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Author Topic: The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)  (Read 3819 times)

Offline oaxiac

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The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)
« on: May 30, 2023, 06:29:41 PM »

Birthdate: December 13, 2007
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
Blood Type: O
Nickname: Mifu-chan (みふちゃん)

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2023, 08:16:25 AM »
It's not even a month since Mifu-chan joined the team and she's already enjoying eating lunch with Akaringo in the Special Warfare Ready Room:

Akaringo seem to like staring at her when she eats:

These 2 will be the future dynamic duo for a far future after AriRuru, RuruRei, YumeRiai, 3Flower had retired from the community. They seem to get along with each other:

Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

Offline oaxiac

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Re: The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2023, 12:57:17 PM »

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2023, 05:58:33 AM »
YUME: Get ready!! We'll be approaching Kyoto in 6 minutes.

[Lieutenant Nishida Shiori, Ensign Ebata Kisaki and Corporal Kawashima Mifu, all of them Kyoto natives themselves, promptly put on their headsets and donned their helmets. At 30,000 feet the C2 Greyhound's engine continued to roar as they huddled around Lt Kudo Yume]

YUME: For this exercise, a local terror group is currently operating in central part of the city. Your mission is to locate and destroy this terror cell before they could get any explosives ordnance out of their hideout. Your extract point is 20 kilometers west, at the confluence of the Yodo River, where a RHIB boat will be waiting to take you out past Osaka and to open sea. You will encounter resistance on land as well as over water, so be alert. Your ultimate extract platform, the submarine Chica Tetsu will be the end point for this mission. Lt Nishida will take the helm of the RHIB. Good luck, girls, and welcome home back to Kyoto!

[The 3 members took a deep breath from their Oxygen tanks as the C2 cargo ramp opened, they gave the rigger a thumbs up and jumped off the plane one by one]

Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2023, 03:38:17 PM »
Corporal Kawashima found out the hard way never to question the absolute order of Juice=Juice's Commanding Officer. Especially when said CO was currently being earmarked for promotion.

And I love the fact that rather than scolding Mifu directly, the Captain used the chain of command in giving the orders through her immediate senior, in this case, Junior Warrant Officer Irie Risa
Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2023, 05:44:14 PM »
Onboard a C-2 Greyhound, a flight crew of Lieutenants Okamura Homare and her co-pilot, Lieutenant Yamazaki Mei (the latter who was fast drifting asleep)

HOMARE: Lieutenant Matsunaga!

RIAI: Wassup Homatan? (slaps Mei back into wakefulness as she leaned into the back side of their pilot seats)

MEI: Damnit Riai...why can't you give me a break?

RIAI: Gee Panda, how about no? I have 3 juniors on my watch on this flight. We are NOT DYING with you sleeping at the helm

HOMARE (clearing her throat): We're 6 minutes ETA to your insertion point. Prepare your juniors for the jump, Riai. Ako will be opening the ramp soon

[Riai then proceed to hop off the cockpit and return to the cargo bay]

RIAI (noticing Mifu's worried face): Look at me...Look at me, Mifu. Its gonna be fine. You have to breathe deeply in the first 5 seconds, you got that? Don't let yourself panic. HALO is not difficult. I have faith in you.

MIFU: Thank you, onee-chan

Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2023, 04:58:03 PM »
The love that Lieutenant Matsunaga and Corporal Kawashima have for each other are truly unconditional. They will take a bullet for each other on the battlefield  :twothumbs

Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Kawashima Mifu Thread (川嶋美楓)
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2024, 04:44:53 PM »
Onboard the Tsubaki Factory, newly-promoted Sergeant Kawashima was found by her senior officers sleeping underneath the desk of the duty officer:

REAR ADMIRAL UEMURA: I can't believe this, Ruru. So cute! She behaves just like Rinka was back in the day... who loves sleeping in small tight spaces. I have a feeling she will enjoy sleeping within the confined spaces of submarine Chica Tetsu.

CAPTAIN DANBARA: I don't think this is healthy, Admiral. Even if she is THAT cute, you can't just let her have her way every time.

RADM UEMURA: Mifu, wake up...wake up, Sergeant!

SGT KAWASHIMA: Ohh..sorry I felt asleep, Admiral.

CAPT DANBARA: Mifu, this is a missile cruiser. You have been assigned a bunk on the enlisted deck. But since you prefer to be awake now, please report to Lieutenant Matsunaga at the Ops Deck.

10 minutes later, Sergeant Kawashima, despite returning from a long medical leave just days earlier, found herself running some useless "errands" for her favourite senior officer, fooling around instead:

LT MATSUNAGA: Ganbare, Mifu!
Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

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