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Author Topic: I Know... [TanoTomu] - COMPLETED  (Read 11484 times)

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.4
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2014, 12:13:36 PM »
the moment when muto and karen confess to yuka........ my jaw dropped to the ground.....!
really.... oh God.... I don't know if karen had feelin to yuka to! huwaaaaah
this is so heartbreaking for me :v my kareeen~~~ :( :(
I cant wait for the next update please~~ onegai~~
 :bow: :bow:
you surely know to made your reader hanging XD greats! please keep writing :bow:

Offline Yuki88

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.4
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2014, 01:47:08 PM »

Now I'm curious what had happened in the past between Karen and Tomu. Obviously Karen had sort of grudge over Tomu...
Then Yuka, Karen said she was bullied because of her sexuality? What does it mean?

Poor Karen, though. Kind ones usually never get what they want.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 06:14:09 PM by Yuki88 »
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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.4
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2014, 05:24:36 PM »
That was an interesting turn of events. Now Tano has to choose between them. I wonder who...
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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.4
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2014, 10:25:30 PM »
My jaw drops.
Dun Dun dun...
I'm looking forward to the next chapter..
Yuka~~ how ya gonna fix this???

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.4
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2014, 02:58:12 AM »
Though I just notice these kids now...I wonder what Tano will do 'bout them..
just love to read alot of fiction story

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.5
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2014, 08:00:30 AM »
Well guys, we're nearly at the end of this lovely journey. One more chapter to go after this...  :(

So, enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading!  :D

Chapter Five

“Is it just me, or have you two gone awkward after I was away for just one day” Juri whispered into Yuka’s ear. “I mean I understand I’m the pillar of this trio, but come one” she praised herself in the process too.

Yuka just laughed. “No, we’re fine. She’s probably just not feeling it today”

“Whatever you say” Juri raised her eyebrows in question of Yuka’s comment.

“How was your visit to Kawaei’s place then?” Yuka asked.

Juri shrugged. “Alright, her parents were still getting used to our relationship but they’re opening up”

“That’s good”

“Wait” an idea popped into Juri’s head at that moment. “Could it be something happened between you and Karen? You did like her before, so…”

Yuka nearly choked on the water she was drinking. “No, not at all!”

“Okay then, whatever you say” Juri raised her eyebrows again in suspicion. “No matter what, this atmosphere is definitely off”

“I told you… There’s nothing going on,” Yuka repeated for the hundredth time.


A very familiar voice called from behind. Yuka glanced over at Karen who seemed to have realized who it was too. Yuka gulped praying nothing too dramatic will happen, but she trusted that the two were mature enough. She turned around and smiled. “Tomu, what is it?”

Tomu gave a quick look at Karen who was staring right at her. “The teacher wants to see you in the staff room” she informed.

Yuka nodded. “Okay, cool”

“You have some nerve, still showing up” Karen hissed.

“I’m still a school representative” Tomu replied calm. “I have no intention of letting her go either. So, live with it”

Karen gave a smile. “That’s alright, I’ll make you give up then”

Yuka was stuck in the middle again. She didn’t what to do, she wanted to break their passive argument but the atmosphere was so heavy she couldn’t even step into their realm. All she did was watch, hoping they wouldn’t hit each other any time soon.

Tomu stayed mum for a while before turning back to Yuka. “Anyways, you better go now”


“And, don’t worry. I’m leaving” Tomu said to Karen who was definitely not in the most hospitable mood. But, she turned around and looked at Karen who was still glaring. “You know, you’re attitude is just going to stress her out. If you cared, you would stop or at least control yourself” her tone was harsh.

Karen clenched her jaws at the comment and watched the girl walk away from the table. She could feel the truth behind Tomu’s words, but didn’t want to admit to it. Yes, it’s childish of her but the thought of being the reason behind Yuka’s distress made her cower. She could feel herself scoff. How stupid, suffocating someone with forced love.

“Uh, you okay?” Juri inquired the silent friend who was lost in thought. “You still love her” she carried on, knowing Karen won’t respond anytime soon.

Karen snapped out of her little daze and sighed. “Something like that” she stood up and flashed a smile down at Juri. “I just remembered I needed to do something. See you around”

Juri nodded. “Sure”


“I’m sorry”

Yuka turned around. Tomu was still following her. “About what?” she asked as she turned back around continuing to make her way to the staff room. She knew why the girl was apologizing but she wanted to act uninformed.

“The kiss” Tomu breathed out ever so quietly.

Yuka could feel herself stiffen ever so slightly at the reply. It felt so odd hearing it. “It’s okay” she brushed off. “I was just surprised”

“I’ll give you time” Tomu spoke again. This time louder, her tone was much firmer. “I’ll wait for you”

Yuka stopped walking and pivoted her feet to turn herself around. Tomu stopped too and made sure to keep her distance, just in case. “What’s wrong?” Tomu asked.

“Since when did you realize your feelings for me?” Yuka’s sudden question not only took Tomu by surprise but also herself. She didn’t back down however, she wanted an answer.

“Since before I knew it” Tomu whispered. It seemed like a reluctant response but she was just unsure of herself. She didn’t know when it all happened. It just happened. Her eyes were on the floor as she carried on. “Somewhere along all the conversations, glances and laughs I found myself falling for you” Tomu looked up and smiled. “But, I know, you had feelings for Karen didn’t you?”

Yuka gulped at the rhetorical question. She felt the need to explain but at the time she thought, what for? There was no point. It’s not going to change anything so she just kept her mouth shut. Everything will be easier that way.

Tomu sighed. “I was out of line yesterday, I just wanted you to know that I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. And, I’ll wait” she turned away and left Yuka alone in the corridor.

Yuka felt hopeless as she watched the disappearing back of the girl. It made her feel sick; she’s never felt this before. A lump formed in her throat as she found it hard to swallow. Her muscles were paralyzed. It felt foreign, these emotions. It confused her. All she did was just stand there. Alone.


Karen waited outside the school building, hoping to bump into Yuka. But, it seems she was getting ahead of herself. There’s no one Yuka would just amble out casually, not after what happened. She felt disappoint engulf her system as she decided to return home by herself. Karen was scared; she wanted to mend things quickly. She didn’t want Yuka ignoring or acting fine around her. It wasn’t what she planned. She didn’t plan that kiss. She didn’t plan Tomu to barge in. She didn’t plan any of this. If only life had an undo button, she’d press it right now and undo everything that happened. She’d undo witnessing the bullies Yuka had to tolerate. She’d undo protecting Yuka. She’d undo opening herself up to Yuka. She’d undo loving Yuka.


This voice, it's familiar. Karen turned and immediately frowned at the sight. “What do you want?” it was Tomu, the last person she wanted to see today.

Tomu walked up to her and inhaled deeply. “I just wanted to apologize for what I said at the canteen”

Karen nodded. “Sure”

“And, for what I did to you in the past”

Karen scoffed. “That doesn’t even matter anymore”

“Still” Tomu sighed. “I’m sorry”

Silence filled the area and it was almost eerie. Tomu decided to leave, thinking they were done. But, Karen spoke and interrupted. “Yuka loves you,” she blurted out unable to hold it in anymore. “I knew and I denied it. I forced myself onto her, she didn’t deserve that” she spoke as if she was speaking to herself. “But, I need to accept it now because I can’t change her anymore. I can’t change her love for you, and I hate it”

Tomu stopped and remained still, she was right beside Karen facing the opposite direction. “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one in denial”

Karen noted the seemingly bitter tone in the latter and turned her head a bit to look at the profile of Tomu. “What do you mean?”

Tomu’s eyes looked down to the ground, smiling. “Yuka is as well” she looked back at Karen and gave a light chuckle. “It seems like we both found ourselves friend zoned. I wonder which is worse, not being loved or being ignored”   

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.5
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2014, 08:37:49 AM »
yeay! you update when I already miss this fanfic x')

I love this words!!!
“It seems like we both found ourselves friend zoned. I wonder which is worse, not being loved or being ignored”

Kareeen.. dont give up!!

ah, I think you will make this fic more longer :( but it's okay..
thanks for the update KiNG san :bow: :bow:

Offline kuro808

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.5
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2014, 09:57:39 AM »
Tano goes with the both sides lose to not have the problem but seemingly one will win and one will lose regardless
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Offline Yuki88

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.5
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2014, 02:34:36 PM »
Tano is just running away, she'll end up hurting both of them as well as herself.
Poor Karen, really.
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

My random OS Idea Center || Hakata Legend (HKT48 drabble fics) || Virgin Love (A TomoYuki Fluff) -hiatus?-

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Offline Shinoki

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.5
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2014, 04:08:15 PM »
Yuka gotta fix this...
being friendzoned is a sad feeling~
Looking forward to the next

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.5
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2014, 03:05:33 PM »
I've been a lurker for a while till I saw your fic!! I always ship TanoTomu! Since from the start hahaha and thank you!

Keep up the good work! You're doing great!  :D  :twothumbs

I fucking love nail art.

Offline KiNG.

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Ch.5
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2014, 12:15:10 PM »
Well, here goes the last chapter guys!

Hope you all enjoyed this little journey~  :D

And, thanks for reading and all the support! Love you guys~  :twothumbs

Chapter Six

Yuka still couldn’t pull herself together; her mind was filled with Karen and Tomu. What are they doing? How are they feeling? Are they waiting? She could feel her guilt slowly taking over. Unbelievable, Yuka thought. No matter how much she tried to make sense of it, it was difficult. But, for some reason at the end of the day Tomu always stays behind in her mind. She didn’t want to read too deep into it. It would give her a headache.


Yuka snapped out of her thoughts and found Tomu looking at her. She froze. She didn’t feel like this before. Tomu’s gaze became more harmful than before. “Yeah?” she barely managed to speak.

“The pop quiz” Tomu said, handing over a pile of paper.

Yuka nodded and took the pile; taking one for herself she passed it back. She looked at Tomu’s back and found herself lost in thought again. No, she mentally kicked herself. There’s a test to complete, she warned herself inwardly setting pen to paper.

“Okay, start” the teacher announced.

Everyone began scribbling away. Yuka was more concentrated than usual, probably because this was her only distraction from Tomu. It’s exactly what she needed at the moment. A distraction. She poured all of her efforts into this test like her life depended on it. The teacher would be so proud. And, before she knew it, time was up. Luckily, she finished this time, which to her surprise wasn’t as tiring as she expected.

“Okay, pass it to the front” the teacher instructed.

Yuka turned around to collect the papers from the students behind her and turned back to see Tomu already waiting for her pile of papers. “Here” she mumbled.

Tomu smiled and carefully took the papers, asking, “How’d you do?”

“I finished” Yuka said. “That’s always a good sign”

“Indeed” Tomu whispered before turning around to hand it to the person in front of her.

Yuka bit her lip in frustration. Why was it so awkward and difficult to talk to Tomu? It was never like this. It used to be fun and comforting. Tomu’s presence made her relax. It made her feel secure. Now that sensation is gone, as she drifts away unwillingly. She needed to stop. All this small talk that Tomu makes with her during class was driving her insane. It seemed unnatural. Nothing seemed right anymore. She wanted to return to the old conversations they had, the teasing and jokes.

“Well, I’m going now okay?”

Tomu’s voice cut through her thoughts once again. She blinked and nodded. “Okay, see you around”

“Sure” Tomu left.

And there she goes again, Yuka thought. Her heart dropped at the emptiness that suddenly crept to her, making her realize how much she needed Tomu. She wanted to be with Tomu. Tomu was a necessity, almost, and without her it was suffocating. It’s like she suddenly forgets how to breathe.

“No…” Yuka’s soft whisper filled the empty room as the realization hit her.


“How’s Yuka?” Juri asked.

Karen shrugged. “I don't know, haven’t seen her around to ask”

“Are you avoiding her?”

“No” Karen sighed. “It’s the other way around. She’s avoiding me”

Juri furrowed her eyebrows. “What happened?” she was sure something happened. She was certain. Her intuition has never failed her and she highly doubts it’ll fail her now. “Something’s going on”

“None of your concern”

Juri narrowed her eyes. “Really?”

Karen nodded, so Juri backed off. She knew not to push it. People wanted their privacy and Juri understood that. So she dropped her curiosity and decided to just go along with their words for now. But, once everything is cleared up she’ll strike again and dig it out of them. She won’t let this slide forever. “Then tell me, how are you?”

“Fine” Karen deadpanned. “Never being better”

“I’ll take that as a no” Juri paused. “And, I better it has something to do with Yuka” she carried on.

“What does it feel like to actually be with the person you love?”

The sudden question took Juri by surprise. It was pretty out of the blue but she answered truthfully anyways, knowing she’s the only one dating out of the two. “Well, first of all you realize anger isn’t a bad thing. You notice their flaws and their habits, good or bad. You learn to embrace each other, forgive and compromise. It’s really a beautiful thing”

Karen gave a bitter smile. “It sure sounds dreamy”

“Yeah well, that’s love for you”


Yuka ran through the corridors, she didn’t care about the school rules anymore. She didn’t stop running; her mind was filled with one person. Tomu. Somewhere deep inside, she wished that Tomu would just pop out of nowhere and say her usual: ‘you shouldn’t run in the corridors’. It happened every other time. What’s different now?

“You shouldn’t run in the corridors”

The voice came like magic. Yuka halted and jerked to where the voice came from. “Tomu…” she breathed out.

Tomu smiled. “I told you I’d wait”

“I’m so sorry” Yuka was on the verge of breaking down. A rush of relief ran through her as she finally admitted to her feelings. Tears stung her eyes as they threatened to break out like a waterfall. “I’m so sorry” she repeated.

Tomu shook her head as she walked up and embraced the girl. “It’s okay” she comforted as she gently rubbed the shorter girl’s back. “It’s okay”

“I didn’t what to do” Yuka began. “Karen was so serious then you came and” she paused. She was choking on her words, finding it hard to continue, as the tears finally broke free. “Y-you kissed me” she stuttered. “Everything was just so surreal. I was confused and I –”

“Stop, I’m here. It’s okay” Tomu gently interrupted. “It’s okay now”

Yuka tightened her grip around Tomu as she buried herself into her chest. “I’m sorry,” she said again.

Tomu laughed. “Stop it, if you don’t stop I’ll look like a bad person” she joked.

Yuka managed to give a chuckle as she pulled away and wiped her tears. “You are,” she said giving the girl a playful punch on the front of the shoulder area. “You always tease me” 

“Well, the kiss wasn’t a tease”

“I know”

Tomu took Yuka’s hand in hers and intertwined their fingers together. “I want to tell you something and I want you to listen very carefully” she was serious. “I won’t repeat myself”

Yuka nodded, knowing that Tomu is bad at self-expression; whatever she’s about to say will be a one off. She meant it when she said she wouldn’t repeat it. “What is it?” she said already anticipating what it could be.

Tomu took a deep breath in and tightened to grip on Yuka’s hand. “I don’t know about you but I find it really difficult to keep to myself any longer” she stopped and looked down at the intertwined hands. “I love you, Yuka”

“I know” Yuka smiled. “It took me a while, but I finally realized” she gave Tomu a peck on the lips and looked down. “I love you too” it was only a mumble but it was good enough for the both of them as they stood in the corridor in the most comfortable silence in a while.

“I know,” Tomu whispered.

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Last Ch.
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2014, 06:50:39 PM »
Thank you very much for this story! :bow:

I felt bad for Karen but Yuka and Tomu are just so cute together and Tomu in this fic is kind of dreamy even  :lol:

I hope this isn't your last TanoTomu fic since they're the best new gen ship and there aren't many fic of them.

Anyways, thank you very much again!  :twothumbs

Offline Yuki88

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Last Ch.
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2014, 06:51:33 PM »
Nice ending there. Do you consider making an epilogue?

Forgot to say this but I wished you have explained deeper on the bullying part, haha.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 04:33:15 AM by Yuki88 »
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Last Ch.
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2014, 07:08:38 PM »
That was a nice ending, overall a good story :thumbsup
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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Last Ch.
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2014, 09:52:48 PM »


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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Last Ch.
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2014, 10:36:27 PM »
*thumbs up
:3 Good job!
Twas great~ *clap clap clap

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Re: I Know... [TanoTomu] Updated Last Ch.
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2014, 04:09:14 AM »
BRAVO!!! APLAUSOS!! I love it! you make me take the TanoTomu ship! its your fault that now I search about this otp everywhere xD

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