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Author Topic: Don't be ashamed when you love me (WMatsui fanfic) - COMPLETED  (Read 95049 times)

Offline mo-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #180 on: November 20, 2013, 03:40:08 PM »

Chapter 16

Sigh. I lost the count of how many times I sighed today. Remembering what happened last week with Juri- oh! no I told myself that I won't call her by her real name even in my thoughts. Yes I mean I didn't talk with Jun since that day when she told me to stop calling her by her real name. I know that it's her right. But it made me feel really sad. I know she has her reason which I don't know and I don't want to force her to tell me what are they. Sincerely, I wanted to know it. What is bothring her. I wanted to her her but I think she doesn't want my help cause she is been avoiding me lately. I barely see her, she even stopped taking breakfast and dinner with us. The Matsui family is really weird. I know that wel because her daughter is crossdressing like a boy for a family reason. But I feel there more things I don't know about this family and It surprised more what happened last week when went back to home.


After this long day, I got back to home with Kanon and Jun wasn't with us. Yes after what happened between us. Even Kanon seems down. I asked her what's wrong, but she gave me a fake smile and told that everything is ok and I don't need to worry. I knew something wrong with but I dicided to let it down. Maybe she'll talk about it to me when she wants.  After that no one said anything to the other in way back.
"I'm back~"  I knelt to take off my shoes as I shouted. Kanon didn't say a word and I seriously begin to become more worried about her.

"I have to go to my room first, I need to do something"


I proceed to attend the living room where Kyoka-son is always still waiting for us. But to our surprise Kyoka-san was not the person waiting but an other one. A tall skiny man wering a suit. He looks like a businessman. Perhaps he works with madam. He stood up from his sit and bowed. I bowed back to him.
"Welcome back young Mistress"
Eeeeeh!? me? young mistress??? I was startled by the young man's retort. He must be new here that's why. Sigh. It's really funny he has mistaken me.
 I'm only a.... maid....



"I think you're wrong, we have only a young master and if you want to meet hi-"

"No I'm not wrong, you are Matsui Rena right?"

"Yes...Maybe my family name is the same but I'm not a memb-"

"I think yoou don't understand." He sighed as he took his glasses to clean the spectacles. I don't like this men I don't understand what he wants he seriously like to cut me off when I start to talk to him.

"Mister I think you misunderstood something Bu-"


Why seriously today is all cutting me off. When I turned to see who was it. It was Kyoka-san followed by Kanon and Jun. I looked to Jun, he/she looked other way. I decided to let it cause I think Kyoka-san wants to say something.

" Rena-chan sit down"
when everyone settled cantinue " I was waiting for you all. I have something important to tell you about. You can have the word Shinoda-san"

"I know that only Kyoka-san and young master knows me but still young mistriss you don't know"
Why he keeps saying that I told him he is wrong. I can see from the side Kanon and Jun's surprised face. Maybe my sister thinks the same thing like me.  The young man cantinue "First I'll indroduce myself. I'm Shinoda Mario. I'm on of Matsui' family's layer. I'm here to keep an eye on young masters"

"Euuh..Sorry to tell you we are not mistress of this house" As ecspected from Kanon that she won't let it. "Yes Mario I think you are mistaken something..."

"Shinoda-san is right!"

"EEeeeh" We three shouted at the same time when Kyoka-san comfirmed what he said. Wait! What? What do they mean??? EEEh???

"What's going on here!? Why I didn't know anything about it??" Jun's look was full of anger and confusion. I can understand him. He/ She is the master/misteriss and one day his a girl  who is his/her personal maid and her sister took the same postion as him/her . I'm more confused then him/her...

"Calm down Jun! These are Madam's orders to us."


"Eeh!?" It was the first time someone called me like this. It's really weird.

"Madam told me that she wants to register you in the Matsui family" He look to Kanon and cantinue " You too Kanon-sama"
Wait!! What is happening here. I'm dreaming right? Why madam is doing this? What happened? Why she is kind to us? there is something going on...

"WHAT!!? " Jun stood up angerly and left the room. Should I follow him/her. But I can't...

"What is you answer Rena-sama, Kanon-sama?"

"I don't know...I'll do what onee-chan wants to do." Kanon looked to with the eyes of someone who needs help.
What should I do? I'm scared if I say no to them then madam will get angry and kick us from here. Then what should I do. I don't want Kanon to suffer...

"Sorry Shinoda-san about it but I need to think about it"
Shinoda-san smirked to my replay. "You're interesting Rena-sama, But I didn't wait to have this answer. Okey I'll give you a week to make decision"
~End of Flash back~
Yes I know it's really surprising to know it. I'm not a maid anymore. But yes today is the d-day. I still don't know what to do. Maybe I should talk to Jun about it. It's really hard to choose . Why this happened to me? I feel something fishy in this story...

"Matsui-san!!" My thoughts were cut by someone.

"Matsui-san! you keep daydreaming all these days!Why don't you try to solve this problem?" Arghh!! It's really bad I wasn't even listenning. I proceed to stand up from sit my savor  the bell rang.


After the teacher left the class, I went to talk with Rena. She was sulking I'm not surprised cause the teacher was scolding her.

"Are you ok Rena-chan? You seem always in your thoughts lately. Something happened?"
But she didn't saying anything more than it's nothing I'm ok. I know that we're not really close me and Rena-chan and she is disctred girl. So I can understand.

I turned and I saw Airin waving to Rena-chan. Rena-chan stood up very fast I she started to walk to Airin but She stopped half way and she looked at me.

"You want to come have lunch with us Churi?" I'd like to go but I looked to Airin maybe she doesn't want me to go with cause I can tell by looking at her surprised face when Rena-chan aked me to come with them.

"Right Airin?"

"Y-yea Rena-san" Sigh. Why everybody is like this when she smiles to then Jun too.

"Thanks! But I need to do something go ahead first don't wait for me"
Sigh. But I feel her smile kinda makes me relaxed too. What am I talking about? I face palm myself.


When Shinoda-san came and tell us about that we can be Jun's sisters, I was really surprised really surprised that I couldn't sleep that night. I was thinking if I accept madam's offer I'd live a better life. And I can say goodbye to that misrable life I had after the accident of my parents. Despite that I can not offer to be selfish. Cause I know that my sister loves Jun-san. And It will be more complicated if we become siblengs. I can't forget the promis I made to myself that, in our parents funerals.
It was a gloomy day. I don't know how much I cried but what I remember is that my sister didn't cry in the funerals. When visitors were taking their leave. My sister was holding my father's and I had my mother's picture. My two uncles and aunty were discussing about who is going to take us under their care. No one wanted us. They began to throw excuses.  Like they don't have enough money and the other other hasn't more places to accommodate us.

"Why I should take care of them?"

"I heard that His wife hasn't sibling"

"Why should he die now?"

"I can take the young one but the older one I won't"

"Why should we care about the older. She isn't even their real daughter"
I was furious when I heard what they said. They can not go further to talk about it. I looked to my sister. She was looking to them. She didn't say anything. Her eyes looked empty. I can't see any emotion in them. I felt really hurt. 

"She is not in Kimoto's register so I think we won't have a problem"
Without knowing I yelled stop to them. Disturbed by the cries that I launched, they glard me. Rena onee-chan was surprised but it doesn't make stop.

"Don't talk like this about onee-chan!! If you don't want it then you can go all away!! Cause I won't leave onee-chan alone never I will!!"
At that time my sister hugged me tighly and started crying. 
~End of Flashback~
I promised to myselfI won't leave onee-chan and I'll protect her...


I turned to look to my girlfriend. She was with that girl named Kizaki Yuria. Last time Kumi-san said it was an accident and nothing happened in toilet. Even Kizaki Yuria came to explain for me that it was a misunderstood and that Kumi-san was helping her.But still I can't get to like her this girl. She even started to get really close with Kumi-san.

"Let's go Kanon-chan!" Kumi took Kanon's hand in hers and she proceed to walk.

"Un! between where is Jun-kun?"

"Well... how can I say it?" Kumi posed a pit then cantinued " He run away because the new transfert girl almost kissed him"



"So, you were here?"
Someone asked me. I removed the book from my face.I was sleeping under a tree. I wanted to rest for a bite. I wanted to be alone. I had enough of my family of the persons I know. I had enough of my life. What am I? Why things should go like this? Why I can't have a normal life?
"aah Churi?" Akane sat beside me on the ground. She took a deep breath and she looked to the clear sky. "How are you Jun-kun?" I don't know why she come here all of sudden. We don't talk much lately. Or should be precise we don't talk much since Rena enter my life. But I am sure of something that her look means that she want to have a serious talk with me. I don't really have the feeling to talk with someone I'm tired...
"Get to the right point Churi I know that you don't want to ask about my health or something" Akane smirked to me and it kind of scared me a bite. What is she up to? I don't like it when she smirks.

"I just wanted to tell you that I know it" I didn't know what she was talking about but it pissed me off when she kept her smirk. "What are you talking about?"

"About this" Akane looked at my eyes then she put her hand on my chest.


I sat on the bench right next Rena-san. I took my bento  and I put it on  lap. I really don't have appetite these days. I can't help be extremily worried about my best friend,my first love. My Rena. I looked at her she seems spacing out again. Lately she thinks too much and I won't ask her about who cause I know. I know who she is thinking about. I'm jealous of him. I can only watch her thinking of him even she is always here sitting by my side. Why things should turn like there is today? Why she must get to work in his house? Why she must fall in love with him? Why not me? Why?

"Airin" She suddenly called my name. It startled me. I hate being nervous.

"Y-yes Rena-san" She smiled to me and held my cheek. "You were spacing out" I can feel my face hit up with a warm sensation"E-Eh Y-you too Rena-san" She let a small sigh " You're right. I can't say no" Rena-san looked downhearted. She was more depressed then I thought. Maybe something more serious happened? I put my hand on her shoulder and I asked her if she was ok. As aslways she replayed that she is fine and that I don't need to worry. I kept asking her but she suddenly stood up. she apologised to me and said she needs to do something. She is running away...


"Since when do you know about it?"

"Since a while"  I'm really surprised to know that Churi knew about my secret... " You don't ask why I kept it secret?"

"no  I won't"

"Why?" She smiled to me "like that" Yeah Like that! Churi is the same fooling aroud... "I see..." But I'm happy. I can see that she is still the same Churi as always with me.

" Things are not going well between you and Rena? I can see it" She got at that point.

"yeah..." I let a sigh " I just don't know what to do what to think..." As I finished my words,Akane smacked me on my head. " WHAT'S WRONG?" It's seriously hurt!! "Don't talk like it's the end of the world" Akane shook he head and continue " You always make problems yourself. You're just too stupid and too dense you're so in love with her and you deny that. I can't get you Jun-kun" She laughed at me "Eeeeeeeh? What did you say? Stupid" I pushed her, sat on her stomach and I started to tickle her. "Stop it!! Hahahaha Stop it"  "Hah no I won't stop till you say sorry" She kept laughing and saying that she refuse to apologise. "Hahahaha Okey! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"  Suddenly, we heard a loud thump. I instantly stood up and turned to find Rena-chan looking at us. She was staring at us. There was an unreadable emotion in her eyes and her mouth was hanging wide open. It was then I realized how was weird our position. I tried to talk or explain but she didn't let me...

" Go Jun-kun! Don't make her wait!"


A lot of things escapes me lately. I had to deal with Kanon's jealousity and she doesn't want to make it easy for me. Yuria-chan is only a little sister for me. Why I care so much about her? I really don't know even myself can't answer it. Kanon starts to get jealous whenever I was with Yuria. Sigh. I can't help I feel like she needs someone be her side. But now I'm not worried about it. I think Jun-kun is not normal lately. Well he is not normal since he was rejected by Churi but back then I was sure I knew things. But now I think that I have missed things.I feel like they want to hide it from me.Even Churi is not the same.. She is like she knew it and she doesn't say anything. Why I their friend? It really makes me angry. I was heading to the gym. I saw something which surprised me.There were three person. It was Rena-chan who was in Furukawa's embrace and Jun-chan who looked hurt.


When I heard she said yes to her. I felt like my whole world is cracked. I didn't want it to happen like this. I wish I would arrive before her. I wish I was not a coward. It was my last chance and I lost it. Now I regret coming here. I regret hearing her answer. I regret hearing all their conversation. Cause now I can be sure that I lost. I can see it in front my eyes. Rena...


It was night, I was sitting on a chair in the terrace. I couldn't sleep. Why I did that? It was stupid of me. I don't want to hurt Airin. Why I did that? I can be irresponsible sometimes. I let my jealousy take the lead and I I behaved like a fool. I saw someone get in the terrace too. It was her.

"Jurina..." I quickly covered my mouth I said  that I'll never call her with that name. She looked surprised to see me.

"Naah It's ok" I think she didn't notice me cause I was sitting in the cornor and It was dark. It's weird. I thought that she hates dark. She was in her pijama. She smiled to me a wry smile.

"You can't sleep too?" She sat on the chair next to me.

"Un..." There was a heavy silence between us. Nobody dared to say something. It's awkward...

"Yossha! I think I need to go to sleep!" Jurina stood up from her place and stared walking inside.

"Wait!" Jurina looked at me. "I.. I.."

"It's ok Rena-chan..." She smiled sadly "You don't need to say anything" She walked to me and I stood up. "And... Congratulation.. I hope Furukawa will make you happy... unlike me..."   I felt my eyes become tearly the feeling I had was not normal. Normaly when someone congrulate you to have a girlfriend you must be happy you must laugh you must thank them. However, I had not anything of all this. It the opposite. I was feeling like someone is rending my heart. Jurina kissed my forhead . She wipd my tears with her thumbs and crassed me right cheek.

"Don't cry Rena-chan..."  While saying this, Jurina put her face near mine and just put her lips on mine. Her kiss transported me to a thousand places. I forgot for a while that I have a girlfriend. Everything was only sweet, pleasure and tender. My heart was beating wildly. My hands were sweaty. I hugged her. I felt her whole body against mine who gave way to my arms......

I woke up in the morning I was in Jurina's bed. I felt my eyes hurting me from too much crying of yesterday. I walked downstairs only to be welcomed by Kyoka-san I greeted her and asked her if she saw Jurina. She was silent for a moment. I started to become worried what happened to her?

"Kyoka-san.. did something happened to Jurina?"

“Just a moment ago.... Jurina departed for Tokyo. She will live there from.... today”

"WHAT? Why no one told me about it? What happened?"

"I didn't know it too. Only this morning. It was between her and madam."
I can feel that kyoka-san is confused and hurt as well from her expression.. Why? Why you're doing this Jurina?

« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 10:06:29 PM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Offline BbSis

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #181 on: November 20, 2013, 04:44:13 PM »
MOMO!!!! You updated!!!!

But why you make us suffer like that?!!! *flip tables*

what is with this 'end' on the title? You can't end the story like this pleaaase ><


thank you for the update  :bow: 

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #182 on: November 20, 2013, 05:03:40 PM »

Please... :bow:

Offline Koneki

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #183 on: November 20, 2013, 05:21:23 PM »
you just wanted to finish it, don´t you?  :nervous :nervous :nervous


~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Offline mo-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #184 on: November 20, 2013, 06:25:34 PM »
Replays :

It's my first time reading this fanfic and i really like it :D.

It took me about 3h to finish it but yeah it was worth it hahaha

Can't wait for the next updeate :D

Hahaha it took you only 3 hours I guess my Fanfic is really short and it come to an end no XD thanks for reading my fic :D

Omg you bring nana here... More person to cause trouble for wmatsui

naaah nana won't have a big role now !  :P

finally!!!! an update!!
Jun be honest with ur self
just tell Rena ur feeling will u
or else i will steal her from u :twisted:

nice update anyway
 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Well I think the same as you Jun should be honest but I think he is a coward  :smhid

wooooo i need more chapter soon!!
it´s so interesting!!
here is a chapter  :D
I didn't notice the updates at all...
yay for update, nod nod...
this is getting complicated...
yuria... kumi.... non-chan... ah...
fujita nana?

now you can see it XD thanks for reading  :)

yey! after a long hiatus, you comeback with an update.

i guess thinks become more complicated, and a new drama will begin.

anyway, i will wait for the next update!  :)

 Sorry I'm more and more busy lately I can't find time to write  :(

WHEN THE NEXT CHAPTER?!! T_______________________________________________T
 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I can't wait more   :cry: :(

Sorry Saki I made you wait so much  :lol:

I'm wait for the next chapter...!!!
I'm very Like your fanfic.........
 :jphip: :jphip:
 :) :)

Onegaishimaasu.......  :bow: :bow:

Thanks for liking my fic  :D

author-san about poll i think let them be a couple for AiriChuri..
please update for next chapter ASAP

about a poll I think I'll make a new one  :roll:

MOMO!!!! You updated!!!!

But why you make us suffer like that?!!! *flip tables*

what is with this 'end' on the title? You can't end the story like this pleaaase ><


thank you for the update  :bow: 

Yeah I updated granny  :D  hahaha inceast!? Are you sure you want it  :lol:


Please... :bow:

well, I'll make a happy ending  :nervous

you just wanted to finish it, don´t you?  :nervous :nervous :nervous


yeah I really want to finish it  XD

mo-chan come again with an other update   8)
well I couldn't wait to update it even I'm really busy these day  :nervous
and yea it's the END!!!
well it's the end of the first season  :P
I'll put a poll after that to make sure if you want to read a second season  :roll:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #185 on: November 20, 2013, 07:04:42 PM »
I need a happy ending of Wmatsui :(

Btw thank you for make rhis fanfic :deco:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #186 on: November 20, 2013, 09:14:39 PM »
ooooooooooooooooh!! yes new chapter .. but... but...
what happen!?
I don´t understand .. this is the end?
plis noooooooooooooot! continue this!!
I really like this story!!  :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
I want to know rena past and jurina past life.

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #187 on: November 20, 2013, 10:08:56 PM »
What happened in my history of this fic...
reads it and enjoys...waits for next chapter...
waits... goes and rereads...
updated... the end?? dies because of the ending... *I want a 2nd season.

Offline BbSis

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #188 on: November 20, 2013, 10:39:08 PM »
Momo, I'm dead serious. I actually like incest heheeh forbidden love is the best! and the best incest in between twins! Twincest!!!!! heuheuhe \:v/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #189 on: November 21, 2013, 12:56:55 AM »
Why Rena get Matsui family and why?

Rena got a girlfriend O-O!!!

Why Jurina left Rena

Please continue the next ch

Offline chichay12

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #190 on: November 21, 2013, 01:21:29 PM »

 :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated:

I actually like incest heheeh forbidden love is the best! and the best incest in between twins! Twincest!!!!! heuheuhe \:v/

lol twincest... i love it too  :hehehe:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #191 on: November 21, 2013, 02:13:05 PM »
GANBATTE!!!  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #192 on: January 19, 2014, 07:46:35 AM »
MOMO-CHAN!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!! you cannot hang ur readerrrr like thisssssss.......  :on shady: :mon scare:
IS VERY BAD for THE HEART!!!!  :gyaaah: :tantrum: :imdead:
MOREMOREMOREMOREMOREMORE!!!!!!  :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated:
CONTINUE S2.. ;A;  :OMG:  :mon pray2:  :mon whimper:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me | Chapter 16| End |
« Reply #193 on: December 07, 2014, 11:00:17 AM »
PLEASE MO-CHAN!!! MAKE THE NEW SEASON!!! :onioncheer: :ptam-cry: :OMG:
I WANT SEASON 2!!!!!![/font]

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