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Author Topic: The Juice=Juice Thread  (Read 185119 times)

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #620 on: February 03, 2023, 04:21:43 PM »
Head of Combined Special Forces Vice-Admiral Miyazaki and Commander Inaba joined the current active J=J Team in the celebration of their formation's 10th anniversary. This is the 1st time these 2 veterans have been captured on camera with the current team lineup:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #621 on: February 26, 2023, 08:29:32 AM »
Due to Staff Sergeant Ebata's propensity for violence towards enemy combatants, her Commanding Officer locked her in Ame no Mori's Special Operations briefing room and out of the critical mission of the Fleet Wargames "Two of Us":

However, her fellow 3flower member, Staff Sergeant Arisawa successfully collaborated with Lt-Commander Kobayashi during their drone surveillance and strike at the heart of their enemy attack groups:

Honopi: Ichika, they didnt see us coming. We just scored hits on both carriers!!

Afterwards Ichika expressed how much she enjoyed working alongside the skilled pilot Honopi, and wished she could have many more opportunities to work with the Beyooonds Lieutenant-Commander.

Led by their capable Commodore, Uemura Akari, Attack Group C poses for a victory team photo!

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #622 on: March 01, 2023, 03:27:55 PM »
4 OG members attended the Budokan concert yesterday...CMDR Inaba reported that apart from CAPT Miyamoto, VADM Miyazaki, the 4th OG that was present was Nanami Yanagawa (the blue hearted hands)!!

Riai: Yana-san, may I take a cell phone picture with you?
Nanami: Finally...someone who's worthy to take over my member colour (blue)

I bet Riai received plenty of words of wisdom from a senior who once wore the same blue colours.

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #623 on: March 05, 2023, 09:12:22 AM »

LCDR Shimakura: Conn, XO. Tako's team is underway

CMDR Ichioka: Roger that, Rika. Ping the Ame no Mori. Let the Commodore know the demolition crew is on its way. Simulation Mines will be in position and homing on both carriers in 20 minutes.

LCDR Shimakura: Aye Aye, Skipper.


CMDR Takase: Commodore, Tako's team is already underway.

CAPT Uemura: Very well. Honopi, Ichika, get the drones under the radar and in range. Operation Mugen Climax is a go, people!

LCDR Kobayashi: Ichika, looks like the Angerme is still engaged battling the Musume. Both Groups still haven't noticed our assets below the radar.

SSGT Arisawa: Copy that, Commander. Simulation Anti ship missiles away.

1LT Yamazaki Yuhane: Commodore, we scored a direct hit on the Tsubaki.

CAPT Uemura: Kurumi, tell the Chica Tetsu to run silent and deep. We await Tako's team to board and hijack the Tsubaki.

[At this point in thime, Ensign Okamura Minami erupted into a state of uphoria]

ENS Okamura: Ma'am, our mines just hit both the Musume and The Angerme. Mission Accomplished.

CAPT Uemura: I can't believe it worked.

CMDR Takase: Well, Ma'am. It was a brilliant idea. I would never have expected a battlefield commander to despatch the boarding party behind the jet stream of a simulated torpedo mine, but it worked.

[A few moments later, a sheepish looking CAPT Yamagishi Riko, with both her arms and the arms of her bridge crew held up in surrender, appear on the Comms viewscreen. Behind them were 2nd Lieutenants Matsunaga and Kudo Yume pointing their fake weapons at them]

CAPT Yamagishi: OK, Akari, you win. We're ready to negotiate the terms of our surrender.
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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #624 on: March 14, 2023, 03:09:06 AM »
VADM Mizuki Fukumura: Congratulations on Attack Group C's victory, Akari. Would you like to keep your star and join us in the Admiralty?

CDRE (Provisional) Akari Uemura: Thank you, Ma'am. But its a bit too early for me. I'd like to remain as Captain. At least for a few more years in JUICE.

VADM Fukumura: You really do love your Team, do you, Akari-chan?

A few moments later....

LCDR Akane Haga: I can't believe, after more than a decade of service in Special Warfare, you just turned down Fukumura-san's offer to promote you, Akari. You could've been the first Fleet Commander to come from Special Operations.

CDRE Uemura: But Akane-chin, I just only recently got promoted to Captain.

LCDR Haga: So you would recommend Ruru for promotion to full Commander...yet you chose to remain a captain?

CDRE Uemura: One day when I'm older and much wiser, I will accept being a Rear Admiral with Rinka.

LCDR Haga: You sure are a strange one, Akari....

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #625 on: March 21, 2023, 03:29:54 PM »
The new generation of JUICE is really fortunate to have so many involved OGs (now senior Commanders, Captains and Admiral) warmly watching over them and encouraging them.

The new J=J today continued to flourish in large part due to the nurturing culture of its senior officers, a culture that has been passed down by now-Vice Admiral Miyazaki Yuka.

VADM Miyazaki: Corporal, you are an outstanding member that has been added to our elite unit. I think we have a lot of missions (songs) that will suit you.

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #626 on: April 14, 2023, 08:29:44 AM »
I love it when the OG senior officers turn up for the Satoyama/Satoumi campaigns alongside their active duty members.

Ensign Arisawa gets all nervous being around J=J's first Captain:

The orimen has always been kind to the newcomers, but Vice Admiral Miyazaki, in particular, is concerned the next generation were pushing themselves too hard to emulate her original generation. She doesnt want them to burn out but instead chart their own destiny with a new J=J identity of their own:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #627 on: May 16, 2023, 03:14:39 PM »

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #628 on: May 23, 2023, 04:41:00 PM »
Man, I can't wait to get my hands on the Team's latest DVD Magazine Vol 40! For the first time in a long time, a sports battle between 2 halves of J=J....and witness Ichikashi's unconventional basketball dribbling skills   :lol:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #629 on: May 26, 2023, 04:17:29 AM »
Congratulations to Best Performer Award Trainee Cadet Mifu Kawashima for being selected to join the Special Warfare community!!

Corporal Kawashima, who have joined the ranks of best performing trainees selected for Special Warfare, will be reporting to her new unit Juice=Juice this coming 29th May 2023:

Do your best, Mifu! I have no doubts that you will shine in J=J!

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #630 on: May 30, 2023, 06:06:05 AM »
The Budokan mission yesterday saw an explosive performance reminiscient of the first Live Mission Budokan under Miyazaki Yuka's command.

The crowd didnt waste any time giving a warm welcome to new operative Corporal Mifu Kawashima by bathing the whole venue in red, the member colour assigned to Mifu, making her the successor of the legendary original Rose Quartz, Commodore Kanazawa Tomoko:

Poor girl was really touched by the warm reception. If there's ever any doubt that she was disappointed at not being posted to the carrier Morning Musume, she certainly didnt show it!:

Lieutenant Matsunaga, a capable senior in her own right, was always on hand to guide a kind hand to all her juniors. Here, she made Mifu cried even more by taking off her earphones to hear the fans excited greeting:

The whole concert:

After the mission's over, the veteran OGs, led by Vice Admiral Miyazaki, came over and took a memorable photograph of all the active and past members of the elite team. Damn, in the 2nd photo, I almost couldnt tell Manaka from Mifu apart at first glance. Mifu really resembles a younger version of Manakan: 

« Last Edit: May 30, 2023, 06:11:44 AM by bluewind78 »
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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #631 on: June 01, 2023, 09:20:04 AM »

YUME: Passing 700 feet.

[KUDO YUME pushes the sidestick further forward, then discreetly glancing over her partner next to her, an act that was not lost on Lieutenant Matsunaga Riai]

RIAI: What?

YUME: You look anxious.

RIAI: How can you be so calm when we're basically in a pressurized tin can diving more than 700 feet under the sea?

YUME: I'm an octopus remember.?..AI NO DIVING?...Well, if it will take your mind off that fact, you can take control of this DSRV right now. Its really no different than a jet fighter you enjoy flying. We can go right, left, up, down...

RIAI: I dunno, Yume. I just don't like the deep.

YUME: You DO realize we are serving in a NAVY unit, right?

RIAI: I know...its just that I should've been jumping off a C-2 plane leading our young juniors to rid some pirates off an oil rig instead of the XO, right about now.

KARIN (from the back of the minisub): Hey, I heard that!!

RIAI: Admiral, why did Admiral Uemura sent me here? She knew I don't really like the abyss. I mean...I'm fine with shallow diving combat, but this...

KARIN (patting Riai's shoulder as she settled in the back seat): Well, Blue Butterfly, if you prefer skydiving, why didn't you join the Air Force?

RIAI: [silent]

YUME: Remember, we have to get the hatch mated with the Chica Tetsu's. Then Admiral Miyamoto will enter the ship to "repair" the nuclear reactor. Mission Accomplished.

KARIN: Well, for whats it worth, neither Uemu or myself "recommended you" for this exercise. Your Commanding Officer did.

RIAI: Captain Danbara?!! But why?

KARIN: She wanted you to conquer your fears of the Deep. If you ask me, this Exercise is just PERFECT for that! [chuckling]

YUME: Well, let's "RESCUE" Chica Tetsu, shall we?


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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #632 on: June 03, 2023, 08:21:59 AM »

I dunno about you but this intermission before the start of Zenbu Kakkete GO is really MARVELLOUS!!

And a never-seen-before photo showing the kindness of a senior: Lieutenant Matsunaga putting on the eyeliner on Akaringo:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #633 on: June 05, 2023, 07:55:59 AM »

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #634 on: June 12, 2023, 05:15:02 PM »
[Warrant Officer IRIE RISA hobbled on doggedly with her right leg, as her left shoulder was gingerly supported by her senior, officer Lieutenant Matsunaga Riai. They had been running from their enemies a while now and Risa was gradually getting weaker as the pain started to build up. And its not helping that enemy bullets were still raining their way]

RIAI: Kin-chan!! Why are we still getting shot at?!!

KISAKI: I'm working on it, LT!! But there's too many of them!!

RISA: Risa-san... I'm only going to slow you both down. Just leave me here...Please..

KISAKI: [glances concernedly]: She's losing a lot of blood, LT.

RIAI: How many times do I have to put it to you, Risa? We're NOT leaving you behind. End of discussion, OK?!! The 3 of us..we're either getting out of this place alive, or we ALL die together.

RISA: [starting to weep] It's been an honour serving with you both, especially you, Lieutenant Matsunaga.

[As the 3 of them heard the shots getting dangerously nearer and nearer, a Marine helo suddenly appeared above them, raining cover fire at their pursuers with its formidable gattling gun]

RIAI: What do you know...our taxi ride, OCHA NORMA is finally here!!

RISA:'re the one who called for the cab ride?!! But how did you know I was injured? Its been hours.

RIAI: I noticed you started walking different when we blew up that weapon cache and extracted out of that jailhouse. I figured you must've been suffering from the excruciating pain, so I called command for the QRF.

RISA: Senpai...thank you...I owe you my life.

KISAKI: Me too.

[It was at that point in time when Matsunaga Riai finally learnt the true meaning of the word leadership]

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #635 on: June 21, 2023, 01:31:32 PM »
[RIAI and SHIORI waited anxiously at the waiting lounge of Special Warfare Command Headquarters, shifting uneasily in their seats as they eyed the Marine Sergeant who have been tasked to watch over them. An uneventful moment passed before both officers were surprised to see Captain Danbara and Captain Ichioka opening the door and exiting the office of the Head of Naval Special Warfare]

RIAI: Oh crap. We are so screwed, Nishida-san.

SHIORI: Well, me, for certain, cos I think Reina's just had about enough of me. But I'm pretty sure your CO must've put in a good word for ya in front of the Admiral.

RIAI: I'm not so sure about that, Ma'am.

MARINE SERGEANT: Lieutenants, the Admiral is ready to see you now.

[RIAI and SHIORI snapped to attention as they walked past the open door and approached Uemura Akari's desk]

SHIORI: First Lieutenant Nishida reporting as ordered, Admiral

RIAI: Lieutenant Matsunaga reporting as ordered, Ma'am

[Both officers cringed, expecting Akari to lunge at them as the flag officer looked up from her desk]

AKARI: Give me one good reason why I should not send you both to a military prison.

SHIORI: Admiral, I was the senior officer on that flight. I take responsibility for our reckless behaviour.

AKARI: Reckless?! You really thought its JUST RECKLESS? Shiori, as a submariner, you should've known better. Strapping yourselves to a bungee cord, hooking it up to a C2 navy plane cargo winch and then opening the cargo ramp while it was 20,000 feet in the air is not recklessness...its STUPIDITY.

[Before ADMIRAL UEMURA can continue, she was interrupted by RIAI]

RIAI: Forgive me, Admiral. It was my idea.

AKARI: Now, why am I not surprised... [FOLDS HER ARMS]

RIAI: Shiori, I mean...First Lieutenant Nishida wondered how it's like if we could bungee jump on a flying C2 up in high altitude. I just executed the plan we called Gannen Bungee Jump.

AKARI: Which could've EXECUTED BOTH OF YOU. You are lucky to be alive.

[Putting down her reading glasses, AKARI sighed]

AKARI: I just discussed with your Commanding Officers on what's the appropriate punishment I should mete out to you two...And this will be it, my final decision. Shiori, since you wanna experience what its like to bungee-skydive, you are to report to Special Warfare Paratrooper Jump School at NAS Hakodate. Until you complete this boot camp course, your officer rank privileges will continue to be suspended.

RIAI: [mumbles softly] so lucky.

AKARI: I'm sorry...what was that, Lieutenant?

RIAI: Err...nothing, Admiral...what about me? Will I be thrown into the brig?

AKARI: No, smartmass, you'll report to Deep Sea Rescue Vehicle pilot course at Submarine Warfare Training Division for 6 months. Like Lieutenant Nishida here, your rank privileges will be suspended until you have successfully completed this course in navigating the deepest oceans on earth in a pressurized tin can. Am I clear?!

RIAI & SHIORI: Yes, Ma'am!

AKARI: Now, get out of my office.

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #636 on: July 08, 2023, 03:11:29 PM »
Attention on Deck!

[The tense atmosphere in the Special Warfare Operations Center was punctuated with a sudden announcement by the Master at Arms]

RIRI DANBARA: Akari...I came as fast as I could. How are they holding up?

AKARI UEMURA: It's good to see you again, Riri...I wish it were under better circumstances though. [to ENSIGN KATO] Ensign, please get a cup of coffee for Major-General Danbara.

KATO: Aye, Admiral.

RIRI [widening her eyes]: Thank you. looks like I'm gonna be here a while, eh Admiral?

AKARI: Looks that way, General.

RIRI: If you don't mind me asking... how come Ruru's leading this mission on the field?

AKARI: Well, I tried to talk her out of it...but you know how stubborn your sister is. Reiko planned this mission and estimated we'd need at least 8 people to pull it off. But Warrant Officer Irie's still recupering in the hospital and I've already suspended Riai for her foolhardy bungee jumping off Homare's C2 plane.

RIRI: Wow..I certainly wasnt expecting that coming from Matsunaga. She has so much potential as an officer.

AKARI: That's what I'm worried about. They are still stuck in this valley and with all that EM jamming we couldn't even get any comms in and out of their operation area.

RIRI: At least you've got Ebata in the team right?

AKARI: Yeah...bloodthirsty Eba. And only Riai can keep her in check from killing everyone on the battlefield. I'm hoping your Army Rangers could help us out there.

RIRI: Well, we both want Ruru and the team back home, more than anyone..So consider it done, Admiral.

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #637 on: August 07, 2023, 06:57:57 PM »

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #638 on: August 11, 2023, 03:50:00 PM »
In this unaired interview on M-Line Fleet News, Captain Miyamoto Karin randomly asked her former Commanding Officer, now Vice-Admiral Miyazaki Yuka, on her opinions and evaluation of the current Team Juice=Juice as compared to their pioneering 5-nin era. Its interesting that the senior Flag Officer thinks so highly of the current active duty J=J Team and the fact that she observes the rapid growth of any new members the moment she joins the elite team. I guess a lot of the rapid improvements is due in part to Captain Uemura's ability to foster a great and warm atmosphere among her members:

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Re: The Juice=Juice Thread
« Reply #639 on: September 04, 2023, 08:21:01 AM »
RURU: Open your eyes, Rei...Stay with me!! Stay with me!!

[Ruru Danbara kept on shaking the shoulder of her Executive Officer, her dear friend of so many years, as Sergeant Akari Endo injected another dose of heavy painkillers into the Commander's arm]

YUME: CAPTAIN!!! Heavy Armour, incoming. Yours 3 O Clock. 2 miles.

RURU: Keep talking to matter what...she CANNOT drift back to sleep. You got that, Ringo?!!

[ENDO nodded as Ruru took out her night vision goggles and surveyed the battlefield]

RURU: Nine, what the hell is taking you guys so long? We gotta extract in 5 minutes!

SAKURA: We've got her, skipper! But Major Kasahara's legs were badly wounded from the crash. We're gonna need a medivac.

RURU: Roger. Whatever you do, get her out of there, Sakurachi cos we've got technicals incoming. Momona may be wearing an Air Force uniform now, but in our hearts she is still our Navy comrade.

SAKURA: Roger, Nine out!!

[In the midst of all the chaos, Ruru's subconscious drifted into a distant memory...]


[Door knocks]

AKARI: Enter! Ahh...Ruru. Just the person I need.

RURU: Wow...It looks like you're almost done packing.

AKARI: I still got stuff to clear down at the armoury cage. Could you help me move them out?

RURU: Skipper, I don't know if I can do this.

AKARI: Huh? How come...its just a few stuff. Nothing too heavy.

RURU: I mean...Uemura-san, I don't know if I'm cut out to be Captain.

AKARI: Oh please...Don't get me started on that. I've seen you grown to become one of the best officers whom I've had the fortune of serving alongside with. If it's not you, then who else is qualified for the job, huh?

RURU: But why can't it be Rei-chan?

AKARI: Look, Reiko may be a good tactician, and a good leader. But you...YOU are the soul of the team, Ruru. Why do you think I made you my XO in the first place? Cos I knew the day will come when I'm gonna have to trade my trusted sniper rifle for two silver stars on my shoulders. I'm getting too old for this kind of high-tempo combat.

[RURU's eyes widened]: So you'll take up the Rear-Admiral promotion after all?!!

AKARI: Hey, I always got your back, didn't I? Although right now, its gonna be at a distance, from the Special Warfare Operations Room. No matter where you guys are. I will always be watching over you. Always.


[Commander INOUE REI senses were suddenly jolted in a heightened state]

Rei, you have to wake up!! Wake up, Rei!!

REI: AYAPPAN?!! I missed you so much! [crying]

HIROSE: I know, little sis.

REI: Don't go...please... There's so much I wanna say to you.

HIROSE: I know what you're gonna say, Rei...but none of this is your fault. You have to let that guilt go... You have to let us go, Rei.

REI: But I...

HIROSE: You need to wake up now...your new family NEEDS you...more than you know.

We'll always be with you...always....

[The haze of the cold night suddenly come into view, then Rei saw the image of Major Ayaka Hirose fade, and in its place the worried face of one Ruru Danbara came into view]

RURU: Thank God you're still with us...C'mon ...let us all get outta this place.

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