The next day was Saturday. Our group was hang out together. The girls said they wanted to buy some clothes or maybe just window shopping. Since I didn't have anything to do, I agreed and we went to the shopping center.
I thought I was quite early as I arrived 15 minutes earlier. I just hated lateness and I hated if I make people waiting for me. But surprisingly, Rena beated me for it. I met her at a bench in front of the sopping center, eating ice cream, alone. I supposed she already arrived at least five to ten minutes earlier than me.
I waved at her and walked faster to her direction. She smiled widely,"You're early!" She said.
"I should have said that to you. You're early," I said then sat down beside her.
"I just can't help it. This is the first time. You hang out with us," she said energetically. It was so not Rena. The usually shy girl today looked so energetic and happy. Was it really because of the hang out thing, or was it more than that?
We chatted for some times and I bought an ice cream for me too. As for Rena, it had been her third ice cream. "I'm so excited that I can eat all ice cream in the world," she joked.
Rena touched my shoulder and showed where the other came. I was shocked. As they came nearer, I grabbed Churi's hand and brought her away from the rest.
"You never mention that you would invite the boys too!" I whisperly yelled at her, if that even possible.
"I must've forgotten to tell you that actually we always hang out together," Churi uttered innocently.
"What? I'm shy!"
"Just relax, they don't bite," with that said Churi left and said that we would go by couple. It meant Churi and Airio-kun will go together, and so did Paru and Yuji-kun. So Jurio-kun and Kashiwagi-kun were the two left. I walked slowly while thinking. Which one should I choose? Jurio-kun or-
"Princess~ let's walk around together~" there. The total stranger of them. Maybe it would be better than walking in awkward with Jurio-kun.
I nodded at him in agreement. He looked so funny with those stupid reaction on his face. Maybe he could cheer me up later.
Churi said that we could go wherever but at 5 o'clock we had to came to the first spot. I thought it was quite long time.
I looked at Yuki-kun's direction, he whispered something to Jurio-kun and then they smiled. Jurio-kun seemed like cheering him for something because he looked so happy with it. Then he walked to me, brought me to somewhere. If my eyes didn't trick me, I saw a glint of sad smile from Jurio-kun.
"Ugh! Why should I end up with you, cocky stupid creature!" Rena yelled at Jurio who still had his eyes glued on the direction where Mayu and Yuki walked. He sighed.
Everything for my friend's happiness..."Oi! I'm talking to you! Don't ignore me!" Rena yelled, punching his arms and gained his attention.
He stared at Rena for quite a long time. Rena too locked her stare to Jurio. Jurio raised his hands and touched the corner of her lips,"Wh-what are you d-doing?" Rena blushed at his action.
"There's some cream left, Matsumura," he said.
"I'm not Matsumura! Matsui Rena!" Rena yelled at him. Chopping his head with full strength. At least for her, actually Jurio didn't feel anything.
"Matsushi Rena?" He asked.
"My Gods," Rena hit her forehead.
Mayu-chan didn't lie, he really bad with people's surename."Ma-ii-ka Rena. Let's go," he said then left Rena.
Jurio walked fast but then caught up by Rena who asked him to follow wherever she went. "Ladies first!" She yelled at him.
Jurio just shrugged his shoulder and obeyed the girl. Rena brought her into a bakery shop. The smell of fresh bread filled Rena's nose as she quickly sat on the table and Jurio followed her. He sat in front of the girl.
Rena called the waitress. The waitress then came to their table and shockingly for Rena, the waitress ignored her.
"Jurio-kun," she greeted.
"Oh, Fushika," he smiled.
The waitress laughed,"It's Fujita Nana, Jurio-kun. So what brings you here today?"
Jurio started to talk to the waitress but then Rena butted in,"Hello~ I'm going to order~" she playfully yet irritatingly said.
"Oh, I'm sorry, your order please," she smiled to Rena. Rena ordered her favorite Melon pan along with milkshake. While Jurio just ordered a glass of coffee.
The waitress came again bringing their orders to the table. After serving the orders, the waitress talked to Jurio while hugging the small tray. They smiled and laughed, and it amusing to Rena since he never did the same to her. They looked like really close to each other. It was like a meeting-after-thousand-years of two friends.
They really took long time until Rena finished her bread and milkshake. Rena waited for a while but there wasn't any hint that the two person in front of her would stop their meaningless conversation. But then their conversation started to irritating Rena. She stood up from her seat and walked away.
"Oi! Matsu- Matsushita! Where are you going?" Jurio paid the bill and excused himself to catch the girl. "Maybe we can talk again later, err..."
"Nana, please remember people's name Jurio-kun," she smiled and saw Jurio's shadow disappear from her sight.
Yuki and Mayu's side"So, princess where are we going to?" The excited guy asked me. My ear was kinda ticklish when he called me princess.
"Anywhere is okay," I stated as we walked side by side.
"Please choose any place," he said to me. And finally I decided to just walked around the shopping center and had some window shopping. Since I actually wanted to accompany my friends but ended up shopping with this guy.
The walk suddenly fell into silence so I broke it,"Anyway, how should I call you?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Kashiwagi Yuki, my friends call me Yuki, Princess Wakahase Mayuyu," he smiled in confidence.
I had nothing in mind but to laughed when he mentioned my name. Really? Ah, maybe Jurio told him my name and ended up it was the wrong one. He looked at me in questioning face.
"My real name's Watanabe Mayu, not Wakahase Mayuyu." I smiled at him. He looked rather awkward after hearing my real name.
"Ah, that Jurio is really stupid. Now he made me all embarassing in front of my princess," I saw him closed his eyes with his right palm. And I found it was funny. "I'm sorry, but Jurio always calls you Mayuyu," he scratched his cheek.
"No, it's okay, I know it must be him," I continued to walk. He was actually quite fun to hang around. He was once quiet but after some times he became talkative and never lost any topic from our conversation. But suddenly, his topic getting serious as his expression looked different.
"So Mayu-san, was it true that you and Jurio dating back in Akihabara HS?" He looked at me.
I was stucked. I didn't know what to answer. Were we dating? Or not?
"Technically, yes. But because of the bet, I don't think he really loves me," I uttered my honest. Right, I didn't even know what his feeling toward me. He just said that it was because he was a man and he just did what he promised.
"So that's it," Yuki-kun sighed. But suddenly he grabbed a hold of my hand and continued our walk. I felt my body all shivering by his touch.
What is this feeling?---
Back to Jurio and RenaJurio ran outside the bakery shop and grabbed Rena's shoulder. "Hey! Why are you running away? You made me pay for what you eat!" He suddenly bursted out.
The girl didn't even turn to him and kept running away. Once Jurio could grab her shoulder once again, he turned the girl's body.
"H-hey, why are you...crying?" Jurio shocked. He was wondering what did he do to her and made her crying. But the girl didn't answer him. She just kept crying in front of him.
Jurio's instinct worked by itself and made the girl's eyes widden in shock. He held her body and made her head laid in his chest. Of course, Jurio was taller than her and her head was in the same height as his chest.
"I hate to see a girl crying. She will look really ugly. Please stop crying. I'm sorry if I did something wrong, okay?" Jurio said in his calming and soothing voice. He pampered the girl's head, but it wasn't helping, the girl's cry continued for some times.
"*Sigh* why are you crying even more?" He facepalmed. They were in the middle of the crowd but Rena didn't feel like it. She felt it was calming her down as her hand moved and circled in his waist feeling his warm radiated to her body.
After quite some times, me and Yuki came to the first place. I found the other two couples already there too. Remarking each corner as if it was their own corner. Those couples surely made me kinda envy. And then I looked at my hand, suddenly my face felt hot. Yuki-kun still held my hand. I was just unused to this proximity with a guy, count Jurio-kun out.
"Err, Yuki-kun, I think you can let go my hand now," I told him.
He looked at my face and then his hand,"G-g-gomen!!!" He let go of my hand and scratched his head. " Yaa, sorry for making you uncomfortable princess," he showed his funny reaction again. I chuckled and said to him that I was okay with it, where in fact it wasn't.
We came to the other and then Churi asking about Jurio and Rena. Right, I hadn't seen them since I and Yuki-kun arrived. Then I spot both of them walking from a direction. As they walked closer, I realized something from Rena. Her eyes were red and swollen. Was she crying?
"Sorry for making you guys wait. Matsumoto is the cause," he said as he put his hand on top of Rena's head.
"She's Matsui..." Churi said.
Jurio massaged his temples,"Hmm? Matsui? I heard that name somewhere-"
"That's your family name idiot!" The boys yelled at him and he just shrugged his shoulder. He never changed and it made me smile.
After that, we dismissed. We went home with our own group. We went to different directions. I stopped for a while and turned back only to see Jurio-kun stood and looked at me smiling sadly and mouthing something to me. My chest felt tighten. I clenched my heart and without me realizing, a single drop of tear fell from my eyes.
He averted his gaze. Even it was like in a flash, I could see his unhappy smile, then he walked away. So did I...
Ah, the fourth chapter's here.
What do you think? I hope it's good enough to you. Sorry if I'm not really good with story telling. I just write what's in my mind with my few vocabularies.
Sorry if Furuyanagi and Yuiparu is just addiction in this story >_<
Eh? Should I write the kissing part? Maybe later

YuiParu's love is pure, hahaha

no parents involved~
See you next time