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Author Topic: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 9 (151027) + replies  (Read 34035 times)

Offline Yuki88

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Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 9 (151027) + replies
« on: June 02, 2013, 06:41:01 AM »
I was inspired to write this when I listened to Team K's song entitled Virgin Love (Yeah, I know, same as the fic title XD)
This is going to be fluff, imagine you're reading a shoujo manga.  :nervous
As for the pairing... Well, I just can't deny the little amount of Tomochin x Yukirin lately  :fap

I need to thank Max (AKBlasphemy) for proofreading this first episode.  :bow:

Anyway shall we just start it? 3 2 1...

Virgin Love
A TomoYuki fluff

Episode 1 (Just scroll down)
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9


Virgin Love

Episode 1

"Nee, Tomochin what should I do?"

I turn my head to the girl who sits behind my seat in class.

"What's wrong, Acchan?"

"I think Minami wants to move our relationship to the next stage but I'm nervous," says the black-haired girl, whose face turns into shade of pink when she talks. I'm pretty sure she's asking for some advice here.

"I-is this your first?" I ask her. She nods her head and hides her face from embarrassment.

"You just need to tell him to take things slow." I tell her what she has to do, though I'm not really sure what I'm actually saying.

"Ah, is that so... thanks for the advice, Tomochin! As expected from the well-experienced girl~" says the girl who now has a big smile on her face.

There it goes again, people saying I'm well-experienced in love (and sex too). I may look like someone who has a lot of experience but I'm really not! God, I'm still a virgin! It couldn’t be helped that I play along to the expectations though. Sigh.

"Oh? Is it another advice-seeker again?" Someone pokes my right arm and I turn to see my best friend holding in her laugh with all her might. Yes, this well-endowed girl here knows my secret of being a virgin and she often makes fun of me on that topic.

"Yeah, as usual, Tomo~mi, and don't laugh!" I pout at her large grin.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just that..... TOO FUNNY!" Sigh, I guess she can't hold her laugh for any longer. It's always like this, anyway, someone usually obtaining advice from me, followed by her who ends up making fun of me for it. I'm pretty much used to it already.

"You know, you should just look for a boyfriend and let him do THINGS to you so that you can experience for yourself what you've given as advice to so many other people around you." Tomo~mi teases me again. It's the same old topic.

"I don't want a boyfriend only to do THOSE! You know me, Tomo~mi." I roll my eyes at her idea.

"Hmm, maybe I'll introduce you to a nice handsome guy next time we go out together." She smirks and pinches my cheeks.

"Ouch, you don't need to pinch them!" I rub my pinched cheeks.

Our homeroom teacher enters the class soon thereafter and makes an announcement. Since she is being transferred to another school, our class will be getting a new homeroom teacher. Sigh, it was a good time with her anyway. Then she introduces the new teacher who makes an entrance.

"Good morning, my name is Kashiwagi Yuki. I will be your homeroom teacher and replacing Ms. Matsui here. It's a pleasure to meet you." The new teacher greets the class with a nervous smile. He looks pretty good actually--a prim image, neat clothing, and tidy short black hair. The girls in the class sound pretty excited about him as well it seems. Poor miss Matsui, so soon to be forgotten. The boys will surely miss her though, so it's okay for her.

"Sir, do you have girlfriend?" A girl from the class suddenly asks the new teacher a sensitive question. Ugh, teenagers nowadays.

"Ah, it's a bit embarrassing but I'm still single." He rubs the back of his hair while blushing. Aww, that's cute. Cue the girls roaring for attention.
Suddenly, I feel Tomo~mi tapping my shoulder and whisper, "Tomochin, what do you think of him?"

"He seems like a good guy, why?"

"Wanna try hooking up with him?"

To be honest, I thought she was joking about it, until I see her eyes looking quite serious with a faint smile on her face.

"Ehh, what are you talking about?! He's a teacher you know. TEACHER! And of all things, our homeroom teacher!" I whisper back. I'm getting kind of hysteric to be honest. I do have a bit of interest in him and I think I'm blushing hard at the moment so I hope Tomo~mi doesn't notice that.

"Well, as long as nobody knows the two of you are dating it should be totally fine." She smirks. Oh man, this girl. I can't believe that nobody realizes she's much more experienced than me when it comes to love (and sex, of course). Damn that innocent look.

"O-okay. Maybe I'll try. It would be a tough challenge though, especially with him already having so many fans on his first day as our teacher." I shrug.
Tomo~mi punches my right arm and says, "That's good spirit you have there." She laughs silently as I hear my name being called.

"Itano Tomomi-san? Ah, must be an absence.” I raise my hand, "Yes, I'm here."

He looks at me for a quite long time and I don't know why. I wonder if there's something wrong with my face. He looks kind of flustered but probably that's just me.

"Tomochin~" Aaaand Tomo~mi calls again.

"I think he has the hots for you. You have a chance Tomochin!" She grabs my hand while keeping a teasing grin on her face.

"Girl, seriously, we can do the talk later." I try to focus myself to the front of the class and find him taking small glances at me from time to time and blush nearly every time he does so. Damn, I guess  Tomo~mi's right but... ugh, dating a teacher? Sounds like a shoujo manga I read yesterday, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. I guess I should just wait and see.


That's all for the 1st episode. Comments and critics are welcomed.  :thumbsup
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 05:48:35 AM by Yuki88 »
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Offline cisda83

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 1 (020513)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2013, 06:54:05 AM »

AH... Minami is a boy here... and he is with Atsuko... Yeah

Eh.. Tomochin is going to make Yuki fallen for her...

He is a teacher... I thought that was illegal...

Well what Kasai said was right... as long as no one knows it's fine...

What's going to happen next

Can't wait

Thank you for the interesting story

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 1 (020513)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2013, 07:00:55 AM »
tomochin here reminds me with sakura kara no tegami...people see her as an 'expert' on relationship (and sex) and she go long with that image...

anyway,nice opening for TomoYuki...

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 1 (020513)
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2013, 09:41:43 AM »
tomoyuki new but makes mee want to know more

awwww yuki is flustered because of tomochin

cant wait to kno wmore update ^^
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Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 1 (020513)
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2013, 10:10:07 AM »
Ouuuu!! TomoYuki i see...This going to be interesting!!
 :) XD :yep:

~Yeah, me too bunny_rabbit-san...It's remind me of Sakura Kara No Tegami too!!~
 :wub: :w00t: :)

~The opening is interesting and yeah...Takamina is a guy here..huhu~Take Acchan to a whole new level!!!
 :drool: :D :heart:

~I'm rooting for them, and i'll be rooting for Tomochin too...Tomo~mi is naughty~~heheh
 :twisted: :inlove: :oops:

~Pls...Pls update soon!! Can't wait for the next chap here!!!
 :twothumbs :bow: :thumbsup
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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 1 (020513)
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2013, 06:03:14 PM »
Damn! A new pairing :lol: Never heard or seen of this kind of pairing before. :lol:

Wonder what going to happen next. Please update soon! XD
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Offline Yuki88

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 1 (020513)
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2013, 11:38:05 AM »
First of all, thank you for the warm comments  :love:

@cisda83: Haha, it is illegal relationship if they become official ofc, which is why I'll probably have to do some time skipping to make them official  :nervous

@bunny_rabbit & Diegy48: I won't deny that the fact Tomochin came up into my mind while working on this was because of her role in Sakura Kara no Tegami  :nervous  But then again, Tomochin does give that kind of vibe so I just go along with it  :grin:

@Elo & RJay: Hahaha, I'm challenging myself to do this because I was the one who wanted to see some cracked pairing  :P

And I'd also like to thank the silent readers  :bow:

I didn't expect people would actually like this sort of random pairing and I'm really glad to see the comments  XD

Anyway, Episode 2 nau. Again, thanks to Max (AKBlasphemy48) for the proofreading. This is a bit longer than the 1st episode and beware of the fluff. You have been warned... XD


Virgin Love

Episode 2

So... days has passed since Kashiwagi Yuki became our homeroom teacher and... honestly, no improvement on his side. He continues to steal glances at me from time to time when nobody notices. I really hope nobody notices because I feel actually flustered, like seriously. He's a really slow, shy guy, isn't he?

One day, Tomo~mi and I are having our tea-time in a cafe near the school when she suddenly spouts, "Maybe you should make your move, Tomochin. Be the aggressive one."

I spit the milk tea I was drinking when I hear that idea. "WHAT. NO." I reject the idea flatly. No way have I become the one who's chasing him.

"You and your tsundere side again," Tomo~mi shakes her head. "You've seen him being so overly passive despite of its so captain obvious that he likes you!" She almost shouted it out loud had she not realized where we were.

"But, but, but, I don't wanna be the one who's chasing! It's the guy who should be the chaser!" I pout, forming my infamous duck-lip.

"You know, you're so old-fashioned when it comes to love and I really wonder how you can give all those sophisticated love advices when you yourself have never even experienced it." She laughs at me. Sigh, my innocent-looking-yet-more-experienced best friend.

"It's all over the books and the internet, for God sake." I sigh.

"That's why now I'm telling you to put aside your old-fashioned female pride and go chase him!" She puts her hands on my shoulders in attempt to convince me on turning into the love chaser. Ugh.

"I can't believe this is happening to me." I tell her while feeling like digging a hole to hide myself. "Just having the thought of me being the chaser is already embarrassing, you know!" Damn I'm so flustered.

As if my fate is making fun of me, at the corner of my eyes I see the subject entering the cafe on his own. Oh God, WHY! I can totally sense Tomo~mi's smirk from here.

"See? Even God is giving you a push on the back to become the chaser." She smirks. I roll my eyes. Should I really give up my female pride and walk th..... AHH WHATEVER I'll give it a shot.

I pretend walking past his table and greet him with an awkward smile, "O-oh, Good afternoon, Mr. Kashiwagi. It's a surprise for me to meet you here. Spending time alone?" I think I'm being a bit way too aggressive here, I hope he won't run away from this. I look at him and.... God, I think he looks flushing red and I become more nervous.

"A-ah. Go-good afternoon, too, Itano-san," he stutters at his word. That's cute, actually, I would have squealed had I not been so nervous. He then continues, "Yes, I like coming to this cafe after work. It's refreshing." And then he smiles. Oh God he looks so cute and I hope I'm not blushing.

"Itano-san? Are you okay? Your face seems a bit...... reddish," he says with worried face. That confirms my worry of blushing myself hard.

"I, I, I-m totally okay, just this place a bit hot hahaha," damn I must have sounded awkwardly stupid.

"I-if you don't feel well I can accompany you on your way home," he adds, still sounding worried. I wonder if that's just him being a responsible teacher or a guy worrying over his crush.

I glance over Tomo~mi and see her giving an okay signal. Sigh, guess I have to go on with this.

"O-okay. Let me take my things first."

I walk in rush to my table and pack my bag. Tomo~mi gives me a silent 'good luck, babe' before I leave her to walk to his table.

"So... we can go now." I tell him but it seems he saw Tomo~mi as he asks, "What about your friend sitting there.... umm, Kasai-san?"

"A-ah, she still has things to do." I just made up an excuse there.

"I see. That can't be helped. Let's go, then." He smiles as we leave the cafe. Then he asks me where I live.

"It's just few blocks from here. My house is pretty close to the school, actually." I answer. He looks a bit surprised.

"Eh, my apartment is very close to your house, then. What a coincidence!" He says, now looking a bit more cheerful and less awkward.

"Really? I was thinking if it was troublesome for you to walk me home..."

"No, really." He keeps smiling. And then he mutters, almost like he is talking to himself, "Even if you live far from here I'll still walk you home."

"Hmm? Did you say something, Mr. Kashiwagi?" I pretend not hearing his self-talk but I know my face were hot and red due to excessive blushing at the moment.
He seems a bit flustered and shakes his head. "No, nothing," he says. "A-anyway, Itano-san, you can just call me Yuki outside the school," he smiles shyly.

"A-ah, is it really okay?" I want to confirm. It sounds like a surprisingly quick advance on him, you know.

"Y-yes, please call me Yuki outside the school." He sounds a bit more firm this time.

"O-okay, then you can call me Tomo..... Yuki-san," I reply to his advance. He only replies to me with a short, "okay... Tomo," then he goes blushing as well. Oh My God, I actually did this all. I hope we won't combust from all the blushing we had this afternoon.

We have an awkward silence after that sudden advance. Soon, we reach my home. Finally.

"So here's my house. Thank you for walking me home," I smile at him. "Would you like to visit my house?" I add, just for some kind of courtesy actually.

"N-no, it's okay. Maybe next time," he replies with faint smile on his face.

"I see.... S-see you tomorrow at the class... Yuki-san." Oh goddammit I still feel really awkward calling him with his nickname.

"S-see you tomorrow, too, Tomo." He smiles again as he turns his back and left.

That's it, I'm running up the stairs to my room and squealing all the way--not realizing a certain well-endowed brunette has been waiting for me ever since.

"How was it?" She says and hearing Tomo~mi's voice makes me jumped from the shock. I turn around and see her wearing a huge grin on her face.

"Wait, how the fuck you arrive earlier than me?!" I'm quite confused.

"Oh, you two were so absorbed in your own world that neither of you realized I walked past you not long after you walked out of the cafe." She chuckles then continues. "Now tell me what happened."

Damn, can I just run away from her?! I know I can't. Sigh.


Tomo~mi hugs me after I've done telling her the story. "Awwwwwww that was so cute of you two. I'd like to barf rainbow if possible."

See? This damn best friend of mine starts teasing me again.

"That was a good start, Tomochin," she shakes my shoulder with a huge smile on her face.

"It was BUT I DUNNO HOW TO FACE HIM TOMORROW," I cover my face from embarrassment.

"Nah, just act like usual, maybe you can give him a smile every time he glances over you from now on," she pulls a tongue-in-cheek face.

I roll my eyes. "You little devil. That's way too embarrassing, girl."

"No, really, you should do that. That gives him the signal." She suddenly sounds more serious.

"Oh? You sure?" I raise my eyebrows. She chuckles on my reaction.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you've given this advice to anyone before," she smirks as she continues, "Why don't you try it for yourself this time?"

"I'll give it a thought." As much as I wanna give it a try, seeing her putting on that smug face makes me want to do it otherwise but... hmm, maybe I should try it tomorrow.

"Anyway, I should go home before my mom comes and drags me back home, haha." Tomo~mi raises herself from the bed and prepares to leave.

"Yeah, even though you live next door," I laugh. Tomo~mi's mom is a bit over-protective toward her daughter sometimes but she's a caring mother.

"Yosh, okay. See you tomorrow."

Aaand she left. Here I am alone at home. My parents are having their second honeymoon at Hawaii and not coming back until next week. Sweet lovey-dovey couples aren’t they.

"Oh well, shall just eat instant noodles again then bath and sleep." I thought.

I look at the mirror and smiles. "I can't wait until tomorrow comes."


Comments and Critics are Welcomed  :twothumbs
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 2 (040513) + replies
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2013, 12:00:43 PM »
Ahhhhh!!! Yuki88-san!!! Your story is so different than the other!!~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :lol:

~well anyway, guhuhuhuhu~ Yay!! Tomchin has began her first move to Yuki-kun!!!~
 :twisted: :wub: XD

~Wahaha!! LOL where tomo~mi said -"See? Even God is giving you a push on the back to become the chaser."-
 :lol: :P :w00t:

~And huuuu...Tomochin's parent is going to Hawaii which mean....A CHANCE!!! *nosebleed*
 :heart: :banghead: :drool:

~Arghhh!! Yuki-kun!! You're suit with Tomochin!!! Thanks to Tomo~mi's help..uhuhu
 :yep: :P :oops:

~I'll be waiting for the next update!!! Love your fanfics!!!!
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
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Offline Elo

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 2 (040513) + replies
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2013, 12:07:48 PM »
Awwww so cute

so they like each other I hope no one comes between them

cant wait to know more ^^
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Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 2 (040513) + replies
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2013, 12:12:02 PM »
yay update yay :onioncheer:

shy tomochin is cute...I love to see this diferent side of her...

if in the end of the chapter Tomochin said that she can't wait until tomorrow comes then I will say "I can't wait until the next chapter comes." :on lol:

ps: I do like the unique and unusual pairing

Offline cisda83

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 2 (040513) + replies
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2013, 12:38:32 PM »
I don't think it's wrong for girls asking to be chased by boys... same can be said for boys... they also want to be chased around...

It would just proof that they really like them or they are attractive... Whoever would want to chase someone that's attractive...

Good for the pride huh?!  8)

The mood between Tomo and Yuki was very good.... they seem to have good impression to one another...

Kasai... was happy with the development.

Can't wait to see how the relationship between Tomo and Yuki going to develop...

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline RJay

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 2 (040513) + replies
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2013, 03:59:11 PM »
Well, you're the first to make a pairing like this. Hehehe :lol:

And you're right it's fluffy but cute and sweet somehow.

I want to know what's going to happen next. Please update soon! XD
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Offline Yuki88

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 2 (040513) + replies
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2013, 07:42:47 PM »
Sorry for the lateness. I was stucked at my dorm without internet (running out of WiFi quota here haha  :nervous )

Thanks for the comments!!! And here I thought everyone would die from diabetes because of the amount of sweetness  :nervous  :bow:

@Diegy48: NOOO, I'm not going to venture into lemonade things. Not only because Tomochin's age factor in this fic, but also because I just can't  :panic:

@Elo: Hehe, yeah they like each other. I wonder about someone coming between them, though. I have several ideas which I've yet to write about that  :P

@bunny_rabbit: thanks for liking this random cracked pairing XD Tomochin IS this cute, you know. She's so shy behind that cool face of her  :fap

@cisda83: traditionally it's the guys that chase girls around, and Tomochin here is a girl with rather orthodox way of thinkin.g  :roll:  Doesn't help that Yuki is rather shy guy too  :nervous

@RJay: Hehe  XD  Thanks a lot, really.

Anyway, here's episode 3 and thanks to Max (AKBlasphemy48) and Deukie (LoyalFlutist) for the proofreading.  :bow:

I hope it won't get cheesier within each episode.  :panic:

Virgin Love

Episode 3

"Tomochin~ wake up~"

I feel somebody shaking my body really hard, ugh. "5 more minutes..." And I go back to my slumber.

This person doesn't give up and shakes harder. "Tomochin, wake up! We're going to be late!" Sigh. I have no choice. I got up from my bed and prepared myself for school while the person waking me up waits for me.

"I wanna sleep again," I grumbled within my tooth-brushing session.

"What, you don't wanna meet Mr. Kashiwagi...or should I say, YUKI-san?" She emphasizes on 'Yuki' part. Oh man, so early in the morning and I have to face the teasing already. Damn best friend.

"Tomo~mi, you said we're getting late so please stop with that for a moment, I need to hurry." I tell her while wearing my uniform. Sigh. I prepare my bag and walk out the house with her.

Just in case anyone asks, my parents left a key for Tomo~mi to wake me up every single morning during their second honeymoon. Not that Tomo~mi herself is an early bird though, so I rolled my eyes at them when they decided to do that.

We walk in hurry to the school when I hear someone calling my name.

"Tomochin~!!" Ah, that sounds like Acchan. Bringing result, I wonder.

She's running toward me, looking really happy. "Thanks a lot for your advice, Tomochin. I have a great n-..time with Minami yesterday!" She blushes.

"D-don't mention it," I tell her, feeling rather awkward. I can hear the girl beside me holding her laugh in again.

"Anyway thanks a lot. See you in class, Tomochin!" And she runs to the school gate which we soon pass as well. I look at the girl beside me to find her smirking.

"So, Itano-san, will you 'take things slowly' with Mr. Kashiwagi?" She pokes me on my arm.

"Seriously girl, give me a break." Sigh. This girl.

And my fate must be an S who likes to torture me as I see the certain person walks pass by and greets me.

"Good morning, T... Itano-san." And he smiles. I feel like flying into the sky but I can't so...

"Good morning, Mr. Kashiwagi," I reply to him, trying to sound as polite as usual. What? He's still my homeroom teacher you know.

"How are you today? Feel better?" Oh, he's still worried. I'm flustered.

"Y-yes, thank you for the company yesterday, sir." Damn, I'm stuttering on my words.

"It's been my pleasure," he says, smiling sweetly. God, what should I do?! And the bell suddenly rings. Time’s up. Thank God.

"A-ah, it seems that I have to hurry, Mr. Kashiwagi. See you in class." Then I run to class. I see Tomo~mi has been sitting on her seat. I go to my desk and place my bag on the hanger. Soon, my new homeroom teacher makes his entrance.

"Good morning, class!" Oh, he's in good spirit today.

"Good morning, Mr. Kashiwagi~" everyone in the class greet him back.

"So I'm going to check the absences for today." As he continues with his morning duty, I prepare my notebook on the table. And then it reaches my name.

"Itano Tomomi-san," he calls.

"Yes, here." I take a look at him and give him a smile. Tomo~mi must be proud of me after this. He looks surprised but smiles back at me. Then he continues to take the attendance.

"Good job, Tomochin~" she praises me. See? My neighbor is fast.

"It's just a smile, Tomo~mi, anyone can do it." I roll my eyes.

"At least now he'll think of you even more," she winks. This damn little devil.

"Whatever. We'll see." I feign ignorance despite of my curiosity on how well this will work.

"Everyone, since this is my first time being a homeroom teacher, I'd like to know more about you." He announces it and somehow I feel his eyes looking at me when he said 'you'. Then he continues, "Please write an essay on the topic 'Real Me'. You can spill all the beans out if you want."

The class murmurs to his idea, but does what he asked anyway. Meanwhile I hesitate on what I should write. 'Real Me', he said. Should I write on how people misunderstand me of being someone who's experienced in love? That, in fact, I am actually seeking for my first love experience (which is him)? I turn to my right side, looking for some help from Tomo~mi.

"Tomo~mi, what should I do?" I'm confused.

Tomo~mi pats my shoulder, "Just do what he wants. Write the real you," and she smiles while giving me a wink.

"Real me... Huh?" I speak to myself. Oh well, I shall write a bit of the rather embarrassing truth down.

At the moment, he is going around the class, checking on our works. When he passes by my desk, he stops and takes a peek at the paper I'm writing on. I didn't realize he was standing beside me so when I do...I try to hide the paper from his sight.

"You can read it later, sir. Privately." I pout at him.

He laughs and tells me to help him bring the papers to teachers' room when everyone's done. That took me by surprise and I think my cheeks turned a bit reddish as I tell him that I will help him. Ugh, I can feel it already. Tomo~mi will surely tease me after this.

"Everyone please submit your paper to Itano-san when you're done with it." He announces it to the class as the bell ringing. "Itano-san, I'll be waiting at the teachers' office," he says as he smiles to me, so I smile back.

"Okay, sir." I confirm briefly. Then he leaves the class.

"Everyone hurry up and finish the essay so we can have longer break time," I shout. Luckily, the class seems to pay attention and actually submit their essays almost as soon as I told them to.

“Aren’t you a bit rushed?” I hear a girl speaks out. I almost snap out before I realize that’s just Tomo~mi teasing me. Geez.

I roll my eyes, “Yea, I am, as if you don’t know why.” I think I sound more sarcastic than I intended to be.

“You must be lacking of calcium today,” she laughs. “Drink some milk, ducky, that will help you in MANY ways.” she says so while discreetly looking at my breast.

“Screw you. I’m fine with how they are now.” I shrug her off. “Either way, it seems everyone has submitted their papers so I shall leave now.” I smirk at her.

“Yea, yea, yea, go ahead.” She rolls her eyes. Role reversal, huh? “Oh, and I’ll buy you milk.” She grins as she goes on with that ‘help offer’. Sigh. I just can’t win against her either way.

I hurriedly go to the teachers’ room bringing my classmates' essays to Yu... I mean Mr. Kashiwagi. When I arrive, I see him talking with his fellow teachers, Miss Kojima the math teacher and Miss Akimoto the P. E. teacher. I decide to wait a while and observe the three of them.

"So, Kashiwagi, how was your class today?" Miss Akimoto asks him.

"It was great. I want to know more about them so I asked them to write essay on the topic of themselves." He smiles when saying the reply.

"That's nice idea, Yuki-kun." Miss Kojima praises him. "Makes me kind of curious on what they wrote... But, wait, I don't see the papers." She looks confused.

"Ah, I asked one of my students to deliver it, she'll proba.... ah there she is!" He exclaims as he sees me standing at the door.

"Excuse me..." I politely walk to his desk to submit the papers.

"Thank you very much, Itano-san. Now I can read them all, hehe." He looks happy. Hmm, he definitely should not read mine in public and I want to remind him about that but how to do it with Miss Kojima and Miss Akimoto standing here.

"Umm, Mr. Kashiwagi, I think you should read them when you're alone. Who knows if they wrote something really PRIVATE and don't want other people to find out about it." Yeah, I hope that sounds polite enough. Somehow I can hear Miss Kojima giggling and whispering something to Miss Akimoto which makes her giggles as well.

"Now that you mention it, yeah, who knows if there's anything talking about Miss Kojima and Miss Akimoto among these papers? Surely wouldn't wanna tell them," he laughs.

"Are you sure, Yuki-kun? There might be something about you, too," Miss Kojima chuckles and teases Mr. Kashiwagi. He suddenly stops laughing and blushes at the thought... and I think he stole a glance on me just now. Damn, I should keep my poker face in front of Miss Kojima, never thought this seemingly airhead teacher is that sharp.... oh wait, she's math teacher after all so she must be smart ass.

"A-ah, yeah, that's true." he rubs the back of his head, again, from embarrassment. That's so cute, ugh, makes it harder for me to hold my poker face because I really want to smile at him right now.

"Anyway, I shall make my leave before I run out of break time," I excuse myself--trying to escape, actually.

"S-sure, see you, Itano-san. Again, thank you for the help." He said. And I leave as he is being teased by Miss Kojima and Miss Akimoto.
I walk fast and reach my class to see a box of milk on my desk and Tomo~mi waiting for me at her seat. She grins at me. This girl. Sigh.

"I've bought you your milk," she winks. I roll my eyes. Oh well, sigh.

"Thanks." I thank her anyway. Need to appreciate her goodness.

"It's been my pleasure," she sounds happy. Hmm?

"Oh, you sound happier than earlier. What's up?"

She grins even wider. "Do you know Masuda-kun?" She asks.

"Masuda..... ah, the basketball club ace. What's with him?"

"He asked me for a date. This afternoon." Now she looks dreamy.

"Heh~ this afternoon? So it means I'll have to go home alone, huh?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, so sorry Tomochin. He doesn't usually ask girls for a date so I have to use this rare chance," she apologizes.

"Nah, it's okay. Really, I have to shop for food anyway." I pat her head.

She pouts. "Mou, I'm not a kid anymore."

"But you're so cute like that! No wonder that Masuda asked you for a date." I tease her. Rare chance, yeah.

"Well, of course." She giggles. "Anyway, how was your little walk to the teachers' office? She smirks. Bah, she turns the tide so fast.

"Nah, nothing interesting." I shrug her question off. Besides, nothing was really interesting anyway. Except maybe...

"Oh, right. I have a feeling Miss Kojima knows about Mr. Kashiwagi's crush... on me. And mine too." I whisper the last parts, not wanting the whole class to know about it.

"Oho~" Tomo~mi seems amused.

"The thing is she probably told Miss Akimoto about it. I remember leaving the office with them teasing Mr. Kashiwagi."

"That's interesting. That airhead math teacher, of all people." she giggles. She then tells me not to worry too much about Miss Kojima. "Who knows if she'll end up helping you getting close to Mr. Kashiwagi one day?" She adds while smiling.

I roll my eyes at her thought. "As if that will happen."

And soon the bell rings, signaling that break time is over.


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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 3 (070613) + replies
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2013, 10:27:57 PM »
so yuki do get the message...and using 'want to know about his students' as an excuse huh :hehehe:

add maritroll on the teasing party will force yuki to dig a hole and burry himself in :on lol:

loved how chiyuu teased tomochin about her assets...but don't worry tomochin,yours are still bigger than a certain hetate wota :on lol:

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 3 (070613) + replies
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2013, 11:36:57 PM »
I have two thoughts when I was reading this

1. Tomochin be more aggressive towards Tomo

2. Yuki-kun might have a gf by no consequence before they actually get together

Random Thought:


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Offline cisda83

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 3 (070613) + replies
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2013, 04:59:41 AM »
The interaction between Yuki and Itano was so cute and sweet...

Yuki was so shy... and Itano was quite panic but braver than Yuki...

Itano wrote a love letter.... so cute

Ah... Yuki was getting teased by Akimoto and Kojima....

Eh... Kasai was going to get a date with Masuda-kun...

Getting interesting

Can't wait to see what Yuki going to do about the letter?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 3 (070613) + replies
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2013, 03:41:56 AM »
Auuuu~~Why is Yuki-kun's reaction toward that smile is so kawaii~~
 :inlove: :wub: :heart:

~Mann...Seriously, i love Tomo~mi in here...She's fast!!!~
 :twisted: XD 8)

~The airheaded teacher and the P.E teacher is teasing Yuki-kun!!~
 :twothumbs XD :)

~Kyaaa~~~I can't wait for Tomochin and Yuki-kun's moment!~!~!~!~
 :w00t: :banghead: :wub:

~So...PLS UPDATE THE NEXT ONE ASAP!!! I'll wait anyway..nice update~~~
 :lol: :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 3 (070613) + replies
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2013, 05:41:05 AM »
By Masuda.... Do you mean Masuda Yuka? :?

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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 3 (070613) + replies
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2013, 06:02:19 PM »
First of all, I'd like to apologize for the long delay before posting the 4th episode. TBH, I'm not in the right mood throughout this semester to write this kind of fluffy love story.  :banghead:  Episode 5 will be delayed even longer, perhaps until my holiday comes  :panic:

Anyway, I added poll (2 weeks time limit) to help me decide what I should do with episode 5. Inputs are exactly welcomes.  :welcome

Also, huge thanks to everyone who has read and commented AND WAITED FOR THIS UPDATE!!  :bow: :bow:

@bunny_rabbit: Haha, maybe next time for Maritroll  :P  as for Tomochin's assets.... yeah, I agree with you.  :grin:

@kurosawa87: WUT, you read my mind with #1 LOL  :panic:  #2 is... hmm, please do with the poll XD

@cisda83: well Tomochin didn't exactly write about her crush to Yuki so... we shall see :P

@Diegy48: Hehehe, I hope you will love this episode, then.   XD

@stv_wong: YEP. IT'S MY SHAMELESS KAMIOSHI PLUG HAHAHA. *is shot* Yuka is a guy here, though, and I took her character from an old fic profiling draft  :nervous

And excuse me for this editing of ikemen Mr. Kashiwagi image

I edited it myself and.... Isn't he so good looking?  :fap  *is whacked*

For Tomochin's image, I use this one:

*Ahem* Anyway, I talked too much (yes you do). *is whacked* My gratitude for Deukie a.k.a LoyalFlutist for proofreading this episode.

*warning* diabetics level of sweetness ahead. douzo!  8)


Virgin Love

Episode 4

"Jaa, I shall leave first. See you tomorrow, Tomochin. Wish me luck!"

Tomo~mi hugs me before she leaves, joining the guy who stands near the school gate, waiting for her. Must be Masuda-kun. Now that I think of it, I see why Tomo~mi is so eager on dating him. Good-looking gentle guy and of course, he’s the ace of basketball club. I can see other girls looking at them with envy in their expression.

"See you, and good luck." I shout at Tomo~mi. She turns her back and smiles, then continues her date.

I look at her walking away and decide to leave too since I need to buy some materials for my dinner.....and hopefully tomorrow's bento.

After I've done with the grocery shopping, I walk home, only to see a certain someone walking with a bag of papers.

"Yuki-san!" I call him and he turns his back, looking for the source of the voice.

"Ah, Itano-san!" He seems surprised. "Back from shopping, it seems?"

"Yes, can't keep on eating instant ramen forever." I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs.

"Yeah, you shouldn't. It's not good for your health either Itano-san."

"I know, right!" I reply, but then I realize...

"Wait. Yuki-san, didn't I tell you to call me Tomo outside school?" I pout.

He stops walking, looking at me, then starts walking again.

"A-ah, you did." And he stuttered at his words. "O-okay, Tomo." He smiles shyly. HE'S SO DAMN CUTE LIKE THIS, OH GOD I HOPE I WON'T BLUSH.....wait, this feels like a deja vu.

"T-Tomo, are you okay? Your face looks.....reddish." He taps on my shoulder, looking confused and worried and that snaps me back to reality.

"A-a-ah, I'm okay. Totally okay." See, I wasn't kidding when I said it felt like deja vu.

He sighs. "You should take care of yourself more, and eat well." And he pats my head. Okay, that's my weak point, the head patting. I think my legs have gone jelly and my face is totally flushing red.

"Ehhh, Tomo, you're totally not okay!!!" He is shocked when he sees me going down and sitting on the street. I wanna feel sorry when I see his panicked face but I can't. Hell, he's the one who caused it!

"Tomo, can you walk?" He looks extremely worried now so I try to stand but I can't. Damn legs.

He crouches and looks at me, looking troubled as if he has something on his mind.

"Yuki-san?" I feel embarrassed when he looks at me like that, seriously.

"Hmph. Okay. O-o-okay...." He takes a deep breath. He seems nervous.

"Y-yes?" He makes me feel nervous, too.

"S-since you're still unable to walk home..." he smiles nervously. “I will carry you home." And he shows me his back.

"A......a piggyback ride?" I ask. And he nods. My goodness, what kind of development is this.

He turns his head to look at me. "So... please make yourself comfortable," he said as he smiles.

"O-okay." I nervously get on his back, trying to position myself well so I won't fall.

"Ah." He gasps when I hug him from behind. Can't help, you know, for safety reason. I don’t wanna fall on my back. It does make me blushed even more, though. Isn’t this a bit too intimate?

“Are you seated properly?” He asks nervously.

“Y-yes, ready for departure sir!” I crack a joke. What, I’m nervous, too!

“O-okay... I’ll stand and walk now, okay?” He carefully rises to walk.

"Okay..." I see the back of his ears flushing entirely red. Seriously. He must be extremely nervous.

We have another walk in awkward silence. To be honest, I can feel my heart beats so fast and with this kind of closeness I'm even more nervous, knowing that he might be able to feel my heartbeat on his back. I lay my head on his shoulder. It feels so embarrassing, yet so comfortable.

"Aren't you tired, Yuki-san?" I try to break the awkwardness.

He laughs. "Nope. Anything for you, missy."

"You treat me like a child, don't you?"  I pout.

He laughs even more. "Of course not! I just..." He stops in the middle of his words, as if something troubles him.

"You just?" I try to 'fish' the words out.

He shakes his head. "Nevermind."

"Tell me?" I poke his cheek... okay I think I've crossed the line a bit there. He looks to the side, staring at my face and thinking for a long time. I feel nervous as I can feel his breath due to our closeness so I try to look forward, pretending I'm not eyeing him. And that's when I realize we're getting really close to my home.

"Errmm, Yuki-san, I think I can walk by myself now." I snap him back to reality by the words, it seems.

"A-ah, are you sure?" He slows down before he stops.

"Yeah, besides, that's my home." I giggle and leave his comfortable back to stand on my own. Good, I can stand properly.

"Oh, you're right." He straightens his body, ugh, I feel really sorry for him.

"Thanks for carrying me all the way, Yuki-san. I'm really sorry. I must have made you exhausted from my heavy weight." I bow down.

"No no no, you're not heavy at all! Really, it's been my pleasure to help you." He waves his hand in a panic.

"Would you like to join the dinner at my home tonight? I'll cook." I offer him my gratitude. He blushes at the idea almost the moment I tell him.

"No no no, I don't think that's a good idea," he immediately rejects. Hmmph, I must force him a bit.

"But I insist," I say as I grab his hand and drag him toward my home. He still tries to resist but somehow I manage to drag him to the front door. I open it and tell him to enter.

"Please come in, Yuki-san."

He hesitates so I pull him inside. I start to regret my own  idea, honestly. Way too aggressive for my personal preference. Sigh. Oh well, I'm in too deep.

I guide him to the living room and tell him to wait as I leave to prepare the dinner. After I enter the kitchen, I check my shopping bag to check on the ingredients.

"Hmm, eggs, sausages and bacons."

I check the refrigerator, only to have frozen french fries. Nothing special, huh. Damn, I'm so unprepared. I guess I have to feed him junk food.

I cook the ingredients I have and serve it on the table. He is still waiting at the living room so I go to call him, only to see a certain neighbor sitting across him with a huuuge smirk on her face when she sees me. Sigh.

"Tomochin, my mom asked me to invite you for a dinner..." she pauses, eyeing Yuki-san before she continues with tongue in cheek, " but I guess I should tell her you can't today."

I roll my eyes. I wish it came sooner so I don't have to feed him those junk food.

"You can just deliver the food here."

Tomo~mi chuckles. "Maybe later. Just enjoy your time now." She winks. I swear that she's going to tease me so much when she visits after Yuki-san goes home.

After Tomo~mi walked out the door, I turn to Yuki-san to bring him to the dining room, where the junk food I prepared is ready. He still seems awkward, and I think Tomo~mi's sudden visit has increased the awkwardness.

"So Kasai-san lives next door, huh..." he asks.

I laugh. "Yeah, we have been next-door neighbors since I don't even know when."

"By the way, Tomo, I haven't seen your parents...."

"Oh, they're having their second honeymoon, leaving their single daughter home alone." I roll my eyes.

"Ah... I... see...."

Oops, I think I've just increased his nervousness into a whole new level by revealing the fact that there's only the two of us in this house. Not that I will do anything to him, like seriously.

"Anyway, Yuki-san, here is your dinner. I apologize that I couldn't prepare anything special." I bow to him sincerely.

"A-ah, no, really, I appreciate this so much!" Again, he waves his hand panickedly so I giggle.

"Let's just start eating, Yuki-san. I don't want you to leave too late in the night." I smile at him.

He blushes from the subtle care I showed him. I didn't have any intention when I said that, honestly, but now that I think of it... yeah.

"S-sure." He replies and starts eating the junk food I feed him.

We eat our dinner in silence. Nobody does the talk since both of us are pretty nervous about the situation. When we finish, I stand up to take care of the dirty dishes. I am taking his plate when he stops me.

"I, I'll help you with the dishes," he offers.

I'm surprised and my heart beats even faster now, I hope it won't be exploded.

"But you're my guest and I should serve you as a form of my gratitude." I try to give him a reasonable excuse. Not going to lie here, but I am still a normal girl and he's still a normal man (I assume) so ANYTHING can happen. As in ANYTHING. You know what I mean.

He looks somewhat disappointed, yet relieved at the same time. I wonder if he has same thought as me. I smile at him as I walk away to wash the dishes. Another moment of silence engulfs us before he finally breaks it.

"I'll wait at the living room," he says as he takes his leave.


It doesn't take me long to finish the chore so I immediately follow him to the living room, where he waits patiently.

"Sorry for the wait, Yuki-san."

He shakes his head as he rises from the sofa. "No, no problem at all." He smiles.

I walk him to the door. "I'm really sorry that I only have those to eat this time."

"Thank you for the dinner. It was simply delicious." He tries to assure me. That's very kind of him. I giggle.

"W-well, then, I should leave now."

"Y-yeah, you should. It's getting late."

I accompany him to the gate. Then an idea passes my mind.

"You definitely should come for dinner next time. I'll cook better food for you." There, I threw the bait. Will he bite it?

He seems a bit taken aback by my sudden invitation for a 'dinner next time' and seems really flustered. He gives a thought on it and replies with a shy smile.

"Sure. And..." He pauses for a while. "In exchange for the meals, if you have any difficulties with the study, I will help you in my free time."

Wow, not only he took the bait, he also gave a counter-attack. I... I think my heart can't take it anymore.

"O-okay." I blush. I think this is a good chance to...

"M-m-may I have your phone number? If that's okay with you..." I ask him with quiet voice. This is beyond embarrassing, really.

"E-eh?" He's a bit shocked by my question but recovers fast. "S-sure." He gives me his number, and of course, I give him mine. Amazing. This has suddenly escalated to new level. I'm all squealing inside.

After the phone number exchange, Yuki-san excuses himself and leaves with a huge smile on his face. I decide to pay a visit to my dear neighbor instead of waiting for her to come. Plenty of stories to tell!


"Girl, I'm so proud of you. You finally dare letting a guy enter your home. On top of that, there were only the two of you at home."

Tomo~mi holds my shoulder while pretending to wipe tears from her eyes. Crocodile tears, meh. Tomo~mi and her never-ending teasing.

"It's not like we did anything in particular." I roll my eyes.

She chuckles. "Said someone who cooked junk food for her crush yet still got to exchange phone number with him."

Sigh. I better try changing the topic.

"Anyway, how was your date with Masuda-kun?"

"It was... okay." Tomo~mi pouts. Oh? She seems unsatisfied there.

"Hmm? You don't sound excited. What happened?" Curious, I am.

"He had to leave earlier," she said.

"I thought he had no basketball practice today, didn't he?" I asked.

"His part-time boss called, saying one of the part-timers were sick and he had to sub her position." Tomo~mi sighs.

I pat Tomo~mi's head. "I see. That's so unfortunate."

"Nah, there's still next time. He apologized so much before leaving."

"Good for you." I smile.

"Not better than you, though." Tomo~mi laughs. Damn, she recovers way too fast.

"You mean?" I put up innocent face.

She rolls her eyes. "Girl, Yuki-san let you piggyback-ride him! To think that he's such a shy guy... that's very courageous of him!"

"Surely." I shrug.

Tomo~mi looks at me with disbelief. "I'm not sure if you're trying to joke around or you're hiding your embarrassment by playing innocent."

Ugh, she hits the bullseye. I'm pretty sure the redness of my face is unmeasurable now because Tomo~mi actually grins at the change in my facial expression. No, wait, she's laughing at me now. Damn best friend.

"Stop laughing! Mou, I'm leaving!" I pout as I stand up and leave her bed.

"You know, you really should see your own face now. It's like tomato!" said Tomo~mi as she giggles.

"Don't want. And don't need." I tell her off. I don't need her to tell me how red my face has become.

Tomo~mi pats my shoulders. "Yuki-san is so lucky to get such a pure virgin like you."

I roll my eyes. "Girl, we haven't even on dating stage yet."

"Well, at least you're progressing well." Tomo~mi assures me.

I can only smile back at her. No matter how much teasing she has done to me, she's still a very supportive best friend.


I look at my watch. "Anyway I really should go home. It's getting late and I haven't had my evening bath."

"Okay." Tomo~mi sends me off, then cheekily adds, "I'd rather you don't take a bath. You wouldn't want Yuki-san's scent to leave your body, would you," and she grins really wide.

I feel my cheeks getting the heat again hearing her words--remembering the comfortable warmth I felt on Yuki-san's back.



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Re: Virgin Love (TomoYuki) Episode 4 (130613) + replies + poll
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2013, 06:17:03 PM »
This is extremely funny.  Although Chiyuu is hinting jealousy XD
Random Thought:


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