I did this for another forum. I thought it'd be useful. o_o
Tools needed to make a faptastic animated .gifNote : Imageready comes with Photoshop
Pre-makingWhen you're at the VDubMod site, download VirtualDubMod_1_5_10_2_All_inclusive.zip and extract it to your favourite directory. Then click on VirtualDubMod.exe to run it~
Watch the video, and note down the approximate time you want the gif to start and end.
Note : You can use other VDubs, you just need to have the 'save image sequence' command
Step by step~Open up vdubmod. Click Open video file..and browse to the video you want to use. After you open it, you should get the frames displayed~

If your intended gif starts at the start of the video, you can skip these next three steps. Click Edit -> Set Selection Start. This sets a selection.

Now, Edit -> Go to.. and put in the time (which you noted when you viewed the video. This would seek to that time. If you're on a blurry frame, click >> (at the bottom of the frames) as much as needed, to get a good frame/good starting point for your .gif

Now, when you picked a good frame for your .gif to start on, go to Edit -> Set Selection End. This would result in a part of the time-bar on your video to be highlighted. After that, just press the Delete button on your keyboard. This would shorten the vid, to start at the beginning of your gif.

Now, use >> or if you have the time copied down, use Go To.. to go to the end of your intended gif. Again, use << or >> to set a good ending frame. Then, use Edit -> Set Selection Start. After that, just drag the seeker all the way till the end, use Edit -> Set Selection End, and press Delete. This will narrow the vid down
alot more, and you'll get a vid with just the frames you want. Congrats, you're halfway through!

Now, click File -> Save image sequence to save all your frames into individual images for the .gif

When you select a directory to save to,
make sure it's already made beforehand, because VDubMod will not automatically make it for you. I recommend .png, because that's the only format i've tried.

Now, you can close VdubMod after it's done saving. Open ImageReady. File -> Import -> Folder as frames

Self-explanatory. Select the folder you saved the frames in. And no, you don't get to ask what I blurred out. :p

Now, it's up to you to do cropping, or anything you want. Remember to resize so it won't be fucking huge. People tend to get angry when you do that. Now, go to Save Optimized As.., to save your gif. This should get it saved as an animated gif. Voila.
This was my end result~This concludes the tutorial. I hope you guys found this useful~