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Author Topic: Unknown [Gone] Ch.14 22/05/2012  (Read 46772 times)

Offline kahem

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Re: Unknown [Gone] ch.5 & Ch. 6 Pt. 1 Nov.24
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2011, 06:39:21 PM »
Ehhh!!! 5 years?!!! Poor Acchan...
Lol Takamina's training hahahah!!

Offline Megumi

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Re: Unknown [Gone] ch.5 & Ch. 6 Pt. 1 Nov.24
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2011, 10:21:58 PM »
Takaminas training is so LoL!
5 years had passed....Acchan still thinks of her  :cry:
Saving Chiyuu hahhaha! I wonder how old she is cute!

My fav part in cap 5:

“Miichan I understand what you said but why are you handing me a small gun? Can’t I get a medium size one?”
“Haruna would you please explain to our midget cousin here why she’s getting a Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket Pistol.” Miichan asked Haruna in an even voice. “Well, that’s easy. It’s cuz of your small stature of course.” Haruna deadpanned. “Hey! That’s not fair. Just cuz I’m small doesn’t mean I can’t handle shooting a normal size gun!” Minami argued back.
“Btw, guys do you know what made that Kaaaa sound?” Yuki asked all of them. “Don’t kno..” Miichan was answering when a big bird hit and landed on her. “Miichan!” they all called. “Bakamani! YOU’RE DEAD! Yuki and Rena give Minami her next lesson!” Miichan yelled.

My fav part in cap 6.1:

“Ms. Tomomi Kasai?” Red 1 asked the hostage.
“Mommy? Is that you? Chiyuu~”
“And we’re not your mom.” Green 1 replied.
“Who’s Chiyuu?” Green 2 asked turning to Red 1.

Hehe Haruna blowing up the place can't wait to read it in the next update :twisted:

Thank you Sok you making me laugh hard again!  :thumbsup

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Offline Sok

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Re: Unknown [Gone] ch.5 & Ch. 6 Pt. 1 Nov.24
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2011, 11:34:39 PM »
Thank you Everyone I'll try an update Ch 6 Pt. 2 somewhere this week if I can get internet connection.

I think  :bingo: :hee: :hehehe: that pt. 2 will be funnier.

Once again thank you. :byebye: :byebye:

Also so Should I have Meetan as the Chief of Defense? Or just keep it unnamed?
Please comment.

Offline Megumi

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Re: Unknown [Gone] ch.5 & Ch. 6 Pt. 1 Nov.24
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2011, 01:37:34 AM »
Also so Should I have Meetan as the Chief of Defense? Or just keep it unnamed?
Please comment.

Yes please! Meetan going all hentai over the girls and get beaten up by them would be so fun...
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Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Unknown [Gone] ch.5 & Ch. 6 Pt. 1 Nov.24
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2011, 05:45:56 AM »
Waa.... Poor Takamina.. scary cousins :lol:

 :shocked 5 years have past??!!! XD I was a bit shocked :)

Acchan.. missing Takamina for 5 years.. :cry:
Hope they will see each other soon :oops:

Tomo~mi's questions are funny :lol:

Hope you can get internet connection XD
I'll be looking forward to the part 2 :thumbsup
 :bow: Please Update Soon

Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch. 6 Pt. 2 Nov.27
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2011, 01:48:17 AM »
Hey everyone I finally got a good connection. I already updated one fic out of my three fics.
Hope this you find Ch. 6 pt 2 as funny as Pt. 1. :lol:
Sorry for some miss use of words.

Chapter 6 Part 2

“Finally we’re back home~!”
“Um. Thank you for rescuing me girls. My name is..”
“We all know Ms. Tomomi Kasai. After all we were hired to rescue you.”
“Thanks again. And please call me Chiyuu. Chiyuu~” Chiyuu says with a smile.
“Okay will do.” Miichan answers.
“now that the mission’s over. I’m going to my room to rest.” Sayaka says. “Rena please write up the reports. Thank you.” Takamina asks. “Okay. Will do.” “Chiyuu you’ll be sleeping in the guest room across from my room.” Haruna informs. “Here I’ll show you.” Miichan. “Okay.” They left. Now the only ones left in the living room are Yuki and Rena.
“Rena do you need help?” “no, I’m fine Yuki. But thanks anyways” “Man, today sure was crazy.” Rena’s already done writing up all their reports. “Yeah. But I think haha that Minami haha had it worst haha.” “I think your right. haha”


Red 1-Takamina       Red 2- Haruna   
Green 1- Sayaka     Green 2- Miichan   
Blue 1- Yuki              Blue 2- Rena         
No3b- Red 1, Red 2, Green 2
Black ops- Green 1, Blue 1, Blue 2.

“Tomomi’s confuse. Chiyuu~”
"Hey guys that's not the only problem we got. It seems that the cops have just arrived. You all gotta get the hell out of there before you get caught." Blue 1 informs. “Blue 1 is right. I see at least 5 patrols cars. I’ll tell you their exact positions. There are 3 patrols cars located near the abandon coal factory with 10 armed men in suits.” “Wait! Blue 2, did you just say 10 armed men in suits?” “Yes, Red 1. It seems these cops are trash and working with the mafia. We ne..” Before blue 2 could finish Blue 1 cut in. "Blue 2! You have 15 armed suits near your location.” “What, I can handle them. Perfectly fine. Ya know that.” “Yeah Blue 1. Blue 2 can beat them to and inch to death without any help” Green 2 calming said with a hint of fear. “I know that, but we need her to find an escape route for you all. So I'll be going to where Blue 2 is and helping her." “Okay. You do that Blue 1. Red 1 over.” "Red 2 do you copy? Where the hell are you?" Red 1 says through the transmitter. "Red 1, I'm near the front entrance. I got a plan for Red 1 and Green 1 with the hostage to get to our randevu. Green 2 do you copy?" "Yes. Red 2. What's the plan?" "Green 2 come meet me in the office on the left side of the front gate. Once we're done we'll go meet you guys at the randevu. Red 2 over." "Ohoho, wonder what she has in mind." Green 2 said to Red 1 and Green 1 and left them before they could answer her. "Are your teammates crazy or something? Chiyuu~" "Not really sure how to answer that." Both Red 1 and Green 1 replied in unison looking at Tomomi unsure themselves.

Red 2 & Green 2
“Okay Green 2, here’s the plan.”
“Red 2, you got nothing. Do you?” (taking this chance to eat cake with Red 2)
“Yup. Green 2 you know me so well.”
“Of course! Red 2. Now let’s go wild or in your case crazy.” (they finish the cake and begin their ‘plan’)
Green 1, Red 1 & Chiyuu
“Blues do you copy?”
“Yes.” Blue 1 replies “What’s your location?” Blue 2 asks.
“We’re now in the basement.” Green 1 answers.
“Ugh! Spiders!” Tomomi screams and takes out her I-phone to record.
“It’s okay Ms. Kasai. They can’t hurt you.” Red 1 tries to calm her down.
“Yeah, I know that, but I’m talking about you. You have an Australian House Spider on your left shoulder and it’s huuuuuge. I can’t believe you don’t feel it.” Tomomi deadpanned pointing at the huge spider.
“AHHHHH! Green 1! Get it off me. Get it off me! GET IT OFF MEEEE!” Red 1’s pancking cuz of the huge ass spider on her shoulder but staying still as a statue. Don’t wanna upset huge spider now does she?
“Wait, What?! I ain’t good with huge ass spiders!” “just please Get it off me.” “O-o-okay.” Green 1 gets a 4 by 4 that was laying around and hit the spider like a pro baseball player off of Red 1’s shoulder meanwhile Tomomi recorded the whole thing with her phone.
Blue 1 & 2 don’t know what’s happening. “Guys I found an underground tunnel which leads to the abandon coal factory. It’s one Red 1 away from your location, it should be…” “Hey! Blue 1 don’t use my height as a measuring stick.” “She’s not, it’s actually one red 1 away from where you’re standing. It should be under the words one Red 1 painted on the wall.” “oh.”*fail face*
Red 2 & Green 2
“Green 2, you have to stop eating your cakes.”
“What? But I just started on this one.” Suddenly an armed man walks in. Green 2 instinctively smashed the remanding of her cake onto the man’s face while Red 2 shot him with her custom .22 Marvel Custom Gun in a fatal spot.
“Shit, Red 2 you forgot to use the silencer on your gun!” Green 2 said in a panic. “It’s okay. It’s more fun this way.” Red 2 replied with a smirk. “Okay. How about we play a game.” “Sure. Whoever kills the most and gets to the randevu first wins the other’s share of the payment.” “You’re on! Any weapon can be used.” Green 2 yelled back as she ran to her targets. “You should have said that.” Red 2 devilishly smirked.
“Red 1 do you copy?” “Yes, Red 2. What’s wrong?” “Where are you now?” “We’re in an underground tunnel under the coal factory. Why?” “Thanks over.” Red 2 killed five man when she was making her way to the 3 parked patrol cars near the abandon coal factory. She placed something under the cars and began to make her way to the randevu.
While Green 2 had already killed ten man. Now she was fighting five man after taking their guns. She keeps taunting her enemies occasionally smacking them and calling them big over grown monkeys. “Oh I should be going now. N claim my winnings. Byebye~” She took out her Para-USA GI Expert, shot them and left to the randevu point.
“Oh Green 2 you’re finally here. I see you managed 15.” Red 2 says. “Yes. And I see you managed 6. Sooo, I’ll consider this my win.” *BBBOOOOOOMMMMMMM* * “Wth was that?” Tomomi asked. “Sorry Green 2. But it’s my win.” “Hey! That’s not fair you used bombs!” “It counts. You were the one that said we could use anything!” “Fffiiiiinnnnneeeee, you win. Good bye babies! I’ll see you in a week.” Green does a sad and crying face. “Don’t worry. You still have plenty of cakes to least you two weeks.” Red 2 comforted Green 2. “Oh, yeah! I forgot.” “What’s going on? Chiyuu~” “No idea.” The two Blues, Green 1 and Red 1 answered her.
On their way back Tomomi showed everyone the recording. Throughout the whole thing everyone was laughing at what happened to Minami (well except Minami). “Hey! It’s not funny.” Minami yells. “We know it…it’s..” Haruna starts but can’t hold back her luaghing. “It’s just too funny!” Miichan adds laughing her guts out. “How could have not notice something that big and huge on your body?” Yuki asked trying her best to hold her laugh but failed. “Yeah Yuki’s right. How could you not have noticed?” Rena said laughing your head off, “It’s like 1/3 of your body!” Miichan and Haruna deadpanned in unison.

End of Flashback[/font]

“Now that I think about it.” Yuki said.
“We shouldn’t have made fun of her.” Rena finished.
“Yeah. Well anyways let’s go to sleep.”
“Yeah. Good night, Yuki.”
“Good night Rena.”

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch. 6 Pt. 2 Nov.27
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2011, 10:38:20 AM »
Expecting Yuki X Rena~

Offline Megumi

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch. 6 Pt. 2 Nov.27
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2011, 08:35:06 PM »
Pfffffbwahahahaha! Hilarious!  :rofl: 

Thank you again for your update!
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Offline kahem

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch. 6 Pt. 2 Nov.27
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2011, 11:42:17 PM »
Hahahahah what a crazy team!!! And Takamina how didn't she feel that spider?! Lol I love this fic

Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.7 Nov. 30
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2011, 07:10:31 AM »
Thank you everyone for reading. And thank you to all the writers cuz your fics inspire me to write.

Chapter 7

The next morning
Everyone is in the living room waiting for Tomomi to wake up, so they can all eat together. “Hey! Can someone just wake her up? I’m huunggrrrryyyy!” Miichan told the others. “Well if you’re that hungry why not wake her up yourself.” Haruna retorted, she really doesn’t like hungry Miichan. “Buuutttttt I don’t wannnnaa.” She sits up straight and looks at Yuki and Rena. “You two go!” Miichan commanded pointing at Yuki and Rena who gulped and looked at each other. They too did not like hungry Miichan. She’s scary when hungry we should go. Both thought and left in a hurry to avoid angering hungry Miichan. “Miichan you should’ve gone yourself. You’re the one who’s hungry and complaining.” Takamina said finishing reading over the reports Rena had typed up for their mission yesterday. Then a loud *slap* “Itaiiii!” *Thump* “Kyaaaaa! Get out!” *smack* coming from up stairs.

Up stairs
“So we just need to wake her up and have breakfast.” Yuki said to Rena who just nodded and opened the door. There laid a sleeping sexy cute princess. “Chiyuu~ it’s time to get up.” Rena said while getting to closer to Chiyuu who suddenly graded Rena by her shoulders and now Rena is on top of Chiyuu. “Tomochin, let’s …” Tomomi then wraps her arms around Rena’s neck. Rena looks at Yuki and asked “Who the Hell is Tomochin?” “Maybe it’s her pet dog or something?” Yuki answered with a shrug. “Who cares! Just wake her the f*** up. Before hungry down there thinks of eating us for her breakfast instead.” “Good point.” Rena said nodding her head in agreement with Yuki. Then Chiyuu’s grip on Rena tightens pulling her in for a kiss. Rena starts to panicky and tries to get out of Chiyuu’s grip but for some reason she can’t get out. “Tomochin you’re not getting away this time. Chiyuu~” “Sleep talking are we?” Yuki said trying to hold her laughter. “OI! I’m not Tomochin! I’m Rena! Now let go!” Rena yelled at the sleeping Chiyuu. “You’re lying! Tomochin kiss me!” They’re now 4 inch apart. “OI! Yuki don’t just stand there! HELP ME! Damn it!” “Nah you can handle it” “Shit! OI! OI! Oi wake the f*** up!” Rena yelled. *SLAP* “Itaiiiiiiiii” Chiyuu pushes Rena off her. Thump Rena lands on her butt hard. Tomomi then grads a lamp on the side drew next to the bed “Kyaaa! GET OUT!” and throws it at Rena but she dodged and hit Yuki instead. *SMACK*

Down stairs
“What The Hell?!” Miichan, Haruna, Sayaka and Takamina yelled looking at the stairs. Footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs. An embarrassed looking Tomomi was the first to walk down while Rena helped Yuki, who had just gotten hit with the lamp, come down. “Hey what happened just now?” asked Takamina. No one answered. “So how about we go eat now?” Haruna broke the silence. “Great! I’m hungry!” Miichan jumped up from her seat forgetting the yelling from earlier. “Yeah!” Tomomi, Rena and Yuki said in unison trying not to answer Takamina.
After eating everything went back to normal and now they’re all sitting in the living room. “Oh I almost forgot.” Sayaka said. “What is it?” they asked. “Oh it’s just that your bodyguard will be picking you up today.” “Oh, yeah!” Tomomi yelled happily. Rena turns and whispers to Yuki. “Do you think it’s this Tomochin thing?” “I hope. And sorry about not helping you earlier.” “It’s okay. I would’ve done the same, ya know that.” “True.”
“Hey! You two! What are you talking about?” Miichan asked wanting to know the details. “Nothing!” they both said. “Oh, okay.”
“Oh seems your bodyguard is here.” Sayaka said. “Yeah!” Tomomi jumps from her seat and runs to the door and opens. “I’m so happy you ca…. Oh. It’s just you Sae. Where’s Tomochin?” She sticks out her head to see if Tomochin was outside. “Oh, sorry Chiyuu, but she didn’t come in fact she’s no longer working as a bodyguard.”  Sae said to Chiyuu in a comforting voice. “WHAT?! But she’ suppose to be with me forever.” Chiyuu said in a disappointed voice looking at the ground. “Anyways Sae follow me I’ll like to introduce to you my new friends.” Sae nods and follows Chiyuu into the living room where everyone was talking about normal things. “Hey guys this is my bodyguard Sae Miyazawa.” “Hello, I’m Haruna Kojima.” “I’m Minami Minegishi. Just call me Miichan.” “Matsui Rena” “Yuki Kashiwagi, you call me Yukirin.” “Minami Takahashi. Just call me Takamina.” “Hello, I’m Sayaka Akimoto. I’m the one you spoke to earlier.” Sae blushes slightly when she sees Sayaka. “H-h-hello. Thank you for saving my friend here.” “No problem.” The group said. “A-anyways it’s time for us to leave. Sayaka would you mind giving you email and such. I-it’s just case she goes missing.” “Sure. Here. And you can contact me whenever you want.” Sayaka smiles to Sae and Sae blushes and turns away.  “Okay. We’ll be going now. Bye.” “Bye.”

A few hours later
Near the mansion. “Hello, Sir. We’re ready.” “Good now kill them all. I don’t want them on her side.” “Yes, Sir. But won’t it be better to hire them instead of killing them?” “No! They won’t accept to kill just cuz.” “I understand sir.”
“Hey guys I’m going out to buy some cake! Anything you want?” Miichan yelled out to her cousins. “Yeah!” Takamina yells back from the study. “Okay! Then go buy it yourself! See Ya!!” Miichan was slightly opening the door when she notices several men outside the mansion. “WHAT THE F***!” Miichan Screamed loud enough for everyone inside the mansion could hear. “What’s Wrongs?” Everyone asked. Rena and Yuki came running out the computer room, Takamina came running from the Study, Haruna came out from the kitchen, while Sayaka came out from the garage. They all went to where Miichan was. “Hey! You two why are you so sweating with both your hair and clothes messy. Were you two having s…?” Miichan was cut off by Takamina. “Miichan! What’s wrong? WHY DID YOU SCREAM?!” Takamina asked blushing a little at Miichan comment to Rena and Yuki. “Yeah, you never scream like that unless you are hungry or something’s wrong. We’ll tease them later.” Haruna said worried but also interested on what Rena and Yuki were doing in the computer room. “Huh? Oh! It’s just that we been found out.” Miichan calming responded. “WHAT?!” They all yelled. “Yuki, Haruna check the surroundings. Sayaka, Rena and Miichan get our vehicles and weaponry ready. And meet back here in 5 minutes.” “Hai!”
5 minutes later
“What’s the current situation Yuki, Haruna?” Takamina asked. “Sir! We’re surrounded!” They both said. “I already told you that!” Miichan yelled. “Okay. Anyways we’ll just use our emergency escape routes.” Takamina ordered. “And I’ll blow up the whole mansion with everything in it to make sure they don’t use anything against us.” They all look at Haruna who is excitedly smiling at the thought of blowing everything up. “Well. She does have a point. Beside we’ll never be coming back here.” Rena said convincing everyone. (Rena and Yuki are no longer messy) Everyone was now going to the garage to get into their vehicles. “Okay. We already have the vehicles ready with a few weapons in Haruna’s, Yuki’s, and Rena’s cars. I put all our equipment in the RV so Takamina you have to leave your Pink Pagani Huaya.” Sayaka said. “What?! Why don’t you drive the RV and I take my Pink Pagani Huaya.” Takamina argued, that’s her baby.  “No! Miichan can’t drive due to her being underage and whatnot.” Haruna yelled. “Also the fact the she can only handle high speed crazy driving when you’re the driver. Besides I’ll be distracting them to give you enough time to get away.” Sayaka said. “Okay. I’ll do it. Everyone call me so we can meet up somewhere.” “Okay!” “Hey! Haruna aren’t you going to set up your bombs?” Asked Rena and Yuki before getting into their cars. “Oh, that! I already set them up and they’ll be going off any second now. Why?” Haruna said in a calm and relaxed voice. “What?!” “Everyone get out now!” Miichan yelled getting into the RV. “DRIVEEEE!!!!!!!! Takamidget! DRIVEEEE!!!!!!!!” Miichan yelled at Minami’s ear. “Okay. I don’t wanna die too ya know!” She yelled back not wait for the garage door to open. She broke through the door so hard she pulled the door right off the handles so that now the whole inside of the garage is exposed and the others can get out without waiting.   
 They get far away from the Mansion when they hear the huge explosion, showing that Haruna had just blown it up. Then suddenly several car come out of nothing. * bratatatat* *dakkakakaka* *p-taff* *p-taff* *p-taff* * bratatatat* *dakkakakaka* *p-taff* “Why they shooting at us. What have we ever done to them?” Miichan asks Takamina while she herself shoots at them and sees that her cousins are doing the same..  *ping* “Oh that was close.” Haruna says shooting down the two cars following her. *ratatatat* “Who the Hell carries a machine gun with them!” Rena yelled trying to avoid major damage. Yuki comes from behind the cars shooting at Rena and stoots a bullet into their gas tanks causing them to explode. “Dude is that a bazooka?” Miichan asks Takamina who is busy driving and avoiding damage to the RV which has all the equipment they use for missions. “What?” “Oh Shit! They’re aiming at us!” * schhwaff* *tzing* “MINAMIS!” They’re cousins yelled.


Hope it's interesting.

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.7 Nov. 30
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2011, 07:46:11 AM »

Offline kahem

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.7 Nov. 30
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2011, 09:01:24 AM »
Hahahahah Chiyuu was talking in her sleep and almost kiss Rena!!!
Ohoho Rena and Yuki what were they doing~

Offline Megumi

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.7 Nov. 30
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2011, 07:31:18 PM »
 :rofl: Chiyuu so cute! Dreaming about Tomochin I wonder why she quit...hope that she will
be joining "Takamidget" group later  XD

Oho! RenaxYuki  :wub: Love is in the air  :lol:

Thank you for your update it was hilarious as usual.
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Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.8 Dec. 2
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2011, 03:24:08 AM »
Here's Ch. 8. I hope it's not boring.

Chatper 8

“MINAMIS!” They’re cousins yelled. The RV had just run off a cliff. In order not to get hit Takamina swerved to the right but ended up driving off the cliff. After seeing their cousins’ drive off the cliff they stop and got out/ off their vehicles and started shooting their enemy not caring about their lives. Shooting and destroying everything in their way. No one was left alive. “Hey! Guys! CAN YOU HEAR US?!” Miichan and Takamina yelled as loud as they could. “Minamis?” “MINAMIS!!!” “Yeah! We’re okay! And the RV’s not damaged at all. We’ll head to the city first! Call us when you enter the city limit.” Takamina yelled to them. “OKAY, SEE YOU THERE!” They yelled back getting back into their vehicles.
Takamina and Miichan reach the city and go into a café to eat and wait for their cousins. “Breaking News! The most wanted man by the NM police, Takahashi Hinoto, has been shot and killed today. He was wanted for many unsolved kidnappings as well as murders. It’s said that he trained six people to continue in his footsteps. They don’t know their genders but assume that they’re men.”
“What?!” Both Minamis almost shout. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Haruna comes in with Rena and Yuki walking beside her with Sayaka walking behind them. “Look at the TV News.” Miichan said patting the sit next to her. While the others read the announcement on the TV. “Uncle’s dead.” Haruna, Yuki, Rena and Sayaka said in a sad voice.
“We have just been informed that the police have found Takahashi’s home but were attacked by six females. They are now searching for these females. They report that these six females are connected to Tomomi Kasai’s kidnapping which happened a week ago. She’s now safe at home. The police will put up their pictures once they receive them. That’s all form your trusty news channel.”
“…” “We better get out of here.” Miichan said already out the Café door when her cousins truned to face her. “Hey! Wait for us!” Leaving the Café they went their safe house but found that cops were already there waiting for them. “Shit!” Takamina said stopping a block away with the others parked behind her. *bezzzzz* “Hello?” “Yes! Minami Takahashi?” “Yes this is her. How may I help you?” “Oh, I’m not the one in need of help, my dear you are.” “How do you know that?” “I’m the Chief of Defense of Japan. Call me Meetan. I was asked by your father to help you. So I am. There a private plane waiting for you and your cousins near outskirts of the city near an abandoned coat factory. Don’t worry it can carry all your vehicles including the RV. From there you’ll be flown here to Japan and brought to me. Okay bye.” “Wait! How can I be sure you’re not an enemy.” “Cuz you saved someone important to me. And I’m just paying you back. Bye.” Hangs up. “Takamina, who was that?” Asked Miichan curious. “Someone who’s helping us leave the country.” “What do you mean?” Miichan confused and tilts her head. “We’re going to Japan. Tell the girls to follow me.” “okay, Rena, Sayaka, Yuki, and Haruna. Follow us. We’re going to Japan.” “Okay.” 2 hours later they arrive, they drove the vehicles into the plane sat in their seats and take off.

Somewhere in Japan
“Acchan-nee!!! Wait up!” Mayu shouted after her sister.
“Oh. Sorry Mayu.” “It’s okay. But lately you’ve be spacing out a lot and getting into more fights.” Looking at all the guys they had just beaten. “Is there something bugging you?” Mayu asked worried her sister’s increase for blood. A year after Minami disappearance Atsuko began to change into someone violent and filled with anger. “No.” Atsuko tells Mayu and whispers to herself. “It’s just that I miss Minami. And fighting is the only way to fill that hole in my heart.” “Did you say something?” “No. Nothing. Anyways let’s get out of here before the cops come.” “Yeah.” They ran away from the sense. After running for about 20 minutes they stop at a Danso Café, which Mayu has been dying to try. “Atsuko-nee? This is..” “Yup. The café you’ve wanted to invited.” They order their foods. “Oh my gosh! The waiters are so hot! Even though they’re female.” Mayu says to Atsuko who just smiles at her sister fan-girling over the waiters. Their food arrives shortly and they begin to eat. After they’re finish they pay and leave. “Hey, Mayu want some starbucks?” “Hell yea!” They enter starbucks and order their drinks. After a few minutes they get their drinks and sit down facing the TV. “Breaking NEWS from NM. Earlier today the NM police shot and killed Takahashi Hinoto. He was wanted for many unsolved kidnappings as well as murders. When they went to Takahashi’s home they were attacked by six females who are connected to the Kidnapping of Tomomi Kasai’s which happened a week ago. She’s now safe at home. The police have put up their pictures on their website. It’s said that they are now hiding here in Japan. Here are the pictures with the names of the criminals. Haruna Kojima, Sayaka Akimoto, Matsui Rena, Yuki Kashiwagi, Minami Minegishi, and last their leader and only male member, Minami Takahashi.” Atsuko and Mayu choked on their drink when they saw Minami’s picture. “Minami?” They both looked at each other confused and worried. “Wait. Did they just say male?” Mayu asked trying to hold her laughter. “Don’t you dare laugh at my future husband.” Atsuko said with a cold deadly voice. “Sorry. But what’s up with the News?” “I don’t know but we have to get to the bottom of this. Minami isn’t someone who capable of fighting. She’s weak.” “I totally agree. She never passed any of her physical education classes.” “Okay. Let’s go home Mayu before the girls start to get worried.” “Okay.” 

Thank you everyone for reading.

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.8 Dec. 2
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2011, 04:09:40 AM »
OMG!!! Thanks for the Update :w00t:

Takamina and the others are going to Japan!!!! XD

“Wait. Did they just say male?” Mayu asked trying to hold her laughter. “Don’t you dare laugh at my future husband.” Atsuko said with a cold deadly voice.

I was laughing here :lol: But  :wub: I love the part where Acchan said Don't you dare laugh at my future husband. It's so :inlove:

Please Update Soon :mon cute:
I can't wait to see Takamina back to Japan and when she and Acchan meet~ I wonder what will happen XD

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.8 Dec. 2
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2011, 07:13:01 AM »
Acchan & Mayuyu as a sisters~

Offline Megumi

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.8 Dec. 2
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2011, 01:30:28 AM »
Meetan!  :)

  Here are the pictures with the names of the criminals. Haruna Kojima, Sayaka Akimoto, Matsui Rena, Yuki Kashiwagi, Minami Minegishi, and last their leader and only male member, Minami Takahashi.” Atsuko and Mayu choked on their drink when they saw Minami’s picture. “Minami?” They both looked at each other confused and worried. “Wait. Did they just say male?” Mayu asked trying to hold her laughter. “Don’t you dare laugh at my future husband.” Atsuko said with a cold deadly voice.

Pffff! Bwahahah  :rofl: "only male member"
I can't wait for them to meet!

Thank you for your update!
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Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.9 Dec. 5
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2011, 09:33:25 PM »
Hey everyone,  :mon hi: hope you enjoy this chapter.  :mon whimper: Sorry if it's confusing and any misuse of words.

Chapter 9

“We’re home!” “Welcome back Acchan and Mayuyu.” “Hey, Marichan.” “You did what?! NO! Now that they messed up you want me to clean that mess up! FORGET IT!” Someone yelled from the second floor. “Why is Yuko so angry?” Acchan asked. “Oh it’s just that her Dad hired some guys to get some things done, but they ended up messing up. So now he wants Yuko and her group to finish the job.” “Oh.” “Hey! Mayuyu let’s play!” “Okay Jurina!” “So Marichan how are my parents?” “They’re okay. They no longer have debts so if you and Mayuyu wanna leave, you can, since you haven’t been anything major yet.” “Nah. We both like it here. Besides we can’t go back there.” Acchan said in a sad voice. “Acchan it isn’t your fault that happened.” “I know but still.” “Oh you’re home!” Yuko yelled jumping from the second floor into the living room. “Yuko is it possible that you’re related to a flying Squirrel?” Marichan deadpanned. “Dunno. Well anyways I’ll be out for a while.” “How long is it this time Yuko?” Marichan and Acchan asked. “1 week, I think. Not really sure.” “Fine, be careful.” “Okay see ya!” Yuko goes to the garage and gets into her car.

Yuko and her group

“Hello, boss.” They all say. “So what’s the job this time?” “Have you guys watched the News about NM?” “Yeah.” They all say. “Well our job is to kill those girls. And don’t worry I already know where they are. Just follow me like always.” She led her group to the abandon air strip near Tokyo and waited until they arrived. “Boss, are you sure they’ll land here?” An underling asked and was shoot by Yuko. “Anyone else wanna question me?” “NO! BOSS!” They all screamed afraid of Yuko. Then the plane is spotted.

Six cousins on the plane

“Wow! This things cool! How did you get this in such a short time?” Yuki asked. “It’s from actually the Chief of Defense.” Takamina said honestly. “And which Chief of Defense?” Miichan asked afraid it might be the one she and her cousins have met. “Meetan! The Chief of Defense of Japan.” “OH GOSH. WE’RE GONNA DIE.” Miichan, Sayaka and Rena yelled. “NO! WORSE WE’RE GONNA BE DEFILED! WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO MARRY!” Haruna and Yuki screamed panicky running around in the plane. “Hey, what’s wrong? Have you meet her before?” Takamina asked confused about the situation. “YES! N it was SEXUAL HARASSMENT!” “What?” *ring* *ring* “Hello?” Takamina puts the phone on speaker was everyone can hear, her cousins freeze on the spot. “Hey Takamina. I just wanted to tell you that there’s a group of ex-cons waiting for you.” “Ex-cons? Are they here to escort us to you? Meetan.” “No, they have nothing to do with me. They’re there to kill you. I suggest you check your email and upload the maps I sent you.” “Maps? What are they for?” “They show you the way to safely arrive at my home without others noticing you which is very important right now.” “Wht do you mean?” Miichan asked confused. “Oh hello girls. We need to catch up, but that’ll need to wait.” “Hey answer the question Meetan.” Sayaka orders. “Ok, well your pictures have been posted and cops are looking for you as well as the strongest mafia family in Japan. So you need to take care of those ex-cons first then come to my home and I’ll fix everything so you can live as men.” “Men?” “Oh did I say men? I meant to say women since you’re all still girls bye.” Hangs up. “So, any ideas?” Yuki asks. “I have an idea.” “It’s doesn’t have anything about blowing up things does it?” They all asked worried if Haruna’s idea was blowing up the plane they are in. “No. I’ll distract our enemy while you guys safely go to Meetan’s and once I’m done I’ll join you. That way we’re not all killed and they think I’m alone.” “Great idea!” Miichan shouts. “Yeah why can’t you think about safer plans like this?” Sayaka says. “It’s fun seeing you panicking.” Haruna says smiling to everyone. They all sigh. “Okay, but put something on so they thing they got the wrong plane.” “Okay.” Haruna finishes changing. “Wow, you look like a guy.” “Thanks. I’ll be going frist.” Haruna then leaves.

Back to the landing area where Yuko and her men are waiting

 “Okay boys they’ve landed. Get in your positions.” When they were about to go to their places a Lamborghini Sesto Elemento comes out of the plane and parks in front of the group. “Woooow. That’s an awesome car.” Some of Yuko’s men (ex-con) said admiring the car. They don’t notice the tall figure getting out the car. The tall figure takes out a gun and shots them. “Hey! Don’t just stand there kill him!” Yuko shouts at her men, “Boss! U sure this is the right plane?” “Yeah aren’t they girls but there’s only one guy!” They are taken down one after another. Yuko becoming uneasy cuz her men r all dead. “So you’re the boss.” “Yes. I got to admit you’re skilled but not skilled enough to kill me.” Yuko jumps forward landing on the figure. “You’re dead now!” “You wish sweetie.” The tall person says pulling Yuko by her collar and sending her into the bodies of her fallen men. Yuko’s thoughts: : Woow! This guy’s my ideal type too bad I'm into girls. She gets up and charges towards the ‘man’ cause him to hit the door of Yuko’s car. ‘He’ kicks her off and punches her right side of her faces. Yuko’s now pissed seeing blood come down her lip. She gets up and tackles ‘him’ to the hood of her car. She is now on top of ‘him’. “Hey now let’s see what’s under that cap, sunglass and mouth mask. Shall we?” Yuko says putting her hand on the cap, but suddenly the ‘guy’ flipped them around so that ‘his’ now on top. ‘He’ holds both her wrist above her head with one hand. ‘His’ thoughts: Oh God! I never thought I would have to seduce a girl, well good thing she’s hot. I just hope it works like it works on men. 
“You know up-close u’r very attractive.” ‘he’ whispers into Yuko’s ear seductively. “At first I thought you were an actress.” Seductive voice. “T-thank y-you. But don’t think I’ll fall for you” Yuko said the last part in a cold voice. “Oh? Really? Then why ya stutter?” “N..” Before Yuko could retort, ‘he’ quickly pulled down his mouth mask and sealed her lips. Yuko responded to the ‘his’ sudden kiss even though he was an enemy. She could no longer hold back her lust, she wanted to deepen their kiss but ‘he’ still held her wrist. When ‘he’ break the kiss she groan in protest, but that was short lived when ‘his’ lips were back onto hers. She moaned into ‘his’ mouth as ‘his’ tongue invaded her mouth, he slipped his free hand under her shirt to her back and up towards her neck. ‘He’ then took out a messaging needle out of ‘his’ bracelet and prick Yuko on her upper back which caused Yuko to nosebleed and faint. ‘His’ thoughts: Yes! It worked. Good thing Miichan wasn’t here or else she’d tease me to no end. Looks at ‘his’ watch. “Time to meet up with them.” 

Takamina and the others
“I hope Haruna’s fine.” “She’ll be okay Takamina now stop worrying. Oh we’re here!” Miichan Says pointing at the mansion.
They enter the mansion and are welcomed by Meetan. “Hello girls. Where Haruna?” “She’ll be here in a little.” Takamina informed. “Oh.” Meetan says disappointed, but that’s short lived. *knock* “Oh, Haruna! Welcome!” Meetan hugs Haruna and gropes her assets. Haruna pushes her back and slaps her. “Don’t touch me!” “Sorry, it’s just that it’s been sooooo long.” Meetan says while doing groping motions toward Haruna and Yuki. “Mom! I was told you wanted to talk to me?” “WHAT R U DOING HERE?!”


I'll try and update as soon as I can.  :byebye: :mon thumb:

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.9 Dec.5
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2011, 12:11:19 AM »
Waaaa! :panic: Sok made my wish come true!
Meetan is so hentai! * groping

“Wow! This things cool! How did you get this in such a short time?” Yuki asked. “It’s from actually the Chief of Defense.” Takamina said honestly. “And which Chief of Defense?” Miichan asked afraid it might be the one she and her cousins have met. “Meetan! The Chief of Defense of Japan.” “OH GOSH. WE’RE GONNA DIE.” Miichan, Sayaka and Rena yelled. “NO! WORSE WE’RE GONNA BE DEFILED! WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO MARRY!” Haruna and Yuki screamed panicky running around in the plane. “Hey, what’s wrong? Have you meet her before?” Takamina asked confused about the situation. “YES! N it was SEXUAL HARASSMENT!”
“Wht do you mean?” Miichan asked confused. “Oh hello girls. We need to catch up, but that’ll need to wait.”

Hahahaha panicking girls! :lol:

O__o Yuko is connected to Acchan and the rest? Woooowwwww
Yuko and Harunas kiss was  hot hot hot!

“Hello girls. Where Haruna?” “She’ll be here in a little.” Takamina informed. “Oh.” Meetan says disappointed, but that’s short lived. *knock* “Oh, Haruna! Welcome!” Meetan hugs Haruna and gropes her assets. Haruna pushes her back and slaps her. “Don’t touch me!” “Sorry, it’s just that it’s been sooooo long.” Meetan says while doing groping motions toward Haruna and Yuki. “Mom! I was told you wanted to talk to me?” “WHAT R U DOING HERE?!”

LoL Meetan....she have a kid? I wonder who....the only candidate I could think of was YUKO tough*smirk
Thank you for your update as always there is no time for me to stop laughing while I'm reading this...
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 12:39:46 PM by Megumi »
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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.9 Dec.5
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2011, 06:34:12 AM »
kojiyuu.. that kiss.. jaja yuko going to think that she likes boys now jajaj so funny..

Im waiting for atsumina moment :D

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