Trouble up ahead! Whats gonna happen?
What did they mean when they said big plans???
I wonder who are the rest of tje leaders..
Update soon! 
I think we've introduced all of the leaders : Otabe, Nezumi, Black, Center, Wota, Milky and Saya-nii~ Anyway~
Chapter 3 (Technically Chapter 1 Part Two)
The Importance of Watanabe Miyuki Part TwoCenter’s POV
It was nearly time. Yuki has the robot prepared, funnily enough within a day, with the help of the Hetare Wota, who has our plan.
“What’s your plan Hetare?”
Wota just facepalmed himself, “Stop calling me that! Anyway, we’ll have you, Yuki and the others distract the Cleaners, whilst Otabe and I get Milky.”
“Okay, simple but effective. Let’s go!”
Everyone then stormed to Miyuki’s location, it’s been 3 days before she was to be hypnotized by those Cleaners. We need to find her and get her out of there before something happens.
It was a serious situation that had to be dealt with. I knew it was Yuki’s que to storm in and try to destroy those Cleaners.
“Yuki-kun, please be safe.” I heard Mayu murmur in the background, worried for her creators safety.
“I know.”
Black then stormed in, in his robot, shooting at everything he sees, especially the Cleaners, signalling for us to come in after him.
“It was very foolish of you lot to storm in to save your friend, now one of you has to pay the price.”
Then one of the Cleaners shot at the roof, breaking it in the process, which was aimed to Mayu, but then Black’s robot managed to save her. I salute you Black, for being such a dedicated person.
“Yuki!” Mayu’s shout was echoing through the hollow halls, she was mourning the possible loss of one the best engineers we’ve had.
I saw her eyes grow dark as she looked up at the Cleaners. She yelled angrily and started attacking them.
“How dare you!”
Her focus was on attacking the ones who injured her creator, the one who thought she was important. This is how she gets when she’s angry, when she’s seriously angry.
It’s like a separate personality, watching her become like that.
“I’ll never, EVER forgive you!”
Her body reflexes were so fluid, none of us thought she was human. Of course we knew she wasn’t, but did the Cleaners? She sent kicks, punches and whatever else at them and after a split second, most of them were on the ground. Except for one.
“You think you could beat and Alpha Series, child.”
“Of course I can beat you, scum.”
“Got her guys!” Both Otabe and Wota exclaimed.
“Go, go, go!”
“I’m not leaving guys, I’ll get this guy and get Yuki-kun out of here, just go with Onee-chan!”
“Good luck Mayu.”
“Thanks.” As she said this, Yuki managed to climb out of his robot, yet he fell again.
We were safely able to escape with Milky, so we rushed back to base and laid her down on the couch. She was still out cold and not responding, so it may be a while until she wakes up.
“Otabe, is she bugged?” Saya-nii asked as he knelt down and moved back the girl’s hair.
There weren’t any tracking devices or earbugs attached, and there doesn’t seem to be any scars that indicate she was implanted.
“She’s okay.”
“Oh, thank God...”
“I just wonder how Nezumi’s getting on with that Alpha Series Cleaner.”
Third Person POV
Meanwhile back at the abandoned warehouse, Mayu had been fighting the Alpha Series for quite a while now. She had grown quite accustomed to the fatigue and kept on fighting.
Soon, a final kick reached the Cleaner, knocking it out. Blood was all over the engineer’s face, yet Mayu didn’t seem to care and kissed him directly in the lips.
“Mayu… It hurts...”
“Don’t try to speak. I’ll take care of you.”
Mayu helped Yuki up to his feet and the two slowly walked back to base.
Center’s POV
“Center! I had word on a Major’s daughter becoming missing just recently, our tracker specified her being near here, also Mayu’s currently coming back with Black.” I heard Saya-nii speak the news.
“Luckily those two are alive. And a missing daughter, eh?”
“It was about 14 years ago, I think.”
A daughter missing for 14 years? Where could they have found her?
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because… look at the name.” he pointed at the newspaper article containing a picture and the name of the missing child…
“Matsui family, tragic car accident. 4yr old daughter, Matsui Rena, missing.”
“Matsui? But that… that’s MY family name.”