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Author Topic: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu, WMatsui, Atsumina) (Chapter 6) (09/12/16)  (Read 14614 times)

Offline arawche079

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Be waiting fort next update.....

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Oh... They are in modern time

How are they going to cope with their new situation?

Will Atsuko accept yuko again?

What's going to happen next?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs  :twothumbs  :twothumbs

Offline Hipchan

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu, Atsumina, WMatsui) (ON HOLD)
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2016, 10:14:04 AM »
KOJIYUU  :inlove: :inlove:  :inlove: please update soon author-san  :wub: :wub:

Offline arawche079

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu, Atsumina, WMatsui) (ON HOLD)
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2016, 12:30:15 PM »
Hmmmmmm...... Interesting but yuu is bad boy here?  :smhid

Lets see..... And i'm still waiting on your first fic update ... Take your time writing ...

Offline rindg

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu) (Chapter 4 Pt.4) (05/11/16)
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2016, 04:06:14 AM »
(Chapter 4 Pt. 3)

"Hello~!" Acchan greets a stranger in the street.


"Hi, so I was wondering if you seen our friends earlier? We wear the same clothes, kind of. Do you happen to know?"

The man ponders for a while but then he let out a quiet "ah." like he just got an idea.

"Yeah I did, four of them right? They were taken away from the police earlier. If you're looking for them, my best bet would be checking at the police station." He said pointing at where the police station was, which was just a few blocks down the road.

"Thank you very much!"


(At the police station entrance.)

It took them 18 hours just to find the police station. It might seem ridiculous but it was Akihabara, easy to get lost especially to foreign people. Now they only have a few hours till the portal closes.

"Hi, my name is Maeda Atsuko and we're looking for our friends. Someone told us that they were being kept here. Oshima Yuko, Kojima Haruna, Matsui Jurina and Takahashi Minami? Does it ring a bell?"

"Ah yeah. They're with detective Kashiwagi and Officer Watanabe. Hold on, I'll lead them to you." As the man at the desk was about to get up, Rena stopped him.

"Oh no that's quite alright, can you please just tell them to meet us at the front of the manga store? Thank you?"

"Uh yeah sure. Might take quite a while though, they're being interrogated right now."

"Thank you very much."


*Knock Knock*

"Come in." Yukirin said

"Detective Yukirin, may I have a word please?" The man at the front desk earlier said

Yukirin nods and walks over to him who started talking in a quite voice. "People who claims to be friends of them have asked me to tell them a message and meet at the front of the manga store. They were here a few hours ago. Now I don't know which manga store they're talking about, but they probably do." He said as he nods over to where Yuko and the others were sitting, trying to play with Mayuyu's phone.

"I see. They might help us with these people, it's honestly a headache. They keep insisting that they're from another world. I'll go meet with them right now, can you prepare us a car and drive it up to the front?"

"Yes ma'am." The man leaves.

Yukirin walks back to the group and tells them to gather up their stuff. "We're going on a trip to a manga store." She said, trying to indirectly make them confess.

"Manga store?" Takamina questions as she puts a finger on her chin. "Oh, you mean the one near Don Quixote? Or I think that's what it's called."

"I know where that is!" Mayuyu beams

"Great, let's go. We're going on a field trip."


"Do you think they'll come?" Mii-chan asks the others who were hiding in a dark alley with her.

"All we can do is to hope. Anyways, I wonder why these people can't see that large portal in the middle of the street."

"My guess is that only certain people can. I don't know what but that's probably it."

"Wait wait they're here!" Rena said shushing them up as a blue car with 7 people squished in there come out and start to walk over right where the portal was.

"Can they see it? I'm not sure about the people in blue, but Haruna and them definitely does."

"How much time do we have left?"

"My inner clock tells me that it's been exactly 23 and 57 minutes." Mariko said as she feels her chest, to check her time.

"Then let's go! We'll run of out time!"

"No, we'll only go right at the last second, to prevent them from jumping back out." Mariko stares intensely at the group who was eyeing the portal nervously.


"What the heck is that thing?" Mayuyu and Yukirin said at the same time. It seems like they can see the portal for some unknown reason, and they were also pretty shocked.

"That's the portal that we came through. I'm telling you, the fact that we came from a different world is true."

"No that can't be..." Yukirin said as she trails off, giving the portal one hell of a glare like it was some sort of monster.

"Yukirin can't you believe it?! This might as well be the start of our adventure! It's every otaku's dream!" Mayuyu jumps up and down like a puppy and waggles her non-existent tail.


"Hey there."

A sudden appearance of a new voice make the group look behind them to see who it was. And of course, it was Mariko and the others.

"Why are you here?"

"Oops, sorry no time for that. Go!" Mariko yelled as all four of them went charging at Yuko's group + the police officers and pushes them inside the portal.

And in that moment, the portal closes as the 24-hour time limit expired.



I kind of totally rushed this chapter, because there's really not much for them to do here. Everything was supposed to happen in their world but I had to bring Mayuki in. Why didn't I just make them in the other world?  Well that's boring. But this portal business definitely won't be the end of it.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 04:03:13 AM by rindg »
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
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Offline Hipchan

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu) (Chapter 4 Pt.4) (05/11/16)
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2016, 11:25:40 AM »
finally this fic update  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

you make me happy author-san

THANK YOU for the update >.< I want more KOJIYUU  :heart: :heart: :heart: :wub: :inlove: :heart:

Offline arawche079

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu) (Chapter 4 Pt.4) (05/11/16)
« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2016, 07:41:57 PM »
Eh!!!!!!! Kouhai!!!? Can you explain the ending part on the next chap????? it if already have stock of this...

Update Soon!!!

Offline rindg

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu) (Chapter 4 Pt.4) (05/11/16)
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2016, 10:43:22 PM »

A new update since forever! Not much to say haha, guys read on~


Chapter 5

As the two groups stare down at each other back in their real world, the two outworlders just stands there trying to take in their surrounding.

Unlike Earth, this world was full of nature and the air much cleaner. Not to mention how much more beautiful it is than Earth. The colours were unrealistically vivid and nice to look at. No, it would be nice to look at if there weren’t soldiers surrounding them from all sides.

“What do you want, Shinoda?” Yuko glares at her who wasn’t wavering and glared right back.

“What do I want? I want my sister back, and I want you to hand over that criminal.” She said switching her glare to Jurina who looked very afraid and was hiding behind Takamina.

“What if I said I won’t give them to you?”

Mariko chuckles “Then I’ll do just this.” She flicked her thumb and forefingers and in a well-coordinated movement as if it was practiced, the soldiers swiftly pinned them all down including the two policemen.

They tried their best to struggle free but what if they get free? They knew they wouldn’t be able to get past that barrier of soldiers.

“I’m really disappointed in you Haruna. I thought that you would at least learn to behave since mother and father died. But here you are, you threw away your royal lineage to run away with a rat!” Mariko yells looking at Haruna with the most negative expression Haruna has seen on her. It was full of disappointment towards her, and hatred towards Yuko.

“Take them away!” She commanded as her soldiers gave a powerful “Yes Ma’am!” and tossed them all inside the horse carriages, each in their own separate one.

As the horses were going out of vision due to the distance growing, Acchan glanced at Yuko whose lip was bleeding from her biting it. It was a habit of Yuko to do when she regrets something.

“Why, why did you come back...?!”
The guards harshly throw Yuko, Mayuyu and Yukirin in the same cell, while Jurina and Takamina were in a different prison. Haruna herself was softly pushed towards her own room back at the castle but with 2 guards outside her door and another two outside her window, there was no way out.

“Shit!” Yuko said as she pounded on the stone wall. She was crying hard and she kept hitting the wall, making her get cuts and a hand covered in blood.

“Oshiriko, I think it’s time you tell us what’s going on.” A timid Mayuyu gathers the courage to ask an enraged Yuko with a calm Yukirin behind her.

Suddenly Yuko stops and faces the two. “Yeah, I’ll tell you everything, from the very beginning.”
“Alas t! wherefore didst this has't to befall to us?” Said Jurina in her ol Shakespeare English in a very dramatic voice like she was acting out a play. (Why did this have to happen to us)

“Huh? Wait since when did you have that dialect?”

“i wast b'rn with it thee nuthead! act not liketh it such a strange thing i has't! t’was a blessing from mine own mother and father, thee bumhole!” This time she was saying it like she really meant it.

“’I was born with it you nuthead! Don't act like it such a strange thing I have! It was a blessing from my mom and dad, you bumhole!’ Is that what you said?” Takamina confirms

“of course t is!” Jurina sighs.

“Why did it have to be this way?” She said in her normal speech.

“Oh you’re back.” Takamina laughed with Jurina ignoring her.

“I’m glad to have seen her again, but she looked…different. And I’m sure she was angry with me. The way she looked at me…it was terrifying… Oh Rena-chan, YOU’RE CUTE WHEN YOU’RE TSUNDERE TOO!” This time, instead of having a negative emotion she suddenly switched to a positive one.

“Bipolar much, Jurina?” She watches a happy Jurina say all the good stuff she noticed about the new Rena out loud. But Takamina wasn’t exactly as positive as her. “Why am I the only one not connected to the royal family? I want to be in love with a princess too…” Was the thought that ran through her head that entire night.
Haruna was sitting silently at where her table in her room drinking her tea as graciously as ever. She was taught proper manners ever since she knew learned how to speak so she acts like a princess even if she’s tries hard not to.

She stares off in the distance outside her window, not really thinking about anything. It was blank, like the sky tonight.

Without her noticing, someone knocks into the room and enters without permission. She was wearing her normal clothes. To easily put on her armour at any time, instead of wearing dresses like the other princesses, she was wearing a plain white shirt and black pants.

“Haruna.” She called but Haruna ignores her. She realized that someone else was in the room due to the addition of a new breathing pattern.

Mariko sighs, she walks close to Haruna and takes her hand. “Haruna I’m sorry. You know I did this because I love you a lot. You’re my sister and I can’t just allow you to do something as dangerous as that.”

Haruna tightly grips Mariko’s hand back as a form of understanding and affection, but she still didn’t want it to happen. She finally found the girl she longed for ever since she was a little girl, and now they’re separating them.

Haruna lets go of Mariko’s hand, making it softly land on her lap as she continues to stare outside.

At that moment, Mariko really wanted to cry. She never had her sister that she adored so much treat her coldly like this.

But Mariko was a woman of pride and dignity so she never cries in front of other people.

“I’ll come back to visit you tomorrow. I have a matter to attend. Sleep tight, dear sister.”
“Here they are, the documents of the prisoners.” Rena’s steward said.

“I appreciate your efforts, you may go.” Rena calmly said as her steward bows and swiftly leaves the room.

“Hmm. Oshima Yuko, thief. Matsui Jurina, thief. Takahashi Minami, bard. They had a bard with them?” Rena’s heart tightens when she said Jurina name, but she kept her front.

“Yes, the bard was no more than a mere entertainment in an inn located west of here. I don’t know why or how she ended up with those two thieves, but it matters not.” Acchan, who was outside in Rena’s balcony staring up at the beautiful night sky said.

“Where are the other two? The pair that had strange blue clothes.” Rena questions going through all the documents.

“Oh, that’s right. We tried our best, but no records of those two can be found. No one has ever even seen them before. They were most likely from that other world beyond the portal. One of those ‘police officers’ I heard.”

“I see, so when is it? The execution of Oshima?” When Rena said that, Acchan flinched a bit, but only a tiny bit. However, Rena caught it.

“Haha, I almost forgot. She’s your birth sister isn’t she? Are you sure you’re not secretly conspiring with them?” She asks playfully, but trying to get an answer out.

“Surely you jest, Ms. Matsui. That woman may be connected to me by blood, but she abandoned me. I should ask you the same, aren’t you in love with your cousin Jurina?” This time, Acchan was being the playful one. She had obvious anticipation in her eyes, trying to amuse herself.

“You are a sly woman, Princess Maeda. I admit that I did harbour feelings for her, but now there’s nothing.”

“Is that so.” Acchan said.

“The execution is in fourteen nights, fortnight. Preparations have already been started, all we need to do is to keep them there until the time.”

“That’s all we need to do.”


@Hipchan: Thank you so much! Don't worry, order of Kojiyuu coming right up!

@arawche079: Well basically, they were in the other world for 24 hours and then they went back, after Mariko and the party forced them back there.

Sorry for not updating soon haha, I was kind of pretty stressed trying to do something. But now that I'm over with it, I GET MORE TIME!
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
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Offline rindg

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu, WMatsui, Atsumina) (Chapter 5) (08/25/16)
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2016, 12:51:51 AM »
Chapter 6

Oshiriri and Yukirin went to sleep after I told them everything. They believed me, but it hurt their heads with all the nonsense so they decided to hit the sack in hopes it makes them feel better.

Yuko glances at the pair and smiles when she saw a sleeping Mayuyu grab a sleeping Yukirin’s butt, but smacking the hand away in reflex.

“I’m sorry to have dragged you two in this mess.”

Yuko stands up and walks over to the iron bars and spoke to the guard. “Is it possible for you guys to provide us with new clothes? It’s been a while since we last did anything hygienic.”

The guard stared at her for a while but then nodded “If it’s just clothes, I can go ask the keeper to grab a few. I’ll leave it here in the morning.”


Yuko went back to her roll bed and pulled out a locket from her pocket.

“What’s that?” The guards asks

“Oh this? It’s a picture of my sister. I’ll let you see it, here you go.” Yuko threw it perfectly in between the bars and the guard caught it.

She opened the locket and smiled when seeing the picture. “A pretty sister you have, I feel like I’ve seen her before but, you’re lucky.” The guard tosses it back to Yuko in the same manner.

“Where is she? If you don’t mind me asking of course.”

“Haha, this is the first time I’ve met a guard so polite towards a prisoner. I was looking for her for 7 years, but I finally found her, only to know that she hates me now for abandoning her.”

The guard sat down cross-legged, back facing Yuko on the other side of the bars. Yuko came closer and sat leaning on the right-wall of the bars.

“We were slaves as kids. We were taken all over the country just to be treated poorly wherever we went. And one day, when the slavers all left to go out, I took a key I stole and quietly opened the lock, my sister and I were about to silently escape but… There was someone right behind us, he yelled for help so we both dashed for it.

We were young, so we easily slipped by, but we hit a dead end. There was a tunnel small enough for a kid to fit through. Luckily, my sister was 8 at that time and she was pretty scrawny because of the lack of food, so she fit. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t fit.

I told her to go in and wait for me in the other side, but I never came. Because I was taken those people and tortured. It was tough but I found another chance to slip away, and I was already 14 by then, 3 years passed since my sister escaped.

Then for another 4 years I spent searching for her. I found her, but she turned me out. She didn’t want me, she wanted me gone. Now I don’t know what she went through all those years, if she was waiting outside that tunnel for days. I don’t know. But I know that she suffered just as much as I did, being separated from her. We loved each other a lot, I adored her and cried for months when she was gone.

But now, I’m crying because she’s here and she doesn’t want me.”

Yuko sighs “That’s about it.”

“Sorry about what you’ve been through. I would’ve been broken if the person I loved hated me, but you’re still fine. That’s a good thing, you have a strong heart.” The guard gets up and flashes Yuko a smile, I hope she forgives you one day. Then he walks away.

“Yeah, thanks…” Yuko said, but she pondered about why the guard’s voice sounded so familiar.
Sounds of glass breaking from Haruna’s room were heard. The maids and guards tried to stop her but she got more violent when they came closer. Finally, the guards called her sisters Atsuko and Mariko and they got there with haste the moment the heard about it.

“Haruna!” Mariko yelled, slamming the door open. Acchan following behind her.

They both frowned at the sight that lay before them. Shattered glass everyone, the curtains had cuts on it, the chair that used to be Haruna’s favourite was now laying in the balcony with shards of the window glass beneath it.

“What in the world…” Acchan trails off, even this was a terrible sight for her. Since she was used to living in a place where everything was neat, seeing Haruna’s room in such state made her heart ache.

“What happened to you, Haruna?” Mariko called

Haruna was sitting at a corner, crying silently as she hugged her knees close. The room was dark because she destroyed the lights that hang at her ceiling and it was night outside.

“We’ll take it from here, thank you.” Acchan said towards the maids and guards and then they proceeded to exit the room.

“Haruna, answer me!” Mariko yells again, her voice booming throughout the room, even that made Acchan flinch.

Haruna slowly brought her head up and glared at Mariko. “Let me out.” She said

“Why are you looking at me with such scorn?”

“I hate you.”


“I was at least planning on letting you see those people get executed, but now… You will not leave this room until you straighten yourself. You are a princess, so act like one.” Mariko swings around, her armour clattering and as she left the room with Acchan who had an apologetic look, Haruna muttered “I hate you all.”
(The day before the execution at a certain underground base)

“The plans are proceeding smoothly. We’d be bombing the place down for sure tomorrow. But really, for Yuko to get caught, she’s gotten rusty hasn’t she?”

“That’s what I thought too, to thing that she would also lead her friends to the enemy like that? What a joke.”

“She kidnapped a princess, I’d call that an achievement. Oh and do you remember that bard from the inn we used to go to? Her name was something like Takahashi, apparently she’s with Yuko along with that famous thief Jurina too.”

“Is Yuko planning on throwing us out? What happened to us?! THE THREE MUSKETEERS?!”

“You can ask her about that when we rescue her tomorrow. We can also tell her about the new army we started.”

“Oh yeah about that, I thought of a cool name! How does “Revolutionary Army” sound?”

“Revolutionary Army huh? It’s simple but strong, I like it. What about the flag and uniform?”

“Our flag is red with a shield in the middle of it. It means that we protect those who must be protected, and that’s the innocent people. And our uniform, we don’t really have one. Everyone is just required to wear our symbol, here’s yours.” She said as she tossed the item at her friend.

“A bandana with our flag? Not bad.”

No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
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Offline Korisu29

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu, WMatsui, Atsumina) (Chapter 6) (09/12/16)
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2016, 08:00:15 PM »
Gahd, how could I have missed this good fic!!!
I hope that Mariko will soon change her minds after seeing Haruna like that ...
thank you for your update ... waiting for the next chapter ...

Offline Hipchan

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu, WMatsui, Atsumina) (Chapter 6) (09/12/16)
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2016, 11:15:28 AM »
I hope acchan will forgive yuko soon..

I want kojiyuu sweet moment :wub: :wub: :wub:

good job author-san  :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline cisda83

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Re: The Only Road to Take (Kojiyuu, WMatsui, Atsumina) (Chapter 6) (09/12/16)
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2017, 03:01:03 PM »
Please continue the story

Will Yuko and the others able to escape?

Will Yuko and Haruna get together?

Will Atsuko forgive and accept Yuko back?

Can't wait to see what's going to happen next

Thank you for the updates

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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