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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203058 times)

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2007, 03:07:49 PM »
I love that song o.o

Me too! >D

And I like putting myself in the shoes of psychopaths >___>;; hmm..

Same here. XD

Stalker!Aika is.. creepy.

Yup, that's how it turned out, whether I actually planned it is questionable though.

I can't help but say, why, isn't this Aika kind of like us fans?
Always trying to dig through the surface, trying to catch a glimpse of who they really are when they're off stage. Well, except we're not carrying cameras and all flying to Tokyo, and frantically stalking them.

I know, right? It's like trying to crack into their heads, I just kinda superimposed part of myself into Aika by doing this. :X Hmm, it's interesting nevertheless.

Oh man, I feel like this Aika could bust out a couple voodoo dolls and start working on black magic or something. :P

WHAT did I tell you about giving me idea? >D You're going to regret this eventually, you know. XD

Now, I do have a question..


Obsession, after all, is a kind of love too.


Is that Ai... Takahashi? Or is that love in general.. hehe.
Because one would bring a whole lot of fun if you decide to continue this.

I wanted to leave that last italicized part out, really, because I wanted to see if anyone caught the pun in the line that had originally been the final line. But I thought it was too vague and added the italics to make it clearer...and I suppose you can draw your conclusions now. ;)

And oh yes, this angle is definitely worth exploring. XD
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 03:10:11 PM by Estrea »


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Offline Sevii

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2007, 06:49:17 PM »
I know, right? It's like trying to crack into their heads, I just kinda superimposed part of myself into Aika by doing this. :X Hmm, it's interesting nevertheless.

<s>Start saving up, I'll grab my camera, and let's start the stalking!</s>

WHAT did I tell you about giving me idea? >D You're going to regret this eventually, you know. XD

I'm not gonna regret this, I know it. It's hard enough to find a fellow AiGaki fan in both the English speaking community and the Mandarin speaking one, of course I gotta share the love aka ideas when I get a hold of one! XD

I wanted to leave that last italicized part out, really, because I wanted to see if anyone caught the pun in the line that had originally been the final line. But I thought it was too vague and added the italics to make it clearer...and I suppose you can draw your conclusions now. ;)

And oh yes, this angle is definitely worth exploring. XD

Interesting.. now I'm really craving for more.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2007, 07:17:01 PM »
JJ LIN - KILLER  :heart: :heart: :heart: I love that song so much and the video is creepy O.o

But stalker Aika is creepy, but I like stories about stalkers O.o

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2007, 04:44:43 AM »
You should know better than to plant ideas into my head.  :twisted:
Oh no...what have I done? :scared:

Behind the Lens
* JFC reads...

Holy crap that's pretty intense. :O  At the same time though, it's an interesting look at how different people deal with things that bother them, as well as the differences between how people are in public compared to how they are in private.  Personally I really liked this piece. It throws in a twist that not maybe people would think to use, and it gives a reminder that what you see on TV isn't necessarily what you'll get in real life.

Any means were permissible.

Obsession, after all, is a kind of love too.

Omgass...Aika's stalking Aichan? :o

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2007, 09:26:40 AM »
A finger rising up to trace down the contours of a cheek frozen in a moment, the perfect angles, the contrasts of shadowy planes.

Blank. Beautifully blank. Like an empty canvas, to be drawn and shaped and carved into an image of perfection.

A wavering image, an uncertain flicker, of imagination eclipsing reality.

She couldn't see because she didn't want to. And to build on that perception...

Any means were permissible.

Obsession, after all, is a kind of love too.


And another member is added to the 'I Love Ai' bin :P

She does have this power to her, to draw others in because she is so mysterious and intriguing. Oh what am I saying  :banghead: I love Risa :luvluv2:

Anywayz, your writing is just brilliant. I can't wait to read more so I'll definitely be reminding you to keep this up :wahaha:. Hmmm, I wonder if Aika's gonna stumble onto more interesting stuff or is she gonna turn out to be some psychotic stalker cum killer XD

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2007, 08:49:30 AM »
I'm enjoying the Ai adoration!
I like the idea behind Voice, and how it jived with the yume kara samete lyrics.
and I have to agree with the 'blank'ness of Takhashi in 'behind the lens'... love the blank.
but it also means she's ideal for projections. you turned it creepy when you wrote 'permissible' instead of 'possible'.  :twisted: perhaps all Takahashi fans are guilty in some way.

some suggestions (feel free to ignore!)
-Takahashi gone country! she is a fukui gal after all
-Takahashi and power.... her rise to leader reminds me of Michael Corleone's in the Godfather. you know, the sort of thing which needs a sweeping score with lots of strings.  :yep: ok, i'm sorry it's bigger than that! :D
- Superhero Takahashi. the obvious over-the-top extension of her off-stage on-stage "Switch"
-Takahashi as a kid
-something based on any, or all, of the best Takahashi lines. two of my personal faves are: jibun wo puchiyabure (koko ni iruzee) )and umi ni kaze, taiyou no shawaa (sexy boy). hmm, it seems the two clear Takahashi-frontgirl songs, osaka and onna ni sachi are are both very dark...

Long live the sandbox! hyuk!

ps i wrote a comment a while ago on your blog in which Takahashi and Niigaki regard a landscape. ;)


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2007, 12:00:28 PM »
Lyrics?! XDDD
Awesome idea. :D

I'm interested in "Love&Peace! Hero ga Yattekita!"


That song is like the TakaGaki song for me. Kekekeke...

"Daisuki yo~"


Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #47 on: September 29, 2007, 12:30:56 PM »
Ara ara, so many people reading this. Me happy. XDDD You guys are awesome.

@Sevii: I'm ready to start stalking if you are! But I'm broke! D: Haha share those ideas whenever you get them, I'm willing to work on them when I have time (but time is a commodity I'm short on currently though D: work and school are killing my creativity T__T). I'll listen to that song after I finish my philosophy essay and see what I can do. ;)

@Seagull: Yeah that song rocks! <3 Creepy video FTW. Creepy stalker Aika too. XDD Glad you liked. :)

@JFC: Hehe, yeah, well, I just wanted a different angle, and Aika was handy, so... >_> XDDD Stalking Aichan? Actually, she's stalking everyone, but Aichan is just the latest target in a series of "let's take pictures of who this person REALLY is!". XDD

@lil_hamz: Yes we all love Aichan! <3 Aika though, I wonder.... >_> XD And I will convert you one day...and Aichan will be No.1 on your list. XDD Meh, don't stress me, I'll write! XDD As for what will happen to Aika and her creepy stalky ways, well, you'll see. I have plans for her. XDD

@bot: Oh, so you're the one with that comment on my blog. XDD And yes, Ai adoration yay! <333 Yeah, for Voice I was listening to Yume Kara Samete for inspiration, so it's not unreasonable to make the connection. You're also spot on about Takahashi being perfect for projections, since she's that proverbial 'blank slate' that can offer something for everyone. Haha, yes, creepiness crept in because I was in a mood after watching a creepy stalker video. XDD Mm, I wonder if we all project ourselves onto her since we love her so. XDD Oh and those are truly interesting suggestions! Superhero Takahashi made me roffle...and gave me an interesting mental image. XDD I was thinking of Musume Sentai... Ahem, yeah, I need to go back to do my essay first before trying those out. Thanks for reading!

Mrr, I'm busy trying to finish my essay in time for the deadline. Bah. No writing until I finish it, so everyone will have to wait until then. Sorry for the delay! ><


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Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2007, 09:54:15 AM »
Posting from school...

Random idea I had after rewatching the Sexy 8 Beat concert. Mhm.

Oh and on the subject of school, I got an A for my first Chinese assignment. Woot!




"Happy birthday, Takahashi."

A familiar voice. The words themselves were spoken in an almost lazy manner, not quite a drawl, but getting there. It was a voice that one Takahashi Ai had not quite expected to hear, not right now, after a whole day that which had been her birthday. She thought that the voice on the other side of the phone would have called earlier if she had remembered to, and had pretty much resigned herself to the fact that this person wasn't going to be congratulating her for her 21st birthday.

"Oy Takahashi, you still there? I can't see you right now, but I'm sure you have your '...' expression on now. Aren't you?"

Ai laughed on reflex, a short bark that almost sounded like a cross behind a gasp and a choke. To call it a laugh was being generous. The other person on the phone thought so too.

"That sounds gross." A pause, then in a sly tone. "Am I interrupting something?"

"I have no idea what you mean." Ai replied primly in her best girl-scout tone, designed primarily to lull others into believing her relative gullibility. Remarkably effective, that.

But the intended target this time was not a member of the gullible masses, and was already wise to the whole charade.

"Oh I'm sure." A short snicker. "Nevertheless, did I make it in time to congratulate you?"

One eye flicked over to the neon display clock on the top of the bedside drawer. The red roman numerals blinked innocently, telling the time and shaping Ai's answer.

"You didn't now, but you did when you did at first, but now you didn't because you asked about the now where you didn't instead of the then when you did, but since you did it when you did, even if you asked if you did at a time when you didn't, I'm going to be nice and say that you did anyway."

A long silence ensued. Ai cracked a small smile at the overly long pause.

"...Takahashi, speak standard Japanese."

Ai bit her lip before replying in her most folksy, imbecilic tone, maintaining a straight face throughout.

"But I am."

Another pause. Then a derisive laugh. "Same old Takahashi, incapable of lying." A pregnant pause. "Or should I say, you can't lie about lying since you're already lying all the time. Isn't that so, my lovely Ai-chan?"

A reflective silence ensued, Ai thinking of god knows what, and her mysterious caller clearly awaiting an answer that would never come. Finally, impatience broke the impasse.

"Takahashi, there's no one else around, so stop pretending. I know that you know that I know, and you know that I know that you know. You aren't accomplishing a single thing by not being yourself right now."

Ai affected a bemused expression that showed clearly in her voice at this statement. "And you accuse me of playing with semantics."

A genuine laugh was evoked this time, prompting a gentle smile in return from a silent Ai, who merely sat there, phone in one hand, the other resting on the pages of an open book in her lap. One finger was playing idly with the edges of the paper, feeling the sharpness of the fresh corner and unconsciously wearing down on it with each stroke over that fine edge.

"I don't know what you mean; I haven't hidden anything about myself, within reason of course." This was said without preamble, or even a hint of dishonesty present in the tone. However, the other person wasn't buying that for a moment at all.

"Takahashi, you are the singularly most dishonest person I've ever been well-acquainted with in the industry. You don't lie with your words; you lie with your whole person. You make it seem like the light in your eyes is coming from the sun streaming in from through the back of your skull, pretending to be a dumb airhead when you're really not. That's the most disciplined expression of organized deception I've ever seen in my life, but you were always known for your discipline in all things, weren't you?"

Ai's expression didn't budge in the slightest at the accusation. Indeed, her only visible reaction was that her fingers had ceased its quest to wear down the edges of each page of the book, instead moving to tap restlessly on the margins of the page. Her voice was taut and level when she did respond.

"Fujimoto, are you calling to wish me well, or are you trying to needle me?"

The other person, now identified as one Fujimoto Miki, chuckled.

"Ah, sorry, got a little carried away. I was bored since Aya-chan's busy." As if saying that would justify her outburst. If Ai were any less composed, she would be banging her head against the headboard of her bed by now. As it was though, Ai knew how Miki was like, and simply let out a small sigh.

"If Matsuura-san was busy the whole day, why did you remember to call me only now?" Or at all, for that matter, Ai did not add. Miki snorted dismissively, and Ai could almost see her waving one hand in the air in the same gesture.

"I was watching documentaries on television and then one on howler monkeys came up, and I suddenly remembered your birthday. So I called to congratulate my former sub-leader. Anything wrong with that?"

One could almost see the indolent smile on that devil's face, and Ai couldn't help but find her voice raising a notch, the tapping of her fingers having ceased and were now pressing into the page tightly.

"You remembered me only because of a bunch of monkeys on TV?"

"Don't worry, I don't grope monkeys." If one could see Miki now, one would undoubtedly be taken aback by the evil glee in that grin on her face.

"I'm touched." Ai replied a little sarcastically, having been somewhat offended by the comparison. She could almost picture the lazy smirk on Miki's face now.

"Of course you are. I heard you've been an interesting leader. How has the job been so far?"

"If you had bothered to stay longer than 3 weeks in the position, you wouldn't have to ask me now." Ai replied just a little bitterly.

Surprisingly, there was a sigh from the other end of the line.

"You know why I couldn't stay very much longer, don't you?"

Ai did. She did only too well.

"Still, you could have given me a little more warning than just mailing 'Watch out for the news tomorrow~' the night before the whole situation exploded." Ai sounded justifiably exasperated. Miki snickered in response.

"Well, gotta keep up the Fujimoto image. Going out with a bang and all that. First they stuck me into the group abruptly, so I have every right to leave it just as abruptly."

Fujimoto-logic at its best. Ai couldn't help but smile a little at the petulance present in Miki's tone though.

"But you're bored now, aren't you?"

"Is it that obvious?" The voice was heavy with sarcasm. Then another poignant pause. "You sound snappier than usual today. What, bad day?"

Again with the intuition. Ai didn't know whether she was glad or irritated that someone had managed to see through her facade, if only marginally. On one hand, it was refreshing to have someone who did understand; on the other hand, she had spent so much time in her own little world that unexpected intrusions felt extremely unwanted and irksome. It was a dilemma, really. Seeking to be found, but yet avoiding contact at all costs. Ai wondered how much that contradiction could, and already had, cost her.

"Just a very long one." Her reply was typically diplomatic, and not completely untrue. It had been a long day, after all.

"No, really. Do you think I'm stupid?" Back to big bad Fujimoto. Ai resisted the urge to roll her eyes and reply in the affirmative. She was too polite for that.

"I'm just tired, really." Another obfuscation. Ai knew that Miki wouldn't be put off so easily, but she couldn't be bothered to think of something better. Or even just hanging up on the other woman. She could do that, of course, but it wasn't nice.

Sometimes Ai wondered why she even bothered to be the 'goody two shoes' all the time.

"Takahashi, are you still there?" Ai blinked, realizing that she had just drifted off into her thoughts again. She made a small sound in affirmation.

"Try not to drift off so much. How are you going to lead the rest with your head in the clouds?"

Now, if someone like Yossi had said that to her, it would have been more meaningful to her. However, this was Miki. The one with the shortest ever term as leader. The wild child of the group, in a sense. It was singularly odd to hear that coming from her, of all people.

"I'll be fine." It was easier to just agree sometimes, than come up with long arguments or explanations for or against the statement made. Besides, Ai really wasn't feeling up to an argument of any kind now.

"Is this about the brat?" Yet another sharply intuitive question. Ai didn't even realize her instinctive intake of breath when the words wormed their way into her ear.

"Heh, guess I was right."

"What are you talking about?" Ai asked guardedly, suddenly feeling a lot more awake, and infinitely more defensive.

"Only a few people have ever been able to bother you, even just slightly. I just picked the first name I remembered." There was a distinctly smug tone to Miki's voice. "What is it this time, she ditch you for your party?"

"No, actually, everyone was there." Ai paused. "Except Mittsi, I think. She left a bit early."

"Mittsi? Who?"

Ai cracked a small smile. "You know, 8th gen member. Clung to Yoshizawa a lot."

"Oh, THAT one. Forgot for a moment. Can't keep track of all them newbies anyway."

"You should at least try." Ai chided gently. The only response she got was a dismissive 'pfft'.

"Anyway, I think we were talking about YOU. So, something happened eh? Did the brat find a boyfriend? Hope she hid it well if she did."

"No, she didn't." She said sharply, snapping the book in her lap shut. The thought of Risa having a boyfriend was somehow disturbing. Almost as an afterthought she added. "And stop calling Gaki-san a brat."

"Tch. She doesn't mind. And aren't you doing the exact same thing?"

Ai opened her mouth to retort, but clamped it shut before any sound came out. Miki was right. She didn't have any right to correct the devil since she was equally guilty.

"Heh, poor little Gaki-san. You hardly ever listen to her, do you? That's why she went to Kamei-chan instead. Someone who actually bothered to pay attention."

Ai winced sharply. That hit a little too close to home. Risa did tell her, long ago, that she never listened to what the younger had to say. But Ai always retorted that Risa never listened to her either, or rather, no one had ever understood what she was getting at. After a while, she just gave up. If nobody could get what she was saying, she would just keep her opinions to herself rather than confuse the heck out of everyone.

"Poor little Ai-chan, all alone at the top with no one to cry out to." Taunting, almost singsong in nature.

"No one listens, no one understands." Ai's hand fisted up, balled up on the cover of the book.

Miki's voice was silky, like a panther hunting prey.

"It's painful, isn't it? And you can't even cry for yourself anymore."

Nails dug into the soft leather cover, her lips taut and pale. She looked as if she would cry, but nothing came out. Nothing at all.

Her voice, when it finally returned, was like a low growl.

"Why are you doing this?"

A soft laugh, almost gentle. Indifferently, even.

"Because, dear heart, I was so very bored." Miki's voice shifted slightly then, a peculiar mix of cruelty and kindness both.

"That and, you needed this. Come out to play, Ai-chan. Don't hide in there anymore..."

"Shut up." Ai's voice was soft, but the determination was unmistakable. Miki smirked, and it showed in her tone.

"Make me."


Dial tone.

Fujimoto Miki stared at her cell phone unblinkingly for a moment, mildly astonished that the goody two shoes had hung up on her. The fact dawned on her almost slowly, and when it did, she began to laugh. Softly at first, then louder, with a hint of approval on her face.

Maybe there was hope for the girl after all. The groping demon wondered for a moment if she had been too hard on the young leader.

"Nah, she's tougher than that." Miki smirked, reaching for the remote control.

This ought to be fun to watch.


In her mind, she pictured herself throwing her cell phone across the room and seeing it smash into little bits against the wall. In reality, she switched it off and shoved it into an open drawer, slamming it shut. Out of sight, out of mind.

That had been...unexpected. Ai didn't know if she felt angry, sad, or whatever. There had been an unmistakable heat broiling within her towards the end of the conversation, but the flames had died almost as soon as she had killed the conversation. She barely knew how she really felt about anything anymore.

Closing her eyes, she laid back down on her bed, trying to relax, banish all extraneous thoughts from her mind. Calming herself, disciplining her emotions, was like second nature to her. As quick to irritation she might have been, she calmed down just as quickly. To the point where she wondered if she had even really been upset in the first place.

She didn't know. She knew so very little about herself.

"I don't want to deal with this..." She muttered half to herself. She didn't want to think about it at all. Was it too much to ask for a placid existence?

But no, Takahashi Ai knew that she would probably extinguish herself in that case. As Miki said, life was boring. Ai thrived on a certain kind of madness, living in the moment for the moment. And yet, she needed a kind of tranquility for that to function.

The story of her life was one big contradiction. Ai resolutely turned onto her side and buried her face into her pillow.
I'll deal with this...eventually.

Right now, all she wanted to do was sleep.


Lol, I wonder if I made Miki a bit too evil, but eh. XD

Anyone guess why I titled it like this? XD

-wanders off randomly-
« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 01:14:51 PM by Estrea »


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2007, 11:24:13 AM »
Ooo, angry Aichan ;o
I like Miki here. Cruel in a good way,and smart. I cracked up at the monkey part, coke+laughter = bad!  :lol:

And that bit with Aika was XD. Though, I am starting to get used to the fact that she exists within MoMusu :P after so long.

As for the title, I don't even know what it means...
*flips through dictionary* Ah... *flips through wiki* >_>

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2007, 12:15:49 PM »
Woo, evil Miki! I like how you portrayed her as the smart kind of evil, which doesn't exactly equal evil in my mind, hahahaha. It's more like she's the only one willing to do the dirty work, the things that must be done but no one wants to do.  :lol:

And, the name comes from a book/legend? (Cannot recall the name, since I've never read it...) As far as I know, Mephisto is one of the many names used for the devil. Devil = Fujimoto. XD

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #51 on: October 03, 2007, 01:06:55 PM »
Holy mother of god, this chapter is so full of win.
No, it doesn't have Takahashi and Niigaki all over each other in rabu-rabu mode, but all the things Fujimoto said = dead on.

When Fujimoto first told her that she was lying the entire time, I was like... OMG.
Every girl in Morning Musume plays a role. For instance, Michishige is the CUTE one, Reina is the mini-badass, but not really, Yoshizawa was the cool one, Konno was the smart one... and yet, Takahashi is the only person who lacks an easily distinguishable role. Yes, she's beautiful; yes, the girl's a heck of a singer. But then you stop there. You get the surface of her still having her Fukui accent even though she's been in Tokyo for six years now, the girl who screams like a man..

But nothing that says, she's 'THIS.'

Is she airheaded? Is she dumb? There are just too many things that slip which proves otherwise.

It's more like, she's having a really hard time presenting herself.
Which, in your conclusion of this chapter(?), you mentioned that she knew very little of herself.

Anyway, this chapter made me go OMG from the beginning to the end.

OMG TAKAHASHI IS GOING TO BED!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneoneoneone!!!111!
Okay, maybe not that much.

You said that watching the S8B concert gave you the idea to this story? Where in S8B did Fujimoto go all EVIL?! You must've been watching Ribbon no Kishi! XDDDDDDD

"No, she didn't." She said sharply, snapping the book in her lap shut.

I don't know why I like this line so much, but I can see her hold on her cell phone harden, her brows furrowing, basically, fuming. A Takahashi that's not :D or :O or :|. Something I'd pay big bucks to see. The action of her slamming her book shut in anger.. is just... I don't know, I like small things like this. :3

Ai winced sharply. That hit a little too close to home. Risa did tell her, long ago, that she never listened to what the younger had to say. But Ai always retorted that Risa never listened to her either, or rather, no one had ever understood what she was getting at. After a while, she just gave up. If nobody could get what she was saying, she would just keep her opinions to herself rather than confuse the heck out of everyone.

"Poor little Ai-chan, all alone at the top with no one to cry out to." Taunting, almost singsong in nature.

"No one listens, no one understands." Ai's hand fisted up, balled up on the cover of the book.

Miki's voice was silky, like a panther hunting prey.

"It's painful, isn't it? And you can't even cry for yourself anymore."

Nails dug into the soft leather cover, her lips taut and pale. She looked as if she would cry, but nothing came out. Nothing at all.

Her voice, when it finally returned, was like a low growl.

"Why are you doing this?"

A soft laugh, almost gentle. Indifferently, even.

"Because, dear heart, I was so very bored." Miki's voice shifted slightly then, a peculiar mix of cruelty and kindness both.

"That and, you needed this. Come out to play, Ai-chan. Don't hide in there anymore..."

This is gold, right here. GOLD, I tell you.
Sweet, slow torture. Mmm, Fujimoto-sama indeed.

If you need help with Chinese, I can probably help.

.. Actually, on second thought, my Mandarin is pretty bad too.

As for the title... well, I played Diablo II, and in there, Mephisto was like an evil dude that I never got around to beating. I also thought of Liszt the composer..

Anyway, thanks for the story, it's just getting better and better...! :D

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #52 on: October 04, 2007, 01:08:27 AM »
"Happy birthday, Takahashi."

A familiar voice. The words themselves were spoken in an almost lazy manner, not quite a drawl, but getting there. It was a voice that one Takahashi Ai had not quite expected to hear, not right now, after a whole day that which had been her birthday.
Sounds like someone's either tired, drunk, or maybe a little of both. But who is it? Miki?

"Oy Takahashi, you still there? I can't see you right now, but I'm sure you have your '...' expression on now. Aren't you?"

Ai laughed on reflex, a short bark that almost sounded like a cross behind a gasp and a choke. To call it a laugh was being generous. The other person on the phone thought so too.

"That sounds gross."

A pause, then in a sly tone. "Am I interrupting something?"

"I have no idea what you mean." Ai replied primly in her best girl-scout tone, designed primarily to lull others into believing her relative gullibility. Remarkably effective, that.

But the intended target this time was not a member of the gullible masses, and was already wise to the whole charade.
Ooooooooooooh...definitely thinking it's Miki that's on the phone with her now. :)

Another pause. Then a derisive laugh. "Same old Takahashi, incapable of lying."  A pregnant pause. "Or should I say, you can't lie about lying since you're already lying all the time. Isn't that so, my lovely Ai-chan?"


"Takahashi, there's no one else around, so stop pretending. I know that you know that I know, and you know that I know that you know. You aren't accomplishing a single thing by not being yourself right now."
Eh? :?

"Takahashi, you are the singularly most dishonest person I've ever been well-acquainted with in the industry. You don't lie with your words; you lie with your whole person. You make it seem like the light in your eyes is coming from the sun streaming in from through the back of your skull, pretending to be a dumb airhead when you're really not. That's the most disciplined expression of organized deception I've ever seen in my life, but you were always known for your discipline in all things, weren't you?"
Damn, if that were true...then Aichan has been pulling the wool over all of our eyes all this time. :O

"Fujimoto, are you calling to wish me well, or are you trying to needle me?"

The other person, now identified as one Fujimoto Miki, chuckled.

"Ah, sorry, got a little carried away. I was bored since Aya-chan's busy."


"I was watching documentaries on television and then one on howler monkeys came up, and I suddenly remembered your birthday. So I called to congratulate my former sub-leader. Anything wrong with that?"
OMGASS!!! :on lol: :on lol: :on lol:

"You remembered me only because of a bunch of monkeys on TV?"

"Don't worry, I don't grope monkeys." If one could see Miki now, one would undoubtedly be taken aback by the evil glee in that grin on her face.
Aichan =  :grr:

Miki =  :kekeke:

"You sound snappier than usual today. What, bad day?"

Again with the intuition. Ai didn't know whether she was glad or irritated that someone had managed to see through her facade, if only marginally.
Spill it child. Miki-sama knows all! :rockon:

"Is this about the brat?" Yet another sharply intuitive question. Ai didn't even realize her instinctive intake of breath when the words wormed their way into her ear.

"Heh, guess I was right."
Ah, Aichan's still thinking about what druken-Risa said to her? :O

"Anyway, I think we were talking about YOU. So, something happened eh? Did the brat find a boyfriend? Hope she hid it well if she did."

"No, she didn't." She said sharply, snapping the book in her lap shut. The thought of Risa having a boyfriend was somehow disturbing. Almost as an afterthought she added. "And stop calling Gaki-san a brat."

"Tch. She doesn't mind. And aren't you doing the exact same thing?"

Ai opened her mouth to retort, but clamped it shut before any sound came out. Miki was right. She didn't have any right to correct the devil since she was equally guilty.

"Heh, poor little Gaki-san. You hardly ever listen to her, do you? That's why she went to Kamei-chan instead. Someone who actually bothered to pay attention."
Wow, Miki knew what was going on, yet Aichan didn't have a clue even though she was supposedly Risa's best friend. Looks like Aichan might be scared now that she might be losing Risa. :cry:

"It's painful, isn't it? And you can't even cry for yourself anymore."

Nails dug into the soft leather cover, her lips taut and pale. She looked as if she would cry, but nothing came out. Nothing at all.

Her voice, when it finally returned, was like a low growl.

"Why are you doing this?"

A soft laugh, almost gentle. Indifferently, even.

"Because, dear heart, I was so very bored." Miki's voice shifted slightly then, a peculiar mix of cruelty and kindness both.

"That and, you needed this. Come out to play, Ai-chan. Don't hide in there anymore..."
If anyone in H!P was to be the person to hand out the "tough love", it'd have to be Miki. She's right too, Aichan has actually done a lot of this to herself. She's kept her feelings so well hidden and she's kept to herself so much that she's now found herself standing alone. Risa and the others likely have tried to reach out to her and get her back "in the loop" so to speak, but Aichan never accepted the invitations.  Being a leader doesn't mean having to keep everything to yourself. That's what subleaders and your friends are for. It's okay to seek out other advice when you're not sure of what to do. Aichan needs to realize that she doesn't have to bear this burden alone.

Ai didn't know if she felt angry, sad, or whatever. There had been an unmistakable heat broiling within her towards the end of the conversation, but the flames had died almost as soon as she had killed the conversation. She barely knew how she really felt about anything anymore.
That's another thing that Aichan has to do, she has to let herself "feel" again, like how she used to.  It's like ever she took over as leader, she's cut herself off from her emotions, possibly thinking that they might hinder her from doing a good job.

Anyone guess why I titled it like this?  XD
There was a reason? :rofl:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2007, 02:49:30 AM »
I feel sorry for Ai-chan, but...if she didn't want to come out of her shell, she'll always be alone. Nobody really bother to anymore since she seems to retract to her own world most of the times, judging from the fact that she likes being alone. But that place is slowly becoming suffocating and she needs to get out doesn't she? She just doesn't know how to reach out to people. Miki...well being evil as always, although somewhat I understand her motive of doing that cruel conversation with Ai-chan. She prolly notices long time ago, how Ai really felt toward Gaki and now that she lost the friendship plus burdened with leadership duty, she's worried Ai-chan will retract even more. Typical rough Miki on the outside, softie on the inside. I just wish the way she did it wasn't so harsh. Oh well, that's Fujimoto for you. Anyway, can't wait to hear the rest of it, so update quickly please!   

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #54 on: October 04, 2007, 12:19:29 PM »
Ah, happy to see so many comments. :D

Ooo, angry Aichan ;o
I like Miki here. Cruel in a good way,and smart. I cracked up at the monkey part, coke+laughter = bad!  :lol:
I thought it was funny too XD Be more careful next time! ;)

And that bit with Aika was XD. Though, I am starting to get used to the fact that she exists within MoMusu :P after so long.
Haha, I just thought it'd be funny that Miki wouldn't register Aika's presence very much. XD

Woo, evil Miki! I like how you portrayed her as the smart kind of evil, which doesn't exactly equal evil in my mind, hahahaha. It's more like she's the only one willing to do the dirty work, the things that must be done but no one wants to do.  :lol:
Yup, Miki does the job only when no one steps in to do it. And then again, she WAS bored after all. XDDD

And, the name comes from a book/legend? (Cannot recall the name, since I've never read it...) As far as I know, Mephisto is one of the many names used for the devil. Devil = Fujimoto. XD
Yup, I was thinking of the Faust legend, and the Devil's name who was tempting Faust was Mephistopheles (or just Mephisto). And yes, Miki is the Devil here. Three guesses who's Faust. XD

"Anyway, I think we were talking about YOU. So, something happened eh? Did the brat find a boyfriend? Hope she hid it well if she did."

"No, she didn't." She said sharply, snapping the book in her lap shut. The thought of Risa having a boyfriend was somehow disturbing. Almost as an afterthought she added. "And stop calling Gaki-san a brat."

"Tch. She doesn't mind. And aren't you doing the exact same thing?"

Ai opened her mouth to retort, but clamped it shut before any sound came out. Miki was right. She didn't have any right to correct the devil since she was equally guilty.

"Heh, poor little Gaki-san. You hardly ever listen to her, do you? That's why she went to Kamei-chan instead. Someone who actually bothered to pay attention."
Wow, Miki knew what was going on, yet Aichan didn't have a clue even though she was supposedly Risa's best friend. Looks like Aichan might be scared now that she might be losing Risa. :cry:
I expect Miki talks with Yossi a lot, and Yossi probably kept an eye on the others. As for Aichan, I get the feeling that she spends too much time on her own instead of really looking at the real world. Frankly, I think Aichan knew that Risa was moving away from her, but as for why and how, she isn't willing to face the truth yet. And yes that means she is subconsciously aware of what's going on, but doesn't want to deal with it.

"It's painful, isn't it? And you can't even cry for yourself anymore."

Nails dug into the soft leather cover, her lips taut and pale. She looked as if she would cry, but nothing came out. Nothing at all.

Her voice, when it finally returned, was like a low growl.

"Why are you doing this?"

A soft laugh, almost gentle. Indifferently, even.

"Because, dear heart, I was so very bored." Miki's voice shifted slightly then, a peculiar mix of cruelty and kindness both.

"That and, you needed this. Come out to play, Ai-chan. Don't hide in there anymore..."
If anyone in H!P was to be the person to hand out the "tough love", it'd have to be Miki. She's right too, Aichan has actually done a lot of this to herself. She's kept her feelings so well hidden and she's kept to herself so much that she's now found herself standing alone. Risa and the others likely have tried to reach out to her and get her back "in the loop" so to speak, but Aichan never accepted the invitations.  Being a leader doesn't mean having to keep everything to yourself. That's what subleaders and your friends are for. It's okay to seek out other advice when you're not sure of what to do. Aichan needs to realize that she doesn't have to bear this burden alone.
I know, this series is mostly a journey through Aichan's psyche, through all her weaknesses and insecurities as she struggles to find herself. Aichan has much to learn, and we're all here to see what happens as I write this (I'm learning too). Hopefully they'll all get out of my clutches unscathed. XD

Ai didn't know if she felt angry, sad, or whatever. There had been an unmistakable heat broiling within her towards the end of the conversation, but the flames had died almost as soon as she had killed the conversation. She barely knew how she really felt about anything anymore.
That's another thing that Aichan has to do, she has to let herself "feel" again, like how she used to.  It's like ever she took over as leader, she's cut herself off from her emotions, possibly thinking that they might hinder her from doing a good job.
Yeah, she pretty much alienated her social side. She needs to find it again. I feel like I'm writing my life story through Aichan... >< Projecting, much? :X

I feel sorry for Ai-chan, but...if she didn't want to come out of her shell, she'll always be alone. Nobody really bother to anymore since she seems to retract to her own world most of the times, judging from the fact that she likes being alone. But that place is slowly becoming suffocating and she needs to get out doesn't she? She just doesn't know how to reach out to people. Miki...well being evil as always, although somewhat I understand her motive of doing that cruel conversation with Ai-chan. She prolly notices long time ago, how Ai really felt toward Gaki and now that she lost the friendship plus burdened with leadership duty, she's worried Ai-chan will retract even more. Typical rough Miki on the outside, softie on the inside. I just wish the way she did it wasn't so harsh. Oh well, that's Fujimoto for you. Anyway, can't wait to hear the rest of it, so update quickly please!   
Yeah, it IS Aichan's fault that it has gotten so bad thus far, and she really needed someone coming down hard on her, and as JFC mentioned, the only one who is really capable of doing that is Miki (or maybe Yuko, but she seems a little removed from the situation). Someone needs to knock some sense into her to get her moving, or else she will stay in her comfort zone of self pitying destructiveness until the end of time. Also, hopefully the rest of the girls will be supportive when the time comes. I get the feeling that they really don't understand Aichan, and Aichan senses that, which is why she never could bring herself into the open, because she knew that no one would get it. What she needs to know is that she might not always need people to understand, what is important is for them to accept her, which I imagine they ARE willing to. Understanding can come later, if ever. She just needs to make that first step. And the first step is often the hardest. Oh well, we'll see what happens. XD

Holy mother of god, this chapter is so full of win.
No, it doesn't have Takahashi and Niigaki all over each other in rabu-rabu mode, but all the things Fujimoto said = dead on.
Ah, glad you liked. Yeah, there won't be much rabu-rabu that easily (at least not in this arc...or series...crap, it's turning into a full-fledged story @_@). And yeah, Miki is  :heart:

It's more like, she's having a really hard time presenting herself.
Which, in your conclusion of this chapter(?), you mentioned that she knew very little of herself.
I agree. You can't BE someone if you don't know who YOU are. She's still trying to grasp her own personality, so to speak.

You said that watching the S8B concert gave you the idea to this story? Where in S8B did Fujimoto go all EVIL?! You must've been watching Ribbon no Kishi! XDDDDDDD
Lol, watching S8B made me think about what kind of relationship Miki and Ai shared because they were so often the leads in most songs, and they seemed to be on fairly good terms more or less. They did have some kind of chemistry between them that wouldn't qualify them into a romantic relationship, but there IS something there, and it intrigued me enough to try to do something about it...and this came out. XDD Plus, it was fun to let Miki play devil's advocate. XD

"No, she didn't." She said sharply, snapping the book in her lap shut.

I don't know why I like this line so much, but I can see her hold on her cell phone harden, her brows furrowing, basically, fuming. A Takahashi that's not :D or :O or :|. Something I'd pay big bucks to see. The action of her slamming her book shut in anger.. is just... I don't know, I like small things like this. :3
I would pay to see that too! Yup, devil's in the details, and we love it. XD

If you need help with Chinese, I can probably help.

.. Actually, on second thought, my Mandarin is pretty bad too.
Lol, thanks for the concern, I actually aced my first Chinese assignment, so that was a good thing. XD

Anyway, thanks for the story, it's just getting better and better...! :D
Lol, who'd have thought that the bored scribblings of an Aichan fanatic would have turned out this way? I just needed to look through her eyes, and this happened. Turns out I just can't let go of a story. XDD

Anyway, I have a couple of ideas what to do next, but first I need someone to clarify a few dates/times for me so I can see if my timeline works.

1) When was the latest DVD magazine shot? Around what date? It'd be useful to know.
2) When exactly did Gaki-san hurt her leg? Thought it'd be useful to work that in. ;)

Right, thanks for reading everyone!

-wanders off to do readings again-
« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 12:32:04 PM by Estrea »


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #55 on: October 04, 2007, 01:59:01 PM »
She hurt her knee on the 29th of September, since the concert was 9/30, and she said, "Yesterday, due to my carelessness, I injured myself.. etc. etc. etc."

As to when they shot the DVD magazine.. Err.. I'm going to guess... not too long ago? Maybe a week or two before the first concert? >.>;;;

WAAAAAAAH.. Gaki-san T_T.


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2007, 09:16:24 AM »
The first thing that came to mind when I was reading this was, why is Miki doing this? As much as I know the girl isn't the nicest person around, this is a little much. It made me wanna slap her XD Anyway, YAY to Ai-chan for hanging the phone up on her. It was too light a reaction, but this is Ai, so... :lol:

2) When exactly did Gaki-san hurt her leg? Thought it'd be useful to work that in.

Something very good is coming up. I can smell it :P

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #57 on: October 07, 2007, 01:48:32 PM »
Hi, i've just dug up a fanart I did a couple of months ago for your All Aboard fic. It's a bit of a waste just sitting in my computer all this while so I thought I might as well just post it. I hope its ok to put it here, since the fic seems to be inactive and I don't wanna bump it up for no reason.

By the way, I've read all your stories (posted here) and I enjoyed every one of them. Thank you for sharing them :)

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #58 on: October 07, 2007, 02:31:23 PM »
^Oh WOW. Amazing! I love the detail! ^__^ Eri is <3. Oh and the little turtle drawing in the corner is adorable. XDDD Thanks for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed the stories (and AA too! ^_^)


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/03 - Mephisto]
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2007, 07:04:16 AM »
Ok I'm back! Since my storytelling of the Aichan saga (in my timeline anyway) isn't exactly linear, I thought I could get away with this. Heh. XD

Yeah, that short story! XDDD


By Your Side

You never look at me anymore.

There you were, smiling and waving for the cameras, for the screaming fans, for your screaming fans. I vaguely registered that a small portion of the crowd was screaming for me, so I returned the gesture, smiling and beaming widely back.

Your hand feels cold and limp in mine. I cling on to it, having seized upon it earlier before we had entered the public eye. We were supposed to be in this together, so we had to at least look like we were presenting a united front. That we unintentionally left the 3rd member of our little party out was probably not very nice, but the younger girl was so psyched by the trip that she barely noticed the hidden dynamics between us.

Truth was, I hadn't wanted you to walk ahead of me, leaving me behind. I wanted to be walking beside you, with you, not left behind like a spoiled child when the family went out to the festival. We were supposed to be partners. I won't let you run away on your own, not even for something like this.

You seem like a changed person. With your new image, your new position, your added responsibilities, you seem to have left that adorably awkward air that you used to possess, instead taking on a more confident aura as you interacted---no, was forced to interact with the media beyond that which you were accustomed to.

You spoke more, became more assertive, but nothing has really changed much, has it? Sometimes you slip up, when there were no cameras, when it was with just the rest of us, the girls whom we hung out with more than we did with our own families. That you were still just that quirky country girl from Fukui , who was never convinced in her own ability and always demanded so much from herself.

It hurts me to see you like this, closing yourself off even as you sparkle even more brightly under the intense lights of the many cameras trained on you. You were always so self-effacing that not many took notice of you, but you always blazed so brightly on stage, performing for the crowd as if your life depended on it, that those who really did look saw more to you than you presented offstage. Like I did.

I wish you would just talk to me though. You barely have time for me anymore. It's like you don't care that much anymore, but I know that can't be, since you did still cry when I injured myself that time. I just wonder what bothers you so much. Aren't we friends? Why do you keep moving away from me--us then?

My smile was bright as any other for the crowd, for the cameras. We were stopped, briefly, by yet another group of news crews, and you replied gamely, your brightest expression on for display. Slightly off to your side, I stood not quite behind, nor quite beside you, our hands still entertwined. Unconsciously, I gave your hand a light squeeze, reminding you that I was still there, still by your side, as you pause ever so slightly, so slight that no one but me would have noticed the skip in tempo in your speech. You resume your reply as easily as if there had been no interruption to begin with, the cameras never noticing that little moment for what it was.

I gaze at your profile briefly, wistfully, for a moment, before returning my gaze to the cameras, for my own turn to speak. Before that happened though, I felt your hand in mine stir, returning the gesture I gave you earlier. Our eyes met as you glanced around to me, a dazzling grin on your face. I'm sure half of it that smile was for the watchers all around us, but it was different for me anyway.

You were looking at me. Not in passing, not through me as if I didn't really exist. You were looking at at me. Suddenly, your hand in mine didn't feel so cold anymore. The moment was brief, but I relished it all the same.

We turned as one to the cameras, living our idol lives.

Know that I am always with you, beside you, by your side.
Ne, Ai-chan? Walk with me, not away from me, alright?
I'll always be watching over you.


Yay bittersweet fluff? Written in a half hour. Yup.

Read and reply! XDD


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