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Author Topic: The Matsunaga Riai Thread (松永里愛)  (Read 9754 times)

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Matsunaga Riai Thread (松永里愛)
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2024, 11:13:01 AM »

FIRST LIEUTENANT Matsunaga Riai barged through the Special Warfare Ready Room of the huge aircraft carrier, apologizing profusely.

RIAI: Sorry!! I'm so SORRY I'm late for this briefing. It wouldn't happen again...I promise! I'm SO SORRY, SKIPPER!!

RURU: Oh, Cut the crap, Riai. We all know that you've been self-training on the ship's range and the flight simulator 2 hours before this meeting. You don't have to pretend anymore.

RIAI: But Captain...How did you know?!

REI: Rear-Admiral Ikuta told us when she saw our skipper and me having breakfast at the Senior Officer's Mess.

YUME: And we've known for quite some time that you've been working hard secretly even when you're technically off the clock.

RURU [puts her hand on Riai's shoulder]: It's ok what you're doing. I'm not angry or anything. But don't push yourself too hard, ok? We don't want you to stress yourself out like Risachi did.

RIAI: Thank you, Captain...XO. Minna... [Riai's eyes were brimming with tears as she sat down on the front row seat to listen to her CO's briefing]

Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Matsunaga Riai Thread (松永里愛)
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2024, 07:53:17 AM »

YUME: Captain, we've secured our HVT.

RURU: Alright everyone, exfil now! Let's wrap up Ops Tokyo Glider II, before they realize Mariya-san is missing.

REI: Captain, this is Two.

RURU: Go ahead, Two.

REI: I can't find Four.

RURU [switching over to Satlink]: Ichika, Riai's disappeared again. I need your drone to scan the perimeter for her whereabouts.

REI: One of these days, she's gonna get herself court-martialed by the Admiralty, Captain.

RURU: Maybe so, but before that happens, we have to find her first.

Commander Inoue Rei, Executive Officer of Team JUICE, gives her testimony before the ranking panel comprising of Rear-Admiral Uemura Akari and Rear-Admiral Miyamoto Karin.

Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

Offline bluewind78

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Re: The Matsunaga Riai Thread (松永里愛)
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2024, 05:56:48 AM »

YUME: Captain, we've secured our HVT.

RURU: Alright everyone, exfil now! Let's wrap up Ops Tokyo Glider II, before they realize Mariya-san is missing.

REI: Captain, this is Two.

RURU: Go ahead, Two.

REI: I can't find Four.

RURU [switching over to Satlink]: Ichika, Riai's disappeared again. I need your drone to scan the perimeter for her whereabouts.

REI: One of these days, she's gonna get herself court-martialed by the Admiralty, Captain.

RURU: Maybe so, but before that happens, we have to find her first.

Commander Inoue Rei, Executive Officer of Team JUICE, gives her testimony before the ranking panel comprising of Rear-Admiral Uemura Akari and Rear-Admiral Miyamoto Karin.

When Riai came to, she was greeted by the smiling face of Marine Lieutenant Nakayama Natsume.

RIAI: Nachu...what happened?

NATSUME: Nothing serious. You just had a concussion, buddy.

RIAI: I'm glad you are with us, Nachu. I dunno what would've happened to me if you hadn't found me.

NATSUME: Hey..we may be in different Special Forces units, but we'll always be the best Academy classmates, right?


These 2 have been good friends since before they became Lieutenants:

Choice & Chance: A Juice=Juice Fanfiction:

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