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Author Topic: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)  (Read 5339 times)

Offline Comrade

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The narrator ("I") of this story is NOT me (Comrade).

This story is about AND dedicated to a fellow fan, a spºecial girl who amuses me (teeheehee hawhawhaw), my buddy who puts up with my shortcomings (one of them being my not replying to messages within a reasonable amount of time :oops: XD).  If Nostradamus was made of two things, it’d be hºer and me.  Buwahahaha!  But that’s not supposed to sound creepy or anything. @_@

Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder

Listen, all!  I want to tell a tale.  A tale so strange and outrageous.  A tale that will make you wonder whether I'm telling you the truth or not.

Let me assure that I speak nothing but the truth!

Allow me to capitalise that: The Truth.

I, an American citizen, will stake my life on what I write in this manuscript.

This really did happen to me!

Please listen to my story...

It had been a long, tough month.  Final exams were coming up and I had been studying every night, attending my classes or clinicals during the day, and doing my homework assignments at night.  Home life was also stressful, what with taking care of my sisters (i.e. playing with them so that they didn't think I was being a bitch and ignoring them), dealing with my mother's crazy antics and my father's stupid jokes, and trying to keep my fiancé from falling asleep while on the phone.

I was low on sleep, low on energy, and low on mental sanity (yes, I'll admit that freely).

The day that I want to talk about was a Saturday.  I had my usual two day break from school, but that didn't mean I could skip studying.  I had hit the books early on Saturday morning, something very unusual for me.  I had studied until lunch time, had taken a break to watch a Korean drama with my dad (I had no idea why he was interested, but I was more than happy to pop in one of my old DVDs and introduce him to the delightful Yonsama), and then had decided to go to the library to finish up my studying.  My mother was being bothersome and talking about "treekings."  At first I thought she meant "trickings," but that didn't make any sense since it had nothing to do with what we were talking about in the first place.  I figured it was "treekings" and that it was in a language other than English (although  I have yet to find out what the hell that means.  I looked it up in the English-Tagalog dictionary, but there ain't no such word, I'm telling y'all.)

Oh, sorry.  The Southern in me comes out when I write.  Y'all gonna hafta forgive me.  It's like a baked potato with all the fixings.

Anyway, I decided to get a big table at the newly renovated library just a few blocks away.  There was a new spacious study area that they'd created, where speaking in low voices was allowed.  I figured I could go and hog on of the tables with all of my books and notes.  I'd probably have no problem finding myself a whole table to myself since I lived in the hood, and nobody in the hood studied on a Saturday afternoon.

In a hurry to leave, I wasn't wary of what books I brought.  I just reached into my teetering pile of notebooks and grabbed a handful, figuring there'd be enough there to keep me occupied for a few hours.  I had to study all of it eventually, so it didn't matter what order I did it in.  I packed up my bag, and twenty minutes later I was at the library.

Sure enough, there were plenty of free tables.  A total of 4 people sat in the study area, which had a capacity of about 40 people.  Two girls were geeking out over math at the far end, one boy was looking perplexed by a bunch of novels right at the entrance to the room, and a really really old man who looked like he was from the Buena Vista Social Club was reading a car magazine at the next table.

I chose a good table just left of centre, spread my books out, and began to study.

I started off with a surprise!  The first notebook I opened turned out not to be a notebook, but my "storage space" for my various Hello! Project pictures.  Just random things from the computer, official UFA pictures, and CD trading cards.  I noticed that most of the pictures  had fallen out, and I imagined them lying in the middle of my room at home, waiting for one of my family members to pick them up and throw them out with the garbage by accident.  What did remain in my book was the magazine article from when Eri and Sayu had been in Up To Boy magazine (my extremely nice and lovely friend had sent it to me), and a cute picture of Koharu from the Odore! Morning Curry concert tour.  I couldn't remember how I'd gotten the picture, but it was so cute that I didn’t bother to think about it much.

I almost got carried away daydreaming about how cute it would be if Koharu was my little sister.  I quickly slapped myself awake.  Quite literally.  And no, nobody looked over or thought I was crazy.  For heaven's sake, the English Major had his nose in a book, the Cuban was snoring over his magazine, and the two math geek girls were slapping each other awake (which was really annoying.  It made high pitched noises, plus they whined a lot).

I scared myself with thoughts of failing my finals, and I started to study seriously.  I was highly successful!  I got through four days of lecture notes and one clinical summary when I noticed a change in the air around me.

And this is where I have to make my disclaimer: I swear on my life that I did not fall asleep.  If anything, I was wired on adrenalin.  I was having a good study day and was excited that I was getting so much done.  Keep this in mind, please.

I looked up and saw that across from me and sitting to the right was Nakazawa Yuuko.

How did she get there?  I did not know.  I'll probably never know. 

But she was there!

She just sat there.  I kind of stared at her, my jaw having hit the table the second I saw her, but she didn't say anything.  She didn't look over or smile (or glare) or acknowledge me in any way.

Then I realized something else.  I looked to my right and there was Fujimoto Miki sitting at the table across from Yuuko.

The first thing - the VERY FIRST thing - that came to my mind was "I wonder what her hands look like up close."

Therefore, the first part of her that I looked at in detail was her hands.  They looked so... normal.  Not the hands of a groping demon, but more like the hands of a respectable 22 year old girl.  Her nails were short, which reminded me of a conversation I'd had with a friend where I compared Miki to Samson from the Bible.  Cuz he was the strong dude who got his hair chopped off and lost his strength, and it was kinda like Miki being de-clawed... and... hey!  Wait!  Don't fall asleep.  It's true!  I actually made that comparison.  I thought it was a fine one.

Anyway (my favourite word), I could hardly believe that two of the most superduper people in the world were sitting at my table at the library.  Miki, one of my favourite idols, was within groping distance.

I forgot about Yuuko and focused on Miki because she had indicated she was alive by blinking.  I decided I had to open up the conversation somehow.  I really wanted to talk to her.

I guess when we're under pressure or when we’re really nervous, we think things that we would later kick ourselves for thinking.  We believe that something is brilliant when in actuality, it’s simply not.

Do you know what I thought was the best way to open up a conversation with Miki?

I opened up my H!P storage notebook and pulled out my Curry'd Koharu picture and showed it to Miki.

"She's so cute," I said, my voice at the perfect 'quiet talking' level appropriate for this section of the library. "Don't you like her?"

Miki looked at the picture briefly and then looked up at me.

"No," she said in a plain voice, shaking her head.

Of course! I thought with a laugh.  Koharu wouldn't be the cutest to her when she had...

"Oh, oh yeah," I said.  "Cuz you like Aya, right?"

Miki scoffed at my words.

"Aya doesn't care about that shit," she spit out.

I raised my eyebrows.  Aya didn't care?  As in, she didn't like Miki?

"Really?  Really?!" I asked, half in English, half in Japanese.  Miki nodded.

My shock!  I had thought that at the very least, they were good friends.  To hear that Aya would react in such a negative way to Miki... it made me question everything.  All those TV shows where they claimed to be best of friends, all those backstage concert moments where they were hanging out or talking about each other, and all those stupid fan-written stories that mashed them together into outrageously sappy relationships (oh, wait!  I've written one of those, too) had convinced me that it wasn't just one way.  That Aya actually did care.

But she didn't!

And then came my second revelation.

Wait a minute, I remember thinking to myself.  Since when did Miki become fluent in English?!

I could have continued to question it, but I stopped.  Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right?  Then again, it would’ve done the Trojans some good and prevented their little village from being sacked... but that's ancient history, and I'm not a Classics or a Literature major.  I never read The Aeneid.

I suddenly remembered Yuuko was sitting there, so I looked over, but she was reacting in no way.  The lights were on, but nobody was home.  She just sat there staring forward, beyond Miki's shoulder, beyond the wall of books...

I suddenly became depressed.  The H!P girls must really not have liked each other.  That must have been it.  I mean, they had to act like best friends in front of the camera, but at the end of the day, they were all competing to see who could sell the most photobooks and who could get the loudest cheers at the concerts.  I wondered about Miki, though, and where she stood.

"How about you?" I asked, but she didn't seem to hear me.  She stared back at me, a blank look on her face.  It was a bit scary, but I reminded myself that it was her regular face.

Now I have to swear again that I was not asleep.  Perhaps I should also add that I had not consumed any kind of drug, legal, illegal, or questionable.  Having reminded you of all that, the following might be a surprise.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see that guy who plays Borat coming over to us.  I don't care to use his real name, so I'll just call him Borat.  It's funnier that way.

So yeah, there he was, this tall, moustached man, coming to a halt and standing right beside the table at Miki and Yuuko's side (Yuuko was still in her catatonic state).  I stared at him in disbelief.

"She said you're aloof," he said to Miki in Japanese.  Amazingly enough, I spoke fluent Japanese.  I frowned.  What a liar!!!

"I did not say that!" I complained.  Borat gave me a sarcastic look (if a look can be sarcastic.  What does a sarcastic look look like anyway?). 

Miki, on the other hand, looked at me as if she wanted to say "WTF?!?!"  Her eyes bulged open in that weirded out way and her eyebrows knit together, creating a cute expression on her face.  However, it was an expression I wanted to get rid of because I could just imagine what sorts of incorrect things she was thinking.  She was probably convinced I was a terrible person who went around criticising people in front of their faces, saying nasty things, and so on.

I wanted to jump in quickly and explain what I'd been thinking, but I had no opportunity, for as swiftly and mysteriously as they had all appeared, the three left.  Yuuko stood up abruptly, her chair crashing to the carpeted floor.  Miki followed suit, and led by Borat, they walked quickly out of the room.  I wanted to run after them, but all my things were spread over the table.  I didn't want to leave them unattended. 

I lost sight of them, and as each second passed, the thought of giving chase became more and more futile.  I imagined they had some sort of getaway car that went at 200kmph.

Since that day, I have never seen them again.  Sure, I've seen them on television and on the internet, but not in person.  I don't know what those three were doing in a library in a tiny little city in the southeast of the USA.  I guess I'll never know.  All I can be certain of that day is that all my studying paid off and I passed my final exams and became qualified to be a nurse.

The end.

I’m not sure if any of you could guess who the narrator was.  I beg you (even for those who know who I’m talking about) to read this post quickly, because that’s where I ripped this story from.  Hehehe. :D  Maybe shºe'll kill me. :heart:  I read it this evening and couldn't stop myself from whipping this story up.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 12:56:34 PM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Mikan

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 03:00:50 PM »
I'll be the first to say it - I worry for your sanity.

Good having you back where you belong though

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 05:24:56 PM »

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 06:56:04 PM »
I am convinced.... that someone in your Fic is Filipino... English-tagalog, the nursing thing *YUCK, sorry* and etc...

Korean dramas, yum. Which one was Yonsama from? Is that HEaven's tree?

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline DO Me DO Me

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 08:03:13 PM »
zOMG FTW Commie you stupid XD

you just written half of my life story, stop invading my life :razz: and you know what? I had that dream the day before my exam while I fell asleep studying XD But I think I did well on my exam (I hope hehe) I must admit though that you've interpreted most of my dream exactly, except the place I saw them might've been a cafeteria but it doesn't matter, library and studying seems more like me (and how did you know the library at my school has been renovated? hehe NOS!) Miki was her usual self slouching in her chair and Yuuko's just chilling there the whole time. :lol: I wish I knew how it really ended, right when Miki gave me the WTF look I woke up. :lol:

Owaranai_sLaVe: you're right, I'm filipino (she wrote about me) and the nursing thing, not my first choice but I'll deal. I never really understood the deal between nursing and filipino women. Yonsama! :drool: He was in Winter Sonata.

Offline elgie

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2007, 08:36:04 PM »
Quote from: Comrade;320690
but that's ancient history, and I'm not a Classics or a Literature major.  I never read The Aeneid.

Erm, it's the Iliad [/classics geek mode off]

R.I.P. Jabronisaur

Offline Comrade

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2007, 01:09:56 AM »
Good morning!  *snicker*
Quote from: Mikan;320707
I'll be the first to say it - I worry for your sanity.
:lol: When it comes to º, there is no sanity.
Quote from: DO Me DO Me;320844
zOMG FTW Commie you stupid XD
:D :heart:
I had that dream the day before my exam while I fell asleep studying XD
LOL!   I win!
(and how did you know the library at my school has been renovated? hehe NOS!)
GEEZ I ROCK!!!  XD  Oh man... see, people?  This is NOS at work.

I'm glad you were amused. :P
Quote from: elgie;320864
Erm, it's the Iliad [/classics geek mode off]

But the Trojan Horse is never mentioned in the Iliad.  The Iliad ends before the actual seige.  The Trojan Horse is written about in the Aeneid...
But that's beside the point.  Like the narrator said, she's not a Classics major.  She shouldn't be expected to know. :P
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline JFC

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2007, 05:51:18 AM »
This story is about AND dedicated to a fellow fan, a spºecial girl who amuses me (teeheehee hawhawhaw), my buddy who puts up with my shortcomings (one of them being my not replying to messages within a reasonable amount of time  ). If Nostradamus was made of two things, it’d be hºer and me. Buwahahaha! But that’s not supposed to sound creepy or anything. @_@
Creepy? Naah.  Hot? Yeah baby. :pimp:

I looked it up in the English-Tagalog dictionary,

Oh, and I have no idea WTF "treekings" is either. :lol:

the two math geek girls were slapping each other awake (which was really annoying. It made high pitched noises, plus they whined a lot).
That'd be interesting to see. :lol:

I looked up and saw that across from me and sitting to the right was Nakazawa Yuuko.


Then I realized something else. I looked to my right and there was Fujimoto Miki sitting at the table across from Yuuko.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? :shock:

The first thing - the VERY FIRST thing - that came to my mind was "I wonder what her hands look like up close."
Oh, come on...:rolleyes:

Miki, one of my favourite idols, was within groping distance.
You referring to you groping her or her groping you. :D :twisted:

Bah, not like it makes much of a difference anyway. :P

"She's so cute," I said, my voice at the perfect 'quiet talking' level appropriate for this section of the library. "Don't you like her?"

Miki looked at the picture briefly and then looked up at me.

"No," she said in a plain voice, shaking her head.
That's our Miki-sama for you. :yep:

"Cuz you like Aya, right?"

Miki scoffed at my words.

"Aya doesn't care about that shit," she spit out.

I raised my eyebrows. Aya didn't care? As in, she didn't like Miki?
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

And then came my second revelation.

Wait a minute, I remember thinking to myself. Since when did Miki become fluent in English?!
:scratch :scratch :scratch

I heard footsteps and looked up to see that guy who plays Borat coming over to us. I don't care to use his real name, so I'll just call him Borat. It's funnier that way.
Ok, you're SURE you weren't stoned/drunk when you wrote this, right? :P :lol:

I’m not sure if any of you could guess who the narrator was.
Well, most of us know who it is, though others may not know about her "dual-identity". :D

that’s where I ripped this story from. Hehehe.  Maybe shºe'll kill me.  I read it this evening and couldn't stop myself from whipping this story up.
Inspiration can come at the strangest times from the most unexpected of places.


Quote from: DO Me DO Me;320844
Owaranai_sLaVe: you're right, I'm filipino (she wrote about me) and the nursing thing, not my first choice but I'll deal. I never really understood the deal between nursing and filipino women.
Funny coincidence, one of the local papers here in Peg Sheety recently featured an article on recent waves of immigration. One of the people interviewed said something along the lines of (I'm paraphrasing from memory here): "Without Filipinos, where would our hospitals get all of their nurses?" :D :D :D
« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 05:55:26 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline DO Me DO Me

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2007, 06:11:42 AM »
^haha yeah I have a bunch of aunts working at the hospital here. I see some of them when I'm on my clinical rotations.

Oh btw, "treekings" means The Three Kings. It was around Christmas break 2 years ago and my mom got an email from my relatives wishing us Happy Three Kings day (which I never heard before in my life). My mom was reading the email out loud but her accent was so strong that we didn't know what she was saying. "What? I thought you said tricking" I said. :lol:

Offline JFC

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Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2007, 06:36:46 AM »
Quote from: DO Me DO Me;321180
Oh btw, "treekings" means The Three Kings. It was around Christmas break 2 years ago and my mom got an email from my relatives wishing us Happy Three Kings day (which I never heard before in my life). My mom was reading the email out loud but her accent was so strong that we didn't know what she was saying. "What? I thought you said tricking" I said. :lol:
:ROTFLMAO: :ONwahaha:  :ROTFLMAO: :ONwahaha: :ROTFLMAO: :ONwahaha:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Comrade

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2007, 12:55:53 PM »
Further adventures of.......... ºe!

damn u ºe!


and w/ that... i staato~

disclaimer: I wub YUºI! <3

Cuteness is in the hands of...!!!

It's been a while since anything craaaaazy weird has gone on in my life.  I mean, like, I'm a totally regular girl, right?  I'm engaged to my super hawt fiancé, I play guitar, I do art, I listen to pop-y music and totally fangirl over Korean stars (I lie when I say it's my sisters that do the fangirling in the family.  I'm totally as much of a fangirl as they are.  Teehee!).

Anyway, as I was saying, it's been a while since crazy shit happened.  That's why I'm writing this story now.  Cuz crazy shit happened!

That day 3 months ago after Borat had left the library, I ended up not being able to study and going home early.  Lots of stuff went on in my life over those months, but that's not important.  The important thing was that I kept in touch with Miki, and recently, my dear friend Comrade had moved to the United States, and she happened to live in the same town as me, so we hung out, like, every day!  OMG!

Yeah, so, time to get to a point right about now.  I was at a restaurant with my friends one day.  We were digging into some delicious Thai food and chatting about random things.

"Car nickel for the fifty-three!"

"Squash!!!!  Girl, nickel eighth!"

"Geronimo!  Cow had wig for lovely bananas inquired zoology."

See?  Quite random.

Then, I looked over to see that Eri - THE Kamei Eri - was sitting a few tables away.  No wonder our conversation hadn't made any sense.  We must have been suffering from the side effects of being in close proximity to the radio waves that her mothership was sending her in order to control her brain.

Eri was sleeping.  Not snoring, not drooling.  Just sleeping.  Dead as a doorknob (or is that doornail?  I can never remember).  She looked soooo cute that I wanted to hug her.  Eri is, like, the perfect little girl.  I wish I could sell my family and adopt Eri as my little sister.  So yeah.  Her cheek was planted on the table, her arms sprawled in front of her.  So.  Damned.  Cute.

"Hey, guys," called out a girl as I was distracted.  I looked up and saw Miki.

"Oh, hey, Miki.  How's it going?" I asked, starting to take my bag and jacket off the chair beside me to make room for our groping friend. 

But Miki had other plans.  She stayed standing and looked around as if she was looking for someone.  I saw her eyes hone in on Eri's sleeping form, and a look of delight hit her like a freaking freight train.  Her eyes lit up, she did a little dance in her spot, and I coulda sworn I heard her squeal, although to this day, she denies it.  Smiling widely, she skipped over to little Eri, who had started to wake up.  She was all sleepy, her eyes drooping like those pathetic-looking (but cute!) dogs.  I kinda melted.

Miki did more than just melt.  She snuck up behind the unsuspecting Eri and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her like that guy did to Ayaya in that tea commercial.

But dude, wouldn't it have been even cooler if Miki had licked Eri's neck like Ayaya licked that lemon in that other tea commercial?!

NO!  I mean... er... I didn't just think that.  I never thought that.  Never would I think such things.  Grooossss.  Miki and Eri together like THAT is just... yuuuuck.  Cooties!  Gimme a cootie shot!

Buuut... Miki looked SO cute hugging Eri like that.  Eri looked totally shocked.  I could almost hear little "WTF!" exclamations coming from her.  Miki had her eyes closed and she had this happy smile on her face that I rarely saw.  I thought that maybe Eri shouldn't be my little sister.  She should be Miki's!  And the thing is that I knew Eri totally loved Miki.  Like, totally!  The way she got all shy around her former leader, and the way she did things to try and impress our beloved Molestor... all indications that Eri wished Miki was her older sister.

I watched the unplanned show until Miki let go and let Eri go back to sleep.

"Commie!" I suddenly yelled out.

"What?!" asked my four friends.

"I have to go and find her!  Now!"

I bolted out of the restaurant and went to find Commie.  She happened to be walking around outside.  She was doing nothing but waiting for something (anything!) to happen.  You see, in my world, I import many things, and one of those things is the awesomeness of the particularly strong phenomenon of Plot Contrivance from Fen and Com's adventures (lovely girl, Fen.  Never met her myself, but from what Commie tells me of her, she's quite crazy, especially when she tries to strangle Commie in purikura, which Commie complained about for aaaages to me over the phone every night because we talk EVERy night... we talk more than I talk to my fiancé!!  My fiancé falls asleep when we talk.  Commie never falls asleep on me.  I should marry her instead, except for the whole icky factor).

"Commmmiiiiieeee!" I cried out, waving like a madwoman.

"Oh, ºe!!!  Hi!!" she screamed back, also waving like a madwoman.

Sometimes we're frighteningly similar in our insanity.

"You'll NEVER believe what I just saw!" I squealed (unlike Miki, I will admit that I squeal), grabbing her hands and shaking them excitedly.

"What?!  What?!" Commie asked... so I told her every single detail.

"Mai shokku!" Commie exclaimed after she heard that Miki had gone nuts over Eri and hugged her.  "I'm so jealous.  That sounds SO ºc-ute."

"Oh my god, I should totally re-enact it for you.  Ok, go sit over there and pretend you're a sleeping Eri.  I'll be Miki and-"

But Commie backed away slowly.

"Um.. I... have to go... to the supermarket and buy... er... milk..."

And she ran off.

"But you don't even like milk!" I pouted, feeling offended.  Commie just didn't want me hugging her.  All I wanted was to demonstrate what I'd seen.  Sheesh!

Depressed, I started to walk down the street.  For how many minutes, I will never know, but I ended up in some unfamiliar part of my tiny village (yes, I live in a farming village in Georgia.  Helerpsaxb village.  Interesting name, dontch'all think?).

"Where am I?" I asked out loud.

Suddenly, I heard a cry in the distance.


I turned around, and this big black thing suddenly attacked me.  I screamed random nonsense.

"Go red tomatoes!!!!"

"EH?!" asked the black blob.

I refocused my terror-filled eyes and saw that it was Miki wearing a black shirt.  She wasn't a dead creature from the swamp coming to suck my blood and guts out from my eyes. 

Miki was hugging me tightly, her face, like, right up to mine, and I found it both funny and a bit awkward.

"Oh, hi, Miki," I said nonchalantly.

"HIII!" she squealed (she could NOT deny that it was a squeal because it totally was.  I have proof.  My ears still hurt from the high pitch her voice reached).  She started to rub her cheek against mine, and her hands got all familiar with my back, and when she started to squeeze my butt, I let out a yell.

"Miki, heLLO!"

"Hi!" she repeated, oblivious to my discomfort, now giving my shoulders a nice but very strange massage.

"Errrr... Um.. Miki... your... hands......"

"Ahhh, I missed you, ºe!  Sorry I didn't stay to chat at the restaurant.  I had to deliver a message to Eri and then go run an errand."

A message, eh?  I guess molesting was her and Eri's main method of communication.  Cute, but....

"Hands!" I cried out.  "Hands!"

She'd continued her massage to my butt.  Ok, so it felt really nice cuz I was feeling a bit sore but... but... what about Ayaya?!  What would she think if she saw Miki all over me now?!

Oh my dear god, she'd skin me alive.


"Miki, I think for my sake, you should stop," I muttered.

She kept smiling, her hands still massaging me, and for some reason I recalled a dream that Commie had had about Miki massaging Ai-chan's butt...

But crap crap crap crap CRAP!  Ayaya was gonna kill me when she found out. 


Just... because... she was Ayaya.  And she owned Miki.

Miki eventually slowed down and stopped, unlatching herself from me.  I weakly thanked her for the massage and backed away slowly.

"When will I see you again?" Miki asked, taking out her mobile as if to write a memo on her schedule.


I totally shouldn't ever see her again after what just happened.  Ayaya will kill me.  My fiancé will kill me.  It's so wrong....


...she's so good with her hands.  Er! Ah!  I mean she's a great masseuse.  That's all.

"Tomorrow!!!!" I said quickly.  "2:00, right here!"

"Okay!" she said with a thumbs up, scheduling me in.

"Buy bye bicycle!" I screamed, running off before anything weird and uncomfortable happened.

I ran for 4 miles, and after a bit of a break, I ran another 3.  Once away from the loveable and cute groping demon, I took out my own mobile phone and dialled my most dialled number.

"Commie?  You will NEVER believe what just happened to me!"


Again, totally adapted from something I didn’t think of. (<-- click!)  I simply brought it to life and… embellished. :P
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 01:28:29 PM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2007, 01:43:14 PM »
I'm mentioned!!!  :O :O Mai Shokkuu!!! And I didn't try to strangle you during purikura!!!  :tama-mad: I was just trying to fix your crazy hair! Yeah!! >.>  :P

 :angry1: :angry1: :frustrated: :scared: :imdead:

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2007, 04:55:20 PM »
Again, how does she know my life story? Because she's a freaking stalker :P

Way to explain the "weird and uncomfortable" details. I like your version better, because mine had something similar to this

But dude, wouldn't it have been even cooler if Miki had licked Eri's neck like Ayaya licked that lemon in that other tea commercial?!

:shocked: freaking NOS. But I won't say who did it to who :P

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2007, 05:23:32 PM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2007, 07:19:56 PM »
Anyway, as I was saying, it's been a while since crazy shit happened.  That's why I'm writing this story now.  Cuz crazy shit happened!

I looked over to see that Eri - THE Kamei Eri - was sitting a few tables away.  No wonder our conversation hadn't made any sense.  We must have been suffering from the side effects of being in close proximity to the radio waves that her mothership was sending her in order to control her brain.
:lol: Erien broadcasts FTW!

But Miki had other plans.  She stayed standing and looked around as if she was looking for someone.  I saw her eyes hone in on Eri's sleeping form, and a look of delight hit her like a freaking freight train.  Her eyes lit up, she did a little dance in her spot, and I coulda sworn I heard her squeal, although to this day, she denies it.  Smiling widely, she skipped over to little Eri, who had started to wake up.  She was all sleepy, her eyes drooping like those pathetic-looking (but cute!) dogs.  I kinda melted.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I wanna see Miki's little dance!  :inlove:

But dude, wouldn't it have been even cooler if Miki had licked Eri's neck like Ayaya licked that lemon in that other tea commercial?!
Oh fuck yeah.  :grin:

Miki looked SO cute hugging Eri like that.  Eri looked totally shocked.  I could almost hear little "WTF!" exclamations coming from her.
Moar Erien mental broadcasts!  :D

lovely girl, Fen.  Never met her myself, but from what Commie tells me of her, she's quite crazy, especially when she tries to strangle Commie in purikura, which Commie complained about for aaaages to me over the phone every night because we talk EVERy night

we talk more than I talk to my fiancé!!  My fiancé falls asleep when we talk.  Commie never falls asleep on me.  I should marry her instead, except for the whole icky factor
What icky factor? There's no "icky" factor. There's just the "GAM" factor. :twisted:


I turned around, and this big black thing suddenly attacked me.  I screamed random nonsense.

"Go red tomatoes!!!!"

"EH?!" asked the black blob.

I refocused my terror-filled eyes and saw that it was Miki wearing a black shirt.  She wasn't a dead creature from the swamp coming to suck my blood and guts out from my eyes.

Miki was hugging me tightly, her face, like, right up to mine, and I found it both funny and a bit awkward.
OMGASS! She's getting Miki-hugged!  :w00t:

"HIII!" she squealed (she could NOT deny that it was a squeal because it totally was.  I have proof.  My ears still hurt from the high pitch her voice reached).  She started to rub her cheek against mine, and her hands got all familiar with my back, and when she started to squeeze my butt, I let out a yell.
Don't fight it...just roll with it and enjoy. :twisted:

"When will I see you again?" Miki asked, taking out her mobile as if to write a memo on her schedule.



"Tomorrow!!!!" I said quickly.  "2:00, right here!"
WOOOOOOOO! Pre-scheduled groping!  :thumbsup

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2007, 11:19:32 PM »
Somehow I feel much more of a °V-oyeur than I've ever felt before. 

She'd continued her massage to my butt.
:shocked: ( or maybe  :w00t: )

@Complicity: Your talents are going to waste.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 11:21:58 PM by Purpus »

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2007, 12:57:53 PM »
I was just trying to fix your crazy hair!
:roll: Suuuure.
:roll: I see it every day I'm home cuz it's stuck right on my laptop.  Ahh, memories of extreme pain.
Again, how does she know my life story? Because she's a freaking stalker :P
I wub u 4evah. :heart:  Demo sayon- whoa, waaaaitaminute.  I'm not ready to say Buy Bye Bicycle to you yet!
Way to explain the "weird and uncomfortable" details. I like your version better, because mine had something similar to this

But dude, wouldn't it have been even cooler if Miki had licked Eri's neck like Ayaya licked that lemon in that other tea commercial?!

:shocked: freaking NOS. But I won't say who did it to who :P

LOLMG.  You perv!!!!

Did Miki lick your neck?! XD

I'm telling the F~~~~~ :P
(I'm also gonna tell Ayaya... and then you'll get your Matsuura Aya USA Summer Tour 2007 ~Mayonaka ni Kicking °e's Ass~
Wonder what her costumes will be like.  Stupid and poofy?  I hope.  I really wanna see her kicking your ass while dressed like a bowl of fruit.

Roffle, Purpus.  Talent?  What talent?  I have none.  Just insanity.
(btw:  :heart:)

Here's another picture to inspire an even funnier dream, °e.  Remember this find of mine?


(boys and girls, I'm being WAY more pervy than what you're thinking.  "AYABOOBS!  :drool:" you may exclaim.  But no.  That's not what this picture is about.  It's about sewing.  Rowr!).
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 12:58:48 PM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2007, 03:31:41 PM »

Sewing....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :twisted:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2007, 04:47:32 PM »
LOLMG.  You perv!!!!

Did Miki lick your neck?! XD
no comment XD
I'm telling the F~~~~~ :P
(I'm also gonna tell Ayaya... and then you'll get your Matsuura Aya USA Summer Tour 2007 ~Mayonaka ni Kicking °e's Ass~
Wonder what her costumes will be like.  Stupid and poofy?  I hope.  I really wanna see her kicking your ass while dressed like a bowl of fruit.
I think I don't mind that XD
Here's another picture to inspire an even funnier dream, °e.  Remember this find of mine?


freaking NOS! I was thinking about that pic the other day because I couldn't find it anymore. I was going to ask you for it again. hehe

I think I had another weird dream, but no Miki, no one H!P so it's nothing. :P

And if you're going to show your pics, show the "let's get naked" one too.  :roll:

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Re: Aloofness is in the Eye of the Beholder (New chapter June 27th!)
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2007, 05:22:51 PM »
And if you're going to show your pics, show the "let's get naked" one too. 

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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