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Author Topic: Unknown [Gone] Ch.14 22/05/2012  (Read 46909 times)

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.9 Dec.5
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2011, 09:03:11 AM »
Hahaha 'the only male' this part killed me hahaha!!!
Kojiyuu making out at a plane area, oh~

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.9 Dec.5
« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2011, 11:52:36 AM »
OMG! This is getting so interesting XD
I wonder what happened to Acchan and Mayuyu... :?
The kiss between Haruna and Yuko was :wub:

Are they gonna start living as a 'man' like what Meetan said at first?? :inlove:
I wonder who Meetan's child is :?

Thanks for the Update :thumbup :thumbup
Please Update Soon :mon cute:

Offline skytsuna

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.9 Dec.5
« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2011, 11:55:01 AM »
Eh??!! Acchan and Mayuyu are now with Mariko, Yuko and Jurina??
I wonder what happened :?

The Kojiyuu was just epic :inlove:
Oh! They'll be disguise as men??!!!! :wub: :twothumbs

Can't wait to
I wonder how Acchan will react when she see Takamina or when Takamina disguise as man :drool:

Thank you for the update :thumbsup
Please update soon :bow: :bow:

Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.10 Dec.9
« Reply #43 on: December 09, 2011, 05:04:28 PM »
 :mon yoyo: Hey everyone thank you for your comments. Your comments help me write. I hope I didn't fail in this chapter.  :mon surr:
Forgive me if it's boring.  :mon pray2: :mon cheek: Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 10

Meetan Mansion
“WHAT R U DOING HERE?!” The six cousins yelled surprised. “Mom? What’s going on?” “MOM?!” “Wait! Chiyuu, are you saying that this pervert right here is your Mom?” Haruna, Rena, Yuki, Sayaka and Miichan asked, while Takamina was confused.  “Yes! N she isn’t a pervert.” “That’s right, sweetie.” “No! She’s the king of perverts!” Yuki, Haruna, Miichan, and Rena yelled. “No, I’m not a pervert. I just like doing skinship with attractive women.” Meetan says while getting closer to the said attractive women. “No. That’s call sexual harassment not skinship, Meetan.” Sayaka said blocking Meetan from getting closer to her cousins. Takamina standing there like a statue still not understanding the discussion. “Ah, come on. I help you get out of the country and I’m protecting you from the people chasing you.” “Mom’s right.” “Chiyuu! Stop calling me mom! It makes me feel old.” Chiyuu murmurs to herself. “U’r my mom, so I can call u mom. N about you being old. There’s no way people would think you’re actually my mother. You look like you’re in your 20’s.” “Wait, Meetan. Is Chiyuu really your daughter and not you brainwashing her to think she’s your daughter so you can do things to her.” Miichan says keeping her distance from Meetan. “Yes. And I would never touch my daughters that way! Would you like to watch the video of me giving birth to her?” “NOOOOOO! DON’T DO IT!!! I warn you it’s not something you wanna see.” Sae shout from behind Chiyuu, shivering from remembering the video. “Sorry, Sae that u had to go through that.” The cousins sympathized. “Hey it’s your fault for not believing that I really am Chiyuu’s mother.” “Yeah. Mom. I mean Meetan looks too young to be my mother. Even though she’s 42 years old.” The six cousins were surprised by Meetan’s actual age. They had thought she was 26 not 42. That’s a big age gap which also explain she was old enough to have Chiyuu. “Did you just tell them my age?” Meetan said giving a murderous glare to Chiyuu. “Yes! Yes I did!” “Why y…” “That was for letting Tomochin leave!” Seeing her daughter’s sad face calmed her down. Meetan went to Chiyuu and hugged her. “Tomomi~ I’m sorry. There was nothing I could do to stop her. She had to leave. Her brother needs her more than you do right now.” “Her brother?” Tomomi~ said looking into her mother’s eyes. “Yes. She got a call the day you were rescued. Knowing that you were okay, she came to me and told me she had to leave to take care of her brother. I don’t know any else other than that. Tomomi~” “Thanks mom. It really helps. Knowing why she left.”
“OKAY! U two can stop with the Mom Daughter moment now!” Miichan yelled getting between them and separating them. “Bad move Miichan.” Yuki, Rena and Haruna said when Miichan interfere the two. “What?” Miichan asked confused until she understood why her cousins had said that. Meetan had taken her interfere as a sign; she quickly went into action, groping Miichan’s assets. “AAAHHH! Get her off of me!” “No way in hell.” Yuki, Haruna, Rena, and Sayaka said emotionless. “Come on guys let’s help her.” Takamina said getting closer to Meetan and Miichan and since this is her first time meeting Meetan she didn’t know what to except. “Oh! You’re cute!” Meetan looked at Takamina with hunger and lust in her eyes. “Maybe on second thought you keep Miichan.” “Too late!” Miichan said escaping from Meetan’s hold and pushing her towards Takamina, who automatically grad Meetan by the shirt collar and flip her over her left shoulder having her fly and land on a expensive looking place of Furniture with a loud *Thump*. 
“Nice job, protecting yourself Takaboy.” Miichan said clapping while the others nodded and clapped. “U should know Meetan is both S & M.” Tomomi said while exiting the living room. Everyone except Takamina took this as a sign to get the hell outta there.
About a few minutes later Takamina understood what Tomomi had said, but Meetan had already regained her strength. “Now Takaboy, shall we play?” “NOOOOOOOOOO!” She said running for her life as Meetan chase after her. She felt relieved when she saw a tall woman with black hair standing in the Hallway about 500ft away, but that was short lived. “Mocchi! Help me get this midget!” Meetan yelled to Mocchi who turned and suddenly smiled. “Can I play with her! She’s totally my type!” “That’s my oldest Daughter! Why can’t Tomomi be more like you.” “NOOOOOO! NOT ANOTHER ONE! HELP MEEEE! SOMEONE! ANYONE! SAVEEEE MEEEE!!!!”
Somewhere in the mansion in a protected room from Meetan
“Hey girls? Are you sure u shouldn’t be helping your cousin out of this mess?” Sae asked worried for Minami’s mental and physical being. “Nope! She’ll be fine.” Miichan said taking a bite of cake. “Yup she’ll be okay as long as it’s only Meetan chasing her.” Haruna and Rena said gulping down their liter size sodas. “Well that’s if she doesn’t meet my older sister Mocchi.” Tomomi said taking a bite of her cake. “Oh right Mocchi is similar to Meetan.” Sayaka deadpanned. “Wait!! Mocchi’s your older sister?!” The cousins asked surprised. “Yes. She’s older than me by 3 years. You didn’t know?” “NO! Why would we?” “Wait then that means she’s Meetan’s oldest daughter” Yuki says now worried about her short cousin. “Yes. Well outta both of us. She’s more like mom than I am.” Tomomi says taking another bit of cake. “Well at least it’s not us.” Haruna says taking Miichan’s cake. “Hey! That’s mine!” “you already ate five WHOLE cakes.” “Fine.” 
“Okay, now I think we should save her.” “Go ahead Sayaka. But don’t think we’re going to help.” Haruna said while Miichan, Rena and Yuki nodded sitting comfortably in their seats. “So you’re willing to sacrifice Minami to my mother and sister?” “Yes!” Yuki said getting up from her seat and walking towards the table to get the last slice of cake. “Rena! Don’t do that. Yuki almost dropped last slice of cake.” Miichan said worried about the cake. “Yuki here, sit on my lap so you don’t have to walk across the room.” “Thank.” Yuki sat and made herself comfortable on Rena’s lap also sharing the cake with her. “HEY! So you’re not going to help me?” Sayaka asked already at the door. “Oh, oh hell no.” They all deadpanned. “I’ll help you!” Sae says leaving the room with Sayaka.
About 20 mins later they come back, clothes ripped, hair messed up, and a Minami with lipstick marks all over her face and neck, ripped clothes and ropes and handcuff on her wrist and ankles. “It looks like you had a good time. Takaboy.” Miichan said wiggling her eye brows at Minami. “Dude, what the hell happened to all of you?” Rena asked looking at the state the three were in while she played with Yuki’s fingers while Yuki rested her head on Rena’s left shoulder watching their intertwined fingers. “Hey, are they dating?” Sae asked watching the two. “Oi. That’s not important right now.” Yuki retorted, wrapping Rena’s arms around her waist and snuggling closer to Rena. “OI! We don’t even know the answer to that one. And we’re their cousins. Now Answer the question.” Miichan shouted. “Which one?” Haruna asked knowing there are two questions flowing around. “Um…let my think to which one.” Miichan said. “I wanna know about Rena and Yuki. Chiyuu~” “No! What happened to you three?” Miichan shouted pointing at Sayaka, Sae, and Minami. “Sorry. We kinda interpreted them in the middle.” Sae says lying on the floor. “Yeah. We saw Takamina tied up with varies ropes and chain, it kinda took a while to free her.” Sayaka said callusing on the floor. “Miichan your training was kids play compared to them.” Takamina said limping to the bed and then falling on it. “You guys should rest. I’ll fill you in tomorrow. But first back to Rena and Yuki. Chiyuu~” Tomomi said turning to the said people. “Yeah. We’ve been curious to way you two always take showers together and what happens during our missions when you two are alone together.” Miichan said stepping on Takamina. “Itai! My hand!” “Oh sorry. Didn’t see you, Midget.”  “That’s noe of your business Miichan.” Yuki said releasing some pretty dark aura. “Yuki’s right Miichan. We don’t need to know.” Haruna and sayaka said seeing that dark aura around Yuki. “Yeah I agree. Sorry I asked. Hehe” Miichan said bowing. “What are you guys talking about?” Takamina has no clue about the twos behavior with each other. “Hey! Answer my question. Chiyuu~” Tomomi pouted at the two. Now Rena’s dark aura was leaking out a little. “You know there’s no need to answer. Good night.” Sae said dragging  Tomomi with her out the room. “Nooooo~ I wanna know! Chiyuu~”

Dorm (Yuko’s mansion)
In the living room two girls were running around. “Save meee!!!” “Jurina! Get back hereeee!!!!” “No!” “Stay still!” “So you can kill? Mayu. NO THANK U!” “I’m not going to kill u. I’M GOING TO TORTURE U!!!” “ACCCHHAANNNNN!!!! SAVE MEEE!” “No! She’s my sister.”
“Hey, what’s up with all the noise?” “Marichan! Please help me.” Jurina runs behind Marichan for safety. “What’s wrong Jurina?” “Mayu wants me to be her subject for torture!” “No, Jurina. I just wanna experiment on you. With will cause you lots and lots of pain.” Mayu said giving Jurina an innocent smile, that spend chills up her back. “No! Last time u gave me two broken hands, a dislocated shoulder, broken leg, dislocated pelvis, dry throat and a slight concussion.” “Wait didn’t that happen last month?” Marichan asked. “Yes!” “Mayuyu was the one who did that to you?” Mariko asked confused “Yes! She lied to you when you asked what happened.” “Well she didn’t lie to me she lied to..” Before Marichan could finish Mayu ran straight behind her and Jurina. “Mayu. I need to talk to you upstairs in my room.” Acchan said in a dry, cold and upset voice. She had come down to get water but overheard their chant. “A-acc-acchan-nee. I ca…” “No excuses Mayu. Now come to my room now.” Still in that tone of voice. Mayu was moving oooohhh soooo slowly towards Acchan.
When Mayu was just 10 ft away from Acchan the door burst open causing her to jump into her sister’s arms. “AAHHH! S.O.B! I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS SH**! THEY GOT AWAY! WORSE! I GOT A NOSEBLEED FROM HIM!” The all looked at Yuko who was pissed.“Yuko what’s wrong?” Marichan asked concerned. “And why did you say got a nosebleed from him?” Acchan confused. “Yeah, you’re into girls. In fact you never looked at a guy the way you look at girl.” Mayu and Jurina said confused to why Yuko would get a nosebleed from a guy. “I’M GAY! I LIKE GIRLS!” Yuko shouted. “okay we know that. So what happened to get you this pissed?” Marichan asked. “You know my dad asked me to finish up what his men couldn’t do, right?” “Yes.” “well, I waited at the place where they were landing and they landed. one! One single guy took out all my men. In less than 15 mins.” “How many men did you take?” Mayu asked. “All of them!” “What?!” They all yelled. “Yeah. I was shocked at how quick they were falling.” “Yuko, you took all 120 with you?” Jurina asked. “Yes. Didn’t I say all my men?” “Yes, but for all to be taken down that fast.” Acchan said. “Yeah, but what’s worse is that the guy that took them down gave me a nosebleed.” “How?” They all screamed. “He kissed me.” Yuko whispered softly, but Marichan still heard it. “OH ho. So he did that to you, Yuko?” Yuko looked stocked. “Did what?” Acchan and Mayu asked. Jurina not quite getting it. “Oh, no need for you three to know. Unless Yuko wants to tell you.” “Okay. Yuko tell us.” Mayu commanded. “Mayu, I think its best you don’t know, unless you’d like me to show.” “No, it’s ok. Yuko forget I ever asked.” “Great now let’s go to sleep.” Jurina, Yuko, and Marichan left to their rooms.
 “Mayuyu. Don’t think you’re free from your punishment for lying to me.” Acchan said in a very sweet voice and since Mayu is still in Acchan’s arms there’s no way she’ll be escaping. “Now let’s go.” Acchan carried Mayu up to her room. That night there was screaming and crying coming from that room. “Good thing I sound proof Acchan’s room.” Yuko said falling asleep. “Thank you.” Both Jurina and Marichan said also falling asleep.

The next day In Meetan’s Mansion
When Miichan, Haruna, Yuki, Rena, Sayaka, and Minami wake up, they feel different and their head feels light. “NOOOOOOOO! MY HAIR!!!!!” “MY NAILS!!!” “I KNEW IT!!” “YOU’RE REALLY A MAN TAKAMINA!” “NO I’M NOT!!!”
“Oh, you’ve awaken.” “Meetan! What have you done to us?!!” they yelled.

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.10 Dec.9
« Reply #44 on: December 09, 2011, 06:02:34 PM »
Yea!! Thanks for the Update :thumbsup
It's so funny and interesting XD
Takamina and her cousins become a male finally!!! :wub: :inlove:
GJ Meetan :thumbup

Thanks again for the Update :peace:
Please Update Soon :mon cute: Can't wait to read more now that they've become 'men' XD

Offline skytsuna

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.10 Dec.9
« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2011, 06:06:14 PM »
Acchan so scary XD Poor Mayu LOL :lol:
Yea!! They are now women disguise in men?!! :wub: :inlove: :twothumbs

Can't wait to read more :thumbsup It's getting so interesting :thumbup :thumbup

Please do update soon :bow: I need the next!!!!

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.10 Dec.9
« Reply #46 on: December 09, 2011, 11:11:54 PM »
Rena & Yuki so lovely~

Please~ Please update soon~

Offline Megumi

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.10 Dec.9
« Reply #47 on: December 11, 2011, 12:58:36 AM »
OMG ahh my stomach   :hiakhiakhiak:
The more I read the more I laugh poor Takamina and the cousins didn't help out either hahaha
Sayaka the most mature one did what she had to but her and Sae  state after the rescue... :on lol:

Chiyuu~ is Meetans daughter? That was like --->  :shock:
Hahah giving birth video  :lol: neither I want to see that.

But Mocchi being her daughter wasn't surprising tough hahaha.

Like Chiyuu~ I want to know the relation between Rena&Yuki heh
It seems Mayu&Jurina could be the couple  :luvluv2:
And Mayu being an S she might got it from her sister hehe.

Thank you for your update and thank you for adding my favourite Meetan in the fic.

And I just can't wait for your next update!
Arigatou!  :kneelbow:
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Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #48 on: December 14, 2011, 08:45:47 AM »
Thank you everyone for reading. Hope it isn't confusing. I was somewhat, well mostly influenced by what I watched today.  :mon sweat: I hope you enjoy.  :D I'll try to update as soon as I can.  :mon rush:

Chapter 11

“Huh? Don’t blame me. This was Sae and Tomomi’s idea. I had nothing to do with it?” Meetan retorted. “What?!” “I asked Tomomi and Sae to come up with a way to help you. And this is their plan.” “Yeah. Don’t blame mom, I mean Meetan. It was mine and Sae’s idea. Chiyuu~” Tomomi said. “Yeah. And this is the only way people won’t recognize you.” “Well we were planning on making Takamina a woman because the news said you were the only male member in the group. But that might cause people who know her to recognize her.” Meetan says trying to hold her laugh. “Wait, did you just say that they think Takaboy is the only male member of our group?” Miichan asked to make sure she didn’t misunderstood. “Yes!” Sae, Tomomi, Meetan, and Mocchi shouted. Then everyone broke out laughing, except Takamina. “Hey! That’s not funny!” “Sorry, but it is.” Sayaka said holding her stomach. “Anyways, haha, um you don’t look like yourself in fact none of you do. So you girls will have to live as men outside this house until I discover who’s behind the corruption of the police and the Mafia. But you must always ware your disguise outside the house. Meaning take you wear it from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. ” Meetan said calming down like everyone else. “So that means we have to still like this until their found.” Takamina says sad. “Yeah.” “So where are we going to live?” Miichan asked now understanding the seriousness of their situation. “You all can stay here, if you want. And I hope you can assist me like you have been doing. I really need people I can trust right now with this problem.” The six cousins look at each other then smile and say. “We’ll stay here and help you.” “Good. Now since you’re Japan it’s mandatory for you to go to school.” “What?!” “Yay!” Tomomi and Sae screamed. “But we already finished our schooling two years ago, well Sayaka finished 4yrs ago, and I finished 3 yrs ago.” Haruna complained. “Yeah.” Yuki and the others agreed. “Yes, but we’re in Japan and you’re still underage except for Sayaka and Haruna.” “Man, now I wish I was as old as you two.” Miichan said. “Hey, that better be a complement.” Haruna and Sayaka yelled at Miichan. “Yes.” Miichan replied afraid. “Good.”
“Okay back to the subject. We’ll all attend school including Sayaka and Haruna, we will just change their age. But how are we going to get accepted?” Takamina said forgetting her common sense. “Bakamina why do we have to attend?” “It’s better that way, no ones left feeling jealous.” “Takamina did you forget Rena can create legal documentation and hack into the school and add us.” Yuki said smacking Takamina over the head. “Itai! Oh you’re right. I totally forgot.” “So the only thing you need is new names, so I can create your documents.” Rena said open her Laptop. “Okay now that I know you’re settling I have to leave for a couple of weeks with Mocchi.” Meetan said grading Mocchi. “Another one of those serious boring meetings?” Mocchi asked bored. “Yes, they want to talk about the case dealing with these girls.” “Okay, we’ll see you later. Bye” Mocchi said walking out with Meetan. “They really understand each other don’t they.” Haruna says looking at the mother daughter duo. “Yeah.” Tomomi says sitting down next to Rena to watch her work. “Okay so your names?” Yuki asked sitting herself on Rena’s lap still allowing her to use her laptop. “Wait! what school are you going to attend?” Sae and Tomomi asked. “Huh? We’ll just randomly choose.” Rena said creating her’s and Yuki’s documentation first. “No! You have to attend my school, please. Chiyuu~” “Okay. What’s your schools name and I’ll add us after I’m done with our papers.” Rena says typing. “It’s 48 High School. Chiyuu~” “Wth?” the cousins yell. “What type of name is 48 H.S.?” Miichan asked. “Don’t know. That’s how it’s named but it’s a co-ed. Chiyuu~” Tomomi said shrugging her shoulders. “It’s cuz there are different groups in the school. You know like in Hana-Kimi with the three dorms competing against each other.” “What do you mean?” Sayaka asked confused. “There are 3 groups that have 48 members each, and compete against one another; AKB48, SKE48, and NMB48. The group you’re put into doesn’t depend on your grade, age, looks, gender or year. Whatever group you’re put into you can’t switch out to another one unless there’s an open spot in which you have to be selected by the principal and majority of the members in that group. Keep in mind the three groups compete against each other. So right now there are 5 open spots in AKB, and one spot open in SKE.” “So the reason it’s called 48 H.S. is cuz the group have the #48 in it.” The cousins asked. “Yes. Btw we’re in AKB48. Chiyuu~” “So, who’s the one that’s going into SKE48?” Miichan asked hoping it won’t be her.
“I’ll be.” Rena said. “No! Let Miichan do it.” Yuki said pouting at Rena. “Too late. I already added us to the school.” Rena said smiling. “What? But we didn’t even give you our new names.” “You were taking too long. So now here are your new names.” Rena replied. “So I made up your names. Haruna is Airhead, Sayaka is Gorilla, Miichan is Gachapin, Takamina is Man, Yuki is Hottie, and I’m a monk.” “What?!” The four cousins shouted and stayed still due to the shock of their new names. It seemed they were debate whether or not to Kill their two cousins while Sae and Tomomi started to laugh uncontrollably. “So how do you like your new names?” Yuki asked holding her laugh. “Yeah, they all go well with you.” Rena said trying to hold her laughter but ended up biting Yuki’s neck. “Ah! Mmm. Rena, mmm not now.” Yuki moaned. “Sorry.” Rena said licking the area she just bite. “Wait! What was that moan for? Chiyuu~” Tomomi stopped laughing and started paying attention to Yuki and Rena. “Moan? What moan? Do you know what she’s talking about Rena?” Yuki asked Rena. (Note the other four are still debating whether or not to kill or torture these two) “Sorry I don’t.” “I think you’re hearing things Tomomi.”Yuki retorted innocently. “Yeah, I think it’s cuz of Tomochin.” Rena added. “Yes! I totally agree, unless you don’t remember what you nearly did to Rena last time, Tomo~mi?” Yuki said in a cold voice.
“Anyways guys. It was just a joke. Here are your papers. And we must always call each other by these names starting right now.” Rena said giving Sae the legal papers to hand them to her cousins. “I’m Haru Kojima.” Haru said relieved. “I’m Miikun Minegishi, Alright!” Miikun screamed happy. “”I’m Sayako Akimoto. Hey you only changed the a to an o.” “Yeah. Wasn’t really trying to come up with names. Besides that’s just on paper have them call you Gorilla, Sai or something. Now I’m hungry.” Rena said taking out melon bread and a soda. “My name’s Yun Kashiwagi.” Yun said happy with the name she choice. “Mine’s Ren Matsui.” “And yours Takamina?” Haru asked. “Tai Takahashi” “Sounds cool and goes with you well.” Sae says patting him on the back. “I also think Sai goes well with you, Sayako.” Sae blushes a little. “T-thanks. I’ll go with Sai then.” Sai said also blushing. “Okay, now that Sae and Sai are a couple. It’s all settled. We’ll start in three days.” Haru said leaving the room. “Hey we’re not a couple!” Sai yelled. “Yet.” Sae whispered. “Ok, I’ll get blueprints of the school.” Miikun says also leaving the room. “Well, I think we should take out all our equipment from the RV. Don’t think, Tai?” Sai asked Tai. “Huh? Ah, yeah. Sae, Chiyuu can you help us and show us where to put our belonging.” “Yes.” Sae says opening the door for Tomomi who stiil sat next to Rena and Yuki. “Wait! I wanna know why Yuki moan! Chiyuu~” Tomomi said looking at Ren. “Ren! What did you do that made her moan? Chiyuu~” Tomomi asked cutely. “Hey! No flirting! I don’t want what happened last time!” Yuki shouted and glared at Tomo~mi. “What? That wasn’t my fault! I was sleeping.” Tomomi replied innocently with a cute pout. Sai, Tai and Sae were still standing at the door waiting for the princess until Sai decided to interfere by carrying Tomomi of the room. Ren tried to follow put he was held back by Yun who was still sitting on him. “Hey, Yun we have to help them.”  “No Ren, you were flirting with Tomo~mi!” “No I wasn’t.” “Ren and Yun, you two stay here.” Tai said pulling Tomom~mi always as soon as Sai put her down. “Tai’s right. Right now you aren’t Ren or Yun but Rena and Yuki. So Yuki go easy on Rena.” Sai said locking the door behind him.
“NOOOOOO~ YOU CAN’T DO THIS!!! BLACK YUKIRIN! SOMEONE! ANYONE! Hehehe.” “NO! You don’t get to come out and play today!! It’s my turn.” “Nee? Hehe.” “Gekikara, NO!!” “Hai.”
“Hey what’s up with the moan earlier and just now the giggling and Black Yukirin? And Gekikara? What’s Gekikara spicy food? What’s going on between those two? Chiyuu~” “Um” Sai and Tai look at each other. “You don’t wanna know. In fact we don’t even know or ever wanna find out. It’s better left alone. Trust us.” They both replied. “Is it like their play names? Chiyuu~” Sae is blushing like mad. “Um…you can say that, but it’s more like their dark, cruel, insane and violence side comes out.” Miikun says with cake in hand. “Hey! Where you get that cake from? I mean where did you come out from?” Tai asked eyeing the cake. “What do you mean? Chiyuu~” Tomomi tilts her head cutely. “Let’s just not ask anymore Tomo~mi.” Sae says. “Why? I wanna know what’s going on between those two! Chiyuu~” “Girl, do you ever shut up with your questions?” Haru asked taking the cake from Miikun (Tai is still eyeing the cake). “Hey! That’s mine.” Miikun pouted. “No, not really, but that’s only when it’s something interesting. Chiyuu~” Tomomi smiled at them. “Oh boy.” They all sighed at Tomomi’s answer. “So, details please. Chiyuu~” “Sorry, but we got no clue what goes on with those two when they’re in closed doors.” Miikun and Haru retorted. “What?! Sai, Tai details now. Chiyuu~” “Sorry, even though we’re cousins we have no idea what type of relationship they have.” Sai respond while Tai just nodded. “That’s no fun.” Tomomi said then shrugged her shoulders and skips to where the RV is with Sae in tow. They thoughts: This girl’s dangerous; she asks way too many questions and tries to find out every detai then her character changes. “Hey, hurry up. Chiyuu~” This girl is seriously confusing.

Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #49 on: December 14, 2011, 11:58:25 AM »
Hey, new reader here.  :)

Just dropping by to say that I really like your story so far, and it may have to do with the fact of having some awesome YukixRena in this. Lol! I love these two to bits, but it's a really rare pairing to read.

I hope you can update again soon. Can't wait to see how this develops. 

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #50 on: December 14, 2011, 12:30:21 PM »
so funny! i want the next chapter!!! please!!

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #51 on: December 14, 2011, 01:09:04 PM »
Yuki & Rena so Hot~

Yuki so cute in this fic~ LOVE it~

Please update soon~

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #52 on: December 14, 2011, 05:54:44 PM »
This is getting very interesting and funny at the same time.
I see GekiBlack together  :twothumbs best pair every, they are both just so..... scary in a way keke

And already some KojiYuu brewing, I wonder how Yuko will take it when she meet Haruna again haha

please continue. :twothumbs

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #53 on: December 14, 2011, 06:36:52 PM »
I agree with Chiyuu! We want to know what is going on between those 2!!!
It seems Chiyuu hide something hehe
I like Rena, Yukirin, Acchan amd Mayuyu's dark side ^^

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #54 on: December 14, 2011, 08:38:06 PM »
UPDATE!  :hee:

What? But we didn’t even give you our new names.” “You were taking too long. So now here are your new names.” Rena replied. “So I made up your names. Haruna is Airhead, Sayaka is Gorilla, Miichan is Gachapin, Takamina is Man, Yuki is Hottie, and I’m a monk.” “What?!”

Pfffft! Bwahahahaha :hiakhiakhiak: ROFL! That was hilarious and Rena saying "and I'm a monk" what the?!
A hilarious as always and not innocent Chiyuu~ asking about Yuki&Rena relationship again... I wonder if she wanted to have experience to use it on Tomochin?! Even the cousins doesn't know about their relationship and both seems to be S&M this time Yuki being S BLACK MODE ON!

I'm so exited when they're going to begin in new school  :drool:

Thank you for your update and again you never fail to make me laugh so hard... :kneelbow:
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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #55 on: December 15, 2011, 06:58:13 AM »
jajajja the nicknames sounds so funny.. but i think that you should be use their persona names kai, kuu and riku :D

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.11 Dec.14
« Reply #56 on: December 15, 2011, 04:57:32 PM »
Thank you everyone.  :kneelbow: For reading.

@Haruko- I have something else in mind for Persona. You just have to wait a while to see what it is.

I'll update the next chapter by 12/16.

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 1 Dec.16
« Reply #57 on: December 16, 2011, 12:41:57 PM »
Sorry if it's boring or confusing. Hope you enjoy.  :lol:

Chapter 12 Part 1

Meetan’s Mansion
“So we’ll see you in school.” Tomo~mi and Sae said leaving. “Hai!” “Sai, what’s the mission from Meetan say?” The five ask. “It says that there will be a robbery this evening. It’s important that we prevent the thieves from stealing the half naked lady statue.” “What?” “Seriously how much can that statue be worth?” Miikun asked taking a big bite of his donut. “550,000.” “That’s not that much.” Miikun said chewing. “US” Miikun choked. “550,000 US Dollars?” “Yes.” “Okay, so will need to plan this out, but we need to go now cuz we’ll be late for school if we plan it out right now.” Tai said exiting the Mansion. On their way to school. “So we need to find a place in school where we can plan our missions without anyone finding out.” Yun said with his head on Ren’s shoulder. “Yes, but there are no rooms or places we can use without other students entering.” Miikun said looking over the blueprints he got. “What do you mean?” Ren asked. “Every room in the school is opened to students to use but you must always get permission two weeks ahead of time.” “Oh.” “Anyways we’re here. We need to greet the principal first before we go to class.” Sai said getting out the car.
At the school
“Hey! Girls!” “Huh? What’s up Lovetan?” “Did you hear we have six new male students joining today!” Lovetan exclaimed excitedly. “No.” “What? Well that’s understandable since you girls are always doing something that doesn’t do with school.” “Okay, Lovetan we understand, but you also live with us.” “Yeah, but I stay updated.” “Back to the Topic.” Mayu said. “Oh. Well unfortunately for all the girls who want to have them in their class, they’re all in class A year 3.” “What? But there’s never been more than two people added to our class.” Yuko exclaimed. “Yeah, but that’s not all.” “What do you mean?” Acchan asked. “It seems that 5 out of the 6 are in our group Acchan. And the other one is in SKE with Jurina and Kumi.” “What? But they have to be accepted by the principal and members before joining.” Marichan replied. “I know but that’s what happened.”  They all sigh. “Well, it’s not like they can change anything. Students already serve us.”
Principal’s office
“Hello boys.” The principal greets the six ‘boys.’ “Hello Mr. Akimoto!” They greet and bow towards the principal. “That’s not necessary girls.” The six froze. “Oh, don’t worry. You’re all safe here. You should’ve called me first before you girls hacked into my school system.” “Oh, sorry. But how did you know that we’re girls sir.” Sai asked. “Oh don’t call me sir, just call me Uncle. After all you are my niece Sayaka.” “Eh?!” “You’re my younger brother’s daughter. And may I say that you look exactly like him when he was young. In fact all of you look like your fathers when we were in school.” “Thank you, Uncle. We think?” “Anyways, Meetan has already filled me in about your current situation. So no need to worry. I already saw that Ren added you to a group, and Ren I have given special privilege to you.” “What do you mean?” “You are part of both AKB and SKE.” “That’s great!” Yun said jumping up and down. “But that only depends if I want you to help SKE rank up or AKB.” “So Sae and Tomo~mi told us a little about the groups, but what do they get when they win?” “Well it depends on the reward I want to give them. Sometimes it’s a week off from school, no homework or projects for school, trip to somewhere, or something they’ll enjoy.” “Do you give cakes as rewards?” Miikun asked with a big smile. “No.” Miikun’s smile instantly disappeared. “Even better, ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR 1 DAY AT THE FAMOUS CAFÉ.” Once Miikun heard that it seemed he went to heaven and came back down. “Awesome! AKB WILL WIN IT ALL!” Miikun yelled rising his fist in the air. “Well that depends on the school’s top team, Rappapa.”  “Rattata?” Tai said. “Pappapa?” Miikun said while doing punching moves. “Chahhaha?” Haru just wanted to joke. “NO, R-A-P-P-A-P-A. RAPPAPA!” “Ohhh. RAPPAPA.” The cousins said in unison. “But what do you mean that it depends on them?” They all asked. “The high ranking members in AKB and two top members of SKE are the members in that team, giving them power to choose whether or not to share the reward with the entire group (AKB, SKE or NMB) or keep it for themselves.” “What?” “So you better be careful or you’ll end up as their slaves or worse their rivals. Btw don’t flirt with the members from Rappapa.” “Why?” “Cuz there are many male students who will hurt you just to get their attention. Well that’s enough about the groups now off to your class.” “Hai!”
Class A yr 3
“Boys and girls today we have six new students joining our class.” Whispers can be heard from the students. “Oi. Isn’t strange that 6 students are joining our class?” Yuko asked silencing the whispers. “Yeah sensei, they never let more than two new students join our class cuz it’s for honors students.” “That’s true, Maeda-san. But all 6 are honor students and because this is the highest class they were placed here. Now, let’s introduce them.” The teacher let’s all 6 in. “Hello, I’m Sayako Akimoto but call me Sai.” “He’s so mature~” Some girls in the back. “Haru Kojima.” Haru said with a gentle smile. “Sooo handsome.” Girls whisper. Yuko’s thoughts: He looks familiar. Mariko’s: Is Yuko checking out a guy? Has she turned straight? No, no way. “Miikun Minegishi!” Miikun winks at a few girls. “Kyaa!” “He’s cute~” Mariko’s: He’s too flirting. But that Haru guy is handsome, maybe there’s reason why Yuko’s checking him out. “Yun Kashiwagi, pleasure to meet you.” “Kyaa~” “He’s hot!” Girls whispering. “Ren Matsui. And no we’re not dating anyone.” “Kyaa~” Cool~” Yun glared at Ren’s statement. “Tai Takahashi, nice to meet you.” “Hope to be friends with you all.” The 6 say in unison. Girls drooling over them while guys are thinking what’s so special about them *smirk* they don’t know what’s coming to them once class is over. Acchan’s thoughts: Tai looks exactly like Minami when she put on a black wig and pretended to be my boyfriend. And he even has the same last name as her and mole on his left cheek. Can it be that she’s in disguise cuz of the whole wanted by police? I have to find out.
“Okay boys have your seats.” “Where do we sit, dude?” Haru asked bored looking around. “Oh, sorry I forgot you don’t have sits.” “Nah it’s cool. So where do you want us to sit? Or do you wanna take your naptime now and let me teach to the class for the rest of the day?” Haru said monotone. Everyone started laughing. “Um, no thank you.” “You sure? Cuz you look like you’re died tired. Why not let me teach and you take a nap, you’re old you need your naptime.” Haru added. A few students were laughing their guts out. “That’s enough. I’m not that old.” “Well, you look like you’re in your 50’s, Dude It aint my fault.” Haru retorted. “Haru sit next to Shinoda-san.” “Who’s that? Dude? Young lady? The janitor? The lunch lady? Oh please let it be a cute girl. Or maybe a geeking guy that’ll do my school work.” The students were laughing at Haru remarks. “Oh, please sweetie. Stop with the remarks.” “Oh ho? And you are? Miss Supermodel?” “Well, thank you. I’m Mariko Shinoda, but call me Marichan. I’m the person you’re sitting next to.” “Oh? Well lucky me. I get to sit next to a hot mature supermodel. You got a boyfriend?” “No, you got a girlfriend?” “No.” Haru sits down and continues to chat more like flirt with Mariko while Yuko gives him death glares. “Yuko stop staring at him.” Marichan said and went back to flirting with Haru. “Sai, you’ll sit next to Sae.” Sai goes to his seat. “Miikun you’ll sit next to Atsuko.” “Okie Dokie.” “Tai sit next to Erena, Ren next to Yuko, Yun next to Kasai.” They sit and pay attention to the lecture. The six cousins’ thoughts: How are we going to get a room for our missions? Who are the members of Rappapa? Man, this lecture’s way to easy. Well gotta make it seem we’re learning.

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 1 Dec.16
« Reply #58 on: December 16, 2011, 02:10:10 PM »
“Rattata?” Tai said.
Haahahah Pokémon!

ROFL! Haru was so hilarious! And flirty too! Yuko seems to be jealous hahaha!
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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 1 Dec.16
« Reply #59 on: December 16, 2011, 08:05:09 PM »
Oh, will Acchan figure out that Tai is Minami? Interesting
I like flirting Mariharu ^^

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