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Author Topic: Warriors - Chapter 29 [WMatsui] (01/07/2020)  (Read 109897 times)

Offline key17

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 20 [WMatsui] (11/09/15)
« Reply #140 on: September 12, 2015, 10:46:26 AM »
hoo... if airin still alive, maybe i can see some furuyanagay
wow.. rena is really great!!
can i ask a question? what is the meaning of tête-à-tête?

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 20 [WMatsui] (11/09/15)
« Reply #141 on: September 12, 2015, 01:33:49 PM »
Welp, that was surprising to say the least... I wonder how Rena is going to react to Airins death.... If that is, Airin is truly dead.

hoo... if airin still alive, maybe i can see some furuyanagay
wow.. rena is really great!!
can i ask a question? what is the meaning of tête-à-tête?

A 'tête-à-tête': It means they are just the two alone.

This is a flashback. Airi is dead. I wrote about it already in chapters 7 and 12. And made lots of references about it in between, as well as the effects her death had on Rena. Though you can see the effects her death had on Rena in the whole story, really.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 03:24:31 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 21 [WMatsui] (16/10/15)
« Reply #142 on: October 15, 2015, 11:41:27 PM »

Jurina felt a jolt of electricity course her body when a moan suddenly disrupted the quiet atmosphere of the bedroom. Her expert touch was obviously having quite some effect on the girl laying naked underneath her on the futon, and her lips ravishing the slender neck pulled away to gaze at her lover. The older girl had her head turned the other way and her eyes squeezed shut, but her breathing was becoming erratic through her slightly parted lips. The sound escaping her mouth seemed to have shocked the usually very collected girl as she buried her face in her pillow, in the obvious intention to not produce such a shameful noise again.

Jurina’s left hand moved upwards from the breast she had been giving undivided attention until now to cup her chin and tilt it gently towards her. Despite the dark surrounding them Jurina could distinguish through the moonlight the embarrassment inside the small brown orbs looking back at her, and she kissed longingly those lips that had betrayed her true feelings.

“Don’t hide anything from me, Rena. I want to hear all of it.”

Jurina didn’t wait for an answer and dived in for another hungry kiss, the lips against hers responding to it with equal passion after a slight - but well noticed - moment of hesitation. Of course the older girl didn’t approve of her request and would try and prevent those embarrassing sounds from escaping her lips again. In fact, Jurina didn’t expect any less from the kenjutsu instructor. However, as she let her fingers travel down her abdomen and caress her inner thighs, she knew she was going to do everything in her power to hear them again. And countless of times.

Jurina’s eyes shot open at once and she gasped, the image of her protector still much present in her mind. Her skin was glistening with sweat, and she knew it wasn’t only because of the summer heat. Her dream had been quite… daring. Since that brief kiss exchanged a week ago with the kenjutsu instructor her head had been filled with images of her, but never her nights had been so agitated. Her attraction to the older samurai came as an evidence the moment their lips touched, but after such an intense dream, it was also undeniable that she desired her. Unfortunately for her, the kenjutsu instructor had been cleverly avoiding her since that moment of intimacy in the maple forest.

Jurina sat up on her futon, lifting her hand to run her fingers through her slightly damp hair. Desperately, she tried to focus on anything but the girl of her dreams to calm her racing heart, a growl leaving her lips in frustration when her brain refused to comply to her wishes. She could still feel vividly the older girl’s soft skin under her fingertips, although it had only been a figment of her imagination.

A faint shuffling sound caught her attention and she turned her head right in surprise, noticing her sister turning on her futon. At first, Jurina got afraid she may have unintentionally woke her up, but the head resting heavily on the pillow without moving proved otherwise. Jurina let out a small sigh of relief, not knowing what explanation she would have given her older sister if questioned. Nightmares didn’t even need to be explained as Mayu was unfortunately quite used to them by now, but this kind of dream was another matter altogether. Clearly, she couldn’t have shared its content with her still innocent sister.

When it became obvious by the persistent picture of her protector that she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep straight away she got up on her feet, and retrieved her clothes to dress up. Some fresh air was needed if she wished to clear her head and cool her body down. Her eyes fell on her sister as she finally slid the door open once she was done covering herself - making sure one last time she was indeed still sleeping - before stepping out the room quietly.

“You look surprised to see me,” Jurina joked when she took a seat at the table near her friend clad in her usual green yukata. Indeed, the shock that crossed Churi’s features when she stepped into the house didn’t go unnoticed. Neither her mouth opened wide.

“Of course I am,” Churi stammered, slapping Jurina’s arm in remonstrance at the light mockery she was being subjected to. “You never come here in the middle of the week. Did something happen?”

Perceptive as usual, Jurina thought inwardly. And she didn’t even need to utter a single word for a friend to guess things right. Not surprising, but still very impressive.

“Couldn’t sleep,” Jurina replied simply, her gaze wandering around the room in mild curiosity - taking in the other women occupied with men and noticing Annin who was busy seducing a client - before drinking silently her cup of saké the waitress placed in front of her.

“I see,” Churi murmured. “Did you have other plans in mind?”

The implied suggestion didn’t go unnoticed when Churi’s eyes flickered briefly to Annin, and she shook her head lightly, her gaze lingering on the girl who had shared her bed a few times in the past. “No, this is over.”

“Really?” Churi exclaimed, before nodding pensively. “So you were serious that day.”

Jurina shifted her attention to her in puzzlement, noticing how her friend’s features grew suddenly serious. She could tell by the way she was hesitating that she was about to divulge something important, and she stared at her in expectation.

“Annin came to talk to me a while ago,” Churi started after a little while. “She explained me everything you told her the last time you joined her in her room. I think she expected me to have an explanation for your distant behavior.”

“She came to talk to you?” Jurina repeated, not believing what she was hearing. It was no secret the two women were not the best of friends - in fact, she had never seen them share a word once - but it seemed Annin’s curiosity had led her to make the first step.

“She wanted to know who was driving you away from her,” Churi continued, before pausing. Annin’s pained look submerged her memory, and she realized how wrong she had been about her all this time. Until now, she always believed Annin considered Nobunaga as a treasured prize - as she was the only one the young girl had accepted the favors - but their recent unexpected conversation brought out a truth she would never have foreseen. “She has feelings for you, Nobunaga.”

“I know,” Jurina sighed. Churi’s discovery was no revelation to her as she came to the same conclusion herself, but it was the first time she was broaching the problematic subject with her. She still couldn’t understand how the older girl could have developed such improbable feelings for her, considering she had definitely never encouraged them. “What did you tell her?”

“I lied. I said you never mentioned another woman,” Churi murmured, guilt washing over her as she recalled her disconcerting conversation with Annin.

In her field of work, a good lie was the key to success. Telling clients what they desired to hear the most was the best way to obtain what she wanted and, after years of practice, it was like second nature to her. However, she couldn’t help but feel slightly bad afterwards when the lie left naturally her lips at Annin’s pressing questioning. Of course, it was not her place to divulge such a piece of information, but the other girl’s desperate need of an answer managed to hit a nerve.

“But I never did.” Jurina frowned.

Churi came out of her musing at Jurina’s affirmation, her mouth tugging into an amused smile at the confused look directed at her. Somehow, she could sense this was going to be a very interesting conversation. “What about your protector? Hasn’t she been on your thoughts quite a lot lately?”

Churi expected her young friend to refute her bold statement vehemently but to her amazement, no words left her startled interlocutor. Truth to be told, she had wanted to broach that particular subject for a little while now, noticing the frequent mentions of the kenjutsu instructor. Nobunaga never was a talkative person; but each time she opened her mouth, the older samurai happened to be mentioned at some point during the conversation.

At first, no kind words were uttered concerning her protector; on the contrary. It was quite obvious by her constant displeasure she did not like being watched over by a stranger, even less by someone she seemingly couldn’t understand the motivation. Moreover, Churi still remembered the intense confrontation she had witnessed between them a while ago, and she feared their forced partnership would end very badly if they did not manage to find a common ground.

It appeared she had been very wrong about her predictions. Harsh criticisms had progressively been replaced by kinder words, Nobunaga’s face even lightening up each time she spoke about her daily trainings. Churi had to admit she would have given anything to assist to one of those, mesmerized by the passion her friend always displayed when she mentioned her tiring but obviously fulfilling exercises. And she could tell she now respected the woman who was delivering them; the one who was driving her mad - although she amusingly always tried to minimize the effect her behavior had on her - until not so long ago.

Churi watched thoughtfully her young friend who still had not replied her declaration. A little voice inside her head was telling her it was the right moment to ask the question that was burning her lips, but her fear of being too invasive held her tongue. Apart from her daily activities at the clan and the recurrent mentions of her instructor, Nobunaga never shared much about herself or her past. It was not that she wasn’t curious about the girl she happened to enjoy the company very much, but she always respected her laconic behavior until now. Maybe it was time to dig in this dense armor to discover what was hidden inside this beating heart?

“I think you like her more than what you want to admit,” Churi affirmed, finally breaking the silence between them. There was a chance Nobunaga would not grant her with a proper answer or even change the subject: if that was the case, she would choose to not insist. Even so, she had to try, or she felt she would regret not asking. After all, maybe she was as curious as Annin to discover the truth.

“I kissed her and she pushed me away,” Jurina declared, smiling a bit when she saw Churi widening her eyes in reaction, before frowning. “But I know she likes me too, which is why I don’t understand her attitude.”

Churi could imagine the surprise written all over her face, but she simply couldn’t help her emotions from showing: she had not seen coming such a revelation. Not only she had admitted - though in a diverted way - harboring feelings for her instructor, she had also confessed easily making a move on her. “What are you going to do about it?”

“Find out the truth,” Jurina replied seriously. “I was hoping she would come around, but she hasn’t stopped avoiding me. It needs to end.”

Churi smiled at her friend’s self-confidence. She didn’t know exactly how she was planning on doing what she had declared, but she could tell her next conversation with her instructor would be a very interesting thing to watch. Now, she half regretted she wouldn’t be present to witness it. “You won’t quit until you get what you want, will you?”

“Quit?” Jurina arched an eyebrow in confusion, as if she just heard a foreign word. Churi tried to suppress her laugh as best as she could at her reaction, but her lips betrayed her amusement when she faced a smirking Nobunaga. “I don’t even know what it means.”

« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 12:13:02 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline niineechan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 21 [WMatsui] (16/10/15)
« Reply #143 on: October 16, 2015, 06:43:42 AM »
This's what i've been waiting for....! :farofflook:
Jurina made up her mind, and that's all what we need! :mon determined:
Hope she'll be as determined as her horse!

Offline key17

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 21 [WMatsui] (16/10/15)
« Reply #144 on: October 16, 2015, 03:14:42 PM »
yes! niineechan is right! :ding:
author-san!! :on GJ:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 21 [WMatsui] (16/10/15)
« Reply #145 on: October 17, 2015, 05:44:17 AM »
Just finished readin' all the chaps. I like this. Jurina's firm character is great. Rena, u'll lose in ur tsundere game.
Jaa... 48 is about skinship

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 21 [WMatsui] (16/10/15)
« Reply #146 on: October 23, 2015, 09:59:07 PM »
This's what i've been waiting for....! :farofflook:
Jurina made up her mind, and that's all what we need! :mon determined:
Hope she'll be as determined as her horse!

yes! niineechan is right! :ding:
author-san!! :on GJ:

Jurina looks very decided to me indeed...  ;)
Just finished readin' all the chaps. I like this. Jurina's firm character is great. Rena, u'll lose in ur tsundere game.

Hi, new reader! I'm glad you like the story  :)
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #147 on: October 28, 2015, 04:38:42 AM »

It was still dark outside when Jurina left Churi and mounted her horse to go back to the clan. After her conversation with her friend, she was more than decided to have a word with her kenjutsu instructor, who had barely spoken to her these last days. In fact, their only moments of interactions had happened during lessons in the presence of other students, and always stayed strictly professional. Each time she had tried to approach her at the end of a training session or during the rest of the day the task proved to be impossible, as the kenjutsu instructor was never one moment alone. And Jurina wasn’t naive enough to not see that she was surrounding herself with people on purpose.

Rena’s composed as ever attitude surely didn’t ease her frustration one bit. Truth to be told, she didn’t even know how she managed to stand this absurd behavior of hers, and not tackled the subject with her protector the day following the kiss. Reflecting upon her own unusual patience, it occurred to her that those meditation techniques truly had had an impact on her, as she had kept quiet all this time and not let explode her annoyance. However, after one very long week of watching her protector’s clever maneuvers to avoid her, she had reached her limits.

Jurina didn’t know exactly how she was going to get the answers she needed, but she was ready to burst into her protector’s room if it had to come to that. It was not the option she favored the best, guessing the older girl would definitely not be pleased by the unwilling intrusion, but what other choices did she have left if her protector stubbornly continued to cautiously keep her distance? How would she get the truth out of her if she did not confront her about it?

Jurina was still lost in thoughts when the small whinny of her stallion made her look up in curiosity, only to witness three men standing at the end of the narrowed alley she was currently passing through. She squinted her eyes in the direction of the unknown silhouettes to try and discern them better, much in vain in this distance. Her fingers gripped the reins of her horse more tightly and - when he happened to slow down a bit - she pressed her ankles against his flanks to prompt him to move forward. The animal’s hesitant behavior taught her he was starting to feel nervous about the unmoving presences staring at them, and Jurina knew his senses had been right when she heard footsteps behind her.

Three other men had appeared over her shoulder, and Jurina frowned at what looked awfully like an ambush. What were they after? Her money? She had barely any, like every samurai of the clan. Was it personal? Her time was divided between her lessons at the clan and her moments spent with Churi, and she didn’t believe to have offended anyone, at least not to the extent to be dragged into a fight. Jurina halted her horse when the three men in front of her approached until they were merely a few feet away.

"I see my source was right," the middle one snickered as he stood out from his companions. "You really do visit the brothel of the village.”

Jurina understood by his words that she had been followed, and that this ambush was cleverly planned. It definitely looked like they knew each other judging by the contemptuous look he was giving her, but his face did not strike a familiar note. However, she did not need to question him as he spoke again, seemingly noticing her confusion.

“You don’t remember me, do you?” He spat, lifting his left sleeve to reveal his arm, “maybe this mark will refresh your memory.”

A ten inches scar appeared on his forearm, and Jurina failed to understand why he was showing her such a thing as if it was supposed to ring a bell. Her eyes flickered back and forth between his mark and his face, until she finally managed to connect the dot. Indeed, she had crossed this man’s path, even if it was only for a few minutes. Their encounter had been so brief she had all forgotten about him, but it seemed not the same could be said about her interlocutor.

“You’re the accomplice of the thief,” Jurina affirmed, the scene flashing through her mind while she spoke. He was the man who was waiting that day at the end of the alley with two horses; the one she had then injured with her tanto, before going after the thief who was distancing himself with Churi’s present.

“It took me a while to find you,” he continued, “but I won’t let you go now that I did.”

Jurina narrowed her eyes at his threatening tone. So that was what it was all about? Retaliation? Under any other circumstances, Jurina would have laughed at him. He deserved this scar he seemed to be ashamed of - considering he quickly hid it under his sleeve - and got lucky that was all he managed to have. That day, she was fuming with anger after failing to stop the theft from happening. If she had not been in a hurry to retrieve the pendant from his companion, she definitely wouldn’t have felt contented with a simple injury on the arm.

All those words were about to leave her lips when she noticed the group of men moving closer to her, and she realized the urgency of the situation. Their goal was pretty clear when she saw their hands moving to their daggers in a threatening manner, and it became obvious she would not escape without a fight.

“This is disloyal,” Jurina said calmly, looking at each one of them, before stopping on what appeared to be the leader, considering the other men had still not uttered a single word. “Six is not enough.”

Jurina smirked proudly when she witnessed the fury flashing through his eyes, his hands tightening into a fist by his sides. Without a surprise, she did not have to wait long to hear his command disrupting the heavy atmosphere. “Seize her."

Jurina grabbed her tanto at her waist in a haste, aiming for the first man who tried to unhorse her. A cry instantly left his lips when the sharp blade disfigured his cheek and he took a few steps backwards, placing his palm against his bleeding skin. Jurina’s quick reaction seemed to have surprised the other men as they all paused in their tracks, and she took advantage of the moment to press her ankles against her horse's flanks.

At the order, the stallion tried to move forward but one of the attackers quickly blocked his way and tried to grab the reins. Just as its fingers were about to circle them Jurina pulled harshly onto the reins and the animal reared up instantly, his hooves landing on the man’s face harshly. An opening appeared in front of her when he hit the ground hard at the contact, but it was without taking account the leader’s tenacity.

His voice sounded anew in the dark alley encouraging his companions to attack, and Jurina felt the reins slipping from her grasp when four men hurled themselves at her and made her loose her balance onto the horse. After a short struggle Jurina managed to disentangle herself from their grasp but it was now too late, as she had lost her only advantage. Now, she was standing on her feet and facing six very angry men, decided to fight to the finish considering they had pulled out their daggers.

Jurina tightened her hold on her tanto and pressed her back against the wall behind her, pondering over her options while feeling small drops of water starting to hit her face. It had not rained a single day since her arrival at the clan, but it appeared today the odds were definitely against her. A fact she realized when the rain started to fall really hard a few seconds later. The unpredictable change of weather did not seem to have deterred her opponents who moved forward and she lifted her tanto, ready to greet each one of them properly.

Jurina watched the three men who were still standing in front of her. Since the beginning of the fight she had managed to get rid of three attackers, who were now laying unconscious on the ground. Her tanto had escaped her hold during the last confrontation, and she could now only rely on her fists and quick reflexes to defend herself. She held her fists in front of her when the remaining attackers approached slowly, trying to figure out the best tactic to adopt. Until now, she had avoided any serious injury - only receiving a small cut on her ripped left sleeve - and a few bruises, which one of them had notably split her lower lip.

A first man tentatively threw himself at her and she moved right to avoid his sharp blade, catching his wrist when he got within reach and twisting his arm. The dagger slipped between his fingers and fell on the ground, a cry leaving his lips in complaint at the sharp pain, before a fist hit his face and knocked him out. Out of the corner of her eye Jurina noticed another man rushing towards her and she moved aside quickly - tightening her hand into a fist again - her opponent falling onto his knees when she threw a punch into his stomach.

Now that she was done with them, Jurina stared at the leader who was cautiously keeping his distance. In fact, since the beginning, he had watched the whole fight from afar, never participating even once. Was he going to flee? Jurina truly did believe it when she witnessed his hesitant look. Morever, he still had not pulled his dagger out. Jurina followed his every move carefully, a bit startled when he opened his mouth to speak.

However, his words did not reach her ears, the pouring rain muffling the sound of his voice. Jurina frowned when she witnessed his mouth tugging into a smirk, and she failed to notice in time the threat approaching from behind. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head, blurring her sight and unbalacing her steps. Her head was ringing loud when she turned to face her opponent, only to feel a pair of arms encircling her waist from behind, preventing her effectively from moving any further.

It appeared one of her victims had recovered from her blow as she faced a threatening dagger, and she heard in her ear the snicker of the leader who had seized her from behind - and whom against she was trying to free herself - in vain against his strong hold. Under any circumstances she would have gotten rid of him quite easily, but the previous fights had worn her out, and her head was still painfully buzzing. Not to mention she had to squint her eyes to try and see properly, having not fully recovered her vision from the previous blow.

Jurina felt the side of the dagger grazing slowly her left cheek, before moving upwards towards her eye. Her breathing hitched when she understood what her attacker had in mind, the tip of the blade drawing close to her orb. Acting fact she thrusted her elbow hard in the man behind her, destabilizing the leader a few seconds, which gave her enough time to move aside and avoid the threat.

A shriek echoed through the rain when the blade planted itself into the right eye of the leader, and Jurina took a few cautious steps backwards at the scene. The leader was now kneeling on the ground, holding his face in terrible pain, while his accomplice was staring at him in shock at the unforeseen turn of events. 

Jurina placed her hand at the back of head, feeling the red liquid on her fingers instantly. When she was still unable to see properly and was starting to feel dizzy, she realized how hard the blow had affected her. Recognizing those signs all too well she looked up to the two men in worry, knowing she had to get rid of them fast before her body would give up on her.

The man who still had the bloodied dagger in his shaking hand suddenly turned to her, and she prepared herself when he launched himself at her in fury. She caught his arm when he tried to plant his blade into her stomach, while using her other hand to punch him in the face. He stumbled backwards immediately, his hand moving towards his broken nose, and she took advantage of his disoriented state to return his blade against him.

Jurina watched as he fell on his knees in front of her, severely injured, before she looked up to the leader who was still screaming in pain a few feet away. Her gaze swept her surroundings to assess that all her attackers were still motionless on the ground. Of course, she had been involved into a few fights before she arrived at the clan with her sister, but never it had ended in such a terrible way. Five men were now laying around her - a few severely injured, the others unconscious - and the last one would have the reminder of this day on his face for the rest of his life.

As she walked towards his direction and stopped in front of him he looked up slowly, and Jurina felt a shiver run down her spine when he removed his fingers and his bloodied eye appeared. A few whimpers were now escaping his mouth in agony, and Jurina wondered briefly if she did not see tears sliding down his cheeks. It was hard to tell with the rain still pouring hard over their heads. 

"Please don’t kill me.”

Jurina widened her eyes slightly at his pleading tone. He definitely did not sound anymore like the man who had taunted her early on. In fact, he now almost looked like a lost and lonely child. The sight was definitely astonishing. 

“Why should I spare your life?” Jurina hissed, kneeling and grabbing him by the collar. Her sight still had not come back completely but as she inched closer to his face, she could well discern the fear she was provoking inside him.

“You will never cross my path again,” he stuttered, breathing hard. “I was foolishly so bent on revenge, and what did I get in return?”

Jurina watched him as he placed his shaking hand over his bloodied eye, and she considered her options. A dagger was laying close to her fingers on the ground, and the idea of retribution was still very much present in her mind. Until now, she had only injured her opponents and not killed any one of them, but this man was at the origin of everything. He was the one who had provoked this fight.

While still holding his collar with her left hand, her right one caught the dagger between her fingers. There was no one around to witness her crime; nor her sister to stop her. If she wanted to kill him here and there, no one would ever know about it. Jurina lifted the weapon, the man gasping when he noticed the threat directed at him, and felt the cold blade against his throat.

Jurina was starting to draw blood when she suddenly paused midway, frowning in confusion at her own hesitation. Yes, she had wanted to get her revenge the moment those men unhorsed her, but she could not feel the bloodlust running through her veins. This man doesn’t deserve to live! Her mind was screaming at her, but her steady hand was refusing to end his life.

“Leave,” Jurina ordered, removing slowly the dagger from his throat, and seeing surprise written all over his face in reaction. Obviously, he did not believe he would see the sun again once the blade was placed against his throat.

Jurina watched as he got up on his feet clumsily and took a few cautious steps backwards. She could tell he was still following her every move in fear when she stood up, before he turned on his heels when he was at a good distance, and left without a word. Once he was out of view, Jurina looked over her stallion and she walked towards it with difficulty, feeling her last strengths abandoning her rapidly. Her fingers brushed the reins but she did not manage to grab them, collapsing into the alley at once.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 12:13:56 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #148 on: October 28, 2015, 11:11:15 AM »

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #149 on: October 28, 2015, 11:39:24 AM »
Oooh my Jurinaaaaa~

Offline niineechan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #150 on: October 28, 2015, 03:45:08 PM »
Jurina is changing bit by bit. She's not as hasty as before and that's cool. :mon thumb: Thanks to the medication or to... Rena? :dunno: 
Thank you for the update, Sophcaro-sama... :kneelbow:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #151 on: October 28, 2015, 03:45:56 PM »
Hope Jurina's okay.... After being slashed across the back of the head like that...

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #152 on: October 28, 2015, 11:45:30 PM »
 :O :O :O :shocked :shocked

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #153 on: October 29, 2015, 05:59:05 AM »
Glad to know about Jurina's improvement~ Her attitude is better now. Thanks to Rena-san~

Gonna wait for the next chapter^^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #154 on: October 30, 2015, 04:04:48 AM »
I wish rena come and help jurina

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 22 [WMatsui] (28/10/15)
« Reply #155 on: October 30, 2015, 03:12:26 PM »
jurina!!! :OMG:
someone... help jurina please..

thanks for updating author-san!! :D :D

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 23 [WMatsui] (05/11/15)
« Reply #156 on: November 05, 2015, 02:11:58 AM »

Churi placed her shaking palm over Jurina’s forehead, exhaling in despair when it was still burning under her fingertips. After a little while, Churi slowly retracted her hand, wondering worriedly how to help the unconscious girl laying on her futon. A couple hours ago, one of the prostitutes had passed the front door of the brothel in a haste, and at the mention of Nobunaga along with her look of terror, Churi’s heart had started to race, fearing something terrible had happened to her young friend. 

Without wasting a minute, she had followed her to the nearby alley where Nobunaga had been seen laying unconscious, and they had brought her back safely to her room, although not without difficulty. At some point, the injured girl had mumbled a few words to her, however mostly incoherent. Now, she was unconscious again, and Churi found herself completely powerless. She had knocked on the door of a doctor and begged him to come to tend to her injuries, in vain as he simply refused to enter what he called a shameful place.

At the sound of footsteps, Churi looked up from the motionless girl to the door, noticing the annoyed guard staring at her. He had surprisingly stayed quiet when they had entered the place with a stumbling Nobunaga under their arms, but his displeased expression spoke louder than words. Churi knew it would be a matter of time until he would come to her room to broach the subject, so she wasn’t in the least surprised by his presence.

“She can’t stay here any longer,” he affirmed, pointing his finger at Jurina with determination. “She’s preventing you from working.”

Churi silently nodded, well aware that - despite his harsh words - he was quite right. Of course, she could try and buy herself more time, but it was useless if she couldn’t come up with a solution for her current problem. Contrary to the guard, her work was the least of her concerns right now: Nobunaga’s troubling condition was monopolizing all her thoughts. She could tell by all the bruises and her torn clothes that she had been involved in a very bad fight, and her injury at the back of her head had not been unnoticed. Moreover, she had a fever, most probably caused by the unfortunate and unforeseen bad weather. It had rained really hard the whole night.

Churi watched as the guard left her room with a deep frown, realizing she had to act fast. If Nobunaga was still laying on her futon by the end of the day, she guessed the man would not hesitate to shove her out of the brothel. And her pleas would definitely be useless against such a harsh treatment. Her fingers absently traced the pendant around her friend’s neck, wondering what could have been the reason behind her current terrible state. Yes, she had witnessed her being impulsive at times, but never Nobunaga had entered the house with such injuries. The few bruises sometimes observed on her skin had only been the result of her daily training at the clan.

At that thought Churi’s eyes lit up instantly, and she gasped as a solution finally emerged. Why had she not thought about it sooner? She got up on her feet at once, a smile falling on her lips in hope. Her unfortunate position as a prostitute prevented her from helping her friend as much as she would like, but it didn’t mean someone else couldn’t. A person the feverish girl had uttered the name a few times before falling unconscious.

It was already sunrise when Churi stood hesitant in front of the black stallion tied next to the front door of the brothel. He had been really agitated from the moment she had brought him back from the alley, and she had even doubted then that she would manage to have him follow her, considering how difficult he was acting. From the first day Churi laid eyes on Nobunaga’s horse she could tell it was a very impetuous animal, and she always wondered how her friend successfully managed to control him so effectively.

Churi tentatively took a step forward, approaching her hand to the horse’s reins. Just as she was about to grab them the horse made an abrupt movement backwards, and Churi pulled away in fear instantly. A sigh left her lips in concern at the animal’s behavior, trying to figure out how she was going to mount a horse who was obviously not ready to cooperate with her.

“I’m just trying to help your master,” Churi murmured, hoping her calm tone would ease the nervous animal. He was acting very suspicious today, and she knew it wasn’t only because of his wild nature. Obviously, he had witnessed early on something in that alley that made him keep his distance more than usual.

Churi made a second attempt, her eyes never leaving once those of the black stallion. Refusing to let fear take hold of her this time her mouth tugged into a reassuring smile, hoping her emotions would reach the animal. Her hand was not trembling anymore when she placed it gently against his neck, and she waited patiently for his reaction. The stallion’s eyes were still fixed on, as if measuring her sincerity, and Churi had to muster all her willpower to stay serene. If anything, Nobunaga’s proud stallion was a beautiful strong animal, but also very impressive to look at.

The wait was painfully never-ending, but Churi knew she couldn’t rush it. Going to the clan by foot would take her too long, and the horse currently staring at her was unfortunately her only option right now. She absolutely needed to gain his trust if she wished to aid its owner. Her hand moved carefully upwards, sliding her fingers through its long mane. The gesture seemed to surprise him at first, as his ears raised immediately in alert, until she felt a little while later his nostrils against her arm when he tentatively approached his head.

Churi continued to caress his mane, noticing she was making some good progress, before untying the reins with the other hand. This time, the animal didn’t make any sign of protest, and Churi knew now was her chance. Placing her right foot in the stirrup she pushed herself up, securing the reins again once she was on the animal. Patiently, she waited for the stallion to get used to the new human being on his back, before releasing a small breath she didn’t even realize she was holding when he seemed to accept her presence.

The horserider looked in the direction of the maple forest visible from afar, her fingers encircling the reins. When was the last time she found herself at the back of a horse? Too long ago to remember, but she couldn’t afford to let her insecurity get the upper hand. With determination she pressed her heels against the horse’s flanks, relieved when he thankfully obeyed to her command and moved forward.


Churi couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous when she dismounted the horse and gazed at the very large house of the clan. It was the first time she happened to stand in front of the imposing mansion, and she took a moment to take in the impressive view offered to her, from the large garden to the few buildings the clan was composed of. Her fingers pulled gently onto the reins when she finally decided to approach the front gate, her eyes falling into the guard’s suspicious ones.

“I would like to see Matsui-dono,” she asked with a polite bow, but could immediately tell her request would unfortunately be denied by the man’s mocking expression.

“Turn around, woman.” He waved a dismissive hand at her. “Your services are not needed here.”

Churi wasn’t at all surprised by his attitude. In fact, she sensed her presence would be mostly unwelcomed, and her request would lead to such an answer. Prostitutes belonged to only one place - the brothel of the village - and were not supposed to venture outside, certainly not to such a respectable place as Momijimori no kami’s clan. Still, she had not come here to offer her services - as the guard obviously seemed to believe - so she needed to make herself very clear about the reason of her presence.

“Please.” Churi tried again. She didn’t want to sound too desperate, but her thoughts kept shifting to the last time she laid eyes on her young friend, and her preoccupying condition. She couldn’t afford to go back to the village empty handed. “Nobunaga is injured. She needs to see her.”

“Who?” The guard frowned.

The impatient and exasperated grunt that left his lips soon after told Churi that this conversation was going nowhere. Not only this guard was being completely uncooperative with her, it also occurred to her that she was missing a big piece of information: Nobunaga’s real name. Indeed, never once she had shared it with her. Until now, she had not really thought twice about it, as she was used to calling her by that nickname, but now she realized the problem she was facing because of it.

Churi tore her eyes away from the guard - deep in thoughts - searching her brain for the right words that could manage to sway him. When, after a little while, she still couldn’t come up with anything she looked up in despair towards the inaccessible building visible across the gate, noticing two women engaged in a conversation leaving the building. Her face lit up when she distinguished her friend’s protector, and her feet moved without thinking towards her direction. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to go very far as the guard immediately blocked her advance.

“That’s enough,” he hissed, pushing her away unceremoniously, “go away.” 

Just as Churi was about to open her mouth to speak the loud whinny behind her back made her jump and she turned around to the stallion, startled when he pulled forcibly onto the reins she was holding and moved decisively towards the guard. Churi watched dumbfounded the improbable scene unfolding in front of her - the man trying desperately to stop the animal’s energetic attempts to pass the front gate - and she would have laughed at his helpless look if she didn’t notice from her peripheral vision a woman now moving towards the gate.

“Careful, Matsui-dono,” the guard warned when he saw the long, dark-haired samurai approaching him, “this animal is out of control!”

As soon as the alarming words left his mouth the stallion calmed down instantly, and the guard watched in stupefaction the animal completely disregarding his presence in favor of the kenjutsu instructor, reducing the distance and pressing his head against her shoulder as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

“What is going on, Matsuda-san?” Rena addressed the young guard just recently appointed to the watch of the gate, while moving distractedly her fingers towards the animal’s neck when he happened to rub her arm gently.

Her eyes flickered back and forth questioningly between the man and the woman staring back at her completely speechless, while trying to figure out why her protégée’s stallion - which she had recognized its distinctive loud whinny from afar - was out of the blue being so affectionate with her. Apart from that day in the stables where the animal had responded to her touch positively under the influence of the young Watanabe, never had he taken such an initiative. But most of all, she was wondering why its owner was nowhere in sight. Her absence, coupled with the improbable presence of the familiar woman in front of her, was starting to unease her.

“Matsui-dono,” Churi intervened when she noticed that the guard was about to speak up. “Please follow me to the village. Nobunaga has been injured and needs assistance.”

Rena’s hand that was until now caressing the calm animal froze, and she widened her eyes at Churi’s declaration. Her steady heartbeats accelerated slightly at the revelation, questions piling in her head one after another. Although she discerned footsteps approaching from behind and heard Yuki’s voice calling her she did not utter a single word for a while, her eyes never leaving once Churi’s worried ones.

“Kashiwagi-san,” Rena finally said, tilting her head right when she felt her friend’s presence by her side, “could you please accompany me to the village?”

Yuki was surprised by the sudden demand, having unfortunately arrived too late to eavesdrop the conversation, but as she distinguished the slight - but perceptible - tremble in the usually controlled kenjutsu instructor’s voice, she knew she would leave her questions for later. “Of course.”

“I still don’t understand why the young Watanabe comes here so often,” Yuki addressed Rena in a murmur, sweeping the room with a glance as they stepped this early morning in the quiet brothel.

To be honest, she was feeling a bit ill-at-ease standing for the first time in such a place, but she chose to keep her discomfort to herself, instead following her friend who had barely uttered a single word on the way here. And her latest declaration didn’t stir much a reaction either as the kenjutsu instructor didn’t reply, instead keeping her eyes glued on the woman leading them up the staircase.

When it became obvious Rena wasn’t going to satisfy her curiosity with an explanation Yuki diverted her attention to the woman wearing a green yukata in front of them, who had definitely not been much more talkative herself. She knew almost nothing about her, except for the fact that she was somewhat close to Mayu’s younger sister, and seemed to care a lot about her. Indeed, the deep worry she had witnessed upon her features at the clan was still much present in her eyes when she happened to turn to look at them.

Churi paused in front of her bedroom and slid the door open, stepping aside and inviting the two women in with a polite bow. Rena entered, before freezing when her eyes fell on the unconscious girl laying on the futon. She caught Yuki’s shocked gasp behind her back, but her attention was still drawn to the motionless girl when the kyudo instructor happened to move past her.

Rena vaguely registered Yuki asking a few questions - as she was seemingly trying to find out what had caused Jurina to be in such a bad shape - and Churi’s helpless voice as she confessed her ignorance. Both women were now kneeling next to Jurina’s form - Yuki checking the young girl’s injuries - and Rena could feel her heart pounding fast inside her chest without her consent.

Unconsciously, her fingers started to circle the tsuka of her katana, before squeezing it into a tight, painful grip. Rena ignored the hurt completely, instead listening to the chanting mantra of the voices that were sneakily slipping inside her head. It had been two years since she last heard them and, thankfully, they had never once resurfaced again. Until that precise moment.

“Rena-san, are you alright?”

It was only at the third calling of her name that Rena finally snapped out of her dark thoughts, and she glanced back at Yuki who was watching her half in worry and confusion. As she noticed her friend’s eyes moving downwards to her waist she suddenly became aware of her hand over her sword and she released it at once, finally leaving the doorstep to approach the futon.

“Do you think she provoked a fight?” Yuki asked hesitantly when Rena kneeled by her side, her previous strange behavior all forgotten. It is true that she had witnessed in the past the young Watanabe sister’s impulsive behavior, but this was definitely a first. Her thoughts went worriedly towards her own protégée, and she feared her reaction when she would see her sister in such a terrible state.

“She most definitely got involved into one,” Rena affirmed, covering Jurina’s sweating forehead with her hand gently, “but I’m convinced she wasn’t at the origin of it.”

Yuki found herself taken aback by her friend’s assurance, wondering where her sudden faith was coming from. Yes, she had seen Rena’s relationship with her protégée improve greatly these last few months - witnessing them talking to each other quite freely during and after the training lessons - but all this progress seemed to have vanished into thin air these last days. Yuki had seen the distance Rena was now putting between them, but she still couldn’t figure out why Rena was seemingly trying to avoid her protégée at all costs.

Out of curiosity, she had asked her about it during one of their recent talks but her friend had been quite obscure about it, and cleverly changed the subject in the end. Did the young sister find a way to offend her again? The thought had crossed her mind a few times after that, but Rena’s current caring attitude told her there had to be another explanation. One her secretive friend was refusing to provide.

“Why hasn’t she seen a doctor?” Rena snapped. Jurina’s terrible state was not reassuring, and her lack of care more than obvious. The injury at the back of her head was nothing but worrying, and she had a high fever. As a result, she couldn’t help her tone from rising when she gave an accusing look to the owner of the room, failing to notice Yuki’s astonishment at her sudden outburst.

“I’m sorry,” Churi stammered, avoiding her intense, angry stare. “The doctor refused to follow me here.”

Rena realized by Churi’s guilty expression that she had gone too far, and she immediately regretted the harsh tone she just employed. It was unusual of herself to get carried away by her emotions and, to top it all, her interlocutor was not at fault. “Forgive my impoliteness. You did the right thing by seeking help from the clan.”

A small smile grazed Churi’s lips which Rena reciprocated a bit awkwardly, before turning towards Yuki decidedly. “We have to bring her back to the clan at once.”

“I’ll carry her to the horses,” Yuki offered immediately to which Rena agreed with a nod, helping her lift up the unconscious girl from the futon carefully.

Once Jurina was well secured into her arms Yuki made her way out of the bedroom, followed closely by Rena. The kenjutsu instructor was about to pass the door when she paused, turning hesitantly towards the owner of the room. As she studied her she could see worry still written all over her face, and she pondered over what to say next. Her relationship with the woman standing silently a few feet away from her had always been quite complicated, and although her protégée had mentioned her a few times during their conversations, she had barely spoken to her. 

If truth be told, she felt slightly uncomfortable in her presence and, after denying the truth for so long, she was now conscious that this uneasiness was triggered by the woman’s close bond with her protégée. For a while, she stubbornly refused to acknowledge this pain she would feel inside her chest each time the young Watanabe happened to talk about her, alongside with that very unfitting feeling of jealousy. It was quite childish of her to behave this way and it had unsettled her at first, considering she never had let such a negative feeling enter her heart before in her life.

Rena could feel the tension enveloping them progressively as none of them spoke, instead merely facing each other silently. The thought of turning on her heels and leaving without a word did cross her mind at some point, before realizing she simply couldn’t do that. It was true that she knew practically nothing about that woman, but they had one thing in common: someone they were currently both concerned about.

“I’ll send someone once we know more about her condition,” Rena stated confidently, surprising herself by how naturally the words left her lips. “Thank you for sheltering her.”

Rena noticed the surprise flashing through Churi’s eyes - although it faded rapidly - and she received a genuine, broad smile in return. “Thank you, Matsui-dono. I know she’s in good hands.”

« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 12:21:08 AM by sophcaro »
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Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 23 [WMatsui] (05/11/15)
« Reply #157 on: November 05, 2015, 10:29:03 AM »
Thankfully Churi go to the clan and luck she met Rena and Yuki there ....

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 23 [WMatsui] (05/11/15)
« Reply #158 on: November 05, 2015, 12:01:13 PM »
Horaay a new updatee
Please save Jurina Yuki-san , Rena-san
I will waiting for the next chap sophcaro-san

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 23 [WMatsui] (05/11/15)
« Reply #159 on: November 06, 2015, 04:46:09 AM »
Thanks rena chan for saving life Jurina
Waiting for the next chapter :)
Update fasst pleasee haha

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