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Author Topic: Unknown [Gone] Ch.14 22/05/2012  (Read 46909 times)

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 1 Dec.16
« Reply #60 on: December 16, 2011, 10:46:00 PM »

Please update soon~!

Offline RJay

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 1 Dec.16
« Reply #61 on: December 16, 2011, 11:11:05 PM »
This is getting really interresting in every chapter :on lol:

please update soon :kneelbow:
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Offline haruhi16

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 1 Dec.16
« Reply #62 on: December 17, 2011, 07:06:20 AM »
lol thanks for the update!!

Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 1 Dec.16
« Reply #63 on: December 17, 2011, 05:41:13 PM »
So Rena's going to be shuttling back and forth between SKE and AKB? Interesting. I think I'm sensing some kind of competition brewing between her and Yuki. As in, who among them can make the other more jealous, lol. I wouldn't put it past their dark nature to do something so... sadistic to each other. They are, after all, Gekikara and Black Yukirin. They both like it rough. :lol: 

Meanwhile, Acchan's already suspicious. I wonder if they can really pull this off.

Thanks for the update!

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 1 Dec.16
« Reply #64 on: December 19, 2011, 08:56:40 AM »
Wow!! It's really getting so interesting XD
Acchan is starting going to find out about that Tai is actually her Minami I think :w00t:
Acchan always knows her Takamina although she is in disguise :wub:
Atsumina~~ :wub: :inlove:
Can't wait to read more :twothumbs

Thanks for the update :thumbup :thumbup
Please update soon :mon cute:

Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 2 Dec.23
« Reply #65 on: December 23, 2011, 05:49:55 PM »
Thank you everyone, your comments inspire me to write. HOPE THIS ISN'T LONG AND BORING. Sorry for any misspelled words.

Forgot to tell the color of their hair. Minami’s is black hair, Miichan’s light brown hair, Haru’s black hair, Sai’s dark brown hair, Yun’s is brown hair, and Ren’s reddish brown hair. Their hair color changes, when they’re on missions. Hope it’s not confusing.
Chapter 12 Part 2

“It’s lunch time, everyone.” The sensei announced. “Yes!” The sensei’s thoughts: Haru-san is trouble can’t let him make fun of me anymore than he already did. Man, and here I thought he was going to be an airhead. Sigh. “Oi! So what are we going to do about the place?” Yun said with his arm around Ren’s shoulders. “Don’t know.” Sai said. “how about I go talk to Marichan and ask her about the school system and see if I can get some info.” Haru said once he spotted Marichan. “Good idea, and I’ll go talk with my wifey.” Miikun happily said. “Wifey? Who? Since when?” “Oh, Maeda Atsuko, the girl I sit next to. We hit it off really well and now she’s my wifey.” “Wow, you work faster than Haru.” They all laughed. “Hey! I aint trying to seduce Marichan. I’m just trying to know her better.”  “True, if Haru was serious. She would already be seduced by him.” Ren said. “But I’m more surprised our Gachapin here. Seduced such a beautiful girl.” Tai said looking in Acchan direction. Tai’s thoughts: She’s so beautiful. I wish I could be close to her. I wonder if she has a boyfriend. Her name reminds me of my old childhood friend. I wonder how Acchan’s doing. It’s been five years she most of forgotten about me.“Okay we’re off.” “Seems we’ll just sit here and eat until they come back.” Sai said and started eating his lunch.

“Hey! Wifey!” “Oh hey Miikun, what’s up?” “Nothing. Just wanted to eat your lunch. I mean eat lunch with you. Hehe” “Sure.” “Hey! Acchan aren’t you going to tell us what’s this wify thing is about.” The girls asked. “Oh, hello I’m Miikun and that’s my special nickname for Acchan.” “What?!” “Oh, its fine he’s just playing around and it’s kinda fun having a male friend.” Acchan said eating her bread. “What?! Are you serious?” “Yeah, he isn’t like other guys.” “Yeah!” “Oh, Miikun these are my teammates in the team Erena, Yuko, Lovetan, Jurina, Kumi, Marichan is the one with Haru and my younger sister Mayuyu.” “Hey, I’ll see you later. I’m going where Marichan is.” Yuko said running off towards Haru and Marichan. “Hey, why is she in such a hurry?” Kumi asked. “Is it cuz Marichan is talking to a boy?” Jurina replied. “No, I don’t think so. She’s never acted like that before.” Mayuyu responded. “Maybe it’s cuz she’s attractive to him. He is handsome.” Lovetan added. “Not possible.” Erena said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Why?” Miikun asked. “She’s gay. That’s why.” Acchan answered. Miikun’s thoughts: Sh**! I hope Haru isn’t discovered. But on the other it makes it interesting. There’s no doubt that Haru is handsome so he won’t be found out unless she undresses him. “Oi, Acchan why did you say that his different.” Erena asked returning to the topic. “He doesn’t give off the feeling of wanting something other than friendship.” Acchan explained. “Yeah, Acchan’s right I aint like other guys. I’m just after the food. So can I have your lunch Lovetan?” Miikun said and smiled at Lovetan. “No!” “Aww. Come on. You know you want to give me some.” Miikun did puppy dog eyes. “No!” “BTW Miikun.” “Yes, Wify.” Miikun said looking at Acchan. “Do you know the other five guys?” “Huh? Yeah, they’re my cousins. Why?” Miikun said as he took a slice of Lovetan’s burger. “Hey, Miikun?” “Yes Mayuyu?” “What’s up with those two?” Mayuyu said pointing at Yun and Ren. “Oh, you mean Yun and Ren?” “What’s the guy’s name who’s being sat on?” Jurina asked. “Oh, that’s Ren and Yun is the one sitting on his lap.” “Are they gay?” Lovetan asked. “Huh? They’ve always been like that since we were kids. It’s like Ren is Yun’s personal human chair.” Miikun replied. “Oh, anyways would you mind introducing us to them?” Acchan said cheery. Erena, Lovetan, Mayuyu, Jurina, Kumi and Miikun choked on their food. “What?” The girls shouted. “You never liked hanging around with guys, before.” Erena said. “Yeah, what’s so different about them?” Kumi asked. “Um, I got to agree with the girls. It’s not a good idea.” “Why Miikun?” “They…They…they got issues!” “Oh? And what type of issues Miikun?” Acchan smiled evilly. “Ya know Acchan I don’t like that smile of yours. So I better be going. Bye!” Miikun was gone in seconds already sitting with his cousins.   

“Marichan!” “Oh, hey Haru. Is there something you need?” “Yes! I wanna know about the school.” “Oh, in that case I’ll be happy to help you.” Marichan said and smiled. “OI! Don’t flirt with my girls!” Yuko came and high kicked Haru but he dodged it. “Your girls? So you have a girlfriend?” Haru looked at Marichan. “No, she’s just our team’s leader. She doesn’t really like sharing attractive women.” “Oh, then I still got a shot with you.” Haru smiled seductively towards Marichan and she replied with a smile which earned him a kick on his right leg. “Itai! WTH! Midget!” Haru out busted. “Didn’t I tell you not to flirt with my girls?” “Yes you did, but I wasn’t flirting I was merely speaking with her. Jeez.” “What? Don’t you know it’s dangerous to flirt with Rappapa members? Or did the principal not warn you?” Yuko said smiling devilishly. “Oh, so you’re Rappapa. Nice to know that. So Marichan where were we?” Haru said turning to Marichan. “Hey! Aren’t you listening!” Yuko shouted trying to punch Haru but Marichan stepped in front of her punch. “Yuko, he’s just wants to know about how the school system works.” “Btw are you like the student council or something?” Haru says and spots Miikun running towards their cousins. “No, there’s no student council here.” Marichan informed. “Oh really? That’s interesting so their room is free?” “Yes, but no one’s dumb even though to challenge us.” Yuko said proudly. Haru’s thoughts:We’ll see about that midget. Now that I have a closer look at you, you’re that woman that was waiting for us with all those man. Wow! You got shorter! But you got some assets. What do you mean?” Haru asked confused making it seem that he didn’t understand. Yuko’s thoughts: Is this guy an airhead? Well he sure looks like one, so it’s possible. “No, what Yuko meant was that by joining the student council, well scratch that there’s no council. By reviving the council the members will be challenging our power and we won’t let that slid.” Marichan said in a serious tone. Haru’s thoughts: I sense a strong hatred from these two. Is it possible they don’t like being powerless and not in control? Well better tell the others that I found us a playhouse. Maybe I should seduce Marichan. “Well ladies, thank you for telling me, but I’m still a little confused. Unfortunately I need to go. Bye.” Haru smiled to Yuko and Marichan.

At the table with all six Cousins
“So did ya find out anything?” “Yeah. Rappapa’s leader is a midget but taller than you. And the one who was there at the plane site waiting for us.” Haru deadpanned. “Hey! Something useful.” Tai shouted. “OI! That’s useful. We now know who their leader is. Wait she was there?” Ren asked confused. “Yeah when I was done with her men I fought with her. Good thing she hasn’t recognized me.” “Okay that’s great! We now know their leader and members.” Miikun said taking a bite from the pizza slice Tai was swaying around. “Hey! That’s my lunch!” “What do you mean by the members?” Yun asked. “Well…” Miikun was cut off by an announcement. “New transfer students please come to the principal’s office. I repeat new transfer students come to the principal’s office. Immediately.”  “Oh great. It’s our first day and we’re already being asked to go to the principal’s office.” Tai says in an annoyed look. They all turn to Haru and glare at him. “What? Don’t blame me! I didn’t do anything! Anything!” Haru shouted rising both his arms. 
On their way to the principal’s office Miikun informed them of who the members are. “Hello, Uncle.” “Hello boys.” “Is there something you need Uncle?” Sai asked noticing Sae and Tomo~mi sitting. “Did Haru get into any trouble?” Miikun and Tai asked. “Hey! I told ya I didn’t do anything. Yet.” Haru protested noticing Tomo~mi and Sae. “What are you two doing here?” Haru asked. “Oh, they were telling me how many students have complained about Rappapa always taking the rewards and doing whatever they want as well as using the rewards to have the other students do what they tell to do in order to get a share.” “Oh. Why don’t they complain to the student council?” Yun said. “There’s no student council. Yuko said that there’s no one dumb enough to go against them. So there’s no council.” “Haru right. It’s been like this since Yuko created Rappapa.” Akimoto said. “Well, no need to worry, Uncle. We’ll take over the council room. In fact I’d like to create our own team to compete against them.” Haru said with a big smile. “What?” His cousins, Tomo~mi and Sae shouted. “You sure Haru?” Akimoto asked hoping he was joking. “Yes, besides by creating two teams we can do our missions under the one without others finding out. Cuz we’ll have our own room which no one other than members and Uncle can use and enter keeping it a secret from the rest of the school. And use the student council one for the competitions in the school. We’ll be the members of both teams but no one other than us will know that. It’s the perfect cover!” Haru confidently explained. Everyone was shocked by his reasoning, especially his cousins. “What?” “What you guys told me to think up plans that don’t involve blowing things up. And that’s what I came up with, unless you want me to exp…” “NOOO! We’ll do it!” “Great! Sae and Tomomi will be in the student council as well.” Haru added. “What?! Why?” “They’ll cover for us when we’re not in the student council or here at school. It’ll make it easier for us to complete our missions under the other team. Oh that reminds me we’ll need new names for that team as well as different styled wigs, so they don’t suspect us.” Haru explained. “Good point.” “We’ll do it too.” Sae and Tomomi say. “Okay, seems you’ve all made up your mind so I just need you to sign these papers for the student council and these for the other team, write the teams name down as well as the names You’ll be using under it.” Akimoto said. “How about you go with Persona? Chiyuu~” Tomomi says. “Why?” “Cuz you’re all in disguise, hiding your true selves and will be secreting doing missions. Chiyuu~” “That’s good. Persona it is. And done you all can use the room, here are keys for each of you. Now be careful. Oh and there’s a hidden room within the student council room. I’m sure Ren can open it for you.” “Thank you and we will.”
“Okay guys. How about we check out our student council room?” Yun said jiggling the keys. “Well, we still have 20 minutes left before class starts.” Sae said. “Yo, Sae and Tomo~mi? Why is lunch so long?” Tai asked. “Huh? Oh that’s the reward NMB won. They decided to share it with the whole school instead of just their group.” Sae said as Yun opened the door. “That Milky girl sure is nice. Chiyuu~” The cousins’ thoughts: Milky? What kind of name is that?

Next update will be their mission. Team Persona's mission to protect some statue. Wonder who they'll be facing? :mon huh:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 2 Dec.23
« Reply #66 on: December 23, 2011, 05:55:34 PM »
Yay...... an update...... i want more of this.......... please update next... thanks

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 2 Dec.23
« Reply #67 on: December 23, 2011, 06:57:53 PM »
Oh! Update! Yea!! :w00t:

Hoho~ Student Council vs. Rapapa XD
It's getting exciting and I can't wait to read more about it :twothumbs

Thanks for the Update :thumbup :thumbup
Please update soon :mon cute:

Offline RJay

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 2 Dec.23
« Reply #68 on: December 23, 2011, 07:46:59 PM »

please update soon
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Offline kahem

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 2 Dec.23
« Reply #69 on: December 23, 2011, 08:07:26 PM »
Oh Yuko is not happy at all lol

Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 2 Dec.23
« Reply #70 on: December 24, 2011, 10:16:38 AM »
An update~! Cool!
I think I'm a bit confused, though. If I'm understanding this correctly, aside from masquerading as boys, they're going to be disguising as Persona? A disguise on top of a disguise? Lol, that's a bit... complicated, isn't it? Will Persona only be composed of Takamina, Haruna, and Miichan, or will the others get to join as well?
Yuki and Rena... I see that dressing up as boys hasn't exactly stopped them from doing their thing (whatever that thing is). Hahahaha!

Offline Sok

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 2 Dec.23
« Reply #71 on: December 25, 2011, 03:30:57 AM »
Thank you everyone for your comments. The next update will be about their mission.

@gekikarabuACE- You're right, it's a little confusing. You are correct they will be A disguise on top of a disguise so Yuko and the others don't realize them. All six cousins will be in it. Riku will still be the leader.

Thank you once again. I'll try and update by New year's.

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.12 part 2 Dec.23
« Reply #72 on: December 27, 2011, 01:33:52 PM »
It's getting really interesting XD
Wow! Haruna is not like an airhead at all :w00t:
She's going to revive the Student Council :D

Can't wait to read more :thumbsup
Please update soon :bow: :bow:

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 1 updated Dec.27
« Reply #73 on: December 28, 2011, 03:09:46 AM »
Thank you everyone. Hope you like it. There will be 2 parts. The 2nd part will be their mission.

Chapter 13 Part 1

After entering the student council room, Ren opened the hidden room, where they found most of the equipment they use for missions well except for weapons. Looking around in the hidden room Miikun found a letter. “Hey, guys look.” “What is it? Miikun?” “It seems it a letter about today’s mission.” “Well open it, idiot!” Haru said smacking Miikun upside the head. “Oh that’s mom’s writing. Chiyuu~” “Okay.”

Hello, boys and my cute daughter,
Well if you are reading this it means you have joined the student council. Which is great, now I have already put equipment that you mostly use for your missions    except weapons. There is a long box on the table, which contains six different style wigs and a blueprints of the mansion where the statue is being held. There’s a ball being held today in the same mansion but it will be held in the main hall, the statue is located north of the Main hall near the woods. I would suggest that two of you go undercover as guest just in case, the invitations are inside the box. Now I would like you to protect and prevent anyone from stealing this statue. Ren you will need to hack into the security system there. And please DO NOT LET HARU BLEW IT UP. INFACT NO BOMBONG AT ALL!!!!!!
                                                                                                                                                     Good luck  :mon bye:
            P.S. Don’t die on me.

“Well that’s no fun.” Haru said opening the box and taking the two invitations and handing one to Ren. “Ren and I will attend the ball.” “Alright.” The others replied. “Okay, so what are the names you guys will use while you’re undercover as Persona?” Sae asked. “Well, obviously I’m the leader Riku.” Haru said putting on his wig. “Hey! Why the hell are you the leader?” His cousins shouted in protest. “Cuz I’m handsome and I was the one who thought of creating it. NOW NO TALKING BACK TO YOUR LEADER.” They each said their ‘Persona’ names. “Kuu. Desu~” Miikun said putting his wig on. “Kai, Yosh!” Tai said. (note: they wear the same wigs as in Mendol and look the same.) “Ruka.” Sai says putting on a black with sliver & green streaks wig. “Black.” Yun says putting on a black with red & blue streak layered wig. “Spicy~” Ren says to his I-pad. “Huh?” the others say. “Oh, sorry. I’m asking where I can find the spiciest food near school.” “Black.” Riku says in a cold voice. “Understood.” Black approaches Ren and smacks him hard across the face. “Gekikara! Hehe. But Spicy for short. And I was looking up a place so could go on a date Black. Geez. I’m trying to be romantic.” Ren said putting on a black with red & blonde layered streaks wig. Kai’s, Kuu’s, Ruka’s, Tomomi, Sae, and Riku’s thought: Eating spicy level 4 food is romantic? In what way? They’re both crazy.
“Sorry, Gekikara.” Black hugs Gekikara and Gekikara take this opportunity to press his lips against Black’s. It started of slow and gentle and becomes rough and passionate. “Oi, I know they’re both girls but seeing them as guys and kissing is hot!” Sae comments. “Now can you tell me what’s going on between these two? Chiyuu~” Tomo~mi asked cutely. “OI! You two stop!” Kuu and Kai yelled trying to separate the two. “OI, Black and Gekikara get a room.” Riku smirked. They broke their kiss and looked at Riku. “Get out!” Gekikara hissed. “And problem solved.” Black gently added going back to kissing. “Okay I think we need to give these two some privacy.” Ruka said pushing everyone out the door. “Noo~ I wanna see~ Chiyuu~” Tomo~mi said struggling to stay. “No!” Everyone yelled dragging her out the room.
“Why? What’s up with those two? Are they dating? Are they lovers? Are they friends slash cousins with benefits? How did they get together? I wanna know! Tell me! Maybe their way can help me get with my love. Chiyuu~” Tomomi asked. “Can you just shut up about them?” the others asked. Tomo~mi pouted cutely. “NO!” She smiled brightly at them. “You know what? I’d rather be harassed by your mom than be bombarded with questions.” Riku replied. “Same here.” Kai said resting his head on the table. “I rather be in a crazy high speed car with a bomb crazy Riku driving it than answer you.” Kuu said. “I’d rather become a gorilla.” Ruka said causing everyone in the council room to laugh. “Okay, Chiyuu I think it’s best if you asked them rather than their cousins.” Sae says. “No!” “Why not?” “Cuz they’re scray. Chiyuu~” “Then stop asking.” “Okay. Chiyuu~ Btw you all look so different with your new wigs. Like members of a boy band.” “Thanks.” Black and Gekikara said coming out the room. “Anyways we already prepared everything for the mission.” Black informed. “But our weapons are still at Meetan’s mansion, so we’ll need to hurry and get our weaponry ready.” “You already hacked into the system?” Kai asked. “Kai are you stupid or something?” Kuu said. “No.” “Then why you asked such a dumb question.” Riku asked. “Of course Gekikara already hacked it.” Ruka replied. “Okay let’s go to class.” They were about to open the door and step out when Tomo~mi spoke. “You guys do know you’re still in your Persona disguise.” With that she skipped to class. “Oh S***! I totally forget!” The cousins yelled. “Man, its hard keeping up one disguise.” Miikun said. “Yeah, and on top of that having a disguise on top of a disguise. It’s too much work.” Haru said. “Yeah! And whose bright idea was it?” they yelled. “What? You shouldn’t have agreed to it then.” They all glared at Haru. “What? It’s not like I forced you. Besides you could have just accepted being in the student council. Jeez, how slow can you guys be?” Haru retorted. Haru’s thoughts:Jeez and they call me the airhead. They should listen more to what people say and think about what they mean by it.


Offline kahem

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 1 updated Dec.27
« Reply #74 on: December 28, 2011, 06:50:57 PM »
BlackXGekikara making out yay!!!
Chiyuu I'm still with you, wanna know what happens between them!

Offline Megumi

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 1 updated Dec.27
« Reply #75 on: December 30, 2011, 02:41:07 PM »
Pfft! Chiyuu~ LoL with all her questions again  XD

Rena&Yuki can be totally romantic in a wrong time  :lol:

I wanna know too how they got together  :twothumbs

Can't wait for your next update!

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 1 updated Dec.27
« Reply #76 on: December 31, 2011, 08:10:54 PM »
Waaa~~ Their Persona disguise XD
LOL disguise on disguise :lol:

Thanks for the update :thumbup :thumbup
Please update soon :mon cute: Can't wait to read more :D

Offline Sok

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Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 2 updated Jan. 11/ 12
« Reply #77 on: January 12, 2012, 04:29:23 AM »
Hello everyone. Thank you for all your comments and thank yous.
Hope Part 2 isn't confusing or boring. I pick links so you can see their outfits and masks and statue. Sorry for any misspelling. Didn't really have time to check for errors. 

Well here it is:

Chapter 13 Part 2
Riku’s suit & Riku’s mask
Gekikara’s suit & mask
Black’s suit & black’s mask
Kuu’s suit
Ruka’s outfit
Kai’s outfit
Ruka’s, Kai’s & Kuu’s mask their go in order.

School ends and it’s time for their mission
“Oi! Why do we look like we’re attending a Wedding?” Kuu complained. “Just in case someone from the ball wonders off somewhere or enemy shows up it’ll look like we’re from the ball.” Kai said. “Besides yours is the only one that doesn’t look so formal like ours.” Black said. “Yeah, you’re right.” “Okay, so Gekikara has set up all our equipment and transmitters. Black you are in charge of the security system, Kuu and Kai you’ll be doing your part and Ruka will be your guard and reason.” “Black, I set up a program that will tell you if someone else has hacked into the system and you know what to do after.” “Yup, play evil tricks.” “Good, now Gekikara and I will be leaving.” “Oi! Wait! You’re forgetting this.” Ruka said handing them a mask. “What’s this?” Both Gekikara and Riku asked in confusion. “It’s a masquerade ball.” Ruka informed. “What?!” Gekikara and Riku shouted. “You have to wear masks, and just in case there’s trouble I brought masks for each of us and back up for you two.” Ruka said giving the rest their own masks. “What? We have to wear them the whole night?” They asked. “Yes.” Ruka said in a serious tone. They all heaved a sigh. “Let’s go.” “Wait! You have to put them on first.” “Fine.” They put on the mask as they all look at each other they all stopped and stared at Gekikara. “Scary.” They all said out loud. “I like it. It goes very well with me. Hehe” Gekikara replied. “No!” they all shouted. Ruka handed him another mask same as black’s mask . “Here, put this one on for the ball and put that scary one away.” “Okay.” “Wow, you two look like twins.” Kuu commented. “Yeah, well Black’s the good twin while Gekikara’s the evil one.” Riku deadpanned. “Okay, enough let’s get going.” Kai said pulling Kuu with him for their part.

Masquerade Ball
We’re in position.” Both Riku and Gekikara said. “Okay, I got you on screen. Hey, why are you two separated?” Black asked through their transmitter. “Just in case something happens.” Rkiu replied. “It’s better to make people think we’re strangers so no one suspects.” “Besides, we don’t really go well together.” Riku added. “Okay. Oh btw Riku, Kai and Kuu are having a little trouble with the assignment you gave them. Want me to help them out?” Ruka said over the transmitter. No, there’s no need. Now only talk to us when the enemy arrives. Over.” Riku said. “Okay, Over.” Ruka and Black said. Okay, now to socializes. Thought Riku. This is boring! I wanna go on a date with Black. Gekikara thought. “Hey handsome.” A woman with black shoulder length hair in a dress and mask said standing in front of Gekikara. “Hello beautiful. How may I be of services?” “Oh, you’re very well mannered. It’s hard to find man like that at these things.” She said. “Oh really? Well that’s a shame; I thought it was natural for a man to be polite to such a beautiful young lady like yourself.” Gekikara replied and smiles sweetly at her. “Aw~ You’re so cute.” “Beautiful, would you do me the honor of dancing with me?” “It’ll be my pleasure.” They start to dance.
Riku’s thoughts:Nice job! Gekikara I never knew you had it in you. I bet you can be great a seducer. While Riku was watching Gekikara and the girl, he was bump into. “Oh, terribly sorry. Are you alright?” Riku asked. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I was the one that bump into you.” A tall short brown haired woman said. Riku’s: She looks exactly like Marichan. Excuse me for my  rudeness but you are very attractive in that dress and mask.” “Well, thank you. And you yourself are very handsome in your suit and mask. You go very well with me.” “It’s as if we are destined to be together.” “Ah~ You’re so cheesy~” “Yes, yes I am.” “Hey, you get away from her.” “Huh? And you are?” A short woman in a elegant short white dress in a mask went in between Riku and the short brown haired woman. “I’m the woman you kissed.” “Eh?” Both Riku and the tall woman said. The short woman wrapped her arms around Riku’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. Riku’s thoughts: uh ho. It seems that this chick is Yuko, man how the hell did she recognize me? Wait, I have a mask on and different hair, so I’m safe. Wait. If this is Yuko then that’s really Marichan and the chick dancing with Gekikara must be one of their members.  If my suspension is correct then their group is here to steal the statue. But then again I might be wrong, since this a ball they could have come with their parents. Unless they’re doing the same thing as us and making it seem as if they’re not up to something. I need to keep an eye on them.
“Riku! What do you think you’re doing?” Yelled a woman in a black and red dress wearing mask. Riku immediately broke the kiss with Yuko. “I’m sorry, wasn’t really paying attention. Besides she’s the one that kissed me.” “It’s okay, anyways mother wants to see you.” “Oh okay.” Riku turns to Yuko and Marichan (Marichan is glaring at Yuko for the kiss). “Sorry ladies but I must leave you now.” “It’s okay.” Marichan said. “Okay let’s go.” The female graded Riku’s hand and led the way. “BTW who are you?” Riku asked. “It’s me. Chiyuu~” “Oh, didn’t recognize you. Btw you look hot!” “Thanks.” “Ur Welcome. And thanks for saving me. I thought I might be found out. Also I think I know who the thieves are, but I’ll wait until they go into action.” “Oh that’s good. Anyways I lied about mother.” “Really? But it said so true. Wow, you’re a good lair.” “Thanks, I learned that from mom.” “I can see. Anyways since we don’t have anything to do, let’s dance.” “Sure.”

Yuko & Marichan
“What the hell was that?” Marichan asked upset. “A kiss.” “Yeah I know that but why?” “I wanted to make sure it was him.” “Who?” “The guy from the air site. You know the one that gave me the nose bleed.” “So, was it him?” “Yup, it’s him alright. But I got to admit he’s very good looking.” “Yeah he is, anyways back to the plan. We have to be careful.” “Yeah, yeah, I’ll go seduce Riku and you go check the place.” “No, you go check the surroundings and I’ll go seduce Riku. Lord knows what you might do to him.” “What? Just cuz I’m into women doesn’t mean I can’t seduce men.” “Yeah, but you’re too short for him. Besides he’s my type. Bye.” “Wait, no. Damn.” “Yuko, we’re all in position. I just need to hack into the security system.” Yuko’s thoughts: Damn, Marichan! I know I’m gay but still. Why do you have to get him? You know how hard it’s for me to be interested in a man. In fact he’s the only man in my entire life I’ve ever been interested in. And now we have to start our mission. *sigh* being the leader sucks sometimes. . “Okay. On my signal we’ll start.” "Okay" “Yuko, you should wait. There’s no need to rush.” A man with short long brown whispered into Yuko’s ear. “Tomo, you’re back! And ready to work!” Yuko hugged Tomo and put a commutation transmitter in his ear. “Yup, anyways I think it’ll be best with we get some scapegoats. You know to pin the blamelcome back Tomo.”   [/color]
Thanks, anyways Acchan already has hers, now Mariko-sama is getting hers. I’ll get the girl that’s with the guy Mariko-sama is getting now you have to find one.” “What? Oh I see a hot w…” “No, Yuko it has to be a man.” “What?! Ah~ Fine I’ll go find one.” “Good.”

Kai & Kuu
“Uuuurgggghhhhh!” Kai and Kuu breathed out while panting. “Oh Lord!” Kai said panting. “Please help us!” Kuu shouts also panting. “Hhhhhuuuuuuuugggggg! Hhhuuuu.” Both breathed out. “Damn! I need a break!” Kuu yelled frustrated. “Me too.” Kai said lying down on the floor with Kuu. “WTH! Why’s it soooo heavy?” Kuu yelled. “I don’t know? The other one wasn’t as heavy.” “Where’s Ruka, didn’t I tell him to come help us?” “Yes, yes you did but since Riku is the leader and gave him the order NOT HELP US! He’s not going to.” “What?” Kuu shouted. “Yeah! Can’t Riku see that we’re not as tall or strong as those huge muscular guys walking towards us with guns.” “Wait! Did you just say guys with guns walking towards us?” Kuu asked Kai as he got up. “Yeah, (takes him a few seconds to understand their problem) Oh S***!” “No duh! We need to get the Fat lady out of here. And quick.” “Yeah, but first we need to hide and think about a plan to get rid of those 1, 2, 3, 4….8. 8 guys with guns.” Kai and Kuu run and hide behind a pillar. “Great, what are we going to do? We left our guns with Black and Ruka.” “Just hide! They are coming!” They left the statue. Kai and Kuu watch the men.
“Okay guys, the boss want this statue in perfect condition.”  “I don’t think that’s possible sine it’s missing its head and arms.” “That’s how it’s suppose to look. Geez don’t you know anything about art?” “No.” “Okay, let’s just get this and go.” “Yes sir!” “Urghhhhhh” “What’s wrong?” “Sir we need help.” “Yeah this thing weights too much for us.” “Okay, you two help this two.” “Yes sir!” “UUUrghhh!” “Sir we need more help!” “What? Okay the rest help.” “Yes sir!” “Man, this is the heaviest lady I have ever lifted.” 
“Wow, I can’t believe it.” Kai said. “Yeah, all does muscles for what? They can’t carry even carry that statue, when we carried it just the two of us for 2 miles. Man, it’s taking all 8 of them to carry it.” Kuu laughed but not loud enough for the men to hear him. “That’s it!” “What it?” Kuu asked confused. “They’re all busy with the statue to fight us and they can’t just drop it to fight back.” “Oh, now I get you.” “Okay let’s go.” “Great.” They first take out the ones in the back by choking them with wire. The men in front feeling the weight stop and put the statue down but are shot by Kai and Kuu in the head with silenced pistols. “Okay we need to get rid of their bodies.” Kai said as he dragged two bodies. It took them 10 minutes to drop the bodies into their old stolen van. “I’ll take care of them after we get that lady back in place.” Kuu said going back with Kai. After another 20 minutes of dealing with the statue they finally were done. “So Kuu go now and I’ll go to…” Before Kai finished he hear heels. “Kuu get out of here now!” “Why?” “Someone’s coming and you need to deal with the dead bodies still.” “Oh okay, be careful.” Kai’s thoughts: Man, I hope it’s not their back up. “Um. Excuse me, but may I help you?” Her thoughts: What? Mayu said this place was clear, so why is there someone here? Did she and Jurina hack the right system? “Oh, what’s up blondie. Shouldn’t I be asking you the same question?” “You’re right but unlike you I have permission since I’m friends with the owner.” Her thoughts: Hmm. Friends with the owner huh? Maybe I can use him. “Oh, so you mean showing me around?” She asked and showed her dimples. “I’ll love to.” Kai said and showed his own dimples. “Really?” “Yes, not let’s go to the ballroom since that’s where the party is being held.” “What?” She said disappointed. Her thoughts: Well at least I have my scapegoat.

Black & Ruka
“Oi, is there anything strange?” “No, eve…wait! Someone’s hacked into the system.” “Really?” “Wait! There’s another hacker..” What? There’s two?” “Yeah, and it seems it’s a different group from the first one.” “Really, where’s the location of the first?” “No, take care of the second one. I want to have fun with the first.” “Okay.” “Second’s location is 4miles from here they’re in a black limo.” “Okay, I’ll be going now.” “Okay.”

Back to the Masquerade Ball
Gekikara’s still dancing with the girl. Gekikara’s thoughts: Can someone tell me how I got stuck dancing? I’m getting tired yet this girl wants to keep dancing. But then again Riku ordered me to stay and keep an eye on her since she’s a member of Rappapa. He also said that it’s possible they are the thieves. Damn! Doesn’t she get tired of dancing?!
Riku is enjoying dancing with Marichan who seems to be enjoying their closeness. Riku’s thoughts: Wow, Marichan knows how to move. I swear if I wasn’t straight I’d totally hit that. What am I saying? I’m a guy right now so it makes sense to be attracted to her, right? Wait, am I consider gay cuz I’m really a woman or straight since I’m a man right now. Ugh! I’m bi, that’s the easiest and less complicated answer.
Marichan’s thoughts: I feel like I know him. But why? And from where? Ah~ forget it. It’s nice to meet a man who doesn’t want me for just my looks. On the other I do want him cuz his looks, he’s so yummy looking. I really don’t wanna use him as a scapegoat.
“So um how’s your brother?” Chiyuu asked while dancing with a short long brown haired man. “Huh? What do you mean?” “Tomochin I know it’s you. So you can stop faking.” “Huh? What do you mean? And you know my name?” Tomo asked confused. “It’s me. Chiyuu~” “Chiyuu~ wha…” He was interrupted by something soft on his lips, Chiyuu was kissing him gently but passionately while they dance. They broke the kiss when the need for air was getting painful. “Tomochin *pants* you don’t *pants* know how much I’ve wanted to kiss you.” Chiyuu said as she catches her breath. “Me too.” Tomo smiles at Chiyuu. “Really?” “Yeah.” In that moment Acchan, Yuko, Marichan and Tomo received a transmission from Mayu. “Guys, we got a problem. The Yabakune family’s men are here.” “What?!” Yelled Yuko through her line (Kai’s looking at her as if she’s crazy) while Acchan, Tomo and Marichan stilled quiet.  “Yeah, we need to get that thing now before they do.” Lovetan added. “Not only that but it seems that there’s an outside group that has managed to steal the system.” Mayu informed. “What you mean?” Acchan whispered so Gekikara won’t suspect.  What she means is that they have control over the cameras in the building and are playing trick on our system. So we don’t know whether it safe or not.” Lovetan explained. “In other words we’re blind in this mission. You have to handle it on your own. We’ll try to hack into the outsider’s system but that may take a while.” Jurina said. The members inside thought: Damn! We need to do it quick. They took their dance partners: Acchan took Gekikara, Yuko took Kai, Marichan took Riku, and Tomo hesitated before taking Chiyuu.


Thank you for reading.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 02:47:17 AM by Sok »

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 2 Jan. 11/ 12
« Reply #78 on: January 12, 2012, 05:20:22 AM »
Yea!! Thank you for the update XD
Eh??!! Gekikara with Acchan??
Takamina and Yuko???????

Please Update Soon :mon cute:
I need to know what happens next :kneelbow:

Offline Haruko

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Re: Unknown [Gone]Ch.13 part 2 Jan. 11/ 12
« Reply #79 on: January 12, 2012, 05:30:55 AM »
wow wow wow the pairs are.. a little strange but like it.. everybody are blind :D thanx for the update

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