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Author Topic: Unicorlandia: And Again (KojiYuu) 12/24/12  (Read 46277 times)

Offline unicorn48

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Unicorlandia: And Again (KojiYuu) 12/24/12
« on: November 03, 2012, 10:11:57 AM »

Hello   :hee: So we made another thread that will consist another fanfic  and our one shots.  :on gay:

We'll do our best on writing and updating all of our fics  :kneelbow: Our fanfics also have multiple and random pairings.  :nervous

Please comment also  :kneelbow: it can help us alot  :lol:  :wub:

Hope you'll enjoy reading our fanfics  :lol: Thank you in advance  :luvluv1:

Its not coincidence, its fate

Pink or Blue? Pink is too girly and common, while blue is not really her type. The girl with a long brown hair thought of this for about half an hour. She even tried to look for other clothes but she always ends up at this corner of the shop looking at the same dress. Despite the colors, the dress is too pretty to resist making it perfect to wear for her friend's party.

  “Miss Itano, are you done choosing?” asked the saleslady for the 100th time.

Tomochin who is still busy choosing ignored the saleslady. Since shopping is her ‘stress reliever’, Tomochin is always at this shop making the saleslady know her and her attitude. Now she’s  being pressured by two colors. Then she remembered the real reason why she’s here and not because of her friend's party .
“Why the long face?" Mariko asked without any hint of concern on her face.

“I’m not sad.” Tomochin raised an eyebrow.

“Well you are. Maybe you just miss having some rabu rabu moments with someone. I can-“

“I’m fine.”
“No you’re not tomo. I’m your friend so – “

“You’re sweet" Tomochin said faking a sweet smile. "Now please go away.”

“I will be getting someone for you. I bet she’s your type. She’s – “

“You know that I’m not interested on things like that. I don’t like skin-“

“She’s perfect, good in fashion and bear the same name as you!”

“WHAT?!”  Tomochin look at her with wide eyes open. So her friend is pushing her to date someone with the same name as hers.

“Yes! And I just gave her your contact number!” Mariko cheered.

“You troll !! You gave my number to a stranger who i don't even want to know!” Tomochin loudened her voice,

“Chill tomo, everything will be alright." Mariko said to lift up her friend's spirit.

 "Oh, and I need to go so bye!” Mariko smiled brightly as she stood up and approached the door.

She then stopped and looked at her friend with mouth agape.

“Tomo~ Don’t forget to answer the call of your future lovey-dovey. Be good to her~”

“Miss Itano, Are you done choosing?” The saleslady asked her again.

“No! It’s Mariko’s fault that’s why I’m here choosing between two colors that I really don’t like! If she wouldn’t just -" Tomochin stopped as she saw the confusion in the saleslady's face  as she realized what she just said.

 “I mean, Why can’t you just make this dress white? It would be a lot better. Both of us wouldn't be tired standing here. But I can do nothing so I’ll be just buying –“

 “Kawaii!! ~” the girl beside them shouted making Tomochin stop and look at her. The girl is smiling at the green dress with her eyes sprakling. She lowered her head the moment she realized the girl with the long brown hair was looking at her.

Tomochin just smiled at the girl as she imagined her wearing the green dress with the big ribbon, The girl would be probably become a cute little Christmas tree.

Tomochin faced the saleslady again and pointed both the pink and blue dress. “I’ll be buying both.” The saleslady went to get the dress and proceed to the counter. Tomochin looked back at the midget and smile before she followed the saleslady at the counter. Another saleslady appeared holding Tomochin's belongings which are mostly paper bags.

Tomochin put down first her newly bought product and tried to put her cellphone on her bag but it failed. The zipper can’t be moved.

“Need help?” the midget awhile ago asked her with a smile. 

The midget putted down her newly ‘kawaii green dress’ next to tomochin’s shopping bag. Tomochin hesitated but she still gave her bag to the girl. The midget tried her best to pull the zipper but nothing happened.

“It’s okay. Thanks anyway.” Tomochin said as she grabbed her bag and phone from the midget’s hand.

“Maam your payment please.” The girl in the counter said pertaining to the midget. She immediately turned back while tomochin putted her phone to her shopping bag on the floor because she doesn’t have any pockets.

‘It will be fine’ Tomochin thought. She grabbed all her belongings and proceed outside.


The midget smiled at herself as she realize that this day has been a good day for her. She checked her clock, it's only 8pm, there's still more time to reward herself a Katsudon. She quickly hurried to her favorite restaurant which is not that far from her current location.

 While she's waiting for her katsudon she decided to see her new dress again. She quickly opened the shopping bag with excitement.


The midget shouted as she saw pink and blue dresses. The people at the restaurant looked at her but the midget didn’t care at all. What she knows is that she got the wrong shopping bag. She remembered that she asked the girl a while ago to let her help and both of them had their shopping bags on the floor.

"Baka" She told herself.

Breaking her  moment, She saw something vibrating on the paper bag.  It’s the girl’s phone decorated with silver glitter-like with a ‘TOMO’ on the center. She opened the phone due to curiosity and with mouth agape she look at the 20 miscalls and a new text message. Without the owner’ permission she opened the 20 miscalls just to find out that it came from an unknown caller, then she opened the text message.

      Atsuko –
Tomo, tell your friend that I’m on the akibahara café not on the park and sorry for changing our place. It’s a long story and I hope your friend would understand it. I’ll be waiting. Thank you.

She stared at the Katsudon waiting for her on the table. What must she do? She has the wrong dress and she even have the girl’s phone. She opened the message again and stared on the address, which is the akibahara café.

 Right, she could just give this phone and dress to the owner’s friend named Atsuko.  Despite her hungriness she left her katsudon and ran towards akibahara café.


Thanks for reading ~ How was the fic?  :stoned: We'll be posting Chapter 2 soon  :lol: XD
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 03:07:39 PM by unicorn48 »

Shipping Unicorns Since 48 B.C | Forever Rowing the boats of TakaTomo and Atsuyuu
Go visit our tumblr where our fanfics and random nonsense are posted

Secret Train of Love Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

Offline hazwani

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate ~ and one shots
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2012, 10:48:07 AM »
more atsumina  :heart: :yossi: :inlove:

Offline arrow27

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) [Ch. 01]
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2012, 03:19:44 PM »
Yay another fic :D Looking forward to Minami meeting Atsuko :D & lol are Mari troll :) Thanks for writing this, looking forward to your next chapter :D

Offline yourockme

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) [Ch. 01]
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2012, 04:16:38 PM »
YEY!! ATSUMINA  :drool:
its really good    :twothumbs
Takamina left her Katsudon?????!?!!!
WHAT A MIRACLE  :shocked
I Lurvv it  HEHEHE :cow:
Waiting for your update  :bow:
Thank You   O0
Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

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Been inactive these past few months. =__=

Offline Pdpond

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) [Ch. 01]
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2012, 05:58:12 PM »
More more AtsuMina fic :deco:
Waitting for new update :cow:
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Offline Haruko

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) [Ch. 01]
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2012, 06:23:54 PM »
Yeah! Maritroll... you have good ideas :D...

OMG! Atsumina!! yeah!! :D

First i though that its gonna be takatomo.. and i think to leave this fic..but in the end.. yeah!! i regreat nothing..

Offline TakaminaBG

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) [Ch. 01]
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2012, 08:24:15 PM »
Ah, Mariko - sama, trolling like always. :D
The moment Tomochin met Takamina I thought it was gonna be TakaTomo, which I really like, but I like AtsuMina even more and I can't wait for them to meet each other!!!!
Please update SOON!!

Offline unicorn48

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) [Ch. 01]
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2012, 09:02:25 AM »
@hazwani  :cow: Thankyou for reading  :lol:

@arrow27 Yes  :lol: Maritroll  :lol:  Thank you also for reading  :inlove:

@yourockme Thanks for reading  :wub: And yeah, Takamina left her katsudon just to meet Acchan  :lol:

@Pdpond Thank you for reading  :cow: We'll update soon  :nervous  :wub:

@HarukoYeah the main pairing of this fic is Atsumina but it also includes other random pairings to be revealed  :nervous  :panic:  :cow: Thank you for reading  :inlove:

@TakaminaBG I also like takatomo  :lol:  :inlove: But yeah its atsumina :cow: Btw, thank you for reading   :lol:  :wub:

Shipping Unicorns Since 48 B.C | Forever Rowing the boats of TakaTomo and Atsuyuu
Go visit our tumblr where our fanfics and random nonsense are posted

Secret Train of Love Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

Offline moekare

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) [Ch. 01]
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2012, 09:14:59 AM »
lol I also thought this would be TakaTomo but your fic title convinced me this is gonna be AtsuMina  :theking

been awhile I don't read ff coz I am quite busy, but when I came here and I saw yours, I want you to continue this ASAP!  :panic:
Taka meet your love  :love:
Thank you for this  :grin:

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Offline unicorn48

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ![Ch. 02]
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2012, 09:20:31 AM »
Hello Guys !  :wub: We're back together with another chapter ! :onioncheer: Chapter 2 !   :nya:

Hope that you like it  :lol:  :hee:

Chapter 2

The girl with a ribbon finally reached Akihabara cafe, now all she have to do is to search for that girl named 'Atsuko'.
'Atsuko... Atsuko... What must she look like?' she thought. She looked around again; she knows that it would be hard for her to find this girl named Atsuko especially that there are many girls in the cafe that looked like they're waiting for someone too.
What if she would just go one by one of those girls and asked ‘Are you Atsuko?’. No, it would be a shame for her. She looked at each of the girls sitted hoping to see a hint. Then she saw a girl who’s just staring on her phone with no expression at all. The midget’s heartbeat became fast as she stare at that girl. The girl seems to be pretty even though it's only sideview.
‘Maybe she’s Atsuko? The girl in the shop a while ago is also pretty; she must also have beautiful friends.’ She told herself.
The midget started walking towards that girl as she tried to calm herself, wondering why she suddenly felt nervousness.
“Uhmn… Excuse me?” The midget approached the girl.
“Oh, you must be her.” The girl replied.
 “Ano… Are you Atsuko?” The midget asked shyly.
“Yes. And you must be Tomo’s friend?”
 “Not rea- “
“Sorry, I forgot. You’re a childhood close friend of Tomo.”
“No – “
“It’s okay. You can take your sit”
“Thank you”  Takamina replied as she took her sit opposite to Atsuko's.
“You’re a little bit late” Atsuko chuckled.
“Sorry but – “
 “It’s okay. I’m the one who must apologize. I changed our – “ Atsuko stopped as she heard the growling stomach of the midget.  She quickly looked directly at the midget’s eyes.
The midget just lowered her head trying to hide her face because of her shameful act.
“It’s fine with me” Atsuko laughed.
“Sorry again.” The midget replied.
“It’s all my fault, I’ll be treating you today. Don’t worry” Atsuko smiled.
 “No I’m fine !”
“What do you want?”
“I think they didn’t have katsudon here. It’s a café, you know”
“No ! I mean… I’m just…” The midget can’t arranged her thoughts.She wanted to hit her head at that moment because she lost the words she know and wanting to eat a katsudon on a elegant café.
“You’re really hungry, eh?” Atsuko chuckled.
“No, Its just that – “
 “Don’t worry I’ll just order the same food for us”
“Thank you” the midget replied as she tried to calm herself. Atsuko called the waitress and ordered something while the midget is just breathing heavily.
“So, what’s your name?” Atsuko asked.
 “Takahashi Minami, just Takamina to be short” Takamina replied as she smiled.
“Short like you?" Atsuko joked making Takamina blush, but was it really because of the joke that made her blush or Atsuko ? What is this feeling ?!
"Maeda Atsuko, You can call me Acchan,” Acchan tried to shake hands with Takamina but the midget just bowed her head deeply making her bump on acchan’s hand. When she rise her head she realized that Acchan wanted to shake her hands and not to pat her head but it’s too late anymore because acchan took her hand out. Leaving Acchan confused at her act.
 'I knew it ! Tomochin is really bad on setting things like this’ Acchan thought.
Takamina laughed dryly as she realized that she’s showing now her baka side to a beautiful stranger she just met.
Disturbing their awkward moment, the waiter layed down their food. Acchan grabbed her tea and took a sip. Takamina also did the same.
 “So tell me about yourself” Acchan said, trying to start a conversation.
“I’m – “ Takamina stopped as she remembered her reason why she’s here
.“Me, I work as a model.” Acchan smiled at her.
“Yes you can just eat that cake, it’s for you.”
“Thanks but – “
 “I told you I’ll be the one paying and its fine with me.”
 “Can you just please- “
“I’m trying my best to – “
“STOP IT” Takamina loudered her voice as she hitted the table with her palm making acchan’s cup jump until her tea reached her face covering it all over.
 “Oh, sorry.” Takamina apologize as she realized what she has done.
 Acchan showed no expression and just grabbed her handkerchief then wiped the tea at her face.
 She stood up as she get her phone and bag.
“I’m trying my best to be a good date for you because it’s my first time and tomochin said I have nothing to worry because we’re compatible with each other and I trust her words.” Acchan said to takamina still revealing no expression. She quickly went outside the café leaving Takamina still sitting on her chair with a jaw dropped.
‘Tomochin. You’re really good on things like this.’ Acchan thought sarcastically while walking fastly.
‘Baka. Baka. Baka’ Takamina thought still on her position

“Maam, are you okay?” The waitress asked.
“Uh, yeah.” Takamina replied without looking at the waitress.
“Here’s your receipt maam.” Takamina took it as she waked up on her baka moments. She reached for pockets, bag and wallet to find money but she realized that her money is just enough for ordering a katsudon and buying a dress. She laughed at herself and just smiled at the waitress because she doesn’t have anything to give.


Thanks for reading  :on gay:  :on freeze:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 09:29:10 AM by unicorn48 »

Shipping Unicorns Since 48 B.C | Forever Rowing the boats of TakaTomo and Atsuyuu
Go visit our tumblr where our fanfics and random nonsense are posted

Secret Train of Love Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

Offline TakaminaBG

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2012, 10:58:54 AM »
Well they met. Not in a very good way, hut still.. THEY MET!!!!
Takamina wanted to explain, but Atsuko didn't give her a chance and in the end Takamina shouted and this happend.
Please update SOON!!

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2012, 12:26:37 PM »
thanks for the update! So acchan was waiting for a date that tomo set her up on, and mistook Takamina for her date lol. poor minami didn't even know what was going on. Its interesting their first meeting ended up with a misunderstanding :D Thanks again, looking forward to your next update :D

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2012, 01:03:45 PM »
yay yay yay I just left comment and you already updated the chapter 2  :on gay: thank you for update.

Interesting. Well that can't be counted as a good first impression at all, but I'm looking forward to the next meeting of AtsuMina  :shy2:

I hope you would add TomoTomo, I love them  :mon inluv:

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2012, 02:33:52 PM »
the story starts with misunderstanding I always love plot like this!
THANK YOU!  :mon kissy:
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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2012, 02:58:01 PM »
When I saw that there is an updetoo
I am really SOO hapeee  :on gay:
Thank you Thank you
Anyway LOL poor Takamina
dont have chance to explain
Aigoooo Acchan really  :doh:
ARIGATOU  :mon olympic:

Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2012, 03:47:12 PM »
HAHAHA  :lol: it so funny!! I like it!! PLEASE CONTINUE!!  :thumbup  :deco: and thanks!!  :cathappy:
I love Takamina!! and Mariko-sama!!! but MORE ATSUMINA!!!

Offline Haruko

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2012, 11:16:36 PM »
Jaja so fun!..acchan you are so talk active... shut up a little and listen takamina.. :D jejejej love it! you fic and yeah its atsumina i love  it more..

Offline unicorn48

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2012, 11:14:06 AM »
@TakaminaBG Thank you for reading  :wub: Well, everything start from stranger-relationship and no one know what will happen next after this kind of meeting  :lol: :nervous :on lol: Please wait for an update ~  :kneelbow:

@arrow27 Thanks for reading  :inlove: We'll update soon  :hee:

@moekare I haven't reply to your comment  :nervous  :panic: Btw, Thankyou for reading  :inlove: And yeah ~ Tomotomo  :luvluv1: This fanfic has multiple pairings  :bingo: but Atsumina would be the main pairing  :luvluv2:

@wynautKyaa~  Thank you and also thank you for reading  :nya:  :wub:

@giakb48ffHahaha Thank you also ~  :hee:

@Haruko :lol:  :nervous Thank you for reading

We'll update soon   :shy2: Please wait for it  :kneelbow: :on gay:

Shipping Unicorns Since 48 B.C | Forever Rowing the boats of TakaTomo and Atsuyuu
Go visit our tumblr where our fanfics and random nonsense are posted

Secret Train of Love Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2012, 12:41:52 PM »
that must be an awful date for those two!!!!



Offline unicorn48

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Re: Unicorlandia: Its not coincidence, its fate (Atsumina) UPDATE ! [Ch. 02]
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2012, 02:29:32 PM »
We're back with an update  :farofflook:

We would also post here our clarification regarding our fics :kneelbow: What we put in the AuthorTopic part (thread name) is temporary (pairing). We only put the pairing there to indicate what pairing will be seen in that particular chapter and NOT the pairing that will be together in the end   So stay tuned for our updatessss.

But I already spoiled what would be the main pairing  :on drench:  :lol:  XD  :panic:

So here's Chapter 2 Part 2. Like what I have said this fic includes multiple pairings that haven't revealed yet so please wait for our updates  :kneelbow: We'll do our best  :hee: :cool1:


Chapter 2 Part 2

Tomochin is now in front of her apartment. She dropped all her things on the ground as she exhaled due to fatigue upon bringing all these shopping bags. She tried to unzip her bag but again, nothing happened. She sighed as she twisted the door knob wishing it would open without using any keys. It opened. She slightly opened the door but didn't dare to go inside.
 ‘Yeah, I just gave one of my keys to Mariko yesterday.’ Tomochin thought as she felt relieved.
So her friend is really a troll, having the guts of staying again on her apartment despite of what happened a while ago.
Tomochin bit her lips as she get her bags and proceed inside. She walks slowly proceeding to the living room without saying ‘ Tadaima’ . She dropped  her bags to sit comfortably on the couch. She looked at the wall clock but its not moving. She also forgot that her wrist watch has been lost.
‘I can just check my cellphone’ She thought.
But before grabbing the shopping bag where she put her phone she realized that if she checked her phone before she can see the time, miscalls will be shown first. She remembered that while shopping  her phone kept on vibrating, knowing that it can be Mariko's friend, checking her cellphone  was a no-no.
She sighed while holding her tummy. She just missed dinner today and she’s lazy to make one even for herself. But then, she smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen making her stomach growl.
“Wow Mariko, that smells nice.”  Tomochin shouted making the person in the kitchen hear it.
“Chiyuu ~ Arigatou.” A different voice answered.
Tomochin became shocked upon hearing then unfamiliar voice. But she didn’t get up, she’s still layed on her couch. ‘Its just Mariko, changing her voice, trolling me again.’
 “Yada! It’s done. Tomo~ let’s dinner” The  unfamiliar voice shouted.
“Mariko, can you just please stop changing your voice.” Tomochin asked as she saw her shoes, she forgot removing it. She remove it and toss it on the air, still laying on the couch.
“You’re pretty ~ You must not do things like that chiyuu ~” the unfamiliar voice said.
“Mariko, I told you to stop changing voice, what the hell are you even saying You know me well. and what's with 'chiyuu', so annoying." Tomochin rolled her eyes.
“But I’m not changing my voice and I’m not Mariko and chiyuu is not annoying. chiyuu ~ ” 
“Oh then you’re Maritroll.” Tomochin giggled.
“But – “
“Okay.” Tomochin replied as she stoo up and went to the kitchen. There she saw an unfamiliar face making her gasp.  She’s right, she’s not Mariko. And Tomochin doesn't even know her.
 “Who are you?” Tomochin shouted as she went to get a knife.
 “Chill, I’m Mariko’s friend” She replied.
 “The other Tomomi?”
“Yes ! ~ Kya ~ Tomo knows Tomo ! chiyuu chiyuu chiyuuu ~ ” She cheered.
“Eh? Wait. What are you doing in my place?”
 “Tomo cooked dinner for you ~ And you would like it!”
“How the heck did you know my address and be inside my house?”
“Mariko gave me all.” She smiled.
“Yes! Mariko is a good friend ~” Tomochin just looked at her. So Mariko gave this girl her address and her key. 
“Tomo ~ Let’s eat dinner together ~” She held tomochin’s wrist and made her sit on one of the seats on the dinner table. The other tomomi smiled at her as she sitted opposite to tomochin. Tomochin raised an eyebrow to her.
 “Seems delicious right?” Tomomi asked with a smile. Tomochin looked at the different foods on the table. It really looks delicious and smells nice. Then she looked at the other tomomi.
‘She’s also pretty and oishi. No i mean the food, it’s the one which is oishi. Not you.’ Tomochin shrugged at the thought.
“Itadakimasu!” The other tomomi cheered. She stood up to get tomochin’s plate and put some foods on it.
 “Er, I’m fine” Tomochin get the plate from the other tomomi’s  hand. The other tomomi seated still wearing a smile. Tomochin get some foods and started eating.
“Itadakimasu” Tomochin mumbled.
“Tomo ~ Kawaii ~” Tomomi cheered. Tomochin ignored her and still continued eating.
“Its delicious right?” Tomomi asked.
“Not bad. Thank you anyway.” Tomochin replied with no expression.
“Ah~ Chiyuu haven’t introduced herself yet, baka baka baka~ !” she pouted her lips.
“I’m not interested. Thank you for the food. You can now leave.”
“Tomo is rude ~!” She pouted again.
“I’m Kasai Tomomi! You can call me Chiyuu or whatever!”  she continued. Tomochin didn’t replied and still revealing no expression.
 “Chiyuu would be happy if Tomo would introduce herself”
 “Itano –"
 Tomochin was about to answer when she was cutted by the other Tomomi,
 “Itano Tomomi. Her nickname is Tomo or Tomochin.  21 yrs old. Her birthday is July 03 1991. Her family is living in Kanagawa Prefecture. Her blood type is B. She’s good at fashion and she loves dancing. Her sport is swimming. Her favorite drink is green tea that’s why I’ll made one for her a while ago. She also has a dog named Coco  and I want to see her ~ She must be a cute dog  because Tomo is –“
“Stop it. Don’t tell me Mariko also provided –“
“Yes! Because Chiyuu ask for it ~ Tomo is interesting for Chiyuu ~” Tomochin raised again an eyebrow on her. She’s done eating. She start fixing the plates and Chiyuu helped her.
 “Tomo is rude ~ ! But Chiyuu likes it.” 
 “ I can do this, and again thank you. You can now leave.”
“I’m not leaving ~ Its already 10 in the evening. Chiyuu would sleep beside Tomo”
“WHAT?! Hey, you’re not welcome –“
“I am. I call you for the… I can’t remember how times!” Tomochin proceed to the kitchen bringing the plates and just put it down on the sink. 
Chiyuu followed her waiting and hoping for a ‘Yes you can stay.’
“Okay. The living room is welcome for you. I’ll be sleeping on my room. Just find the bathroom and there are also extra clothes and toothbrush on the cabinet."
Tomochin sighed. She’s not that bad to let out this girl at 10 in the evening. Chiyuu raised both of her arms and hugged Tomochin. Tomochin blushed but she pushed away the other Tomomi but she’s stronger than her.
“Arigatou Tomo ~”
 ‘I don’t know how to deal with this girl.’

Tomotomo for this part  :luvluv1:   :on lol: Hope you guys like it  :lol:  :nervous  :panic:

@saeyukilover :lol: XD Thanks for reading.  :lol: Anyways, maybe its only their first time which is awful  :nervous

@O r i g a m i :lol: XD :nervous Thanks for reading  :inlove:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 10:59:21 AM by unicorn48 »

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It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

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