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Author Topic: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 1/5/13 OTP trial  (Read 74811 times)

Offline yellow

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/11
« Reply #240 on: December 15, 2012, 03:18:09 AM »
even that i an not a shipper of this, i don't mind their interaction. nice AiEri interaction  :)


haha... i think it is her initiative than luck pull them together... haha little eri is so cute when she is being so superstitious... but why has to make little bean take the bad guy role to make little reina cry  :(

Offline kuro808

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/11
« Reply #241 on: December 15, 2012, 05:54:52 AM »
@yellow too bad you don't know my OTP

AiEri is extremely interesting but recent pics actually was my inspiration

I always find between Risa and Eri is more like young mother and elder daughter.  Risa always manages to keep Eri on a straight path but will protect the turtle when she is in danger, Risa as a bad guy fits her when she protects people
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline yellow

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/11
« Reply #242 on: December 15, 2012, 07:01:09 AM »
chey... i ship AiGaki is an open secret XD...
your otp, let me guess, MiyaChii?  XD (i just random guess  :grin: ) am I right? pm me the correct answer :grin:?

yup i agree with you haha... recent photo between AiEri is interesting

i understand that too but i still cannot bring myself to see little bean to play bad guy.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 07:30:46 AM by yellow »

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/19
« Reply #243 on: December 20, 2012, 03:17:06 AM »
Another guess the song?

Niigaki Risa was a dreamer.  Her dreams travelled to foreign places that she wished she visited in magazines or in television.  She imagined the how it felt to walk through Europe clinging onto a special’s person arm.  Smiling throughout the vision, she kissed a blank face every time before shooting up from her bed, cursing her bad luck.

Days were different than nights.  The daytime was the reality she faced, school and work.  Morning was to prep for school in a white blouse tucked into a red knee-length skirt with matching mid-calf socks.  Her mother’s calls for breakfast were the constant reminder of her loneliness in the world as she barely saw her father in the morning.

Silence filled the room as she saw the plate of fish and bowl of hot, steamed rice appeared in front of her.  The blank-faced person would appear with chopsticks, breaking it down the middle perfectly, and offering the hot rice to her waiting mouth.  She dreamt that she could be happy for a moment in the morning.

Leaving her house with a half-tank, she struggled through the wind and flurry of snow that seemed to prevent her from heading to school.  Wishing once a blank-faced person would shield her from the cold, and a friendly smile to warm up her spirits.  Despite her obstacle, she pushed along the sidewalk avoiding her sights on the couples passing by.

School was normal.  She had many friends, few to understand her pain.  However, she smiled through everything and kept the pain in a small pocket that hid well in her mind.

Although it was different after fighting through the snow and wind, she arrived earlier than expected, and walked to her class where the empty chalkboard stood erased of the words that were there yesterday, an image of the change every day brought.  She took her seat and placed her head down to the table.

“Hello, is anyone in here?”  The voice asked as Risa lifted her head up to someone dressed in a boy’s uniform.

“Boys aren’t allowed in our building.”  Risa panicked as she stumbled out of her seat.

“I’m not a boy.”  She responded as her hand extended towards Risa. “I’m playing one for a play.” 

The voice was slightly low for a girl which impressed Risa as she felt her hand being touched as she struggled to pick her up from the floor.  Brushing off the dust from her skirt, Risa stared at the cross-dressed girl with her mind in a daze.  She produced a smile that made the girl blush as she headed for the exit.

“Sorry, I need to rehearse.”  She escaped from the room as the rest of her classmate trickled inside.

Risa hopelessly looked into the hallway as she dragged back into the classroom.  The chance seemed far away now as her lips quivered at the teacher with the class starting.  She had a clue to where to look for her but it was an hour’s wait until she could venture through the halls.  The long hand was brutal to Risa, every second slowed down as she watched the clock as she planned her escape.

She turned away for a moment but it was still a while more and she endured the lecture until the bell rang and bolted to the auditorium.

It was empty and dark.  She expected to have her on stage, practicing her lines or singing, but it was dead.  Risa’s heart fell into her stomach as she saw no one there.  She turned back to find a stoic figure by the entrance.  Risa shielded her eyes from the bright lights as the person came walking towards her.

“Who are you?”  She asked in a husky voice.

“I’m Niigaki Risa.  I was looking for someone.”  She responded as she sidestepped the woman.

“Well no one is here and they just announced a half day because of the storm, so get going.”  The woman instructed as Risa left with only her face to go by.

 She arrived at the door when the voice again grabbed her attention and gave her a slip of paper.  “This is her phone number.”

Risa gripped her phone and dialed the number. 

One ring… 

Two rings… 

Three rings… 

She hit the end button and closed the phone as she headed toward the exit.  Risa held the phone in her hand with the gusts of wind hitting the door.  She stepped out feeling the cold penetrating through the coat to protect her body.  Her eyes aimed forward at the gate where she saw someone dressed similarly to the person she saw earlier.  Staying behind, she tracked the person to crosswalk and dialed the number again.  She waited for the reaction and saw the person pick up the phone.  Her excitement grew as the person answered but Risa hung up and ran home.

Her heart wanted escape from her chest.  Was it her?  She kept thinking as she ran up to her room.  Excitement was met with disappointment as she doubted the phone call that was coming in at the moment.  She opened it to answer and held it near her heart.

Without thinking, she kept it for too long and it stopped before she could have time to answer it.  Cursing her bad luck, she threw her phone onto her bed.  The phone released the sound of a message and Risa ran to see who it was.  It was an unknown number but it left an address and a message.

If you want to see me, please bring soup :)

Risa jumped off her bed and ran down to the kitchen to grab a ramen bowl before heading out into the storm.  She had no clue to the location but her heart seemed to guide her to a building.  After the manager, let her in, she got onto the elevator and headed toward the apartment where the message was prompting her to.  Risa knocked on the door a few times before a person answered.

“You were the one calling me?”  Risa nodded as the girl took the bowl from her hand and closed the door.

After waiting a few moments, Risa turned away and walked back toward the elevator.  The voice shouted from behind, “Where are you going?”  Risa turned back seeing the girl wrapped in a blanket.  “I need you to make it for me.”

Risa ran back into the apartment and placed a kettle on to the stove.  The girl unwrap the blanket from her body and slouched onto the couch.  Her pale face, a distinct difference from the morning, gave away her illness.  However, Risa was surprised she was in the same costume and headed toward the closet where the girl shouted, “I have no other clothes and I like being dressed like this.”

Risa tried to hide her smile but her own instincts kicked in and grabbed a warm towel to wipe the girl’s face.  The kettle blared the stuttering of the steam catching Risa’s attention.  She poured the water into the bowl and placed it on the counter.  Her eyes peered up to the girl and saw her eyes grew big as the roach crawled past her. 


The scream was deep unusual for a girl.

In her surprise, Risa tilted her head back and let out a grand laugh.  She brought over her meal with tears running down her eyes as the girl held the bowl in her hand avoiding the eye contact.

“Thank you, I’m Takahashi Ai.”  She introduced.

Risa smiled.  That’s what she could do.  She could stay at the apartment forever just get getting approving nods from Ai but in the back of her mind:

Hen na Oujisama…
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline yellow

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/19
« Reply #244 on: December 21, 2012, 05:45:59 AM »
i like the story but i do not know the song.
can reveal?  :P

Offline kuro808

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 1/5/13 OTP trial
« Reply #245 on: January 05, 2013, 01:04:36 PM »
Iikubo Haruna never believed that her day would turn sour.  Her hands started to feel cold as she brushed her long, black hair back to help her form a ponytail.  Forcing a smile, she could hear her stomach growl for support.  It was a dark day for her to face an adult situation.

Naïve yet confident, she had to go by her instinct and wore a black shirt with long jeans.  Smiling back at the mirror, she felt her fingers in the left hand spasm as she tried to close her fist.  Her thoughts swayed like pendulum in her mind as the feeling of abandonment filled her heart.

Harunan, as she was usually called, looked around the room for a whisper to her next step but her mind betrayed her when she headed out of the dressing room and into the hallway.  Her slow stroll luckily caught the eye of the soloist who was checking her path as she looked through her messages from the past fifteen minutes.

“Mano-chan, where’s everyone?”  Harunan asked as the soloist shot her head up with an awkward smile.

“I heard there are at a party, weren’t you invited?”  She shook her head as Mano looked at her messages and showed the invitation.

“I guess not…”  She breathed.  “Where is it?”

Mano-chan bowed to woman.  “Sadly, I’m trying to find it myself.”

“I see.”  She said as she glanced at the phone again as it indicated no location.  “Anyways, can you tell me how I look?”

Harunan modeled herself to the soloist as she received a wide grin and an okay sign.  She bowed deeply to the soloist before taking the corner to a dark corridor.  Her steps were precise heading into the darkness, the fresh essence of perfume entered into her nose when the door opened in front of her.

“Ahhh.”  Iikubo yelled as she turned away.

“Harunan, what are you doing here?”  She questioned.  “I thought we were meeting near your dressing room.”

She turned to realize that her friend, Wada Ayaka, was getting ready for their outing in the alternate dressing room.  It was only used for special events when the other dressing rooms were occupied.  Harunan nodded as she ran off to the s/mileage’s dressing room where she hoped for answers.  She opened the door to a barren room where the chairs were neatly placed under the table and the wardrobe in its usual place.

I guess it’s not here

“Harunan, what are you looking for?”  Dawa asked as she peeked inside the dressing room.

“Nothing… I was just curious why you were in the other dressing room?”  Her friend returned a smile.

“Special stuff like this.”  She held out a small tube of lip gloss.

Haruna was surprised by the tube that she snatched it from her hand and scanned it quickly.  She noticed the shine on Dawa’s lips and returned it to the owner.  Iikubo closed the door to the dressing room and exited the building with Dawa as they headed for the theater.

Her hands were starting to feel warm as she led them to the train station.  Her brain was becoming her enemy as she thought of the platform where she had to take the train and Dawa pointed the other way, calming her down for a little while.  Her face contorted to the situation, Iikubo scanned the area and concentrated to the right of her.  Two females were talking to each other as Dawa was starting up conversation.

It seemed normal as the two were conversing but the shorter of the two turned towards her partner and latched onto her arm.  Haruna leaned back into her seat before turning to Dawa who was bubbling away before turning towards her friend.

“Are you okay?”  She asked.

Haruna revealed a grin to her friend relieving her worry and continued about her time Meimi and she went to a sweets shop to buy for the group.  It was a battle between strawberry and green tea mochi to see which they could have more of and it ended with a half mochi piece each for them to eat on their way back to the practice.  Iikubo kept her smile until a train stopped in front of them and they both stepped onto the train as it was spacious on an early afternoon ride out of the city.

Dawa and Haruna sat near the window as they looked out at the sunny weather that was gleaming over Tokyo.  Haruna was used to with the fragrance of the train and took deep breaths admiring the view of the skyline.  She let out a yawn before turning her head to a sleeping Dawa and a familiar face.  She pulled back before she could get a good view of her.  She adjusted her body to let her friend sleep on her shoulder as the train at full speed travelled to the rim of the city where they could see the water from their seats.

The loud, booming voice shook Dawa from her slumber as they pulled into their stop.  Rubbing her eyes, she pressed her face onto her arms as she hummed a note.  Haruna turned her attention toward the back again but the person that she saw vanished and gently awoke Dawa before exiting the train.

“That was a nice nap.”  She commented as she let out a yawn.  “I can stay up for the movie now.”

The excited Dawa drew a smile from Haruna as they headed toward the theater.  It was a small four theater building where they showed mostly animated movies which drew both of their interests.  Since Haruna was an avid fan, she could enjoy it while she can outside of the group but it was a lonely hobby at times.  She felt fortunate to have a person to tag along.

Dawa looked at her phone and drew a smile on her face as she pulled her friend to the jewelry shop across of the theater.  They viewed the bracelets in the display and exchanged glances at each other every other minute and then Haruna confirmed her suspicions when she saw an elder musume outside with a drink in her hand.  Swiftly, she ran outside and tapped her shoulder.

“What do you want?”  She growled as she turned to see Haruna with her arms crossed.

“I thought you had a party.”  Harunan replied with her smirk growing.

“Sayu had a party with the little ones, well most of the little ones.”  Reina replied as one of her fellow members came running.

“Tanasa-tan~” Masaki cried as she clung onto the elder musume.  “Harunan… why are you here?”

She pointed towards Dawa, who waved back at them.  Masaki was aware with Haruna and her “adult” relationships but limited by her own childish moments.  She waved back at Dawa before Reina dragged her away from the elder generation mate.

“You two enjoy the fun.”  Reina said like a mother to her child.

Harunan watched the two walked away and looked at her phone.  She grabbed Dawa and stood in line as the ticket office opened up its door.  They were only ten people in line: the first five were traditional otaku with glasses and t-shirts proclaiming the event.  The next three were women in casual dress of multi-colored blouses and jeans, and then came them who were side by side, gently brushing the hands next to each other.

The duo glanced at each other every few seconds as they waited for their turn.  Iikubo felt her hands covered with a thin layer of water and started to wipe them on her shirt.  Avoiding contact, Harunan smiled and nodded politely to turn the focus from her as they arrived in the front.

“Two tickets to Hitomi to America.”  She announced as the person on the other side blew a bubble in her mouth as the fingers danced on the keyboard.  Dawa became amazed by the trance of the person as it was in rhythm when the bubble popped to the keys mashing under her fingers.

As the final stroke hit ending the orchestra of keys and blowing bubbles, the tickets were handed to both of them, and entered the theater where the concession stand only had a few people.  The duo walked to the line and picked out a few select items to satisfy their stomachs.  Since it was only a few minutes away, they went with a medium bag of popcorn and two small drinks.

They took their seats near the aisle third row from the bottom.  The group clumped up toward the top near the entrance leaving the two alone on the right side with the shadows guarding them from any distractions.  The lights were turned down and the picture popped up on the screen.  Haruna picked up her first piece of freshly steamed popcorn and laid it on her tongue before consuming it.

They noticed the character was Japanese-speaking American trying to make it in Japan as she was a foreigner but her many paths were blocked as the people seemed to reject her, except for one woman, who believed in her ability to make people laugh.  The moments build up to a point where the woman falls in love with Hitomi but has to fully reject a same-sex relationship.

Dawa rode the waves of the story and cheered for every great moment but the sad moments were met with tears rolling down her eyes.  Harunan watched the scenes without any change in emotions.  Suddenly a jolt in her body forced her to slouch down and let the back feel the warmth of the seat.  She didn’t want to move until the end but Dawa’s begging forced her to sit up and let her go to relieve herself.

Iikubo concentrated on the movie as the story came to a climax of Hitomi having to return to America and choosing to accept a friend or someone of closer relations.  Dawa took the seat behind Haruna to avoid distraction and sat there as the movie continued on.  Haruna clamped onto her cup as the decision was made and she jumped out of her seat like the others did to celebrate the decision of Hitomi in taking her friend as a girlfriend to America.

As the lights were still dimmed, Dawa climbed back into her seat and grabbed the wrist of her friend.  Calmly, Haruna smiled back at her with a hope that there was an issue.  Dawa pulled on her arm, forcing Haruna to turn towards her and leaned in, closing her eyes in trying to avoid a collision.  Haruna felt something soft on the other side, her lips were warmed up by the feeling.  She anticipated that they collided head on but there was no pain running through her body or mind.

She opened her eyes and saw Dawa staring straight at her.  Pulling her head back, Haruna wiped her lips and noticed the lip balm on her forearm.  Glancing back at Dawa, they stared at each other for a moment before Iikubo tried to rub the forearm.

“Was it okay?”  A whispered entered into her ear.

Haruna couldn’t help but to say yes but in her mind it was the worst results of the situation.  She didn’t want to put herself into an adult situation this early in life.  No one had told her about the kissing, she was old enough to know but to experience it was different than the “talk” with the elder members.  The myriad of emotions came like a tidal wave as she turned towards Dawa again with a smirk.

“It was great.”  She replied as the lights turned on.

Haruna rushed out wondering what she had said.  Questions were filling up too quickly until the vibration in her pocket broke her thought process.  Opening up the phone, she finally had a person to talk to about the situation but it was late to reverse the problem.

“How was the outing?”  The leader asked.

“I don’t know…  I feel weird.”  She explained as Sayu looked at the clock.

“What happened?”

Haruna got through explaining the movie until she got to kiss her friend, her close friend, from a short distance.  There was a slight pause before Sayu could answer it but it seemed quicker than expected on her end.

“I guess you should be happy, how does Dawa feel?”  Sayu asked.

The question popped into her head and she ran back to see Dawa calmer than usual.  Her smile was blocked by the guilt Haruna had imposed on the kiss minutes ago.  The two glared at each other before Haruna extended her hand out.

“I think it was nice to kiss but we can practice later on.”  She replied as Dawa held her hands together.

“Okay.”  She replied as she looked at her phone.  “We better hurry up before the train leaves.”

The two ran out dumping their trash into the bag outside.  They exited the theater and ran to the station where the train was halted with enough time to squeeze into the car with the late afternoon traffic.  The two took their seats next to each other exchanging glances.  It continued until they returned to the building and they were met by a group.

“Didn’t you guys get the invitation?”  Mizuki asked as she looked at the two shaking their heads.

“Well we have some food left so you should take whatever you can.”  Mizuki escorted the two as the group turned into a huddle.

The voices were loud enough to hear about the event but Haruna couldn’t hide her smile and shook off the doubt that she casted over herself.  It was new to her to understand but her mind was on better things than just the outlook of a friendship.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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