Threads are not chatrooms!
I'm cutting straight to the point here with using that statement as the opening of this thread and the title. Threads in forums are places where we, as members, can contribute ideas, opinions, questions and so much more. This is JPH!P, we of course encourage some spam
once in a while, but don't keep chugging it out like there's no tomorrow.
With that said, threads
do not equal chatrooms, as well. There is a reason we have the community IRC linked above, for members to use if they want to have a conversation with each other. If you don't like the idea of using the public IRC, then use your own chat programmes such as MSN or Yahoo, or even Skype. Okay, responding to what a member has just posted a couple of times is fine, even if it resembles a chat somewhat; but please,
don't make it go on and on.
An example of threads being turned into "chat palaces" would be something like this:
Member #1: Hmm...there's nothing to watch on TV...maybe I'll just go have dinner now
Member #2: What are you going to have?
Member #1: Probably chicken
Member #2: Cool, I love chicken
Member #1: Really?
Member #2: Yeah
I would also like to add that contributing posts with just emoticons and/or no text (for example: "
O____O") are definitely
not encouraged here. That includes
one-word posts. These can be considered "empty posts", in a sense. Those are allowed in chatrooms, not here.
If this kind of behaviour continues over and over again, I may even have to start typing down a public list of "regular offenders". And please, I do not want to resort to doing that here.
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please don't hesitate to PM me or any of the other Crack Staff. Thanks for taking the time to read this.