It's sad with both Yuito and Rie have to hold themselves because of his deceased father. Still, it's amusing to see that Rie and Sayamu are so quick to get friendly (and intimate, lol) with each other.
I'm not making them into a pairing whatsoever

it is a weird occasion of the two people being together in a room... alone

I guess we are making a push for the siege on Osaka soon :3
Chapter 12“Nana. How’s everything?”
The voice sounded softer than usual as she turned to see the stern woman holding her hand up to her forehead. She nodded, showing a smile that comforted the woman asking. Nana watched her walked away for the fifth time she could remember while being conscious from the pain. The view outside was beautiful as the thoughts had entered into her mind about the oncoming army because of the incident.
Nana stretched out her feet to the floor and pushed her body off the bed. It had been too long to feel the ground under her feet. Her legs wobbled as she tried to place the weight upon them as she used the bed as crutch to get her to the table.
“Reina! Are you out there?” Nana called as the woman came in and bowed to her.
“How has Kei been acting lately?” She asked as Reina tilted her head.
“Honestly, she’s been okay at times but she has been walking to the infirmary talking to Umeda-san.” She reported, seeing the quick nod.
“I would imagine in everything we would be worried about not having the others here at the moment.” Nana sighed. “Have the others returned from Kyoto?”
“I think they just did confirming the arrival of Yuito from Kyoto and Hayato from Shiga.” Reina nodded. “They will be here before the Hyogo troops.”
Nana forced a smile as Reina left her to look over the backup plans. It was simple to feel unwanted most of the time with her passive thoughts. She had always kept the confidence in her heart that she would never doubt Sayamu but in the end, it seemed hard to fight what was expected of him. She had the secret in her heart to keep hidden as she glanced up again to see those eyes staring back at her.
“Every day I see you by the door and you just ask how I feel.” Nana closed the book while her attention was on the war advisor.
“I do that because I worry about you. You aren’t the one who could protect yourself from those idiots. I’d have to fight for you.” Kei snapped back with her answer, drawing a smile on Nana’s face.
“True. I feel we have been holding back secrets.” Nana sighed. “You have one don’t you?”
Kei sped away from the room. Nana pondered over what she had wanted to say to Sayamu after being shot. It had come as the moment to tell him and at least to make sure that it was reciprocal, doubt casted in the mind that she wasn’t going to win this battle. It had to be from him that there was no way they were going to be with each other.
Nana stood again, bracing her weight against the table as she glanced through the opening. The dirty work to understand the situation was now upon the only person that seemed to trust had popped in again with a tray of tea and sweets, placed upon the table.
“Listen to the conversation between Kei and Umeda for me. Kei seems to be hiding something and I know it isn’t good for me. Please do so without being caught.” Nana directed as Reina stepped out of the room and headed down the hallway.
Fujie Reina ventured to the Kansai region from Kanto for the sake of adventure. It was the beauty and tradition compared to the modern administration in Edo. Pleading with Sayamu’s father as a lamb for the castle had benefited her with the education from the east. She eventually became the top assistant to each of the advisors but Nana had given her freedom to express her thoughts. Reina took to the job to write down the daily happenings and report it to everyone in the crowd, once a week in a timely matter.
She stopped a few feet away from the doorway and heard the voices of the two. Reina was assured there was crying as she closed her eyes for a brief moment. After a few minutes of whimpering, she began to hear more about the situation.
“Nana actually doesn’t know about this.” Kei admitted. “I actually love her.”
Reina swore the words seemed to come from the wrong person. She felt her heart stop when a hand pressed up onto her shoulder.
Reina didn’t have time to get her thoughts together as the woman was being dragged away from the infirmary to the quarters where she saw the copper-haired woman with a piece of bread in her mouth. Reina watched the woman chew on the bread before being turned to Miyuki with the long, white gown over her slender body.
“Eavesdropping? Aren’t we Fujie?” Miyuki smirked.
“It wasn’t just that much of listening into a conversation but to get Sayamu to do a wild goose chase for your kingdom is ridiculous.” Reina retorted seeing the wide smile upon Miyuki’s face.
“Nara is my home. Osaka took that away and I’m here without anything. You are just an outsider who came in after going on your knees…” Miyuki snarled.
“At least… I came up after a few seconds.” Reina said under her breath.
“Miyuki… can you just let me go?” The girl whined.
She turned toward the girl and curled up her fist. Like lightning, the girl fell to the ground before turning back to Reina. Miyuki knew Reina had inside information about the situation within the castle grounds. It was too much of a distraction with everything that was happening and the fact that Sayamu was in Nara had sparked an interest.
“Being from Edo doesn’t mean anything. I would know that Tokugawa has fallen and the westerners will take over soon enough but the war is with the south. Whatever the situation may bring, the truth is what you heard. Kei has an attraction toward Nana.”
Miyuki’s words were comforting toward the assistant. Reina knew that she was facing the uphill battle and Sayamu is helping to right the wrong. The south was coming like typhoons to take down Osaka with a troupe from Kyoto coming in as quick as possible. She didn’t want to fight. Her hand drew to the dagger by her waist and raised it toward Miyuki.
“I haven’t liked you since you were brought here but the truth is, I feel sorry for what has happened. The words are rage within my soul that you could never gain respect of others by how you talk. You look down upon people and we are at war with enemies that will never see us allies.”
Miyuki scoffed, “we don’t have to like each other but Hyogo is coming regardless.”
“The battle will be two fold.” The girl spat.
“What do you mean?” Miyuki turned to her.
“Osaka will go down in flames if you guys aren’t prepared.” She laughed. “Murashige out.”
The girl fell face first to the floor as a river of drool came from her mouth. They turned to each other as Reina ran back to Nana where a man in gold had stood in front of her. He turned to bow to Reina.
“I’m Yokoyama Yuito of Kyoto. It is nice to meet you.” He smiled.
“Nice to meet you too. Nana, we need a meeting with Kei quick.” Reina reported.
“What is it?”
Nana’s eyes widened as the elder man hobbled in with Kei as the information was spread among the members. Lumps were formed as the battle was now Hyogo and the southern wave. Nana took a deep breath and glanced over to Kei.
“Let’s make this work.”