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Author Topic: The Morning Musume Thread (モーニング娘。)  (Read 337288 times)

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Morning Musume Thread (モーニング娘。)
« Reply #1040 on: January 02, 2025, 04:13:15 PM »
Members of ME:I Tactical Fighter Wing of the 7th Air Force welcomed their naval aviator counterparts from the 6th Fleet's flagship, Morning Musume for a joint exercise to Iwakuni Air Base.

As expected, there was an emotional reunion between Lieutenant-Colonel Kasahara Momona and her friends from her former Hello Fleet, particularly Commodore Oda Sakura. Momona also got to catch up with Rear-Admiral Ikuta Erina on the sidelines of the exercise.

Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

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