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Author Topic: Unknown [Gone] Ch.14 22/05/2012  (Read 46767 times)

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 2 Jan. 11/ 12
« Reply #80 on: January 12, 2012, 07:56:55 AM »
woah! They're getting the wrong partner! Acchan took Gekikara?Yuko and Kai?! Mariko and Haru?! except Chiyuu and Tomochin aww <33

Update soon as you can please! Yuko! You need to think if a good plan now! <33

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 2 Jan. 11/ 12
« Reply #81 on: January 12, 2012, 10:13:51 AM »
Hope they reveal their mask to show their faces to each others...... wonder how they react thereafter......

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 2 Jan. 11/ 12
« Reply #82 on: January 12, 2012, 11:15:14 PM »
Hahahaha!!!!! Like it!!! Especially the Tomotomo

Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #83 on: February 13, 2012, 12:09:38 AM »
Hey everyone sorry for the long wait. Haven't gotten a good internet connection.

Hope It's not boring. Sorry for any misspellings.

Chapter 13 Part 3
“Black! I’ve taken out the men from the first group, but it seems they already have men inside looking for the statue.”
“That’s fine, Kuu and Kai can take care of them.”
“Alright. Wait! Kuu what are you doing out here?” Ruka yelled as he spotted Kuu. Kuu turned to see who yelled and saw Ruka.
“Ruka! Don’t yell! You want us to get caught.” Kuu shouted back as he ran to Ruka.
“Answer my question why are you out here? And where’s Kai?”
“Well, we ran into some guys during our part, and we couldn’t just leave their bodies lying around, we managed to take all the bodies into the old van when a woman from the party came. Kai ordered me to take care of the bodies while he takes the woman back.”
“Okay. At least you already took care of the guys that were inside.” Ruka said.
“Kuu, Ruka we have trouble. There are still about 20 men inside the restricted area.” Black informed as he saw many men in different areas in the area where the statue is located.
“What?!” Kuu and Ruka shouted.
“Not only that, it seems the other outsider is trying to override our system. I’ll need to log off and shut down the security system. So I won’t be able to tell you what’s going on.” Black informed.
“Wait, there are two outsiders?” Kuu asked confused.
“Yeah, the other outsider was just using the cameras and watching while the first went into action.”
“Well they were, seems they’ve gone into action. Uh oh.” Black said.
“What’s wrong?” Ruka asked while Kuu take out a slice of cake and started snacking on it.
“They seem to be dragging Kai, Riku, Gekikara and Chiyuu?”
“Hey! Stop eating during missions!” Ruka said and smacked Kuu’s cake.
“Hey! I was eating that! Why Can’t you be like Riku and join me?” Kuu shouted and puffed up his cheeks as his eyes teared up. “That was my favorite type of cake.”
“Kuu! Ruka! Did you hear what I said?” Black asked upset. Who the hell does that girl think she is? On one can touch my Gekikara. “Um, yes?” Both Ruka and Kuu lied.
“Kai, Riku, Gekikara and Chiyuu are being dragged by four people that are heading towards the area with the 20 armed men.”
“Oh Shit!” Kuu said.
“Let’s get going.” Ruka said and started running.
“Yo, Black what’s there location?” Kuu asked running.
“Hallway that connects the garden and mansion on the southwest side, it’s very close to your location. Also the men have gotten the Statue, I’ll be going off line now I’ll meet you in there.”
“Wait! What about…” Kuu shouted through the transmitter but Black had cut their lines.
“Shit, we better get there before Black, Gekikara or Riku go crazy.”
“Yeah, I’m scared of Gekikara when he’s fighting. He’s like the Death god, takes his time in beating you to death while Blacks the Angel of Death, puts you out of your misery in seconds. While Riku is just plain crazy.” Kuu said while running.
“I totally agree. We’re here.” Ruka said as he spotted the group.
Yuko and her group
They drag Kai, Gekikara, Chiyuu, and Riku to the restricted area. They left their partners and gathered together.
“Yuko what’s the plan?” Acchan asked. “Um, um… wait! Let me think.” Yuko said while thinking of something. “Yuko! You haven’t come up with anything yet?” Mariko asked. “We’ll steel the Statue and put the blame on those four. But first put their fingerprints everywhere.” Yuko said. “What? I can’t do that.” Tomochin hissed. “Why not?” Acchan asked which let’s-get-this-over-with-I’m-sleepy face. “Cuz, cuz they’ll think it’s weird that we’re having them touch things.” Tomochin reasoned. “True, that’ll be weird.” Yuko agreed. “Let’s just knock them out and then put their fingerprints everywhere.” Acchan said. “Ok, we’re going with Acchan’s idea.” Mariko.
“What were you talking about?” Riku asked. “Yeah, you’re being too secretive Tomochin.” Chiyuu pouted cutely at Tomochin. “Tomochin you know her?” Mariko asked ‘him’. “Um, yeah.” “Screw it! Just do it!” Yuko ordered and her members knocked all of them out. Kai, Riku, Gekikara, and Chiyuu went down for the count. With their scapegoats out, they took their masks off. “What?!” All four shouted. “Hey, Mariko are these three guys idols? Or members of a boy group?” Tomochin asked looking at the three guys. “No, not that I know of.” Mariko replied while Yuko just undressed Riku with her eyes. Yuko’s thoughts: Damn! He’s so fine. I just wanna…wait! Wait a moment, I’m GAY! I like GIRLS!!! I don’t like guys. It’s not in my being, then why am I attracted to this guy and Haru? Is it cuz they both have feminine features? Wait! This guy gave me a nosebleed, I need to get revenge. “Hey, Tomo isn’t she the girl you used to work for as a bodyguard or something.” Acchan asked recognizing Chiyuu. “Yeah.” Tomochin flatly said. The whole time they were talking they didn’t notice that the 20 men who were there had noticed them and surrounded them. They already have the Statue.
“Oi! What are kids doing here so late?” Their leader said. “Huh? And what’s a grandpa like you doing pass your bedtime?” Yuko replied. “Hey! And what’s a ten year old doing wearing her mother’s clothes?” Another man said. “What’s a 50 yr old doing wearing his teenage son’s clothes?” Yuko remarked. “Really? Why is a grown man like you wearing teenager clothes? It’s disgusting.” Tomochin added. Mariko and Acchan were holding in their laughing. “Oi! What a pretty boy like you doing with these hot girls.” A third guy asked. “Cuz I’m a pretty boy surrounded by hot women. Why?” “Haha, Dude what the hell was that? Couldn’t you come up with something smart and witty?” Acchan asked laughing. “Yeah, for example what’s up with that snake tattoo on half of your face and the nose piecing? What are you? 19?” Mariko added. “Nah~ He’s actually 48.” One man said. “What? Damn you’re younger than I thought?” Yuko remarked. “Okay, now I’m pissed off. Boys kill them.” The leader shouted as his men followed his orders. They begin to fight while the ones carrying the statue continued to their van, Acchan, Yuko, Mariko, and Tomochin each fighting 5 men. They were doing well until more men came out of nowhere. “Shit! There’s too many!” Acchan shouted punching the 5 guys from earlier knocking them out as 6 more ran towards her. “Acchan’s Right! There’s too many for us.” Tomochin shouted punching two men in their ribs and breaking three others arms while 8 more ran towards him. “Yuko! Call our back up!” Mariko said pulling one and throwing him towards the 6 more that were coming at her, she turns back continues to fight the other 4. “I can’t! Remember they’re busy with computer stuff! Besides Mayuyu cut off our lines so there’s no way in contacting them.” Yuko shouted as she tackled 3 guys to the floor but was then jumped on by 5 men.
Ruka and Kuu had arrived the moment the 20 men’s back up showed up. “Oi, you think we should help?” Kuu asked hiding with Ruka. “Nah, let’s just watch and see what happens. Besides I don’t see Kai, Gekikara, Chiyuu, or Riku anywhere.” “Good idea.” Kuu said and took out cake. “Kuu, I’ve always wanted to ask.” Ruka said staring at Kuu eating his cake. “Hm? What?” “Where do you get those cakes from?” “I buy them at the Cake Shop where else?” Kuu asked confused, it’s common sense to buy cake at a cake shop or store or home-made. “No, I mean where do you take those cakes out from? Whenever we’re on mission you always pull cakes out of nowhere.” Ruka rephrased his question. “Oh, that. Well Riku taught me. He said if I organized my cakes neatly, I would be able to fit them all into my bag with my weapons.” Kuu explained and Ruka made a what-the-f**-why-would-you-do-that face. While they were talking they didn’t notice that someone was thrown towards them causing them to soften the persons fall. “Ugh, that’s gotten hurt tomorrow.” The person on top of them said rubbing his butt. “Oi! My cake!” Kuu yelled as he glared at the guy while he glared Ruka noticed that the guy was one of the 4 people that were fighting the group of men the other 3 were now breathing hard and looked exhausted. “Okay, Kuu I think we should leave since they aren’t here.” Kuu realizing what was happening quickly agreed and got up. “Sorry for interrupting.” Kuu said. “We’ll be leaving now.” Ruka added but was stopped when a gun was fired at them. “You aint going anywhere.” Kuu leaned closed to Ruka and whispered. “Can I shot them?” “Yeah, but I’m out of ammunition. Can I barrow yours.” “Now that I think about it both me and Kai left our weapons back with Black.” Kuu said. “Great.” Ruka whispered back.
“Oi! What you two whispering about?” One man yelled pointed his gun at them. “Okay you 15 take care of those 3 women and the one on the floor over there.” The leader ordered. “Boss, can we have fun with them first?” One of the 15 asked. “Yeah, but then kill them.” “Okay.” They said in unison and approached the 4 women. “Boss what we do with the 3 guys on the floor?” “Kill them. In fact kill all 6.” “Yes, sir.” The men turned their attention to the 3 that were on the floor but found nothing. “Sir! They’re gone!” “What?!” Everyone shouted except Ruka and Kuu who looked at each other knowing full well who the 3 were.
“Hehehe… Ne…okotte iru? Hehe.” A chilling voice echoed throughout the hall. “Yahooo~ Let’s party! Hehehe…YAY!” A cheerful and giggling voice echoed. “Oi! Which one of you bruised this beautiful face!” An angry and powerful voice echoed as he pointed at Acchan’s bruised face. “Kai! Gekikara! Riku! You’re masks!” Ruka and Kuu yelled as they saw that their cousins no longer had their masks on. “Oi! okotte iru? Hehe.” “Yo~ That doesn’t matter. Let’s just have fun~ YAY!” “You’re dead for messing with such a beautiful woman like her!” Kai yelled and pointed at Acchan.
“Accahn? You know that midget?” Yuko asked. “No, I don’t think so?” Acchan’s thoughts: He’s kinda cute. I wonder if I know him? “Well it seems he knows you.” Mariko said. “Maybe he’s one of our stalkers?” Yuko added. “Yea, maybe, well let’s just watch what they’ll do.” Acchan said.
 “What? You kids think you can take us?” the men said and laughed. “Hahaha! You think you can keep up with us old men?” Riku asked laughing. “Hehe…there’s no way you can beat us.” Gekikara said giggling and biting his nails while cracking his neck. “We might be young but we’re more experienced than anyone of one.” Kai stated. “Why y..” He didn’t finish since Gekikara quickly charged at him and punched him causing his jaw to snap out of place, then quickly processed in disabling 17 more (breaking bone, dislocated things and what-not). While Riku quickly tackled the men who were approaching Chiyuu, once they were on the floor and he quickly got up. “Sorry, but there’s no way I’m letting you touch my princess.” Hearing this Tomochin and Yuko felt slightly jealous. “Thanks Riku.” Mariko said and hugged Riku. “Yea, sure. Get out my way!” Riku said as he pushed Mariko out the way while he fought the 15 men. Riku got close to the men and shoved a massage nail in a pressure point in their necks causing them to pass out and become temporally paralyzed just in case they woke up then quickly went to check on Chiyuu. Kai was letting his anger out on anyone that got in front of him; he took out 16 and hit Gekikara hard in his stomach. “Kai! You dumbass!” Gekikara shouted and hit Kai back causing him to fall onto the floor holding his side. “Gekikara! I think you break my ribs!!” Kai shouted holding his right side. “It’s your fault! Never ever hit me unless you have a death wish!” Gekikara hissed back as he went back to beat the rest who were now running away for their lives. “Shit! See what you did!” Gekikara yelled at Kai. “Gekikara! Chill! It’s not Kai’s fault they want to live another day.” Ruka reasoned as his helped Kai and supported him. “Yeah! You’re scary when you fight!” Kuu shouted and ran to hide behind Riku who was carrying Chiyuu bridal style. “What?!” Gekikara yelled at them upset. “Geki, that’s enough!” Black said as he quickly stepped next to Gekikara from 2 meters and smacked some common sense back into him. “Sorry. I got addicted to the blood.” “Yeah we can all see that.” Kuu replied still hiding behind Riku for protection. “Well that doesn’t matter anymore since we failed. They took the Statue.” Black informed. “What?!” Everyone shouted except Riku. “They took the Statue?” Riku asked with an evil smirk. “Yeah, while you guys were busy fighting.” Black added. “How far are they?” Riku asked. “Um, about a 1 mile from here. Why?” Black answered confused, they messed up they’re mission. “Riku what’s that got to do? We failed.” Ruka asked. “Yeah.” Kai said still in pain. “And it’s our first time failing on a mission.” Gekikara added. But Kuu smirked sensing what Riku was up to. “You didn’t, did you?” Kuu asked. Everyone else was confused, while Acchan, Mariko, Yuko, and Tomochin were shocked, confused and lost to what just happened and to what their conversation is about since they thought their scapegoats were just normal people, so they just still quiet. “Oh, yea~” Riku sang as he pulled out what looks like a Mp3 but really is a remote control. “Oh, shit!” He cousins shouted as they recognized the device. “No! Riku!” “Bad Riku!” “You can’t!” “Auntie well harasses us!” “Wait! Wouldn’t that just case us more trouble if she found out that instead of protecting, we destroy it?” Kuu asked. “Yeah, but I’m bored! And I haven’t boom up anything in a while, so yeah~” Riku said and pressed the bottom. Few second you could hear a loud explosion, shaking, and then the fire alarms in the mansion went off. “Uh oh, I think I might’ve caused some damage to the Mansion.” “Run!” Yuko shouted getting far away from the crime scene with her team following closing behind. “Isn’t that?” “Yup!” “But who’s the guy?” “That’s Tomochin my old bodyguard.” Chiyuu informed. “Okay, now that you’re wake still want me to carry you?” Riku asked with a gentle smile. “Of course, who wouldn’t want a handsome man to carry them? Chiyuu~” Chiyuu cutely said. “Alright, let’s go take our midget cousin to the hospital. I really think Gekikara broke a few of his ribs.” Ruka said lifting Kai’s shirt revealing a purple bruised area on his right side where his ribs are. “Yup, most likely since he passed out.” Kuu informed as he slapped Kai’s face. “Okay, let’s get out of here before the cops come and investigate.” Black said leaving while pulling Gekikara by his left cheek. “Oi! Black! Let go! You’re going to rip my cheek off!” Gekikara whined as he struggled to get free. “No! You caused a lot of trouble so you need to be punished.” Black coldly stated. “Uh oh. Someone save me~! I’ll do your school work! Just save me from evil Black!” Gekikara begged his cousins. “No, next times don’t send one of us to the hospital.” Ruka sternly stated. “But it was Kai’s fault! He punched me! You know I wouldn’t hurt one of you unless you provoked me.” Gekikara reasoned. “True, besides Kai was randomly striking and beating anyone who got in front of him.” Kuu added. Black stopped and let go of Gekikara after they had reached their vehicle. “Fine, you’re off the hook.” Black said disappointed.
Yuko & her team’s van
“What the hell just happened?” Tomochin asked reaching the van. “We just lost $550,000 US.” Acchan screamed. “That Riku guy just had to blow up our money.” Mariko added. “Well it seemed to me you didn’t mind it at all.” Tomochin smirked. “Hey! I’m not. It’s Yuko! She’s been drooling over him since the ball.” Mariko quickly replied. “What?!” Toomochin and Acchan shouted surprised. “What? Is it illegal for me to chech someone out?” Yuko asked. “Yes!” Acchan, Tomochin and Mariko shouted. “Why not?” Yuko pouted. “You’ve never ever ever paid attention to men that way.” Mariko said. “Yeah, in fact you have never ever been attracted to men before.” Tomochin added. “You only go after attractive and beautiful women.” Acchan added. “MMMHHHHH!” Sounds were coming from their van. “What was that?” Yuko asked. “Don’t change the subject.” Mariko said. “MMMMMPPHHHH!” *bang* *tap* *tap* *bang* “Wait! Don’t youhear that?” Yuko asked again. “Yeah, I think it’s coming from our van.” Tomochin said opning the back doors. “What the hell?!” Tomochin and Yuko said. “Mayuyu didn’t I tell you to not play with Jurina during our missions!” Acchan scolded Mayu. “Acchan, I don’t think it’s Mayuyu’s fault since Lovetan and Kumi and she’s also tied up.” “Yeah, I agree with Marichan. It seems someone else did this.” Tomochin added. “Hey, Acchan can I play with Mayu?” Yuko asked showing her dimples. “No.” “What?! Why not?” Yuko pouted. “I don’t want you as my sister-in-law.” “What? But I’d be an awesome in-law!” “NO! I don’t want you at all.” Mayu yelled once Tomochin took the gag out her mouth. “Why not?” Yuko asked sad. “You’re my Oshiri Sister.” Mayuyu pouted. “Oh yeah~ I forgot since we haven’t hanged out in a while and talked about you know what?” “Yeah, butts. Anyways can you free us?” Lovetan said. “yeah” “Thank you.” “Let’s go home.” Yuko said getting into the driver sit. “be the way why were you tied up?” Mariko asked. “Where’s the Statue?” Jurina asked. “Blown up.” Acchan stated. “What?!” “Yeah, the third party was bored and decided to blow it up.” Tomochin added. “Well, how about you?” Yuko asked still eyes on the road. “This hot handsome guy showed up out of nowhere, and opened the back doors and in a flash tied us all up.” Kumi informed. “Yeah, he was so fast that we didn’t even notice him tying us up until his put the gags on our mouths.” Lovetan explained. “Not only that but he completely destroyed our computer equipment.” Mayu added.” “Can’t you just clean it, reset it or whatever you do to save the data?” Yuko asked. “Yea, but we can’t since the guy use some super elite virus on our computer system causing it to delete all the data saved on it and the data that was on backup system was also wiped clean.” Jurina explained. “Damn, he must be smart with computers.” Acchan said. “Yeah.” They all nodded.

Offline Haruko

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #84 on: February 13, 2012, 05:27:56 AM »
jajaj yuko falling in love for a men!! well its riku..

and my atsumina!! hell yeah!! lke this fic a lot :D keep going!!

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #85 on: February 13, 2012, 12:37:25 PM »
Glad Gakikara still safe (from BLACK)~

Offline Spicy Sapphire

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #86 on: February 13, 2012, 04:01:06 PM »
yeah an update~ been waiting for this. Kuu and his cakes is  :nervous Aww Black let Gekikara go. I was expecting something to happened  :twisted:

Offline kahem

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #87 on: February 13, 2012, 04:59:50 PM »
Hahahaha!!!! They are all crazy!!!!

Offline msst28

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #88 on: February 13, 2012, 05:39:05 PM »
 :rofl: perverted yuko...

Is Black tie all of them??

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #89 on: April 04, 2012, 11:12:44 PM »
 Black and gikikara are scary!! :bleed eyes:

Offline chichay12

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #90 on: May 19, 2012, 06:40:29 PM »
 nice story!!:twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Please update this!im waiting.. :cry: :cry:

Offline Megumi

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #91 on: May 22, 2012, 12:25:38 AM »
Sok-san where did you go? I miss your fics they're not completed yet come back! readers command :twisted:
I want my YukiRena  uhuhuh :(

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline Sok

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 3 Feb. 12
« Reply #92 on: May 22, 2012, 03:31:01 AM »
Hello everyone.  :mon XD: :mon hi: :mon blowhorn: I'm just showing you that I'm still here.
I'm sorry for not updating any of my Fic lately but the harddrive I had all my fics saved got destroyed  :mon ref: :mon emo: so I was and am a little lost on what I should or how I should continue my Fics. And also the fact I didn't have any kind of internet connection where I was staying.   :mon whine:  :mon runcry: and didn't even have time to write.  :mon waterworks:  :mon POd:
Once again I apologize.
But don't worry!!  :mon blowhorn: I'll continue on~

Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.14 May 22
« Reply #93 on: May 22, 2012, 08:58:30 PM »
I'm back!!  :on woohoo:
Thank you to everyone-who's commented and left thank yous.

Chapter 14

Takamina = Tai
Haruna= Haru
Miichan= Miikun
Rena= Ren
Yuki= Yun
Sayaka= Sai
Just in case some forgot.

Next Day
“So, is everyone clear on what they need to do” Tai asked. “Yeah~ It’s not that hard~” Miikun said waving to Tai as he entered Tai’s gray Ferrari.
“Miikun’s right, it’s not like we haven’t done this before.” Sai added as he got on his green Yamaha and rode off.
“Sai’s right. This isn’t our first time and won’t be our last.” Yun said sitting on his blue Yamaha before starting the engine.
“Yeah, anyways Yun race you to school.” Ren challenged starting his yellow Yamaha. “You’re on!” With that they jet.
“OI! YOU NEED TO WEAR HALMETS!!!” Tai yelled at his two reckless cousins.
“Let them be, Tai. And chill out a little.” Haru said patting Tai’s head as if he was a little kitten.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Tai said giving out a long sigh.
 “Yep! I’m always right about chilling, anyways see at school.” Haru yelled as he drives away in his Lamborghini.
Tai stood there thinking about yesterday's mission and why he reacted like that. He didn't understand why he was so protective over Acchan. Did he know her? Why should he care if she got hurt? He was so confused, he stood in his spot thinking and trying to find answers to his questions until.. “OI! BAKA!!! STOP DAYDREAM!!!! AND GET YOUR ASS IN THE DRIVER SEAT AND DRIVE ME TO SCHOOL!!!!! BEFORE WE’RE BOTH LATE!!!!” Miikun yelled from Tai’s passenger seat throwing a knife at him.
“YAH! You almost hit me!” Tai shouted shocked that Miikun just throw a knife at him. Luckily he has fast reflexes or else he would be dead with a knife in between his eyes right now.
“WHATEVER!! LET’S GO TO SCHOOL ALREADY!!” Miikun yelled, upset that his throw didn’t hit his target.
“Sometime I think he really wants to kill me at times.” Tai mumble getting into the driver seat. “I do cuz you always waste too much of my time.” Miikun deadpanned punching Tai on his left arm. “ITAI!” “DRIVE!! Or we’ll both be late to class.” Miikun shouted smacking Tai’s shoulder hard. “ITAI!! OKAY! OKAY! Geez~” “You better not drive like a grandmom.” Miikun warned. “Then you better hold on.” Tai said, drives like a crazy person out of the Mansion and towards the school. "OHGOD!!!!! SAVE MEE~!!!!!" This was the first Miikun screamed his heart out with Tai's driving, as he was scared as hell that Tai would crash into something.

At school there’s a big up roar. Students and teachers stop in their tracks inside and outside the school as they hear and see four amazingly cool vehicles pulling up to the school parking lot. “Hey, aren’t they the new transfers?” “Yeah.” “WOW~” “They’re so cool~” The people say as they stare at the four, but turn their heads when another amazingly cool car was coming but this one was driving at max speed towards the parking lot then drifted into the empty space next to the Lamborghini. “WOW~” Everyone shouted and clapped.
“Impressive.” Haru said once Tai and Miikun got out the car and joined the group. “Yep, very impressive.” Miikun said wryly smiling and patting Tai’s back before he throw up his breakfast.
“Wow~ this is the first time Miikun's thrown up due to your driving." Haru smirked at Miikun. "Shut up! I had a full stomach! I rather driving with Tai! Than anyone one of you crazy speed DEMONS!" Miikun shouted pointing accusingly at Haru, Yun and Ren.
"Well, at least this time you didn’t total our vehicles.” Yun stated. “Guess it was luck.” Sai shrugged walking towards the class. “Nah~ I think it’s cuz he wants to impress that Acchan chick.” Ren stated walking to class with a bored face.
“True, that’ll make it easier to destroy Rappapa and get info on that mafia if they are involved with them.” Haru causally said.
“That’s why I did it. To make myself look cool.” Tai said smiling.
“Yah~ Sure~” Miikun said rolling his eyes at him.

They get into their class. Haru goes to his seat and notices Mariko spacing out. “Hey, what’s up?” He greeted. “Huh? Oh. What’s up?” She replied with a small smile. “What’s wrong?” He asked a little concerned. “Just thinking.” She stated. “About? If I may ask?” “This guy I meant yesterday.” Haru’s thoughts: Guy? Oh~ She’s thinking of me. “What?! You aren’t cheating on me, are you?” He faked pain and sadness in his voice. “No~ besides we aren’t even together.” Mariko stated. “You wanna be?” Haru flirty smiled. “Sure, why not?” Mariko smiled that model smile at him.

“EW~ dude~ he’s at it again~” Miikun whined. “Who’s at it again?” Acchan asked confused. “Haru. Why does he always have to flirt with that giant? Why cannot he flirt with Yuko?” Miikun whined laying his head on the desk. “Well, for your information. Yuko’s gay and hates guys. Besides they make a hot couple don’t you think?” Acchan replied. “Yeah, but I think him and Yuko would make a cute yet sexy couple.” “True.” Acchan said nodding her head. “Oi! Wify be the way why do you keep staring at midget?” “Midget? Oh you mean Tai?” “Yeah~ him. You aren’t cheating on me are you? Especially with someone shorter than me.” Miikun pouted. “No~ it’s just that he reminds me of an old friend.” Acchan said with sad eyes. “Oh~ sorry.” “It’s okay.” She gave him a small smile. “Would you mind telling me about this friend of yours?” Miikun asked a little shy. “Yeah.” They continue to talk until class ends and its lunch time.

“Hey is it okay with if I have lunch with you and you cousins?” Acchan asked leaving the class with Miikun. “Yeah, sure.” Miikun smiled. “Thanks.” They go and get their lunch and meet up with them. “Marichan what are you doing here?” Acchan asked surprised to see Marichan with Haru and the rest of Miikun’s cousins. “Eating, what else? And you?” “Same.” She replied sitting down next to Tai. “Guys this is Acchan. And Acchan you already know who’s who right?” “Hai.” “Great! Midget! Move!” Miikun said towering over Tai as he ate his lunch not bothering to turn around a face Miikun. “Why find your own seat.” Tai answered continuing to eat. “No, I want the seat next to my wife.” Miikun Stated trying to move him with his butt. “No.” “What?!” Miikun shouted. “Oi, Miikun stop being such a brat and leave Tai alone. What’s wrong with you today?” Yun said as he looked at them. “Yun’s right, beside Tai was already sitting there.” Sai added. “No~ I wanna sit next to ACCHAN~” Miikun whined and pouted. “Argh! You’re sooo annoying!” Ren shouted as he slammed his hand on the table startling everyone. “If you wanna sit next to her soo bad, here have my seat.” Ren continued in an angry and annoyed voice as he glares at Miikun. “hehe, it’s okay Ren. There’s no need, just continue eating.” Miikun replied in a small voice scared of Ren. “No, I’m not hungry anymore.” Ren said and started walking away. “Ren, where are you going?” Tai asked concerned as he looked at Ren. “I’m going to meet the members of SKE. After all I’m a part of their group.” Ren replied Tai in a calm tone. “Okay.” Tai smiled at him. With that Ren walked away. “Tai if I didn’t know better I would think you and Ren were a couple. Chiyuu~” “Oi! OHMYGOD!! You scared me.” Tai answered holding his hand over his heart. “Hey! Ren’s mine!” Yun stated glaring at Tomomi and Sae. “That’s why. Only you are able to tame Ren when his in a bad mood but Tai can calm him down. So~ maybe~” Sae teased. “You wanna die?” Yun stated in a cold voice while glaring at Sae. “No.” Sae replied hiding behind Sai.

Yuko & crew 
“Hey, how come Acchan and Marichan aren’t with us today?” Kumi asked looking around for the two. “Don’t know.” Lovetan replied. “They’re with the Transfer students.” “How you know Tomochin?” Yuko asked surprised. “Have you forgotten, we share the same class?” Tomochin said staring at Yuko. “Oh yea~” “How is it possible you’re our leader?” Jurina stated. “Easy, I take care of all of you. Or have you forgotten you’re living in my mansion?” “Sorry boss.” Jurina said looking down. “Okay, that’s enough. What we need to focus on right now isn’t where Astuko-nee and Marichan are. But who the hell was that smoking hot guy that tied us up and destroyed our data yesterday!” Mayuyu shouted. “Right, so Yuko any ideas?” Lovetan asked. “I’m blank.” Yuko replied with a shrug. “Surely, how can you be our leader when you don’t try and come up with plans?” Kumi stated. “Let’s just go with the flow then attack them once they reveal themselves.” Yuko suggested. “I totally agree with Yuko. Let’s sit back and watch the show.” Tomochin said sitting back and chilling. “Hey! You two are older! You’re supposed to set good examples for us!” Kumi shouted at the two chilling and drinking their drinks. “Wait! When did you get fan boys?!” Jurina yelled shocked when she notice six guys around Yuko and Tomochin’s lounge chairs with big fans fanning them. “Cuz they’re hot!” The six stated and continued fanning. “Okay~ that’s beside the point.” Yuko waved her hand dismissively. “Okay Yuko if you’re not going to come up with a plan to find those guys than we will.” Mayuyu said. “Go ahead. And when you found out please tell me how that tall handsome guy with red streaks was.” Yuko shouted as the four younger girls left.
“I can’t believe that they’re all so relaxed and happy when the statue we worked so hard to steal was blown up! Like nothing!” Kumi shouted as they walked. “Not only that! But Yuko as in YUKO!! She seems in to be interested in a guy!!” Lovetan stated shocked. “Yeah, that’s rare in fact that’s never happened before.” Jurina added shocked and concerned. “Not only that! Marichan told he’s the guy that blow up the Statue!!” Kumi added. “Yea~ I just hope we can find out who they are before anyone of us fall for them.” Mayuyu stated as they entered their Rappapa room.

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.14 May 22
« Reply #94 on: May 23, 2012, 04:12:30 AM »
O_O Haru is filtring :O...

I love the fact that everybody says "O_O yuko is interesting in a MEN" so funny :D

love it i thought that you forget this fic.. im wrong and that make me happy

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.14 May 22
« Reply #95 on: May 23, 2012, 08:16:37 AM »
Wo wo wow! Interesting story! :O
Im really enjoying it! Please continue it soon! I cant wait!
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.14 May 22
« Reply #96 on: May 23, 2012, 09:29:57 AM »
Ahahaha! This family is crazy! They can kill someone with their engine lol

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.14 May 22
« Reply #97 on: May 23, 2012, 06:33:11 PM »
 :lol: the Rappapa members are totally surprised by Yuko hahhaa  XD

Haruna is flirting (and here I tough that Miichan was)

Yei! Thank you for your update Sok-san
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.14 May 22
« Reply #98 on: May 25, 2012, 05:11:46 AM »
Haru is for Yuko <3333

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.14 May 22
« Reply #99 on: December 14, 2012, 12:28:38 PM »
I Really Like Your Fic..... Pls. Continue and UPDATE!!!!  :cry: :on cny2: :on cny2: .... I'll Be Really Waiting For IT!!....  :on drink:
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