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Author Topic: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01  (Read 43762 times)

Offline lovefate

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Yay update ! U r fast ! I really really love u :X eventhough it's kinda short :P but it's ok..hehe

Yeah, the contract between them are so cool, i love those marks... i think it will be beautiful, i want one like that too.... gotta go get some tattoo :p jk !

Hehe Takamina's always like that, but that's y i love her, always think for her friend and willing to do anything for them, aww soooo cool :)

Haruna, tsk she's way too serious, she can't judge other ppl like that when she doesnt even know anything about them ! Look the inside, not the outside, silly Haruna !

Thank to Miichan that she got a chance to get to know Yuko better, i bet she's gotta love her, hehe! And Yuko, dont do stupid thing, or else u might lose your precious hime, hehe !

Well that's all i have :D Thank u for update again...hehe awww i love ya, keep it like this, hehe i promise i will comt for u every chap if u keep it like this :D

Nice day, and update soon please ! :)

Offline Yagami.Rai

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@anzai48 Thanks for the comment :) I also like Greek mythology, all the stories are so interesting :D
@kahem Thanks for the comment XD
@Popsicle Yea, Takamina is scary when angry but really kind :) I'll try to update ASAP ;)
@Spicy Sapphire Yuko is still Yuko but... you will know in the next chapter :grin:
@Sok Wow.. :shocked You're right! There will be an side effect of the pill, I was going to reveal it in the next Chapter :cathappy:
@ichikawa Thanks for the comment XD I'll try to update soon :)
@lovefate Nice to know that you like it :) You're totally right, that's how Takamina is and that's why every one love her :D Thanks for the update XD I'll try to keep the story interesting :grin:

Thanks everyone for reading this :kneelbow: and the Comments and Thanks :D I'll continue to do my best :peace:

Thanks: kahem, ilovecandiedapples, Sok, ichikawa, iloveakb48, blughise, Megumi
Comments: anzai48, kahem, Popsicle, Spicy Sapphire, Sok, ichikawa, lovefate

Offline Sok

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Alright! I think I may know what that side effect may be.  XD
Thanks, can't wait for your update.

Offline Haruko

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yeah kojiyuu for 3 days!! :D together!!

Offline haruhi16

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Thanks for the update, it's short but it's a good chapter.

Takamina is such a nice friend, defending her friend being judged by someone who doesn't know her that well.

Thanks to Miichan for making a plan for these two to make up and make Haruna realize that Yuko is a good person. Yes Yuko is a pervert, that's true but not all the time, she can be serious sometimes. I hope Yuko will be cold towards Haruna for judging her like that, lol i'm such a sadist :P HAHAHA I'm just hoping that she'll be serious this time! MAKE THAT TSUNDERE REALIZE THAT SHE'S WRONG FOR JUDGING YOU SQUIRREL!

Update soon.

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Yea!! Manage to finish it before going to sleep~~ :D yawn* Really sorry for the late update :kneelbow:
Hope you guys will like it :) Well then.. Good Night~~ XD

Chapter 2

Part 1 – A 3 Day Trip in Arcana

With Haruna’s answer Miichan nodded in satisfaction and handed Haruna the pill which Haruna took immediately.

Then suddenly there is a pair of ears popping from Haruna’s head and her human ears have disappeared and there is also a tail growing out from Haruna.

Haruna was really shock and starts to panick..
“What?? What happened?? What happened to my ear?? Why is there tail on me??”
“Calm down, calm down” says Miichan as she put her hands on Haruna’s shoulder to calm her down.
“It’s the effect of the medicine. You see, humans can’t go to Arcana because they lack a hormone in the body that only familiars have and this medicine will temporary let your body produce that hormone too. So because of that hormone your body structure could change a bit” explains Miichan

“Is that a cat ear??” asks Jurina
“I think it is and she looks so Moe~ It would be better if she’s wearing a maid costume” says Mayu

Acchan, Yuki, Ren, Mario, Chiyuu and Sayaka just look at Haruna shock.. They can’t believe what they are seeing…

“So, Sae could you please open the way to Arcana for her please?” requests Miichan
“Sure” Sae replies and open a way to Arcana
“Takamina, bring her to Yuko and explain the situation to Yuko.” says Miichan
“Eh? Why me??”
“Because you almost had a fight with her just now and you wanted her to know Yuko more right?? So take responsibility and bring her to Yuko”

Then Takamina carry Haruna in bridal style and jumped inside the passage to Arcana.

After they left Acchan was feeling jealous because Haruna was carried by Takamina in a bridal style which she also wanted.

“Lucky Haruna…” Acchan whispers to no one in particular.
“Huh?? What did you say Acchan??” asks Sayaka

Takamina carries Haruna and landed safely before he let her down.

“Thanks” says Haruna
“It’s okay”

Then Takamina lead the way to Yuko who was still waiting for her to be summoned which doesn’t come.

“Oi! Yuko!” shouted Takamina
“EH? Takamina?? And!!! Nyan Nyan??!!” the moment Yuko saw Haruna she’s ready to jump on her but was stopped by Takamina.
“Hey! Release me! You stupid prince!! Even if it’s you I won’t give you my Nyan Nyan!”
“Yuko! Listen first!” says Takamina serious
Seeing how serious Takamina is Yuko stop struggling and quiet down to listen to what Takamina want to say next.

Takamina pulls Yuko to one side and starts to explain “Yuko, you see Haruna is left with only you since the rest of her friends have picked all the rest but she is unwilling to make a contract with you because you’re so perverted. I was.. I got.. a bit mad and scolded her so now she’s here spending 3 days at Arcana to know you better, so you better show her that you’re serious about her and keep your perverseness to yourself”
Hearing this Yuko’s eyes starts to become misty “Oh Takamina! You’re such a nice friend! I’ll do my best!” replies Yuko while giving Takamina a salute and Takamina replies with a smile.

Then with that Takamina left, leaving Yuko and Haruna only. Yuko shows Haruna many places in Arcana like the market, shops, etc. and as promised did her best to keep her perverted hands off Haruna. Haruna was actually quite impressed to see how hard Yuko was trying to not touch her. They had fun checking out different shops.

“Wow! It’s so wonderful! Ah! What is that Yuko?!!” Haruna says excitingly while pointing at a shop.
Yuko smiles seeing how happy Haruna is and went over “Ah! That is the purrete.”
“Purrete??” asks Haruna
“Yup! Purrete” replies Yuko
“What is that??”
“Wait here” Yuko says and went over to the shop.

Ding! Ding! Noon! Bargain Time!! Could be heard everywhere as more and more crowds starts to gather around.

“What?! What’s happening?? Yuko!!” shouts Haruna nervously as she is pushed into the crowds and going to a direction where she does not know.

“Ah! It’s the bargain time! Haruna!!” Yuko shouts but Haruna was already nowhere to be seen..

Author’s note: Ahem! Bargain Time is the time where every shop is open for bargains and is also a battlefield!!! If you’re lucky you could buy the most expensive diamond that usually costs 1,000,000 Arc for only 100 Arc!! (P.S. Arc is the currency in Arcana) And every shop will also be ready to show their customers their best products and so on. BTW the Bargain Time starts from noon 12:00 p.m. to 14:00 p.m. because it’s short that’s why it is usually very crowded and is a battle field!!!

“Ha.. ha…” Haruna panted as she finally got out from the crowd.
Where am I?? And where is Yuko?? Haruna is really scared and looks like is going to cry soon…

“sob* sob*”
Suddenly Haruna hear someone crying at a corner so she went to check and she saw a little boy holding his knees crying.

“Little boy, why are you crying?? Where’s your parents??” asks Haruna gently as he patted the boy’s back softly.

“sob* sob* I don’t know.. sob*” answers the little boy crying
“What’s your name??”
“Cute name. My name is Kojima Haruna but call me Haruna onee chan okay?”
“Un.. sob*”
“Don’t cry. I’ll help you look for your parents okay??”
“Yes” replies Haruna as she hold the boy’s little hands and starts to look around for his parents.

Although I promised him to look for his parents but… I don’t even know where I am!!! sigh* thought Haruna
Suddenly the little boy pulls Haruna into a corner and deep inside.
“Wait! Where are you bringing me???” asks Haruna
“I feel papa mama is in here” says the little boy and Haruna just let him pull her.

But the more they travel the more isolated and creepy the place look and Haruna is starting to panic and feel scared but the little boy kept insisting that he can feel his papa and mama in there. Haruna doesn’t have any choice but to follow the little boy.

Suddenly!!! 6-7 adult familiars came out of nowhere; a zombie, a devil, a chicken monster? And so on.

Haruna was afraid but swear to herself that she’ll protect the little boy so she was going to pull the little boy behind her back but!!! The little boy ran towards those familiars which surprises Haruna…

“Good Job! Jik! Whoo~ You manage to bring such a beauty for our business~~” says the zombie while patting Jik’s head.
Jik slap his hand off “Don’t treat me like a little kid when I’m actually older than you!”
“Aw~~ Come on~ Just a joke man” says the zombie.

Seeing this Haruna finally realizes that she was cheated by that little boy and turn around planning to runaway.

“Oh! Don’t think you’ll be able to runaway” says the devil while grabbing Haruna’s arm tightly and lick her neck.
“Hm~~ Delicious~~ What a cute cat~”
“No! Help! Yuko!!” Haruna was shouting and crying really loud.
“Hahaha~ Girl! No matter how long and loud you shout nobody would hear you just..” the devil was able to finish his sentence as his face is welcomed by a flying kick…
“Don’t you dare touch her!!!”
“Who the heck are you!!!” shouts the devil as he gets on his feet.
“Yuko??” asks Haruna
“Yes, I’m here. Don’t worry. I’ll finish these rubbish in a few minutes. Sit here and wait for me like a good girl okay?” asks Yuko gently while patting Haruna’s head.
“Un..” Haruna replies while wiping her tears.

“Don’t look down on me!!” shouts the devil as he charges towards Yuko
But one dodge Yuko was able to grab the devil’s arm and broke it while giving him an extra kick right on the face making him fly a few feet a away from her.

Seeing how strong Yuko is the rest of the group except Jik all charges towards Yuko furiously.
But Yuko was able to dodge every attack easily and give each one of them a kiss on her foot.

“Ho~ What a strong girl you are” says Jik
Yuko raises an eyebrow and asks “I’m not strong it’s just that you guys are too weak!” and burst out laughing.

Jik is a bit pissed so he also charges towards Yuko. Yuko was going to dodge but Jik was fast he quickly changes the direction of his punch and manages to hit Yuko on her left cheek causing her mouth to bleed.
“Ha! Now who’s the weak!” shouts Jik

“Pft! It’s just the start!” Yuko replies as she spit out the blood in her mouth.

Jik charges towards Yuko again and give Yuko a kick on the stomach but Yuko use this chance and grabs his leg and uses her full strength and smash his leg causing the bones to be shattered into thousands of pieces or rather dusts.. leaving his leg only the skin and muscles hanging…

“ARG!!!” Jik falls on the floor with tears while grabbing on his foot.
Seeing how strong Yuko is the rest of the familiars grab Jik and runaway with tails between their legs.

Yuko then turn back to Haruna with her right hand cupping Haruna’s right cheek, “Are you okay?? Did they hurt you??”

Haruna shake her head slightly “I’m unharmed but you…” Haruna softly places her hand on Yuko’s lips which is bleeding.

“It’s okay. This small wound is nothing for me Oshima Yuko!” Yuko says with confidence and hit her chest… a bit too hard causing her to cough.. cough* cough*
“Yuko! Are you okay?!!” asks Haruna worriedly
“I’m fine.. cough* Anyway here” says Yuko while handing a pink stone to Haruna
Haruna tilt her head to the side slightly and asks “What is this??”

“That is the Purrete” answers Yuko smiling

“Here let me show you” says Yuko as she grabs the stone and blow a bit magic on it.
Then suddenly!! From the stone a stem slowly emerges from it… then a yellow bud… then a Sunflower…
“Wow.. It’s shining.. it’s soo beautiful..” says Haruna
“To me, you’re even more beautiful” says Yuko causing Haruna to blush

“You’re like my sun and I’m the Sunflower. I can’t live without you like how the Sunflowers can’t live without the sun. This Sunflower will never wilt as my love for you is, it will only wilt when the time I die. I will never die as long as my sun is by my side” continues Yuko

Hearing this makes Haruna blush even more furiously.. “Yuko.. I..”
“It’s okay.. You don’t have to give me the answer yet. I’ll wait no matter how long” replies Yuko smiling as she grabs on Haruna’s hand.
“So, let’s go home and have dinner now, I’m so hungry~~” says Yuko while rubbing her tummy.
Haruna blushes as she sees Yuko holds her hands.
“Ah.. This is so that you won’t be separated from me.. no.. I mean so that you won’t get lost again..” stutters Yuko while blushing slightly and scratching her cheek and smiles embarrassingly.
Haruna smiles at how cute Yuko is right now and give Yuko a peck on her cheek causing Yuko’s brain to go overheat….

In Yuko’s brain…. OMG!!! She kissed me!!! Is it a dream?!!! No it’s not!! Yahoo!!! OMG!! It feels sooo good!!!! I think… I’m going to faint…

While Haruna was shock and worried since Yuko just fainted so she shake Yuko’s body trying to wake her up “Yuko?! Yuko!! What’s wrong?!!”

Who would’ve thought that, Oshima Yuko, the perverted King of Arcana has fainted because of a peck on her cheek….

Offline Popsicle

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Haruna and yuko are too cute! :wub:
Yuko da herooo..  :bow:
Wonder whats gonna happen to the other couples~ :fap

Mind updating soon!~  :twothumbs

Offline lovefate

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2012, 01:43:36 AM »
Awwww this chapter is so cute :) I love u for making those Kojiyuu moments :D

It's been a long time since the last time u updated it :D But i'm satisfied with this chapter... it's just so sweet

Who the hell are those perverted monster, they dare to touch Nyan Nyan, and i hate thats Jik... hump ... =.=

Yuko... u did a really good job, protecting ur Nyan Nyan from those stupid perverted monster... i bet Nyan Nyan is starting to love u :D

Yuko's confession is just so cute and sweet, i wish someday someone will confess to me like that too.... it's just too perfect and nice to refuse :)

Hehe Yuu fainted just because of a kiss on the cheek? Well i guess that the power of love right? Anything can happen when you are truly love someone ^^

Thank for ur update, and again i hope u will update soon, everybody hope it like me, right? :) So yeah, thanks ! Nice day !

Offline ilovecandiedapples

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2012, 02:25:58 AM »
kojiyuu  :heart: :heart: :heart:
kyaa so cute!!!
yuko kicking butt for her nyan nyan :twothumbs
towards the end of the story i was kinda cheesing to myself
love your stories, keep up the good work, and can't wait for your next update :cow:

Offline haruhi16

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2012, 04:13:43 AM »
Hell yeah! Yuko to the rescue! Woot! Perverted squirrel is so cool killing those monsters to save her love of her life! <33

Now i sense that Haruna starting to fall in love with her aawwwww I LIKE IT!! <33

But she fainted when Haruna kissed her on her cheek? LOL! Those punches and kicks of those monsters was like nothing to her but Haruna's kiss was surely deadly 'cause it made her fainted! LOL this funny squirrel! <33

Thanks for the update and i hope you update soon ! Thumbs up for this chapter!
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 10:29:48 AM by haruhi16 »

Offline Chikane Himemiya

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2012, 01:37:21 PM »
up :cry:date plssssssssssssssss sooooooooooooooooonn!

Offline ichikawa

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2012, 04:17:16 PM »
Good Job  :on GJ:
Thanks for the update  :D
Kojiyuu momen is just  :on gay: Kawaiii~
LOL at Yuko fainted just because a peck from Haruna  :heart: :heart:
Waiting for the next couple~  :on drink:

Offline kahem

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2012, 04:37:32 PM »
Blushing Yuko is so cute!

Offline msst28

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2012, 08:03:05 AM »
Aaghhh Yuko you so sweet.. :gyaaah: :k-inlove:

Offline Sok

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2012, 04:31:28 AM »
Yay~~ Update!  :on gay:
No paws? She get's the tail and ears but no paws? haha, just kidding.
Wow, Haruna almost got taken if not for her protector YUKO.
Thanks for the update. Can't wait for the next.

Offline okiedokie

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01
« Reply #55 on: February 06, 2012, 11:55:18 AM »
Yay! Kojiyuu ! Chicken monsters? Kaka i wonder how they're looks! More Atsumina plz ! I luv u au ! <3

Offline miayaka

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im inlove with your fic <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Offline chichay12

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pls continue this fic!!!!!!
i love ur story,iwant to know what will happen next  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Offline flameeyes

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  :mon thumb: :mon cam: :mon thumb:
 okey! 8) this is one of the fic I newly discover 8)2
  :V RAI-CHAN!!!!
  :rock: YOU SHOULD or  ;) better to say YOU MUST :twisted: CONTINUE THIS :thumbup
 THIS The Hundred Thousand years battle
 will honestly I never read this  XD [At least I am honest ahahaha :rofl: ]
  but my friend recommend this to me... :twothumbs
  :hand: then yeah! I am here :peace:

so please Keep Updating :bow:
  :lol: ahahaha :lol:
 okey!!! I will read this in E-book :pen_read:
 whooooo!!!!!  :pen_whirl: I can read where ever I want
  :pimp: take care always and keep up your good work!!! :thumbsup
  :skull: :cat: :pen_wave: :cat: :skull:


(´∩`。) 。:゚

Offline Crossing Crossroads

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This is... extremely interesting...  :ding:

But AHH~... :mon wind: The next part isn't out yet... :fainted:

I hope to see the next part soon.  :mon cry:


All of you can call me Cross! (Honorifics are nice, but I'd rather not with too much formality. o w ob!)

You can try to contact me at my blog on tumblr, andreabutts. I also have another blog that you can try to contact me with if andreabutts is not replied within two days, callmeawota.

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