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Author Topic: Project J - chapter 8 [WMatsui & others] / 28/8/16 updated  (Read 30129 times)

Offline kumo

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Project J - chapter 8 [WMatsui & others] / 28/8/16 updated
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:44:56 PM »
Today started like usual. I woke up, ate my breakfast, and went to the university. Everything went smoothly until that happened. I never thought that something will happen to me that night.

Something that brought major changes in my life…


I quicken my pace as I take a look on my watch. It’s almost 10PM. It’s not that late yet, but the heavy rain that poured down since the evening made the street almost void of human.

‘Mou…if only I hadn’t been too occupied with the books in the library, I won’t end up like this.’ I thought as I shivered under the heavy pour.

I reached an intersection and immediately headed right to my apartment. As I walked, I saw something near the apartment’s front gate.

It was a puppy, sprawled on the cold pavement.

‘Is it dead?’ As I questioned, I notice the slow movement on its chest.

My apartment didn’t allow animals, but I just can’t leave it there. ‘I’ll just need to be extra careful when I take the puppy home then.’

I lifted the puppy and carried it to my place. Luckily I didn’t meet anyone on my way.

As I bathed the puppy, I noticed the black collar and tag around its neck. The metal tag has a kanji words carved on its surface.

“Jurina…” I muttered as I traced the cold metal tag.


Hi! I’m a newbie around here, yoroshiku!

It’s my first attempt to write a fanfic in English, I’m very sorry for the poor English and grammar. Even with the poor writing I hope you can still enjoy the fic ^^

See you in next chapter! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
« Last Edit: August 28, 2016, 12:24:07 PM by kumo »

Offline kuro808

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Re: Project J - prologue 23Apr
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 03:49:23 PM »
Interesting start and welcome to the forum :welcome
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS

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Re: Project J - prologue 23Apr
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2013, 03:58:20 PM »
It's nice start :D

Hmm......about the pairing......I think it's either Wmatsui or JuriMayu xD

Thought I wish it was JuriAnna(Iriyama Anna)/ AnninNaga xD

Offline Lost Heaven

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Re: Project J - prologue 23Apr
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2013, 04:01:34 PM »
Welcome to the forum  :welcome :welcome :welcome

Your fanfic is interesting, I like it!  :yep: :yep: :yep:
Girl who found Jurina is Rena? Or somebody else?  :? :? :?
I hope this is WMatsui *I love WMatsui*

Thank you for the fanfic!  :inlove:
Can't wait for the next chapter!  :yep:

Offline Rena-chan Daisuki

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Re: Project J - prologue 23Apr
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2013, 04:29:18 PM »
interesting story kumo-san :thumbsup
and welcome to the forum :welcome
i hope the story is about WMatsui
i beg u :bow:
as a loyal WMatsui shipper i'll never ever get bored of their story pairings
no matter how many is it

Offline matsuru

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Re: Project J - prologue 23Apr
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2013, 06:29:48 PM »
Welcome  :cow: :cow:

Interesting!  :thumbsup I'm waiting for update   :cow: :cow:
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Re: Project J - prologue 23Apr
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2013, 06:31:33 PM »
I hope it is Wmatsui

dont let me down I want Wmatsui

anyway good start please update
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

Offline cisda83

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Re: Project J - prologue 23Apr
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2013, 08:23:24 AM »
Interesting start...

I hope it's Wmatsui story...

Thank you for the prologue

Can't wait to see the next chapter

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Aisacchan

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Re: Project J - prologue 23Apr
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2013, 02:45:07 PM »
the prologue is interesting.
is the pairing wmatsui?  :?  i hope it is
~ jurina & mayuyu oshi
~ wmatsui, jurimayu, mayuki

Offline kumo

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Project J - chapter 1
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2013, 06:32:03 PM »

Project J - chapter 1. Hi, Jurina! My name is Matsui Rena. And stop biting my finger!

The bird chirping loudly as a new day began. The sun rays start to invade the room of a certain someone through the curtain, waking her up slowly.

Feeling the warmth of the sun rays, she started to open her eyes slowly, but still refusing to wake up fully. It's Saturday after all. No class. A day to enjoy yourselves. It's okay to be lazy once in a while, right? Why she have to wake up so early, anyway? The girl started to falling asleep again for the nth times in the morning...until her phone started ringing, and she has to force herself up.

Picking her phone, she checked the caller id and answered the call, "Hello Churi, what's up in the morning?"

"Morning? It's already past 10, Rena. It's not like you to wake up so late..."

That's right. It's so unRena-like to wake up so late. But then again, yesterday is not the usual day For the girl.

She spent all day in the library working her report, and went home under a heavy rain. She picked up an unconsious puppy from the street, checking the puppy to make sure there's no injury, bathed and wipe the puppy dry, even tucked the little one under a towel to keep it warm in the night. And she has to clean herself before she go to bed. It was quite a long day.

"Anyway, how about the karaoke in the afternoon? We can have a lunch before, and having fun afterwards! The others are coming too!" The girl on the other line speak excitedly.

"Ahh, right...karaoke." Akane did invite her yesterday, and she said to Akane that she'll consinder and giver her the answer in the morning. "Ye-"

A sneeze.

A cute little sneeze from the brown bundle of fur near her bed is enough to cut the girl from answering her friend.

Smiling at the puppy who still sleep soundly, the girl made up her mind, "Sorry Churi, I just remembered that I have something to do today. Maybe next time?"

"Ahh, Airin will be disappointed. Okay then, see you later! Bye, Rena!"

"Bye." And the line went dead.

Placing her phone on the bed, she stand and stretching herself. After some stretching she walked to where the puppy rest and lower herself. She patted the puppy head and earned some twitch here and there even though it's still sleeping.

She chuckled and headed to the bathroom. Today's schedule already been formulated in her head.


'Vegetables, fish fillets, and some fruits, enough to last me a week.' She rechekced her grocery list once again as she walked on the supermarket. 'Ah, milk too.' She added a carton of milkto her cart. After a second thought, she added another one for a certain puppy.

She also walked to pet food section and grabbed a dog food for her little companion back home.

Lastly, she went to bakery sections to supply her beloved melonpan.

'It's perfect.' She smiled to herself.


Back to her apartment, she found that the puppy still sleeping. She frowned a little, 'Is it normal for a puppy to sleep that long?'

She unpacked her grocery and start stuffing her refrigerator before she checked the puppy.

The girl poured some dog food into a plastic plate and brought it to the puppy. She placed the plate near the puppy and started to wake the puppy up.

After a few shake and a poke here and there, the puppy woke and let a big yawn.

As it realized that there's a stranger nearby, the puppy quickly backed away and started to barking angrily toward the girl.

"Ssh! Ssh! Stop barking! You'll start an unwanted commotion!" The girl said worriedly and placed her index finger in front of her mouth to emphasize her sentence.

It seemed that the puppy understand what she meant and stopped barking, and resorted to a low growling. The puppy still didn't trust its new company yet.

"Um..." The girl mumbled as she tried to reach the puppy, but everytime she backed away because the puppy tried to clawing her hand.

"Okay, sure. I understand. I won't try to touch you again. But listen to me, I mean no harm to you." The girl gave up and stand up, leaving the puppy. "Oh, and try to eat something to recover your energy."

The girl went back to her sofa in the living room and picked a manga in her hand and took a melonpan with her other hand. As she skipped few pages, she stole a glance to the puppy through the bedroom door that was left ajar.

The puppy walked around the plate, examining its content with a poke and sniffing around. After a lick, the puppy tried to bite one and spat it immediately, scattering some of the dog food on the floor.


The puppy shocked at the shout and stare at the girl in the living room. Yet its focus quickly change to the item that's located a bit lower from the girl's mouth.

Feeling the stare from the puppy, the girl also looked down. And she saw her melonpan.

Looking back and forth from the puppy and her melonpan, she swore she saw a drool escaping the puppy's mouth.

The girl got up and walked to the puppy as it backed away slowly, its eyes never leaving the melonpan.

"You want some?" She took a chunk from her melonpan and wave it in front of the puppy before throwing it to the plate and backed away slowly. She didn't want to dirtying the floor more that it was already.

The puppy licked the chunk of melonpan several time before wolfing it down while wagging its tail. It made the girl amused.

'Even a dog likes it huh. It truly such a wonderful food.'


The girl give her attention back to the puppy. "You want more?"


The girl take another chunk and wave it to the puppy. "Sure, but this time you have to take it yourself."

The puppy hesitated a little, but still it went to the girl to take its reward. Almost biting her finger in the process.

After that, the girl playfully offer a chunk by a chunk to the puppy. Sometimes she made the puppy jump to reach the chunk or ate it herself after tempting the puppy.

The last chunk was given normally after she satisfied playing with the puppy.

"See? I'm a friend. Don't be afraid," the girl said to the puppy that was still busy licking the girls finger and sometimes biting it playfully.

"Now, Jurina." The girl said asking an attention from the puppy.


"My name's Matsui Rena. Let's be friend from now on." The girl said. "And stop biting my finger. It's not a chew toy."

The last sentence was ignored by the puppy who still treat the girls finger as one.

Project J - chapter 1. Hi, Jurina! My name is Matsui Rena. And stop biting my finger! END


Heyaaaa~!! It's the first chapter! Dou?? Is it good enough to you guys?

A comment will be very appreciated!! (≧∇≦)

Thank you for the warm welcome, it touched me to have so many people welcoming me here (つД`)ノ
Please look after me onwards too! ^^

Hi! And thank you for the welcome and comment! ^^

 Hello! Yes yes it's a wmatsui,
Wow never know that aninnaga is really popular here XD

@Lost Heaven
Hi! Thank you for the welcome!
Yes this is a wmatsui, I also love them  XD

@Rena-chan Daisuki
Yep it's a wmatsui, maybe with several side pairing, but the main dish is wmatsui, except if I find a great twist naybe it can change, lol who knows
Yep it's always good to have more wmatsui fics :wub:  :cow:

Hi, here's the update, hope you like it!
Oh and I really likeyour signature gif XD

Hi! Don't worry I won't let you down! Please enjoy the update :twothumbs

Hi, thank you! Here's the update

Thank you! And yep it's a wmatsui :)

Thank you for the comment, see you in next chapter!  :twothumbs

Offline kuro808

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2013, 07:05:09 PM »
Jurina is quite healthy under Rena's care.  However I wonder what intriguing things will happen between the two
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline cisda83

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2013, 08:09:22 AM »
Ah.. Jurina is so cute...

And Rena is so sweet

I like the update

Thank you

Can't wait to see the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline matsuru

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2013, 09:34:00 AM »
Thank you for liking my signature  :D :D She's like adorable puppy, isn't she?  :shy2:

I'm waiting for what will happen between Rena and her puppy  :cow: :cow:
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 12:36:57 PM by matsuru »
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Offline Aisacchan

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2013, 04:49:41 PM »
awww puppy juri is so adorable! <3
their interaction is cute~
nice chapter :thumbsup
~ jurina & mayuyu oshi
~ wmatsui, jurimayu, mayuki

Offline K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2013, 07:46:04 PM »
Kumo-san, this fic is awesome! >< *hugs*

I love it! My dear Wmatsui xD

Well AnninNaga ain't that popular that's why I want more of their fics xD

Juju-puppy <3 omg! ><

Update soon I can't wait :D

Offline Rena-chan Daisuki

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2013, 04:10:43 PM »
Jurina puppy cho~ Kawaaiiiiiii
after reading this fic i kinda want to have a puppy
but what kind of puppy is Jurina?

Nice update :thumbsup
i'm going to wait for ur update

Offline Sherin

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2013, 09:09:39 AM »
Jurina turns into a human is what I'm imagining. XD

It's "Project J" after all.

Everyday Juriken

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2013, 01:32:41 PM »
Hi, I'll update it tonight, or maybe tomorrow, I kinda stucked in a scene at the moment... :(

@cisda83, Aisacchan, K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS
Thank you  XD *hugs*

Yep, and I wonder why there's no one tried to explore that, I think it's good material for fics XD

Lol, did the title left that image to you? I should have chose a better title, XD

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2013, 04:18:09 PM »
 XD i believe rena's fingers taste as heavenly as the melon pan! Will Jurina be transformed into a human soon?  :fap
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline kumo

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Re: Project J - chapter 1 24Apr
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2013, 07:27:41 PM »
It was lunch break on Monday. Like usual Rena sat with her friends when they had lunch together at the campus's outdoor foodcourt, but today they have one more companion.

"Hmm isn't she a golden retirever?" Kumi, one of Rena's friend mused.

"No way, her ears are pointy, golden has droopy ears." Kanon argued, pointing at Jurina's ears.

"She looks like a fox..." Airin leaned closer to take a better look at Jurina, but backed immediately when Jurina tried to lick her face. "And I think she's a little too friendly even with strangers."

"Who cares, she's soooooooooo cuteeee~!" Akane hugged Jurina and received some happy barks and few licks from the puppy.

Akane was fawning over Jurina since Rena decided to bring her to the university. Keeping Jurina alone in her apartment was too dangerous. Random barking in the day when Rena's not home can lead to suspiciousness and has a very high probability for her to be kicked out from the apartment.

Fortunately as usual there were few wild cats and dogs walking around their campus's outdoor foodcourt. One extra puppy wouldn't be noticed, or so she hoped.

"Nee, nee, I think it's time to go back to the theater, our lunch time's over." Kumi called and gathered all her things that was scattered on the table. The other also followed suit.

The girls walked to the theater with Jurina following them from behind. When they arrived at the front door, Rena turned around,"Jurina, listen. You can't go inside with me. Wait here until I come back to get you, understand?"

"Arf!" The puppy gave a bark and sat at the side of the front door wagging its tail.

"Good girl." Rena gave the puppy a little pat on its head and walked inside with her friends.

"Arf! Arf!"


As they walked on the corridor, from afar they saw a mass of other student standing in the other side. Low murmurs can be heard even from the distance.

"Has the casts been announced? Let's go take a look, Non-chan!" Kumi grabbed Kanon's hand and dragged her to the crowds. Rena, Akane, and Airi also quickened their pace.

It's the result of the audition for a musical. The musical will be played in their campus's anniversary. There'll be a lot of directors and higher ups from the entertainment industry attending the play to search for a young talent. It's a stage where everybody will try their hardest to be acknowledged by the scouts.

There's an uneasy feeling in Rena's guts, it's increased with every step she took towards the announcement board.

As she nearing the boards, the mumurs stopped suddenly. Everyone were staring at her with...what's that? Concerns? Pity?

She looked on the boards and finally understand what's going on there. Her name were not on the list.

She, Matsui Rena, the star pupil, known as one of the best actress from her year, is not selected for the play. 

It hurts. Even though she knew it's inevitable. She remembered what their head of department had said during the audition. 'This musical isn't only about acting skills, it'll also require an intense dancing and singing skills.'

She knew that's her dancing and singing skills isn't as good as her acting skills. She knew that with her current capability it's reasonable for not being listed in a musical plays. 

But it still hurts, when your hopes being crushed, and you have to swallow the bitter truth.

"Gomen, I think I forgot something." Her voice shaken, as she abruptly left the theater.

Airi was ready to follow her, but Akane grabbed her wrist, stopping her. Shaking her head, Akane gave Airi a solemn look, "I think it's best to leave her alone at the moment..."


Rena sat on a bench in the garden on her campus's ground. Because it's past lunch break time, the place was quiet. Most of the students was already in the building for class or other places. It was a perfect place to relax and clear her thoughts.

"Arf! Arf!"

Rena looked down and saw Jurina nuzzling her leg, asking her attention. 

'Did she followed me here?' 

The puppy was following Rena since she left the theater building. Her barks was left unanswered, and she followed suit until the girl settled on the bench. 

She realized something was off about the girl. She seemed down.

"Arf! Arf!" Jurina tried again, this time licking and pawing Rena's leg.

"Ne, Jurina?" Finally, a respond! The puppy perked up. "Arf!"

"Can you leave me alone for awhile?" Rena said, closing her eyes.

"Arf..." The puppy quitened down, its ears dropped after being scolded by the girl.

 After few minutes walking around the bench, the puppy raised its head, as if remembering something and scampered off. The girl was left alone at the garden, gazing at the sky.

Time flies as the girl sort her thoughts. She didn't even remember how long she sat at the garden. But since the sky starting to change its colors to orange, she figured she spent quite a time in the garden.

As she stretched, she suddenly remembered her companion, or the lack of.


The girl searched for her puppy near the garden and found nothing. Just when she started to give up, she saw the puppy running towards her.

The puppy was dirtied by dirts and all, but what took her interest is what the puppy brought for her. The girls crouched down to take a better look, and she saw several stem of small white flower. 

"Arf! Arf!" The puppy run around the girl and gave several licks to the girls hand as she took the flowers.

"What? Are you trying to cheer me up?" The girl giggled softly.

"Arf! Arf!" The puppy sit down and wags her tail. Affirmative.

"Mou what were you doing until you got all these dirt on you." Rena pouted a little but soon it was replaced by a smile. "Let's go home, Jurina. We'll have to clean you again."


Rena stood up and walked home along with Jurina followed her from behind.

"Oh, and Jurina, please try to keep quiet when we enter the apartment."


The day ended peacefully. They manage to sneak into the apartment without any accident.

Rena started to bathe Jurina immediately after they arrived so the puppy wouldn't leave any stain on her apartment. After the puppy was all clean, the girl started to cook dinner. She even prepared extra meal for the puppy due to her aversion over dog foods.

The dinner also went smoothly.

It's when Rena prepares to go to the bed, the pang of disappointment started to fill her guts again.

She frowned and plan to sleep it off. But it didn't worked.

A single tear slid off her procleain skin.

Then a warm lick that wipe the tear...huh?

The girl opened her eyes and saw the puppy sitting in her bed. Nuzzling the girl's cheek, the puppy yawned and secured herself a comfortable place in the girl's bed.

Smiling for the affection she received, the girl kissed the top of the puppy's head and whispered, "Good night, Jurina."


As the night continued on, and they're unaware of the danger looming nearby. 

Two girls dressed in black stepped out of a car at the city's outskirts. The taller one took a deep breath and took off her glasses, gazing at the city.

"I can feel her presence nearby, Minami. No. 09 is in this city."

Hearing her companion words, the other girl chuckled. "Saa, shall we start the hunt now?"

The shorter girl with ponytail smirked to her companion. 



Morning came, but Rena has a hard time to wake up. Especially with the warmth that embraced her, a fresh scent that made her so relaxed, and these smooth skin that...wait, what?

Rena quickly opened her eyes and as soon as she perceive the sight, she immediately panicked. She hope it's just a dream, or a prank, or whatever. 


And if her hands, or what her hands felt's right, it's not only a girl, but a naked one.

She wanted to scream, but her voice failed her. She wanted to think to find a good reasoning, but her minds already going haywire.


Rena froze.

The unknown girl nuzzled on her neck before opening her eyes and offered Rena a smile. A smile that made Rena's heart went bungee jumping on its own.

"Good morning Rena-chan. Chuu~" The girl stole a kiss on her cheek. 

That kiss finally dragged Rena back from Heaven and reacted to the girl's advance. She shoved the girls to her bed and immediately jumped off her bed, trying to have some distance.

"W-who are you?!" 

The unknown girl just smiled. She played a little with a tag on her collar before answering Rena.

"Me? I'm Jurina."

Project J - chapter 2. Warm embrace, fresh scent, smooth skin. Wait, what? END


Hi! Sorry for the long wait, >_<
So, the turn of events will be more interesting in the next chapter!

Stay in tune and thank you for the comments! ^^

As heavenly as melon-pan...I almost get a nosebleed when I read this sentence @_@ in a good way :w00t:

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