JPHiP Radio (19/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Hamasaki Ayumi - You are the only one

Author Topic: Surprise Gift (Kai X Atsuko) - COMPLETED  (Read 38449 times)

Offline saeyukilover

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Jeje yeah that lyrics are so dangerous for our innocence minds.. But. why naked? jeje :B

Cuz the~~ who would not imagine Kai naked...with those lyrics :P


Offline saeyukilover

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Jeje yeah that lyrics are so dangerous for our innocence minds.. But. why naked? jeje :B

Cuz the~~ who would not imagine Kai naked.. With those lyrics ( note: I just have a wild imagination :p )


Offline cisda83

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Yeah... it was quite vivid imagination there... with the MV and the lyric there... I can actually image what's the situation was like.

Yeah... they can be stars there... lots of screaming fans...

Well I like the interaction between YukoRiku and KaiAtsu.... they are sweet and lovely....

Great fic there... Thank you

Can't wait to see the next one

 :wub: :inlove: :love: :heart:

Offline KaeKain

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omg! ...It's very good *-*
I loved the part of Takaboy, stripper perfect!  :drool:

Offline fausto

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Okay okay, definetly waiting for an update here :panic: Haruko san, with such lyrics, I trust you to come in pervy section soon with the kaixacchan pairing hehe :drool: :nervous

Offline den_takacchan

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Offline Haruko

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Hello! Yeah! I´m alive!.. sorry but I´m too lazy for translate this fic T_T, but here is! Special thanx to dark48, for help me!!

This is the final Chapter aww But I have another  kojiyuu fic! so you gonna see me very soon.. enjoy it!

Thanx to all my dear readers :B

Yeah! They look like proffesional strippers :B

Of course our kai is just.. the perfect guy

Jeje maybe in my mind happen a lot of things but Im too innocence for write that kind of thing.. buy maybe..

Jeje of course I know that feeling about waiting for a ficc :B here is!


[Returning to the lovebirds]
- EHM. Acchan congratulations and I hope we can have a lot of good time together and again Happy Birthday! -  Kai said. The original idea was to give her a kiss and a special gift but at the last minute he had second thoughts and didn´t make a move on her,so he turns around to get out of the party.
- Kai .. wait! - Acchan says, which made Kai stop and turn to where she is - Thanks for everything! - She kiss him on the cheek
- You are welcome  - Kai says while he is all flustered like Acchan
- Well, well lovebirds, Acchan better take this hunk before any female in here chooses to take him home, Congratulations Acchan! See you Monday at school - Sae said as he walked toward the exit with Kai and Riku ,while winking at the  screaming audience as if they were a famous rock band.


[Acchan´s House. 1:00 am.]
- The whole day has been wonderful, the surprises were all just great, but what I liked most was the dance, oh! My god had I known it would happen...- Acchan thought as she blushed.  Outside   a little boy is waiting for heaven’s signal to know what he should do.
- I still have the ultimate gift, but what if I just give it on Christmas  .. but it would not be the latest and I also want to congratulate her without many people seeing us but ... - suddenly his phone rings and see that He has a message "You better move your ass and  give her  the gift  don`t over think about this and DON´T YOU DARE THINK ABOUT GIVING IT TO HER ON CHRISTMAS  Atte: Riku "-  Eh.?! How does he know.. Sometimes Riku scares me ..well it´s now or never- With determination in his eyes Kai climbs a tree to the second floor where Acchan´s room is and knock  on the window
- There is a knock on the window? Who is it? It´s late already.. I'd better find out but carefully - thought Acchan while she walks carefully closer to the window with a baseball bat in hand. As she approaches the window she lifts the bat when she saw a shadow and she is about to hit it when.. ..
- Acchan! Wait ... It´s me .. Kai - says Kai in horror seeing that the girl has the intention of hitting him. But at the last minute the girl stops when she recognize the owner’s voice.
- Waa a..  Kai, are you crazy? Why are you outside my window?  You creep me out, I thought you were a thief, Why didn´t you just send me a cell phone message?-
- Hehe  sorry I  forgot about that -
- Well.. - of course Acchan is happy because she can see Kai again  - What are you doing outside my room?  - ask Acchan with a curious look
- Emh.. - said Kai nervous - I came because well .. I have .. a .. last gift for you - very ashamed Kai says extending his hand and handing a box to Acchan
- Eh?! another gift?! Great ... Let's see - When  Acchan opened the box inside She can see a beautiful necklace that has a pendant with a sakura  flower  - Aww Kai it´s beautiful!  thank you very much- Atsuko said , She was so happy, the pendant is beautiful but the best part is Kai bought it for her- Can you help me? -
- emh.. yeah.. of course - Kai takes Acchan´s necklace and placed it on her neck , even with his trembling hands he managed to put it in place and they can see it on the mirror of her room and she loves it!. Kai looked dumbfounded while looking at the reflection of Acchan. Taking some courage, he holds her shoulder and completely turned her body so that they are now facing each other and began to approach her very slowly.
- Oh! My god! He is going to kiss me .. What should I do? – Acchan thought as she watched Kai approach her slowly. Just a few millimeters from Atsuko´s lips, Kai hesitated but after taking a little more courage ended up closing the distance between them. The kiss was slow and romantic ... like how a first kiss should be. After taking full consciousness of what he had done, he was really surprised for his act and blame himself for not having control, he look directly into Acchan`s eyes and saw her completely flushed.
On the other hand Acchan was surprised about the kiss, she was amazed because she knew Kai have love interest on her but he was always so shy about romantic affection and now he took the initiative to kiss her, it was too much for her and the kiss was so romantic but now.. Are they dating? a couple? She doesn't know how to react, but just as She was about to say something she realized in Kai´s facial expressions, his face was completely full of guilt...
- No, it cannot be possible that he regrets kissing me, right?, after what happened today, but maybe it was just a gratitude kiss or something like that, Of course not Acchan don’t think like that you know that Kai have feelings for you this wasn´t a fake kiss. . - Acchan was struggling internally while watching Kai's face change through multiple facets, before Kai could say anything Atsuko stepped forward and put her index finger on his lips
- Before you talk and say you regret the kiss, I have something to say, I do not regret the kiss, I was actually waiting for it for a long time, for me you are someone very important  and the fact that You take my first kiss makes me very happy, now if you do not have any feelings beyond friendship, I will accept your apology and we can still be friends but if you want to start a real relationship like a real couple then do not say you regret one of the happiest moments of my life - Atsuko said with a serious tone while looking directly at Kai. She removes her finger from his lips nervously and anxiously waited for his answer.
- Apparently you keep reading my mind as always Atsuko - Kai says with a smile on his lips - Well as I am a man of few words and more on action, this is my answer – he is coming in and kisses her again.


The next day Kai was the happiest man in the world for he was finally able to propose to his now beloved girlfriend Acchan, He was quietly walking down the school entrance however he felt that all the people were watching him, it was normal to be seen but now he felt that something was different, and as he stepped on the entrance university he heard screams of women who surrounded him and asked for his autograph, photos and Children? God, someone had touched him where it was due ..some were already starting to undress him and he can’t do anything.
 - Hell?! what's going on, I always have fans but today they are more crazy than usual,  - Hey! do not touch me there- There are a lot women and a few guys? He quickly felt an arm pulled him out of the circle.
- Damn.. .. – He turns to see who it was and he was calm down when he saw that it’s just his best friend Riku.
- Ah .. Riku it’s you,  you know what's going on? - Kai says while Riku pulled him to a place where they could talk more at ease as the noise created by these women was worse than as if an artist coming to school
- Yeah!  I know that feeling because when I entered  the university those crazy woman surrounded me too, but Yuko came to help me! Thank God everybody are scared of Yuko - says Riku looking everywhere paranoid to check if somebody followed them and went straight to the lounge - Apparently the video of  Acchan´s party is now on Youtube and now the whole school saw the show we gave them – Kai was completely surprised hearing those words
- OMG! We are in trouble, what are we going to do? - But before he could hear an answer from Riku, He was again surrounded  by a lot of women including their fan clubs making  a lot of indecent proposals.

[As elsewhere]
- Good morning, Acchan! -  says a smiling Mariko who is entering the school building
- Good morning, Marichan -
-Something happened yesterday and I did not realize? You seem very happy today - says Mariko
- Well, Kai  and I ... – Acchan cannot continue due to the loud screams that kept on interrupting her - What's the matter? -
- It seems that your party video leaked online, Now the attractive guy from the campus are the Hottest sexy guy in the university, all these women are making indecent proposals to them and I think they are even touching them too - said Mariko maliciously to see what reaction would Acchan have, she assumed that Acchan would be angry and she was right but she was not expecting that Acchan  will go straight into the crowd with a furious face.
- This will be interesting .. - Mariko mumbled as she pulled out her cell phone to record the moment

Acchan went directly to where all the women had surrounded her man something that was not going to continue, as soon as she began to dawn. He saw his girlfriend had gone to look and she does not hace a very friendly face so he got a cold sweat. Acchan reached out her hand and made contact with kai´s hanHs and then pulled Kai's arm so that they stay together. Now they are so close just millimeters from each other, Acchan took Kai by the neck and had his lips made contact with hers. if this were not enough She  intensify the kiss because She want to show to everybody  that Kai belongs to her She was about to break the kiss for breath but Kai doesn´t let her, Indeed Kai was in another world He doesn´t notice the people around them, he just take her waist and make a deep kiss. At the same time, everyone was shocked, they could not believe what they are seeing, first they are together and second they are given this kind of show because everyone know that they are so shy about this. As the kiss ended due to lack of air, the two stared gawking and Acchan looks around challenging any woman who dare to approach again or say something to her now beloved boyfriend, but nobody dare to approach Kai because Acchan looks so dangerous and they spread out.
- Wow wow this is new I did not expect that, when did this happened Kai? - Said Riku
- After sending me a message about giving my last gift  to Atsuko -
- We need to go to our class, and I hope You understand that you belong to me Kai - Acchan said with defiant look
- Yes. Ma´m... - respond kai with an afraid look
- The trainer has been tamed - mocking Riku
- Shut up Riku -


For lat thanx guys for all you messages they make me very happy :B, see you soon

Offline cisda83

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Ah.... Kai is romantic....

Ara.... they are nearly unable to be together.... if not because of Atsuko's sudden confession after their 1st shared kiss.

Wah... the boys became a celebrities over night....

The fans are so scary.... doing all kind of things to them

Wah... Atsuko so possessive.... and of coz' very SCARY

Kai is so scared of Atsuko.... as Riku said Kai is being tamed.

Thank you for the lovely update

Can't wait to see more story of yours.... even if this one is complete

Thank you for completing it...

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline mae

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Thank you for this fic it's great ;)

Offline Haruko

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Yeah! KAi is so romantic, of course Acchan need to let the relationship sometimes

thanx for your comment

Offline Sydney W

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Hahaha ~ shy Kai have been tamed by Atsuko.

Offline Haruko

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Hahaha ~ shy Kai have been tamed by Atsuko.

Like always! :B poor Kai

Offline Takahashi Atsuko

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This fic is really cool, go achan show them who's the boss xD

Offline Haruko

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This fic is really cool, go achan show them who's the boss xD

Thanx, omg sexadicchan need to teach her husband so well

Offline Takahashi Atsuko

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You know what?
You make me fall in love for that song of tanaka koki, make u wet xD

Offline PinellaEdlyn

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Pleeeaassseeeee post the next chapter author sannnnnn  :cry: I can't wait anymoreeeeee  :cry: author san please

Offline Haruko

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Pleeeaassseeeee post the next chapter author sannnnnn  :cry: I can't wait anymoreeeeee  :cry: author san please

this is the end of this story o_o...

Offline Dianalrs

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    • Acabatelo__MT
Godd Job
I really enjoy the story  :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Thank you for your work!
The story is great  :twothumbs

Thanx to you for read this fic!! :D

JPHiP Radio (19/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Hamasaki Ayumi - You are the only one