!” Jurina smirks at me, making me glare at her in annoyance.
“Sayaka have you ever dream to be an artist? You have a very wild imagination.”
“Shut up!” I crossed my arms, my nose flaring in anger with the way Jurina and Yuki is teasing me.
“Emm… could you guys like hurry carry this thing inside? This is definitely HEAVY!” Another voice hidden on the back of the box whines, asking the two prankster to quickly carry the load.
“That’s weird… I don’t think it’s that heavy.”
“I guess Tani is carrying the heavy side.”
“Oh? Good, then. But on second thought, this is actually kinda heavy.”
The girls continue carrying the box into the studio. We all surround the box, wondering what’s inside.
“Hey, punk!” Jurina calls Tani the way she usually does while reaching out a razor, “Do the honour, please.”
“Yes… BOSS.” Tani merely rolled her eyes as she emphasized the “boss” word.
The room becomes silent as everyone anticipates for the box to open. I look around, amused with how each of our members are really focused on the box. However, when I took a glance at Jurina, she is smirking like she knows what’s the content. But the smirk is not the same as when she wants to mess with Tani. It’s like, she’s proud of something… That’s when our new member started squealing.
“KYAAAAAH!!! OMG!” We all exchange glances with each other, getting closer to over Tani to see what she’s so excited about.
“Woah! Isn’t that…” I turn to Yuki, asking for her confirmation.
“Yeah. The already sold out Yamaha Tyros4 limited edition.”
We all gasped with the revelation, our eyes glued on the black instrument. But Tani was more overwhelmed than all of us as she jumps excitedly while circling the keyboard like she was doing a ritual around a bonfire
“This is… MY DREAM COME TRUE!!!” Tani starts assembling the keyboard, ignoring all of us like we weren’t there in the first place.
After a few minutes of waiting, Tani had successfully assembled all the parts. All she needs to do is press the ON button and… voila! Boy, how I wish I was in Tani’s shoes right now…
“Ummm… can I try this? Please please pleeeeaaase?”
“No.” We all turn to Jurina as she steps forward. “On one condition.”
Tani lets out an exasperated sigh, mumbling “not again” in a whining voice. She glared at Jurina in annoyance.
“What’s that?”
Jurina shared knowing looks with Yuki, an evil smile forming as they exchange telepathic thoughts with each other.
“We’ll do a round of practice…” Yuki said to all of us, only to have our eyes widen with what Jurina said next.
“With non-stop playback of all of our songs.”
Rena’s POV
This is it. The showdown that determines the result of our bet. And to think they would chose the endless practice of doom, as we all call it… That’s absolutely hard for a newbie. I took a glance at Tani who’s pretty excited with the keyboard right now. I really wanted Tani to successfully memorize all the songs… but at the same time, I want her to lose. Because I want the old Jurina back. I’m selfish, I know… I’m really torn between these two. I can see Jurina making eyes signal at me, motioning me to watch carefully of what she had said before. That I should’ve just trust her in the first place. It’s not that I don’t trust her, but the treatment she gave to Tani was too harsh. I need to step in before their bond got worser. Jurina even knows that Tani hates her to the core. So why does she continue with her cold and sadistic facade?
“We’ll start with this song. Okay, guys?”
We all agreed with the choice of song. Getting into our position, Jurina turns to Tani with a smirk.
“Impress us, punk!”
“Oh, I definitely will!”
I let out a sigh. I just hope Tani won’t passed out in the middle of our practice.
After 2 hours of non-stop practice…
I’m surprised, to be exact. We’ve reached the last song but Tani wasn’t even whining not sweating albeit the tiring look on her face. In fact, she actually played really good, she got us totally impressed. It was like she really enjoyed playing all of our songs.
“Oh yeaaaah!!! We got it!!” Sayanee shouted as we finished the last song of the day. We all cheered and clapped, not realizing that Mayu was actually watching us from the start. She approaches us with a bag of refreshments.
“That was one great practice I’ve ever seen from you guys.” Mayu said as we all rush towards her, attacking the content of the plastic she’s carrying.
“Yeah… all because of Tani here.” Sayanee gives a pat to Tani, making the latter blushing a bit. “You’ve really improved your skills. Good job!”
“But that solo part, though… I didn’t expect that! It was brilliant!” Mayu’s compliments just made Tani’s face blushing hard.
“As expected from my kouhai~” I give a hug to Tani, both of us squealing while giggling like little kids.
“I guess this baby here,” Yuki caress the keyboard like it is a live thing, “... deserved its rightful owner, then.”
“W-what do you mean?” Tani ask in anticipation, her eyes wide in shock as Yuki look at her.
“You, my friend…” Yuki pulls Tani’s hand for a handshake.”... has rightfully become the new owner of this baby here.”
“No way…”
“Yes, way.” Mayu approaches Tani, a hand hung around her shoulder. “The company decided to give you a new keyboard since you’re going to stay in the band.”
“Yes… However, you still need more guiding and practicing. There’s still a long way to go for you, kid. This one is only just the beginning. You better work harder than before!” Mayu said, bumping her fist on the statue-like Tani.
The excitement shown by Tani was indescribable. She stare there in silent, the information still shocking to her. I tried to call her name but she was already crying.
“Uwaaaaah!!! This is… I just caaaan’t!!!”
We all laugh with the way she acts. I guess she really deserved to be the the rightful owner of the keyboard and also, our new member. I give her another hug, embracing her as tight as I can as she cries her heart out with the good news. However, I didn’t know why my heart unconsciously aches a bit. Is it because I’ve lost the bet? No… I can still get the old Jurina back. A bet is a just a bet… It doesn’t reflect on anything. I can still try my hardest to get my bestfriend back. Speaking of her…
Where is Jurina?
Yuki’s POV
“Yuki, I need to see you in my office now.”
I give a pout to the others, not wanting to end the celebration. But knowing I still have a duty to be fulfilled, I drag my lazy feet towards the manager’s office.
“Wait, Yuki!”
I slowly turn my head around, eyes falling on Sayanee. “What?”
“Can we leave?”
“Ah, since… we’ve finished practice. Even Jurina had left earlier.”
Oh. Jurina did? I thought she told me she’s going to take some fresh air on the roof…
“Hmmm… I think it’s better if you guys stay. Mayu might need to tell something after our meeting.”
“Okay… but can I stay at the cafe? Since I need to… finish my song? Ahahaha...”
“Whatever... Make sure to be alert of your phone.” I turn around, waving a hand lazily before making my way inside Mayu’s office.
That Mayuyu. Why does she wants me to meet her in her office again… Can’t we just go home and spent time together? I’m tired after that deadly practice, anyway.
“Hello, manager~” I lazily greet before slumping on the chair uninvited. I wait for a while as I drown myself in my thoughts, my eyes focusing on the blue sky that can be seen from the windows.
“Yuki, you should act more like a leader around the band. Don’t just only selfie there by yourself and not carin-”
Oh! There’s this song playing in my head… I wonder who’s song is this...
“You should take some actions if Tani and Jurina is quarrelling with each other, not let them-”
Doushiyoka~… Ah! Wait… I think I know who sings this...
“Furthermore, you should ask Sayanee if she had already finished with her songs. If not, we will all be-... Yuki? Hey, Yukirin!”
This guy… Hmmm… Who was it again?
“YUKI! Are you listening to me?”
“HAH?!” A slam on the table had me shocked to death, “Hey, YUKIRIN! Wh-who is this NISSY you’re talking about? D-don’t tell me…”
“Hmm? Oh, he’s no one…”
“No way… that means… YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME, YUKIRIN?!”
“Ah? What’s wrong…?”
“I… I c-can’t believe you, Yukirin…”
“I can’t believe it either.”
“Eh? T-then… It’s true?!”
“Yep, it is…”
Suddenly, Mayu got all sad as she turns her back on me. I can see her body trembling as if she was sobbing or crying… Hmm… What’s happening here…?
“Nee, Mayu…”
“... go away…”
“My Mayuyu… please look at me?”
“...why should I…?”
“Because I haven’t finish what I was saying earlier.”
“Yes, it’s true…” I approach her slowly, wrapping my arms around her small body. “I really do love you.”
“B-but… I thought you were cheating on me…”
“Didn’t I said earlier? I can’t believe I would cheat on you…” I kiss the back of her nape, causing Mayu to shiver with suppressed moan.
“Hnn… Then, w-who is this Nissy?” The way Mayu is stuttering is too cute, making me smile as I kiss her cheek.
“Aaah… just a guy I met in the internet.”
“EEEH?!” Mayu immediately turns around in my embrace, “LIAR! I thought you said you’d never cheat on me…”
Mayu smacks me on the chest but being the stronger of the two, I grasp both of her hands, pulling her closer to my body with a jerk.
“Well, I met him on Youtube… I watch his videos on Youtube.” I smirk after I said that, causing Mayu to turn adorably red from her misunderstanding.
She ducks her head down low, trying to hide her blushing face from the my teasing. Seriously, I could never have enough of a flustered Mayu. Slowly, I reach for her chin, pulling her head upwards to face me. We look into each other’s eyes, our souls communicating in their own language with the feelings we’ve kept inside.
“Nee, Mayu…” I close the distance between our face, my eyes still locked with hers.
“Un?” I can see her eyes wavering with uncertainties but turned into longing as her eyes fall on my lips.
“You’re so cute…” Her trembling breath is tickling my lips, making it harder for me to resist her. “I couldn’t resist tasting your lips right now.”
Our lips met in a passionate kiss. The taste of her soft lips with a slight sweet cherry taste… Oh, how I missed this feeling. I nibble her lower lips, making her moan in delight. In a few seconds, our slow but passionate kiss starts to turn wild as Mayu suddenly pulls me closer into her embrace, her great and warm figure meshing into mine in this crazy making out session. The atmosphere starts to turn hot, making me feel a bit horny when suddenly, something interrupts our session...
BUZZ! Our kiss stops as Mayu pulls away from me. The way she pants with her face having a dark hue of red makes me want to ravish her senselessly. I can’t stop my addiction to her because Mayu is my drug. She tried to pull me away to fetch for her phone that is lying unattended on the table. However, not wanting to lose the battle with her phone, the competitive side of me took charge as I push her to the nearest wall with both of her hands above her head...
“Y-yuki…” She tried to plead but I pay no heed, kissing and nipping her jaw up to her ear.
“Ignore it.” I said in a low voice as I nibble her cute earlobe.
BUZZ! Again? Grrr… this is testing my limit. I need my Mayuyu!
“Y-yuki, please... Stop!” Out of nowhere, Mayu suddenly got this strength that manages to push me away from her.
“I need to answer the call, Yukirin. I’m still working right now...” She gave me an apologetic look which I can’t say no to...
She walks towards the table and start checking her phone, leaving me alone with the wall. Darn it… I just lost to the phone! I’ll sue you, you freaking-annoying-always-interrupting-our-hot-session technology thing!
Mayu’s POV
That. Was. Hot!
Calm down, Mayu. I answer the call while I turn myself to face Yuki. I saw her pouted like a kid that had just lost her candy while poking and scratching the innocent wall… Too cute! Maybe I’ll return the favor when I’m off from work.
“Mayu-san~ Long time no hear from you! How are you?”
I raised a brow as I look at the screen of my phone. It is an unregistered number. How did the person knows my name?
“Who’s this?”
“Eh? You don’t recognize me? It’s your pretty cousin!”
“Oh... you. What’s up?” I saw Yuki turns her attention toward me.
“Em…Nothing much, actually. Just want to catch up with my awesome cousin! Hehe...”
“I can smell something fishy here…”
“W-why is that? Ahaha…”
“Since that was the first compliment I ever heard coming from you… So, you’re back from New York?”
“Em... yeah. I’m back.”
“I thought you are living with your boyfriend there. Did you come back to visit?”
“Err... No. I broke up with him. So, yeah...”
“Ehhhhhhh?! Why?”
“Well… I don’t think talking in the phone would fill all the details, Mayu-san.”
“Hmm.. you’re right. So, where are you living right now?”
“Ahaha… that’s why I’m calling you.”
“I knew it...”
“Mayu-san! You have a nice and big home, right? Please, can I stay with you for a while?”
“Why don’t you go back to your parent’s house?”
“I’ll get kick out! You know how devastated they were when I left for my boyfriend, Mayu-san…”
“You should have known that will happen when you left! You know how intimidating your father is!”
“Wait! Don’t do this to me, Mayu-san…”
“You know what will your father do to me, if he found out you are back and living at my place.”
“Please, Mayu-san. Help your cute cousin~!!!”
“Tsk… Fine. Just remember. If he ever finds out about this, I’ll put all the blame on you! Got it?!”
I glance to my side, only to find out that Yuki had her ear glued to the other side of the phone. It seems that Yuki has heard everything...
“Really? YATTA!!! I got it! So when can I come to your place?”
“I’m still working right now so if you don’t mind, can you come to my studio? You still know that place, right?”
“AH! I know! I’ll meet you there!”
“Okay. See you there.”
I end the call with a sigh. I pinch the bridge of my nose when a pair of hands rested on my shoulder.
“Who was that?” Yuki asked as she puts some pressure on my shoulder to ease my tensed muscles.
“My cousin.”
“Oh? The one that is crazy over us?”
“Yeah… that’s her.”
“Hmmm… that could be a problem.”
“She doesn’t know you are the manager of her most BELOVED band… am I right?”
I keep silent for a minute as the information slowly travels from my ears into my brain. My eyes widen as soon as the revelation got into my dumb head. I abruptly stand from my chair.
“OH NO! I need to stop her from coming here… Yuki, I’m heading to the cafe now. Do me a favor, would you? Give this to Jurina and make sure she reads it!” I give a file to Yuki to be pass to Jurina.
“Oh, okay…” Yuki left a kiss on my cheek before she walks out of the room with the file in hand. “By the way... Don’t forget that we are living together, my dear~”
It took me another 3 minutes to get my mind fully understand the whole situation.
“EEEEHHH?!!! This is bad! I had totally forgotten about that... OMHG! What should I do?!”
Ugh… First thing first! I should call my cousin.
“Where are you right now?”
“In the taxi… on the way to the studio.”
I quickly grab my coat hung on my chair.
“Change of plans. Go to the cafe name DROP, just below the studio. I’ll meet you there.”
“Eh? why?”
“U-umm. Because… b-because I said so! Do you want me to help you or not? Stop asking so many questions!”
“O-okay then.”
After I hang up the phone, I took my bag and rush out of the studio.
Yui’s POV
I’m bored… so, since I’m bored, I decided to take a walk down the streets just to get my head occupied on things. Like how that man with shiny bald surface of his head had actually forgotten his fake hair at home. Or that lady will soon tripped on a banana peel in the middle of a crowd… Pfft, how funny would that be. Oh, oh! I think that dude forgot to zip his pants cause… I CAN SEE HIS UNDERWEAR FROM HERE! HAHAHA!
Wow… It has been long since I’ve done crazy things like this. Usually it would have been me and Sayanee. We would walk around the streets and make fun of people just because… we’re girls trying to have fun!
Speaking of Sayanee… I didn’t realized I had arrived to the DROP. You know, the cafe below Sayanee’s studio. My feet automatically brought me in the place, stopping me right in front of the cute cashier from before. I cursed at my feet, stomping them to the ground quite hard as if to scold them for acting out of my own will. I put on a lopsided smile, probably looking like a crazy moron right now.
“Ummm… Hi!”
“Hi! May I take your order?”
“Sure… can I have an order of
Help Me coffee?”
“Of course! Please wait at your table, we will send you your coffee in a bit~”
After giving out my order, I find a place to seat but not before the cashier sent me a wink. Okaaaay… that was awkward! I hope she realize soon that I was just trying to be polite there… I look around, wondering if there is anyone I know that I can have a talk with. Hmmm… just some old men with books. I decided to take a secluded table beside the window. I wait for my order as I play with the tissue paper, making random shapes out of it…
A crane origami came out of the boring looking tissue after I made some foldings here and there. I smile from seeing the crane. It reminded me of a place I went for my travel where some old folks decided to put their origami cranes in a pond…
Flashback…“Here, here… take this!”
“Umm… ah, yes!”
I gave a nod to the old foreigner, giving a smile to him as he handed me a pink colored crane origami made by him and his wife. I don’t understand a word they said but trying to be polite, I said the only word I know.
I said in my Japanese accent with a slight bow, which made the couple to laugh happily with my gesture. Somehow, seeing them like this made me feel envy. They have been in love since young, their love must be strong to be still with each other even after they had wrinkles and creases. I hope I’ll be having the same love as them in the future…
The cute couple then crouch low on the side of the pond. Cupping the crane in their hands, they slowly bring their hands into the water. They released the crane as it touched the water before making several waves with their hands to make the crane move. That’s when I realized that half of the pond’s surface was actually covered with colorful crane origamis. I was amazed at the sight… I’ve never thought origami were known in countries other than Japan. Usually, it will always be about the 1000 crane legend. To think they would make their own legend here by using the crane… This is amazing!
I was enjoying the scenery as the old couple sang their favorite songs by the pond when not far from me stood another girl with a camera. I don’t know why my eyes suddenly fell on her presence. I can’t see her face as she was currently taking some pictures with her camera. I stare at her, feeling there’s something interesting about her presence that I can’t describe. Then, she put the camera down and look at the same scenery I was looking before. That’s when I decided to study the side feature of her face. She looked like an Asian from looking at her eyes and nose. The side of her lips rose up as she slightly turns her face to look at the old couple sitting not far from me. However, her eyes suddenly falls on me, making a cute dimple shown on both of her cheeks. That’s when my jaw decided to hung open...
Her face was delicate and pretty, I was at awe.
End of Flashbacks…
I thought came to me. I remembered I did wrote something in my crane before I saw that girl. The old man had told me to write any wish I want on the crane after he showed me his wish. Since I’ve been on a mission with the travelling, I decided to write my wish on the crane. Something that was related to my feelings to Sayanee…
I wish my feelings for Yamamoto Sayaka will soon disappear, replaced with another true love who will love me unconditionally.It was hard writing that. I’ve been by Sayanee’s side for most of my life, I don’t think I can ever forget my feelings for her. I just hope cupid will spare me another true love. The only thing I need to do is patiently wait for the right time to come...
I got out of my reveries as someone pokes me on the shoulder.
Help Me coffee?”
“Oh… yeah. Thanks!” I give my cutest smile to the waiter, making her covering her blushing cheeks as she walked away.
“So cute.” I mumble in soft voice.
This is so wrong…
I’m actually starting to like this!
Oh! I think this is the way! I should be flirting with every girl I meet so that I can forget about Sayanee. I mean, dramas always have the broken-hearted hero to be a player...
Yeah! I think I’ll try that!
With a giddy smile on my face, I grab the
Help Me coffee I ordered earlier and walk to the door. I think I have a new resolution to achieve in my life. I should try my best to get my flirting skills to the next level to get someone to like me.
As I was about to leave the cafe, I didn’t realize someone standing outside the door. I almost bump my coffee to her face but gladly I have fast reflexes.
“I’m sorry!”
Someone’s POV“I’m sorry!”
I had barely escaped the hot coffee if not for the girl’s fast movement. Her concerned face had made me feel guilty for not looking at where I was going.
“It’s fine! Really!” I pat all over my face, “No coffee stain here! See?”
“Thank God!” she lets out a relieved sigh before giving me a smile, “Well, hope you have a nice day, girl~”
The girl said with a wink that looks kinda funny before walking away with a skip in every of her steps. Umm… Maybe she got something stuck in her eyes. I hope this place ain’t filled with weirdos like how it is in the States.
“So... this is the
DROP cafe, huh? Cool name...”
I step into the cafe, my eyes wandering all over the place as I inspect the interior design. It’s quite calm and retro, just my kind of thing. But what got me hypnotized was the soothing aroma of their freshly brewed coffee filling the air. Ahhh… this is heaven!
I walk to an empty table and take a seat. I really want to order the a cup of coffee right now but I guess I’ll wait for Mayu first since… I’m broke! She’s my source of income at the moment… well, that is if she agreed to it. As I wait for Mayu, my eyes scans the surrounding until a picture of a guitar caught my attention. Suddenly, someone appeared in my head.
I remembered him saying he lives somewhere in Tokyo. I wonder where though since Tokyo is not that big. Maybe I’ll get to see him. But then again... even if we do accidentally bump with each other on the street, I don’t think I’ll realized it’s him since we have never showed our real faces to each other. Ah, the negative part of befriending a cyber friend... I mean, he could be anywhere… or anyone. If he lied about who he is in the first place, that is...
Perhaps, he could be here in this cafe. Waiting for his order to come like that guy in working suit at that corner over there. Hmm… but he doesn’t really look like him, if you know what I mean. Maybe... he is disguising himself as a girl, trying to think of the suitable lyrics for his song from the girl’s point of view… Like that girl over there wearing a cap and shades while doing work on her laptop. That might be him… Like, seriously who would wear shades in a cafe? Is it too bright in here that her eyes are blinded with the lights? Geez… Unless that person is an artist or an idol...
Waaait a minute…
That girl… have I seen her before? She seems familiar… Don’t tell me…
Someone just smacked me hard on the back when I was about to say my favorite idol’s name. I turn around, sending my death glare at the culprit.
“Mayu-san… That hurts!”
“I’m sorry. It’s just that I see you eyeing someone like a pervert. Don’t tell me you’ve already got yourself another candidate for a new boyfriend???”
“W-w-what are you talking about?! Of course not! I don’t want to ever fall in love again after that jerk!”
“Whoaa… calm down. This looks like a serious case.” Mayu kindly pushed me back to my chair before she got herself a seat too. She calls the waiter for orders before looking at me.
“Have you ordered yet?”
I just shook my head slowly with a gloom face.
“I see… well, order anything you want. It’s on me.”
After Mayu said that, my face immediately lit up with sparkles and glitters, my eyes turning into stars as I am indeed feeling thankful with Mayu’s kindness.
“Yeah, yeah… just hurry up and order.”
Mayu dismissed me, not wanting to gain eyes from other customers due to my action. After giving my order to the waiter, Mayu starts her questioning of my pitiful love life.
“So… care to tell me what happened to the wonderful western life with Chris that he had promised you?”
“Ummm… Etto… can it wait till I have my coffee first?” I give out the most innocent smile I could make. But Mayu responded with shoots of daggers from her eyes, making me gulp with her stare. Okaaaay… no one messes with this cyborg.
“Hmmmp… Okay, fine! I’ll tell you…”
I take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves with my hands flailing around like I’m doing yoga. When I open my eyes, I can only see a bored looking Mayu squinting her eyes at my nonsense. I clear my throat and try to put the mood on my face.
“He falls in love with another girl. No matter how hard I try, it’s no use. It seems that I have long lost him, Mayu-san... His heart is no longer mine. I was once a fool that was willing to be sacrificed and unwilling to give up on our love. I thought that he was the one for me, after all those countless guys I’ve been with before. But, I was wrong...”
Painful memories starts to flow back into my mind. I can feel tears brimming in my eyes but I hold them in. It’s just too painful to bear and remember...
I was expecting some kind of sad or shock reaction from Mayu… Maybe some consoling words but she just look straight at me with her usual expressionless face. However, she suddenly stands up, slamming both hands on the table. I jumped on my seat from her out-of-nowhere reaction.
“Eeeeh?! W-w-wait! Hold on, Mayu-san!!! Get a grip of-”
Oh God… This is why I hesitated to tell Mayu-san of my story in the first place. She will get all worked up about it, even defeating me with her exaggerated action. I mean, I should be crying and bawling my eyes out with my pitiful love life. But instead of being sad, I had to deal with an embarrassing moment of Mayu-san bursting in front of everyone in the cafe. Ugh… I should hide my face under the table right n-...
“Mayu? Hey, are you okay?”
Out of nowhere, someone dares interrupt the fuming Mayu like she’s not afraid of the death threat she’s about to face for disturbing my one heck of a cousin. I couldn’t see her face since she’s back facing me but I do know she is a girl from her long hair. A very tall girl, in fact…
Oh... As for the song "Doushiyoka - Nissy" ~ Is one of my fav song.

HAHAHA! (Just sharing something. You can search it on Youtube)
(I'll REPLY~

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