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Author Topic: Gomennasai (Chapter 4A) [July 3, 2018]  (Read 28650 times)

Offline Yhuiii

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Gomennasai (Chapter 4A) [July 3, 2018]
« on: February 14, 2015, 12:09:38 AM »

If you don't like sad/angst stories, please DO NOT read this fic



Watanabe Family
-Watanabe Riku as father
-Watanabe Yuko as mother
-Watanabe Sae, 1st son, The CEO, (23 y/o)
-Watanabe Yuki, 2nd daughter, a college girl, (21 y/o)
-Watanabe Mayu, 3rd daughter, a highschool student, (18 y/o)

-Takahashi Minami, Watanabe's private doctor
-Shinobu, Watanabe's maid
-Kitagawa Kenji, Watanabe's driver

Another casts will be revealed soon

-Ota Aika, ....... (18 y/o)
-Matsui Jun, .......... (18 y/o)
-Matsui Ren, .......... (21 y/o)

« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 06:02:12 PM by Yhuiii »

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Gomennasai (Prologue)
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2015, 12:51:24 AM »
Omg why!!! Mayu life is so drama

Please update soon

Offline Yhuiii

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1)
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2015, 12:54:57 AM »
@Kirozoro : thanks for commenting, :shifty: here is the update :hee:

Note : Sorry for my bad english :mon surr:


Chapter 1

-Skype -

"Okasan, please go home now! I want my mommy and daddy go home now !! Don’t you miss me? Why you living in England for so long. " Said Mayu pulling her puppy eyes.

"Mayu-chan, we can’t go back. The flight was delayed several times due to bad weather. We could, but it is risky honey." Yuko tried to give an explanation.

"Well, if mom and dad doesn’t come home until the day after tomorrow, I will run away from home and never come back again, I'm not kidding." said The young Watanabe and immediately disconnect her skype.

Mayu’s POV

I'm annoyed with Mom and Dad. They are just thinking about work, work, and work. As her daugther, i also want to be noticed. I want to be like other children who are always accompanied by their mothers. Huuhh! While I'm whining suddenly there is a LINE message coming from mama. I got up and opened the message.

From: Yuko mama

Mayuyu ^-^ Mama will be back tomorrow with 6 am flight. Don’t go anywhere! Wait Mom and Dad at home. Mama get home just for you honey.. mom's favorite daughter. Don’t forget to tell your brother and sister too. I love you ^3^

To: Yuko mama

Yatta!! Okey mom, be careful and hurry up, I'm waiting for you here. Love you too ^3^

After sending the message, I screamed because I was too happy.
*End of Mayu’s POV*

*Author POV*

"Sae-niichan...Yuki-neechan!" shouted Mayu until the entire house went to her.

"What's Mayu-chan? I was sleeping, you know what time is it now? Why are you still awake? I already told-.... " Sae said endlessly.

"Niichan STOP! Can you listen to my explanation first? " Mayu said, pursing her lips, annoyed because her brother didn’t stop talking.

Sae glanced at Yuki and the older girl just give a smile to indicate that Sae have to succumb to his little sister, "Okay, what you want to say?" Sae said slightly annoyed.

"Oniichan, the mom’s message" Mayu talking cheerfully.

After reading the message, Sae was in silent and his face didn’t look happy. Mayu who saw her brother's reaction becomes confused.

"Why your face looks weird like that? Are you not happy if Mom and Dad go home? " Mayu said as she watched her brother’s expression that could be considered as shocked.

"Mayu-chan, don’t you know if there will be a snowstorm in Japan tommorow, Do you not afraid that something might happened to Mom and Dad? Why do you force them to go home early?" Sae said.

Then Yuki who had been busy with her own thoughts finally speak.

"Mayuyu, do you read the newspaper or watch the news? There will be a snow storm tomorrow in Japan, although its only a prediction, I'm afraid if they are forced to back, there will be something undesirable" said Yuki.

Mayu sitting on the couch, stood up and sat down again, her brother and sister only observe her, then suddenly Mayu shouted.

"No!! No, Mom and Dad have to go home tomorrow, I miss them so much, I don’t want to wait any longer.hikss hikss" Mayu said tearfully.

Yuki who always dote on Mayu was not bear to see her sister cry like that. She approached Mayu and hugged her softly. Hugging her sister, who was still crying as she stroked Mayu’s hair. The atmosphere in that room is quiet, only the sound of Mayu’s crying, until finally Sae speak.

"Mayu-chan, please don’t cry, lets pray for mama and papa so tomorrow they could reach Japan safely. Please don’t cry again my little angel." Said Sae hugging his sisters and kissing Mayu’s forehead.
*End of Author’s POV*

*Yuki’s P.O.V*

Somehow, I feel bad today. Oh Kami-sama please take care of mama and papa. I continue to pray because I can’t sleep, who knows what will happen tomorrow? I have no idea. I'm too tired. I went to Mayu’s room, and she was fast asleep. I approached her, kissed her forehead. She squirmed, I think she'll get up but she was delirious "mommy..please return safely" she said in her sleep. I know how Mayu miss her mother. It has been 3 years our parents didn’t return to Japan because they were busy taking care of business. I lay next to her, hugging her.
*End of Yuki’s POV*

*Mayu’s POV*

Hoam! I just wake up and immediately checked the clock on my phone.

"Huh! Still an hour and a half 6? " I said, trying to sit up.

I sat on the edge of my bed and then I saw my sister was asleep beside me, Yuki-neechan? Why does she sleep here? The last time she sleep here because she missed her boyfriend. Hmm, maybe she missed me so.. she sleep beside me. I open my i-phone.

To: Yuko mama

Mommy? Have you go? Don’t forget to wear thick clothes, The weather is so cold here. I was eating a lot of food due to the cold kekekeke ~

* send *

I keep waiting a reply from mama and finally yess !! Mom replied.

From: Yuko mama

Hahaha so mama’s little angel is not skinny anymore. I'm in the airport now, soon we departed. Mayu-chan I'll see you later at home.. \(^3^)/

I smiled brightly after read mama’s messages , I really can’t wait.

*End of Mayu’s POV*

*Author’s POV*

The Watanabes are busy with their breakfast until Sae asked Mayu.

"Mayu-chan, Has Mom and Dad depart?" said Sae while drinking milk.

"Ah, yes, I was texting mama and mama told me that she leave at 6." said Mayu.

Sae just nodded.

"Yuki-neechan, did you sleep in my room last night? You miss me huh? " Mayu said teasing her sister.

Yuki just smiled hearing Mayu tease her, Somehow she is still feeling anxious. After they finished eating, they were busy for the next activity except Yuki. She have the day off so she stays at home. Sae have to go to the office and Mayu is going to school.

"Neechan, I go first ...  please send me a message if mama has reached home. Don’t forget okey." Said Mayu kissing Yuki cheeks.

"Okey my dear, don’t be a naughty students, you understand? " Said Yuki.

"Ayeay capten.. ~. Bye Neechan" Mayu said as she left.

Then Sae run of the stairs and yelled at Mayu.

"Mayuyuu!!" shouted Sae successfully made the little girl shocked.

"What Niichan? You make my heart seemed to be off!" Mayu said annoyed at her brother.

"Nope, I just want to take you to school, come on!" Pulling Mayu’s hand and then suddenly stopped, calling Yuki.

"Yukirin, please tell me if our parents has come. And be carefull at home, if you need me just call me, I'll be home soon for you hehehe. Bye." Said Sae and immediately get into the car.

"Tch, they were, brother and sister are both captious kekeke ~ but I love them." Yuki muttered as she closed the door.
*End of Author’s POV*

*Yuki’s POV*

I'm so bored not doing anything all day. Should I watch tv? I have not been watching tv until I forget what it feels to watch tv kkekeke ~.

* click *

Breaking News

There has been a plane crash with flight number TD1831 England - Japan. Confirmed there were no survivors in this accident. The following list of passengers who are in the plane.

100. Jenny Margaret Sebastian

102. Hitoru Shimazaki

103. Rick James Theodore

104. Riku Watanabe

105. Yuko Watanabe


I look the passenger list until I saw the name of Mom and Dad. OH God? Really? I don’t believe it. I cried after hearing the news and then suddenly I remember my brother and immediately called him. He was really shocked just like me. He went straight to the airport for clarification and it is true, our parents were the victims. I don't know what to do. My mind just filled with a lot of emotions. Shock, denial, angry... at some point i can only think the figure that should be blamed for the departure of mama and papa is Mayu..! That spoiled little sister who made our parents gone forever.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 01:09:27 AM by Yhuiii »

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1) [Feb, 15 2015]
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2015, 02:15:21 AM »
Riku and Yuko died :depressed:

WHY OH WHY?! :mon zoom:

Well, destiny brought them there...not Mayu. :mon cry:

Update soon, author-san~ :on gay:


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Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1) [Feb, 15 2015]
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2015, 02:23:50 AM »
 :shocked :shocked :shocked


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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1) [Feb, 15 2015]
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2015, 04:23:23 AM »
ohh no!.
what will happend after that accident.?
Mayuyu get strong!! :-(

Offline chiqinna

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1) [Feb, 15 2015]
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2015, 04:37:20 AM »
oohh I like this!
Sae, Mayu and Yuki are siblings.. 
can't wait to see more from you..  ganbatte!

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1) [Feb, 15 2015]
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2015, 10:02:11 AM »
I will wait for this !!

I was curious with how story would going on.. Yuki and Mayu, Sae ? Family ? i like this !!  :inlove:

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1) [Feb, 15 2015]
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2015, 10:12:42 AM »
How how can yuki blamed mayu for missed her parent? It was normal!! Even mayu was spoiled child,she not wrong!

If yuki and sae hated mayu because of that,ah poor mayu

So much drama, but is it mayuki saeyuki or something else? They were sibling right?

Offline Mayukishipper

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1) [Feb, 15 2015]
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2015, 03:16:55 PM »
What ? :shocked
Riku and Yuko dead ? Omg
Why ?
They shouldn't blame on mayu

Offline kurogumi

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 1) [Feb, 15 2015]
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2015, 11:27:44 AM »
Wah too bad mayuki are sibling then there no lovey dovey couple in this story, not even saeyuki

I love mayuki, it doesnt matter if they not couple but it hurt me when knowing yuki and sae gonna hated mayu for the one who caused their parent death,that unfair
What kind of sister they are?
Blamed your little sis?
I hope their parent still has a chance to life,maybe they safe but in unknown island? Hehe


Offline Yhuiii

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2015, 01:42:32 AM »
@ChibiRine : I'm so sorry :sweat: but they must die if not this story is not going to be interesting  :kneelbow:
@Ruka Kikuchi : gomen ne  :gyaaah:
@Hikachi_Jayne : thanks for your comment :on cny1:
@chiqinna : I'm happy if you like it  :farofflook:
@mayura48 : I'm glad you're willing to wait this fic.. :mon inluv:
@gek geki : yeah they're siblings.. about pairing  :mon huh: it is possible there will be another pair :ding:
@Mayukishipper : thanks for your comment :hee: ...they shouldn't blame my cute-innoncent-angel-mayuyu
@kurogumi : I do love mayuki :nya: yeah they shouldn't...but sometimes when we lost our beloved person, :temper: :sweat: our thoughts could be crazy. our actions can be irrational

NOTE : If you don't like sad/angst story, DO NOT read this story. Sorry for my bad 'engrish'


Chapter 2

Soundtrack Chapter 2 : What Should I Do - Jisun

*Author’s POV*

Sae cried on the way home, He never thought that his parents has died. His mother has gone forever because of Mayu’s mistake, yeah, inside Sae’s mind right now is like that. He went back quickly to home to meet Yuki. He had no idea what else to do. Arriving home, Sae found Yuki passed out. Yuki is not eating anything, she is just crying, cry over her mother. Seeing Yuki lying on the floor, He shocked and immediately brought her to the room.

"Yukirin... I'm sorry that I couldn’t protect mama and papa. Don’t be like this, I'm confused what should I do." Said Sae tearfully clutching Yuki’s hands.

Then Sae almost asleep when he was surprised by the sound of Mayu’s screaming.

"Niichan, neechan? Where is Mom and Dad? Oniichan, Oneechan!!" shouted Mayu.

Sae was furious and annoyed with his little sister. He walked out of the Yuki’s room and shouted "SILENCE! Can you shut up a spoiled brat! Do you know ? papa and mama’s plane was crashed and they did not survive! Did you know that huh a spoiled child? Are you happy making mom leave us? SATISFIED? You go out of my way! I'm sick of seeing your face! And from now on do not call me Oniichan again because I was not willing to be the brother of a murderer of my parents !"said Sae then went back to Yuki’s room.

Yuki who had been awake only cry heard Sae. She was also irritated with Mayu. Yuki still had a headache, she went on her back without checking the state of Mayu. "I’m sorry Mayu-chan, I just feels like Sae-niichan." She muttered and went back to sleep.

While Mayu just sitting on the stairs in front of her sister's bedroom. She was in shock over the recent events she experienced. Her brother who was once very kind and attentive to her instantly scolding her and did not even want to be her brother again.

"I'm a killer mama and papa... No, no I don’t kill them Oniichan. I'm love them. Mama.....where are you..." Mayu muttered on the sidelines crying.

Mayu keeps crying until she fell asleep in front of Yuki’s room.
*End of Author’s POV*

*Yuki’s POV*

I feel tired, I want to get more sleep but I have class in the morning! Hemm I don't want to see Mayu. i can't.. It makes me regret having let mom return in a hurry. I finished getting ready and then I opened the door and I saw Mayu is sleeping in front of my room. Oh God! Her eyes are swollen and reddened, I think she was crying all night long. Well naturally, I also cried anyway. Somehow I was not paying attention to my little sister, probably because I still hate her at this time. I got to Sae’s room and he had neatly prepare to work.

"Sae-niichan, I go first. Uhm Niichan? Is not it still too early to go to the office? " I asked.

"Well, I'm lazy to stay at home, I'd better go to the office. You go with me, I'll take you to the campus, how? "Said Sae.

"Okay, boss! But how about Mayu? "I asked, confused.

"Let it be, she take a bus or walk it up to her. I don't have time to think about her right now. Let’s go! " Sae grabbed his bag and left the room.

I followed Sae and right in front of my room he stopped seeing Mayu asleep there. Sae kicking her legs and successfully make Mayu awakened.

"Wake up! Useless child! Mama’s Killer!! Didn’t you go to school! Go fast!" Said Sae.
I was shocked hearing Sae-niichan talk like that to Mayu, but what could I do, I also feel the same way with him. I walked passing her who was trying to get up without greeting her, and when I down the stairs Mayu called me.

"Yuki-neechan." Said Mayu.

"What?" I said coldly.

"Oneechan, I’m sorry. Please forgive me Neechan. Please don’t hate me.I beg you." Said Mayu crying.

"You just take it easy, I'm still going to let you call me Oneechan, and I still let you borrow my stuff, but you're not my beloved sister anymore. You're only a stranger who call me Oneechan." I said with tears in my eyes and I immediately remove it. Sorry, I treated you like this Mayu. My heart doesn’t want to but my brain does. I really feel that you are the reason of mama and papa died.
*End of Yuki’s POV*

*Author’s POV*

It's been 3 years since the death of their parents. They have become like strangers. Mayu who was a cheerful girl now turned into a gloomy girl. During this 3-years Mayu always ignored by her siblings. Mayu have not even allowed to eat in the same table with them. When Mayu there, they will not eat until she finished and went out of the dining table, and only after that they ate in the dining room. Each of their birthdays, Mayu was not invited to celebrate. Sae and Yuki celebrate together without inviting Mayu. Mayu feels lonely. She always hope that her mama and papa pick her up soon.

"Mom, Dad, I miss you. Mama take me with you, take me please " whispered Mayu.

Without Mayu realize. Sae and Yuki was hearing her then approached the little girl.

"Yes, quickly follow mama. There is no point you here. I'm tired to see you here. Useless kid. Just makes me sick. You're jinxed children." Said Sae.

"You're a mama’s murderer. I'm tired seeing you in this house but because of my promise to my mom, then I'll still taking care of you, not because of love but because of the promise! Remember that Mayu, just because of the promise !" Yuki said to her sister.

It may sound cruel. But according to them it is not. They have lost their loved ones because of Mayu. They were jealous of their mother says about Mayu. Mayu as her favorite child, but it was not changed their affection on Mayu until this accident happens. Mayu just cry. She did not offer any resistance on the attitude of her siblings. She just cried and cried. Then she fell asleep on the floor where she was crying.
*End of Author’s POV*

*Mayu’s POV*

My body ached. I got up and looked at the clock and it show up at 5am. I wake up, take a shower, preparing breakfast, oh you know? to redeem the guilt on my siblings, I prepared their breakfast each morning, but they didn’t know. They thought the maid who cook it all. I forbid the maids to tell my siblings, of course..they might throw the food if they knew that I'm the one who made it.

When finished making breakfast, I walked into my room, pick up my bag. When walking I feel pain in my right belly. I find it hard to walk and I squatted to withstand the pain. Unfortunately, It coincided with my sister out of her room. I pretend to fix my shoelaces when my sister passed as usual. My sister just walk away without greeting me. While she was gone I walked desperatly into my room, clutching my stomach and hold the wall to support myself while walking. I ended up in my room. Then I sat on the edge of bed hoping this pain quickly disappear.
*End of Mayu’s POV*

*Sae’s POV*

Mayu? What is wrong with her? Is she sick? Why she holding her stomach and seems ill and difficult to walk? My mind was filled by Mayu but because of my hatred so great I managed to banish the thought.

"Stupid, I don’t care about her anymore." I muttered.

When I got over the kitchen table I tried to ask to Yuki.

"Yukirin, have you seen Mayu?" I asked probing.

"Yeah, I saw her fix her shoelaces. Why? "Asked Yuki wonder.

"Hmm.. It is nothing. Never mind. You have to eat a lot, my dear sister." I said as I ruffled her hair.

"Okey Niichan! My hair is neat. You ruin my makeup." Said Yuki, smoothing her hair. Oh God, she is very similar to mama. Mama, I miss you.

"Alright. Quickly finish your food, I wait in the car " I said.

"Yes boss! Hehe " Yuki said.
*End of Sae’s POV*

*Author’s POV*

Mayu goes out of her room because she felt the pain has diminished. She descended the stairs. She thought Sae and Yuki are gone but apparently not because Yuki have to take the shoes in the behind. Mayu who walking a bit wobbly surprised by Yuki who accidentally bumped into her from behind. She fell, tried to get up but the pain comes again.

"Oh..what a spoiled brat, just like that you can not get up? Want me to help? But why should I waste my time to help you” Yuki said as she went.

Mayu felt a tremendous pain that she could only see her sister who went without help her. Then she fainted. The maid who was in the house suddenly panicked. They immediately brought to the hospital.
*End of Author’s POV*

*Mayu’s POV*

Where am I? Why everything is white ?? I tried to get up but i was detained by Shinobu-san, our family maid. She said that I had fainted and immediately taken to the hospital. Then the doctor came along with the nurse to check on me.

"Hello Watanabe-san, how it is? Did you agree to do some medical tests? I need enough data to diagnose a disease." Said Takahasi-sensei.

"Hmm, whether it is necessary?" I asked.

"Yes, to uphold my diagnosis." Said Takahasi-sensei.

"Okay Sensei, I will undergo some tests, but please don’t tell anyone, including the women who took me earlier. I don’t want to worry her. Can you say to them if I'm fine just tired? Please. " I begged.

"Yes, all right. You need a rest Watanabe-san. I will be prepared for the test." Said Takahasi-sensei.

I just smiled. What is wrong with me? Am I suffering a severe illness? I never feel pain anyway... Although the last few months sometimes my stomach hurts. It even makes me difficult to walk but after I take a rest I'm back as usual. Very weird...

*I just lost 2tb files about AKB on my external hard drive and that makes me insane

« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 04:11:48 AM by Yhuiii »

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2015, 02:50:36 AM »
Author-san , you're really mean  :depressed:

you make me cry :gyaaah:

but i really want to read more :wub:

Please update soon  :thumbup

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2015, 03:27:16 AM »
hmmm.... you make me want to cry  :cry:

sae and yuki..... i don't know what i have to say but....  :smhid

actually, it's not mayu fault, it just mayu missed riku and yuko. but... when die comes, we never know it right?  :sweatdrop: so it's not mayu fault!!!!  :bleed eyes:

i'm curious about mayu illness...  :panic: i hope it's not a bad one  :cry:

thanks for the update  :cry: even it's make me sad and almost cry  :bleed eyes:

UPDATE SOON!   :thumbsup
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2015, 03:41:22 AM »
sae and yuki..... i don't know what i have to say but....  :smhid

Here's what they deserve:  :thumbdown:

This WHOLE thing was NOT Mayu's fault!

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2015, 04:19:40 AM »
It's not mayu fault!
Hope there some miracle like yuko and riko still alive


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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2015, 04:34:57 AM »
Poor Mayu...It's not fully Mayu falls in this accident

I hoped Mayu is fine

Please update fast i want to read more

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2015, 04:59:41 AM »
I dont care anymore about what pairing,its sisterly story
Ah poor mayu she got an illness

I hope sae and yuki just mad for a while and not to long cause mayu newd them now

Will sae and yuki happy if their sister died too? I think not

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2015, 05:08:01 AM »
Its been 3 years ? Sae and yuki still hate mayu ? Oh no!!
Mayu be strong, papa Riku and mama Yuko always watch you from heaven
Sae you really harsh to mayu, i hate you

Thanks for make me crying author-san
i'll waiting for next update

Offline Weird Panda

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Re: Gomennasai (Chapter 2) [Feb, 20 2015]
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2015, 06:06:01 AM »
I forbid the maids to tell my siblings, because they might throw the food if they knew that I made it.
I laugh so hard in this part

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