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Author Topic: Battle Torn Chapter 14 6/24/2015  (Read 8538 times)

Offline teru_fi

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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 9 5/27/2015
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2015, 05:20:58 PM »
Thanks for the update. That last part with Rie is really interesting
« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 05:30:11 PM by teru_fi »

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Re: Battle Torn MaYuki omake 5/28/2015
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2015, 07:37:40 AM »
Thanks for the update. That last part with Rie is really interesting

A little interaction is always fun between them XD

Dear Mayu,

It has been a while.  The battle was a failure but the path to Osaka seems to be long as the commander of Fukuoka was taken by an Oita person.  Kagoshima will take back what is rightly ours but how’s the elders?

They must be happy you have taken over for Takahashi.  However, the secret is still between us about that night.  It isn’t any problem that we exchanged that experience together.  My throat is still parched for you but when I head back to Tokyo, we can enjoy it again.

It has been too long.  Write back whenever I have the time.


It’s me again, Yuki.

No one can satisfy me although hiding it has been harsh with the advisor visiting every so often.  I think she’s out there to spy on me.  Sashihara has seen the weakness and was sent out to the west with this army of misfits.

I miss the days when we were with each other and then feeling your chest.  It seemed awkward between us but it made us close before I got sent home when I finished the exercises.  I’ll return one day so we can exchange our swords before implanting it into the core.

Mayu… we’ll go forward to Osaka.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Battle Torn MaYuki omake 5/28/2015
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2015, 09:41:16 AM »
The letters sounded so literal for people who are in the middle of warfare lol.
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Re: Battle Torn MaYuki omake 5/28/2015
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2015, 10:00:09 AM »
The letters sounded so literal for people who are in the middle of warfare lol.

The second letter was more... inside jokes
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Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: Battle Torn MaYuki omake 5/28/2015
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2015, 10:35:47 AM »
mass exodus from hyogo castle?! :shock: and the empty castle was leveled to the ground?! with such bold moves, hyogo has no other option but to take's like do or die for them :sweat:

a spy on osaka...I wonder who it is :hehehe:

fan service--or in this case guard service--from SayaRie :on lol:

what's with "I'll return someday so we can exchange our swords before implanting it to the core." a yaoi MaYuki :on freeza:

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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 10 6/2/2015
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2015, 08:40:05 PM »
mass exodus from hyogo castle?! :shock: and the empty castle was leveled to the ground?! with such bold moves, hyogo has no other option but to take's like do or die for them :sweat:

a spy on osaka...I wonder who it is :hehehe:

fan service--or in this case guard service--from SayaRie :on lol:

what's with "I'll return someday so we can exchange our swords before implanting it to the core." a yaoi MaYuki :on freeza:

Hyogo with Kinoshita brought such drastic measures so no surprise to be all in

The bigger clue is the ethnicity

The scene with Sayamu and Rie was more for fun to get the guards to not notice them :lol:

MaYuki should have gotten more XD  It was MaYuki for god sakes :lol:

Chapter 10


The scar was the first image he got to see of the man.  It ran from the corner of his left eye down to the neck.  His eyes were dark maroon like the moon during harvest as Yuito nodded his head.

“Yuito… I’m fond of your courage.  Kyoto has been great under your watch but tea can only bring enough happiness for one man.”  He consulted as the mist blew through with the army slowly following the horses as they walked through the plains.

“What do you mean?”  Yuito posed the question.

“A man’s happiness is his sword and his family.”  He laughed.  “You can only go so far with youth before realizing who you want in life?”

Yuito briefly let the words sink in as they got to a reservoir and jumped off with the soldiers following them for a stop.  He couldn’t let anything like it to be left aside but the decision seemed difficult with the continuous knowledge being sent his way.  Especially Hayato being the elder statesman.

Hayato had told them of the previous war that brought them into battling.  The western part of Japan was never in synced with the east.  Edo was too pampered for the rough styling of them.  The fall of the Tokugawa had brought chaos among them as they laughed but instead of joining, they had decided to have a challenge but managed to upset the heads into a war of land.

Yuito could only listen of the stories from Shiga.  It was impersonal to not.  He hadn’t seen Hayato before but his laughter was addictive but the scar was darkened against his skin.  His words sometimes came slurred because of the mark but managed to pull it through regardless.  Osaka was far from Kyoto.  The enemies were bound to come soon but the question was when.

“Let’s go until sundown and set up a camp nearby.”  Hayato informed the troops before turning to Yuito.  “Kyoto also acquired a Nagoyan… how is she?”

Yuito’s eyes widened.  It had blindsided him that his advisor was a woman.  The elegance of Nagoya in his court.  Acquisition seemed harsh rather than transferred.  Yuito grabbed the reins and started the walk.

“She’s the nicest person.  Her intelligence and forwardness is truly appreciative.”  Yuito explained.

“Her body.  She must be angelic if from Nagoya.”  Hayato forced a smile on Yuito’s face.  “She is attractive.  There must be times you’ve seen her.”

Yuito was afraid about the subject.  It wasn’t unusual for them to bathe together.  Everything was exposed when they were young and didn’t bother showing it at times.  It had struck him that Rie wasn’t the type to be aggressive around him.  He had grown timid on the lone thing that had always weighed on his mind.

“I think you know how it feels when she is taken right?”

“I don’t want to think about that right now.”  Yuito stated.  “Osaka is in trouble.”

Hayato wiped the smile and nodded.  The elder man wasn’t trying to force the hand but he remembered years ago how much pride he had in his wife.  She was the best among the suitors and ended up in a quick ceremony.  Two children blessed the two before the third had struck her.  Hayato hated to see his wife suffer but in her state, it couldn’t be helped that it had perished before living.  Shiga had believed that the curse had lingered with the child and made it into an offering for the river.

His wife also was added out of faith and in his life.  He had fought those wars with the heaviness which almost cost him his life.  Hayato rarely had seen the vigor from once before but it was his last term before the others would overtake his lands.  Shiga, by herself, was the last line of defense before the central location of the island.

“That’s right, Yuito!”

Hayato led the men to the nearby house where they did a brief scan to find a central location while the guards took over the duties of watching over the area.  Hayato and Yuito took to the center as they lit the candle above them.

“What’s the best plan for Hyogo in Osaka?”  Hayato asked, scratching his chin.

“We will make better time if we proceed further during the early morning hours.  The soldiers have to work into a platoon system.  I would think but they are your soldiers.”  Yuito murmured.  “I haven’t been able to conjure up anything since they will be following with another commander soon.”

“I was wondering about why it is so small but could they rush?”

Yuito had wondered if the process could be sped up but the caution was to make sure they were ready.  He had glanced out into the darkness as one came in with wry expression.  Hayato saw the stress and waved his hand to the soldier.

“You’re young to be out here to be showing that… Want to do a favor?”  Hayato forced a smile upon the younger man’s face.

“Head back to Kyoto and mobilize them if they haven’t.  Who’s the commander?”

“Abe should still be there.  Tell her to bring the troops over.  Unfortunately, their rust will show.”  Yuito sighed as the motion was probably regrettable if they failed to stop the encounter of the Hyogo troops.

The man ran out into the night as the two were overlooking the plans that were on the table.  They could beat Hyogo by a day or by minutes.  Yuito had considered that the progress of their ride was probably further than he had expected but seeing Hayato had brought concern.  His hands were always rubbing together as the particles seemingly fell onto the table.  Yuito couldn’t be naïve against such people but grew the curiosity in learning.

“How far are we out from Osaka?”  Yuito asked.

“We are progressing at the normal rate.  There isn’t anything we can do but I knew of this place awhile back with the old Osaka leader.  He was a bright man with an ill temper.”  He laughed, pressing his scar.  “The battles were tough on all of us but we did succeeded but he grew power hungry.”

“Nara?”  Yuito breathed.

“The old man had no chance with Osaka’s power.  There were rumors of his daughter in Osaka.  I don’t know if they are true but she was a sweet one that was polite to everyone.  I wondered what happened to her…”

Hearing the explanation, he began to think about Sayamu.  He wasn’t the type to portray his father.  He was different and then the fact of Miyuki had filled his mind.  Nothing seemed to make sense of the battles but Hyogo was still the threat against them.

“His son probably had his genes but highly doubt he would continue the war.  He was concerned if he had stopped it that Osaka would fall under his watch.”

“Sayamu was the main reason why I accepted his plea.  He isn’t his father.  He wanted to make right and headed to Nara with my advisor.”  Yuito explained as Hayato’s face turned.

“Nara only had monks.  The castle fell and the monks escaped after the battle to avoid slaughter.  I visited after the collapse and the monks were rebuilding the temples for their sake.  There’s nothing there reminiscing the old regime.”  Hayato informed the leader.

“I see.  You should get some sleep and we’ll switch when I feel ready.”  Yuito crinkled his lips.

“You’re a good man, Yuito-san.  However, my eyes haven’t been able to sleep either so we can talk all night.”  Hayato patted the younger man’s head.

Yuito stepped out to gleam at the open sky covered in small speckles.  Hayato pointed out to the south and Yuito felt the urge to feel the rage of battle within him.
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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 11 6/7/2015
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2015, 06:06:11 AM »
Chapter 11

Sayamu felt warmth among his cheek as he inhaled a sweet smell.  His hand reached out touch the firm area with the smoothness of silk on his fingertips.  Sayamu moved up as he found a soft spot and expanded his hand before cupping the area, fitting his hand.


Sayamu grinned hearing the name.  He didn't want to respond and gripped the item in his hand.  It was firm yet pliable and he wanted to hear more of the voice as his mind headed toward what was becoming dream-like.

"Yuito!  Just go ahead and stick it in."

His head shot up and saw the woman with her back toward him.  Sayamu quickly shook his partner as Rie turned with a toothy smile.

"Nee..."  She cooed before opening her eyes.  "Sayamu-san!"

He felt his body lose life immediately.  He quickly rubbed the hand onto the tatami mat as he placed a thought and reason to what was happening when he glanced towards her.

"Yuito?  You were calling me that for a minute."  He smiled.  "It seems you might as well spill your secret too."

Rie quickly turned her head, shielding the crimson color on her cheeks.  She knew it would be in fairness but something had held her back from blurting it out at the moment.  She ran out of the room and head for the community sink and scooped the water from the spout to refresh her face.

It was a close call.

Rie was imagining her own fantasy happening.  Yuito standing with the only thing that Rie wanted to see.  In her heart, it wasn't much to feel loved as the fact that she didn't want to show the truth.  Sayamu was the only person who could probably keep the secret.

If he felt trusted enough to not let it go to Yuito.  The overwhelming wave of emotions came over having the fantasy happen in real life with someone else.  She felt a bit of guilt playing it close and returned to the room as the man stared out into the garden.


"Rie!  Yuito..."  He sighed.

"I like him.  I just can't be with him."  Rie breathed.


She inhaled a wisp of air before turning toward the door and closing it before taking a seat behind him.

"His father had forbid him from any relations.  It was strict at first and especially because we were friends.  Yuito had a strong liking toward me but something told me that there was a problem.  At first, I sneaked around for clues but in the end I got the advisor job."  Rie explained.

"Then it was something about an outsider that seemed to get his father riled up.  He knew I came from Nagoya as a social prisoner with my family.  He didn't like that but accepted me as a scholar.  In the end, Yuito was still distant after all the problems arose with his father's death."

"I see.  It was only a dream, right?"  Sayamu cracked a smile.

"The thing is... I wished it wasn't."  Rie tilted her head.  "I mean it is within me to control urges."

Sayamu stared silently at her.  His mind started to wander about the situation.  Rie, to him, was elegant.  Her beauty was rarely matched among the people he has met, second to Miyuki.  Still, her speak was unusual and made him curious before Rie snapped her fingers.

"We need to get to Nara."  Rie remembered as Sayamu shot to his feet and nodded with her.

Sayamu sped out of the room with Rie watching him from within as she stared out into the garden.  There were many things that hadn’t made any sense and seeing Yuito leave for Osaka.  Sayamu probably wanted company more than anything especially if there were loyalists still left.  Her mind slowly started to cloud over with the fantasy and let her fingers take control of her accepted body.

Sayamu managed to get to the horse and glanced back.  Rie wasn’t behind him but his stomach had given him a thought as he entered into the small area.  He bowed his head as they gave him a bowl of gruel and a small piece of grilled fish.  He managed to get half a bowl into his mouth with the man smiling back at him.

“Gomen ne… we have taken too much of you hospitality.”  Sayamu tilted his head.

“It isn’t a problem with a beautiful woman with you.”  He snickered.  “My wife… had everything but sickness took that away.  I feel bad that she had died before I did.”

“Sorry to hear about that.”  Sayamu said after swallowing the piece whole.

“It’s hard to accept her passing but it has been a while since it happened…  You guys…”

“We are actually friends travelling together.”  Sayamu corrected the thought.

“So… that is an interesting setup.  You two would be perfect.”  He smiled as Sayamu placed the bowl on the table.

“Thank you for the meal.”  Sayamu bowed as Rie nodded her head.

Rie climbed upon the horse first before Sayamu mounted and pulled out into the fields.  Her thoughts were still muddled over what had happened.  Her lust had overcome what had become a stone wall as she could remember that first time in frustration she had experienced what she wanted dearly.  Sayamu taking over the front had given her time to think along the ways of leading down to Nara.

“I still…”

“Don’t worry about it.  I’m at fault for being intrigued by your touch.”  Rie consulted as Sayamu turned to the front.

It was still active.  The times she felt saddened drove her into the wild fantasies.  The night was filled with everything she had wanted and Sayamu was able to keep it up with her.  The time had made her ecstatic and frustrated at the same time.  Yuito had restrained from doing so.  The quiet type who didn’t want to share his problems probably had tolled on him as he headed out to Osaka.

“We can get to Nara by sundown.”  Sayamu informed the advisor as she nodded and bowed to him.

“Yuito should pick you.”  Sayamu blurted.  “It isn’t your fault that he is following his father’s orders.”

Rie nodded.  The words were like arrows most of the time.  It hurt where she hated it to sting.  She knew too much about Kyoto to leave but knowing Yuito’s behavior probably only made things worse.  Accepting the situation was the best thing, she acknowledged what would be best for her as Sayamu flicked his wrists and charged ahead toward the location.

It was fun to be with Sayamu but slipping her hand into the coat.  She wished it was another person’s hand but her heart raced knowing that one day she’ll hold the one thing that only mattered to her, Yuito’s heart.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 11 6/7/2015
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2015, 10:16:57 AM »
It's sad with both Yuito and Rie have to hold themselves because of his deceased father. Still, it's amusing to see that Rie and Sayamu are so quick to get friendly (and intimate, lol) with each other.
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 12 6/12/2015
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2015, 09:18:57 PM »
It's sad with both Yuito and Rie have to hold themselves because of his deceased father. Still, it's amusing to see that Rie and Sayamu are so quick to get friendly (and intimate, lol) with each other.

I'm not making them into a pairing whatsoever XD it is a weird occasion of the two people being together in a room... alone XD

I guess we are making a push for the siege on Osaka soon :3

Chapter 12

“Nana.  How’s everything?”

The voice sounded softer than usual as she turned to see the stern woman holding her hand up to her forehead.  She nodded, showing a smile that comforted the woman asking.  Nana watched her walked away for the fifth time she could remember while being conscious from the pain.  The view outside was beautiful as the thoughts had entered into her mind about the oncoming army because of the incident.

Nana stretched out her feet to the floor and pushed her body off the bed.  It had been too long to feel the ground under her feet.  Her legs wobbled as she tried to place the weight upon them as she used the bed as crutch to get her to the table.

“Reina!  Are you out there?”  Nana called as the woman came in and bowed to her.


“How has Kei been acting lately?”  She asked as Reina tilted her head.

“Honestly, she’s been okay at times but she has been walking to the infirmary talking to Umeda-san.”  She reported, seeing the quick nod.

“I would imagine in everything we would be worried about not having the others here at the moment.”  Nana sighed.  “Have the others returned from Kyoto?”

“I think they just did confirming the arrival of Yuito from Kyoto and Hayato from Shiga.”  Reina nodded.  “They will be here before the Hyogo troops.”

Nana forced a smile as Reina left her to look over the backup plans.  It was simple to feel unwanted most of the time with her passive thoughts.  She had always kept the confidence in her heart that she would never doubt Sayamu but in the end, it seemed hard to fight what was expected of him.  She had the secret in her heart to keep hidden as she glanced up again to see those eyes staring back at her.

“Every day I see you by the door and you just ask how I feel.”  Nana closed the book while her attention was on the war advisor.

“I do that because I worry about you.  You aren’t the one who could protect yourself from those idiots.  I’d have to fight for you.”  Kei snapped back with her answer, drawing a smile on Nana’s face.

“True.  I feel we have been holding back secrets.”  Nana sighed.  “You have one don’t you?”

Kei sped away from the room.  Nana pondered over what she had wanted to say to Sayamu after being shot.  It had come as the moment to tell him and at least to make sure that it was reciprocal, doubt casted in the mind that she wasn’t going to win this battle.  It had to be from him that there was no way they were going to be with each other.

Nana stood again, bracing her weight against the table as she glanced through the opening.  The dirty work to understand the situation was now upon the only person that seemed to trust had popped in again with a tray of tea and sweets, placed upon the table.

“Listen to the conversation between Kei and Umeda for me.  Kei seems to be hiding something and I know it isn’t good for me.  Please do so without being caught.”  Nana directed as Reina stepped out of the room and headed down the hallway.

Fujie Reina ventured to the Kansai region from Kanto for the sake of adventure.  It was the beauty and tradition compared to the modern administration in Edo.  Pleading with Sayamu’s father as a lamb for the castle had benefited her with the education from the east.  She eventually became the top assistant to each of the advisors but Nana had given her freedom to express her thoughts.  Reina took to the job to write down the daily happenings and report it to everyone in the crowd, once a week in a timely matter.

She stopped a few feet away from the doorway and heard the voices of the two.  Reina was assured there was crying as she closed her eyes for a brief moment.  After a few minutes of whimpering, she began to hear more about the situation.

“Nana actually doesn’t know about this.”  Kei admitted.  “I actually love her.”

Reina swore the words seemed to come from the wrong person.  She felt her heart stop when a hand pressed up onto her shoulder.


Reina didn’t have time to get her thoughts together as the woman was being dragged away from the infirmary to the quarters where she saw the copper-haired woman with a piece of bread in her mouth.  Reina watched the woman chew on the bread before being turned to Miyuki with the long, white gown over her slender body.

“Eavesdropping?  Aren’t we Fujie?”  Miyuki smirked.

“It wasn’t just that much of listening into a conversation but to get Sayamu to do a wild goose chase for your kingdom is ridiculous.”  Reina retorted seeing the wide smile upon Miyuki’s face.

“Nara is my home.  Osaka took that away and I’m here without anything.  You are just an outsider who came in after going on your knees…”  Miyuki snarled.

“At least… I came up after a few seconds.”  Reina said under her breath.

“Miyuki… can you just let me go?”  The girl whined.

She turned toward the girl and curled up her fist.  Like lightning, the girl fell to the ground before turning back to Reina.  Miyuki knew Reina had inside information about the situation within the castle grounds.  It was too much of a distraction with everything that was happening and the fact that Sayamu was in Nara had sparked an interest.

“Being from Edo doesn’t mean anything.  I would know that Tokugawa has fallen and the westerners will take over soon enough but the war is with the south.  Whatever the situation may bring, the truth is what you heard.  Kei has an attraction toward Nana.”

Miyuki’s words were comforting toward the assistant.  Reina knew that she was facing the uphill battle and Sayamu is helping to right the wrong.  The south was coming like typhoons to take down Osaka with a troupe from Kyoto coming in as quick as possible.  She didn’t want to fight.  Her hand drew to the dagger by her waist and raised it toward Miyuki.

“I haven’t liked you since you were brought here but the truth is, I feel sorry for what has happened.  The words are rage within my soul that you could never gain respect of others by how you talk.  You look down upon people and we are at war with enemies that will never see us allies.”

Miyuki scoffed, “we don’t have to like each other but Hyogo is coming regardless.”

“The battle will be two fold.”  The girl spat.

“What do you mean?”  Miyuki turned to her.

“Osaka will go down in flames if you guys aren’t prepared.”  She laughed.  “Murashige out.”

The girl fell face first to the floor as a river of drool came from her mouth.  They turned to each other as Reina ran back to Nana where a man in gold had stood in front of her.  He turned to bow to Reina.

“I’m Yokoyama Yuito of Kyoto.  It is nice to meet you.”  He smiled.

“Nice to meet you too.  Nana, we need a meeting with Kei quick.”  Reina reported.

“What is it?”

Nana’s eyes widened as the elder man hobbled in with Kei as the information was spread among the members.  Lumps were formed as the battle was now Hyogo and the southern wave.  Nana took a deep breath and glanced over to Kei.

“Let’s make this work.”
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 13 6/17/2015
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2015, 08:50:33 AM »
Chapter 13

“Nara is over that way.”  Sayamu pointed with the barren lands approaching them.

“Temple?”  Rie questioned as Sayamu pulled on the reigns.

Sayamu remembered little of the aftermath after the incident.  He felt the air grow thick as they slowly came up to the wooden building seeing the bald-headed men walking out of the structure with books in hand.  Sayamu glanced out to see through the vast area that one structure and flipped his wrists to take them to the area.  He began to analyze the place again and remembered only the smoldering remains of what was Nara as it stood.

“You seem hesitant.”  Rie called over as he shook off the thought.

“It seems rather vast without the castle.  I thought they would rebuild for us but I think even the person we left here had left unless we are only at the outskirts.”  He muttered to himself as they nodded to the men as they headed in the opposite direction.

Sayamu took the lead and rode further into the land with the clouds seemingly closing the distance between the sky and ground.  Rie began to scan before the familiar scent made her stop her progress.  The forest pine was unusual in an area and the cloud seemed to grow towards them as Sayamu began to see it surround them.  The sat as it came before the group exposed themselves to the duo.

“What’s your purpose here?’  The figure in black walked up to the horse.

“I wanted to check in with the leader of Nara.”  Sayamu stated.  “This is a matter of important business.”

“I see.  Unfortunately, the leader you seek has been chased out of Nara.”  The figure bowed its head.

“Why did he get chased out?  I’m figuring you guys are intruding on royal land.”  Sayamu glanced as the sea of black before turning to the figure.

“This was open when we were here.  We figured since he was chased out, we take it for training.”  The voice raised an octave before the circle was finally closed around them.

Sayamu glanced around the area to the circle ten deep around them.  He loosened his grip from the reigns and watched them from his horse.  He had always feared what had happened to the person from Nara at times but didn’t expect to have people come in and take over immediately.  Sayamu turned to Rie as she scanned the area.

“I guess the castle left too…”

“It got destroyed when Osaka took over.”  The figure reported.

Sayamu gripped the reigns immediately.  The truth was everything still in place when they took Miyuki as their prisoner.  These people with their bald heads and black robes were obviously not monks.  Sayamu had acknowledged it but given the effort, he had to know what had happened.

“Did you chase him?”  Sayamu asked with a smirk.

The figure dropped his robe and flashed a smile to him.  Sayamu sat up and watched the figure reach for his weapon, drawing it in front of him.  He watched before jumping off the horse and placed his sword onto the ground.  It was already the trap that was set up for him as Rie leaped off her horse and bowed to the group.

“We are surrendering to you because we are here not to fight but to know the Nara’s protectorate was under good care.”  Sayamu explained before a sound riled up the horses and the group dissipated away from the two.

Their heads shot up as they turned to the sound as Sayamu aimed toward the mass when he mounted his horse.  Three more had brought the group to the front and charged as Rie managed to get on and followed the group before stopping as the figures fell one by one like dominoes.  The volley of shots spread out the mass and in lines they fell over before the rest ran off in separate directions.

Sayamu and Rie observed the matter as the silver-coated person came from the smoke with an item in hand facing toward the two.  They charged toward them before stopping within distance of the duo’s sight with the weapon aimed toward them.

“Sashihara!  It is Yamamoto.”  Sayamu stated as he narrowed his eyes.

“Osaka commander?  It can’t be you.”  He jerked his head to the first commander to reach up to the horse to find the emblem and threw a nod his way.  “What are you doing here?”

“Making up for my mistake.  Aiming for Osaka?”  Sayamu asked as Sashihara rested the weapon on the shoulder turning to the woman.  “This missus yours?”

“No.”  Rie answered.  “I’m Kitahara of Nagoya, representing Kyoto.”

“Kyoto?  How’s Kyoto involve in this war?  They were a neutral party unless you have declared war on us too.”  Sashihara snarled.

“Hyogo is heading to Osaka.  We asked Kyoto for help since their commander fell to our blade.  I wanted to see the Nara commander to check in on the progress but this seems rather moot with the faux buildings here from Iga.”  Sayamu explained to the man before resting his weapon on the shoulder again.

“The grave mistake was to abandon Nara.”  Sashihara warned.

Sayamu nodded as he dismounted the horse with Sashihara holding his hand back to the group.  He noticed the young army behind Sashihara and bowed to the leader.  Rie nodded her head as Sashihara turned back and signaled to them as they lowered their weapons to the side.

Sayamu noticed the figure in Sashihara.  He had grown into the armor he wore as the gun was still resting on his shoulder when wiped the sweat from his forehead.  Rie glanced over the army and gave a firm smile as she turned to Sashihara with their eyes meeting briefly.

“We didn’t abandon the place.  Those guys must have exterminated the person.”  Sayamu sighed.

“I know Nara was open but those ninjas managed to take it over before we had a chance to.  I wouldn’t believe that you guys would do a goodwill mission after destroying the town.  Osaka surely has changed especially since you took their prized possession.”

Sayamu felt his mouth go dry.  The story was going around how the pillaged the town to nothing.  Truth was further from the barbaric way they did it.  He had opened up a state to take over but never burn everything to the ground.  Theories seemed to fly that the leader must have either done it or been killed by the ninjas with little resistance.  Sayamu had left the issue up as Sashihara glanced over to the leader.

“I would assume you wouldn’t give up Osaka without a fight.”  Sashihara grinned.

“Of course I wouldn’t do that but the truth isn’t what I heard but somehow I figured you wouldn’t aim straight for Osaka unless there was a plan setup for the siege.”  Sayamu smiled as Sashihara aimed his weapon to the leader.

“The plan is in place but hearing about Hyogo makes my blood boil.  You guys must have a good reason to kill the freak.”

“Simple.  She injured my favorite woman.  It was not easy to consider it but the deed was done without a command.”  Sayamu responded as Sashihara pointed her head away from the two as they marched off.

“Osaka is next and I hope you are willing to see your city burn.”

Sayamu smirked at the declaration.  Two armies in a day and neither he had fought or placed his hand on the weapon.  He watched them march off before trotting toward the border as Rie caught up from behind and saw him halt.

“Rie… I want Sashihara’s head.  That’s the fear of what my mind is saying to me but Osaka shall prevail if I have to die trying.”
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 13 6/17/2015
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2015, 06:14:30 PM »
Sashihara sounds like a smart, ruthless and calculative person. And very confident as well. Can't wait to read whether he will outsmart Sayamu in the war.
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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 14 6/24/2015
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2015, 12:34:25 AM »
Sashihara sounds like a smart, ruthless and calculative person. And very confident as well. Can't wait to read whether he will outsmart Sayamu in the war.

The battle is on for Osaka per se

Chapter 14

Yoshida Akari felt the breeze coming with the cloud of dust heading their way.  She placed her hand firmly around the handle and watched from the distance.  Her plan had been simple to watch for the Hyogo troops and send the first line of defense back to port while the swordsmen had taken their chances at the rebels.

“Load up the first volley.”  Akari called to the commander as the archers had set up the arrows within their bow.

Upon turning her head back, the loud sound came from the distance.  She knew nothing of cannons but seeing no smoke from her side, Akari saw the cloud grow bigger.  The thickness felt like the wind storm she once saw before on the darkened plains.  The commander had given them the instructions and Akari slid the sword out of the sheath.


The shower came down upon the dust and slowly dissipated before the archers retreated behind the wall of warriors that went forward to the small pack of people with the feathers sticking from their various body parts.  Yoshida stood and watch how the small group fell before them.  The temptation grew as she looked out over to the black smoke that was coming their way.  It trailed like a signal and told the group to head back to the castle.

She stood watching it dissipate with the bodies surrounding her.  Her heart froze when she saw two horses pass through the smoke and saw them coming for her.  Yoshida swallowed the fear and whipped the reigns.  She wasn’t sure but moving her hand toward the handle, it was assuring to watch them come.  It seemed quick for her to react but the next moment, the sky seemed black.

Then, it was over.

“Sashihara has passed through Nara.”  Mayu reported.

“It seems Yoshida has fallen with the Hyogo soldiers.”  Kotani reported after as the two fled from the room.

Yuito glared at the two women before turning to the window.  He felt the lump in his throat about the Nara and his heart stopped a bit as he headed out when the elder gentleman came into the room, patting his stomach.

“Sayamu and your advisor should be safe.  Sashihara wants the bigger fish to fry.”  Hayato breathed.  “He wouldn’t be risking the worst if he went after Sayamu without his army.”

“Why would you think that?”  Nana asked.

Hayato straightened his body as the gas escaped from his mouth into a roar before turning to the advisors.  “Rin-kun is forward looking and taking out Sayamu wouldn’t be the best thing in his interest.  He wants Osaka for himself.”

Yuito turned to the man, narrowing his eyes towards him.  The theory would stand correct if Hayato was right because the downfall of a kingdom is worse than killing the leader.  Yuito tilted his head over.

“How would you know that?”  He asked with Hayato smiling back.

“His main ally was the general that took down Yoshida.  Rin would have easily killed off the ally if it wasn’t for the problem he would face, Osaka’s army.”

Yuito drew a blank with the explanation as the two advisors nodded to each other.  Kei pointed to the chair and let the Kyoto leader sit as she knew the situation between Kyushu and Osaka.  In the midst of the battles, Kei had recalled a civil war.  Osaka was asked to help but refused because of the warring states.  However, they had stopped the evading troops onto shore and the two victors remained vigilant in taking down Osaka as their point to head to Tokyo from the babbling Miyuki.

The purposes for the spy had placed the seed into Nana’s head as Miyuki had entertained her to draw out the information and spat it out around Sayamu.  Nana and Kei were least interested but the information was recorded regardless.  If it was true, the war was to weaken Osaka for an attack.  The false thought would lead Miyuki to be a traitor.

Yuito nodded, “What shall we do?”

“I’m ready to take down Kashiwagi.”  Hayato smirked.  “That fool was never man enough to take down the ignorant Sashihara.”

Yuito glanced at the three before giving his intentions to strike down Sashihara and walked out of the room to the gates where the men were in training as Abe had halted the practice.  Whispering the intention, she nodded to the men as Hayato took his army west while Yuito mounted his horse and headed east.  He nodded his head to the elder comrade before galloping off to the location.

“Nana you should rest.”  Kei breathed.

“I’m not tired.”  Nana retorted.  “I’m just writing a memoir.”

Kei glanced as she wrote down the many events that had happened over her time in the castle.  She knew Nana had been through many memories and that feeling of nostalgia came over Kei as she could feel her heart ache.  She paced out of the room and felt the physical being right in front of her.  Kei turned her eyes away when she felt the mist build up over them.

“What’s stopping you?”

“Fujie-san, please don’t do this.”  Kei pleaded.  “It hurts to know the truth.”

“I won’t say anything but Umeda had mentioned that you’ve been learning about caring for the wounded too.  It seems honorable that you can hurt yet heal people.”  Fujie forced a smile.

“It isn’t like that though… I’ve always intended to do so.”  Kei growled.  “I need some time.”

Fujie watched her walked down the hallway before turning into the room.  The truth had seemed to etch into her mind that there was no implication that Kei had said her true feelings.  Fujie swallowed her pride and greeted the advisor as she lowered her pen onto the paper.

“How’s the people?”

“They’re about the same.”  She answered quickly before looking for the mat under the advisor’s bed and taking a seat.

Nana turned back to the book and slowly wrote down a thought she had about the few occasions that Sayamu was lenient on her and wiped her eyes immediately.  She began to script down the times she had troubles with decisions and assisted in what would be preparing her for this and believing that his strength came from his heart.  She wiped it a few times before seeing the smudge on the page.


“Yamada-san…”  Fujie stood and placed her hands on her shoulder.

“I’m fine.  It’ll be good.  I’ll make sure I can protect myself.”  Nana moved her hands away when she finally saw Kei in front of her.

“You can’t!”  Kei snarled.  “I won’t accept it.”

Nana turned back to the book.  It was horrible to feel torn in the situation but Kei knew she was right because of everything that had happened but beyond that, it was the main reason why Kei had let Yoshida take over.  It was a sense of pride to train people but her heart was stone, she couldn’t expect a person to love her but to have that feeling, it felt deep within her.

“They would have to go through me to win this castle.  Sayamu knows I can be willing to take down an army but for this reason, I want to be the one to save this castle.”

Nana inhaled a bit of air.  She hadn’t felt the compassion from a person in a while when she saw her in the corner of her eye.  She wouldn’t admit defeat but she had to accept what was happening and grabbed her hand.  Fujie ran out the room and saw Miyuki down the hallway.

“If we have to fight, we must do so for Osaka.  This is our land and no one shall take over it easily.”  Miyuki winked as she walked away with Fujie giving a confirming nod.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Battle Torn Chapter 14 6/24/2015
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2015, 05:33:42 AM »

thanks for the update

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