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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Library => Topic started by: erink on July 07, 2006, 03:09:12 AM

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 07, 2006, 03:09:12 AM
Miki rolled out of bed. She streched her legs, neck, and arms in an attempt shake off the drowsiness she was feeling. A quick glance around the room found it in much the state it was the day before. The dirty dishes in the sink, the balled up Gatas jersy thrown on the chair, and the magazines scattered here and there, were just as she left them. Miki turned on her heel to take a look at the bed again. Well, there was certainly something that wasn't here before last night. Underneath the covers the person did not stir from there sleep. Just as Miki started to contemplate the events of last night there was a knock on the door.

"Yoooo!!" shouted Mari Yaguchi as she gave a salute. Her greeting was followed by a loud, high pitched call of " Morning Mikiiiii!" from Tsuji. Never one to hide her true feelings Miki grimanced and imediately gave a death glare to the two pint sized disturbances.

"What do you want?" Miki asked rather flatly. She had no idea what they were up to, but experince taught her that it was best to keep your gaurd up when they were together.

"We were just abo" Mari was cut off by Tsuji who grabbed her arm and started pointing vigurously to the unidentified lump in Miki's bed.  Miki quickly moved so that her body and the door blocked most of their veiw into her room, but it was too late. The damage was done.

Imediately the two grabbed each other's shoulders and hopped up and down  yelling out comments like " No way!" and "Oh my god!!". The reaction was fitting for the fomer Mini Moni members considering Miki herself always figured that the particular line up was based more on maturity level than actual height.
"Hey!" Miki hissed at the two.
They stopped shaking and stared back at Miki with devious smiles plastered on their faces.
" I always thought her and Aya were more than just friends.. " Yaguchi ventured.
"She's my best friend!" Miki yelled in disgust. She glanced over at Tsuji and guickly added " And it's not like I'm you."
Miki knew that last comment might have been to much. But Miki thought it would be in her benefit to strike first. Altough mentioning Kago, even indirectly, might have been to much of a low blow since her suspension. Miki felt a little relived when she saw Tsuji's smile fade for only an instant.
"Just becasue half of you swing that way doesn't atomatically mean I do."
"Oh, so Miki's got a boyfriend!" Mari gleefully proclaimed.
"Hey! Hey! Didn't you sing a song about that? You know, when you were a solo artist!"
Miki picked up on the emphiasis she threw in on the solo artist comment. Of course brining that up ment Miki would probably bring herself down to their level, which is what they wanted anyway.
"How did that go?! What was it?" Mari pondered.
As soon as Mari said that she shot a questioning glance at Tsuji, who took that as her cue. And then they were off.
Tsuji started mimicking Miki's singing and dance routine right there in the hallway as Mari encouraged her.
"Hey, hey, Miki, do you have confidence in loving him?"
Tsuji immediately grabbed Mari's shoulder and lowered her voice conspiritoraly."Hey, I bet she can do IT well."
Mari laughed and looked back at the person in Miki's bed, "Hey Miki, was this so you could confirm it all?"
Miki took notice of the fact that they were continually getting louder.
"I wouldn't ruin my career over a stupid guy!" Miki said in whispered yell.
Like Tsuji before her, Mari's smile vanished for only a second.
"So she won't tell us if it's a girl or a guy." Mari said to Tsuji.
The Idiot girl's face imediately went blank as she looked off to the side. If there were a light bulb above here head, it just would have switched on.
"I know who it is" Tsuji seemed to be absolutely certain. You could just tell from her tone of voice.
"Don't even. You have no idea. Just leave me the alone guys."
Mari and Tsuji exchanged shocked glances.
"No way. Not them." Mari said in an exagerated tone.
"It'd have to be.."
Miki had it. Just get them out of here. That was her mission.
"Fine! Then just who the hell do you think it is?"
"Ishikawa!" Both announced.
"what?" came a voice behind Miki.
Miki looked straight at the wall beyond the heads of Mari and Tsuji.
"Just kill me now" she grumbled.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: bluekinoko on July 07, 2006, 07:05:20 AM

I jumped a table and knocked a projector with my knee to read this story! but it was hell worth it!

LOoOoOvE the bitchy stabs they make at each other. I could totally imagine this kinda hostility between them :P

Raise your hand if you wanna see more?
*raises hand*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: katatsumuri on July 07, 2006, 02:59:46 PM
nice one, I like stories with lots of witty dialogue.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on July 07, 2006, 03:35:51 PM
Wow, this is such a great story!!!

Yay for the pairings mentioned so far and you really write in character, the way they really would react.

Loved the way you mentioned Aibon's suspension and Yaguchi's boyfriend-drama, and Tsuji's impersonation of Miki made me laugh!!!

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 08, 2006, 01:38:07 AM
I just had all of this typed out, but then acidently deleted it. Unfortunately I don't remember all of it excactly(particularly the better diagoluges), so I might be editing it a few times if I do.


 The resturant on the first floor was already full of girls. All were in various stages of awareness and undress, with some not even bothering to change out of there pajamas. Towards the back of the room, at a long table Nakazawa Yuuko, Abe Natsumi, and Iida Kaori sat disscussing the most recent developments.

"I can't say I'm suprised." Said Yuuko not looking up from her coffee as she added some sugar." When you're that age or younger, you experiment some" she continued. "Right, Nono?"
Tsuji didn't even bother turning around, looked up at the ceiling, and with a mouth full of pastery yelled "It was ONE time!" She put anouther handfull into her mouth " Second time today.What is this?"
"It wouldn't have happened if I was still leader, I'll tell you that much. There for seven, gone for one and it's already falling apart." added Kaori.
"Fujimoto and Ishikawa. I didn't see that one coming."
"You know, maybe it's my fault." Kaori said as she shifted in her seat, resting her head on her hand and looking off into the distance. "I just paid so much attention to Yossie....maybe I never even noticed."
"Everyone paid attention to Yossie after Mr.Moonlight!" Yuuko said, laughing.

 Just then the girl everyone was talking about entered the room. Murata looked up from the newspaper she was reading, while Asami and Satoda breifly paused in their conversation to smile and exchange mischevious grins with the other girls. Miki stoped in the center of the cafeteria and crossed her arms. She glared at no one in particualr, but it was apparent she wasn't to happy with any of them. Tsuji and Mari moved over to the long table to get a better seat for the show.

"Morning Sunshine! Wow, Miki, you've been awake for an hour and you already hate the world?" Yuuko decided to get this entire thing started.
"Five minutes. You left five minutes ago and everyone already knows!" Miki was giving her best glare at Tsuji and Mari who smiled back at her.
"There is no such thing as privacy in Hello Pro. Not everyone knows, just a large majority." As one of the founding members, Nacchi knew that is one girl knew, by lunchtime every girl would know.
"Listen, I just slept with her!"
Mari gasped.
"Miki! Thats awful! Poor Rika probably thinks you want to get married with her and live in a pink house with furry woodland creatures."
"One night stands aren't bad, but to have one with a fellow Morning gal." said Yuuko shaking her head.
Murata adjusted her glasses and then called out "Even if you are like that Fujimoto, it's okay. We'll still like you."
"Great, even the Melon girls are making fun of me now. Listen, I'm not like THAT."

Kaori went from laughing with the other girls to looking concerned. She switched into her best mothering voice.
"Miki, if you are, it's okay. It's just important that you keep work and play separate. I know it must be hard because you spend so much time with theese people, but it might" Kaori was cut off by Miki rolling her eyes and again protesting
"We just slept together!" Miki yelled that louder than necassary just to make sure all the girls heard it. She threw her arms up in the air for good measure too.

All the girls attention shifted to Goto. Goto woke up late this morning and went to the cafeteria soley to get some yogurt, not to get involved with other girls problems. There she stood behind Miki, yogurt in one hand, a spoon  held in front of her mouth in the other, and her eyes the size of Kaori's and Yossie's.  The look was priceless. Goto, despite her intentions today figured that one out of two tasks accomplished wasn't so bad. She didn't want to get involved, but she couldn't pass this one up. Why hear everything second hand, and she knew she would be hearing it, when she could stay and hear all the members witty, hurtful, and hilarious remarks first hand? Of course whether or not the comments where witty, hurtful, or hilarious depended on if you were the one being criticized. Seeing as she didn't recall sleeping with Miki she thought it was safe to stick around for this one.

 The other girls present laughed at the expression Maki had on, and her inability to move after walking in on the conversation. Some of the girls, particularly Maeda Yuki, who was liked by everyone for her caring manner, were trying desperately to stifle their laughter.

"Now everyone knows" proclaimed Nacchi.
Miki glared at Tsuji and Mari. She put great force behind her next words,
"I'll kill both of you. They'll never find your bodies. You know they won't"
"Fujimoto" Yuuko interjected, but was cut off by Miki.
"Listen! I slept with her, but I didn't sleep with her!"
"Is that even possible?" questioned Tsuji to no one in particular.
"Of course you didn't sleep with her, you were too busy doing something else with her!" Miki may have been considered rough by the others, but Nakazawa had years of experience on her.
"Playstaion? Probably Xbox360, kids these days staying up all night playing that one"
Nacchi smiled. "That was a good one!"
"Really? I was worried about it.." Kaori looked estatic about her successful joke.
In Hello Pro, wording was everything.
"I slept with her, but I didn't have sex with her!"
"Oh come on!" the yell came from Saito. "the last thing I want to picture is you and Ishikawa going at it while I'm eating my scrambled eggs!"
"Scramble?" Tsuji asked, again to no one in particular. "Man, I like that song.." Considering there was food involved Tsuji's ADHD-like behavior was expected. Her attention shifted back to her breakfast, which was large enough to feed a small village.
"What'd you do? Stay up all night and talk about your feelings?" Mari's qustion was dripping in sarcasm.
"Yeah." Fujimoto replied flatly and crossed her arms again.

 The first to respond was Yuuko who, after her brain processed that last exchange, promptly spit out her coffee. Tsuji roared with laughter at this. Most of the other girls were in complete shock, but little by little more joined in on the amusement.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 08, 2006, 02:32:34 AM

Miki paced back and forth on the balcony.
"And you know, I'm not like THAT"
Aya nodded. She was seated on a chair eating her breakfast listening to Miki. Admitidely she wasn't paying that much attention. She just nodded and gave one word answers to Miki. She couldn't understand why she was so upset. They girls would probably forget by tomorrow when someone topped today's excitement. Hell, with theese girls, they might have moved on by lunchtime.
"because I'm not"
"I didn't say you were."
"Good. Don't."
"I wasn't going to."
Miki picked up more speed.
"I had to say that, you know?"
Aya nodded again.
"I'd rather they think that I'm a just a wuss, not a lesbian."
Miki continued her pacing.
"Honestly, I don't have to explain to them. What I do is my own business, but I didn't do that."
She stopped and rested both her hands on the railing. She looked out over Tokyo glancing side to side.
" All of them. Acting like that. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous."
Aya looked up from her breakfast. Something just came to her, suddenly she was intrigued by this.
"What?" Miki continued looking at the city.
"You said you were just talking to her. It's not a big secret that you two aren't close." Aya paused her and tried to choose her words carefully."So I was just wondering, what were you talking to her about? Why couldn't you talk to me about it?"
 Miki took her arms off the railing. She crossed them and started to tap her right foot rapidly. With her back still facing Aya she said "Don't even worry about it" She turned on her heel to face her. She avoided eye contact with Aya and insted looked at the sliding glass door behind her that lead into her room. "I'm not close to her. Which was why I need to talk to her about it. I.. I needed an outsider's opion on it. You know, get a different perspective."
Aya still looked doubtful. "Miki, you know that you can tell me anything right."
Miki tried her best to put on a confident smile, but the end result looked like an uneasy one, which was excatly what it was. Aya didn't pick on on it, she was still holding her fork looking down at the floor. Miki reached over and rested her arm on Aya's slender sholder.
"I know. I know. I'm closer to you that anyone else. Closer than I probably ever will be" Miki was cut off. It seemed to be a recuring theme today.
"God you sure move fast!"
Miki kept her hand on Aya's sholder as they both looked over to the voice. Leaning over the railing, to see over the balcony divider, was Mari, Tsuji, Takahashi, and Niigaki(it was her room).
"The apartment must be like one of those rotating sushi bars for her!" Mari continued. "She finnishes with one and then moves right on to the other!"
Niigaki and Takahashi looked confused more than anything, but Tsuji was laughing hard. Very hard. Miki let out a scream. Mari and Tsuji continued laughing and a minute later a yell came from the other side of Miki's balcony.
"Oi! Fujimoto! What the hell are you screaming about!" The angry yell came from Yossie, who was leaning over the railing in her pajamas, a tight grey t-shirt and short lime green shorts. Miki was surrounded. She looked up at the sky in disbelief.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 08, 2006, 02:45:59 AM

The door opened to calls of "Coming in!" and "Hope you're decent!"
Mari and Tsuji walked right in to Niigaki's room as if it was their own. Not like it bothered Niigaki. She was just curious as to what they wanted. Inside Niigaki and Takahashi were sitting on the floor of her well kept room watching t.v. They decided to eat left overs instead of joining some of the other girls for breakfast.
"Good morning" said Niigaki, followed by Takahashi.
"You really think she's there?" asked Tsuji. Obviously the question was directed towards Mari, because Niigaki and Takahashi sure as hell didn't know if she was.
"She had to be headed to her room after she left the cafeteria."
"Guys, what's up?" asked Takahashi with a blank look on her face. Recently all the girls noticed that Takahashi's blank expression was starting to rival Kaori's.
"Nothing, you'll hear about it soon enough." Mari answered.
The pair walked out to the balcony, Takahashi and Niigaki trailing behind them. Mari and Tsuji leaned up against the wall spying on the conversation taking place next door.
"And you know I'm not like THAT"
Mari and Tsuji exchanged glances at each other and smiled like a kids at a candy store. Which is pretty much saying that they smiled as if they were at a candy store. Niigaki and Takahashi figured that the two were up to no good. But they couldn't help but over hear Miki and Aya right next door. Once Aya started talking the two decided to get a better veiw, and Takahashi and Niigaki followed suit.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 08, 2006, 02:57:09 AM

 Yoshizawa awoke to a scream. She quickly threw off her covers and rolled out of bed in one quick movement. She stayed crouched down and started yelling herself
"Ah God! What!? Ah AH AHA" Slowly she looked around the room. Realizing she wasn't in any imediate danger she stood up, making sure that no one saw her react like that, she sarted to straighen out her hair with her right hand and rested the other one on her hip.
"I'm not in danger, but whoever the hell woke me up sure is" she said outloud for no apparent reason.  She swaggered out to the balcony to see what was going on.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: WaffleT on July 10, 2006, 05:33:05 PM
Wow this was really good, i love all your witty diolog it fits in perfectly with the story and you have good... everything else too.
he he love it! :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Elle_Driver on July 10, 2006, 09:08:46 PM
Yeah I enjoy your fic too, the dialogues are hilarious. I can picture everything, especially the Goto scene. This one really made me laugh :P
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on July 11, 2006, 01:33:18 AM
*rofl* at the balcony scene!!! This is just so good ^_^
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 11, 2006, 06:48:57 AM

 After managing to escape the balcony Miki returned to her room. Aya left to take care of somethings leaving Miki alone to think. Thinking, more specifically think about today and last night, was the last thing Miki wanted to do.  She looked around her room. Her soccer ball caught her attention. Nothing better than some soccer to vent her frustration. Miki quickly slipped on a pair of track pants and a Gatas jacket. She grabed the ball and stepped out into the hall way.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 11, 2006, 06:56:13 AM

 Rika was making her way down the hall. She went along doing a werid combination of signing and humming. It was a jazz tune she heard on television a few nights ago. Talk Talk Talk? She couldn't remember the exact name. But that was not going to stop her from yelling it loudly as she continued on her way. It was a nice day out, and Rika wondered what she should do. Just as she mulled this over in her head, and reached the drum solo in the song, an object came hurling down the hall and hit her directly in the back of the head.

side note- the actually name of the song is Sing Sing Sing, it's rather famous. Seeing as it was used in the movie Swing Girls, and is frequently used on other programs I didn't think it be much of a strech to use it.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 11, 2006, 07:07:51 AM
 As Miki went out into the hall, a rather oblivous, and happy Rika walked by. Miki stood there watching her continue on her path. She didn't know what Rika was doing. Rika was flailing her arms about in what Miki guessed was her pretending to play an insturment. But Miki had no idea. She couldn't even tell what the song was. Maybe it was because Miki had never heard it, but she felt it was probably because musically (and possible mentally) Rika was very off. Miki felt her anger resurface. It never really went away durring the course of the morning, but now it was stronger than ever. Miki was astonished to see Rika acting like this. Carrying on as if everything was a-okay. Miki didn't really think about what happened next. Her right arm wound up and sent her soccer ball soaring down the hall towards Rika's head.
Bulls eye.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 11, 2006, 07:33:24 AM
Rika imediately put both arms on her head. She felt a very dull, yet very painful, sensation. The soccerball that had nearly K.O'ed her was now boucning off the walls rather loudly.
Rika was busy grimacing in pain, but she managed to turn around.
" head"
Miki waited as Ishikawa took time trying to focus in on her. She continued to clutch her head while Miki savored her small but rewarding act of violence. Miki stomped down the hall closing the distance between them rather quickly.
"What the hell is your problem?"
"My problem? You're the one that just tried to kill me!"
"You deserved it!"
"What? Is this about your sweater? Nono told me it was Yossie's."
"No this isn't about my sweater! Wait, that was you? Forget about the sweater. This was about you leaving me to fend for myself this morning! You didn't even come and try and explain it with me! If we were in war, Ishikawa, what you did was the equvilent of throwning me on a land mine!"
" Because I didn't go for breakfast?"
"Yes becasue you didn't go for breakfast!"
"Well, I really wasn't hungry, so I didn't see the point in going down there..."
"It doesn't matter if you weren't hungry! That has nothing to do with it!"
"But why would I go to the cafeteria if I wasn't hungry?"
Sometimes talking to Ishikawa felt like talking to a wall. A very pretty and happy wall, but a wall none the less.
"To explain to everyone what happened!"
" What did I have to explain to them?"
"Do you even remember anything !? Is your attention span really that short, that you can not even remember something that happened less than 3 hours ago?! Can you not peice together certain events that happened to understand why I am so angry!?"
"You know, when you kicked me out this morning ranting on and on , I thought, 'Man, Miki's really grumpy when she wakes up' but now I think that is gets progressivly worse throughout the day."
Miki was thrown off for a beat at the fact Rika just used the word progressivly. Even more so at the fact she used it correctly.
Rika started again.
"this this because....Mari and Nono...."
Watching Ishikawa durring this, you could see that the gears were turning. Like she was pluging all the extension cords together to turn the lightbulb on.
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! Show her what she's won Jonny! A smile slowly made its way on Rika's face as she finally got it. Miki was angry, but maybe from the sheer force of the emotions she felt she realized that she had closed her eyes, and started to smile, then laugh. Ishikawa continued to smile, happy that Miki had stopped yellling and even happier that there wasn't another soccer ball in sight.

"Oh, life is grand!"

Miki imediately stopped laughing.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 11, 2006, 07:57:16 AM
After laughing on the balcony for the better part of 5 minutes Mari and Tsuji departed.
"Well, catch you guys later!"
The two exited the room.
"Hey, you got any of that ice cream left?"
Mari gave Tsuji a questioning look. It had been awhile, so Mari had forgotten just how amazing Tsuji's appetite really was.
"Yeah. Jeez, you're gonna eat us out of house and home one day."
Tsuji just smiled as they went on down the hall. When the reached Mari's room, and more importantly to Tsuji, Mari's refrigerator, the girl sat down and talked about the morning thus far. Tsuji didn't even bother to dirty a dish and ate straight from the carton.
"This completely rocked."
"eah eft as!"
After spending time with her, Mari became quite able to understand Tsuji when she was talking with her mouth full. Which was in reality, most of the time she was with her. She also became quite skilled at understanding Tsuji's sometimes fragmented and down right ridiculous ideas. More importantly how she got them and what she ment by them.
"I doubt it could get better than this."
Tsuji nodded and continued to scrape at the icecream container.
"aht e ou ing o" she swallowed and continued "do today?"
"nothing much. Wanna go shopping? Maybe just stay out and catch and movie and some dinner?"
"Could we catch lunch and a snack inbetween?"
"Yeah" Mari assured her with a smile on her face.
"Score, lets go. I just need to stop by my room a sec."
Mari walked out of the door first, and ran into a soccerball.
"What? I thought they told Korenaga not to play inside anymore."
"What day is today?"
"It's Monday, why?"
"It's not Korenaga, she has classes."
Mari picked up the ball. She shruged." Whatever, we're headed that way anyway."
The two rounded the corner to see Miki and Rika in the hall laughing and smiling.
"Oh, life is grand!"
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: bluekinoko on July 11, 2006, 10:19:30 AM
Ow ow ow ow, my sides hurt. That was hilarious! Ah, its too good to mention everything that I like about it so far. Can you forgive me for being dull and saying I love it?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on July 13, 2006, 07:38:58 PM
Uah, I'm so curious which direction your story will take!!! This is just sooo good!!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on July 16, 2006, 07:45:04 AM
Funny!! This is a good day for me - I have been re-reading all these stories and I know finally get to reply. This is one of my favourite fictions. What inspires you?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 16, 2006, 09:02:11 PM
Quote from: Mikan
What inspires you?

 Glad to hear some of you guys like it. I'm not sure what inspires me. Sometimes I just feel like writting and other times I don't. To be honest I'm not one for fanfiction, but I just got the urge to write something. H!P itself is pretty much a goldmine. There are so many different girls with different traits and such that it is pretty easy to get something going.

Just to let you know, the story pretty much follows the time frame of a normal day. Thats why "Morning" has been written at the start of each peice. You guys are quick so I just figured you'd know that. Then at the end of the day, the next  title will be something like "Tuesday Morning" and so on and so forth.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 16, 2006, 09:09:16 PM
 Mari stood in the hallway holding Miki's soccer ball in her right hand. Tsuji was a little bit behind her leaning up against the wall. Miki strode towards them and took the ball of of Mari's hands. Miki continued walking down the hall towards the stairs. She didn't look back but could tell that they where all staring at her. Mari and Tsuji with delight, and Ishikawa with confusion.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 16, 2006, 09:29:51 PM

 Mari and Tsuji were left with Ishikawa after Miki's departure. They both looked her up and down, and then went on down the hall towards Tusji's room.  All while smilling of course. Tsuji paused for a moment fumbling with the handle. The two walked inside.
"Just be a sec." Tsuji said as she made her way to her bedroom, dodging piles of clothes and other various objects. She put her one hand against the wall to balance herself as she steped over a particularly large pile of magazines.
Mari took a look around the room.  She moved over to the sofa. It didn't particularly look like a sofa, in fact the only reason Mari knew it was there was becuase she vaguley reacalled the layout of the room from a time when it was clean. She shoved various food wrappers and containers over to one side of the couch. With a look of mild disgust Mari started to swat away some of the crumbs with her hand.
"Tsuji!" She yelled.
She heard some random thuds and general sounds of movement coming from Tsuji's room.
"It looks like a bomb went off in here!"
The sounds stoped momentarily.
"No, just that M-80."
The sounds started again. Mari chuckled as she lowered herself down onto the cushin. A few minutes later Tsuji returned.
"Lets go!"
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 16, 2006, 09:57:33 PM

 Miki stood in the parking lot, about 12 feet away from the wall. She was kicking the soccerball so hard that the repeated force off hitting the concrete was starting to deform it. It had only been a few minutes, but she was already working up a sweat. "Damn!" Thud. "You!" Thud. "Tsunku!!" Thud. Bang. Crash.  In Hello Pro it was commonplace to blame Tsunku for all your problems. Because in one way or another, he was essentially responsible. If he passed you in an audition, then he was the reason you were here. If you were here and encountered a problem of some sort, therefore it was his fault. Looking back on it, this morning was pretty much all Miki's fault. But Miki wasn't going to blame herself anytime soon. So Tsunku it was. Miki stood with her hand on her hip. She knew what she was going to see if she turned around, but did none the less. That last crash, that followed the bang, was the soccer ball hitting a car's windshield. She put her arms up in the air and brought them down on top of her head. She sighed. Out of the corner of her eye she realized she wasn't alone. She turned her head a bit to see Korenaga. Unfortunately for Korenaga, she was the plain Jane thrown into life with the idols. But sometimes, she managed to look quite attractive. This was one of those times. She stood at the other end of the parking lot, with a pair of jeans on and a grey longsleved shirt. Her messenger bag was hanging off her left shoulder, filled with books and various other supplies a university student would need. Korenaga essentially just played on the futsal team, but the management had given her the option to live in the building. She took it. It was just logical. University was expensive enough, and not having to rent an appartment and buy meals was a great thing for her. Some how Korenaga managed to stay normal even though she lived with all of them. She kept the mindset of your average girl, which was a breathe of fresh air. The ball made its way to the other end of the lot where she poped it into the air and caught it. She started lightly tossing it into the air and catching it. Miki looked away from her.
"You okay?" she asked as she made her way to where Miki was standing.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Oh, alright." There was an awkward pause. The one Miki knew that she was lying but didn't know if she should push the subject, and the other Miki didn't want to talk about what was bothering her.
"Well, I'll be around. I only have one class later if you want to get a game started."
Korenaga tossed Miki the ball and made her way into the apartment.Just as she was about to step inside Miki called out to her.
"Hey, how many lesbian jokes do you know?"
Korenaga had a look of sheer confusion on her face. The question completely threw her off and she made no attempt to hide it.
"Um, what?"
"Nothing, you'll find out soon enough."
With that Korenaga closed the door.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 16, 2006, 10:19:41 PM

It was a nice day in the city. It was quite warm out, but a nice breeze was present. Most of the windows in the building were open, and sunlight shone into Nakazawa's room. She was just doing various things around the apartment when she heard some thuds on her wall. She paused for a moment realizing that it couldn't be a drunk member stumbling home. Becuase she wasn't out there drunk and stumbling home. She didn't give it much thought, and didn't care enough to check. She took a look around her apartment. It was clean and modern. Mostly what you'd expect from her. She figured she would leave a little early for the practice of Tomadoi no Nichiyoubi to enjoy the weather. On her way to the parking lot she ran into Kei. They made plans to go out drinking later with some other girls, most likely Kaori, Nacchi, and Mari. In the middle of their conversation she heard a crash. After saying goodbye to Kei she passed the futsal pkayer and they exchanged 'Good mornings'. She seems like a nice girl Yuuko thought as she opened the door the to parking lot. When Yuuko looked out she saw Miki standing next to one of the cars, which had a smashed windshield, holding a soccer ball. Yuuko surveyed the scene a little bit more but found nothing of interest. Yuuko started walking towards her.
"If anyone asks, an egg did it." Miki said still looking at the car.
Yuuko clicked her tougne.
"Yeah, just last week one of those bastards broke my toaster.'
Yuuko stared at the car with Miki for a minute. Then she turned on her heel and walked out of the parking lot.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 16, 2006, 10:43:27 PM

 Yoshizawa finished dressing. After her rude awakening earlier she imediately got something to eat and jumped in the shower. After puting on her adidas, she closed the door and headed off to Ayaka's room. When she was closing her door she saw Miki walking towards her room.
"Hey" she called out.
Miki returned greeting.
"You okay?" Yossie asked.
Miki looked up at her. Her hand was resting on the doornob. For a while she didn't say anything and they just looked at each other.
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
"But you're not fine now"
"Well, yeah, I guess thats implied when you say 'will be''
"Listen," Yossie started but was cut off by Miki
" everything will be okay, they'll forget about it in a little while, they're just doing it to get me angry, give me a taste of my own medicine, I shouldn't let it bother me, and I could talk to you about it if I need to."
"Actually, I was going to tell you that those pants make your ass look huge, but yeah okay. The other stuff works, I guess."
Miki looked at her and then burst into a grin. Yossie did too. Yossie was pretty sure everyhting was going to be okay, and the truth about all of this would come out and people would move on.
"Later." Yossie said as she started walking down the hall.
"Yeah, later" Miki closed the door.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 16, 2006, 11:03:50 PM

 Mari and Tsuji made their way around Tokyo. The two had hit some of their favorite stores, and only fought over one pair of earrings. It was a good day. They stopped for lunch sometime around 3.
"So how's practice been?"
"Not bad. Hard to get Yossie and them to show up with the play. Mighta lost because of it."
"Ah, it happens."
The two were oddly calm disscussing subjects like this. Usually it was off the wall, all the time. But lately, Tsuji had been uncharecteristically mature at sometime. Sometimes.
They paid the bill inbetween the conversation. After sharing a laugh, at Miki's expense of course, Tsuji started talking.
"Hey Mari..."
"Huh?" Mari looked up, a little shocked to see Tsuji's serious expresion.
"Thanks for hanging out with me lately. I know I can be annoying and stuff but..." She trailed off looking back down at the table.
"Non, listen, I really want you to know that"
Mari was cutoff. Tsuji stood up, shedding the serious tone and look.
"Come on, we need to get supplies before the movie."
"Ah, Nono, I"
"Let's go, we need to hurry!"
" for what?"
"I've been thinking, its been awhile since there was mass confusion and all out war at home. So we need to go get some supplies."
Mari stood up and followed Tsuji. Mari realized why Tsuji cut her off. She knew what Mari would say to her, and obviously didn't want to talk about the subject anymore.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 16, 2006, 11:36:39 PM

 Asami was in the parking lot. It was such a beautiful night that she went out to skateboard. She decided to just stay in the parking lot seeing as most of the cars were gone, and she had a perfect veiw of the stars. After she got going, Asami fell into her habbit of looking up at the sky while riding, she then fell onto the ground. While on her back she continued looking up at the sky.
"You're not in the middle of Hokkaido anymore. Don't act like a bumpkin!"
She stayed on the ground, but sat up wrapping her arms around her knees and looking over to the group of people. It was Kei that had spoken.
"You keep doing stuff like that and you're going to get hurt!" she continued.
"She's going to get hurt? It was me she ran into!" Kaori protested.
"Sorry, bad habbit. It's just so nice out."
"You sure you ok? You got this really space-y look on ya. Making me thinking you went star gazing one to many times." Yuuko added.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Honest. What are you guys up to?"
"What we're always up to." Yuuko said.
"Making life hell on the younger girls?" Nacchi ventured.
"No." Yuuko denied flatly.
"Fading into obsucrity?" Kei asked.
Yuuko crossed her arms.
"Planing to overthrow management?" Asami questioned.
"No. We're doing that Thursday."
"Using Koharu as target practice?" Kaori wondered.
"No. Lost the bat."
"Ah! Trying to get girls from other agencies Friday'd?"
"No. Although, maybe later."
Everyone was out of questions. Jokes like this were best and most common with this group.
Yuuko unfloded her arms. She then took on the voice of a typical, rowdy teenager.
"We're gonna get wasted!" She threw her arms up into the air and leaned back. The girls laughed and were on their way. Asami stood up, brushed the dirt off of her, and looked back up at the stars.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on July 17, 2006, 10:53:38 AM
Quote from: erink

"What we're always up to." Yuuko said.
"Making life hell on the younger girls?" Nacchi ventured.
"No." Yuuko denied flatly.
"Fading into obsucrity?" Kei asked.
Yuuko crossed her arms.
"Planing to overthrow management?" Asami questioned.
"No. We're doing that Thursday."
"Using Koharu as target practice?" Kaori wondered.
"No. Lost the bat."
"Ah! Trying to get girls from other agencies Friday'd?"
"No. Although, maybe later."
Everyone was out of questions. Jokes like this were best and most common with this group.
Yuuko unfloded her arms. She then took on the voice of a typical, rowdy teenager.
"We're gonna get wasted!" She threw her arms up into the air and leaned back. The girls laughed and were on their way. Asami stood up, brushed the dirt off of her, and looked back up at the stars.

Seriously, that last part had me absolutely cracking up!!! Best . thing . ever!!! *giggle*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on July 17, 2006, 01:20:03 PM
Quote from: freya86
Seriously, that last part had me absolutely cracking up!!! Best . thing . ever!!! *giggle*

You're a Yuko fan, arent you?

Yeah that bit got me too!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on July 17, 2006, 01:57:37 PM
Quote from: Mikan
You're a Yuko fan, arent you?

Yep, guilty :P
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 21, 2006, 09:56:37 PM

"Where's Mari?" Yuuko asked looking into her beer.
"Out with Nono." Kei told her
"She's always out with Nono! We can't even go drinking together anymore!"
"Well she's just looking out for her." Kaori said.
"You know what pisses me off?" Yuuko continued. "Everyone thinks I'm mean. I'm not mean. I'm actually very nice. But people like Mari steal my opprotunities to show how nice I am. She's such a bitch!"
The girls at the table started to giggle as Yuuko chuged down the rest of her drink.
"It's not funny! I'm really really nice. I'm nice. Honest." Yuuko was pouting and looking down at the table. She seemed to have said what she wanted to say about that because her next statement was this
"Where! Are! My! Chicken Breasts!"
Kei, Kaori, and Nacchi just looked up at her. Nacchi put her face down on the table and Kaori threw her head back in laughter. The other people in the bar that weren't drunk yet were a little shocked at the well dressed womans angry yelling, but the regulars expected this and let it go.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 21, 2006, 09:59:17 PM

Miki looked at the bottle in her hand.
"Oh, Jack. You're my only real friend. You'd never say those things about me."
At the end of this statement Miki took a large swig from the bottle of Jack Daniels. She had already finnished her stash of beer and had moved onto the harder stuff. There she sat in her room drinking herself into oblivion at 2 in the morning.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 21, 2006, 10:31:00 PM
Morning Day 2

The girls were down at breakfast like normal. Yuuko sat at the long table again with coffe. She wasn't doing much. Just staring at the coffee with a blank expression. Kei sat across from her holding both hands to her head. Neither said anything. About ten minutes later Kaori walked into the cafeteria. At least, it sort of resembled a walk. About three feet in the room, Kaori, in what was possibly her most graceful display ever, tripped on her own two feet. She landed face down on the tile floor. A moan, similar to one from those b list zombie movies, came from her, but other than that there was no movement. About five minutes after that Fujimoto made her way into the room. She paused momentarily at Kaori. It looked as though she was unsure how to get by the fallen leader. She stood there for the better part of 3 minutes and finally side steped. She then slowly sat her self down next to Kei. Yuuko looked up.
"u..." she trailed off and held up two fingers.
This small exchange caused both pain and all decided it was best just to leave it. Goto came in next. She surveyed the scene. She took a step over Kaori and went over to the long table. Before she even got there she could tell how extensive the damage was. Kei was gently swaying back and forth. Yuuko was wide-eyed and staring at nothing in particular, and Fujimoto had her arms dangling at her sides, head back, mouth open, staring at the celling with only one eye open. She leaned in and tried not to make any sudden movements.
"Nacchi. Where?" she whispered and kept her sentences short so not to hurt them.
The unintelligebile reponse cam from Yuuko.
"she was with you right? She" Maki was cut off by a high pitched sound effect that was similar to the sound a cat would make if it was trying to ride a flaming unicycle while playing a tamborine. Not like anyone would know what that would sound like.It came from Kaori. The cafeteria was filled with laughter once again this morning. Just as Maki was about to ask again, Abe stumbled her way into the room. She was wide-eyed and had some leafs and twigs sticking out of her hair and only had one high heel on.
"Where were you?" Maki asked.
"In a shrub about three blocks back."
she seemed to be pretty alert and was speaking clearly. Abe had found herself in much more ridicoulus situations previously after nights out with the girls. She learned to pace herself and got the ability to recover quickly.
"Stop moving."
"I'm not."
"You only have one shoe." Goto said pointing down to her feet.
"Yeah. I do."
They both looked at her feet in silence.
"Are they my shoes?"
"Yeah. they are. Well it is. The other one" she trailed off.
"Oh. They weren't mine anyways." Goto couldn't recall who the original owner was. Oh well.
"Why does Kei have a chopstick stuck to her forehead?"
"I don't know."
Goto decided it was best to let them get some rest, or food, whatever they needed to become functioning humans once again.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 21, 2006, 10:40:24 PM
Morning day 2

Yaguchi was skipping down the hall. She made her way into the cafeteria and piled food on a plate. All while singing.
"Oh!!! such a beautiful morning!" she was making lyrics up as she went along.
"woah waoh Takahashi! you're so boring" she got a confused look from Takahashi. Mari then spun around and did some fancy footwork until she reached the long table.
"Goooodd morning!"
"Aghhh, whats so good about it?" Yuuko put her head down on the table.
"Is that eggs, wit bacon, pancakes, donuts, and fruit?" Kei asked.
Mari looked down at the plate.
"Yeah it is."
Kei imediately fell off her chair and did what could probably be considered a run when  you are that drunk straight out the door. Mari shrugged. She moved over to Kei seat, pausing to stand on tiptoe and look at Fujimoto. She blinked a few times when she realized Mari was standing over her, but other than that, nothing. Mari sat down and dug in.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 21, 2006, 10:48:17 PM
Morning day 2.

Yossie looked around the cafeteria. As leader, it was her responsibility to take care of them. Even if the had senority on her. She started with Iida. Her size made it somewhat difficult for Yossie to do anything, so she decided she would come back to her later. She got a glass of cold water, and made her way over to Miki. She threw the water up onto Miki who was still inspecting the ceiling. Some of the water went into her open mouth and she started to cough. Miki looked down.
"Pretty typhoon....pretty typhoon BAM!" Yuuko jerked her head up when she heard bam. Nacchi let out a scream.
Yossie smiled.
"You guys look better already."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on July 22, 2006, 06:29:16 AM
Ah, Im gonna be sick. I laughed to much and I just finished eating. Oh god, Nacchi's entrance was fab!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on July 22, 2006, 01:09:23 PM
OMG, you actually included the chicken breasts!!! *rofl* I love you for that!!!
I simply couldn't stop laughing through all of this :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Elle_Driver on July 22, 2006, 01:33:27 PM
Yeah, me too! While I was reading "chicken breast" and "pretty typhoon" I couldn't hold myself anymore and bursted out laughing. :D
Your story is awesome! ;)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 22, 2006, 10:55:04 PM
Night Day 2

"Mari!!! It's not my fault, its the meds. Got me all hopped up. I didn't know she'd react like THAT!"
"Nono! You're not supposed to be popping them like tic-tacs!"
"But it hurt!"
"What did you say to her?"
"Well I might have sort of"
 Mari's jaw dropped when Tsuji finnished telling her. She stared at her for a minute in shock.
"Tsuji! Why the hell would you say that!?"
Mari put her elbows on her knees and put her face in her hands.
"Well obviously we need to fix it."
"I know Mari."
"Agh, if the fall didn't kill you i just might! Now come on!"
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 22, 2006, 10:57:40 PM
Night Day 2

Miki slammed her door shut and tossed her bag at the wall. She went over to her bed and threw herself down face first. She layed like that for awhile. To angry to do anything else.

"Miki!" Thud. Thud. Thud.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 22, 2006, 11:02:43 PM
Night Day 2

"Oi! the doctor told you to rest!" Nacchi yelled at Tsuji.
"I'll rest after this, I swear!"
Nacchi shot Mari a questioning look.
"You better."
Tsuji had grabbed her crutches and went with Mari towards Fujimoto's room. She was still adjusting to using them, but she was moving good enough.
"Nono , I swear, I'm gonna kill you" Mari yelled back to her as she stormed down the hall.
Tsuji let out a high pitched whine.
"You'll have to beat Miki to it."
 Finally the reached Miki's door. Which was good because Tsuji probably couldn't have went much farther.
"Miki!" Thud. Thud. Thud.
Title: Night Day 2
Post by: erink on July 22, 2006, 11:07:42 PM
Miki didn't respond. She hoped there was some off posibility that they would leave her alone. Miki was furious, and the last thing she wanted to do was something she couldn't take back. She knew she had to stay in control. The knocking and yelling continued.
"Hi, this is Miki. I'm not home right now but if you leave your name and message after the beep, I'll be sure to get back to you."
Miki paused.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on July 22, 2006, 11:21:03 PM
Wow, what did Tsuji do???
Title: Night Day 2
Post by: erink on July 22, 2006, 11:23:29 PM
" Hi Miki, it's Nono. I was just AHH"
Tsuji was elbowed very sharply by Mari.
"You are absolutely ridiculous. You know that?"
Mari looked back at the door.
"Miki! Open up! We need to talk!"
"Miki!" Knock. Knock."Open the door!"
Mari realized this wouldn't get them anywhere. She looked at Tsuji.
"We need to get in."
"Lets just climb over from the balcony."
"Yeah, thats a good one. Better yet why don't we just teleport."
Tsuji was staring back at. The gears were turning but she still couldn't figure out why her idea wouldn't work.
"How are we gonna do that? It's high. I'm not plumiting to my death before a solo release! You can barely move like it is. You can't climb over!"
Tsuji paused in deep thought. She looked at Mari, and then at the door. She repeated this about 3 times.
"Lets kick it down."
"under 150cm, but were gonna kick the fucking door down. Tsuji! come on, work with me here. The door is twice the size of us, and you can't! You shouldn't even be up out of bed!"
Mari put her hands on her hips.
"Promise me you won't elbow me again."
"I'm not making any garentees. But I'll try."
"The storage room."
Mari smiled. She lifted up her arm. Tsuji pulled back. Mari patted her on the head.
"Thats what I'm talking about! Come on!"
Mari started off down the hall. She stopped and turned around.
"Er...on second thought. Stay here."
Title: Night Day 2
Post by: erink on July 22, 2006, 11:43:33 PM
There was a knock on the door.
"Coming!" Niigaki yelled as she hopped up from the couch. She opened the door. When Niigaki looked up she was shocked. Actually she was a lot of things. Shocked, worried, confused, a little hungry. The list went on. All she could do was hold the door and look at the two of them with wide eyes. Tsuji was in her wheelchair. Under normal circumstances Niigaki would have imediately asked her how she was and if she needed something. But Niigaki had the feeling this wasn't a normal circumstance. The feeling came from the fact that Mari was holding a saw.
Title: Night day 2
Post by: erink on July 22, 2006, 11:50:54 PM
It was quiet. Too quiet. Miki felt uneasy. This couldn't be good. They gave up to quick. Miki's anger was quickly being replaced with nervousness as time ticked by. She wasn't the type to get nervous. But this was different. Miki looked around the room. After another 10 minutes of waiting for something to happen she gave up and sighed. Things'll be fine she told herself. She eased up against the wall and rested her head and back up against it as she sat on the bed. A mechanic hum started coming from Niigaki's room. Well thats a little soothing in an odd way Miki thought. The hum continued to get louder and louder. There was a war cry like yell.
"Oh, fuck." Miki said quite calmly.
Title: Night Day 2
Post by: erink on July 22, 2006, 11:58:20 PM
Niigaki stepped aside. Mari and Tsuji made their way into the room. The both stopped in front of the right wall. Niigaki was freaking out, but tried to play it cool
"Uh, Guys" any chance of playing it cool was completely thrown out the window when she opened her mouth. Her voice was shaky and lacking in confidence.
"why do you have a saw?"
The pair ingnored her. The three of them stood there for a few minutes. Mari and Tsuji gazed at the wall. I should do something shouldn't I? Niigaki thought to herself. As she was trying to throw together a plan of action, Mari calmly crouched down and pluged the saw into the socket. Niigaki couldn't do anything but watch as Mari calmly flicked the switch on. Slowly she moved the saw closer to the wall.
"Gggguys" Niigaki wondered if they could even hear her. Suddenly Mari let out a yell, like a soldier about to make a charge into enemy lines in one of those epic movies.
Title: Night Day 2
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 12:04:16 AM
Miki imediately jumped off the bed.
"Holy hell!" Miki could do nothing but stare at the wall in shock as a saw made its was through. Miki stood there randomly yelling out and throwing a cruse in there every now and then for good measure. Soon a crude rectangle about 2 feet wide and 3 feet long was being cut out of her wall. Miki jumped back and fell on the floor as the square came out of the wall. On the other side was Mari, the upper half  of Tsuji's hair, and an absolutely terrified Niigaki, who looked like she was going to be sick.
Title: Night Day 2
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 12:24:20 AM
"We need to talk" Mari stated calmly.
"I own a phone you know! The fuck. My wall!"
Miki was still in shock. This had to go down as one of the most ridiculous things that had ever happened. Even higher than ecomoni. Nobody could explain that. Especially not Miki.
"Miki. We're a group. It's like a family.  So you need to tell us what's wrong right now."
"Well, why don't we start with Nono." Miki yelled up at Mari. She was still on the floor. After Miki said that, part of Tsuji made her way into the recently installed window. She had both her arms on the bottom, trying to lift herself into veiw. Miki felt a little bad seeing the injured girl struggle, especially with her casted arm in clear veiw.
"I'm really sorry Miki. I am. Honest." Miki looked at her. It was true, she did look sorry.
"Good. You two are o.k." Mari said. "So now can we  get to whats really bothering you. Ever since yesterday you've been werid. It's not like you."
"Listen, I'm okay. And I could have told you that through the door."
Title: Night Day 2
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 12:29:10 AM
Yossie was beat. Rehersals and concerts were starting to take a toll on her. She tossed herself down on the couch. Just as she was closing her eyes and relaxing she heard something."You know, thats funny. Kinda sounds like a saw or something." Yossie got up. There was probably a 5% chance that this was a good thing.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Elle_Driver on July 23, 2006, 12:53:06 AM
HOLY! What's going on there? What did Tsuji say and what did Miki do? :o
This is so suspenseful, you really tease us!

Imo one of the funniest parts:
"Even higher than ecomoni." <--- Bwahahaha :D :lol:
Title: Night day 2
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 01:59:10 AM
Yossie stepped outside her room to see an obviously distressed Niigaki sitting on the floor. Takahashi was trying her best to comfort her, but she wasn't getting anywhere.
"And then they just just"
Yossie went over to them.
"Whats going on?"
"They cut a hole in my wall"
Yossie put her arms on her hips.
"Did you get a permit?"
Niigagki looked up, absolutely horrified.
"Its in the contract, you need to get it approved if you're going to make a change like that to your appartment. You got one righ? Don't tell me you didn't get one"
"What!? I didn't know! I didn't even..The wall!!"
Sometimes it was just too easy.
"Relax! Relax! I'm just kidding. What happened?"
"There's a hole! There is a huge hole in my wall! Right there in the wall there is a hole!"
Yossie brought one hand up to her chin and stroked it.
"So this hole, you're trying to tell me its in your wall,correct?"
Niigaki looked like she was about to combust.
"Relax. Relax. I'll go take care of it."
Just as Yossie was about to open the door Mari and Tsuji came out.
"Whats going on?" Yossie asked calmly.
"Nothing" Mari said, saw in hand."Everything okay now. Or at least it will be in a little while."
"Well, alright."
"Come on Nono, you need to go rest."
The three watched them disapper. Yossie paused for a moment and then walked into Niigaki's room. She stopped infront of the hole and put her arms back on her hips.
"So where's this hole I'm looking for?"
Title: Night Day 2
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 02:20:09 AM
Yossie had left Niigaki's and went into Miki's room. As she walked in she saw a garbage bag come flying at her.
"Oi, make yourself useful"
Miki was in the process of cleaning up the mess from the wall. Yossie crouched down to help her.
"They should have filmed this, you know. Used it on Hello Morning. Mari and Tsuji's suprise rennovations."
Miki smirked.
"So.. umm. You seem to be handling this well."
Miki looked her straight in the eyes.
"Yeah, I am."
"All of this. You, um." Yossie was to shocked at Miki's calmness to handle this. She had only prepared herself to intervene Miki trying to kill somebody, and her speech was only fitting if she needed to be calmed down. Which she didn't.
"You're suprised right?"
"To be honest yeah. I kinda figured you woulda jumped straight through the wall and killed them."
Yossie picked up a chunk of wood.
"So it's okay I guess?"
"Yeah it is."
"Umm, what excatly is okay? I mean, all of this. Frankly I don't really get it. I just kinda wake up and there is stuff going on but nobody really knows whats going on. And if they do know whats going on, they don't tell me whats going on. So I don't know whats going on." After she finnished saying that Yossie looked up and stared at Miki, eyes wide, with a look of uncertainty.
"It doesn't matter now. It's just water under the bridge. Everything's fine between me and Nono, so there's no need to talk about it. Cause it's not a big deal anymore."
"I didn't even know there was anything wrong with you and Nono."
"Yeah. There was, but it's cool now."
"When the wall fell did it land on your head?"
Miki chuckled.
"This is really werid. The way you're acting. It's trippy. Kinda like watching the Te wo Nigitte Arukitai pv when your drunk."
"There was something that was bothering me, but I realized that I just need to fix it. So thats what I'm gonna do. I can't just keep everything to myself anymore."
"Good.Thats good."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on July 23, 2006, 02:39:09 AM

Wow so many new chapters!  lol yossie has so got to sleep less XD
Title: Morning Day 3
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 02:51:20 AM
Breakfast was here once again for the girls. At the long table Yuuko, Nacchi, and Goto were all eating breakfast.Soon they were joined by Mari, Tsuji, Kaori, and Kei. A few minutes later Miuna walked in holding half a shoe.
"Ah! Thats whose they were." Goto said.
Miuna made her way over to the table.
"Um, Gottsan, what was part of my shoe doing taped to the fan in the lobby?"
Nacchi hid her face with her hand and turned away from the table. Yuuko put both hands up in the air on her head and looked back and forth in the least subtle way possible.
"Size 6 right?"
"Yeah" Miuna said calmly."See if they have 'em in red this time"
Goto nodded and Miuna left them.
Goto turned to Nacchi.
"get 'em in red. size six"
Nacchi nodded and looked back down at her breakfast.
"So what'da guys say? Wanna hit the bar again tonight?" Yuuko took a sip of her coffe after she asked.
"Like a want a ecomoni reuinon!"(rule#46 in the  unofficial HelloPro hand book: Make fun of ecomoni at any given opprotunity) Kei yelled.
"The only thing I wanna hit is you for letting me get that drunk!" Kaori proclaimed.
"It's been a day and I just started to feel a normal again." Kei said.
"Really? I feel fine." Yuuko stated, as if doubting how they could not be fine after a days rest.
"You know, that food is really far away" Tsuji said, looking away from the table at it.
"Wouldn't be so far if you rolled your dumb ass over there and got some." Yuuko pointed out.
"Yuu-chan!" Nacchi said giving her a look."I'll go get some. What do you want Nono?"
Tsuji placed her order and Nacchi went off to get it. When she turned back to the table everyone was looking at her. Yuuko was shaking her head back and forth.
"What?" She asked inoccently." I'm hurt.I took a day of pain and suffering and  now its time for stage two. Using my painful injury, it's painful you know, to my advantage."
"Tsuji, if there wasn't a test that proved it, sometimes I think I'd find it hard to belive your really that stupid." Yuuko told her.
"Hey, it's all about using the system to your advantage." Just as she said that Nacchi returned with her plate.
Title: Morning day 3
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 03:00:33 AM
For the time being Miki and Niigaki had hung a sheet over the hole. Miki was a little upset over it. You could pretty much hear everything going on and it ment there was even less privacy than before. Frankly she thought she might fix the damn hole herself if it ment not listening to Takahashi and Niigaki. But it did have it's advantages.
"Oi! Risa, you got any milk?"
Miki was sitting at the table reading the paper. She picked up her glass, leaned over, and stuck her hand through the hole. A few seconds later she pulled it back.
"Thanks" she called, taking a sip of the ice cold milk.
"No problem."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 03:48:17 AM
All the tsuji stuff, I wrote it when it sounded like she broke her arm and leg. I guess it's just a ligament, so I'm going to go back and change that eventually. Keyword being eventually. I also made a bunch of spelling mistakes which I appologize for. I felt the cursing in the past few updates was nesaccary for the diaoluge, sorry if it bothered anybody. To be honest I might be doing stuff like leaving out what some girls said to each other so I could move the story along. i.e not saying exactly what Tsuji said and stuff like that so I could end up with a hole in the wall to work with. Its kind of cheating you, but just beacuse it's not explained now doesn't mean it won't be later. Oter than that, I'm going to be going on vacation Monday so I might not be able to update for a while.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on July 23, 2006, 05:48:13 AM
Best part of this recent set of chapters...Miki, Risa, and the milk through the none. XD XD XD
Title: Afternoon Day 3
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 08:18:34 AM
The girls had just returned from play rehersals. Niigaki was with Takahashi in her room. Both of them were sitting at the table eating lunch.
"Ah, I'm really nervous. It just keeps getting closer and closer." Takahashi vocalized.
"Oh, you'll be fine." Risa assured her.
"Hey! I was thinking"
"Oh, now THATS scary"
Takahashi looked around the room. Was that Fujimoto? She could hear her, but she couldn't see her. Creepy, she thought to herself. Niigaki shook her hand in the air.
"You were saying?"
"oh, yeah, so anyway, I was thinking we should go out tonight."
"Maybe it would be best to get your mind off of the play" Risa agreed.
"So we will?"
"Yeah, it's a date."
"ohh oohhh I bet it is!"
Niigaki put her elbow on the table.
"So eight-ish good?"
Title: Afternoon day 3
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 08:42:50 AM
A few hours after rehersals Miki was still in her room. Unlike some of the other girls she liked to stay indoors. She heard a knock on the door.
"One second" she called as she got up off the couch. When she opened the door she saw Ishikawa.
"Oh, hey." Miki opened up the door more to allow her to step inside.
"I'm glad you showed up. I've actually been meaning to talk to you."
"Oh, good." Ishikawa stated.
"About that night."Miki began. Without breaking eye contact with Rika, she crouched down and picked up her soccerball. Then she turned on her heel. The wind up, the pitch.
The yelling was followed by a thud.
Ishikawa was absolutely floored, while Miki acted as though throwing a soccerball through a hole in your wall into the next appartment where someone was listening in on your conversation was as natural as saying "good morning" to you seniors.
"So as I was saying" Miki continued, without missing a beat "I really appreciate what you did for me. Just to be able to talk like that. I needed it to get everything in order"
"WHY?! WHY?! AAAAHhhaaaaa...."
"So thanks. I'm sorry that a I freaked out before but everything's under controll. I'm going to talk to Aya sometime today and tell her exactly how I feel."
"oh, well that's great Miki."
"You know what? It is great Rika."
There was an awkward silence after that last exchange. It was broken by the sound of Niigaki rolling around in agony in the next room.
"So, what excatly did you want?"
"I was wondering if you had my skirt, the red one with the stars?"
"No, I gave it to Goto."
"Oh alright then. See you later"
"Yeah, later."
Miki waved as she left the room. She wondered why she was acting like this, weighing the possibility that Jacky D was stronger than she first thought.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 23, 2006, 09:09:57 AM
I realize that I tend to focus on dialouge, and half ass the rest of it. Descriptions, actions, and whatnot tend to be left out. I'm going to try and work on that in the future. Hopefully it will improve the overall quality of the story, which thanks to spelling and other gramatical aspects, is lacking.

Screw it. It's staying like this.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on July 24, 2006, 08:40:16 AM
Im so happy that you posted so much! It was awesome! The hole in the wall was funny, Im sure everyone can agree. I was giggling at work all day - people thought I was nuts! Well, I am but this is a little off the subject.

Dialouge is important but personally I feel that the setting is more important. You can imagine what people say. It makes it more personalised. I dont really know the word to explain. But if you paint a picture and the characters in our imagination vividly then the dialouge isnt as important.
What is it? - A picture is worth a thousand words?
Something like that.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on July 24, 2006, 10:39:22 AM
Quote from: erink
I realize that I tend to focus on dialouge, and half ass the rest of it. Descriptions, actions, and whatnot tend to be left out. I'm going to try and work on that in the future. Hopefully it will improve the overall quality of the story, which thanks to spelling and other gramatical aspects, is lacking.

Don't worry about the details, afterall the dialogue you write is priceless!!  I'm sure everyone would agree since we end up like this XD all day long :heart:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on July 24, 2006, 08:23:22 PM
Yep, completely agree with Sukoshi! Sometimes it's better this way ... leave more to imagine for us :P
Title: Afternoon Day 3
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 12:13:20 PM
Mari was making her way back down to the matenince room. She strolled down the hall humming and swinging the saw back in forth in her left hand. She arrived at her destination and opened up the plain looking door. Mari reached out for the dangling lightbulb. It illuminated the rows of metal shelves to the best of it's abillity. Mari placed the saw back on one of them. She turned on her heel and was heading back out the door when something caught her eye.
"Oh hell, why not."
Mari picked up the nearest wrench she could find and took swings at the spiderweb of pipes. She also made sure to turn and adjust knobs. For good measure of course.
Title: Night day 3
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 12:23:30 PM
Niigaki returned to her room after her "date" with Takahashi. Crying. She barely managed to make it up to her room without having a breakdown. And once she did make it, she completely lost it. She sat down on the floor and leaned up against the wall. After 10 minutes or so a long, slender, arm it's way through the hole above her head, holding a bottle of alcohol.
Title: Night Day 3
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 12:41:07 PM
Soon Risa was telling her life story to Miki. Throughout it all Miki kept nodding, then after realizing they couldn't see each other, started giving comments like "yeah" and "uh huh". In about 2 hours Risa was smashed and, after Miki telling her to come back the her tramatic grade school experience with duck, had finally reached the events of tonight that had lead her to be so upset. It's not that Miki particaularly cared. It's just that this had the potential to be better than the b-movie she planed on watching.
"So then" Risa ocasionally sniffled between words "She said that I had no idea what SHE was going through!"
Miki could hear Risa take another swig from the bottle.
"Can you belive that!"
Risa's maniacal laughter caused Miki to glare at/through the wall. Suddenly it stopped.
"Oh nooooo. NO no NO no nnnnooooo"
"What?" Miki asked.
"Miki this is badd. Real bad."
There was a pause in which Risa tried to put her thoughts into some sort of logical statement.
"Breakfast. SOON!"
Miki waited.
"Yeah, and?"
"I'm not allowed to drink. Remember that time they and she then we all and they said I couldn't drink anymore."
Miki lightly banged her head off the wall. She was right. When people found out Miki was the one that got Risa drunk, she'd be in trouble. Miki rubbed at her nose.
"Don't worry." she proclaimed with confidence. "I'll just get so drunk that no one will even notice that you are drunk."
She looked at the clock she had over five hours until they gathered for breakfast, but Miki wouldn't need that.
Title: Morning Day 4
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 12:48:31 PM
Ishikawa woke to screaming. Loud screaming.
"The hell." She rubbed her head and checked the digital clock at her night stand. The next sound she heard was Maki, and then Nakazawa. She wasn't sure if it was Maki, but she was certain it was Nakazawa.
What followed were more yells, then a loud thud, cursing that the entire floor could hear, and one other thing the entire floor could hear. Mari's laughing.
Title: Morning Day 4
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 01:00:57 PM
Yoshizawa rolled out of bed and did some light stretching to wake herslef up. The normal routine. She threw off her pajamas and jumped in the shower. She was half way through shampooing her hair when the water became scalding hot. She let out an uncharecteristic scream. The water continued to jump up and down and temperature.
She was fumbiling trying to get the knob off. Her hand kept sliping, and then her shampoo got in her eyes, causing even more yelling. She decided to just bail. Her atempt to jump out of the tub was unsuccessful. It wasn't and jump, it was flat out fall right onto the tile. She started cursing the second she hit the floor. and the she heard it. Mari laughing.
Title: Morning day 4
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 01:05:25 PM
Ishikawa steped out of her room to see a wet and soapy Yossie towering above Mari, who made no attempt to hide her amusement.
"seniority" Mari said.
"Ah screw it! Lets just go get breakfast." Nakazawa threw her arms in the air and stomped off down the hall. She was followed by the others except for Yossie. She made her way over to Ishikawa.
"Need your shower. Move." She pushed her aside.
"Hey! I need to use it too!"
Yossie kept walking.
"If you wanna use it so bad just come in there with me. We're both girls."
Ishikawa shrugged and followed her into the bathroom.
Title: Morning Day 4
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 01:17:35 PM
Miki and Risa finally arrived at breakfast. It was a fairly long journey that had taken them the better part of a half hour. They particularly had trouble with doors. But it was all over now. They had made it to their destination. Miki swaggered into the room, walking directly into a chair halfway in and proceeding to topple over it. All eyes were on her. Aya was standing a few feet away holding a tray filled with food, and the regulars where all at their normal tables. She made her way to Aya, with what she considered minor diffuculty. She stopped a foot away from her. She reached out her right hand and slapped her. Keeping her hand on her check after the hit. She then did the same with her left. With both hands on her cheeks Miki leaned in and kissed Aya right on the lips. She pulled back after a few seconds.
"Oh! My! God! I love my life!' Mari proclaimed from the back table as Aya stood there, completely shocked. Miki felt a smile form on her face. She was triumphant. Her plan was a success. She had made such a scene that no on would even notice Niigaki. And it was true. No on would have noticed Niigaki.....

 If she had put a shirt on.
Title: Morning Day 4
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 01:37:43 PM
'I can still save this. I totally got it.' Miki thought to herself. She and Risa went over and sat down at the long table. Everyone's attention imediately went to Risa. Risa, who was so square she had to be begged to but bikini shots in her photobook, and even then trew a towel over her the second the shot was taken, was calmly sitting at the breakfast table with a pair of sweatpants on a a white and red polka dot bra. Miki looked over at her.
"Oh yeah! Yeah yeah. It's so hot in here!"
"The air conditioner it on. It's not hot in here." Nakazawa shot her down.
Miki wasn't quite sure what to do. But she figured she should totally comit herself if she already went this far.
"Oh, so it's not." She said casually. "But you are."
She widened her eyes and looked directly at Yuuko, well she looked at one of the Yuuko's that she saw.
"You're the one that needs an air conditioner." She added, as if an after thought. She looked over at Niigaki who was looking down at her boobs. Then she quickly lifted up her own shirt and looked around the table.
'hell yeah' Miki thought to herself.
"I think one's bigger than the other." Niigaki stated to no one in particular.
There was a silence.
'ahhh I almost had it' Miki thought.
"I think it just seems that way" Kei ventured.
"Yeah, like you know what you're talking about" Yuuko shot back.
Mari was next to join in.
"You know, I always thought mine were too. Look" She lifted up her shirt.
"No, I don't know." Nacchi said.
Next was Ishikawa.
"Well, mine are the cutest" She said happily displaying her hot pink bra.
"I'm the number one cutest here!" Sayumi shouted, walking over to the long table with her shirt already off.
"Listen, I came first. I was the cutest at everything. Then after I left you came in and tried to fill my hot pink shoes, but it didn't work. I will always win. I'm the cutest. Therefore mine are the cutest."
"Can boobs even be cute?" Mari asked. "Its like answers to exams and math, can it really be cute?"
"I think the right term is 'Nice" Kaori offered.
Several nodded.
"Well Gocchin's are the nicest then" Yuuko said pointed down the table to her.
"Nuh uh" Goto denied shaking her head.
"How can you say that, they're huge!" Yuuko continued."They're in the room before you are!"
Goto paused for a moment.
"Well Saito's are probably bigger."
"Saito!" Yuuko called. "Show us your boobs!"
Provocation, was one thing Saito didn't need. She left her chopsticks in her mouth and pulled up her shirt.
While the comparisons continued and more joined in a beautiful voice in the back of the room and the enterence said
"Thats it. I'm leaving."
Title: Morning Day 4
Post by: erink on August 06, 2006, 01:41:34 PM
Maeda Yuki had been toying with the idea of leaving Hello Pro for ages. She just could never bring her self to commit. She wanted to go to an agency for enka, where she could actually contirbute more than something every few years. But she had a very nice deal here, even if she didn't get to sing that much. As the beautiful morning sun shone in through the glass windows, warming her back, she continued to the breakfast room. Her mind kept weighing the pros and cons like it had for a very long time. When she reached the entrance to the room and looked up. She imedately decided.
"Thats it. I'm leaving."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 06, 2006, 02:34:53 PM
BEST CHAPTERS EVER! *turns on the printer* this is going to my folder collection. That whole boob this was just pure classic. I laughed so loud I drew a small crowd. Oh gosh, thats great. Words cant describe!

I love you Erink, I really do!!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: lil_hamz on August 06, 2006, 04:53:10 PM
At first I thought Night Day 3 was funny. Then I read Morning Day 4 which was absolutely hilarious. I don't remember anything after that cuz I was laughing so hard. I think I need soundproof walls before people start thinking I'm crazy :D

About your style, alls good. I think its pretty great :)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on August 06, 2006, 07:33:40 PM
The boob bit = GOLD! :thumbsup
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Seagull on August 06, 2006, 08:18:14 PM
OMG, sooo funnt *fall of chair*
I love when Mari askes "Can bobbs even be cute??"
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 10, 2006, 01:40:47 AM
Where are you man? I need another hilarious story of yours!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 10, 2006, 02:37:25 AM
Oi! I told you to stay in your box, I'll feed you later! You'll get your update tomorrow.....junkie.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 10, 2006, 02:39:32 AM
*crawls away to her box*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 10, 2006, 05:35:52 AM
Whoo! My first post in this thread. First let me just say this:XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD I love this random hilarity. And ^ is pretty much what I did throughout the whole time I read this.

More please! Thank you!
Title: Morning Day 5
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 12:34:07 AM
"Well, you know, I thought about it, and I realized that staying here is what's best for me."
Maeda sat at a table with the Melons, showing her melons in an elegant bra. Half of the other girls were showing theirs' too. After yesterday, everyone reached a new level of openness with the other girls of H!P. They reached a new level of insanity too, but who's really paying attention? Goto and Miki sat facing each other at the long table in the back.

"How'd you get that drunk?" questioned Maki, leaning over her yogurt.
"You know how every once and awhile you give us that alcohol?"
Maki shuddered. Every so often the liquor used for cooking and drinking at her family's resturant was mixed together and given to whoever was brave/stupid enough to drink it. Many in Hello Pro felt up to the challenge of drinking it, and that resulted in some of the most entertaining nights/days/weeks some of the girls have seen or heard of.
"You know, it's really amazing. I mean, I knew I was drunk, but there was still some thought going on. And today when I woke up I was completely fine. Well, everynow and then my vision gets funky and I get this shooting pain in my side, oh, and my ankle hurts, but other than that. I'ts all good."
Goto grimaced. She had a vague idea as to why her ankle hurt. Just then they overheard Takahashi and Niigaki chating excitedly with Abe.
"I thought they were fighting" Goto said, looking over at them.
"They were, but then Takahashi came and appologized last night."
Goto nodded.

A litte ways down the table Takahashi and Niigaki were telling Abe about the scary movie they had watched last night.
"Listen, I don't care how scary the movie was, you shouldn't have come to me wanting to stay in my room." Abe shook her head in a disapproving maner. "A scary movie is just that. A movie. You two shouldn't be ridiculous."
At that comment Yaguchi and Iida shot each other a questioning glance. Abe? Abe was lecturing about not being scared? What's this madness? Yaguchi and Iida sat listening to the conversation with mild amusment. When Abe and the girls left they looked at each other.
"Shall we teach her a lesson?" Mari asked.
"We shall." Iida responded.
Title: Night day 5
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 12:49:02 AM
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure!" Mari responded.
"Listen, can't we come up with anything else?"
Iida and Mari were busy in one of the storage rooms. Random boxes were being pulled from shelves and racks were being looked through.
"Ah! Bingo!" Mari yelled. Iida moved from her lookout post at the door.
"Ah, come on! Why do I always get the yellow one?"
"Because it makes you look ridiculous, now lets go!"
The girls made their was back to Kaori's room trying to look inconspicuous. Once inside they quickly changed.
"Now, if we go through this hallway, we should make it without detection."
They quietly opened Iida's door, Mari looked up and down and gave the all clear sign. The girls stepped out.
"WHoo-hooo! Oh baby! How the hell didn't you get into GAM with those?"
Iida and Mari turned around to see Yuuko standing in the hallway.
"I thought you said all clear?" Kaori said with anger creeping into her voice.
"Clear enough." Mari retorted, making no attempt to hide her smile.
"What are you two doing in that get up?"
"Going to scare Nacchi!" Mari proclaimed.
"Oh, Oh! Let me come with you!" Yuuko said excitedly.
They all paused, remembering past experiences. Yuuko did infact come with them to scare Nacchi once. But halfway through, Yuuko got tired of waiting in the closet, and after much complaining and yelling, left to go drinking. She just hapened to leave at the exact time Abe was entering, resulting in a confrontation and wasted effort on Kaori and Mari's part. As if their minds VTR 's were sync'd, all looked at each other at the sametime with the same thought.
"You know, if I go, I'm just going to get frustrated and go drinking. So I should just save myself the time and frustration and go drinking now."
With that Yuuko walk past the two of them and towards the exit.
Title: Night day 5
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 01:02:21 AM
Ishikawa knocked on Goto's door. In a few seconds Goto stuck her head through the opening.
"Oh.Rika." Goto said, with a suprised look.
"Hi. I was wondering if you still had my skirt."
Goto stayed excatly how she was, making no movement whatsoever. She then started to look around.
"You don't remember do you?"
Goto looked Ishikawa straight in the eyes.
"The red one with the stars..." Rika continued, hoping to get somewhere with this.
After another 5 minutes of silenced.
"I used it to put out the yaniku when it cought on fire last month" Goto trailed off.
"Unsqueaky, Summer catoluge, page 34, small."
"Expect it in 3 to 4 business days."
With that Ishikawa turned and start down the hall and Goto closed the door.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 11, 2006, 01:51:15 AM
lmaoo funny fic >.<
Title: Night day 5
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 02:17:49 AM
Kaori and Mari stood infront of Nacchi's door, whispering.
"You know, I really hate doing this."
"It's so hard to tell! She has her eyes half open when she sleeps."
"Excactly! Remember when we had it all planed and we walked in and she said 'hi'?"
"Well, It's been a few hours so she definately has to be."
"Yep, lets go!"
And with that the two quitely crept into the darkness.
Title: Night day 5
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 02:24:40 AM
When Nacchi's scream echoed throughout the building, many things happened. Some members woke from their sleep. Murata, who was in the process of getting changed, clenched her fist from the shock of it, and ended up breaking her glass es she had just removed. Tsuji nearly choked on her midnight snack of eight layer ice cream. Niigaki started screaming too. Takahashi, always one to follow the group, started screaming also. Miki started to curse like a salior and hit Niigaki through the hole. Yuuko rolled over. Kei went out to the hall and screamed that she had rehersals for her play the next day, to no one in particular. And at the end of this chain of events, Mari and Kaori started laughing.
Title: Night day 5
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 02:27:18 AM
Kaori stood on the left and Mari on the right of Nacchi's bed. They both looked at each other and nodded.
In unison they moth mouthed a barely audible "Ready, 1,2,3"
Then, in their deepest most terrifying vocies they could produce they yelled, while jumping on top of Nacchi's bed
Title: Night Day 5
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 02:31:09 AM
The second Nacchi reacted she was shocked by what she saw.....Kappa? They were pink and yellow, one tiny and one huge and they were jumping on her bed and yelling in deep vocies. Nacchi did the only thing she could do. Let out a scream of epic proportions. About three minutes into her frantic screaming and crying the entire floor was yelling too. By then she realized it was Mari and Kaori wearing the old Minimoni costumes, but she still coudn't stop. When she finally did, Mari and Kaori, who had been laughing the whole time, calmly said good night and left.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: YoukaiChica on August 11, 2006, 02:38:59 AM
You just keep spewing out chapters! That's ok though. BRING ON THE SPEWAGE!!!!
Title: Morning Day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 02:50:35 AM
Essentially all the girls were gathered in the cafeteria the next morning. The long table only had seats with the back to the wall, all lined up in a row. The other tables had been moved to form coloms with all the chairs placed so those sitting in them were facing the long table head on. Girls were attentivley seated at theese tables, with food, and papers neatly arranged. At the long table, sat the 'Leaders'. Yuuko was dead center, as she always seemed to be. On her left sat Nacchi, and on her right Kaori. Saito was sitting next to Kaori, Yoshizawa next to Nacchi. Tsuji was next to Saito and Ishikawa next to Yoshizawa.  Asami was next to Tsuji and Inaba(acting as leader of the Soloists) was next to Ishikawa. They all had folders and papers neatly infront of them. Over to the right(if standing to the back of the room) was a large projector, that was next to Inaba. At the other tables, members were seated acording to senority.

"So, moving on from the unpleasantness some of you experienced last night. It is time to discuss the main reason we are gathered this morning. Kana 06."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Elle_Driver on August 11, 2006, 02:52:57 AM
Those Ecomoni jokes are priceless :D

Yuuko rolled over. Kei went out to the hall and screamed that she had rehersals for her play the next day, to no one in particular.

Lmao after reading these lines. :lol:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 11, 2006, 02:55:19 AM
Ahaha! I laughed so hard I drew a small crowd. Ahhhhhh my daily shot...
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 02:59:09 AM
You're getting more than a daily shot! You asked for it, and you're getting it. A big massivie update.
Title: Morning Day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 03:08:15 AM
The Hello Project gals tended to go all out on celebrations, particularly Birthday parties. But there was one celebration like no other. It topped all holidays, all, well everything. It was Kana. Iida Kaori was born on August 8th, Abe Natsumi on the 10th. Kana was the 9th. Kana was the joint celebration of the girls birthdays happening after Kaori's and before Nacchi's. It was the party. The only party. Infamous to the entire entertainment industry. Nothing compared to Kanna. People went to work months in advance for Kana. Members began grueling physical training for it as far back as feburary. While some started a week after last years. In May, the respective leaders began planing for Kana'06. Yuuko was overseeing all preperation. She was the leader of the board. Saito was incharge of random supplies. It was her job to make sure the most random objects one could imagine were on hand for Kana, because you really never did know. Yoshizawa was in charge of finances. A job she tended to delegate to those with better math skills.  Tsuji was handling transportation. Ishikawa handled awareness. It was her job to help those new to Kana to prepare themselves. She was also the self appointed Happiness leader. Asami was took care of 'enhancing'. She studied previous Kana's and researched on her own to make this years Kana the better than the rest. Inaba was in charge of locations.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: bluekinoko on August 11, 2006, 03:34:29 AM
Im laughing. Yay! More updates!
Title: Morning day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 03:37:58 AM
Nakazawa cleared her throat. She lifted up one of her paper's.
"Right, as you all know, today is the 7th of August. Soon our beloved Kaorin and Nacchi will be turning 25. As is tradition we have all gathered on today, the 7th, to discuss everything, review our final plans, and adress certain issues regarding this year's Kana. Tradition. It's what brings us together and makes us feel close year after year."
"Thats not the traditon," Kei inturrupted. "I'ts the alcohol." Yuuko shot her a terrifying glare. She then regained her calm deminor and look at the crowd.
"The paper's infront of you show previous topics we covered in the four meetings that occurred earlier in the year."
Various girls leaned in to get a closer look at the paper.
"So, lets start with Inaba, who was incharge of locations."
Inaba stood up and bowed.
"Yes, so for this years Kana I have worked closely with Tsuji" At this point Inaba gestured over to Tsuji and she gave a nod and smile." and Asami" the same thing happened.
"I looked for locations that would be able to provide excactly what we were looking for, and for those who would actually take us back." She shuffled some papers in front of her.
"Asami took care of some research for venues which helped me in my decision." She looked up. "Makoto?"
Ogawa, who was in charge of the projector/computer for today's meeting, pressed some buttons and the screen flicked to life with a map of Tokyo. Inaba stood up and moved over to the projector. She picked up a metal pointer that was resting on the wall.
"So I narrowed this years Kana location to the clubs you see here." Suddenly red circles appeared on the map.
"They all cater to the needs of a Kana this size quite well. I have personally been to each venue and am quite satisfied."
Inaba then pointed to each circle individually and said the name of the club. She then returned to her seat.
Nakazawa looked satisfied. She took another glance at her paper.
Goto, who was sitting in the front row nodded.
"Yes, for this year's dinner, after discussing the matter with Tsuji, we decided that it would be too hard transportation wise to get everyone to the family resturant."
When Goto finished that sentence, she looked over at Tsuji who nodded.
"Realistically," Tsuji began "Trainsportation arrangements for this years Kana have been quite dificult. I feel that getting everyone to the resturant for dinner will add unnesseccary complications."
"Yes, so this year we will have the resturant cater the dinner here."
"That way it will only take a very short trip here."
"Yes, and I have it arranged so that at dinner time we are at a club very close in location to here." Inaba added.
"Good work." Yuuko said.
Title: Morning Day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 03:56:47 AM
"Let's discuss transportation next" Nakazawa said.
"I have arranged for vehicles to take us. There is only one club that we would need to take a train. Now for the train, by that time it's very realistic to assume most guest would be smashed. I, personally, do not want to be responsible for an incident like the of Kana 2003."

Tsuji wasn't in charge of transportation in 2003. In fact she only got to participate in half of Kana '03 because of the person that was.  Mari thought it'd be a good idea to soley use trains as that years transportaion method. It sounded good in theory, but around 26 drunk girls trying to get on the right trains throught an entire night, in actual practice, just didn't work. Some just gave up and threw a party at the station, while others, ended up in different prefuctures. Miki, in particular, rode the C line all throughout Tokyo the entire night and well into the next day. Speaking of drinking, the underage girls, aren't nessaccarily allowed to. They come just to experience all that is Kana. But at some point in the night rules don't matter. Mostly everyone at Kana ends up drunk. Some end up other things. But there is a meeting going on.

Mari shrugged. "The club we will be at when we need to take the train. I picked a time that gives us a clear advantage. The main train will take us to the club, but there will also be five other trains only 10 to 20 minutes behind the first one so if you miss it you can still catch one.So, the vehicles. Ishikawa arranged color groups for everyone. If you manage to stay in your color group, or at least some group, there will be a vehicle waiting for you."
"Good." Nakazawa finished.
"Next up Saito"
Title: Morning Day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 04:40:26 AM
"right" Saito said. "I've gotten everything."
Yuuko looked at her. "Everything?" she repeated.
"Yeah, everything. Stuff we needed or wanted past times, plus new things. I got it all."
"Alright. That was easy enough."
"I left everything with Rescue."
It was tradition in Kana that Rescue was made up of those way to young to drink. As the years went on, and they became legal, or at least close to it, they joined the rest of the girls.
"Ah, Rescue leaders?" Yuuko called out looking at one of her papers.
Suddenly Yuuko's cell phone rang.
"One moment." The room remained silent as she fliped open the display.
Title: Morning Day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 05:06:52 AM
"Hello!!Yuuko? Is that you?"
Yuuko had a look of disbelief on her face. The person on the other end of the line was obviously in a crowded area. There was a lot of background noise, but the voice was loud, clear, frantic, cheerful, and completely unmistakable.
"Listen," It continued. "I'm on my way, don't, DON'T, start anything without me."
The person on the other end clearly sounded like they were running.
"I'm gonna get on the next flight. I'm at the airport right now! They tried. They really did. But I got them this year! I'm going UGH" The phone picked up the sounds of a struggle and fighting in Chinese.
The yelling in Chinese continued and became more frantic.
"NO DON'T START! NO STARTING!! I'M COMING! I'M COM-" There was one final yell in Chinese before the phone disconected. Yuuko closed her phone. Every year since leaving Hello Project and the country, RuRu had tried, to no avail, to make it back for Kana. Every year, her managers had foiled all atempts. Even a particularly clever one involving a bag of skittles. Each year her plans became more and more elaborate, and each year management stepped it up a notch to make she she stayed right in China.  After a particularly violent atempt in 2005 RuRu's agency had to have an extremely large team of airport security take her down. Despite her size, this was Kana, she would fight to the death to come back for it. RuRu  ocasionally abandoned elaborate, and went for flat out 'so obvious they won't expect it' every few years. Yuuko couldn't understand what RuRu was yelling about, but she could imagine that it wasn't anything nice. Her guess was that all the sound effects, particularly the shattering of what sounded to be a very large object made of glass and the thuds, were just another foiled atempt to return to the land of the rising sun.
Yuuko looked up at the girls gathered in front of her.
"RuRu won't be joining us this year."
There were many crys of dissapointment. A few in the back couldn't hear her that well over it.
"Wait. what now?" Someone in the back asked.
Goto turned around. "RuRu's not coming!" Her voice was filled with sadness.
The ones who didn't hear it the first time started to mourn and the ones who already knew started to get even more upset.
"Who's RuRu?" Momoko, who was way in the back with the rest of rescue asked.
Suddenly everything came to a crashing halt. Everyone's attention shifted to the young girls at the back of the room.
"Get Rescue out of here before I get them out of Hello Pro!" Yuuko shouted. "No respect for those that came before you!"
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 11, 2006, 07:29:57 AM
hehehe Yuuko so funny!!

Ah...its nice to have such a high dosage!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on August 11, 2006, 10:44:28 AM
Seriously, I just couldn't stop laughing!!! So many chapters and all so damn funny!!!! :D Two thumbs up!!!

Quote from: erink
Tradition. It's what brings us together and makes us feel close year after year."
"Thats not the traditon," Kei inturrupted. "I'ts the alcohol."

Quote from: erink
Mostly everyone at Kana ends up drunk. Some end up other things.

:D :D :D

Quote from: erink

"Get Rescue out of here before I get them out of Hello Pro!" Yuuko shouted. "No respect for those that came before you!"

This part so reminds me of that Utaban episode with the 2000 shuffles when Yuko threatened Nacchi to have her thrown out of H!P *rofl*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on August 11, 2006, 11:18:08 AM
I have no idea how you put out so many chapters in such a short time span but I'm definietly impressed!

now if you ever feel like doing another story I think the History of Kana would make an excellent series :D  *tries to think of all the possible senarios that could  occur at kana but decides to leave it to erink*  XD
Title: Afternoon Day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 06:01:06 PM
After the RuRu fiasco calmed down, it was back to business. The meeting continued on into the afternoon and some of the final ponits were being discussed.
"So one of the final orders of buisness, would be" Yuuko flipped a peice of paper over, "initiation"

Every year at Kana the rescue team was put through initiation. It basically ammounted to the girls playing pranks and tricks on them throughout Kana. Originally the girls waited untill they had been drinking to start the initiation. But, after  Kana 2002 in which a large majority of girls experienced power tool related injuries durring the pranks, it was moved to earlier in the day.

Tsuji stood up. "I'd like to say that we haven't experienced pranks of this level since Kana '01" She paused for dramatic effect, allowing the girls to 'ohhh' and 'aahhh'. She smilled and sat down satisfied. Yuuko turned and looked at her.
"That was a good year."
"It truely was."  most of the girls concured.
"I thought it left a little something to be desired."  Mari stated.
"That's because you were knocked out for half of it." Yuuko concluded.
Mari breathed in so that it made a small hissing sound, and then started shaking her head.
 "The shouldn't put those pipes so low..."
Everyone paused, wheighing the value of her statement, and recalling what they could of Kana '01.
"Well" Yuuko cut in, bringing everyone back to reality. "So, pranks are under control and set to be concluded by 10 on the day of. You can obviously start anytime before that on the night of the 8th, as I'm sure you have already been instructed by the initiation commitee. Moving on, the last order would be the color groups. Ishikawa, the color groups."
Title: Afternoon Day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 06:23:38 PM
Ishikawa stood up and smiled, then returned to her seat.
"As you know, this year at Kana we plan to introduce the color groups. Basically for transportation and rescue reasons we feel the color groups would greatly benifit everyone. I have worked with Asami disscussing previous attempts at some sort of system. After reviewing why each failed miserably, I think I came up with the solution. You will be put into groups of five. So I will start calling out the names and groups now." She adjusted one of her papers. "The first group features our two birthday girls, Nakazawa, Kei, and Mari. They will be the white group. I put alot of thought into what color they should get, and I figured that white would be"
" very fitting seeing as they are both from"
"the lovely prefecture of"
There was a loud slam as someone dropped a book of plans on their table.
Rika coughed and looked down at the table.
"So as I was saying, the White Group. Next we have the Pink Group."
Goto turned around to Miki "one guess as to who's in the Pink Group" Miki snickered and leaned back in her seat.
"Pink Group: Shibata, Non, Gottsan, Makoto, and Me!"
So far the girls called were pretty pleased with their groups. Maybe Rika wasn't as air headed as they thought.
"Green Group: Yossie, Ayaka, Mai, Aya, and Miki."
Miki gave Yossie two thumbs up from her seat and Yossie gave an exagerated nod.
"Yellow Group: Miuna, Asami, Inaba, Kore, and Erika"
Some started to get the feeling that the groups were getting a little random.
"Blue Group: Murata, Masae, Saito, Yui, and Reina"
Reina gave a somewhat confused look. She started out strong but...
"And finally, Red Group: Takahashi, Eri, Sayumi, Risa, and Maeda Yuki"
Yuuko turned to look at Rika.
"I trust you put actual thought into this"
"Of course I did," Rika said very seriously "I talked with Asami about past occurances with some people and placed them into groups I feel will be the most effective."
Everyone still looked like they were skeptical. Rika looked around.
"For instance, Risa's not allowed to drink after last year's Kana, right?"
Everyone nodded.
"So I placed her with Maeda so there would be someone responsible with her."
Everyone nodded and went 'ooohhh'
"Okay, now that makes sense" Yuuko concluded.
Title: Afternoon Day 6
Post by: erink on August 11, 2006, 06:27:27 PM
"Well, that concludes this meeting. I trust everyone will get rest and be fully prepared for this years Kana. If there is nothing else, I think we're done here."
Yuuko stood up, satisfied, and started to reorganize her papers.
And with that, everything was decided. The girls left. And now it was just a waiting game.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: black velvet on August 12, 2006, 03:04:47 AM

Can't wait to see how crazy this will get. :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 12, 2006, 08:43:17 AM
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on August 12, 2006, 11:50:10 AM
lol i'm starting to really love the idea of a crazed drunk risa! :D  she was probably just as cute and so confused during last years kana!

and I wonder if the power tool related injuries had something to do with mari...she sure loves the storage equipment afterall XD
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 07:21:10 PM
"So if you just follow the instuctions, it's really not that hard. Plus you already practiced it a few times." Tsuji said as she looked at the peice of paper Murata was holding. Mai made she she had everything one last time. Since hurting her leg Tsuji had decided to take the role of supervisor on the pranks. It was too risky if something went wrong or they needed to make a quick exit with her in this condition.
"All right, we're ready."
"Let's get going then." Murata said.
Tsuji sat down at her kitchen table. It had her cell phone, walkie talkie, maps, and diagrams all spread out. It was 8 o'clock. Time for her to check in with the distractions. She picked up her cell and scrolled to Saito's number in her phone book.
"Saito, how's it going?"
"Well, we just sat down for some dinner."
"Excellent, Team 1 and 2 are already starting. We are waiting for conformation on Teams 3 to 5"
"Ah, everybody! Nono says hi!"
"We'll be in touch."
Miki, Yossie, Korenaga, Reina, Erika, and Ogawa showed up excactly on time, only a few seconds after she hung up with Saito.
"1 and 2 have already started. Leave the bags here, just take what you need now. Remember, they aren't coming back until 8:30. Miuna is tailing them to warn us if they change their plans. Asami is posted at the door to give us a warning and we have back ups to delay them incase you get in trouble. 8:05, start!" And with that the girls took off down the halls.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 07:43:30 PM
Murata and Mai(Team 2) were hard at work in Chinami's bathroom. So far they had already finnished in Momoko's and Saki's room's. They were on schedule. While Mai finished securing the showerhed, Murata placed a call into command.
"Control, this is Team 2, over"
"Team 2, this is Control"
"Team 2 has successfully completed it's thrid target. Requesting to know Team 1's status, over."
Static came over the walkie talkie's speaker.
"Team 2, Team 1 is on schedule. They are finnishing their third target as well. Over"
"Estimated time?"
"Another 5 minutes. Over"
"Should we complete 4th target? Over."
"Yes, cleared to complete 4th target."
"After completion report back to base. Over and out."
By that time Mai was putting the last bolt in place. One room left, and the first two teams were done. For now.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 07:51:52 PM
Soon after Tsuji finnished talking to Team 2, Miuna called.
"We have a problem."
Tsuji looked up in disbelief.
" Erika's leaving practice now."
"What about the others?"
"Everyone else seems to be staying. Maybe she's sick or something."
"How long?"
"She should only be 10 minutes."
They both hung up the phone.
Tsuji looked at her maps. What team would be closest? She lunged for the walkie talkie.
"Team 4(Miki and Miki)!"
"This is Team 4."
"Stop what you are doing and go to Erika's room imediately!"
The other Miki picked up.
"We're right in the middle of this, we can't leave everything now."
"You have to, she's on her way, only about 10 minutes, you need to be done, out, and in another room in 7."
"Son of a bitch"
The walkie talkie pcked up the sounds of movement and objects being pushed aside.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 07:53:37 PM
"Son of a bitch"
Miki looked at the other Miki. Imediately they both picked up their stuff and went running, out of the room, and down the hall. She was the last door on this floor, right? Miki went charging through the door and both of the girls went to work.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 07:59:52 PM
"Should I distract them?'
"No, don't, stay in your position."
Tsuji hung up with Asami. She went for the walkie talkie.
"Team 3(Yossie and Ogawa), I need you to go to Yajima's room next. Team 4 was half way through so you need to finish it up. Erika is on her way back. All Teams need to be on high alert. Move to plan B."
"Got it!"
Tsuji changed frequencies.
"Team 5! Erika is on her way back, high alert. Stop what you are doing and imediately move to Airi's room. In 5 minutes all Teams need to move to plan b"
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 08:02:27 PM
Team's 1 and 2 returned to Tsuji's room.
"Come on, Erika's on her way back. Distractions. Both teams take the elevators. I'll handle the stairs."
All the girls nodded and sprinted down to the lobby.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 08:08:05 PM
Erika returned to the building. She left practice earlier due to stomach problems. All she wanted to do now was get some sleep. She made her way to the elevator. When the doors opened she say Yui and Goto fighting.  Both were facing each other and yelling about something Erika couldn't quite catch. They didn't even notice her and after Goto gave Yui a shove, she figured it be best to wait for the next one. Another minute or so passed before the next elevator came. The beep signaling the arival of the elevator, caused Erika to turn around. When she did she saw Murata laying on the floor crying and Mai trying to comfort her. Mai glanced up at her and mouthed the word stairs. Erika nodded.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 08:10:50 PM
Tsuji radioed team 4.
"She's in the building."
"We already finished, just need to enter the next room"
"Okay, I'm going to buy us another couple of minutes."
And with that Tsuji put the walkie talkie on the table and made her way to the stair well. Once inside, she heard the sound of someone making their way up.
"The things I do." Tsuji said quietly to herself and threw down her crutches.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 08:16:43 PM
Erika heard a scream and imediately rushed up the stairs. When she rounded the turn she saw Tsuji lying on the ground.
"What? What happened!?"
Tsuji looked up at her. Is she for real? What did it look like?
"I..I fell"
And so the idiot girl went to work buying the teams more time.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 08:20:51 PM
Team 4 was already making its way down the hall when Miki noticed something. She ran her hands all over her tighs, checking each pocket for the powder-y substace. She stopped dead. Korenaga turned around.
"What is it?"
"The bottle, where is it?"
Both Miki's displayed a text book "Oh shit, we're screwed" experesion.
"Go! I'll get it!"
Both Miki's took off running towards different directions. Miki reached the end of the hall and threw open Erika's door. Once inside she imediately found what she was looking for resting on the floor.
"How could I forget this?" she thought to herself. She crouched down on the kitchen floor to pick it up. Just then, the door opened.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 08:24:31 PM
Tsuji spent the better part of three minutes distracting the girl. She was giving an award winning preformace. One would have swore she had been stuck with an axe for how much pain she was 'experiencing'.
"Well, " Tsuji stood up, completely unharmed, and dusted herself off. "I feel better now."
Tsuji started to make her way down the stairs, leaving a completely confused Erika all alone in the stairwell.
"But, I thought you were....hurt."
Already on the next flight, Tsuji smiled to herself.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 08:30:11 PM
When Tsuji reached the lobby, she found Goto and Yui (Team 1) waiting in the elevator for her.
"We have a problem."
"We always have a problem!" Tsuji said, banging her head off the wall of the elevator.
"Miki saw Erika go into her room, but Miki is in the room, so now Miki doesn't know what to do because Miki is stuck in there."
"For God's sake, Yui! Call one of them by their last name!" Goto yelled.
"So, wait, which Miki is stuck in the room?" Tsuji asked
"Yui!" Goto yelled. "Fujimoto! Fujimoto's stuck in there."
Outside, it began pouring rain.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 08:41:35 PM
Miki leaned up against the table, back to the door, and pulled her knees in close to her body. She listened to the foot steps and debated her options. She was Miki Fujimoto. She should jsut stand up and act like she owns the place. This girl is a nobody. She wouldn't dare question Miki Fujimoto. Just as she was about to stand up, she heard the facuet in the batroom start running. Miki looked over to the left at the balcony. Here we go. The glass door didn't make a sound when she opened it slightly, just enough to fit through sideways. ONce on the balcony she acted quickly. The other girls would be coming home soon, so there was no sense in going to the next room. She would just find herself in the same situation. Ony way to go is up, she thought to herself. Miki put her arms on the railing, and lifted up her right leg. Her adidas (Sponsorships are grand) managed to give her some grip on the wet railing. Once her left foot was on she reached up for the ledge of the balcony. Pulling herself up was difficult, but she managed, and thanked futsal training when she did. Miki pushed her wet hair out of her eyes and opened up the glass door.
She stepped inside the room, sneakers sqeeking and dripping all over the place. Without even acknowledging the people present (Kei and Yuuko) she made her way to the door.
"Pardon my intrusion, carry on."
As she was about to open the door she noticed something. Without turning around she walked backwards and stoped infront of the table. Thanks to the rain, she left a puddle one Kei's floor where she stopped.
"Is that Italian?"
Miki grabed Kei's fork out of her hand and took a bite. She nodded her approval, and then left.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 12, 2006, 08:58:24 PM

Miki is priceless. fujimoto that is.

My gosh, your priceless too. Coming up with these gems :P

Ah, Well its 5am in the morning and I have been awake all the time but it was well worth it
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 12, 2006, 09:29:29 PM
Everyone was back at Tsuji's room.
"We had some close calls. But everything worked out fine. Good work everyone." Tsuji said.
Saito had just returned with Berryz. Her job was to take them to dinner and talk about "Idol Life" with them. That gave Teams one and two time to tamper with their showers. Cute was at dance, so Teams 3 to 5 were clear, except for the Erika mishap.
"So now" Yossie said "there's just the Eggs, and then back to Cute right?"
"Yeah, we should be done with the Eggs just in time to finnish up Cute."
And so the girls left Tsuji's room. Half with tools and rope/wire, the others with unmarked bags and buckets.

Setting up the pulleys took more time than they would have liked. But they excpected some problems so added an hour cusion. Everything was still on track. Yossie, Miki, Mai, and Ogawa were up on laders, adjusting the rope. Some girls on the ground were checking the conecetions between the door, celling, and bucket. Further down Goto was running a test on a storage room door.  Murata and Reina were filling the dividers in the buckets up. When the pulleys were complete, all that was left to do was hang the buckets and set the wire.

30 minutes later, opperation Egg was complete, the Teams returned up stairs for a rest, and breifing on the second hald of opperation Cute.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 12, 2006, 10:34:15 PM
Oh God Yes! I can't wait to see what the pranks are!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: black velvet on August 12, 2006, 11:52:43 PM
Muahahaha! Pranks. <3
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 03:35:20 AM
Miki pointed over to the corner.
"You take the Saran wrap."
It was an industrial sized roll they picked up from a resturant supply store.
"I saw that one coming" the other Miki mumbled to herself.
"What was that?"
"All right, everyone ready?" Tsuji asked.
All the girls noded in agreement.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 03:50:25 AM
Miki was having a hard time opening up the door. After she finally managed to get it, she proceeded inside, directly into a table.
"Oh you mother"
"Son of fu"
The two looked at each other in the dark, and then around the room.
"Why the hell do you think we drugged 'em. So they wouldn't wake up. God, just calm down." Miki grabbed at her knee and toe. She pointed over in the direction of the bedroom. It was true. They did drug them. Well, not drugs excactly, just some harmless sleeping pills. The girls crushed them up and put the in all the drinks they could find. Thats what the teams were doing earlier. Just to make sure that once they went to sleep, they weren't getting back up. Once inside Erika's bedroom the two stood above her.
"teach you to come home early."
Miki pointed to the other side of the bed.
"go over on that side."
Korenaga crouched down and placed the Saran wrap on the floor. She rolled it underneath the bed to the other Miki, while holding the end. The girls passed the Saran wrap over and under the bed until Erika was as sung as a bug. After about 10 minutes Miki inspected their handy work. She looked at all the layers closely.
"Just a few more. You never know."
After they did just a few more, the girls decided that they might as well just use the whole roll.
Miki and Miki had finished up and were leaving the apartment. At the door the two of them paused.
"You know I saw some cake when we were here earlier." Korenaga prompted.
"Yeah, me too."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 13, 2006, 03:58:34 AM
Lol you went back and fixed up the typo :D

Oh god this is funny. I should try it
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on August 13, 2006, 03:59:25 AM
Cake? :lol: That is SOOOOOOOOO Mikitty!
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 04:00:02 AM
"At least there light" Makoto offered.
"Yeah but the beds aren't" Yossie said with a hint of dissatisfaction.
Makoto and Yossie were standing above Nakajima.
"This one goes to the elevators right?"
Yossie nodded.
Each girl took a side of the bed.
"Ready... 1 2 3" they said in unison.
Yossie and Makoto lifted the matress with little difficulty.
"Left right left right"
Yossie exited through the door frist. Makoto tried to follow her but ran into some difficulty. The matress shook as it hit the wall.
"Fuck" Makoto said.
"Shit. Shit Shit!" Yossie agreed.
Just then Mai and Murata passed by carrying Suzuki and her matress.
"bend the one corner up and then just pull" Mai offered without even looking at them
Yossie tried to fold the top corner in. At the same time Makoto pushed on the side. The matress bent slightly and started to come through the door.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 13, 2006, 04:09:27 AM
I worry. Where do you get all of your sick pranks?
Title: Night day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 04:10:24 AM
Yui and Goto (Team 1) were not getting anywhere.
"Fuck it." Goto threw herself down onto Yajima's bed and rested her head in her arms. "Why did we get one of the tall ones?"
Yui sat down next to her.
"Honestly. Do I look like the type that can do heavy lifting?"
"Well what are we going to do?"
"Let's just like kick her! or something...."
Goto shifted positions and looked over the the a fantastic sliding door.
"Yui are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"If you're thinking that you really can't rely on your boobs for everything, then yes I am. Man I should really go to the gym or something, my arms. can't even get her to budge. Really if I"
Goto put her hands on Yui's face and moved in into the direction of the balcony.
"They give everyone a balcony theese days don't they? I rememebr when they put me in one that didn't have one because I was new and I had to wait and"
"Yui! Get up and move her to the balcony with me!"
The girls managed to get her on the balcony(with breaks of course). Once they were finished they went back into the room and locked the balcony's door. They smiled and left Yajima's apartment.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 04:17:55 AM
Mai and Murata jumped into one of the elevators. On the way down, Murata started to hum along with the tune currently playing. When the doors opened at the lobby, Aya was standing there. She looked down at the sleeping Suzuki and then at Mai and Murata. She then calmly stepped to the side allowing the two girls to come out of the elevator with the matress. When you're a memeber of Hello Project it takes more than two grown women with face paint on, carrying a matress complete with sleeping kid, in an elevator to phase you. It really does.Mai and Murata gently set the matress down right in the center of the lobby. They gave each other a high five and went back the the elevators.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 04:22:43 AM
All the teams had checked in, except....
"Miki x 2 what are you doing?"
"You! You're eating cake aren't you!!"
"mo eh not." There was a gulping sound.
"I know what eating cake sounds like!"
"Thats kinda creepy" there was a gulp "that you know what cake sounds like"
"You're having milk too, aren't you!"
Miki and Miki looked at each other acroos the table. Miki held in the walkie talkie button.
"Get back up here now!"
"but we didn't get to finish the ice cream.."
Tsuji paused.
"Okay, you can finish the ice cream if you bring me some, no all, of whats left."
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 04:33:14 AM
Reina and Erika (team 5) saw Yossie and Makoto put Nakajima in the elevator.
"Hold up" Reina said.
"Yeah, I need a break too."
They set Okai down in the middle of the hall. Reina leaned up against the wall and looked around. After catching their breath for a few minutes Reina looked at Erika.
"Screw it. Lets just leave her here."
Erika took a look around.
"Yeah. Okay."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on August 13, 2006, 04:36:59 AM
Quote from: erink
"Get back up here now!"
"but we didn't get to finish the ice cream.."
Tsuji paused.
"Okay, you can finish the ice cream if you bring me some, no all, of whats left."
XD XD XD XD XD This is GREAT!!!!
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 04:37:15 AM
Yossie and Makoto (team 3) and Team 2 (Murata and Mai) were standing in the hall.
"Well, you get Murakami and we'll get Hagiwara."
Yossie and Makoto nodded. After the teams got both girls into the hallway, they proceded to put them into the other girls room. Murakami went into Hagiwara's  and Hagiwara went into Murakami's. After they were done, the teams went back up to Tsuji's room.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 04:50:23 AM
Miki and Miki were in the hall.
"Is it this one or that one?"
They two girls looked around. Korenaga took another another sip of milk and Miki bit into her sandwich (both courtesy of Erika's refrigerator). They opened up the door and went into Arihara's room. Once inside, Korenaga set her glass on the table, and they imediately went into her bedroom.
"No! wait..." Miki held her sandwhich up in the air and looked around. She then shoved half of it in her mouth and held it there. She noded vigourusly and picked up her end of the bed. Korenaga went out the door first. When the bed hit the wall, Miki lost her sandwhich. She loked down at the bed.
"Oh shit!" Miki kept looking at all the parts of her sandwhich that had fallen apart on impact. Korenaga started laughing at dropped her end of the bed.
The matress hit the ground with a thud. Miki imediately began puting her sandwhich back together. After they both composed themselves, they gave it a go. No good. the matress was stuck in the frame of the door. Korenaga looked at the other Miki, who stared back at her and took a bite of her sandwhich.
"wanna just leave her here?"
Miki put one hand on the door frame, and stepped on the matress. She lost balanced and ended up stepping on part of Arihara. Miki stopped dead and looked down.
"oh shit!" she took another bite of her sandwhich, and looked up at Korenaga.
Miki took one more step and was safely back in the hall. They looked at the girl sleeping in the middle of the door. Miki took yet another bite of her sandwhich.
"Fuji's hoom?"
"yeah" Korenaga nodded.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 04:57:22 AM
I know absolutely nothing about Berryz or Cute so you kinda have to bare with me. Also I can't keep track of my own teams. haha.
Title: Night Day 7
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 05:05:26 AM
"Team 1?"
"We couldn't lift her, so we just put her on the balcony." Goto said.
"Did you lock her out?"
"Of course.
"Okay, good. Team 2?"
"Yeah, we got Suzuki and we switched Murakami and Hagiwara"
"Team 3?"
"We put Nakajima in the ele"
"Nice, Team 4?"
"Yeah um, we got done with Erika fine, but we kinda ran into some trouble with the other one." Korenaga started laughing again."We just left her in the middle of the door. She was kinda sorta stuck."
Tsuji shrugged.
" left her in the middle of the hall."
"Well, overall, not bad." Tsuji concluded
"Yeah, the plan was pretty ambtious so-" Yossie was cut off
Tsuji had lunched herself into Miki's solo from Ambitous! Half way through she felt the death glare.
Tsuji coughed.
"Everyone should go get some shut eye. Tomorrow's the big day!"
Title: Morning Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 05:09:35 AM
Nakazawa got dressed and headed out the door. She breathed in deeply. Today was the day. When the elevator doors opened she imedately noticed a sleeping kid. What was her name? There were so many of them she could barely keep track. Not like it mattered.
"Ah! I love Kana."
Ding. The elevator doors closed.
Title: Morning Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 05:16:21 AM
Screams, screams, and more sceams were all that could be heard on the morning of Kana. Cute awoke to find themselves in places other than the one they originally fell asleep in.  The Eggs woke up rather comfortably. It was when they stepped outside they ran into trouble. The pulley systems and wires the teams had set durring the night worked wonderfully. When the door was opened it pulled on the rope connected to the bucket above the door causing it to tip over. Essentialy, the Eggs were now covered in eggs. But thats not all! Once the girls went to step outside the door, they hit another wire. The buckets, which were divded had eggs on one side and feathers on the other. Once the first Egg opened the door, she started a domino effect (just as planed). Her screaming caused the other girls to open the door and find out what was going on.
Title: Morning Day 8
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 05:22:49 AM
All the girls were busy eating in the cafeteria. The birthday girls had taken their usually seat at the long table. All the girls were in the middle of small talk when Berryz made thier enterance. The cafeteria fell silent. Normally the younger girls do not eat with the rest of Hello!Pro, but they were instructed to show up today. You couldn't miss them. It wasn't just their age that made them stick out. There was something else....
"Hey!" Abe called out. "Are you guys feeling a little blue today?"
The girls started laughing.
"Oi! They're blue berryz!" Nakazawa continued. The girls looked over at Kaori to take a stab at it.
"hahaha" she laughed in her distinct voice. "they're blue....."
Everyone turned to look at Kaori. After a second or two of silence they all burst out laughing. Half because of Berryz and half becasue of Kaori's simple mindedness.
Tsuji continued to look at her breakfast, she threw her arms up in the air.
"Shower tampering SUCCESS!"
"Whoo! It's Kana baby!" Mari called out.
The girls cheered.
Title: Morning Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 05:33:26 AM
The girls who had gotten pranked had made their way into the resturant.
"So you guys are okay, right?" Nakazawa siad. "Just a little shaken up?"
All of them nodded.
"Yeah, we're's just my side's been bothering me."
Miki snorted and looked down at the table. She and Korenaga started laughing. The rescue team left and the rest of the girls carried on with breakfast.
"You were definately right. Good pranks this year! Now you just put dye in their showers?" Nakazawa asked stiring her coffee.
"Yeah, you just take the showerhead off and " Nakazawa's phone started ringing.
Nakazawa made a small nosie. "One sec Tsuji" she opened up her phone.
Title: Morning Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 05:52:46 AM
"How do you feel about AirJAPAN?"
"I really feel that after what happened in 2003 you shouldn't try to ship yourself here anymore."
There was a sigh.
"Well it's not like I could leave now anyway."
"Ah, RuRu I have faith in you"
"Well really it's about having faith in the Chinese legal system."
"Yeah, the airport finally decided to take legal action against me after all these years. You know, for damage and all the other problems I caused. Even if I did manage to get there I think it would be considered fleeing the country. I heard they frown upon that."
Yuuko nodded even though she couldn't be seen.
"Plus they left those big guys outside the door again. Put me high up too."
"Lockdown again, huh?"
"Well, you still have until noon."
"I do."
There was a pause.
"Have a shot or thirty for me, will you?"
Yuuko sighed.
"We always do. We always do"
"Can you put Nacchi and Kaori on the phone?"
Yuuko shook her head. RuRu asking to put Nacchi and Kaori on the phone was her way of waving a white flag of surredner. It ment that she had been restrained (most likely sedated too) and had no way of making it.
"It's RuRu" Yuuko said handing the girls the phone.
"Happy birthday!"
"RuRu!" The girls yelled in unison.
"Only 15 hours and 364 days until the next Kana. oh-7 is gonna be my year. I can feel it."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 13, 2006, 06:18:58 AM
Changed a part in Night day 7.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 13, 2006, 06:28:49 AM
That was a good lot of chapters. You have been really busy!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: freya86 on August 13, 2006, 10:18:30 AM
Wow, that was absolutelly crazy!!! Loved it :heart: Blue Berryz *rofl*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: black velvet on August 13, 2006, 06:39:24 PM
Quote from: erink
"Yui are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"If you're thinking that you really can't rely on your boobs for everything, then yes I am . . ."

And, the cake part. :heart:

Quote from: erink
Nakazawa got dressed and headed out the door. She breathed in deeply. Today was the day. When the elevator doors opened she imedately noticed a sleeping kid. What was her name? There were so many of them she could barely keep track. Not like it mattered.
"Ah! I love Kana."
Ding. The elevator doors closed.
YES! The pranks are so priceless. Good job! Poor RuRu. xD (And, poor Berryz!)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 13, 2006, 10:55:24 PM
I'm incredibly amused at the pranks. Blue... Lol. :heart: I love this fic! :heart:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 17, 2006, 03:06:09 AM
Hey everybody. I can't say for sure when there will be some updates. I have been busy with soccer conditioning and working (girl's gotta pay for a new skateboard). Hopefully you might get a little something tomorrow, but definately no guarantee.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 17, 2006, 07:23:40 AM
Quote from: erink

"So you guys are okay, right?" Nakazawa siad. "Just a little shaken up?"
All of them nodded.
"Yeah, we're's just my side's been bothering me."
Miki snorted and looked down at the table. She and Korenaga started laughing. "

XD  haha hilarious
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Carmenrous on August 17, 2006, 11:16:14 PM
im too nervous waiting for kana !!!!this is gonna be so great!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 19, 2006, 04:38:12 AM
List of groups
White- Kaori, Nacchi, Yuuko, Kei, and Yaguchi
Pink- Ishikawa, Shibata, Tsuji, Makoto, and Goto
Green- Yoshizawa, Ayaka, Mai, Aya, and Miki
Yellow- Miuna, Asami, Inaba, Korenaga, and Erika
Blue- Murata, Masae, Saito, Yui, and Reina
Red- Takahashi, Eri, Sayumi, Risa, and Maeda
Title: Morning Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 19, 2006, 04:44:26 AM
The girls were gathered in the resturant. The groups were wearing matching t-shirts. Mari was jogging in place over in the corner(she was wearing a white headband that had Kana'06 written on it with marker), Miki was leaning up against the wall streching her calfs, and Yuuko cracked her neck, back, and fingers. Some girls were flipping through their bags one last time, making sure they had everything. The cars were waiting in the parking lot. Black vans, all lined up neatly.
Yuuko jumped up on a table.
"Everybody ready!?"
The girls roared.
"Lets go!!"
Yuuko threw her right arm up in the air for effect, and the girls followed suit. They rushed for the door.
Kana had begun.
Title: Afternoon Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 19, 2006, 05:00:09 AM
The girls were at the first stop. Kana started the same way every year. This was no different. Yuuko stood at the front of the bar, Kaori on her left, Nacchi on the right.
Everyone raised their drink of choice. All except Risa, who was banned from drinking of any sort, and Ai, who was trying to be a good, supportive friend.
"So this is for RuRu! "
Yuuko paused, allowing the girls to yell and cheer.
"Who, due to unfortunate circumstances and pending legal action could not join us for this celebration. And for Nacchi and Koari! The reason we are here. Without them, there would be no Kana! We wouldn't be getting completely fucked without them!"
The girls interuppted with cheers again.
"On the count of three!"
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The club exploded with cheers. Then in perfect sync, 28 girls threw back their first drink of the day while Ai held Risa back from behind.
Title: Night Day 8 Kanna
Post by: erink on August 19, 2006, 05:10:57 AM
The girls had already been to many stops. But the night was young. Very young. Red group was satisfied with their attempts to keep Risa from drinking. However, things were starting to go downhill as the girls continued to drink. Maeda stayed sober for a very long time.But Saito immediately put a stop to that, and somewhere around their 12 round of shots, Maeda changed her approach. Her new plan was to drink so much that there wasn't anything left for Risa. Currently Maeda was on top of a table doing the dance for Love Machine. At least the general consensus was that it was the dance from Love Machine. Maeda didn't excactly know the dance, but it certainly wasn't stopping her from giving it her all. The last time she did actually do the dance correctly, was for a Hello Morning special back in 2000. Maeda's dance solo came to a crashing halt when she did. The table wasn't excactly as spacious as your average stage, and durring her third 'Wow' she fell off. When she stood up she was showered with cheers and whistles. She threw her arms up in the air triumphantly.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 19, 2006, 05:16:41 AM
Goto's face was a bright red. A sure sign that she was already drunk. She was sitting at a table with the Yellow group when Yui came running (more like stumbling) up to her. Yui started shaking her shoulder excitedly.
"huh?" Goto asked, turning to look at her.
"Come here! Come here!"
She latched onto her arm and pulled her up the stairs. On the way up Goto grabbed onto Sayumi's arm, pulling her away from Reina. For no reason other than she was there, and thought she might as well follow Yui too. At the top of the stairs was a door. When they reached it Yui put a finger to her mouth, signaling her to be quiet and pointed to the door. The girls crouched down and put their ears up against it.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 19, 2006, 05:45:34 AM
"You like that don't you?"
there was a moan from the other side of the door.
"It's amazing."
Yui and Goto were trying hard to hold back their laughter, while Sayumi continued to look sick.
"I bet you never had anything like this before"
Sayumi started shaking her head side to side and staring at the older girls with a look of sheer terror. She didn't know what was going on on the other side of the door, but the dialouge and sound effects were painting a pretty vivid picture.
Thud. Thud. Thud. And then a moan.
Goto and Yui were convulsing with laughter. Sayumi brought her hand up to her mouth and started to bite at her nails. It was a little hard to tell at first, but there was no mistaking the two voices on the other side of the door. Sayumi couldn't take any more, and ran back down stairs making random sounds that terrified people make and wildly shaking her body. This display made Goto and Yui laugh even harder.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 19, 2006, 05:57:41 AM
Behind the door was another bar area. Yuuko was busy looking for the right liquor when Tsuji came in.
"Oi, what are you doing?"
"Looking for something." She said. "What about you?"
Tsuji glanced around the room. Obviously not finding what she was looking for. Yuuko on the other hand got what she came for.
Tsuji looked over at her.
"Non, come try this."
Yuuko poured the bottle into a milkshake(!?) from McDonalds.
"whats with the milkshake?"
"had rescue bring one over here. Just try it."
Tsuji cautiously took a sip.
"You like that don't you?"
Tsuji gave her prefected nostril flared, head thrown back, 100% Nono approved delicious moan.
"It's amazing."
Yuuko nodded.
"I bet you never had anything like this before"
Tsuji took another sip.
She banged her hand off the bar three times and then moaned again.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 19, 2006, 06:04:42 AM
Sayumi came charging past Nacchi and bumped straight into Kaori. Kaori, not the most graceful one of the bunch, under any other circumstances would have fallen. But there was alchol involved and she flailed about trying not to drop her drink. After she regained her footing Nacchi spoke.
"Whats wrong with you?"
Sayumi glanced back and forth at the pair, and then not knowing what to do, made some sort of unintelligible statement and went on her way.
When she sat down at a table with Red group and Reina, she was still in shock.
"Jeez, Sayu" Reina yelled. The more she drank, the more the yankee and dialect came out. "what the hell's with you? You're spazing out like Koharu!"
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Demanding More Makoto on August 19, 2006, 08:52:54 AM
:lol: I am really enjoying this .
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on August 19, 2006, 11:48:15 AM
Quote from: erink
Sayumi couldn't take any more, and ran back down stairs making random sounds that terrified people make and wildly shaking her body.

LOL kana wa saikou desu~~~ !  kana is the best~~~ !  :D :D :D :D :D

thanks for making my day XD
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 04:12:16 PM
Yuuko took a sip of her beer.
"We're leaving in 30!"
Things were wrapping up at this stop, and it was almost time to move on.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 04:18:39 PM
"We're leaving in 30!"
Miki and Goto looked at each other.
"hurry up!" Miki said, slapping Goto's shoulder.
"I am!" Goto shot back, hitting her in the same spot.
The two looked back at the couch.
"Masae! up, up up!" Goto said, pointing to her.
Masae shot them a questioning look, but stood up none the less. When she did, Miki and Goto immediately threw the leather cushions to the floor. After a few minutes of feeling around, Goto threw her arm up triumphantly.
"Whoo! Got some!" She pulled out her hand to look at the change.
The two got up and left. Masae took a look at the couch and then back at them. She shrugged and took another sip of her beer.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 04:35:40 PM
The girls were getting into their respective cars. Yellow, Blue, Red, White, and Green had alredy left. In Pink's van Tsuji was sitting by the window with Makoto next to her and Goto up front. Shibata stepped in and shut the sliding door. The van's engine sprung to life and started to pull away. Shibata rolled down her window. She looked at the city passing by her, a convinece store was up ahead. She was just about to ask Tsuji about the train when she heard something. She stuck her head out the window and looked back. She put her head back in the van.
"Oh my God!"
The girls in the van looked at her. Tsuji went to go stick her head out the window on her side to see what she was talking about. Thud. Except she didn't open it before she tried.
Tsuji's cry of "Ah my head!" overlapped with Shibata yelling "Stop the car!"
The car stoped alright. Goto went forward into the console. Makoto came up to the front next to Goto, Tsuji hit her head again, and Shibata went flying into the back of Goto's seat.
"Jeez! I said stop the car not step on the fucking breaks as quick and hard as you can!"
"Ah, my head, son of a-"
"ow ow ow"
"what the hell"
The girls busy grimacing and complaining in the van soon heard it. The yells and pleas.
The clicking of shoes on pavement got louder and louder and louder.
All the girls in the van looked at each other.
Thud. The van shook back and forth.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 04:50:20 PM
White was followed by Green into the convience store parking lot. The girls pilled out of the vans. Mari and Yuuko went inside. Miki went to the front of the store and waited for Goto. The other girls stayed next to the vans talking. Soon Yellow pulled in. The other vans continued on their way. Inside the store Mari and Yuuko were deep in thought. They were standing in front of the display cases that held various food items. Hotdogs were being warmed and rotated, tacos and buritos where sitting next to a microwave. The comon setup of any seven-eleven, even in Japan. Mari picked out a hotdog, added some ketchup and went over the the candy isle. Yuuko followed with mild interest. After looking around for a few seconds Mari immedately grabbed for a bag of pop rocks. She added it to the ketchup and threw the wrapper on the tile floor. She  put some m&m's on for good measue and covered it all in  pixie sticks just to be on the safe side. The pair walked up to the register. If this was a movie, the camera would have been focusing on  the two. And in the background, through the stores glass windows you would have seen Pink's van come  sliding into view. The movie go-er would have also been treated to seeing a blurry object smash into the back of the afore mentioned van, while the people in the parking lot looked on, and Yuuko and Mari remained completely oblivous to everything else. Mari shoved her change back into her pocket, and the two walked back out into the parking lot.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 05:45:25 PM
The girls were still looking at each other in silence.
"Did we just hit Rika?" Tsuji asked.
"I think Rika just hit us." Makoto offered. The girls sat in the van looking at each other for another minute. Then they stepped out of the van and moved to the back. The van was dented. The group moved their eyes down to the pavement. Rika was laying on the road.
"Yeah we hit her!" Goto exclaimed.
"We hit her dead." Tsuji agreed.
"How are we going to explain this?" Makoto wondered.
"I can't believe we hit her." Shibata said.
"She hit us. I can't belive she hit us." Makoto said again.
The girls crouched down closer to Rika. They moved in closer until they were only inches away from her face.
"AH!" the girls coursed. Tsuji grabbed onto Makoto, and all the girls kicked back on their heels to add some distance.
"It's alive" Tsuji hissed.
Rika grabbed at her head and rolled on the ground.

(Just incase you are wondering, it is completely possible to have that happen. I've managed to dent a  SUV in much the same way.)
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 06:06:59 PM
After a couple of minutes. Rika was up and moving. The girls went over to the convinece store. Miki and Goto where at the front of the store.
"here" Goto handed Miki some change. The two girls, actually they were both in thier 20s. Technically they could be considered women. Looked completely serious. Nothing but concentration as they inserted their change into
the mechanical pony and rocket. Respectivley. Miki gave a hardy 'yee haaw' as she threw her one arm into the air. Much like the movies. Once the time had expired the pair looked at each other.
"You know, I think it was better last year."
"Yeah it was. We were drunker."
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 06:09:33 PM
Mari and Tsuji were standing together. Both were looking at the hotdog. Durring Kana the pair ate some of the most ridiculous things imaginable. Just because it doesn't seem so ridiculous when you are drunk.
"Maybe we should get someone else to eat it." Mari said.
The pair looked around.
"Here you go cowgirl!" Mari handed Miki the hotdog.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: YoukaiChica on August 20, 2006, 07:25:22 PM
Ahahaha. I was smiling the whole time I read this mass amount of updates. Rika hitting the car, Maki and Miki riding mechanical ponies and rockets, Yuuko and Mari at a seven eleven! Classic! Could it get any better?!?!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Carmenrous on August 20, 2006, 08:37:04 PM
just love the maeda yuki dance!!i cant stop laugh by the image of her falling off the table!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: ChiruChaCha on August 20, 2006, 09:19:50 PM
I really like this fic. I've read all of it in these past few days and it really made me laugh, it's like taking everything the h!p girls think deep down about each other(well, exagerating it quite a bit) and bringing all of it to the surface xDD
I'm looking forward to the rest of the Kana ^^
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 09:49:05 PM
Red group was already at the next bar when they got a call from Pink group. Takahashi reached for the cell phone.
"Hey, it's Tsuji. We're at that seven-eleven on the way there with White, Green, and Yellow. We had a bit of an accident so we are going to be a few more minutes."
"Ah! Is everyone okay?" Takahashi looked seriously concered, and the other girls of Red looked back at her with much the same look.
"Well. It's just Rika."
"Rika?" When in shock, Takahashi repeated the obvious.
"She kinda hit the van"
"Oh my God! She got hit by a van!?"
Takahashi looked back and forth at the girls in shock. She failed to notice the smile on Sayumi's face.
"No! No, no, she hit the van."
"How do you hit a van?"
"The same way a van hits you. The roles are just switched."
"So she's alright?"
"Yeah she's okay."
"Oh thank God!"
Takahashi covered the cellphones reciver and yelled
"Rika! She's fine, she's fine!"
The girls seemed genuinly relieved. All except for Sayumi. Sayumi seemed...disapointed. She gave a loud over excited yell of 'great!' clearly followed by a 'bitch' , crossed her arms, and threw her head to the side. Of course, this display was somewhat lost on Takahashi.
"It is great isn't it?!"
 Ai paused for a moment. Nah. Couldn't be. Why would Sayumi want Rika, the cutest memeber ever, to be hurt? I just must be imaging things Ai thought. Yeah, thats it.
When Ai put the phone back up to her ear she heard a lot of yelling in the background.
"ok, I really need to go" Tsuji said.
Of course to Ai, that was barely audible. All she could hear was
'On you marks, get set,'
click. The phone cut off.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 20, 2006, 09:59:23 PM
"All right. We're going straight up. Down and Back. Anything goes." Miki, after finnishing her hotdog, was standing in the middle of the parking lot holding a can of spray paint. Looking back at her were grils wearing pink, yellow, green, and white t-shirts. She gave one of her 'I'm super cool' looks to the crowd and looked them up and down.
"Let's get some teams. Asami!"
"I'll take Miuna."
Mari nodded in Korenaga's direction.
"Ah, Mako"
"I'll take Mai."
Kei widened her eyes and dropped her jaw.
"Go-" Miki was interrupted.
"No! NO! Hold on, I'm not. "
Everyone turned their attention to Kei. She had her finger pointing up in the air.
"Nah uh, last time, after the, and you left me, no. No I'm not."
"Oh come on!" Yuuko yelled, crossing her arms."Don't be a baby"
"Well then you do it!" Kei shot back.
"Because I'm not an idiot!" Yuuko roared.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 20, 2006, 10:52:03 PM
hahahaha reading this just made me crack up XD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: black velvet on August 21, 2006, 01:50:22 AM
LMAO! Spray paint tiiime! And, I laughed soooo hard at Miki and Goto riding the mechanical horse and rocket. xDD
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 21, 2006, 05:03:31 AM
Yuuko and Kei were glaring at each other.
"This is a pointless argument."
"Thats because you're losing it." After a second of thought Yuuko added "baby"
"I'm not getting in the shopping cart. I refuse."
"You don't have to get in by your free will. We can make you do it."
"Or I could."
Kei and Yuuko remained in their fighting stance and looked over to the source of the voice.
Yuuko lowered her voice to a barely audible whisper. She leaned back and down to Mari.
"Who's that?"
"Biyuuden. Yui"
"Hmph." Yuuko looked at Kei. "Well fine. Kyu-"
"Yui!" Mari hissed
"Yui! Will step up and do it." Yuuko paused. "baby."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: YoukaiChica on August 21, 2006, 08:11:52 AM
Uh oh. First Rika, now Yui. Will Biyuuden survive the night???
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 21, 2006, 09:52:41 AM
hahahahah!Im trying to imagine what they could get up to with shopping carts and honestly Im a little afraid. :D

I've hit a few cars myself but never managed to dent it. Must be because of Rika's over solid head :P
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 21, 2006, 06:33:09 PM
"Guys! Guys?" Aya was frantically looking around at the girls. "Is this really such a good idea? I mean-"
She stopped talking when Kaori and Nacchi looked over at her. Kaori and Nacchi were both proudly wearing crowns. Kaori's was tipped over to one side. Aya stared back at them.
"Surely you two can't....I mean... This.. Somebody is going to get hurt!"
"You know" Kaori began Looking off into the distance. "I always hated you"
Aya was shocked, and her facial expression showed it.
"I did too." Said Nacchi, in agreement.
Kaori crossed her arms and looked over at Nacchi.
"Why'd you hate her?"
"Because, she just comes right on in. Solo career. Come on! I was the face of Morning Musume, I was supposed to be THE one.Then what? I leave and fall flat on my absolutely adorable face while this one over here just keeps" Nacchi stopped.
"Wait, why did you hate her?"
"Cause she never goes with the flow. Even now. She's always trying to resist the insanity, you just need to open up your arms ,space out, and accept it."
Nacchi scratched her head and looked down at the ground.
"I totally knew that was why you didn't like her. I don't like her for the same reason. I was just trying to be funny. You know... a joke. But no one got it. He he he. You guys a, thought I was serious didn't you?"
Both of the girls looked at her.
"I.. I thought it was funny."
Miki's voice came in over the crowd.
"Everybody ready?!"
Aya looked around.
"No! No! Miki Fujimoto you put that whistle down right now! Do not start this race TAN!"
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 21, 2006, 06:41:42 PM
"No! No! Miki Fujimoto you put that whistle down right now! Do not start this race TAN!"
Miki looked over at Aya. They stared at each other for a few seconds.
"Okay so like I was saying, down and back. Anything goes. You need to round the street lamp at the end of the block" She pointed over to it. " and then pass the line. The first team to cross the line wins."
"What'do we win?" Mai asked.
"Uh" Fujimoto looked around.
"A slurpee!" Tsuji yelled.
"And uh" Yuuko looked around, and pointed across the street to a blue bike chained to a post. "That bike!"
"But that bike isn't ours" Makoto began.
"It will be if you win!" Yuuko concluded.
"Alright, racers line up!" Miki yelled.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 21, 2006, 07:01:20 PM
"Alright, racers line up!" Miki yelled.
With that the spectators moved back. The girls took their shopping carts and made a line in the parking lot. It was simple. Two girls, one shopping cart. One would be the runner, one the person inside the cart. There were two basic approaches. Before the race starts, have the rider inside the cart. Or have both girls run and then the rider get in the car on the go. Once off and running, the runner jumps up onto the bar that runs across the bottom of the cart.  Erika and Mai were the only team to try the second strategy. Asami and Miuna were the last team on the left end. Asami was the runner and Miuna was all ready to go in the cart. Her arms held onto the side of the cart. Next to them Yossie and Makoto. They were still deciding on a runner.  Mari and Korenaga were next in the starting line. Korenaga was normal. So this whole competion seemed a little bizare to her. But it was a competion, and competion was one thing Korenaga took to a whole new level. She looked at the other teams. She was lucky, Mari was tiny, and probably wheighed less than most of the other girls. She never raced a shopping cart before, but she figured lighter goes faster. She was however, off. The heavier the team, the quicker they could make it down. The road was at a slight incline. The heavier the team the more they could lean forward and gain speed. Of course the slight incline might affect the heavy teams on the way back up. At the end of the line Yui had gotten into the cart.
"Wait wait wait!" Yui said. She adjusted her bra while sitting inside the cart. When she was done she tapped them twice.
"I'm ready!"
Seeing this display Yuuko was reminded of herself and Shinoda Miho, who did the same thing on countless Utaban appearances. She smiled to herslef. Maybe there is hope for these new girls she thought.
Mari adjusted her headband, and put on gogles that where in one of Saito's random bags. Miuna streched her neck.
Fujimoto shook the canister. She crouched low to the ground and ran infront of the racers. She left a yellow line  on the pavement.
"Start and finish. First team to cross it." She said, moving inbetween Makoto/Yossie and Kore/Mari.
"On your marks, get set, GO!" Fujimoto blew the whistle, and the girls took off.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 21, 2006, 07:55:57 PM
Sometimes in Hello!Pro it didn't matter if you were the one actually involved in the activity or not. All the girls were competitve, and rules were broken, added, and modified to their liking. For instance, durring the cart race, the so called "spectators" decided to get in on the action themselves. Some swayed the race in favor of girls in their group, or ones they liked, others just did anything they felt like.

The girls got off to a good start. Everyone was looking strong. Well, as strong as they could look for being drunk. Mari was vigurously pointing in the direction of the lamp yelling "GO!GO!GO!". She even slapped the side of the cart, like a rider kicks his horse. Erika was runnig full speed. Mai was holding the side of the cart running with her. But things got bad real fast when Mai tried to get in the cart. She was having difficulty trying to get in on the run, and her long legs weren't helping her. Erika and Mai were still at a dead sprint with the cart, cursing as loud as they could.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Mai was trying desperately to get in.
Back in the crowd Aya was still having trouble going with the flow.
Yuuko looked over at her.
"Give me your shoe"
"To make things a little more interesting."
Aya complied. Mostly from fear.
Yuuko. The wind up. The pitch.
"Ow! Mother Fu-" a car horn beeped in the distance. "-ng son of a bitch!"
In Yossie's cart, Makoto was grabbing onto her head.
'You know' Miki thought to herself 'screw futsal and kickbase. With all the throwing going on around here we should totally play baseball.'
Looking back on the past 7 days. It was true. Things were being thrown constantly.
The racers kept going. It was only a few seconds into the race. Asami's team was quickly approaching one of those stips in the middle of parking lots. The ones that have the curbs, usually some grass or dirt inside them. But they weren't stopping. They kept going full speed ahead. Asami and Miuna were both thinking the same thing 'go for glory'. Both knew what would happen in the coming seconds. But there was no backing down. Asami crouched down on the back on the shopping cart, and Miuna gripped onto the sides tighter.
The shopping cart made an odd sound as it hit the cement. The two front wheels hit causing the back end of the cart to come up in the air. Miuna, after being thrown from the cart, managed to tumble, while Asami was launched up and over it. She came to a rolling stop a few feet away from her. Legs sticking up in the air, hanging there for a few seconds, and then hitting the ground with a cloud of dust. The crowd responded imediately, some laughing and some yelling 'ooooucchhh'
Back in the race Mai was still trying to get inside the cart.  Just then, Erika lost control and the cart swerved in front of Mai. Mai was still trying to get in the cart when she slamed into it. Erika fell to the ground, and Mai hitting the side of the cart caused it to turn over and Mai go up on top of it and then back onto the ground.  The girls and the cart skidded to a halt.Part of her long legs still rested on the cart as she gripped her sides.
"bad idea bad idea"
Only Korenaga/Mari, Inaba/Yui, and Yossie/Makoto were left now. The teams were relatively close. First place would be decided on the turn around the street light. Korenaga, not familiar with the finer points of shopping cart racing, did not know how well a cart could turn. She came in close to the light, and slamed her weight down on her heels. If she were on a tiled or wood surface it probably would have worked much better. The pavement though, with her sudden shift caused the cart to spin more than she would have liked. She kept spining trying to regain control, while Makoto and Yossie tried to make the turn next. They managed to do it quite well. But Yossie couldn't straighten in out after that, and ran them right into a curb. The handle went right into Yossie's ribs as she slamed into it. By this time Asami/Miuna and Erika/Mai were on their way. Inaba and Yui managed to round the corner fantastically. It would have been smooth sailing into first place had they not hit Kore and Mari's cart on the side. Asami and Miuna tried rounding the turn with little speed. Soon Erika and Mai were there and the teams got stuck. Further up the road, Yossie had managed to get them back on the street and was hauling ass. Mari and Yui were fighting with each other from the carts, shoving both the carts and each other. Mari finaly managed to give Yui a good shove, that sent her into the opposite side of the cart, throwing off Inaba's balance.
"HA! HA!" Mari yelled triumphantly, and then turned her veiw back onto the road. Her expresion suddenly changed as she realized what was about to happen. Korenaga was so focused on keeping balance that she completely ingnored the pothole.
Actually more of a crash with a thud and some yelling.
From the ground Mari looked up, stuck out one hand and yelled in over dramatice movie fashion 'NOOOO!!!" as Yossie and Makoto claimed first place.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 21, 2006, 07:57:40 PM
Woohhoo! who's gonna win ? =D

Edit* okay after i posted that question you just posted another chapter LOL
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 21, 2006, 08:18:28 PM
The crowd was celebrating the Kana group cup of shop cart racing. Yui, Aya, Miki, and Mari went to get the bike. While Miki was attacking the chain with cutters, she, along with everone else heard it. The sirens.
"Oh No! It's the fuzz!" Tsuji yelled.
"Everybody move!" Yuuko shouted.
The girls spread out, some jumped in their vans. The cop car came to a screeching hault infront of the girls next to the bike. Who had nowhere to run to. The officers stepped out of the car.
"Evening officers." Mari said, trying to be cool, calm, and collected.
Miki shoved the wire cutters into Aya's back, trying to hide them
"Ah" Aya let out a yell as Miki used more force than necessary. "Ahhis there something we can help you with?"
The officers gave her questioning looks.
"We got a call from the worker in that store. Said some girls were causing a disturbance out here. Vandilizing and abusing store property."
Miki sutbly looked down at her hand. Shit, she'd be caught yellow handed if they checked.
"Hmph. I don't know officer thats ridiculous, we wouldn't" Mari began. She stopped talking when she followed the officers glances to the street. Two shopping carts were laying down at the streetlight, the others were scattered, with Yui's and Inaba's flipped upside down, one wheel gone, the rest still spining. They needed to do something.
"Um we were just having difficultly trying to get the bike."
"this your bike?" The one officer asked.
Mari elbowed Yui. She caught on suprisingly quick after that.
"No. It's mine." She said moving forward into her 'recieving stance' from hello morning. She barely caught herself and held back the 'kyu!!'.
"Oh, well.." The officier began. Works like a charm.
"Let's just see if we can help you girls out with this."
The officers went to work trying to get the bike. Behind them the various girls that had fled were stealthily making their way back to the vans. All except for Tsuji and Yuuko who stuck their heads out from behind a bush. Mari looked over, she saw Tsuji and Yuuko give a big thumbs up. She started to panic. She tried to get them to stop whatever they planned on doing. She shook her head back and forth and waved her arms in the air.The one officer looked at her.
"Are you alright?"
"Oh me? um uh it's just these bugs!" she continued swating at the imaginary insects. "Just all over the place." She gave the officer a nervous smile. They had this under control. But just as the officers freed the bike and handed it to Yui, Mari saw an object come flying through the air.
"Well, Thankyousomuch. It's really timewegetgoing!"
The girls followed her lead. As Miki and Aya speed walked past the officers Miki slid her hand around Aya's waist so the cutters were no longer behind her back. Just as the girls managed to get a few feet away, Erika and Yui's shopping cart wheel hit one officer right on the back. The girls heard the thud and tried to remain calm and they fled the scene.
"Go!Go!Go" Miki hissed.
The girls broke out into a run.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: len.chan on August 21, 2006, 09:51:55 PM
first time posting here :P

Quote from: erink
"No! No! Miki Fujimoto you put that whistle down right now! Do not start this race TAN!"
Miki looked over at Aya. They stared at each other for a few seconds.
"Okay so like I was saying...

I reallyl can see Aya standing there, being ignored by her best friend XDXD
The whole thing is hilarios but the race is simply amazing :heart:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: black velvet on August 22, 2006, 12:06:39 AM
I cracked up sooo hard over the cart racing! Freaking brilliant! (Haha, Kaori and Nacchi's "Reasons We Hate Aya" made me giggle lots. xD) Now, I'm wondering what will happen with the bike . . . ?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 22, 2006, 03:44:19 AM
buahahaha!!~ its the fuzz!! >__< omg so frikkin hilarious
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on August 22, 2006, 01:08:59 PM
lol it's 4am and here I am trying my best not to burst out louding and waking everyone up XD  lol just too good~~ XD
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 24, 2006, 09:48:06 PM
Yuuko took off like a shot. She was proving that being 33 didn't mean being slow. Tsuji, one of the faster runners, was barely keeping up. The rest of the girls were making a mad dash for the vans.  Mari jumped through the open door of White's van and crashed onto the back seat. Yuuko was already in there looking back and forth from the police and the girls. She was panting slightly.
"Drive! Drive! Drive!"
"What about the others?!" Kaori yelled.
"We'll just have to move on without them. It's a shame, but it's a fact of life. Survival of the fittest. Now DRIVE!"
Yuuko delivered her diaolouge like a comander in a war film. Kaori looked like she couldn't even fathom leaving girls behind.
"Ah, who am I kidding. I don't care." The look vanished. The van took off.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 24, 2006, 09:52:25 PM
Aya was trying her best to run to the van. She couldn't believe that she, Matsuura Aya, was being chased by the police. She was fleeing the scene of a crime. She was an acessory to a crime. She liked accessories. But not this kind. She didn't cut through the chain, but now she was holding the cutter. She couldn't believe what was happening. As Fujimoto kept yelling for her to hurry up, she had a scary thought. The night had only begun. What the hell else could come next?
Aya started to run faster.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 24, 2006, 10:10:09 PM
Seeing Yui flee from the police was something else. Goto was pressed up against the window of the van. This was totally better than cable she thought to herself. Yui was running with the light blue bike they had stolen. All the while she was making ridiculous facial expressions and yelling at the top of her lungs. Goto heard Tsuji get into the van. She was panting. She started to say something, but then she caught sight of Yui outside the window.
"Wait" Tsuji said. "Why is Yui coming towards us?"
"Because "Goto began. But stoped. She didn't know why. How the hell did Yui end up here? The rest of blue wasn't here. Goto turned to look at Tsuji.
"I don't know why!"
By that time Yui had made it to the van. She jumped into the already crowded back seat. Goto and Tsuji looked over at her. She didn't acknowledge them. In the second seat Makoto was trying her damnest to piece this together. Yui tried to pull the bike in through the door. She wasn't doing too good of a job. After fumbling around for a few seconds, she had managed to get half of the bike into the van.
"go!" Goto yelled. The van took off. The police offivers were left in the paking lot.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 24, 2006, 10:14:42 PM
The police officers were left in the parking lot. The tall one put his hand on his head. They both looked at the van speeding off down the road. The wheel of the bicylce was spining from the wind. This isn't something you see everyday, huh?
The other officer cleared his throat. "I think it's best if we just don't file a report on this one."
"Yes, I agree."
The police officer watched as the van took a sharp right and went out of sight.
Seeing this he thought to himself. They're girls after all. How much trouble can they honestly get into?
More than he could ever know.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 24, 2006, 10:27:24 PM
Blue and Red had been at the club for quite a bit. Things continued on without the other groups. The drinking was going at a steady rate, for blue that was. The girls on red, not so much. Maeda continued to get wasted. While Eri and Sayumi were occasionally sipping from a fancy drink they had decided to share. Niigaki looked over at Takahashi.
"You know, you don't have to. You can drink if you want."
Takahashi, who was resting her head on her arm on the table, shifted and looked at Risa who was sitting next to her. She was sticking to her 'you can't drink so I won't' plan. But it was easy to see she was uncomfortable. Everyone else was drunk and Ai didn't really like to be odd girl out.
"No, that's okay."
"Seriously Ai, if you want to you can"
"But, you can't so, it's really no big deal"
"Honestly, you can. I really don't care."
Takahashi looked Risa up and down.
"Are you....sure?"
"Really? Well, maybe just a couple..."
Risa had a smile on her face.
"Excellent, after that I'll have my chance, perfect."
"Nothing Ai! I didn't say anything!"
"Oh! Okay then."
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 24, 2006, 10:33:24 PM
The other groups joined Blue and Red at the club. Most went straight to business getting drinks. The last one through the door was Yui. Murata looked over at her.
"Where was she?"
"I dunno" Masae said, taking another sip of beer.
"Wasn't she with..."
"man, when the hell did we lose her?"
"I have no idea."
"At least we didn't have to go find her"
"Not like it matters if we did." Saito interjected. Before she could continue Reina started.
"No one even notices the other two that stand behind Rika so what the hells the differance anyway?" She was rolling 'r's like nobody's business and sliping in and out of dialect. Drunk Reina was brutally honest yankee Reina. The others shrugged. This was true.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 24, 2006, 11:22:16 PM
Tsuji and Mari were silently looking at a peaceful Fujimoto. A little while after they arrived, Miki had layed down on a couch, and hadn't gotten up since. The pair moved closer to her.
"Do you think we killed her?"
"The hotdog, you mean?" Mari asked.
They moved in even closer to her.
"Maybe she's not dead."
"She looks dead."
"We killed her."
"Killed her dead."
By now they were only cenimeters/inches away from her face.
"She has really nice skin." Tsuji said, as the two stared at her.
"She does."
"But now she's dead."
"She is."
"The hotdog."
"Thats kinda lame way to go out."
"Devil got killed by a hotdog."
"Who knew."
"Devil can't eat hotdogs."
"Woulda given her a hotdog a long time ago."
"how could you even know that. They don't teach you in school that hotdogs kill Devils dead."
"even if they did, you never paid attention in school."
"She's dead."
"I'm not dead. I'm resting." Fujimoto opened one of her eyes. "And who are you calling Devil?"
Mari and Tsuji reflexively jumped back.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: black velvet on August 25, 2006, 12:55:45 AM
Quote from: erink
"Ah, who am I kinding. I don't care." The look vanished. Tha van took off.
XD Kaori :heart: And, poor culprit Aya! lol

Quote from: erink
Seeing Yui flee from the police was something else. Goto was pressed up against the window of the van. This was totally better than cable she thought to herself.
XD x300

And, LOL @ the hotdog conversation.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 25, 2006, 01:28:47 AM
lols devil miki !! >.<
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: YoukaiChica on August 25, 2006, 02:32:06 AM
That whole conversation between Mari and Tsuji about killing Miki was priceless. You should win an award or something for that.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: lil_hamz on August 25, 2006, 10:09:33 AM
Risa had a smile on her face.
"Excellent, after that I'll have my chance, perfect."
"Nothing Ai! I didn't say anything!"
"Oh! Okay then."

You're a naughty and sneaky girl Gaki~~~ *BUT I SAY GO FOR IT!!!* XD

Shopping carts are fun! *wheeeeeee*
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 25, 2006, 06:13:30 PM
Somewhere along the line, Miki had voiced her feelings about the girls playing baseball. Yuuko took a broomstick from the maintenance store room. Rescue, after having the fear of God put into them by a drunk Saito, was over at the club with mits and baseballs in record time.
The girls were all gathered in the first floor of the club. Yuuko took the broomstick and cracked the end of it on the bar. The force of the blow caused the head of the broom to come off and fly backwards. Yuuko gave out a shocked 'Oh!' and the rest of the girls ducked. The actual broom part of the broom clattered to the ground, leaving a perfect stick in Yuuko's hand.
"Move 'em out!"
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 25, 2006, 06:21:34 PM
The girls piled into the alley alongside the club. The club shared the alley with a small grocery store, that had apartments on top. The apartments had rope streched out across the alley and some had sheets, t-shirts, and pants hanging out to dry. The alley was small and narrow, but more than enough to play in. To put it simply it looked like something straight out of the early 1930's in an American city. If you took a look down this alley you wouldn't see young boys frolicking and enjoying America's pasttime. You would see a large number of drunk Japanese women and girls playing the game like never before.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 25, 2006, 06:45:56 PM
Nakazawa was up to bat first. Tsuji was behind the plate and Ai was pitching. Nakazawa stood at the plate. She shook her body, and then confidently nodded to the back of the alley. Some of the other girls standing on the sideline drinking had started the Rakuten Eagles chat, but replaced it with Nakazawa Yuuko-o. The alcohol however, imparied their sense of rythm, so the end result wasn't that impressive.
Yuuko conected with the ball. She dropped the 'bat' and leaned over to the other side of home plate to grab her beer. She ran down the line and made it to second base where she triumphantly took a swig. Ogawa stepped up to bat next.  She managed to connect and run a semi-straight line to first base.
Miki came up to the plate. She took the stance of a pro and looked at Ai. She  let the first two pitches go by.
Thrid strike and you're out.
From behind her she heard Tsuji.
"Hey, Miki"
"Hey what?"
"You're going to lose this ball just like your solo career. Quick, painful, and nothing you can do about it."
Miki smirked.
When Ai let go of the ball, Miki swung her bat behind her and connected with Tsuji. Miki kept the bat there and didn't swing at Ai's pitch. She didn't look. The thud let her know the ball hit.
"Hmph." Miki said, still looking toward the field, a playful smile on her face."Guess you were right."
She turned and looked at Tsuji curled up on the ground.
"But at the end of the day, I still have a career. I'm not in limbo!"
Miki pretended to limbo underneath the bat. She tossed it at Tsuji.
"Shoulda learned to stand on your own two feet. Not be 'the other one' your entire life."
From the sidelines the always competitive Nacchi yelled
"Nono! You gotta keep your eye on the ball! What the hell are you doing out there!?"
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 25, 2006, 07:08:57 PM
Yuuko was sitting down at second base, drinking.
Kaori was up next.
The girls eagerly awaited this. Kaori wasn't excactly what one would call graceful.
The pitch.
Kaori swung. The force caused her to spin her body around in a circle. She wobbled a bit. And fell down to the ground in front of Tsuji.
Yuuko threw her head back in frustration.
"Kaori! You gotta swing at the ball!"
"There were three of them! I didn't know which one to hit!"
She yelled back from the pavement looking through Ai's legs, at Yuuko.
Oh, the fun of drunk baseball.
"Hit it Kao!"
"I will!"
Kaori went back to the plate. She tried to mimic the way the other girls stood.
"Ready?" Ai asked.
She nodded.
Kaori connected with the ball.
Everyone stood in awe, as the ball traced an elegant arch towards the back of the alley. Everyone except Yuuko.
She was charging towards third and was on her way home.
"Kaori! move!"
Kaori was still standing at home plate. Amazed.
Yuuko was coming closer and closer.
Kaori looked at Yuuko, small amounts of beer were flying into the air as she pumped her arms.
Out of sheer terror Kaori started running towards first, away from Yuuko.
As Yuuko came closer to home, Ai got hold of the ball. Tsuji looked at Yuuko and then at Ai. She made a bold move and stood directly over the plate.
The sound the young girl and the grown woman made as they collided at home plate is hard to describe. It was a thud with some yelling and then another sound as they hit the pavement together.
The two were tangled up on the ground.
Yuuko triumphantly thrust up her right hand which still held onto her nearly full beer.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 25, 2006, 11:59:19 PM
OMG! I'm gone for a week and this is what I come back too? Massive updates!

......I should leave more often! These are all hilariously great! Drunks are fun!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 26, 2006, 12:22:31 AM
LMAO hahaha playing baseball while you're drunk is more fun ^__^
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 12:38:21 AM
The game continued on. By now it was the third 'inning' if you could call it that. Girls were randomly switching teams and the umpire, Inaba, was being bribed and threatened at the same time.
Kei was up to bat.
Miki was on the mound.
Yuuko behind the plate.
Yuuko didn't posess any sort of special skill that made her qualified to be the catcher. But she sure did have something.
"SA----WING Batta batta SWING!"
Kei shoved the tip of the stick onto the pavement and turned towards Yuuko.
"Do you have-"
The ball whized by her.
"STRIKE!" Inaba called.
"Come on!" She yelled to Miki. "That doesn't count."
Inaba looked at her. Then Yuuko looked up at Inaba.
"Umm, call still stands. 2 strikes. No balls."
Yuuko smiled.
"For the love of God! What are you 5?"
"You're just jealous."
"My superior baseball skills."
"SKILLS?!" Kei was getting flustered.
"What skills!? You only look good becaue Miki is a good pitcher. Even then you don't catch half of them! Ogawa's been standing behind you, handing you all the balls you missed!"
"Much like everything else, Kei, jealous certainly does not look good on you."
"You ju-"
Kei's retort was cut short by another ball zooming by her.
"What the hell!!?"
"Ah! This is why I didn't want Kei on my team!" Nacchi yelled from the side.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 01:02:41 AM
Nacchi was up to bat.
Aya was over with the other girls, who were busy taunting Nacchi.
Yaguchi pointed to the outfiled where Kamei was.
"Kamei! You better watch it! Nacchi hates turtles!"
The girls laughed.
"ha. ha. Funny guys." Nacchi looked over at them and shook her head.
"Watch out guys, she might try to steal!" Yuuko advised from home plate.
The girls laughed again. Yaguchi noticed Aya.
"Come on, you try! Just go with the flow. You stick out to much when you're with us. Just let go and give it a try."
Aya took a deep breath.
"here we go." She closed her eyes then yelled. "Your last single sucked!"
Everyone stopped moving. Maeda froze in the proccess of taking another drink. Miki looked over from the pitchers mound.
Yui was the first to speak. She spoke very quitely, but you could hear a pin drop in that alley. She provided everyone with this lovely comentary.
"Bitch is gonna die!" She draged out the e and made it high pitched.
"What did you say?"
Aya froze. She didn't know what to do.
Inaba, one of the girls around from the begining acted on her feet.
Yuuko cut her off and imediately added 'Station'
The girls started laughing again.
Nacchi turned around to the plate.
"Yeah, well at least I'm still not on an N64!"
Yuuko stood up, and the two girls went face to face. Well as much as they could with the height difference.
"You want me to kick you out of Morning Musume!"
Both girls paused and gave each other a confused look. Their tones changed from furious to calm.
"But... I'm not in Morning Musume. You're not either.."
"I knew that.... I ment Hello Pro. Pro."
The girls went back to their positions and the game started again.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 26, 2006, 01:03:10 AM
Lol, poor Inaba. And drunken annoying Yuuko. Isn't Miki drunk, too? How can she pitch so well if she's intoxicated? Aya's so bad at insults. I could just see her, "Um, I'm sorry. But you're kinda an idiot.... Sorry." She seems so sweet.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 01:12:18 AM
Erika was up to bat. She had a lot to prove. She was still ' one of the girls with Rika'. Some of the older members would always introduce themselves whenever she showed up to a taping or recording because they thought she was new. Tonight was her chance. Her chance to fit in and be one of the girls. The cart race was a good start, but the baseball game could be the end. If she did good here, the rest of the night wouldn't matter.
Erika steped up to the plate. She got ready and nodded at Miki.
The pitch was fast. All of Miki's pitches were. The only thing she could do was hope. Hope that maybe-
The bat and the ball connected.
Erika imediately smiled as the ball went through the air.
She dropped the bat to the ground.
The ball hit one of the apartment windows.
All the girls stopped and listened to the shaterring sound.
"That..." Erika pointed to the window "still counts right?"

And so the girls started there heated debate over what counted and what didn't.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 01:14:29 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd
How can she pitch so well if she's intoxicated?

Yeah, they are all drunk except Inaba, Risa, and Ai. Some of the others like Eri and Sayumi aren't really drunk. Plus some of the girls can hold there liquor well. When I say good and stuff, I mean good considering the fact they are all varying levels of intoxicated.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 26, 2006, 01:21:38 AM
Quote from: erink
Yeah, they are all drunk except Inaba, Risa, Ai. Some of the others like Eri and Sayumi aren't really drunk. When I say good and stuff, I mean good considering the fact they are all varying levels of intoxicated.

Okay, thanks. :D

Yay for Erika's window smashing hit!
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 01:45:34 AM
One of the first rules of Kana was to always be prepared. Luckily there was a kickbase ball one of the girls stole from practice in Saito's 'every single random thing we could probably might need bags".

The rules were modified a bit with the change of equipment. Now a player could be hit with the ball for an out. The first few batters realized that this completely changed the game. Of course the big pink ball was easier for you average drunk girl to take a swing at. But the size of the ball ment it didn't really travel far. You had to hope you got it to bounce.

"Finally! Having Yui on the team 'ill pay off." Yoshizawa said.
"How do you figure?" Yuuko asked, hands on her hips.
"She can get the ball with her" She was gestureing to her chest area. "just hang onto it. I've seen the Metro videos!"
Someone in the group(Mari) had the brilliant idea of letting Aya play this inning. At this point it was hard to tell if she was trying to help, or trying to get a good laugh. Most girls deduced it was a combination of the two.
Nacchi held onto the rubber ball.
"Well, at least I have a big target to hit."
Aya kept the same nervous expression on her face. It had been there since she had made her attempt to 'fit in'.
Kaori laughed. She pointed to Aya .
"ahaha....She called you fat...."
Miki came from behind Aya and put her hand on her shoulder. She moved her head in closer to Aya.
"There's going with the flow, and then there is going head first over a waterfall to a rocky bottom."
"Can't you do something?"
"Even if I wanted to, I really don't think it would help."
"Wait, what do you mean IF you want to? You don't?"
"I love you. I really do. But it be pointless. I'd stick up for you, and then they'd just kill both of us. What good would that do? I mean, two of the most amazing singers to ever grace this earth dying? That be horrible. I'll mourn for you, really. I really will. But someone has to carry on. Keep GAM alive."
"But...But if I die it would just be GM. Great Miki."
"It's always just been Great Miki, Tsunku just hasn't been on the same program as the rest of us."
"You'd let me die to have your solo career back?'
Aya moved her eyes away from the alley so she could see part of Miki.
"Why? Why was there a pause!?"
Miki shoved Aya towards the plate with her other hand.
"Well, looks like you're up to bat. Good luck!"
When Aya went up to bat, some of the girls started singing 'Ne-ee' The Kana '06 edition. It was only a few lines of the song. 'It' was ocasionally replaced with 'she', sexy with dead, cute with burried. Being drunk brought a whole new level of creativeness to some of the girls. But the rythm problems still remained.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 02:04:15 AM
The game continued on, and so did the insanity. Durring one play, Ishikawa tried to hit the runner, Mai, with the ball, but completely missed. The ball bounced off the wall of the club, came back, and hit Rika. One time up on the mound Miki accidently threw her drink instead of the ball ("opps, wrong one!").Sometime after that Kaori fell, on her way to second base. She didn't get up and move to the plate. She had the plate move to her. Now first and second were less than a meter away. Runners trying to round the bases had trouble stoping on time, especially when people like Shibata weren't paying attention. This resulted in more collisions. But when you're drunk, you are invincible right? So the game proceeded without many injuries. It's not that they didn't get them. It's just that they would deal with them latter.

When the girls had finally finished, they heard a familar sound.
The girls looked at each other.
The broken window, the yelling, the swearing, the nudity(only for one inning). Someone called the police.
The girls imediately left for the next club.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Elle_Driver on August 26, 2006, 02:46:49 AM
Finally I was able to catch up on your new chapters! I really wanted to quote ALL the funny scenes but if I had to quote them all, my post would probably be almost as long as the whole story 'cause everything that you write is so damn hilarious. XD :D
I love it, I love it, I love it! :heart:

But I couldn't resist to quote at least a few of those scenes that made me lmao

"But...But if I die it would just be GM. Great Miki."
"It's always just been Great Miki, Tsunku just hasn't been on the same program as the rest of us."
"You'd let me die to have your solo career back?'
Aya moved her eyes away from the alley so she could see part of Miki.
"Why? Why was there a pause!?"

One time up on the mound Miki accidently threw her drink instead of the ball

the nudity(only for one inning)
 those little jokes and details are great
Kaori laughed. She pointed to Aya .
"ahaha....She called you fat...."

I can totally picture those scenes in my mind, especially those Maeda Yuki drinking moments, they are too damn funny.
More of it, pleeeeaaase!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: uverkuu on August 26, 2006, 02:55:47 AM
great story. keep up the good work. looking forward to read the next chapter of the games.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on August 26, 2006, 03:17:44 AM
Yui was the first to speak. She spoke very quitely, but you could hear a pin drop in that alley. She provided everyone with this lovely comentary.
"Bitch is gonna die!" She draged out the e and made it high pitched.
Yui - Bitch is gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 26, 2006, 03:39:21 AM
You just keep churning out chapters like butter. Too bad the heat keeps ruining their fun. Will someone be arrested before Kana ends?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 26, 2006, 08:27:13 AM
LMAOO!!~ omgg these made me laugh lyk hell >.< hahaha aya yelling "YOUR LAST SINGLE SUCKED!!~" and miki with her GM hahaha good stuff...KANA ruless
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 26, 2006, 11:39:52 AM
Oh gosh, baseball? haha and the shopping trolley thing just keeps me laughing!! Everytime I go to the conbini now Im so tempted to steal the trolley and wizz around the parking lot :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on August 26, 2006, 12:02:42 PM
Quote from: rndmnwierd
Will someone be arrested before Kana ends?

lol my bet is on Risa and Mikan XDXD XD
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 09:38:47 PM
After a little hesitation, Ai took Risa up on her offer. It didn't take her long to feel the effects of the three beers she downed. Risa was sitting on her left, quitely calculating. She ocasionally scratched or fidgeted like someone going through withdrawl. Sayumi, was directly across from her. Eri and Reina where on that side of the table too.
Risa pretended to be listening to whatever the girls were talking about. But all the while she was deep in thought.

'Lets see, she had three already... So this is her fourth. She never really drank before this so she probably isn't used to it. Plus she doesn't weigh much. That deffinately plays a part in it. But, maybe she really isn't-'

"I loooveee underwear!"

'Yeah, okay she is'

Risa shifted, so she was facing Ai.  Just as Takahashi took another sip of beer, Risa planted her hands on the side of Ai's face. Takahashi pulled the bottle away from her face, giving Risa the perfect opprotunity.

To kiss her.

Takahashi's eyes opened as she tried to speak, realizing that her mouth was full of beer, and now Risa's tounge. After a few seconds Risa pulled away. Satisfied.Takahashi was coughing. Across the table Sayumi whimpered and wore an expression of complete shock.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 10:08:24 PM
Sayumi slowly felt everything falling apart. First Yuuko and Tsuji. Then the baseball game. Sure, it was only one inning, but it was one inning more than she ever wanted. She was fairly certain that there was nothing in the rules about taking off your clothes. Or trading them. She still couldn't belive Miki and Masae switched underwear. And now. This. Ai and Risa. She couldn't even belive it.
After it happened she imediately got up and left the table. Then she started thinking.
Sayumi was never one for thinking, and it obviously showed. But now, now she couldn't stop thinking. How many times had she gotten changed infront of them, or said something to them, thinking they were all girls so it didn't matter? More importantly, how many others were like that?
If she took the Miki and Rika thing everyone was talking about, she was already up to six girls. But thats only the ones she saw! What if she was just being completely naive? What if it was so obvious, and all this time....
Sayumi wasn't paying attention and bumped into  the table Mari and Goto were sitting at.
"What's wrong with you?"
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on August 26, 2006, 10:09:17 PM


owowowoowowow~! my knee!! goddamn it! I bumped it on the stupid table..stupid..owowowowow...great update owowow...
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 26, 2006, 10:17:22 PM
Aww, poor slow Sayu. Someone should turn her to the dark side... :twisted:
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 10:35:51 PM
"What's wrong with you?"
The younger girl was having trouble peicing together any sort of, well, anything really. Infact she just stared back and Goto and Mari for the better part of a minute.
"Uhh..., you're kinda creeping me out." Mari offered.
"You and, are you, with them, and kiss, they,"
Goto and Mari looked at each other. Goto had her elbow on the table, proping her chin up. Mari rested both her arms on the beat up black table.
Suddenly Goto smiled. She wasn't sure if it was what Sayumi was talking about. But it was worth a shot. Hell, why just get drunk and have a good time, when you have the opprotunity to get drunk, have a good time, AND scar someone for life?
"Is this about...Nakazawa and Tsuji?"
Sayumi looked up at the ceiling, completely beside herself. With one arm she pulled the chair out from the end of the table. While she lowered her body she said
"It's about everyone."
She put her elbows down on the table and burried her head in her hands.
Goto  gave a look to Mari. It was the unofical, play along with me, signal.
Sayumi moved one hand away from her face.
"Is that?"
Goto wrapped both hands around her beer.
"Well, not everyone" she put emphaisis on everyone "But pretty much. Yeah."
Sayumi looked even worse now.
"Yeah, I felt that way at first too. But.. But" She looked over at Mari. For some reason Mari was very quick. Maybe not in the traditional book smart sense, but she was sharp. Even with the vaugeness of the conversation so far, Mari had figured it out.
"When you spend this much time together... It just happens."
Sayumi gave an expression that made the Mari and Goto struggle not to laugh.
"It's not like it's a bad love someone." Goto said. She added a comforting smile for effect.
"I wouldn't be suprised if in a little while, you and Eri" Mari prompted.
"no, no! Never!"
"Well it doesn't have to be Eri, I'm just saying. Eventually you'll start to feel something, and you're at that age.."
"I, no! I'm not like that!"
"There's nothing wrong with it." Mari said, she quickly gave Goto a look, letting her know it was her turn.
"It's easier this way. Girls just, they understand better. They're gentler than guys. They get how stressful everything at work is. Belivie me, they deffinately know what feels good."
"Plus you get to share your clothes."
Goto barely held back her laugh at the last comment. She quickly took a sip of beer to hide her amusement.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 26, 2006, 10:40:18 PM
"Plus you get to share your clothes."

Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 26, 2006, 10:49:23 PM
Risa had managed to get a mouthful of beer, and a little something else from Takahashi. But now it was onto step two.
"Sorry I kissed you."
"No, it was nice. It's just I had beer in my mouth. I nearly choked."
"Wait, you liked it?"
Risa looked over at Takahashi. She didn't plan on this.
"It would have been better if I didn't choke, but it was still good."
Great, what do I do now
"Ai... I just,"
Oh hell, it's not like she is going to remember any of this
"I just, my fellings, I can't say them to you now. Like this. I'm too..."
Think Risa think!
hmm, you know that actually isn't too bad
Takahashi looked back at her, no idea what to say. Her best friend just came out of nowhere and kissed her and was now making a...a love confession?
finish it
Risa covered her face with her hands.
"I'm just.... I'm not drunk enough to deal with this right now"
Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, Risa saw a beer come into view.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 26, 2006, 10:55:14 PM
Haha sneaky Gaki-san.
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 27, 2006, 12:03:52 AM
On the way to the next club, Tsuji had Pink pull into a Don Quijote. The girls waited in the van while she went inside.

The bright lights weren't excactly pleasant. Tsuji continued blinking as she walked up an isle of chips. She unsteadily turned into the next row. She looked up and down.

"Here we go"
She pulled the item from the shelf and tucked it under her arm. Petting it a few times before she started walking again.

"You think we should have went with her?" Makoto asked. "It's been a few minutes."
"Nah, she'll be fine" Goto said, looking at her nails.
Makoto loked out the window to see...Mari? It had to be her. The white, headband, goggles (those are the ones from The Peace! aren't they? When did she put them back on?), and hieght. There was no mistaking her. Plus the fact there was another black van right next to her complete with Kaori hanging halfway out the window facing the sky.
"Ah! Mari."
The other girls looked. Just in time to see Mari banging on the sliding glass doors. After a few more punches and a kick, she realized that was the exit, and calmly stumbled over to the entrance, which slid open imediately.

Tsuji was standing in front of the long refrigerated wall in the back of the store. Her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were unfocused. She slowly reached for the handle and opened the door. It made a popping sound and cold air slowly came out. She grabbed a gallon of milk. She let the door close itself, as she slowly crouched down and set the milk down on the floor. Then she opened the Nesquik. She put a mouth full of the powder in her mouth. She then took a large sip of milk. Swished it around for a little bit, gargled even. Then swallowed.
Sure, getting a glass and mixing the two, or even pouring it into the milk container would have been the smart thing to do. Hell, just buying chocolate milk would have been the most logical. But logical has no place when you are drunk.
Tsuji repeated this process several times.

Mari was making her way up the isle when she started hearing wierd nosies. She realized it got louder as she moved towards the refrigerated section. When she finally stepped out of the isle she saw Tsuji, head thrown back in the air, gallon of milk in her hand, some box in the other, gargling. When she finally stopped and brought her head back down she saw Mari and nodded.

"You wanted milk too?"
"No, I hate milk. I came to get..." Mari looked away from Tsuji, back at the refrigerators.
"ta da da da!" She opened up the refrigerator and pulled out a pack of Chimichangas.
"Ten....I don't want ten." Mari opened the pack and took out two. She put the rest back into the refrigerator and put the other two in her pocket.
Tsuji was mixing again. She stoped, swallowed, and spoke.
"How are you gonna heat them up?"
"They're cold aren't they? How are you gonna warm them up?"
Mari looked around.
"A microwave I guess. I wonder if they have them here."
The two paused.
"Let's go." Mari said.
Tsuji put the cap back on the milk and placed it back in the refrigerator. She left the Nesquik on the ground.
"One sec, I came here for something else."

Tsuji took two cariers and loaded them up with oreo cookies.
When the two made it to the check out line, they stared back at the clerk. Tsuji unloaded all the cookies onto the conveyor belt without breaking eye contact. It was about fifteen units of Oreos.
The Clerk, obviously uncomfortable, tried to make small talk.
"Kana'06? Is that one of those bands kids listen to these days?"
He cleared his throat and started to put the cookies in bags.
"I don't want a bag."
He imediatley put the bag back. The few customers that were still shoping at this time of night looked over to see what the racket was. The girls continued to look back at him, expressionless.
The one that yelled threw some money on the counter and stacked up the Oreos. She pilled them up and left with the other one.

* Nesquik, they don't have it in Japan, but it is this powder. You can get it in chocolate or strawberry and you just add it to white milk and mix it to get it flavored.
*Chimichangas are like deep fried burritos that can have a bunch of different ingredients.
* uh, everyone should be familar with Oreos.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 27, 2006, 12:20:57 AM
Omg I died laughing, twice! I love your sense of humor! :heart:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: lil_hamz on August 28, 2006, 07:10:45 AM
"I wouldn't be suprised if in a little while, you and Eri" Mari prompted.
"no, no! Never!"
"Well it doesn't have to be Eri, I'm just saying. Eventually you'll start to feel something, and you're at that age.."
"I, no! I'm not like that!"

Oh but you are dear Sayumi. You just don't know it yet. But I'm sure Eri will help you discover that very soon XD
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 31, 2006, 12:35:56 AM
The girls were standing on/near/nowhere even relatively close to the road. Location varied with girl.

Mari was crouched down on the curb. In her left hand was a red plastic lighter. Her right held the Chimichanga above the flame. Mari had been doing this for quite some time. She was growning increasinly frustrated, and by the time someone yelled out to get in the vans, she had had enough. She stood up, let the flame go out of the lighter, and threw the Chimichanga behind her.

The Chimichanga hit the windsheild of a car on the side of the road. On impact it managed to do some damage. But by this time Mari was seated in the van. She could care less about it. It's not known whether or not she would have cared if she knew it hit a poilice car.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 31, 2006, 12:49:21 AM
She could careless about it. It's not known wheter or not she would have cared if she knew it hit a poilice car.

Oh God Yes! That's great!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on August 31, 2006, 12:53:43 AM
i smell troublee...hehe
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on August 31, 2006, 01:07:11 AM
Tsuji had put some thought into transportation (thought? tsuji? scary.) and had gotten the Birthday girls' group a larger van. In the back there were two spacious seats facing each other. Nachi, Kei, Kaori, Yuuko, Miki, and Risa were already seated. Once inside Mari took sat down across from Risa. She sighed and threw the lighter to her.
Risa stared at it. After a little while she started flicking the wheel, maniacally staring at the small flame as it fluttered around.
"Hey, play with matches, you're going to wet the bed." Yuuko advised.
"Yeah. Or you'll just set the Volvo on fire like you did last year." Miki remarked.
Everyone except Risa nodded.
"People wondered why the pv's got cheap" Mari began.
"because we had to pay for Kana" everyone except Risa responded.
"There was hell to pay after last year." Kaori said.
"Tsunku got a little tight with the purse strings after that." Miki comented.
"Definately, shouldn't 'ave had to pay for the boat though." Kei added
The girls nodded in agreement.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 31, 2006, 01:34:53 AM
Boat? Lol!

"Hey, play with matches, you're going to wet the bed." Yuuko advised.

What the hell does this mean? ..... XD XD XD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 31, 2006, 01:40:51 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd
Boat? Lol!

What the hell does this mean? ..... XD XD XD

Japanese scare tactic. Parents usually tell their kids that so they are afraid to play with matches.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 31, 2006, 02:08:20 AM
Quote from: erink
Japanese scare tactic. Parents usually tell their kids that so they are afraid to play with matches.

OMG that's so weird... I think I'm gonna use it. :D :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: YoukaiChica on August 31, 2006, 02:23:14 AM
Quote from: erink
Japanese scare tactic. Parents usually tell their kids that so they are afraid to play with matches.

Holy crap that's the best thing I've ever heard. I'm telling the kids at work that...
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on August 31, 2006, 03:06:58 AM
They might do it in other contries too, I'm not sure.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: ChiruChaCha on September 02, 2006, 09:14:28 PM
Yeah, parents do it in Spain too
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Yuuyami on September 03, 2006, 06:27:07 AM
I died so many times reading this! So much, I think I blew up hell :]! My gahh, update soon! I'll blow up heaven too if you get me to die seven times! X]!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on September 04, 2006, 06:42:19 AM
Quote from: Yuuyami
My gahh, update soon!
Internet's been messed up at my house. Seems to be working fine now. Updates on the way.

I know its been a while, but I've been busy with soccer/football. I'm really working on stuff..........promise.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on September 08, 2006, 03:49:05 AM
OMG MORE KANA! MORE KANA! You know how we started the Mikan-ness worship group in the Doki Doki thread? We'll start a KaNa thread in this thread (and YES, I do write it as KaNa)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on September 09, 2006, 11:53:52 AM

If you want a picture of your shrine, rndmnwierd is your girl

[EDIT] I've got free time and I have found a shrine in the mountains of Fukuoka where you can pay tribute[\EDIT]

( (

To pray:
Wash hands to purify
ring bell
Clap hands twice and chant...
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on September 09, 2006, 03:56:49 PM
Yossie and Asami were standing a few feet away from the bar, arms crossed, looking terribly cool.
"Hey" Yossie said, breaking their silence "Check this out"
Yossie crouched down and rumaged through one of Saito's 'every single random thing we could probably might need bags", and pulled out....a rubber chicken.
Yossie crouched down and made her way to the other end of a table that Rika, Murata, and Shibata were sitting at. She crawled inbetween the chairs until she reached Rika's pink Chuck Taylors. She slowly started to untie the laces, and then fasten them with the strings on the opposite shoe. She crawled her way back to the end of the table. She stood up and brushed herself off.
Yossie calmly took a few steps forward. Now she was right behind Rika, who was currently discussing the difference between calling some one stupid and saying someone looked stupid.
She dropped the chicken infront of Ishikawa. After ten seconds she gave it a little shake.
Rika pushed back in her chair, knocking it over. She immediately jumped up off the floor, screaming, and started running. Well, tried running. Soon she was back on the ground. But you couldn't keep Ishikawa down. She proceded to get up, yell, fall back down.
"AAAAHHH!!" Thud. "AAAHHH!!!" Thud.
Rika finally gave up and started sobbing uncontrollably.
Asami, arms still crossed, looked over at Yossie.
"I hope you're satisfied."
Title: Night Day 9 Kana
Post by: erink on September 09, 2006, 05:17:51 PM
Miki needed to get some air. She walked outside the club onto their little porch area, and kept walking. When she hit the railing she lost her balance and toppled over it onto the ground bellow.
She rolled on the ground.
"Mikitan! you okay?"
Miki opened her eyes.
"Aya, what are you doing here?"
Aya was crouched on the ground hunging her knees. She was up against the porch, and was blocked by the shrubs on the other side of Miki.
"Hidding from Nacchi."
Miki layed on her back and looked up at the stars.
"Nice night."
"It is."
There was an ear shattering crash.
Yuko's voice was heard shortly after.
Then Tsuji
"You know I suck at english! What the hell does that mean?!"
"Get your ass moving!" Kei shouted above the crowd.
Soon Yui charged past them on the bike, down the stairs, crashed, hit the ground running and jumped in the back of the van, pulling the bike up after her.
The sound of girls charging down the stairs thud, thud, thud, echoed due to Miki and Aya's location.
Miki turned to look at Aya.
"Guess thats our cue to leave."
"Yeah, guess so."
Title: Night Day 8 Kana
Post by: erink on September 09, 2006, 05:53:54 PM
"Good-bye cruel world!"
A crowd was gathered below Yui.
"I'd rather end it all than wear those sluttish Biyuuden costumes ever again!*"
"Yes?" Yui didn't look down. She continued to looked up at the sky.
"You're standing on a park bench!"
Yui looked down, crestfallen.
"At worst you'd get a sprained ankle....And even that'd be hard."
Yui looked uncertain. She didn't plan to have it turn out like this.
"Yui get off the bench. We need to go! Go drink!"
"But I was-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah"
Mari grabbed her wrist and helped her off the bench. Yuuko came and wrapped her arm around her.
"Listen kid, I got a drink that'll make this all better."

* Someone over at captioned a picture of Yui and it said "I'd rather go naked than wear those sluttish Biyuuden costumes ever again" I don't remember who did it, but thumbs up to them. It's a funny picture.
At a playground somewhere in Tokyo.

Miki, Mai, Ayaka, Yossie, and Aya were sitting on a park becnh. Some girls were ontop of the bench with there legs on the seat. All were sipping beers and yelling.
"Come'on Asami!"
"Yeah! You can do it!"
Asami was standing on the playground. She held her skateboard up in the air triumphantly. Nodded to the crowed and played it up.
She cracked her neck and jumped in place.
Asami edged up to the drop. She set her board down on the metal ledge and placed her back foot on the tail of the board.
She closed her eyes and brought her other foot up on the front. She put her weight down.
She rolled down the one side of the bridge, halfway to the middle, the bridge, like its name suggested, wobbled.
The board flew out from underneath Asami, her arms came down and hit of the railings on the side of the bridge. Her legs cracked off the sides of the bridge and the air was knocked out of her as her back hit the hard metal surface. The board crashed on the ground.
The bridge continued to shake back and forth, slower each time.
The girls on the bench threw there arms in the air.
They held up cards.
7.3, 7, 6.8, Miki's was upside down and Mai held her card so it faced her.
Asami's arm shot up in the air. She gave a thumbs up after checking the socres.
Asami tried to skate across a wobly bridge. They have them at some playgrounds. Basically when you go on them the shake up and down. At the one in my town it's possible to make it across. There is like a metal ledge that is stable and then a gap of maybe a few cenimeters, then the bridge. Bridge itself are these metal grated squares than are conected. When I did it the first time the same thing happened. After I got to the middle the squares bent at a werid angle. Plus the metal grates are kinda hard to ride across so you really need to drop in hard. The railings and the edges give you some damn nice bruises. I did it about a month ago and the one on my leg is still there.

Sorry for the weakness of the past few updates. I'm trying to wrap Kana up. Basically I am going to do a few more, and then it will just be a story from Kana inbetween updates, or the girls will reference something.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on September 09, 2006, 06:21:14 PM
100.99! After Kana, you should cover one day of each week, so that Kana comes back sooner.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 09, 2006, 11:37:06 PM
Rika and the chicken = :)
Yui and the park bench = :D
Asami and the skateboard = XD

I love this fic!
Title: Morning Day 10
Post by: erink on September 10, 2006, 01:04:06 AM
Essentially, two days after Kana, Hello Pro was separated between hung over girls, and slightly less hung over girls.
Kana continued into the morning of Day 9, and stopped somewhere that afternoon.
One can never judge how successful Kana really was until the girls try to wake up.

"Oh. Dear. JESUS."
Yuuko said as she rolled around on top of the table in the cafeteria.
"Ow....., Oh it hurts so bad!" She exclaimed as she grabbed at her head.

A few meters away Murata was in the hall. Well, half of her was. The other half was still outside. Murata was face down on the floor, her body was in and out of  one of the large glass windows that had allowed sunshine to come through and warm her back as she drank her coffee most mornings.

Two meter's away from Murata, Saito had her legs up against the wall in the air.  Her moth hung open and her shirt was tied to her head like some bizzare hat.

In the lobby, Mai tossed and turned for a moment on the stylish white leather couch. She then went back to sleeping peacfully, in a male's business suit. (The briefcase was stuck in a mailbox 3 blocks away)

Miki was having a lovely dream. She was on a boat with Aya. The sun was shining, and the waves were crystal clear. All of a sudden a storm moved in. Lighting cracked and the sound the thunder made was near deafening. The ship got tossed around like a cheap childs toy. Aya? Where did Aya go? She was there a second ago. Miki couldn't see her. The boat continued to rock and the wind kicked up.
Miki jerked herself awake with a yell.
All of a sudden she felt her body rock and her face was splashed with lukewarm water.
Miki continued rocking and looked back and forth.
"What the fu-"
Miki suddenly realized that she was infact in a boat. Well an inflatible raft if you wanted to get technical. She was clasping onto a plastic oar. She was...
She was in a bathtub?
The raft barely fit in the tub. It was more like being on a water bed. Capt'n Miki's oar was hanging over the ledge of the bath and the other side was pressed up against the mirror above the rim of the bath.
She looked around again.
Hell, anything's beter than how I woke up last year...

Goto was sleeping peacefully in a bed. Of course the sleep is always peaceful. It's when you wake up it starts to get unpleasant.
She wrapped her arms tighter around the warm body next to her. She smiled and breathed in deeply. She sucked in some hair. Maki started coughing and trying to spit it out when she woke herself up. It was then she realized that she only had a bra and shorts on and was snuggling up all close'n comfy with a  comatose Takahashi.

**More wake ups later.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 10, 2006, 02:20:13 AM
XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD How did Miki wake up last year? LOL!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on September 10, 2006, 07:00:10 AM

Lol@ Capt'n Miki (dreaming of Aya, hehe)
Better than last year's wake up?
Miki opens her eyes slowing. Her head is pounding. She knew she drank a lot last night but not enough to make her head ache like this. Blinking a few time her eyes adjusted to the light and she was able to see the results of Kana.

Bound by her feet, Miki was suspended 4 feet above the ground by a rope tied to a tree

Sorry I had to do that.

Yeh, we have those bridges here too. THEY ARE INSANE! What kind of person invents something like that!

SUPA LOL@ the score cards!

Miki's was upside down and Mai held her card so it faced her

Nice to have you back and writing :D

Everyone's favourite orange fruit
Title: Morning Day 10
Post by: erink on September 16, 2006, 01:58:36 AM
Birds were busy chirping. The sun was up and doing a fantastic job at keeping it nice and warm outside. Clouds looked all puffy and fluffy. It was a beautiful morning in the park. Enhanced even more by the beautiful girl passed out in the middle of it.
Ayaka shot up violently. A large yellow disc was flying past her head and a teenage boy was running straight towards her. As he jumped over her and chased after the frisbee she gave a little yell.She looked around. Trees, bench, fountain, people, me. I'm in a park? Sure, the idol had passed out in the middle of a park, but at least she still had her clothes on. The same couldn't be said for.....

Sayumi rolled over. She could tell it wasn't going to be pleasant today. She kept her eyes closed, not wanting to have to wake up and deal with a hang over. As she came to, she realized that she had to be on a floor. It was just to damn uncomfortable not to be a floor. The carpet was felt bad on her arms and legs. Her back and thighs too. Sayumi stoped thinking for a minute.
Just how much of me is on this carpet?
She opened her eyes.
She could have delt with the fact she was naked on someone's floor.
If she wasn't naked on someone's floor next to Eri.

Maeda woke up in the lobby wondering why it felt as if she was going to die, why her hair was pulled up in what was probably a bun at one time, and why she had a sword that looked vauegly familiar.
At the same time on the other side of Tokyo the afore mentioned police officers wondered why someone would break in to a film set and take only a sword and a dinosaur costume. The tall police officer looked around at the extremely sloppy break in. He couldn't be sure, but he had a gut feeling he knew who was responsible. Just as though he read his mind, the other officer spoke up.
"No way"
The tall one nodded. Yeah, no way.

Yui awoke to someone kicking her. Actually there were a few kicks, and some poking too.
"Mommy! Mommy! Godzilla's dead!"
What the hell
"Toru! Get away from that thing!"
"do you think Mothra killed it?!"
"No! Mothra's stupid!"
"You're stupid!"
Yui sat up. Something on her head wobbled a bit as she did. She brought her hands(claws) up to her head and ran them over the object. When she caught sight of the green through the slits in the mask, she understood the dialouge she had just heard. Yui stood up, a little shaky at first, but she should be alright. One of the little kids grabed onto her tail. She turned and swated him away.
Now which way is it to Hello! Pro?....
Title: Afternoon Day 10
Post by: erink on September 16, 2006, 02:19:32 AM
Yoshizawa opened the door. She steped out into the hall.
"Hey, look. Yossie finally came out of the closet!" Yuuko said as she put her head in her hands. It was true, Yossie did actually come out of a closet, but not THE closet. It was a good joke, but she was in to much pain to laugh at it. She grimaced as she walked into the cafeteria. Hey, since when was that door only on one hinge?
"How'd you feel?" Yuuko asked.
"I had a hanger stuck in my back for I don't know how long and threw up on somebody's coat."
Yuuko nodded.

Just then, Reina made her entrance. She seemed to be in pretty good shape all things considered.
Yossie and Yuuko looked at her as she sat down next to them.
Yuuko gave a nod in her direction.
She tilted her head to one side.
"I 'unno. I think I joined a gang" She put an elaborate crumbled up jacket on the table.

Makoto came stumbling in next. Wet.
"Where were you?" Yossie asked.
"I was asleep in a shower, but then Sayumi came in yelling about being dirty or something or other. Just turned it on full blast...."

Yuuko's phone rang. Some of the worse off girls in the cafetira started yelling about the ringing.
"I have no idea were I am."
"I seriously have no clue."
"Well what do you want me to do about it Kei?"
"Come find me!"
"How do you not know where you are?"
"I don't know!"
"Ask someone for directions."
"You know thats a great idea! I can't belive I didn't think of that when I woke up 4 hours ago!"
Yuuko sighed loudly into the phone.
"I can't ask anyone for directions! No one's speaking Japanese!"
Yuuko sat up a little straighter, and opened her eyes up. Finally paying attention to her friends situation.
"Wow, that sucks. Good luck with that."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on September 16, 2006, 03:30:17 AM
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 16, 2006, 03:57:47 AM
"I can't ask anyone for directions! No one's speaking Japanese!"

OMFG this made me laugh until I cried! What's your favorite color? That's not orange or red.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on September 16, 2006, 04:40:43 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd
OMFG this made me laugh until I cried! What's your favorite color? That's not orange or red.

Glad you guys liked it, I wasn't too happy with it. Black or blue is good.
Title: Night day 10
Post by: erink on September 16, 2006, 05:11:08 AM
"Where the hell have you been?" Shibata asked
"No idea" said Mari, casually walking over to the table.
"Half of Japan knows were part of her's been..." Miki said cooly.
"Suck it, Miki"
"You already have."
Yuuko's phone rang.
"Everyone's been walking by the car and looking at it all day! I was like what the hell is up!"
Another pause.
More laughter.
"Well where were you?"
"The driver's seat?"
"Is the battery dead?"
She flipped the phone closed.
She looked at the table.
"Guys! Tsuji was asleep in one of the cars on the street!"
Some laughed and others looked back, waiting for more.
"People were walking by the car all day staring at through the windows! I didn't know what they were looking at! I was gonna go check but I didn't."
"Where was she?" Miki asked.
"She fell asleep in the driver's seat! She even had the radio on!"
"Did the battery die?" Mari asked.
Mari slipped her hands into her jacket pockets as the girls continued to laugh. Her expression changed as she felt something funny. She pulled her one hand out and stared at a Chimichanga.
Yuuko gave her a look that just screamed 'are you gonna eat that?"
Mari inspected it some more, pulling of some lint and a sticker.
"I was kinda worried about Rika" Shibata began, as Mari casually stood up and walked over to the microwave.
" I mean, that was a pretty" Beep. Beep. " crowded train station " Beep. Click.
"Ah, she's fine. And if she's not, she will be" Yuuko advised.
Mari sat back down at the table.
"Who cares if she's fine, everybody saw her-"
Mari got up and rejoined them at the table shortly after with a warm Chimichanga, just in time for Tsuji's arrival.
Everyone smiled as Tsuji made her way over.
"I am sooooo stiff!"
"I can't belive the battery didn't die." Shibata said.
"Yeah, I know" Tsuji agreed.
"How'd you end up there?"
"No idea."
"I don't even remember you leaving us" Yuuko said.
Mari nodded in Tsuji's direction and held up the Chimichanga.
"No, I have a shit load of Oreo's..... I don't know why, but I do."
She pulled out a seat at the table.
"Is everybody back?" She asked.
"No, not quite" Yuuko said.
Just then there was a crash as Saito knocked over a glass behind them. The girls turned to look. Masae was already bending over picking up some of the peices. Her jeans were ripped(how did that happen?) and Miki noticed something after a few seconds of staring.
"Are underwear?"
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on September 16, 2006, 05:18:03 AM
"But I don't remember that. I kinda remeber getting changed but I don't know why." Mai stated.
"I have no idea. You were talking to him and then we were leaving. The next thing I know this guy is running after the van throwing his clothes to you through the window. You were like hanging half way out the window switching clothes. It was werid. Like at the time it was. Looking back on it now, it's still werid, but it's funny." Miuna said, trying her best to fill in the blanks.
"Well, in any case, it's a nice suit." Mai concluded.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on September 16, 2006, 05:23:56 AM
Yui walked into the cafeteria holding her Dinosaur costume head in her one arm. Tail gently swaying behind her.
All the girls stopped to look at her.
"I've had a rough day." She said as she threw her body onto a seat.

Sayumi had been showering nonstop for quite sometime. After realizing that she was naked and next to Eri. She realized that Eri didn't have much clothing on either. She was young and dumb, but she wasn't that dumb. There weren't many other reasons why that two people end up without clothes lying next to each other. She continued showering, ocassionally yelling out "Gross" or "Oh my god".

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 16, 2006, 07:20:37 AM
"Are underwear?"

"Well, in any case, it's a nice suit." Mai concluded.

Yui walked into the cafeteria holding her Dinosaur costume head in her one arm. Tail gently swaying behind her.
All the girls stopped to look at her.
"I've had a rough day." She said as she threw her body onto a seat

XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD *dies* My jaw hurts from trying not to laugh, everyone else is sleeping...
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on September 16, 2006, 11:36:37 AM
lol i totally love the dino suit bit!! it reminds me of when risa wore one and that was suuuuuper cute ! :heart:

and thanks for the kameshige!  lol poor sayu XD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on September 16, 2006, 03:01:29 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! you dont know how good it feels to read updates!!

Do we get to find out how they ended up naked together ^^
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: asheravel on September 19, 2006, 02:00:13 AM
lmao miki saying the underwear bit was funnyyyy XD
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on September 23, 2006, 12:49:27 AM
The girls in the resturant stopped talking and listened as the noises grew louder.
Rika screeched, thuded, and Ow'ed her way to the door. Where the chair she was handcuffed to promptly got stuck. She pulled jiggled it a little bit, and the door that was already hanging on its hinge moved out of her way.
She started walking to the back table. The chair draging across the tile would screech, then hit the back of her leg with a thud, causing her to say 'ow'.
When she reached the back the girls started to giggle.
"I have no idea." She said, answering the unasked question on everyone's minds.
"I remember something about a magic trick, or a strip tease." She said, pointing her free arm up in the air for effect. "I don't know which one it was. Regardless I'm pretty sure it ended up with someone swallowing the key and singing the Ultraman theme song."
Yuuko looked her up and down.
"In any case, the purple fuzz looks nice with your outfit."
Aya chuckled.
"We had some good times with those." She looked over at Miki. "The ones with the blue fuzz are stronger though, aren't they?"
Miki shot her a glare, "We don't talk about that in public!" she hissed.
Rika manuvered clumsily so she could sit on the chair.
"How you going to get out of those?" Yossie asked.
"Well, I figured the constuction crew's going to be here tomorrow morning to fix the wall and the tile-"
"And the windows" Mari said.
"the entire garage too" Yuuko said.
"So I just figured I'd get them taken off then. It'd be pretty embarrassing, but..." Rika finished.
"I could go get one of the saws from the storage closet!" Mari offered.
"At this point in time, I think it's best that you don't operate any sort of machinery." Yuuko advised.
"Come on! Whats the worst that could happen?"
"I'd like to remind you of the last time you said that. We both needed to be treated for mild concusions and the duct tape gave me a werid rash."
"That is true. But it's gonna suck being stuck like that! Come on, I'll take care off it."
Yuuko shrugged and Rika and Mari screech thud ow'ed their way out of the cafeteria.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on September 23, 2006, 01:26:20 AM
Asami walked into the resturant, showily pushing open the door for effect. The door however, had other plans, it didn't open like she wanted. It instead threw itself onto the ground with a loud thud. Asami jumped up and yelled. She then composed herself, looked down at the door and said
"Door's broken."
She shook her hair with her left hand and strutted to the long table.
Threw herself down in a chair, noded in the direction of the door and said
"Someone should get that fixed. It's broken."
"Well?" Yuuko asked.
"I don't know. I'm reallllly sore. Got monster black and blue marks on my arms and legs, plus my back feels funny."
"I'm just happy I woke up in a bed this year....WITH clothes on" Goto said. "Regardless of the whole Takahashi thing, which I still don't really get, it was pretty good. I mean last year, after that, I just didn't even want to know how I ended up there."
Some of the girls nodded.
"By the way, it's completely unrelated, well not really, but Takahashi smells really good. Like really really good."
"She does" Miki agreed.
"See, Kana is good for a lot of things. We not only found out about Miki's furry handcuff collection, and Goto got closer to Takahashi, how close we still don't really now, but it's good. Spent time together. Had some fun. Had a lot of liqour. It was good. It was so good." Yuuko said.
"Speaking of Kana," Murata said, "Where is  Ka and  Na?"
Everyone paused and looked around.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on September 23, 2006, 06:23:04 AM
Screech. Thud. YAY. XD  *rolls around laughing for a bit*

lol great update!!  I've been missing my daily dose of Another Day but I'm glad you're back with more :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: YoukaiChica on September 23, 2006, 07:40:12 AM
Quote from: erink
"See, Kana is good for a lot of things. We not only found out about Miki's furry handcuff collection, and Goto got closer to Takahashi, how close we still don't really now, but it's good. Spent time together. Had some fun. Had a lot of liqour. It was good. It was so good." Yuuko said.
"Speaking of Kana," Murata said, "Where is Ka and Na?"
Everyone paused and looked around.

Glorious. Simly glorious. Oh erink, I missed you and your amazingly funny self.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on September 23, 2006, 10:30:47 AM
LOL@ at the chair!

Handcuff collection?
Mari with sharp obejcts?
Missing birthday girls?
Kei possibly in another country!!


Muahhahaha!! You think of the most random/hilarious things I just love it.

Study hard
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on September 23, 2006, 02:11:46 PM
I know, I know. I haven't been able to update like I used to. I'm just hella busy with football/soccer what ever it is called in your country. It's probably been hurting me more than you. I got so held up with kana that I have several stories that had to be shelf'ed until I finished. Plus I lost the ability to include semi recent happenings into the story. We're going to see what happens. I still have more to do before I can start on some of my other ideas.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on September 23, 2006, 02:24:48 PM
"You know, it's quite a funny story actually." Kaori began
"Yes, yes, yes." Nacchi nodded in agreement.
"Throughout the day we sort of remembered why and everything, anyway-"
"See, I remember being really cold, so I wanted to go to Okinawa"
The girls were all captivated by the story. Partly because watching T.V would still hurt some of them. Flashing colors, explosions, even all this time later it wasn't that great of an idea.
"And I was really hot, so I wanted to go to Hokkaido."
"Well.....Did you?" Yuuko asked, leaning on the table, her head in her arms.
Nacchi and Kaori looked at each other and sighed.
"Actually, we ended up about a block away from each other." Kaori stated.
"Yeah, can you picture us, on our cellphones being able to hear them not only on the phone but off of it as well?" Nacchi gave her trademark smile.
"Wait, you managed to keep your phone with you the entire night?" Miki interjected.
"Well, if someone didn't have the bright idea to find out what's inside of them  I might still have mine"  Yoshizawa stated, looking over at Mai.
"No, you wouldn't" Mai offered. "After that we started to crank call people and decided to destroy the evidence after the cops came. Again."
"In any case everyone's back. So lets get some sleep. The countdown to Kana'07 starts now." Yuuko stood up, swayed a bit, and set off to her room.
Title: Morning Day 11
Post by: erink on September 24, 2006, 12:04:01 AM
Kei Yasuda stormed into the cafeteria.
Yuuko moved her eyes up from the cofffe to the approaching threat and let out a tiny 'ah'.
"Do you have any idea where I've been?!"
"No...." Murata, who was sitting at one of the tables, answered, wondering why she was being attacked.
"It's okay, she doesn't either." Yuuko snaped back.
Kei looked absolutely furious.
"I was in Kabukicho. Iwasin KA-BU-KI-CHO. Me, I was in there!"
"Ah,  my family has-" Miki stopped herself.
"I had a cousin once-" Reina said. Miki and Reina exchanged glances. They imediately broke their gaze, Reina taking a sip of her juice, and Miki pulling a piece of lent off her shirt.
There was a silence. Kei was a little taken aback, they had stolen her thunder.
"Maybe things like that are the reason people think you're with yakuza." Yuuko advised.
Kei kept looking back and forth. Her facial expression went from slightly shocked back to angry. She took a step closer to the table and started gesticulating wildly.
"I was all alone in there! The ones that spoke Japanese wouldn't talk to me and the rest were all Chinese and Korean! They were all tattoed and most of them were missing fingers!"
"And?" Yuuko asked.
"And? And!?"
The look of anger on Kei's face vannished, she cleared her throat and calmly pulled a chair from the table.
"And, they were lovely men. We played checkers together."
Yuuko took another sip of her coffe.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 25, 2006, 01:08:18 AM
"Speaking of Kana," Murata said, "Where is Ka and Na?"

"I was all alone in there! The ones that spoke Japanese wouldn't talk to me and the rest were all Chinese and Korean! They were all tattoed and most of them were missing fingers!"
"And?" Yuuko asked.
"And? And!?"
The look of anger on Kei's face vannished, she cleared her throat and calmly pulled a chair from the table.
"And, they were lovely men. We played checkers together."
Yuuko took another sip of her coffe.

XDXD Lol, I've missed this, welcome back!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on September 25, 2006, 09:26:39 AM
Ahahahahahhaha! Kabukichou!! *sings Shiina Ringo's hit - Kabukichou no jyou"

Yeah, that place is full of crazy people and hostess bars and unmarked doors that lead you to some scary places. It's know mainly for the creepy nocturnal activity and the lovely ladies you can spend it Im curious about Miki's interjection "Ah, my family has-"

Has what? Lol, I hope they dont own one of those bars.

"And, they were lovely men. We played checkers together."
Yuuko took another sip of her coffe.

SUPER  LOL!! I laughed all the way to the kitchen. An image of Kei, scared, running down the alleys of Kabukichou came into my head. She runs straight into these Yakuza looking blokes who reach into their coats and pull out a board...Today is a very visual day for me :D
Title: Morning Day 10
Post by: erink on September 30, 2006, 03:26:40 PM
Yui stood up from the table. She put on a shiny pink helmet and swung at the kickstand of the blue bike.
"Well, I'm off!"
Yossie and Makoto shot each other incredulous glances.
"Now wait one minute. I don't remember a lot about Kana, but I have a bruise the size of your boobs covering half my stomach that tells me we" she pointed back and forth at Makoto and herself " won that bike."
Yui's smile faded from her face during Yossie's rant.
"I'm in Biyuuden."
"I have nothing."
"Can't I at least keep the bike."
Yossie and Makoto looked at each other, then down at the table, ashamed.
"I mean, yeah sure. You can have the bike." Yossie said, grabing at the back of her neck.
Yui buckled her helmet and ran out the cafeteria alongside the bike.
@Sukoshi, rndmnwierd, and YoukaiChica: Glad you enjoyed it.
@ Mikan: I heard something about there being some rumor that Miki had Yakuza ties or something like that. And I just figured Tanaka is kinda yankee so might as well work the two of them into the Kabukicho scene.
Title: Afternoon Day 10
Post by: erink on September 30, 2006, 03:47:06 PM
The workers had finished retiling the hallway. It was one of the numerous things not to make it out of Kana in one, functioning peice. At the end of the hall stood Miki, Tsuji, Mari, Makoto,Yoshizawa, and Rika(who still had on part of the fuzzy handcuff. The other one had been cut off but Rika was to much of a whimp to let Mari try and take the one attached to her wrist off.*). They stood motionless each in awe at the freshly waxed hallway that lay before them.
"It's beautiful...." Tsuji whispered.
"I think I just saw it sparkle" Miki added.
In sync the girls reached for the office chairs behind them.
"Who's going first?" Yossie asked.
"Tsuji took a brave step forward. She raised her hand.
"I will."
The girls gasped.
"No!" Mari said. "You're young, you have so much to live for! Please-"
Without looking away from the hallway, Tsuji responded.
"This is somehting I have to do. For myself."
Tsuji sat down in the chair with a look of sheer determination.
"so cool..." Rika hissed.
"Ready?" Makoto asked.
Tsuji gave a nod.
"1...2..." On three Makoto shoved the back of the chair with all her might.
Tsuji flew down the hallway, the black chair was like a rocket.
Toward the end of the hall, the chair started to spin. The base remained on track, not losing speed. Tsuji was approaching the wall. The chair completed a half rotation, leaving Tsuji blind to where she was going, before it crashed into the wall at the end of the hallway. The sheer force of the impact caused Tsuji to go forward, out of the chair and land face first on the the floor. The group of girls stood motionless.
At the end of the hall, the figure, sprawled out, raised a thumb up into the air.
"I call next!" Miki yelled.
"No, me!" Mari snapped.

* depending on what you cut handcuffs off with, it tends to heat the metal up which can cause a bit of discomfort when it is attached to your wrist. It isn't bad, but Rika is pretty girly so I can imagine it would bother her.
Title: Afternoon Day 10
Post by: erink on September 30, 2006, 04:06:06 PM
The girls had been at it for over a half hour, when Korenaga walked by. She had heard the thuds, laughter, and yelling coming from the hallway but didn't bother to check it. She had been busy with a paper for one of her classes and figured it was best not to go investigate. She was right. As she walked past, Mari and Miki yelled for her to "come here!"
"Your turn" the other Miki said as she pushed Korenaga down into a chair Mari had placed next to her.
"Guys" She began her weak protest. She had to admit, it looked fun. It looked really fun. "I can't. I have to get to class."
"Nonsense! You know you wanna!" Yossie said.
"Yeah come on, all the cool kids are doing it." Miki added.
Someone has never truly experienced peer presure until they live and work with the girls of Hello! Pro. They could(and did) convince someone to eat a notebook, or set themselves on fire (cooking acident my ass Tsuji). It's not like they were even trying now, but Korenaga just didn't want them to contine, or who knows what she would agree too.
She smiled.
"Okay, one time!"
The girls cheered.
Korenaga sat down.
"Ready?" Yossie moved behind her.
Korenaga took off like a shot. She whized down the hallway. When suddenly....

Someone opened a door.

The wheels of the chair hit to door causing the top to spin. Korenaga hit half her body off of the door before being thrown to the floor.
At the end of the the hallway, in perfect sync, the girls went "ohhhhhh" and grimaced.
Title: Afternoon Day 10
Post by: erink on September 30, 2006, 04:11:16 PM
An oblivous Takahashi Ai walked out of her room. She steped over Korenaga who was still rolling around in pain on the floor. She looked to the girls at the one end of the hall.
"Have you guys seen Risa!?"
She yelled in a painiced voice as she made her way towards them.
"No" the group mumbled.
"Nobody's seen her since Kana!" She said, visably upset.
Takahashi took off down the hall.
"Wait! I'll come with you!" Makoto yelled.
As the girls watched the pair leave, Korenaga limped up to them, holding her side.
"Cafeteria?" Yossie suggested.
The girls agreed and they headed downstairs.
Title: Afternoon Day 10
Post by: erink on September 30, 2006, 04:39:26 PM
Mostly everyone was in the cafeteria when Takahashi and Makoto returned. The girls were still peicing together a lot of Kana and they walked in just as Miki and Mari were in the middle of a heated argument.

"Why would you take a video of that!?" Miki bellowed.
"Beacause you were licking his face. It was funny!" Mari answered.
Both girls paused and there tone became softer.
"You wouldn't hapen to have a cut on your left leg would you?" Mari asked.
"...yeah. Yeah I do. How did you know that?"
"you know that big marble table?"
"you fell off it."
Miki sighed.
"from the licking to the porch that was like 15 minutes to me"
"It was four hours" said Mari.

"I'm just happy I didn't do anything stupid this year." Shibata annonced from her seat at one of the tables.
Murata contorted her face.
"Shibata....the trampoline?"
There was a long pause.
"Oh my god......Shit! Shit! Who saw that!?"

"Has anyone seen Risa?" Ai asked.
Everyone looked at her.
Various girls had given Takahashi the last time they saw her and things weren't looking to good.
"Well, one less I have to worry about." Miki stated.
Takahashi stared back at her with a shocked gaze.
"What? Don't give me that look. Gonna have to let me go solo if there's no group to be a part of. One less I have to 'take care of'."
"You really do that?" Nakazawa asked.
"Yeah, some people play sudoku, I stay up at night and plan a blody end for Japans top girl group. Such is life."

Nakazawa shrugged and nodded.
"No big deal. She'll be back soon enough."
"But we have rehearsals tonight, and filming tomorrow!" Takahashi protested.
"People go missing from Kana all the time. They come back though. They're like cats or something. No matter where you put them they eventually come back here."
"But it's already been two days!"
"Well if worst comes to worst we can just graduate her. That'll explain for the absence. I mean, we had to do it once before and it worked out fine."
"But I'm already graduating. In a few weeks." Makoto reminded her.
"And? We could just say we lied. Turns out were getting rid of eyebrows instead. It really doesn't matter in the long run. In fact it doesn't matter in the short one either. You're fifth gen."
Nakazawa clicked her tounge.
"This'll work itself out. I garentee it. And If it doesn't.....I'm not responsible for it. I told you after last year not to let her drink."
Title: Afternoon Day 10
Post by: erink on September 30, 2006, 04:41:41 PM
Miki was walking down the hall with Aya. They were just in the middle of one of their little conversations when  Nacchi, Kaori, Kei, and Saito walked by. Miki excpected Aya to jump behind the potted plant, or hide behind Miki, or do something. What she didn't excpect was what happened.
"Whoo Aya!" Saito yelled.
"Heeeeyy!" Kei called out.
"Ayaya yeah yeah!!"
Aya threw her arms up in the air
The girls swarmed around her, smiling and laughing.
"What are you doning later?"Saito asked.
Before she could respond Kei cut her off
"Make sure you call me if you wanna get some dinner!"
"Were working now, but we'll be sure to let you now if there's anything going on!" Nacchi said.
"Don't worry! Don't worry! I'll definately let you guys know what I'm up to tonight."
All of them were smilling and carrying on like they were in highschool.
Miki couldn't belive this. What the HELL, is this?
They kept going for a few minutes before they said their good-byes. Aya kept smiling and waving until they turned down the other hallway.
Miki was glaring at her.
"What was that? Weren't you just number one on Hello Pro's most hated?"
Aya's smile vanished and her eyes grew wide.
"Miki, I have no idea! They hated me at Kana, and then when they woke up the next week, it was like they didn't hate me! It's sssooo werid."
Miki tilted her head the the side.
"tan, do you know what happened?"
"I" Miki looked off into the distance trying to recall something that would illuminate the situation for them.
"I have absolutely no idea."
They both stood there in silence.
"Maybe it's all part of their plan. They probably still hate you and are just bideing their time. Keeping you off garud so you don't excpect it."
Aya weighed the value of the statement, and nodded.
She had said it, but even Miki didn't belive it.
"What the hell happened?"
Such a simple question that was so important.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on September 30, 2006, 07:27:43 PM
Again, more great stuff! I can totally picture them doing all of this for some reason! XD

Quote from: erink
Someone opened a door.

The wheels of the chair hit to door causing the top to spin. Korenaga hit half her body off of the door before being thrown to the floor.
At the end of the the hallway, in perfect sync, the girls went "ohhhhhh" and grimaced.

I mean....(
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Elle_Driver on September 30, 2006, 09:28:25 PM
Quote from: erink

"I'm in Biyuuden."
"I have nothing."
"Can't I at least keep the bike."

Lmao, that was simply the best! XD XD XD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 30, 2006, 10:17:55 PM
LO Fucking L. I have no words to describe how freaking funny this was, especially Yui and Tsuji! Where the hell did the last third of Biyuuden go?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on October 01, 2006, 05:42:18 AM
BEST.FANFIC.EVER.PERIOD.(actually tied with Doki Doki)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on October 01, 2006, 10:43:14 AM
lol I have no idea how you do it erink but every chapter is more funny and impressive each time !  LOL i'm sure we can all fill a book with our favourite quotes from your story!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on October 02, 2006, 03:48:59 AM
WOW... THis is my first fan fiction ever. And I just gotta say, I hope all fan fictions are like this! Really, I cant beleive it took someone to make me read this. IF I had known, I would have read this off the bat!

Its suspensful. And I gotta say, you got a way with your dialouges! Even though you left out some part of it, which left me blank (and reading over and over) atleast I got it later on :)

I especially love how you used certain everyday facts that fans know about the girls. But I think the funniest was Tsujis burn xD Ive never thought of it as anything other than a cooking accident till you mentioned it.

Really,GJ! I hope to read on ^-^

WHERE IN THE WORLD IS RISA?! (Drunk just got a whole new meaning.)

YOMIKI AND CHARMIKITY FOR LIFE! (or... YoCharKi.... or Forever 21.. whatever :D)
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 06, 2006, 11:47:58 PM
"We are totally screwed" Yossie hissed.
"This is bad." Rika concluded.
"The longer they yell at us the longer I have to wait to get dinner." Tsuji added.
"Suprisingly, I'm still not upset over this." Miki said quite cheerfully, her arms crossed.
Just then Takahashi spoke up
"Shouldn't you be thinking about Risa and not yourselves?!?"
The group of girls looked at her.
"She's obviously still quite emotional over all this." Miki stated.
"We have to be at rehearsals in 10 minutes. They're gonna find out we don't know where Risa is! This is going to be bad!"
"Hey, hey, my Takahashi's broken, she just keeps repeating the samething over and over again! Can I get a new one, leader?"
Yossie looked at Miki, trying not to laugh.
"Just keep your voice down, we might be able to make it through without her. And if they ask we can just tell them that she's sick or something."
"Well....I guess that could work." Takahashi agreed. "But the fact is she's still missing and I'm really worried."
"Why don't you call her cellphone?" Yossie offered.
"Ah, yeah, I'm sure she didn't think of that one two days ago." Miki said.
"Wow! That's such a good idea!"
"You're kidding me, right? You have to be kidding me." Miki said in disbelief.
Takahashi pulled out her phone and fumbled with the buttons. Soon a ringing sound filled the hallway. The girls all glanced around trying to locate the device.
Tsuji  calmly reached into her pocket.
Takahashi and Tsuji folded the phones closed and put them back in the pockets, almost in sync.
"Well, it was a nice idea" Rika stated, trying to bring up the mood.
Just then Nakazawa entered their veiw. She grabbed onto Miki's and Yossie's arms pulling the girls along.
"Meeting, come on. Move."
The group of girls followed after her.
"What for?" Yossie asked, concerened that no one seemed to take her leadership position seriously. She was always the last to know about meetings.
"I need to try and clean up your mess once again." Yuuko stated as she power walked down the hall, some of the girls struggling to keep up.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 06, 2006, 11:58:31 PM
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 07, 2006, 12:16:59 AM
Yuuko was seated at the head of the table at the in the conference room. Some other girls were seated at the table while others were standing.
"So obviously, we're going to have to tell management. And when I say we I mean you" Yuuko stated matter of factly.
The girls had tried for five minutes to get a solution to the Risa problem. Well, many solutions were offered, but not many that could be sold to management as truth.
"Speaking of management" Kaori said.
Morning Musume's manager could be seen making his way to the conference room through the glass walls.
He opened the door.
 He looked to the sides and stuck out his one hand searching for a chair.
"hmph. Never can find any chairs around here." He mumbled to himself.
Miki, Rika, Tsuji, Mari, and Yossie, looked at one another and tried to stiffle their laughter.
He stood looking straight at Nakazawa. She was seated in a large black leather chair, legs crossed, one hand resting on the table, gentle turning in the chair. She looked like something straight out of a ganster flick. He sivered unconsiously.
Yuuko cleared her throat.
"The reason we brought you here today is to discuss certain...issues."
"Like?" He asked cheerily.
"Due to circumstances beyond our control, we might have possibly misplaced a certain-" Yuuko was in the process of turning away from the glass wall when something caught her eye. A dazed a confused Risa walked steadily past the wall. She paused for a moment and then looked back the the manager.
"Where was I? Oh yes, umm single. I want one."
"Me too!" Nacchi yelled hopefully raising her hand in the air.
"But. I . I have no control over... I thought you wanted said you misplaced some-"
Yuuko stood up from the chair slaming her hands down on the table.
"I don't want excuses, I want action DAMN IT!"
The girls filed out of the confernce room leaving the manager to figure what he would do about this single bussiness.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 07, 2006, 12:39:27 AM
The girls stood watching Risa. Her back was turned to them as she continued walking down the hallway. Imeadiately noticible was the fact the two yellow stripes covered the back of her red shirt. It looked as though she laid in the center of a freshly painted road(which as the girls would soon find out, she did.).
"Risa!!" Takahashi yelled.
She continued walking down the hall.
"One minute." Risa said, without turning around.
"We have rehersals so get moving!" Miki shouted.
"Well now that that problem is solved, we need to move onto the next one." Yossie said.
"Which would be?" Yuuko asked.
"Sayu locked herself in her room and refuses to come out."
'Again, I really don't see what's so bad about this either." Miki said. "It's all about perspective."
Yuuko shrugged.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 07, 2006, 12:44:45 AM
"Oi! Sayu!" Yossie leaned up against the wall, Eri across from her.. She wasn't getting anywhere fast.
Mari, who was going out to dinner with some of the other girls, looked at Yossie. She continued walking,
"I could go get the powersaw and have you in in under three minutes"
"Nah, one gaping hole is enough."
"Suit yourself."
Yossie looked at Eri.
"All yours." She turned away from the door so her back was flat against the wall.
"Sayu? It's Eri."
The door opened.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 07, 2006, 01:01:40 AM
Before Eri could say anything, she was attacked with questions.
"You didn't say anything did you?!"
"About wha-"
"You didn't tell them, right?
"I don'-"
"Do they know?"
"know what?!"
Sayu opened her eyes wide and looked back at Eri.
"That we had " Here she started to mouth out the rest of the sentece.
"That we had what?"
She repeated the last part.
"Rex? Who the hell is Rex? When did we have Rex?"
"Not Rex. We had" Sayu mumbled the last part of her sentence.
"For the love of god I don't know what you're saying!"
"sex. SEX. SEX. We had SEX!" Sayu was jumping up and down.
"Woah." Eri took a step back to avoid being hit durring Sayu's wild gesticulations.
"Gross.We didn't have sex." Eri calmly stated.
"Yes we did!"
"No, Sayu, we didn't."
"Yes! We did! We had sex! Sex, sex, sex, we had it!"
"You know Sayu, this is really why you should stop eating paper. You're halucinating."
"Durring Kana! I woke up naked in your room!"
"Sayu, you passed out! You were covered in dirt from when we went tobogganing. I tried to change them for you, put I ended up falling asleep. We didn't do anything!"
"We didn't?"
"Thank god!"
"What do you mean thank god!?"
Sayu stared back at her.
"We went tobogganing?"
"Yes. Well it wasn't really tobogganing per se, it was a few cardboard boxes and a hill, with no snow, cause it's August and all... It's how you got the cut on your back."
"Ah, I'm so glad! I thought I got it durring know."
"Let's just go to rehersals and erase this conversation."
"Yeah. What conversation?"
"haha, good one Sayu."
"No, really which one? The tobogganing one or the-"
"You know, they are going to be angry if we hold them up. Let's just go."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on October 07, 2006, 04:35:11 AM
"Yes. Well it wasn't really tobogganing per se, it was a few cardboard boxes and a hill, with no snow, cause it's August and all...

I'm gonna go try this like an idiot!

*goes outside with a cardboard box*

*rides down a 6 inch hill*

Whoo Do the Dew!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 07, 2006, 06:14:27 AM

Still, where is the Miyo?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on October 07, 2006, 06:25:03 AM
My first laugh out loud came with Yuuko and her quick cover up. I want a single and Nacchi following suit with a Me too!

Ah, the dangers of having Mari and a saw. Me thinks she might have been a termite or mole in a previous life...or just a nut ball that loves destruction.

Its winter soon so screw summer tobogganing Im doing the real thing...WITH BATH MATS! because we are too stingy to go out and get the real thing..oh well, bath mats are all good.

Eri and Sayu, lol priceless...Sayu always came across to me as a paper eating dits...and now I know Im not the only one :D

Miki is the icing on the cake. Ah, her commets are always a nice touch. like she said "Its all about perspective"

Ok, out of all the characters in the story you have written (and the way you write them) which one is you?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: cheesesticks on October 07, 2006, 07:20:23 AM
This is my second LMAO of the day. XD

Yuko's cover up was genius, and so was the KameShige part. (HAHA Sayu eats paper =B)
IN FACT, this whole fic is a work of comic genius. I really can't stop laughing to tears reading all of it, especially that whole drunk Kana bit + things before and after it. Great job so far. :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on October 07, 2006, 09:44:06 AM
XD LOL don't tell me Risa has been passed out on the road for 2 whole days XD  that's just ouch ! the poor girl is so going to get banned from kana 07!  lol and kameshige just crack me up!  gotta love those two ! (sayu is just too entertaining!)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: YoukaiChica on October 08, 2006, 06:48:52 PM
I love the cell phone exchange between Takahashi and Tsuji. They didn't seem surprised at all the Risa's phone was in tsuji's pocket! Amazing. That was just amazing.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 09, 2006, 11:31:14 PM
Rehersals for the play were running along rather smoothly. Takahashi and Rika were in the middle of a scene, the other girls were behind them, reading lines, observing. Among them were Yossie and Miki.
Yossie was standing with her arms crossed, script folded in her one hand. The pair continued watching Takahashi and Rika.
"So Miki, that whole thing with Rika.."
"What about it?" Asked Miki in a suprisingly casually tone.
"What were you two talking about?"
"Just stuff."
"Girls." A voice cut in.
"We were watching a world cup match and it was really late so she just ended up staying."
"Why? Jealous?"
"don't flatter your self. I was just wondering. You and Rika have never been all hunky-doory"
"Yeah well, it's not like it is going to be some everyday occurance or anything. Just hanging out."
"Come on, what'd you talk about?"
"GIRLS!" The stage directors voice boomed.
Miki looked over at Yossie.
"God, Yossie, I'm trying to pay attention! You're distracting everyone!"
All of the girls turned to stare at Yossie who turned a light shade of red.
"Okay, Okay, take it form the top."
Once everyone turned around again Miki started to smile.
"Hmph. Jerk."
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 09, 2006, 11:37:15 PM
Some girls were still out and about, but the majority were back at the apartments. Miki was standing infront of the refrigerator contemplating her dinner options when she hear a knock.
Miki slowly brought her head out of the refrigerator and stood up straight. She gently closed the door of the refrigerator. Several pictures were on the door, Miki caught sight of one of her and Ayaya, and shudered.
The knocking continued. Miki walked over the the edge of the kitchen. She leaned her head across the half wall and looked to the right, directly at the door. If Miki's life were a horror movie, it would be at this point in time that the camera would provide a close up of Miki's face, then pan away. It would then zoom in slowly on the door, which would shake each time it was knocked upon. A ray of light would be coming from the small openings on the sides of the door. The sound men would have added the nice effect of making the thuds echo, sounding similar to a heart beat.
Miki's life was not a horror movie. It would however, suffice as a nice made for t.v movie or perhaps a book.
Miki slowly brought her upper boddy back into the kitchen.
"Oi! Miki!"
She glanced side to side,and then back to her left.
She hastily made her way over to the wall. Gripping on to the bottom, she kicked off with her feet while similtaniously pushing off the wall with her hands. She tumbled her way(rather ungracefully) into Risa's room. Landing with a thud on her carpet.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 10, 2006, 01:08:07 AM
Risa was just taking her dinner out of the microwave when a certain former soloist came flying through the wall.
Risa shrieked. Miki hurriedly jumped up off the ground and made her way over to Risa. She put her one arm on her stomach and took a step behind her putting her hand over her mouth.
When Miki spoke it was a whisper, a whisper that lets the person on the receiving end of the whisper know that it is not the time to anger the person that is doing the whispering.
"Don't do anything."
"Now I am going to remove my hand, and when I do you will not sceam, you will not speak, you will not do anything. Understand?"
"Good. Now I am not here, you didn't see anything. Do you understand?"
Risa didn't responded.
"I said do you understand?"
Risa felt her head being violently jerked up and down in an affirmative matter.
"Is that chicken?"
"Can I have the chicken?"
Risa didn't respond.
"I said can I have the chicken?"
Miki started shaking Risa's hed again.
"Mffhum! Mffhum!"
Miki's hand was slowly removed from Risa's mouth and then frimly placed on her plate of chicken.
"Hey! Risa!"
"Shit!" Miki hissed, she dropped down onto the floor in one quick motion.
Risa couldn't help but look down at Miki who had suddenly dissapered.
Just then Aya stuck her head in through the hole in the wall.
"Hey, Risa, have you seen Miki?"
"Umm" Risa felt a dull sensation on her ankle. "AaHH! No, I haven't."
She brought her hand up to her face, trying to make it seem cassual she stole a glance down at the floor to look at Miki. She was still holding onto the plate of chicken and made an exagerated chomping sound with her mouth to let Risa know she was willing to bite her again.
"Oh, okay."
"Yeah. haven't seen Miki. No idea where Miki is. If you ask me again I'll just have to tell you that I haven't seen Miki....again."
"Are you, ok? You seem to be acting kind of funny..."
"Who me? Why would I be acting funny I have no reason to be acting FUC-" Risa felt a sharp stabing sensation in her leg and heard the metallic click as the fork was placed back on the plate. "NYYYYY."
Aya shot her an even more confused glance.
"You know, maybe you are right, maybe I am feeling funny. I think " Risa started walking over to her, smiling. "maybe I just will go to bed. Get a good nights rest.So I think I best go be getting my rest now!" Risa grabbed at the sheet hanging over the hole and moved it back into place, covering Aya.
After a few moments, when Risa heard Aya close Miki's door, she threw a glare over at Miki.
"You bit me!"
"Tastes like chicken" Miki quipped, looking at the peice she currently held  up to her face with Risa's fork.
"You bit me!"
"I just lived the fanboy dream."
"Biting me?"
"Yeah, werid huh? I don't get it either. I mean, you? Come on now."
Risa paused for a moment, figuring that last bit out and looked back at Miki with a scowl.
Title: Night Day 10
Post by: erink on October 10, 2006, 01:29:59 AM
"Am I crazy, or are you hiding from Aya?"
"Yes and Yes." Miki finished chewing a peice of chicken, she was still sitting indian style on the floor. She placed the fork in the air, "Actually scrach that. Yes and none of your damn business eyebrows." She kept the fork in the air, paused, and nodded several times.
"Well what?"
"Damn straight."
Miki continued eating.
"Say Risa,"
"Shouldn't you umm get changed or something. You've been wearing that for like three days. And you got some stripes on the back."
"Yeah, I meant to get a shower, I just got kinda distracted. Stripes?"
"Yeah, two yellow ones right on your back?"
"Oh, thats form the road."
Miki looked up at her, semi-interested.
"..They were painting them..."
"So, not like you should mistake this for me caring or anything, but where were you for all this time?"
"Not like you should take this as me being in denial or anything, but I definately don't have a drinking problem, I just don't quite remember the past few days quite clearly. And when I say quite clearly I mean, not at all."
"I like your shoes..."
Miki started softly humming the melody aloud.

* just stopped by for a quick update. Thanks to everyone who liked it. I'm a little pressed for time so I can't give individual respones.
Questions, suggestions, comments, get them in. Mikan's question got me thinking and I might even write a bit about the true things that found there way into the story if you guys are interested. I'll try and respond sometime this week.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 10, 2006, 04:04:13 AM
LOL, why is Miki hiding from Aya?

The randomness!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on October 13, 2006, 04:34:42 PM

Quick question whats hunky-doory? I hear it but I dunno what it is!!

I cant beliebe I missed this update. Sometimes I think I like in this weird black hole and days go missing large chunks at a time.

Well!! What I liked about this update? A LOT!! Almost all of it. Im a huge fan of Miki and you write her so well that I love her even more.

Miki jumping through the hole in the wall? Funny as!! I can totally imagine. I also like the little speel about the 'if Miki's life was a horror movie' nicely finished with 'or perhaps a book'. That would be something I would read or watch.

I hadnt forgotten the very beginning of this story but I thought you had. Nice to see you hadnt! Now we get to see more teasing. Also, Miki pushing the blame onto Yossui sounds just like high school. Ahhh the good old days :D

As soon as Miki landed on the other side of that wall in Risa's room. The hole story just became hell funny. I was trying to hold back the tears of laughter. I had some mega mental images of Miki holding Risa, asking her if she can eat the chicken. Ahhhhhhhh~~~ you have a serious talent for comedy ma girl.I hope you do something great with your life and are able to share this talent with the world. 'Cause I know that I'll be waiting for you to make a movie or whatever so I can say - " you know that movie? Yeah,..I know that girl...I encouraged her so I guess you can say Im indirectly responsible for her sucess"

My favourite quotes that will make me giggle at work for the rest of the month.

[It would however, suffice as a nice made for t.v movie or perhaps a book]

[Is that chicken?"
"Can I have the chicken?"]

[...made an exagerated chomping sound with her mouth to let Risa know she was willing to bite her again.]

[Actually scrach that. Yes and none of your damn business eyebrows]

And last but not least ...

["So, not like you should mistake this for me caring or anything, but where were you for all this time?"]

Haha, sarastic cow, you....
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on October 14, 2006, 02:54:55 AM
Hunky-doory= slang for buddy buddy, friendly, things are going good between two people or a group.
"Everything okay with you guys?"
"Oh yeah it's hunky-doory"

Mikan: Ok, out of all the characters in the story you have written (and the way you write them) which one is you?

It's a hard question to answer. I don't think there is one single charecter that I used as a way to write myself into the story. I think each charecter has a part of me in them. Sometimes it gets to the point where you can't really make a distiction between the way one charecter speaks and the way another does. Miki and Yuuko come to mind. They both have the same sort of remarks, some to the point where either one could be saying it. I think that this type of thing really happens. You spend time with people, you can be completely different, but there is this point where you can be similar. I try to keep charecters personalities and quriks intact.

Back to the original question, there is no solid choice for the charecter that is me. I don't have to force myself to write in charecter. It just kinda happens when thinking about a scene or dialouge. There have been only one or two occurances where it was just like 'no she can't say that'.
Maybe it is possibly an indication of myself, but if I had to choose, Miki followed closely by Yuuko are the easiest to write. They can pretty much say anything. They have their funny moments, and they always have sarcastic ones. Yuuko tends to take the more biting ones.

I wanted to have a story that wasn't focused on one person, one event, or conflict. I wanted there to be no main charecter. Instead a group, where everyone had there part to play. The girls, all differnet but still have some common bonds between them in either actions or words.

"Another Day at H!P" It came to me the second I looked at the subject line. I wanted to make a story that followed something like that. Some days would be funny, others just buliding up to tomorrow. A day where nothing went right, or a day when it couldn't get better. Some days there would be arguments, others reconciliation. I wanted a story like that. It is what I have set out to accomplish and I hope I can. I'm glad so many people are following along with me as I try and figure all this out.
Title: Morning Day 11
Post by: erink on October 14, 2006, 04:39:29 AM
"Boogie BOAT! yeah!"
Yossie was on her way back from futsal practice when she heard it. The unmistakable voice, echoing off the walls. She took a few steps backwards and glanced in through the window. Miki was in the pool, fully clothed, floating back and forth on a raft with the oar across her stomach. She was singing like there was no tomorrow, replacing words here and there. Yossie walked into the room. She went completely unnoticed by the former soloist who had her eyes closed and was giving one of the most spirted renditons of Boogie Train(Boat in this instance) to date.
"I won't cry yet
Boogie Boat at a packed port!"
Yossie walked along the edge of the pool until she was as close as she could get to Fujimoto.
"OI! Miki!"
Miki, startled, shook back and forth on the raft, she managed to keep herself dry. She cleared her throat.
"Why didn't ya show up for practice today?"
"Because it was optional."
"Since when?"
"Since I woke up at ten and decided I didn't want to go."
Yossie sighed and put her hands on her hips.
"What the hell is up with you lately?"
"Me? Nothing at all. Some might even say I am just rowing my boat, merrily going along."
"Something's up with you. It's completely obvious."
"The only thing that is up is the ceiling and Goto's ego."
"This is true. But if you had them..."
"Yeah, well okay."
"You can tell me."
"There is nothing to tell."
"There is so something to tell, and I will just keep asking you till you do. I'm here to listen and help you. It's what friends are for."
"It's what phsyciatrists are for."
"Yeah, but you don't have to pay me. You could lie on a couch if you want though."
"Nah, I'm good thanks." Miki grabbed the edges of the raft and nodded.
Silence. Miki crossed her arms and looked up dreamily at the ceiling.
"I know you're avoiding Aya."
Her eyes imedately shot back down to Yossie.
"Hah! I knew it! Something is bothering you."
"Eyebrows I'm gonna kill you!"
"It's not her fault. There were some underhanded methods of interigation involved. You honestly can't blame the girl."
"Okay, so maybe I don't excactly want to talk to Aya right now, but I'm not avoiding her."
"Miki, you jumped through a wall, damn it."
"God how much did she talk?"
" If it makes you feel any better, we only got the really good stuff after we brought out the Ecomoni session tapes."
Miki shuddered.
"Yeah. Tell me about it. Even imagining it, it's scary."
"Okay, Okay. I could see how that could possibly be misconstrued as me avoiding her, but it's not, no, no actually it is. I am avoiding her."
Yossie raised one eyebrow. Well, she tried anyway. Yossie never possed that particular skill. The attempt however, while it did look like some sort of horrendous twitch showed her peaked interest. Miki took this as her cue.
"It start awhile ago with the whole GAM thing. And then the wall, that was becasue of her too. Well not excactly. It was more about what Tsuji said about her. Or really what Tsuji said about me when I'm with her. So I've been avoiding her since Kana, and just a tad before it."
"Why do I never understand anything that is going on here, with anybody? Ever?"
"To be honest, it's one of the reasons I tell you things. I can be fairly certain you have no idea about what it is I am talking about."
"Yeah, well this one isn't much of an exception."
"So I thought. No problem though. I'm going to take care of it."
"No, no probably not."
A few seconds of silence passed. The pool filter sounded even louder from the lack of other noise.
"But I'll try."
"Good. That's good. Try and show up for practice while you're at it too."
Yossie turned and walked towards the door.
"Oh, and Miki"
"When did we get the boat?"
"I have no idea."
Yossie shut the door just as Miki started singing again.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on October 14, 2006, 04:54:43 AM

And if I had to answer that question, it's be Tsuji. I'm the only one idiotic enough to take a 500m ride on a swivel chair and run into a door opening.

And want to do it again.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on October 14, 2006, 04:57:51 AM
Quote from: Tanachan

And if I had to answer that question, it's be Tsuji. I'm the only one idiotic enough to take a 500m ride on a swivel chair and run into a door opening.

haha, Kore was the one that got rocked by the door opening.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on October 14, 2006, 05:34:32 AM
AH! Thank you so much for your explaination! I wish you your best in fufilling your goals I think you are going to do great.

And now, my standard report on the update. Lol@ boogie boat. Boogie train is one of my all time favourite songs. When I saw it I thought "Jee, was Erink that wacked out that she made a typo?"

I would imagine you as a Yuuko mixed with a a Yuuki Fujizawa. :D

If I were a character from ADH!P (sorry its too long to write the title) I might be Miki. Just a little less sharper wit. Starting Trolley races sounds like something I do and the arguement about starting the race sounds like my friend and I. I get these crazy/stupid ideas like starting fires,making home made fireworks or jumping off high things with some wheeled object. :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 15, 2006, 07:42:19 AM
I would totally be Makoto, the one who always gets buckets stuck on her head. >~<

Boogie Boat! I actually started singing that.
Title: Morning Day 11
Post by: erink on October 18, 2006, 10:21:05 PM
"Right so then we have Erika and Risa followed by the other girls entering from the right."
"Sooooo boring...must. stay. awake." Miki voiced as she stood at the back of the stage, arms crossed next to Yossie.
"Should I say my line before or after she turns?" Risa, one of the girls actually focusing, asked.
"A I U E O A I U E O" Miki broke into an impromptu vocal practice.
Yossie kept her eyes glued to the stage director and other members.
"Wait until she is about to turn, then"
"You wanna say something to me. I can tell."
"you start to speak."
"You've ignored me for four minutes, but any second now you're going to crack and say something."
"Remember halfway through your line to turn toward the audience."
"It is humanly imposible to be that focused on this ssstttuuupid play."
"I face them at 'look'?"
"Oi. Oi. Oi." Miki started to poke Yossie with her left index finger. She kept her arms crossed, and moved in a way that made it nearly undectable to anyone other than Yossie.
"Yes, turn at look and then Erika will start."
Miki had launched herself into her barnyard animal impressions. After the rooster Yossie couldn't take anymore.
"The next scene-"
"Alright! Alright! Fortheloveof GOD!"
"Yoshizawa!" The stage director boomed
"Argh!" Yossie grumbled, upset she let Miki win.
"This is the fourth practice you've done this! Try and stay focused here!"
The stage director turned around and started to adress the girls involved in the scene again.
"Yossie, zero. Miki, four." Miki held up four fingers and plastered a cocky smile on her face.
"Go to hell."
"Okay so lets take it from the top of the scene. Erika and Risa enter follow by the others."
There was a pause.
"Erika enters." The stage director repeated.
The girls looked around.
"Erika enters from the right." The stage director looked around. "Or left. Just enter, Erika."
Miki had a revalation at the back of the stage.
"Oh, oh this is AWESOME." Miki exclaimed, suddenly discovering that maybe this practice wouldn't be boring after all.

*this is especially for rndm. :]
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: ChiruChaCha on October 19, 2006, 08:51:39 PM
Quote from: erink
* depending on what you cut handcuffs off with, it tends to heat the metal up which can cause a bit of discomfort when it is attached to your wrist. It isn't bad, but Rika is pretty girly so I can imagine it would bother her.

Pretty late, but holy crap! you're a wisdom mine!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on October 19, 2006, 09:09:05 PM
Quote from: ChiruChaCha
Pretty late, but holy crap! you're a wisdom mine!

 It's ture. You could go about it different ways. When it happened to me, we just used a handheld grinder, just put it up against the bolt for the hinge and it wore it down until you could just pull it apart. Probably one of the quicker methods, takes about 30 seconds or so depending on the tools and handcuffs.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: ChiruChaCha on October 19, 2006, 09:17:10 PM
Quote from: erink
 It's ture. You could go about it different ways. When it happened to me, we just used a handheld grinder, just put it up against the bolt for the hinge and it wore it down until you could just pull it apart. Probably one of the quicker methods, takes about 30 seconds or so depending on the tools and handcuffs.

You know, that kind of comments seem like a mix between Jackass and a bricolage program xDD Anyways, reaaaaaaaaaaaallly good job with the fic :thumbsup
Title: Morning Day 11
Post by: erink on October 20, 2006, 09:52:53 PM
"Oh, oh this is AWESOME." Miki exclaimed, suddenly discovering that maybe this practice wouldn't be boring after all.

Miki glanced over at Yossie. She could see the gears were turning.
"No fucking way!" Yossie exlaimed, her eyes widening.
"one." Miki smiled.
"No no no." Yossie turned to face Miki and grabed onto her shoulders.
Miki nodded up and down,smiling.
"Oooohhhh." Yossie glanced over to the side. She looked like she was going to be sick.
"Yoshizawa!" The grils parted, giving the stage director a clear view of Yossie who was still holding onto Miki's shoulders.
"Oi!" Miki hissed.
"Yeyes?" Yossie's voice cracked.
"Where is Erika?"
She is...uh Sheeee"
Miki started making gestures and lightly coughing. Yossie eventually caught on.
"She's sick!! Yep, that's what she is! She's sick today. And tomorrow. In fact she might just be sick for a really long time. Some might even say she is deathly ill. We just can't tell if she's going to get better or not."
"Alright already" Miki whispered, pinching Yossie.
"Well, okay. I hope she gets better. But as leader you should have let me known beforehand. Alright girls" The stage director turned to face the group. "Let's just work on scene seven for now and we will just have to wait and see about Erika."
"It's gonna be a loonnng wait" Miki remarked.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Yuuyami on October 20, 2006, 09:56:08 PM
o__o; Do continue XD
Title: Afternoon Day 11
Post by: erink on October 20, 2006, 10:44:31 PM
By afternoon the building was covered with various missing flyers in different colors and fonts. Yossie was running around frantically plastering them all over. She ran into the cafeteria, handing them out to the girls inside. She went back to the long table.

"Here, here, here." When she reached the end of the tabe she slapped a pretaped missing poster to the wall and coiled back when the wall started cursing.
"Yoshizawa! What the hell are you doing!?" Yuuko pulled the flyer off her face.
"Don't 'Ahh!' Me!! What is this?" Yuuko turned the poster around and read aloud.
"Have you seen her?" Yuuko looked at the rather unflatering picture of Erika."No, No I haven't."
"Erika Miyoshi...Erika Miyoshi... Who?"
"She's in v-u-den." Yossie offered.
"V you what now?"
"Isn't she one of Rika's back up dancers?" Nacchi asked.
"The one in the group that can actually sing right?" Mari ventured.
"She still works here?" Kei asked.
"I've never even seen this girl before in my entire life." Yuuko said, a look of confusement on her face.
Nacchi read her flyer.
"Last seen sometime durring the night of August 8th."
Nacchi looked up at Yossie.
"Oh Damn! Good luck with that one."
"You know, you really suck at this leader business." Kei said.
"It's true." Yuuko agreed.
"Yeah, I mean when I was leader, I covered that stuff up to the point where people involved didn't even know what really happened." Kaori said.
"But I....Wait. Somebody went missing when you were leader?"
"I didn't even know she was gone!"
"That's because she's in Biyuuden. Nobody even notices." Yui stated.
The girls turned to look.
"Yui... I didn't even know you where here." Mari said.
"Excactly. I tell you guys all the time how hard it is being in Biyuuden."
"Yeah, it's just...Well, you're in Biyuuden so we don't really listen to you in the first place."
Yui rolled her eyes.
"Biyuu WHAT?" Yuuko interjected, still lost.
"So what's you plan?" Kaori asked.
"Plan? Plan? I don't have a plan! I didn't even know she was missing until two hours ago!"
The girls shook their heads.
"You always have to have a plan." Kaori began. " You need to make sure all your bases are covered starting with the girls. Then you need to go to management and make sure they have no idea what is going on. You better get thinking quick. I used to have prepared plans, you know, just incase. Not a single flaw in them, airtight alibis."
"Of course, there are other methods." Yuuko said, putting emphasis on other. "But, you, you couldn't handle them."
"What? no, no, I can handle them! Tell me, please."
"Let's just say, there were originally six members in Morning Musume."
Nacchi shivered, and Kaori looked down at the table.
Yossie looked utterly hopeless. She let out a growl.
"What am I going to do? I need your help!"
"Well you should look on the bright side" Yuuko began "when you mess this up, and" she sighed " you will mess this up, it won't really be that big of a deal because nobody cares about Koharu anyway."
"Ko..haru?" Yossie asked, bewildered. "Erika! It's Erika that's missing!"
"Erika, who the fuck is that?" Yuuko asked.
"The one that stands behind Rika." Mari said.
"The one with the boobs?" Yuuko asked, still lost.
"No! I'm right here!" Yui interjected, raising her hand. Yuuko shot a glance over at her.
"When did you get here?"
"I've been here all this time!"
"huh. You don't say."
"For the love of god!" Yossie yelled. "Somebody help me!"
The girls looked up at her.
"You know, you really do suck as a leader. You crack under pressure pretty bad. You lose your cool too easy. Once we had find a member, fly them back to Japan, die their hair back to normal, and teach them a new song all before a Monday taping, and we didn't even break a sweat. We even had time to catch a movie and a late dinner. Don't even get me started about the time we had to convince management that they gave T&C Bomber a vacation and that's why they weren't around for a week." Nacchi said matter o' factly.
"Don't worry, Yossie. We'll show you how to take care of this." Kaori said, looking at Yuuko, Mari, Nacchi, and Kei.
"Isn't she the stupid one in Coconuts?" Yuuko asked, looking up from the flyer she was staring intensly at.
"A, they were all stupid, and B, they aren't even a group anymore." Kei stated.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on October 20, 2006, 11:28:43 PM
Quote from: erink
"Isn't she the stupid one in Coconuts?" Yuuko asked, looking up from the flyer she was staring intensly at.
"A, they were all stupid, and B, they aren't even a group anymore." Kei stated.

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Yuuyami on October 20, 2006, 11:29:39 PM
Loved the boob reference to Yui XD Continue <3
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 21, 2006, 05:05:37 AM
HAHAHAHA I'm haha sorry HAHA can't comment HAHA laughing HAHA too hard HAHAHAXDXDXDXDXDXDXD

Erika! Yuko! Yui! LOL
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on October 21, 2006, 05:59:51 AM
Haha, Oh god I was laughing out loud all way through. The last chapter was just hilarious, Im gonna call my friend up and read it too her. I love Yuuko trying to figure out her Viyuuden are. Ah, so many pay out and so little time to say them all.

Miki doing barnyard noises? Yep, she is me. Nobody can top my rooster impersonations.

At first, I thought Erika was back stage doing something naughty :D oh well..I can dream
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on October 21, 2006, 06:48:46 AM
o_O lmao! I didnt even notice Erika was gone! XD
I love it how Miki doesnt pay attention, and Risa is always known for being responsible... haha Poor yossui xD

DUDE! how can no one know about BiYuden?! I guess this forum is diffrent...
HOw can you mix up Koha and Erika?! xD

Also love the part when Nacchi shivered and Koarin looked down when Yuko mentioned that there were originaly 6 musumes :heart:

Koarin is sneaky heheh.

THANK YOU! someone has to get the message that Coconuts Musume cant be CM if theres only ONE *hot* girl in there!

Best quote :
"Oh Damn! Good luck with that one."

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 21, 2006, 07:25:28 AM
Quote from: Mikan

At first, I thought Erika was back stage doing something naughty :D oh well..I can dream

OMG, me too! I was like, who's she gonna be caught with?!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on October 21, 2006, 09:31:02 PM
Poor Yui! :lol:
Title: Afternoon Day 11
Post by: erink on October 26, 2006, 11:17:21 PM
Ishikawa had returned from rehersals. She was on her way through the lobby heading towards the cafeteria to get some lunch. As she walked past the front desk an OL covered the reciever of the telephone she was holding and said
"There's a package for you."
Rika pointed to herself and lowered her chin into the body. The OL pointed to the postal worker standing behind her. Rika smiled and walked over to him. He handed her the form she had to sign and gave her a box. Rika quickly scanned the adress.
"Oh! My skirt."
Before Rika was given the chance to walk away and try out the Maki bought piece of clothing, she was interruppted.
"And if you could just sign here also."
Rika looked back down at the clip board.
"Where do I-"
"Right there."
He pointed to a line at the bottom of the page bearring Ayaka's name.
Rika signed and then looked back up at him expectantly. She didn't see any other packages.
"Well, we are going to have the trucks come by when they get a chance. It'll probably take a few trips."
"Excuse me?"
"The trucks. We certainly can't deliver it all at once." He said with a chuckle. "It'd take the entire Tokyo branch to do that."
Rika kept her confused expersion the same.
"Nothing but trouble with this order to be honset. From the start it was nothing but problems trying to figure out the adress."
The clip board was shoved back in front of her, this time displaying an order form that looked as though a preschooler tried to fill it out. Rika was struggling to read Ayaka's writing, if it could even be called that. What Rika guessed were english letters were interspersed throughout the text(Rika had certainly never been tought anything resembling that in her english classesl). At the bottom of the page Ayaka had struggled to write her name. Frankly if Rika wasn't told beforehand that is was Ayaka, she certainly wouldn't have guessed.
Rika quickly glanced at the top of the form and saw the date. Suddenly things started to make a lot of sense. At the bottom of the page, the clearly intoxicated Ayaka relaized she wasn't going to be able to make a legible signature and instead started to draw a self portrait in the 'ship to' box.
"Well, we are going to get started on that shipment."
"But.. I ."
Before Rika could protest the shipment of whatever Ayaka had ordered the deliverman cut her off.
"You have a nice day, Miss."
Rika was left standing in the middle of the lobby holding onto her package. She had a feeling this wasn't going to be good.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 27, 2006, 02:53:05 AM
OMG Ayaka! XD Maybe she shipped Erika! In a thousand little boxes....
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on October 27, 2006, 02:57:21 AM
updates and response to your comments coming up tomorrow.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on October 27, 2006, 06:00:12 AM
Another reason why I love this fanfiction : you always manage to add every single solitary H!P memeber into it, and coincidentaly, use the ones I love the most often!
Ayaka <3~~

Thanks for a great update!!

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on October 27, 2006, 06:49:23 AM
LOL XD So Rika finally got her skirt back *oh the memories*  Oh wait!  Did she get her shoes back?  I should go back and check XD

oh that Ayaka :ONsweat:

Can't wait until tomorrow !!
Title: Afternoon Day 11
Post by: erink on October 27, 2006, 09:55:59 PM
"But, Rika-"
Ayaka was talking to Rika in the center of the lobby. Rika was doing her best to explain the run in with the deliveryman earlier, but wasn't getting anywhere.
"He just told me to sign the paper and then he'd be back."
Ayaka brought her hand up to her head and rested the other on her waist. She closed both eyes and leaned back, facing the ceiling.
"How bad did it look?" Ayaka asked, looking down at Rika with one eye open.
"To put it simply...Bad. Very Bad."
"Ahhh" Ayaka dropped her hands back to her waist.
"What am I going to-"
Ayaka was interrupted. Both girls saw a large truck drive up into view out of the corner of their eyes. They turned their heads to look.
"Fhhhuuhhh" Ayaka contorted her face.
A man jumped out from the drivers seat and made his way up to the door. He proped it open.
"Right in here boys!"
Soon a large beat up trolley came into view. The once blue paint job was scraped and discoloured from years of use. Ontop of the trolley rested two crates roughly three feet tall and two feet wide. The wood used to make the crates was a dark brown color. It looked like it came from someplace tropical.
The men unloaded the crates, just as another group came in.
Ayaka glanced back and forth. She hurriedly walk toward the man with the clip board.
"Hi, excuse me. Before you get to far into this" She blindly thrust a finger behind her at the men unloading crates. "Just load them up, and send them back."
"Excuse me?"
"This is some sort of mistake. Whatever they are I don't want them. Just ship them back."
"I'm afraid we can't do that Miss. They've already been signed for. Strict rules this company.."
Ayaka turned and glared at Rika.  
She shrugged. "Hey, I just wanted to get some damn lunch. You clean this one up by yourself."
Ayaka walked over to the crate nearest to Rika.
"I guess we need a crowbar or something."
"Yeah, probably."
The men continued unloading the truck.
Title: Afternoon Day 11
Post by: erink on October 27, 2006, 10:02:12 PM
Ayaka was on her way to the matenince room. Once inside she was suprised to find Mari searching through a tool box.
"Hey Ayaka. Whatcha up to?"
"Nothing, I was just" Ayaka looked around the room. She would never be able to locate anything. "looking for a crowbar."
"Third row on the left."
"Ah, thanks."
"What'da need a crowbar for?"
Ayaka explained the situation to Mari. When she was finished, she asked a question of her own.
"What are you up to?"
"I thought things would need a little spicing up. But you know, I think I was wrong about today. I think it's got all the spice it needs."
Mari set the items down and walked out of the door with a twinkle in her eye.
Title: Afternoon Day 11
Post by: erink on October 27, 2006, 10:18:34 PM
By the time Ayaka returned to the lobby, half of Hello!Pro was there. Telling Mari was the equvilent of standing on a platform and yelling it out through a megaphone, except quicker, much quicker. And people actually listened this way.
Ayaka made her way over to one of the crates. Yuuko was leaning up against one, arms crossed, the picture of cool. She was too busy hitting on the dileverymen to notice Ayaka.
"It's just so big... I don't think a girl like myself would ever be able to move it."
Ayaka stood next to Rika, Kaori and Nacchi.
"It's just up in my bedroom. I'm sure a big, strong, young man like you would be able to help me."
"Oh god, you're kidding me. Does that actually work?" Ayaka asked.
"Hey, do you ever see her here on a Friday night?" Nacchi responded.
The girls turned their attention back to the crate infront of them. All of them worked together to pry it open. Once the lid was removed,
"You're kidding me right?" Ayaka said in disbelief.
Nacchi and Kaori started to giggle.
"didn't see that one coming." Nacchi managed to get out inbetween laughs.
"No way." Ayaka managed to say.
When the girls turned back around to survey the lobby, Yuuko and the deliveryman were MIA and the last of the crates seemed to be on its way.
The man with the clip board walked over to her.
"Alright, thats the first shipment."
"Wait, first? As in first in a sequence of numbers implying that there are more following it?"
He looked confused.
"Wel, there are more than this one, yes."
Ayaka looked around.
"How many more?"
"About three or four. It depends."
"What the fuck am I going to do with five truckloads of coconuts?!" Ayaka's voice had reached a scream at the end of the sentence.
"Miss, I...."
He stared at her a moment longer and then headed towards the door, with a fear that only a woman could give a man.
Title: Afternoon Day 11
Post by: erink on October 27, 2006, 10:28:34 PM
The girls wasted no time.
"Coconuts, musume?" asked Mari, holding one in each hand.
Saito had shoved two down her shirt "Just as test...Visual reference."
Miki had walked in from the lobby. The poster child for angry person thrown into confusing situation. Her experession was priceless and she stood in the middle of the lobby holding onto the straps of her bag. She took a few steps in and twirled around while walking, talking it all in.
"Glad you're here." Yossie yelled from the other side of the lobby, slightly hidden by crates.
"Everybody, meeting. Now!"
Title: Afternoon Day 11
Post by: erink on October 27, 2006, 11:05:42 PM
The girls had filed into one of the conference rooms. Everyone was seated. Yossie stood at the front of the room with a dry erase board behind her. She turned to write.
Thud. Snort.
She turned around the see Miki on her right and Tsuji on her left trying as hard as possible to control themselves. Both were turning red from holding back their laughter. Some of the other girls had smiles on their faces. Yossie glared, and turned back to the board.
When she snapped back around, she saw both shaking and one of the pictures on the wall swaying back and forth. Now most of the other girls were adverting their eyes as the tried to stifle thier laughter.
The third time Yossie turned to write on the board, the thud happened again, it was followed by a small yell. She turned around.
The girls looked up at her, blank expressions, and then started to snicker again. She turned. The forth thud was unlike the others. It was a dull hollow sound that echoed throughout the room followed by Miki, Tsuji, and the other girls trying their damnest to stop laughing. At the same time, a disheveled Yuuko opened the door.
Yossie turned to look at her. Her hair was a mess.
Yuuko kept her eyes on the back of the room. Miki and Tsuji had tears in their eyes. Yuuko started to giggle.
"Why are they" She turned to look at Yossie. "throwing coconuts at each other?"
Yossie looked absolutely distraught .
"Guys! Focus!"
Yuuko walked towards the back of the room. She paused and looked at the coconut that had lodged itself in the wall behind Tsuji. She started to giggle with the pair and she took her seat next to them.
"Guys!" Yossie turned around.
The three of them looked like school children who misbehave everytime the teacher turns their back, which essentially is what they were.
"Erika is missing!"
"So what? More solo lines for me." Yui bellowed in something rivaling Yuuko's yankee tone, as she turned back and forth slowly in her chair, slouched down.
"Thats the right attidue. You keep that up and you'll go places Yuki." Yuuko advised.
"It's Yui."
"Whatever, snowflake.*"
"This is a serious problem!" Yossie interjected. Trying to get this back on track.
"No! You know what is a serious problem? All those fucking coconuts!" Ayaka yelled from her seat on the left side of the table.
"You know, I though the same thing '99. Fucking Coconuts." Yuuko declared.
Kaori and Nacchi started laughing.
Ayaka looked at at the ceiling.
"You don't understand. I got the invoice. It's a lot of fucking coconuts."
"Well....." Mari launched into song. "You've got a lovely bunch of coconuts!"
Some one else who had seen the film followed it up.
"Have a banana!"
"Like I am going to be stuck with five truck loads of cocounts. Do you know how expensive that is?"
"It can't be that bad." Goto began.
"It can't be that bad says the working woman. Ask yourself what I have done in the past two years. Not only am I stuck with a lot of fucking coconuts I can't pay for the fucking coconuts."
"You know I've never seen this side of you before." Mai began. "It's kinda hot."
"Hey, why don't you start joking with me when I don't have five truck loads of coconuts to deal with?"
The intercom clicked to life.
"Ayaka, there is a deliver for you."
Ayaka stood up and forcefully slammed her hands down on the table.
"Hey! I wonder what that could be. Hmmm. I don't know! I'll give you two guesses but you'll only need one!" Ayaka threw her arms in the air and slammed the door shut behind her. The girls could hear her stamp down the hallway.
"I love it when complete dispair and confusion turns to straight up anger." Mari said.
"Yeah, it's pretty damn entertaining." Miki concluded.

* Yuki is japanese for snow. Hence the snowflake.
Here is the Coconut song for you guy's who haven't heard it.
I got the idea from French Class. We found some pebbles on the floor and started throwing them at each other when the teacher wasn't looking.One girl kept missing everytime and it would hit the wall making a loud noise.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 28, 2006, 12:40:46 AM
"Erika is missing!"
"So what? More solo lines for me." Yui bellowed in something rivaling Yuuko's yankee tone, as she turned back and forth slowly in her chair, slouched down.

*gasp* Blasphemy!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on October 28, 2006, 03:06:43 AM
All I gotta say for my main gal Yui at the moment is... "Gyu~" :P

XD Ahh, yossui is trying to be so serious, and yet Miki love keeps trying to be defiant.

Ayaka acting like a mad American?! W00T~ Yay Ayaka!

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on October 28, 2006, 06:09:57 AM
Ayaka....coconuts....THAT'S NUCKIN' FUTS!!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 28, 2006, 08:06:17 AM
OOooo! Coconut bras!!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on October 28, 2006, 12:45:41 PM
Quote from: erink;222590

"Like I am going to be stuck with five truck loads of cocounts. Do you know how expensive that is?"
"It can't be that bad." Goto began.
"It can't be that bad says the working woman. Ask yourself what I have done in the past two years. Not only am I stuck with a lot of fucking coconuts I can't pay for the fucking coconuts."

LOL that's exactly what I was thinking!  They're probably imported too!  oh poor poor Ayaka :pen_sweat:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Yuuyami on October 28, 2006, 12:51:06 PM
Maybe they could sell the coconuts at a fanclub even featuring Ayaka? XD~!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on October 29, 2006, 06:38:38 AM

Coconuts...lots of coconuts...I was wondering if the song would make an appearance. Lol. Awesome

Yuuko is my god :D

Crazed Ayaka is hilarious

Mari is a maniac and by GOD I LOVE IT!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: KrazyForKamei on October 29, 2006, 05:06:33 PM
Ayaka + coconuts + Biyuuden jokes + Yui boob jokes = THEBEST

Veerrryyy funny ^_^
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on October 30, 2006, 12:59:25 AM
And saitou needs MORE in her bra why?

Great chapters! Love mad Ayaka, and coconut throwing *goes out to find coconuts to throw at Yuuyami*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Yuuyami on October 30, 2006, 01:03:12 AM
D:< ~! -chucks them at Tanachan-
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on October 30, 2006, 01:04:43 AM
*gets coconut cannon at ready*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on October 30, 2006, 05:31:40 AM
(yes, I am copying and pasting this message around)

For bluekinko Im printing all the stories off and making special folders for them for her birthday/graduation present. I was wondering if you had a full front cover I could use?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on October 30, 2006, 01:20:28 PM
I'd like to make one for you to use. How much time do I have?
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on November 03, 2006, 11:49:58 PM
The girls were in the cafeteria. Ayaka was siting down at one of the tables. Laying down ontop of the table top, she seemed to be sleeping. The constant running back and forth the the lobby with each shipment was getting to her.
The intercom clicked to life.
Ayaka stood up, pushed her chair in, and started to run towards the lobby.
She returned 10 minutes later and approached the back table.
Mari looked up from her clipboard and smiled.
"Got everything under control!"
Ayaka smiled.
"I'm so relived."
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on November 04, 2006, 12:09:00 AM
"Are you really going to be able to pull this off?" Yuuko asked. "I have faith in you and all, I do. It's just, you have roughly an two and a half hours to get everything set up, get everyone in there, and make enough of a mess to the point were she won't be able to stop us."
"I understand were you are coming from, honest. The odds, well they are stack against me.  But this, this, will be a true test of my skils. My chance to show that I am Mari Yaguchi and I can throw one hell of a party."
"So what's the first order of business?"
"Funny you should mention that, it just entered the building."
Yuuko turned on her chair slightly to see Korenaga enter the room. Mari waved her over. She gave them a 'who, me?' look, and started to make her way over. She greeted them politely.
"Skip all the formalities." Mari began.
"Please, have a seat." Mari gestured to the empty one on Yuuko's right. "Miki. Miki Korenaga. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to go the the nearest garden center and or home improvement shop and buy fifteen-no sixteen bags of sand."
She paused letting Korenaga absorb it.
"But, it really doesn't matter if you accept it or not. You have no choice. I'm telling you to do it. And to do it in under a half hour. I don't care if you have to jump a train to the nearest beach and get it from there. Just get it."
"Al-alright. I'll do it."
"Fantastic. Keep your cellphone on and take this."
Mari extended her hand towards Korenaga. She looked down.
"It's Kei's credit card..."
"Well it certainly isn't coming out of my pocket. Now go! Hustle or we won't let you live here anymore!"
Korenaga sprinted out of the cafeteria wondering if this sort of thing would ever become complance like it is to the others.
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on November 04, 2006, 12:30:56 AM
"Come here!"
Tsuji shoved another moutful of oreos in her mouth as she walked over to Mari.
"We've got work to do. Go get me anyone you can find. Perferably fifth or six gen, you know-"
"cause they'll do anything to suck up to you."
"Exactly. Bring them back here."
Tsuji gave a salute and walked out of the cafeteria.

While Tsuji was gone Mari let Miki know about what was going on.
"So go get all the Gatas players and have them take about 6 crates up to Kei's room. Don't tell Yossie. She is still freaking out over Erika. She needs to be one of the last people to know."
"She can't find out until it is too late to stop us."
"Excactly. If she asks, just say it is training or something. Working on your strength and teamwork."
"Got it."
"Cool. I should be up there in a little bit."

Tsuji walked back into the cafeteria just as Mari had finished with Miki, Risa, Ai, Makoto, Sayu, Eri, and Reina following behind her. Tsuji told them to stay were they were for a minute. She moved in close to Mari.
"So what excactly are we doing?"
"Were gonna throw a  Luau."
"Huh? Aww, that girl was crazy. I kinda miss her. Man what a trip. How long she coming back for?"
Mari looked back at her, confused.
"No, Tsuji, a Luau, not a Lehua."
"ohhh" Tsuji reponded, slightly crestfallen.
Mari signaled for the other girls to come over.
"Fifth-gen, go raid all the costume and prop rooms for anything summer-ish, okay? Think hawaiian. Get all those ukuleles we used during that one Hello Morning and the dresses and shirts. Sixth, go to a party store or something and buy some beach balls and things. A pink flamingo. Stuff like that okay? Don't tell anyone what you are doing, understand?"
The girls stood there staring back at her.
"What are you waiting for?! Go!"

Mari looked at Tsuji.
"Come with me."
The pair headed off towards Kei's room.
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on November 04, 2006, 12:58:19 AM
Mari was standing in the center of Kei's living room. Yuuko was seated over in the kitchen looking on at the procedings with mild interst. Tsuji stood next to Mari feverishly taking notes.
"So I'm think we need to get rid of those chairs. Besides being hideous they just compltely kill the flow of the room."
"Right, right. Whats the kanji for-"
"Tsuji just whatever make it legible"
"legi- what now?"
"Now this wall. If we get rid of it, it opens this space up. we need to get started on knocking that down as soon as we can"
"Now if you get rid of that wall, that wall that separates my room and Kei's room, the only thing getting knocked down is you Yaguchi" Yuuko said evenly.
Mari brought her left hand up and stroked her chin.
"Okay, so the wall stays. The glass doors however, they go."
Tsuji looked up from her notepad. She put the tip of the pencil eraser in her mouth.
"So what are we going to need to take the doors off?"
"Tsuji, I don't do home repairs and fixes. I do destruction. We're smashing the damn things and then getting some gen nobody cares about to clean up the mess. Plus, there is no time. We need to do this quick."
"Oi! Demolition Debby! How do you plan on getting these" Miki pointed to the crates "through this?" She pointed to the door.
Mari walked over to her. She surveyed the situation.
"Well, it's either make the crates smaller or make the door bigger."
"I'll go call one of the kid's to get the saw."
Mari nodded.
"Some hammers too."
"sliding doors?" Miki looked over Mari at the blacony.
"uh huh."
"Mind if I take care of them? I have a little frustration I'd like to vent."
"Not at all. Not at all.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Yuuyami on November 04, 2006, 02:49:59 AM
Loved the Lehua joke XD I have a feeling they're gonna recreate Hawaii in Kei's room XD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on November 04, 2006, 02:54:05 AM
Wow...Tsuji on her usual level of idiocy! Especially saying "Demilition Debby". Can't wait until the next update, and to see Kei blow up on everybody, then get drunk and be like "whatever, let's f*cking party!"
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 04, 2006, 03:31:50 AM
Lol this is even drunkier when I'm funny
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on November 04, 2006, 07:57:16 AM
[lol at rndmn]

Ah, Erink you are da best without a doubt. Cant wait to see what happens next
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on November 07, 2006, 10:44:47 PM
A buzzing sound echoed throughout the floor.
Mari was busy sawing out part of the wall next to the door. She planned just to make the cut on the left side of the wall. That way when the door was open the crates would be able to fit through if you pushed them. That was, until she felt a hand on her shoulder.
As Mari jerked her body to the right, she took the saw with her.
Mari flicked the switch on the side of the saw to the off position.
Tsuji kept her hand on Mari's shoulder as they stared at the door.
They followed the cut, which traveled up at an angle, with their eyes until they reached the right side of it, at which point the bottom half of the door swung towards them.
"Well.." Mari began.
"Maybe she won't notice" Tsuji offered.
"I guess in the long run the door will be the least of her problems."
Mari stepped back to admire her work. It wasn't what she had invisioned, but it would do. She reached down to close the bottom half of the door. After a few tries it finally stayed in place.
Miki was on her way to Kei's room.

She thought about Aya on her way there.

She thought about how she felt about her.

She thought about how just seeing her smile could make her smile.

She thought about their meaningless conversations.

She thought about their meaningful conversations.

She thought about their friendship.

She thought about their careers.

She thought about the gap there would be if she ever lost Aya.

She thought "Fuck it." and readjusted her grip on the sledge hammer that was slung over her left shoulder.

Miki opened Kei's door with her right hand. She felt her upper body lean forward as she fell over what was, unbestknown to her, the bottom half of the door.
"JE! SUS!" She pronounced it as if it were two separate names.
She stayed on the ground and looked back. She tried to figure out why the door was no longer a door and was now several doors.
Mari and Tsuji looked down at her.
"the hell"
The 'what' part of the phrase was replaced with huff of air. It wasn't a question or a statement, more it was just something one usually says after something happens. In Hello! Pro, this kind of something was bound to happen more than once a week.
Miki grunted and rubbed at her knees.
She looked over at the sledge hammer which she had tossed as she did what could best be described as a half assed sumbersalt into the room.
Miki stood up and tried to remove it. Dropping it durring the fall had led to it lodging itself in Kei's floor.
Miki was busy trying to pry it free when Mari spoke.
"What?" Tsuji asked.
"Time, Tsuji! Time! How much time do we have?"
"Two hours."
The girls exchanged glances.
Responses to your comments coming up soon.Promise. Thanks for them, it's cool to see what you guys think.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on November 08, 2006, 07:01:44 AM
Damn, I love it when miki thinks hard and just lets things go and say a simple "oh fuck it" :D Just like a normal girl - just like me =D

heh, nice add ins of "stupid" Tsuji~
=T its said to see Ayaka's part is done... maybe they can use her cocnuts for the Kei party!
Miki falling over the half door reminds me of that OLD Friends episode *they played it recently*. when joey made an entertainment center and he accidentaly sliced Chandler's door in half while cutting the wood, so chandler fell over :D
Dont worry Miki, you still got Rika or yossui <3

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on November 08, 2006, 09:56:22 PM
morning musume,
...and it's consequences.....

Man! This fic really is something else!
I wonder where all this will lead to.... :ONdunno:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: KrazyForKamei on November 09, 2006, 12:43:17 AM
Omg that was hilarious when Miki fell through the door XD. Mari and Tsuji r crazy i love them in this story. They make a good *cough* or insane *cough* team.

Great job with this ^_^ It super funny.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 09, 2006, 06:04:05 AM
Lol, sledgehammer in the floor.... And still no Erika? I wonder if she hopped a plane and went to find Ruru?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on November 18, 2006, 04:36:19 AM
Mikan: Thank you very much.
Tana and Yuu: Don't make me have to separate you two.
OS: Thanks. Ayaka's part is not over. In fact I'm not getting rid of any charecters. So don't worry about saying goodbye to Ayaka.
OOHB: Glad you like it. Thank you.
KFK: Thanks. The Tsuji Mari combo is always my tag team of insanity.
RND: Don't you worry about your beloved Erika. I've got it taken care of.
Sukoshi: Miuna's shoes are still MIA. Thanks for reminding me.....
JFC: It isn't the only think that's nucking futs in this.

Big things are coming.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on November 18, 2006, 05:13:17 AM
Short...Nice....I giggles and and admired you...

The standard for reading your work
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on November 18, 2006, 05:14:53 AM
2 Hours Remaining
Prop Room

"I wonder what they are up to..." Ai said aloud to no one in particular. Behind her Makoto rumaged through some boxes.
"Whatever it is I hope there is alchol involved."
Ai turned to look at Risa.
"What?" She asked bringing her chin in and shooting her a look.
"Wasn't all this stuff organized at one point in time?" Makoto said.
"Yeah, I just don't remember when." Risa concluded."The scray thing is that, yeah okay the props and stuff are a mess, but they really do have organized insanity. I swear there is a method in their madness."
"Well, one things for sure," Ai began " you certainly won't learn what they can teach you at some university."
Makoto turned and leaned her back up against the shelves, staring up at the ceilling dreamily.
"You're right you know. Sometimes I wonder... How many more times will I be doing things like this."
"Judging from all the crates" Risa started to count on her fingers and mumble to herself, "I'd say a whole hell of a lot."
Makoto smiled. Takahashi and Risa exchanged glances.
"Come on, we better get moving. We all know what happened last time." Risa said.
"Yeah, and I'll be damned if I have to sleep outside again." Takahashi said as she threw a costume aside.
2 Hours Remaining
Garden Center Parking Lot, Tokyo

"The van is right over here." Korenaga said as the employe pushed the cart piled with sand bags.
When they reached the van, he let out a sigh and wiped his brow. He jerked his head back slightly when he saw the van. One mirror was held on with duct tape while the other was hanging off.  A headlight was broken and the side of the van had yellow spray paint covering it. He tried to make out the writting. He wasn't sure but it just looked like it said Miki a bunch of times in a few different, albeit sloppy ways.
Korenaga cleared her throat. She opened the van doors. It was quite spacious considering the back seats had been ripped out. To be completely honest she was suprised they weren't getting a refund back on the vans.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on November 18, 2006, 06:13:33 AM

(watch, as I spam the board!!)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on November 18, 2006, 01:53:45 PM
Wooo... the tension before some madness!:ONfarofflook:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 19, 2006, 01:46:47 AM
Lol at the van, now, which Miki vandalized it? Not sweet Korenaga? They're seriously corrupting her!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on November 19, 2006, 02:04:21 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd;238145
Lol at the van, now, which Miki vandalized it? Not sweet Korenaga? They're seriously corrupting her!

No, Miki F. had the spray paint from the cart race.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 19, 2006, 03:11:22 AM
Oh yeah, I remember!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on November 19, 2006, 10:32:00 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd;238145
Not sweet Korenaga? They're seriously corrupting her!

LOL I can totally see that happening! :ONding:  One errand done, 120402139 to go!  Next thing you know she's going to be the one hung over and missing for days :ONkekeke:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: glcorps2002 on November 23, 2006, 05:58:09 AM
No one's gonna find Erika are they?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on November 23, 2006, 07:05:58 AM
Quote from: glcorps2002;241629
No one's gonna find Erika are they?
Afraid you are just going to have to keep reading.

Alright, alright, Erika will be found. But the when, where, and how, now THAT you will have to stick around for.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: glcorps2002 on November 23, 2006, 09:09:36 AM
Quote from: erink;241667
Afraid you are just going to have to keep reading.
Alright, alright, Erika will be found. But the when, where, and how, now THAT you will have to stick around for.
And you say that like I was going to leave  :mrgreen:.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 23, 2006, 07:55:01 PM
I'm anxiously awaiting the humor of the findingness
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on November 26, 2006, 08:55:02 AM
More Ayaka later? Thanks!

Hahaha, I laughed at the thought of Miki vandalizing property.

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on November 30, 2006, 11:06:25 PM
Updates coming up tomorrow and possibly throughout the weekend. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.
Just what's going on with Miki?
Will Ayaka be stuck with nothing but coconuts and her so called career for the foreseeable future?
Will Mari be able to pull this off?
How will Kei react?
Will the girls finally corrupt Korenaga?
......something related to that Erika girl?
Say tuned as Another Day at H!P continues to unfold tomorrow.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 01, 2006, 12:49:47 AM
Quote from: erink;247229
Updates coming up tomorrow and possibly throughout the weekend. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.
Just what's going on with Miki?
Will Ayaka be stuck with nothing but coconuts and her so called career for the foreseeable future?
Will Mari be able to pull this off?
How will Kei react?
Will the girls finally corrupt Korenaga?
......something related to that Erika girl?
Say tuned as Another Day at H!P continues to unfold tomorrow.

Yay updates soon! It's worth the wait.

Lol, it should be that other girl in Biyuuden with the voice....
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on December 01, 2006, 10:21:48 PM
2 Hours remaining
Kei's room

"You've got the doors, right Miki?" Mari asked, hands on her hips.
"Oh yes. I've got the doors."
Mari turned around to face Kei's (two) front door(s), just to see Rika walk past.
"Rika! Rika!"
Rika walked backwards into view again.
"Whatcha doing?"
"Going to get Shib-"
"Go get her and then come back here."
Mari looked over to the side.
"Yes?" Tsuji scurried over to Mari's side.
"We have other business to take care of. Give the tablet to Miki. Miki, have Rika and Shibata take care of the stuff on the list."
She started moving towards the door. Tsuji handed Miki the tablet and ran to catch up with Mari.
Miki put the tablet in the back pocket of her jeans. She turned back to the sliding glass doors.
Miki clicked her tounge. "Damn Ayayaaa"

2 Hours Remaining

The sixth gen were on their way to the parking lot.
"I wonder what's going on." Sayu brought her voice up and down in a whine.
"You know they never tell us anything." Reina reminded her.
"I don't know why. We've been here for awhile." Eri said.
"It's like being a gangster. You have to earn their respect and trust." Reina said as she continued walking down the hall.
"yankeeee" Sayu whispered.
"What'cha say?"
"Eh? Me? Nothing." Sayu blurted out while shaking her head.
"I guess we just need to be positve. We are being somewhat included." Eri said.
"Yeah. Running errands! Why can't we just pay people to do this? I'm too cute. I can't lift heavy objects. What if something happens to me? I don't wanna go! I don't wanna!" Sayu started whining again.
There was a loud smash.
"I think something has a better chance of happening to you here." Reina  said looking at a stunned Sayu.
"The store. Let's go!" Sayu took off down the hall. Reina and Eri smiled.
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on December 02, 2006, 02:24:40 AM
2 Hours Remaining
Parking lot

Asami was having a typical night. She rode around the parking lot aimlessly on her skateboard, admiring the stars. It was another beautiful night in the city. The fresh air filled her lungs. It wasn't like the air back home, the air that had a real freshness to it, but it was as fresh as it got in Tokyo. Asami closed her eyes. She just went along feeling the wheels on the pavement. She kept her head tilted back, and after a few minutes of this, she opened them. This time however, Asami saw more than stars.

1 Hour 48 Minutes Remaining
Kei's Room

"What was that-" Rika stoped mid-question as she saw a goggle doning, sledge hammer wielding, manic grin wearing Miki Fujimoto stand by a set of shattered glass doors.
Miki put the sledge hammer down on the top of its head. She put her gloved hands on her hips. Wearing a tight red t-shirt, gloves, goggles, and the equally tight blue jeans, it occured to Rika that this was probably some man's, or  more acurately many men's fantasy come true. An apathetic Fujimoto returned as she lost the grin.
"I gotta list for you."
Rika walked into the room, a nonplussed Shibata in tow.
"From Mari and Tsuji" she tossed the tablet towards Rika. "Gotta get as much as we can done for the-" Miki slipped into an impersonation of Summer Party! complete with half assed dance moves. "party party."
Rika flipped open the cover.
"Awwww.. Tsuji wrote it!"
Miki arched her eyebrows.
"I'm in the same  generation as her, known her for years, and still can't read this half the damn time!"
Shibata looked over Rika's shoulder.
"Maybe it's upside down..."
Rika flipped it and the two girls continued to stare.
"No. No it's not."
"What is that about fairs?" Shibata asked.
"I think she means...chairs."
"Wow, she totally combined the c and the h."
"Is that even a letter?"
"What that? That is the word 'and', maybe.."
"No, no, above that. See?"
"Dear lord."
"Whats this about chairs?" Miki asked.
"It either says "get rid of chairs' or "go get some bears"
Miki remained silent for a few seconds. Contemplating.
"You know...."
Rika and Shibata looked up at her.
"With them, either one is plausable. Maybe we should do both? Or at least the easier one. Do you know of any places to get a bear at this time of the night?"
"Well then, chairs it is!"
Miki walked over to the two cream coloured seats. She lifted one up with little difficulty and started waddling over to the balcony. Her expainsion proejct had went well, where the glass used to be, there was now a wide open space that let the sounds of Tokyo in. Miki thought the gaping hole that no longer separated room and balcony would let in more than noise. Probably some rain, birds, wind. Oh well. Wasn't her problem.
Miki set the chair down, carefully avoiding the glass. Rika and Shibata walked out onto the balcony, sharing the weight of the other chair. She readjusted her grip and with all her might lifted the chair up to the level of the railing. She paused letting Rika and Shibata do the same.
Miki shoved.
She heard a scream as she leaned over the railing to watch the impact. Someone Miki couldn't make out in the darkness was on the ground next to the chairs.
"Oh my god! Who is that?" Rika yelled.
"I can't make them out. It's too dark they look like a spec."
Shibata and Rika looked over at Miki.
"Huh? What? I don't know. I'm Miki Fujimoto. Everyone is an insignificant spec to me no matter how dark it is."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on December 02, 2006, 04:05:51 AM
Quote from: erink;248342
"What was that-" Rika stoped mid-question as she saw a goggle doning, sledge hammer wielding, manic grin wearing Miki Fujimoto stand by a set of shattered glass doors.
Miki put the sledge hammer down on the top of its head. She put her gloved hands on her hips. Wearing a tight red t-shirt, gloves, goggles, and the equally tight blue jeans, it occured to Rika that this was probably some man's, or more acurately many men's fantasy come true.
Yep. Miki smashing things is damn hot. :jerk:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on December 02, 2006, 04:18:47 AM
ROFL :pen_whirl:  great to have you back! :baa60776:   LOL too funny XD    I think Miki just done away with the whole 6th gen :ONscared:  can't wait to see what happens next ! :heart:
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on December 02, 2006, 05:35:08 AM
1 Hour 45 Minutes Remaining
Parking lot

What saved Asami was her reflexes. Starting at a young age with dog sledding and various other sports, and honned to near perfection in futsal. She kicked herself off the board and landed on the pavement just before two rather expensive chairs did. She stayed on the ground out of shock. Leaning back on her arms she looked up at the building. She heard a yell and then rather loud conversation. She composed herself quickly. If one wanted to survive here, you would need to. Getting caught up on small things like nearly being killed by a falling chair really held you back in this business.
She stood up, brushed herself off, and headed towards the entrance.

1 Hour 45 Minutes Remaining
Kei's Room

"Well, seems to be fine." Miki said. "Next on the list?"
"Umm, it says something about a wall." Rika began. " but I have no idea. Wall is the only word I can make out. At least I think it is wall.."
"Hmm. Wall. Tsuji, Mari. Mari and Tsuji have this pretty manic streak of destruction. So if Mari and Tsuji compiled this list, and wall is on the list, it would stand to reason that they want to get rid of the wall."
"Okay. I'm following you on that-" Before Rika could finish Miki interjected.
"Ah, good for you! Somebody, get this girl a cookie!"
She raised her left hand in the air and pointed up and down at Rika repeatedly. Rika ignored this and continued.
"But what wall should we get rid of?"
"Hmm. There are a lot of walls. Getting rid of all of them would take to long. Plus it might be a bit...excesive. Fujimoto says... we get rid of this wall!"
"Why?" Shibata asked.
"Because I'm standing next to it. Here, right here. Therefore I don't have to exert myself by moving to the otherside of the room to go knock that one down."
"What, Rika?"
"You are acting kinda funny. Are you okay?"
"Peachy. Now if you'll just give me a moment."
Miki put her goggles back on. She streched her arms a bit and then grabbed the hammer.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on December 02, 2006, 07:59:05 AM

Miki renovations!! i love the Miki rage! Using Ayaya as a fuel :D

Hizzah!!! May the days at H!P be long and destructive!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: ChiruChaCha on December 02, 2006, 12:26:11 PM
I loved Miki's Chu!Natsu party xDDD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 02, 2006, 07:39:05 PM
You're back! I missed your hilarious updates. XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: KrazyForKamei on December 02, 2006, 10:10:58 PM
lol! Miki's demolition is the greatest. A very good way to take out anger and frustration is to smash things.

I love this story so much....cuz we all know this is wut really happens at H!P when the cameras aren't on them *wink*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on December 03, 2006, 01:26:48 AM
~Yay for Lazy Miki <3
~Yay for minipulating Sayu's little mind
~Yay for Tsuji still not knowing how to write. They should have given it to Miki, she sucks at Kanji. Maybe she could have understood it :D
~Yay for Konno being from Kyrpton hahah

Has Miki been on that good stuff? silly Miki, just go make out with Rika (: you'll forget ALL about Ayaya. Muaha.

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on December 03, 2006, 01:46:14 AM
Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe;249169

~Yay for Konno being from Kyrpton hahah

It was Asami from Country, not Konno. Asami mentioned on a Yanen or something that she skateboards(instant win in my book). She also mentioned that she tends to crash because she looks up at the sky.

JFC- Miki is hot no matter what.
Sukoshi- Thanks bud.
Mikan- I know you are waiting for me to get to the whole Aya/Miki thing. Don't worry it's coming.
Chiru- It imediately started playing in my head when I typed party, so it got thrown in there.
Rnd- Thank you.
KfK- Thanks. Things aren't always as they seem, right? I bet you Tsuji can do complex triganometry in her head. Okay, well...

Ehh, I'm not to happy with the most recent chapters. They are really just the filler so I can progress to the good stuff. Kinda building it up. I need to keep it so there will probably be a few like that until I can go where I want to again.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on December 03, 2006, 02:13:05 AM
"We get rid of this wall!"
"Why that one?"
"Because I'm standing next to it!"
*bows down to the genius*
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on December 03, 2006, 06:54:01 AM
Erink, dont hurry it! Its good! I CAN WAIT!!

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on December 10, 2006, 08:30:25 AM
Quote from: erink;249185
It was Asami from Country, not Konno. Asami mentioned on a Yanen or something that she skateboards(instant win in my book). She also mentioned that she tends to crash because she looks up at the sky.
Ehh, I'm not to happy with the most recent chapters. They are really just the filler so I can progress to the good stuff. Kinda building it up. I need to keep it so there will probably be a few like that until I can go where I want to again.
AH~ Ok, I see, my bad. I forgot that Asami is used when talking about her, i completely forgot.
I always hear about this, and that Koaris plays guitar. All this time I thought H!P members were just plain girls who didnt have any other talent than singing, dancing, posing for pics, looking hot/cute, and making us laugh!

Ah dont worry, every story has unwanted fillers. But yours' aren't bad at all!

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on December 16, 2006, 02:14:04 AM
Thanks for all the responses.

1 Hour 34 Minutes
 The elevator music seemed to be something from T&C Bomber. Tsuji lightly drummed her fingers on the grip of her one crutch as Mari hummed along. The pair watched the lights above them flash as they continued going down.
There was a thud.
A loud thud.
A thud that wouldn't necessarily be called a thud my most people.
A thud that would most likely be classfied as an explosion.
The girls continued looking around.
Tsuji casually began
"Say, you don't think that noise would have happen to be conected to, oh, Miki would you?"
"Either that or Kamei fell down. She's got some extra junk in the trunk if you know what I'm saying, and if you don't I'll just flat out say the girl has thunder thighs."
"Normally I would agree, it is just that Kamei is gone."
"Huh. Well then, yes I would have to say that the noise in question would be related to Miki."
Ding. The doors opened.

1 Hour 43 Minutes
Kei's room

 It didn't take any of the girls long to figure out that Miki wasn't making much progress. She was sporadically picking and chosing parts of the wall to swing at. The result looked like some bizarre modern art piece, something hipsters would spend hours standing infront of talking about the "pain, suffering, and anguish, of the artist" and drawing parallels between the blows to life and love.
 Miki set the hammer down and put her hands on her hips.
"Yeah. Pretty much." Rika agreed.
"You think Tsuji has anymore of those M80's left?"
"Maybe. It's Tsuji though. I mean a bomb literally went off in her room. Be kinda difficult to find them."
"True. True. But it is Tsuji."
"I should check near the refrigerator, shouldn't I?"
"Yeah. Probably."
"Be right back."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on December 16, 2006, 02:45:22 AM
1 Hour 32 Minutes Remaining
Parking lot

Miki jumped out of the van. What first caught her attention was the smoke billowing out of one of the rooms. She next noticed the figures seen in the afore mentioned room moving about. She looked back at the ground and at the chairs. And beyond them to see Mari and Tsuji leaving the building.
"I'm not even going to ask."
She opened up the doors of the van.
"Hey, I got it!" Korenaga yelled to Mari.
"Ah, good job. Take it up stairs, ok?"
Mari looked up.
"You might wanna give it a few minutes."
She nodded.

1 hour 40 Minutes Remaing
Kei's Room

Miki looked at the two blue tubes resting in the palm of her hand.
"Listen, I usually don't stop these kinda things but this, this is" Shibata looked at Miki waiting for a response. She got one as Miki looked up and at her.
"It's just, it's all fun and games until somebody loses a hand you know what I mean?"
"Yeah but it's not going to happen."
"How do you know?"
"Because. First of all, after all the things we've done I'm really not concerned about the dangers of a glorified firecracker."
"Miki! You guys just bought them from some shady... some shady, well God knows where you got them but it was probably shady. What if it sets the wall on fire or something?"
"Is this my wall?"
"Then do you honestly think I care if it is on fire?"
"Miki, I'm just telling you, this really can't end well."
"Ah come on, you know you wanna."
"Wanna what?"
"See something blow up."
Rika looked at her best friend.
"She's right you know. I can tell. A little bit. You wanna."
"I... I"
"We all know what you are really doing, Shibata."
Rika looked at Miki and smiled. Despite their differences the two were getting along quite well recently. Thanks in large part to what happened that night...
"It's all an act!" Rika acussed.
"You just wanna be able to say that you tried to stop us if this didn't turn out well. You aren't even really trying that hard to stop it. You know why?"
"Because you want it to happen!" Rika chimed in.

1 Hour 43 Minutes Remaining
Prop Room

"Ah! What is it, what is it?" Risa said aloud as she opened up the box.
"Score!" She proclaimed.
"Huh?" Takahashi and Makoto almost asked in sync as they looked over at her.
"I found the lei's from Hello Morning."
"Cool" Takahashi said in full accent.
"Put 'em ober in the pile." Makoto said.
"Will do!"
"ober" was intentional.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on December 16, 2006, 02:57:40 AM
1 Hour 37 Minutes Remaing

Miki checked the fuses again. It was the fourth time she did. She herself didn't have many worries over it, she knew she did a good job the first time but it was after Shibata's repeated "It'll be hard to be an idol with 3 and a half fingers" comments she did it just to pacify her.
"Well?" Shibata asked nervously.
"It's good. Just as good as it was the other three times."
"Yeah." Miki snapped.
She carefullyset the two tubes inside a hole in the middle of the wall. She made sure that they were going to stay on the stud in the wall. Miki removed her hand just to make sure everything was good so far. She added some extra duct tape. When she was satisfied, she carefully pulled the wire across the room up to the edge of the kitchen.
"Places everyone."
Rika and Shibata stepped back towards the open door. They bent down on the ground and leaned up against the wall in the hallway, covering their ears.
Miki waited until they were outside. She bent down and lit the fuse.
Miki ducked and ran towards the door. She jumped into the hallway and pressed her body up against the wall peaking around the corner of the doorway.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on December 16, 2006, 03:05:30 AM
1 Hour and 33 Minutes Remaining
Kei's room

"Holy fuck!" Miki yelled.
The explosion had significantly affected their hearing.
They were screaming.
Rika,who wasn't one for swearing concured.
"Holy fuck!" She yelled back and Miki and they all remained pressed up against the wall.
Miki looked back inside, Shibata looked too this time.
"Holy fuck!" She confirmed.
The room was filled with a white smoke, most likely from the plaster. That and the small fire on the wall.
Speaking of the wall, it was charred black on the sides. A hole had formed.
Miki walked into the room swatting at the air and coughing lightly.
Rika and Shibata followed.
Miki inspected the wall.
"It didn't really do that much damage." Rika began.
"Who the hell cares! It was awesome to watch!" Shibata exclaimed.
Miki and Rika looked at each other.
"Knew it!" Rika shouted.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on December 16, 2006, 03:38:12 AM
Ahaha! Shizzam for Pyro-Miki!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on December 16, 2006, 04:23:17 AM
Woohoo! 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points for Rika swearing!
And another 10000000 for Pyro-Miki and Pyro-Shiba!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: glcorps2002 on December 16, 2006, 05:34:40 AM
You gotta love it when someone blows something up!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on December 16, 2006, 06:03:59 AM
Quote from: Mikan;259776
Ahaha! Shizzam for Pyro-Miki!

Shizzam indeed! Always thought Shiba-chan had a little evil streak in her. :twisted:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 16, 2006, 06:27:42 AM
Wow, Nono really had M 80's?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on December 16, 2006, 06:41:03 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd;259923
Wow, Nono really had M 80's?

Somebody could check me on this, but early in the story I think Mari was in Tsuji's room and said that it looked like a bomb went off and Tsuji said it was just an M80. She seemed like a likely canidated.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on December 16, 2006, 08:37:46 AM
Post #22
July 17th, 2006, 06:29 AM
By Erink

Quote from: erink;125742
"It looks like a bomb went off in here!"
The sounds stoped momentarily.
"No, just that M-80."
The sounds started again. Mari chuckled as she lowered herself down onto the cushin. A few minutes later Tsuji returned.
"Lets go!"

Yeah...your story checks out but I got my eyes on you O_O
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on December 16, 2006, 02:50:51 PM
Rika looked at Miki and smiled. Despite their differences the two were getting along quite well recently. Thanks in large part to what happened that night...
¬__¬ that night.... Was it an... Awesome night? :D

Woohoo, Miki blowing up things, Rika cursing (this is my second time reading her curse and each time it gets better!), and Shibata tryin' to act like she dont wanna see things blow up... Mikitty totally knows how to convince people. that vixen...

Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on December 16, 2006, 03:52:43 PM
Thank you so much for all the replies. Mikan's post made me realize that I have been doing this for six months already. Boy, oh boy. Again these are all filler chapters.

1 Hour and 25 Minutes
Resturant, Tokyo

"I feel kinda bad.." Tsuji made circles in her drink with her straw. "Leaving everybody like that. To do everything.."
Mari leaned in closer to the table.
"It was important that we did this though."
"Yeah but we were like 'We have other things to do' when really all we are doing is eating."
"You've never complained about eating before."
"I know, but.."
"Listen, listen. Miki needs time alone to destroy things. Somethings going on with her so we might as well help her out by giving her a time and place to vent her frustrations, right?"
"Yeah." Tsuji slowly nodded. Once.
"And  the other girls, I mean they are spending time together doing something, right?"
"So that's good. They all have this mission they are working towards. Think of it as some bizarre bonding exercise. And what we are doing is important too."
"We left Miki with a sledge hammer and access to pretty much anything and everything.We scheduled a party. When it is all said and done it comes back to us. Kei comes back to us. So this dinner is-" Mari gave her partner in crime, time to catch up.
"..The Wedding Reception?"
"The Last Supper." Mari corrected.
Tsuji nodded.
"Hey, Non"
Tsuji looked up from her drink.
"You okay?"
Tsuji made an unintelligible response that consisted of sounds.
"Lately, you haven't really been yourself. I talked to Rika about it too. She feels the same way. Even though you are really energetic and all over the place... There are probably alot of things going on inside that you aren't showning or telling us about."
There was an akward silence.
"Just becuase you don't tell us about alot of it, it doesn't mean that you can't. You could talk to anybody and they'd help you out if they could, you know?"
There was an even longer pause.
Mari was about to say forget it and change the subject when Tsuji, still staring at her drink spoke up.
"I've been getting really close with Miki lately."
She let out a small chuckle as she pulled her straw in and out of the coke.
"Filming all those animal segments for Hello Morning together. We're together in Gatas and stuff but that's different. She's really... I don't know. When she first joined, it was her against us. She didn't want to be there and we didn't want her there. But I think, I think now that we have all really grown up. Maybe even just accepted that it wasn't going to change. Some of the girls still have like those bad vibes about her, but I think if you just give her a chance. All she really needs is a chance. Everyone to forget about things that have been said or done and the past and just give her and have her give us, a second chance. Everyone needs a second chance at some point right?"

It was here that Tsuji looked up from the soda she was staring into. She held the straw with her right hand as she looked at Mari for confromation.
Mari's first thought was that she and Rika were right. Her second thought was about what had been said. She couldn't help but feel that this conversation indirectly or very directly related to other members, herself  included in that group.

'Makoto is going to be gone soon too."
Mari leaned in even closer to the table.
"I never get it when somebody leaves."
"It takes time to adjust after-"
"No. I mean you join becuase you want to be a singer and then what? A few years later you decide that you don't want to anymore and just up and leave? How could you give this up?If you love it, if you have it, how could you just go back to what you were doing before? People would kill for this and most of the people who have it give it up for something stupid."
Tsuji looked up at the last line.
"I didn't-"
"No, I get it. This is all you've known though, Tsuji. You started when you we're twelve and you've been on top of the entire bussiness before. You completely adapted to this life becuse you were young. You didn't know anything other than that you wanted to be here.It's hard for you to accept someone leaving everything behind, right?"
Tsuji nodded.
"I don't get it. It doesn't make sense...leaving."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: ferrar1 on December 18, 2006, 07:34:57 AM
Quote from: erink
I don't get it. It doesn't make sense...leaving.

i don't get it as well :D

A very good chapter on an insight of H!P.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 18, 2006, 08:27:30 AM
A serious Tsuji chapter? Instant win.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on December 20, 2006, 07:58:11 PM
Serious Tsuji... Hmm, she does bring a good point though.

So everyone does notice Miki!

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on December 21, 2006, 01:48:55 AM

Serious + Tsuji = Shiba + Fireworks

Either way, someone's bound to hurt themself.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on December 21, 2006, 03:15:49 AM
Erink...are....are you ...writing..angst?!

Yeah mate, that was good you shocked me there. I hadnt seen this side of you before and I like it. you must have a real knack for this writing stuff. I also like the Last Supper Joke I still dont get how she thought it was a wedding reception. That just made me laugh out loud...

Anyway, the serious side of this chapter was good. I totally had it playing in my head and for some reason they were at a Denny's. We dont have Denny's here and I dont really know what they look like but Id imagine thats where they were.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on December 22, 2006, 05:09:17 AM
wa... this party is going to be something.... XD
I expect to be as crasy as Kana (or more, as erink seems to umpredictable)
these girls... Miki, Yossie, tsuji... they all have some serious issues to resolve...
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on December 26, 2006, 01:49:56 AM
I can't thank you guys enough for the comments. Individual responses coming up later.

1 Hour 20 Minutes Remaining
Kei's Room

Miki, Rika, and Shibata were spread out on the floor in a circle contemplating their next move. Miki moved her left foot side to side as she sat leaning back on her palms for support.
"You know, if you just move the dresser so it is underneath the hole, we could use that as the bar. Just put everything in that room. Free up some space and all." Miki said.
"That's not half bad." Shibata said.
"Not half bad at all." Rika agreed.
"It's kinda werid." Shibata said.
Miki turned her attention to her.
"That like, people you wouldn't really expect are pretty decent with tools and home renovation. Renovation in the sense, well, I mean more destrcution with creative cover ups. People around here are really something."
"Huh." Miki said. " I always atribbuted it to the fact that sometimes when we are done with concerts and dinner and all that other stuff, it is really just a choice between watching infomercials or design shows on tv."
"That's true."
The girls turned to find Korenaga standing at the door with bags of sand.

Miki smiled.
"Hey, it's Kore! And she brought us presents."
"Lovely girl." Rika said as she got up off the floor, dusting herself off.
"Umm. I'm not really sure. Yaguchi told me to go get sand... So I did. And, then I came back here, and.."
Korenaga looked at the ceiling for a few seconds and then proceded to enter the room.
"How much sand?" Miki asked, staring at the bag Korenaga was holding.
"Uhh, like seventen or so."
"I see." Miki walked over to the kitchen. She opened up a few drawers until she produced a steak knife. Miki walked bag over to Koregana. Everyone in the room stared at the bag. Miki mechanically thrusted her arm out. There was a small squishing noise and a pop as the sand started to slowly pour out onto Kei's floor.
"Yep." Rika said.

1 Hour and 15 Minutes Remaining

Yossie locked her door behind her. There was really no reason to. If one of the girls wanted in, they would get in. Kei once said that the doors were really "more for show, rather than actually keeping someone out. To achive privacy, well the door isn't going to help you much." Still, Yossie locked it, really just out of habbit anymore. She put the key into her pocket. As she turned around she saw Miuna(her back facing Yossie) and Satoda carying a crate down the hall.

Satoda's eyes widened.
"Where are you two headed?"
"Huh? Us? Nowhere."
"Well then, what's with the crate?"
"Oh this? This old thing? Nothing, we are just going to.. Uh, we thought we'd go cheer Ayaka up?"
"With coconuts? Coconuts are the reason she is tripping in the first place. Plus why the hell would you take the entire crate in the first place? You could just crack it open and take a few you know."
"Ah! You know I never thought about it that way! You're right! Well, I sure feel stupid now. Don't you Miuna?"
Miuna, who was struggling under the weight managed a nod and "un."
"You know, let's just set this bad boy down right here."
The two girls dropped the crate and Miuna started gesturing with her eyes.
"Are you okay? You're kinda acting funny." Yossie said with a skeptical glare.
"Who, me?" Mai put her one hand up on the crate, leaned up against it, and brought the other up to her hair. "Why would you say such a silly thing? I'm compltely fine."
"Well" Mai grabbed at Miuna's shoulders " We best be going! Ayaka sure as hell  isn't going to get out of her manic state of slef loathing by herself!"
The pair started to move down the hall at a near jog.
Yossie could hear angry whispering as they disapeared behind the corner.
"Something's going on.."

1 Hour 13 Minutes Remaining

"Wow, you totally SUCK at lying." Miuna said as the pair remained pressed up against the wall. Miuna shifted into a dramatice reenactment. "OH, this massive crate? We certainly aren't going to take it up to Kei's so we can have a raging party if that's what you want to know you silly goose you!" Miuna twriled her hair and boped back and  forth.
"Oh shut up!" Mai hissed. " I tried my best! You could have jumped in there if I was doing such a horrible job!"
"Oh yeah, me. It all comes back to me now doesn't it!"
"What the HELL are you two doing?"
The girls turned to find Miki standing in the middle of the hall.
"You guys left like forever ago. Are you actually doing something or are you just standing there with that stupid look on you face? Get a move on!" Miki crossed her arms. "Tsk. It's like talking to a friggin' wall with these two."
The two put there heads down and went into the other hall to retrive the crate.
"And now she's mad." Miuna said. " Way to go."
"Well it is-"
Miki stood, hands on her hips, she could hear their bickering fade as they moved farther away.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on December 26, 2006, 09:46:00 PM
poor Yossie.... Everything going just under her nose...
I love her! :panda_love:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on December 26, 2006, 09:57:04 PM
Oooooo...this'll be reeally fun to see...another drunken chalupa-cooking-with-a-lighter naked-drunken-baseball apparently-from-drinking-a-really good-tasting-drink-sex Tsuji-getting-two-pounds-of-oreos-with-no-idea-why and everything-else-hopefully-that-KaNa-had party!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 27, 2006, 02:49:24 PM
Clueless Yossui
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on December 29, 2006, 07:08:42 PM
1 Hour 10 Minutes Remaining
Kei's Room

"It's about time you guys came back." Miki said, looking up from the coconuts. "You get anything good?"
The rest of the sixth gen stayed quite, taking in the transformation of Kei's room. Reina however, always one to exude confidence and never on to miss an opprotunity to get on the good side of an older member, particularly Miki, spoke up.
"Yeah, we did. Got some beach balls, uh.. flamingo" Reina continued rummaging through one of the bags " we even got those umbrellas and swords for drinks, you know?"
Miki peered into the bag Eri held. "I'm semi impressed. Good work. Now go help set everything up. Inflate the beach balls, you know. That stuff."
The girls nodded.
Mai entered the room.
"I wasn't really sure about the finner points of opening coconuts and I didn't want to bother Ayaka cause you know" Mai corssed her eyes and made a funny face. "so I grabed a drill, screw driver, and you know, some other stuff." She announced as she entered the room.
"Cool." Miki yelled from Kei's bed room.
"Is everyone almost ready?" Mai asked.
"Yeah the girls should be coming up in like fiften minutes" Rika answered.
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on December 29, 2006, 07:32:53 PM
30 Minutes Remaining
Kei's room

Half of the door slammed open. The girls turned to look, Tsuji stoped mid aloha.
"I knew it! I KNEW IT!" Yossie looked absolutely infuriated.
The girls remained frozen.
"It was quiet, too quiet. You all though you'd pull one over on me, huh?" She stepped into the room moving around looking the girls up and down. "Thought you'd get a one up on the leader, eh? Is that what it was?"
Mari stepped forward.
"We're going to have to ask you to calm down-"
"Calm down!?"
"Yes." Mari nodded.
"Erika's missing, and here we are partying! You and your lei's, your sand, your coconuts, your- are they oreos?"
"Yeah." Tsuji began. " I still have all those from Kana and I was trying to get rid of them. They actually go pretty well with coconuts which is an interesting combination. Thats actually, well the coconut acts as a bowl and then the oreos are all crushed up and its milk and liquer. So really it is quite resorceful becuase we seem to have an abundance of both." Tsuji looked up and Yossie nervously.
"Huh? Really, you don't say." Yossie looked throughly impressed.
There was a pause.
"You should all be ashamed of yourselves!"

20 Minutes Remaining

All of ther girls shoes were piled up in the hallway. Inside the room, Yossie listened to the logic and reason of Mari and the party was going on without a hitch.
Yui sat with Miki and Rika on the van seats* that had been brought up to the room.
"What do I care? You know what I say? I say good ridance. Slut."
Rika and Miki where having a ball. Drunk Yui couldn't hold back anything.
"You know, in the end... In the end, all it is is more camera time for Yui."
"You're right! I mean frankly it really sucks for you cause if I get anymore screen time they might as well make it Miki! Morning."
Miki and Rika started laughing.
"It's true! We should just take over, just the two of us!" Rika said inbtween laughing.
"No. No." Yui said, looking confused. "Yui not You."
Rika and Miki stopped laughing for a moment, and then started again even harder.
"Yui. It's Yui. Yu.."
"Yui, You, it's no difference. But hey, now that the other ones gone maybe things'll change fro you, Yui." Miki said.
"It's true, Yui. You really need to" Rika was laughing to hard to finnish.
"Yui, you" Miki started laughing.
 After five minutes of this Yui managed to get the conversation back on track.
"Honestly. She sucks. She sucks so much! More solo lines for me"
"Yeah, you go Yui!" Miki yelled.
Yui paused. Her expression changed.
"Oh my god. What's happening to me?"
Miki and Rika leaned in closer to her.
"You're becoming one of us" Rika began. "Accept it and maybe we will accept you." Miki finished.

*"Korenaga cleared her throat. She opened the van doors. It was quite spacious considering the back seats had been ripped out. To be completely honest she was suprised they weren't getting a refund back on the vans."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 29, 2006, 08:05:50 PM
Oh god! Yui, don't join the dark side! Erika needs more than one friend after all.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on December 29, 2006, 10:43:17 PM
Wo! an (sometimes) angry Yossie!
I love it! love it! :panda_love:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on December 31, 2006, 09:13:27 AM spinning...and I have like...what 5, 2, hours till the freaking count down..4 or five. Jesus, why am I here.

Love your story Erink, I it!! Im surprised you remember your story line cause I totally would have forgotten where I was going with it. (Do you like cauliflower? I love it. Especially with the cheese bake)

So... Im cuious to find out where Erika has turned up and Im sure you have a funny answer for it.

I alwyas wonder..Is Erink a funny girl? (ur a girl right? I think we went through this before). Are you a funny kid? Like, in a class are you the comedian or do you withhold all ur funny and cynical comments? Yeah...I wonder. Lets be friends, ok? Even though you like Biyuuden, I'll forgive you and be your friend (Erika is just a cutie and thats really my only opinion).

Sorry to kinda blog,love, then leave you. Keep up the great work kiddo
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Amarghetta on January 02, 2007, 08:15:14 AM
Hey erink, don't you sometimes feel like the story has a life of its own? It's really long, and it keeps getting better, really. :D
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on January 07, 2007, 06:40:36 AM
5 Minutes Remaining
Kei's Room

"How low can you go?!"
"How low can you go?!"
The girls in the room continued chanting as Murata struggled to go make it without dropping her heavily alcoholic coconut concoction with a paper umbrella to boot.
In the midst of the excitement Tsuji pulled Mari aside.
"ETA?" Mari asked, still not taking her eyes off of Murata.
"4 Minutes."
Mari thrust her coconut up in the air as Murata successfully cleared.
"Aloha!" Miki yelled as she half assed something resembling a hula on her way over to Mari. When she reached her destination she bumped butts with Mari and added a "Dunn!" sound effect for good measure.
"Aloha!" Mari greeted.
Miki danced her way back to the bar and Mari watched her for a bit before turning back to the intense limbo competition.
"How much more time do you think we have before she gets here?" Tsuji asked.
Two loud slams echoed throughout the room as the festivites came to a crashing halt.
Without turning to face the door Mari responded.
"Not long at all."
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on January 07, 2007, 07:20:23 AM
"Ahh" Kei sighed to herself as she reached the parking lot. Play rehersals were the same as always. She just wanted them to be over. She wanted to get to the actual performance.
Something caught Kei's eye as she continued walking.
Two chairs sat infront of her.
Her two chairs to be excact.
Kei could feel something resembling an anxiety attack coming on as she dared to move her eyes upward in the general direction of her room.

It did not take long for Kei's mind to register what was going on. It took even less time for her brain to communicate with the rest of her body in order to get her up and moving in a mad dash to the door, through the lobby, straight onto the nearest elevator.
She first saw the light coming from her room. She noticed the lit tiki torches and dancing girls at roughly the same time. She realized that what started out as backround noise she attributed to a bustling city, became destictinve chants, voices, and songs as she drew closer.
As mentioned earlier, it was not long before this infromation was processed, examined, and acted upon.

Kei was slightly out of breathe as she crashed into the elevator's interior. She  furiously jabbed at the floor button, wishing the stupid thing would move faster. The dinging on the elevator acted in the same way a gunshot at a marathon does. After hearing it, she took off through the barely open doors.

She saw them. Piles of shoes in the hallway. As she came to a screeching halt infront of her room she realized that light was being emmited in a strange way. She mostly attributed this to the fact that a large portion of her lower wall was missing.
"Argh!" She hissed to herself. She looked at the door.
The sounds silenced the girls gathered inside.
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on January 07, 2007, 07:25:44 AM
Time Up
Kei's Room

The girls stood in silence. They all watched Kei. Some with amusement, some with fear, and a small few with absolute shock that she was still a) alive, and b) still in Hello!Pro.
The girls were not the only ones doing the standing. Kei did the same. The only thing that moved was her head. Her feet were firmly planted and her jaw looked as though it had no intention of returning to it's normal position.
Finally, she spoke.
"This is absolutely," She swallowed, composing herself."it."
Title: Night Day 11
Post by: erink on January 07, 2007, 07:47:33 AM
All Kei could do was stand there, and take in the situation.
She first noticed Miki and her close friend Jack. Miki's upper body was quite visible through a quite large hole in the wall. In her hand was a bottle of Jack Daniels which was en route to Miki's mouth. Next she noticed the floor. Her once lovely, clean floor that was now covered in sand. After that the van seats, the counter tops, the chairs, all of which had their fair share of sand as well. Her attention then shifted to her dining room table which was now at a slant. Finally, the words came to her.
"This is absolutely," She swallowed, composing herself."it."

The girls still didn't respond.
"I know I don't need to ask, but which one of you was it."
Kei's eyes immediately went to Mari, while everyone elses' scattered, avoiding eye contact.
"This is just too much."
She took a step into the room.
"You destroyed my room.And" She paused."my table."
She looked at Yuuko and Mai.
"Is that the leg of my table your using as a limbo stick? My table? The beautiful table that I once ate my meals at?"
Yuuko looked down at her hand and then slowly put it behind her back.
"Kei" Mari began.
"No. No, I've had enough."
Mari looked at her friend, and fellow generation member.
"If you want to do this. if you want to play these games..."
She wiped a tear from her eye.
"Then this...This is"
She looked up from the floor.
Mari jumped back. She huffed.
"War? War, you say."
"You heard me."
"Kei, I want you to think about this. Don't do anything rash. You certainly wouldn't want to do something you'd regret."
"Ohh this is getting good." Miki whispered like a giddy little school girl. Yuuko nodded feverishly in agreement.
"The only one that will regret something is you, pipsqueak."
"I'll admit Kei, you almost had me going there for a second. The dramatic speech, the tears,-"
"I'm in theatre for a reason" Kei interrupted.
"Becasue you can't get a job anywhere else" Mari finished. "You know," She continued. " Normally I would storm out of here, but considering, I would find it completely ridiculous for me to leave a damn good party."
"Likewise" Kei agreed. "The damage is already done. We might as well just finish off the evening on civil terms."
Tsuji looked at Mari.
Mari nodded.
Tsuji looked at Kei.
Kei nodded.
"I do have one request though" Kei said.
"And what would that be?" Mari asked.
"Do you think we can lose the torches? It seems like one really big accident waiting to happen. Quite the fire hazzard."
"It adds atmosphere." Mari said.
"Yes, and I agree that it does, but in the past three minutes Makoto has bumped into that one seven times."
The girls turned their attention to Makoto.
"Like hell I 'bave. I'll bbeat you up. Let 'be at 'er."*
Mari turned back to Kei.
"Okay, we'll lose the torches.

*based on recording of Rika, Makoto, and maybe Tsuji and Konno talking about how Makoto is a violent drunk.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on January 07, 2007, 08:40:09 AM
@ferrar- Thank you very much.

@glcorps2002 explosions are a gaurenteed win, pretty much without exception.

@JFC You too? She always looked like there was something going on there.

@rnd- Thanks. You'll have to wait and see about Yui.

@OS- How could you miss Miki? It's Miki. Miki. Ah, I'm a Miki fan all the way so she ocasionally gets brought up in one way or another wheter I intend for it to happen or not.

@tanachan- The hurt is forthcoming. Like I said before, it is all set up.

@HB- The party was just more of a set up. Sorry if I had some of you expecting another Kana. The party starts a chain of events though.

@Mikan- Thank you.
Angst. I never thought it would be used to describe something I wrote. I guess I was just trying to broaden the story a bit. You don't always have good times right? I mentioned I wanted to have parts like that, happiness, saddness, all that stuff, just like a 'normal' day migth have. So I guess that is where it came from.

After I read your message, I had to think, "Am I the funny kid?" I reflected on it for sometime. I wouldn't consider myself funny, but the things I do or say  get laughs. So I suppose that would answer the question? Yes. I guess I could be labeled as that. My comments come out. It has always been this way. Actions wise, it is the same. I suppose I have always been known for my big showings. I was blessed enough to never have really given much of a damn about what people have thought. Because of that I fully commit myself to whatever it is I am doing. Even if you are going to look stupid doing something, isn't it better to still give it 100% instead of half assing it and looking worse? That has always been my thought process. At the same time, I think moderation is important. The over the top displays have their place. They happen once in a while if the mood is right. The rest of the time however, a sarcastic comment is pretty much gaurenteed. For instance,
My father came home and saw me folding a blanket,
"What are you doing?"
"I'm building a flotation device. What does it look like I'm doing?"
Stuff like that, it happens.

Biyuuden. I don't really like them. I wonder where you got that idea from? Haha. I just put them in the story. It is part of my attempt to include a wide variety of girls. To be honest, and I am telling you this is the truth. A while ago I realized(see:read her signature) that rnd, quite the faithful reader,  had a thing for Biyuuden, and I was just like "oh, I'll put them in." I just try and add a little bit of everything so hopefully there is something for everybody. Because sometimes, people could write something, but if you don't like the charecters, you are less inclined to read it right? So it worked out that by putting it in there for rnd, I was covering my bases. So truthfully that's where the increase of Biyuuden came from.

@Arma - I suppose it does kind of take a life of its own. I really don't have a plan. I just sit down and write. Sometimes the things start to fall into place and then it becomes something that I need to sort of make a general plan for,  like Kana. When that happens it really becomes a feeling of "Oh I want to finish that up" becuase once I do, I get to this place where it could just go anywhere again, and that is exciting. Really the only things that have had any sort of planing have been Kana and the Party. In the case of the party, however, I more had plans of what I wanted to happen after the party, which is where I will pick it up in the next section.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on January 07, 2007, 04:08:08 PM
Wow. You gave me a long reply there which is great. It was what I was hoping for. Yeah I dont know how I got caught up thinking you like biyuuden. Blame lack of sleep, thats what I say!!

Well I have come to the conclusion that I think you are a funny girl and a very smart one too. I would like to say, if you ever needed something I would be there to back you up and be an ass 100% of the way, yeah baby thats the way to do it!!

Where are these secret recordings? I have only heard about a few, I want more!!! Makoto a violent drunk? Thats so funny 'cause she is such a happy person. I havent been that drunk to get double vision or anything like that. As far as I know Im very apologetic and uh...I like hugging and kissing people. And I laugh alot..So far so good ^^

I could imagine Makoto being angry and bitchy ^^

Awesome chapter as usually. Do you ever get sick of hearing that?

If I can help you in any way, I was serious about what I said before - Just PM me!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on January 07, 2007, 07:32:30 PM
Hey! Don't worry, erink!
As far as I know your writing, certainly what you have planned for us in the afterparty is going to be awesome!
As aways... your dialogues are just... marvelous!
[PS: Cute rndmn said my xmas story had an "Another Day at H!P" touch. Can you imagine how happy I was? I just love both of you!] :panda_love:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 07, 2007, 07:56:33 PM
I'll be patient. Yep. Patient. *twiddles thumbs* *starts whistling* *begins to grind teeth* Paaaatient...

Lol, about the war and people forgetting about Kei.
Title: Morning Day 12
Post by: erink on January 14, 2007, 05:33:37 AM
"Well, I'm not going to lie. There isn't really any reason to sugar coat it."
"Just let me know how bad it is."
"I punched the numbers, last night's party,"
"we didn't even make a dent. We would need to have a party every single night and use tiwce as many to see a significant decrease in the numbers of coconuts."
"ahhhh!" Ayaka let out a cry of frustration as she turned her back to the balcony's railing, pressing her back up against it and sliding down to a crouch.
A light breeze blew through Mari's hair, making it sway.
Mari continued looking out at the view.
"I think I just fucking broke my toe."
Mari looked down at Ayaka.
"Pft, no you didn't."
"The good news is, there are other options."
"Ahhh," Ayaka moaned, "this is a complete mess. What am I gonna do?" She still kept her hands on her face.
"What this foot?"
"AHHHHH! Why the hell would you step on it?!?"
"we'll just use them as bowls you know? Cut 'em in half."
"Suck it up!"
"Suck this!"
"Hell no."
Mari cleared her throat.
Ayaka looked up.
"I'll buy you lunch if you can get ten touches on it."
"Ah Ah! They're coming from all angles!"
Ayaka stood up and looked at Mari.
"Like I was saying" Mari began.
"The roll isn't too good."
"Really? You don't say. IDIOT. They aren't perfectly circular, of course it doesn't roll smoothly."
"The girls are trying a little get to gether practice using them." Mari gestured with her eyes over the balcony.
Ayaka looked at Mari and then over the railing.
Below them were the girls of Gatas and a net.
Tsuji was curled up in a ball on the ground in the net, coconuts piled up around her and more making there way over. Mai was hopping up and down on one foot, grabbing on the other one yelling 'Ow!".  Korenaga was standing in the middle of it all with a look that just screamed "What did I ever do?" Yossie was talking to Miki.
"Hey, coconut." She put her arms up near her face in a universal "toss it to me" gesture.
"Get it yourself. My arms feel like they are trying to rip themselves off my body. I'm not tossing anything."
"Sledge hammer." Shibata said.
"Huh?" Miki asked.
"Last night, when you were using the sledge hammer. That's why they hurt."
"Ahh, good. I thought I did something-"
"Unbelievably stupid?" Yossie finished.
Mari looked at Ayaka.
"I don't know. I only did tryouts and stuff, and I'm not knowledgeable about it but, ah I'm geussing that  this one's not gonna work out to good."
"Yeah, I figured."
"Well, worth a try."
"Anything is at this point."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Blizzard on January 14, 2007, 10:30:47 PM
I had to read it twice to figure out all the dialogue, but it was more than worth it!  Hella hilarious!  Maybe Gatas should wear steel toe shoes.  Poor Tsuji though, nothing to help her much, except maybe a police riot shield!  Well, either they'll find something else to do with all the coconuts, or they'll be having many more parties!  Drunken coconut bowling, anyone?  :MKgroovin:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on January 15, 2007, 09:26:30 AM
It must be just me because I have no idea what just happened...
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: glcorps2002 on January 15, 2007, 10:09:38 AM
Simple: Ayaka has a lovely bunch of coconuts. She just has too many to know what to do with.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on January 15, 2007, 04:09:39 PM
In the previous one, Mari and Ayaka were outside on a balcony, and the Gatas girls were practicing below them. Inbetween Mari and Ayaka's conversation the other girls could be heard. It made the diaglouge a tad confusing so here it is in edited form.

"Well, I'm not going to lie. There isn't really any reason to sugar coat it."
"Just let me know how bad it is."
"I punched the numbers, last night's party,"
"we didn't even make a dent. We would need to have a party every single night and use tiwce as many to see a significant decrease in the numbers of coconuts."
"ahhhh!" Ayaka let out a cry of frustration as she turned her back to the balcony's railing, pressing her back up against it and sliding down to a crouch.
A light breeze blew through Mari's hair, making it sway.
Mari continued looking out at the view.
"I think I just fucking broke my toe."

Mari looked down at Ayaka.
"Pft, no you didn't."

"The good news is, there are other options."
"Ahhh," Ayaka moaned, "this is a complete mess. What am I gonna do?" She still kept her hands on her face.

"What this foot?"
"AHHHHH! Why the hell would you step on it?!?"



"we'll just use them as bowls you know? Cut 'em in half."
"Suck it up!"
"Suck this!"
"Hell no."

Mari cleared her throat.
Ayaka looked up.

"I'll buy you lunch if you can get ten touches on it."
"Ah Ah! They're coming from all angles!"

Ayaka stood up and looked at Mari.
"Like I was saying" Mari began.

"The roll isn't too good."
"Really? You don't say. IDIOT. They aren't perfectly circular, of course it doesn't roll smoothly."  

"The girls are trying a little get to gether practice using them." Mari gestured with her eyes over the balcony.
Ayaka looked at Mari and then over the railing.
Below them were the girls of Gatas and a net.
Tsuji was curled up in a ball on the ground in the net, coconuts piled up around her and more making there way over. Mai was hopping up and down on one foot, grabbing on the other one yelling 'Ow!". Korenaga was standing in the middle of it all with a look that just screamed "What did I ever do?" Yossie was talking to Miki.
"Hey, coconut." She put her arms up near her face in a universal "toss it to me" gesture.
"Get it yourself. My arms feel like they are trying to rip themselves off my body. I'm not tossing anyth ing."
"Sledge hammer." Shibata said.
"Huh?" Miki asked.
"Last night, when you were using the sledge hammer. That's why they hurt."
"Ahh, good. I thought I did  something-"
"Unbelievably stupid?" Yossie finished.
Mari looked at Ayaka.
"I don't know. I only did tryouts and stuff, and I'm not knowledgeable about it but, ah I'm geussing that this one's not gonna work out to good. Futsal Practice with coconuts is kinda..."
"Yeah, I figured."
"Well, worth a try."
"Anything is at this point."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on January 15, 2007, 05:08:42 PM
Oooooooooooooooooooooohh!! now it makes sense!!! Ty!! your so wise!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on January 15, 2007, 08:49:58 PM
Quote from: glcorps2002;283424
Simple: Ayaka has a lovely bunch of coconuts. She just has too many to know what to do with.
Dude, I love the way you worded that. :thumbsup
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on January 16, 2007, 02:14:36 AM
OMG! I always kmew Rika and Miki were together!!! <3 Dark side is sorta hot :D

HOLY crap! I thought Kei was serious XD I was waiting for a war... oh well, it was a good fool.

LAtest chapter, I think I get, it, but but the last 5 lines kinda lost me again, oh well.

Man, I missed a lot >.> Yay for miki man. She's hot.

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on January 16, 2007, 02:57:31 AM
@ OS Just in case there was confusion:The Kei and Mari war is forthcoming.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on January 27, 2007, 12:40:50 AM
@erink: And I sure hope to read it soon! XD XD XD
[I have a feeling it'll involve at least a dozen of flying cocnuts...]
Title: Morning Day 12
Post by: erink on January 27, 2007, 12:43:13 AM
Mari, Tsuji, Yuuko, Ayaka and Miki were seated at the back table in the cafeteria. It was late in the morning, and only the stragglers and the unpopular were left.
"Tsuji," Mari called out.
Tsuji barely looked up from one of her two breakfast plates, and gave a half hearted "huh?"
"I need to ask you something."
"o 'ed" She mumbled taking a bite out of a pancake.
"About this Kei thing... I need to know your level of commitment. So, in or out, yes or no?"
"You know what I think" Tsuji began.
"You think?!" Miki interjected.
Mari smiled, "No, what?"
Tsuji ceased moving. She paused with her fork halfway to her mouth and then looked up at the ceiling dreamily. When she spoke, the words came out in fluent english.
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness.For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
She had finished. She inhaled deeply then returned her gaze back to the girls seated across from her.
Yuuko sat there, mouth agape. Mari was in much the same state, except more exagerated as she posesed a flair for theatrics.
Ayaka looked as though she just had the rug pulled out from underneath her, while Miki continued looking at her coffee, laughing through her nose.
Tsuji gave them a few more seconds. She looked back and forth, waiting for some sort of response.
"English, motherfuckers, do you speak it?" She asked rather loudly.
Miki burst out laughing.
Yuuko clicked her tounge. She didn't have anything other than an elementary grasp on the language, but a woman like her knew what a few of those words,  and one in particular, ment.
"Miikiiii" She began, turning her attention to her coffee, " stop letting her borrow that trash."*
"What?" Miki, still shaking with laughter, asked as though she had no idea what Yuuko was refering to.
Ayaka still remained shock.
"Girl can barely say 'This is a pen' in english, but here she is reciting that better than Samuel L. himself."
"Funny how things work around here, huh?" Yuuko comented.
"Soo..." Mari begain, "was that a yes or a no?"
"That was a lets absolutely destroy her."
"Ah." Mari shook her head up and down, smiling.

*the quotes used in Tsuji's dialouge are from Pulp fiction. Seeing as Miki is a movie fanatic(a girl after my own heart) I figured it was plausible.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Blizzard on January 27, 2007, 01:06:37 AM
That would have made the best Ayaka's Surprise English Lesson EVER!  :ROTFLMAO:
Title: Morning Day 12
Post by: erink on January 27, 2007, 01:09:15 AM
Kei had spent the better part of the morning with a handy man. She decided to stay until the hole had been covered up, which ment she was very close to missing breakfast, the most important meal of the day. She hurriedly made her way down the the cafeteria, hoping that the other girls didn't devour everything in sight, but knowing better.

She quick grabbed a plate and some coffee. She scanned the room, seeing that some of the girls were at the normal table, she headed over.
She started speaking about halfway there.
"So if you were wondering where I was-"
"We weren't." Miki snapped.
The girls started to chuckle. Yuuko patted Miki on the shoulder.
"That was good! Boy, you're fast..."
Kei didn't let that little exchange slow her down, she proceded to speak, increasing her volume a bit.
"I was with the carpenter getting that GIGANTIC HOLE" Kei was only a meter or so away from the table " covered. You know the one that" she set her coffee  down on the table "is in MY WALL" and pulled out the chair "You know, the really BIG HOLE" and sat down "AHHHHH!!"
As Kei sat down, the legs of the chair shot out to the sides, sending her plate up into the air and her straight down to the ground.
The girls looked down at her.
There was a pause of three seconds in which they assessed the situation.
Seemingly no major injuries. CHECK.
No imminent danger. CHECK
By the fourth second, they were all howling with laughter as Kei remained motionless.
"The only BIG thing here is your ass! Dear lord, I've never seen someone do that to a chair!" Miki yelled.
This sent Yuuko into hysterics as she gave Miki a thumbs up on her insult.
The expression on Kei's face was seemingly stoic, but the girls knew better and could tell she was boiling on the inside.
Yuuko wiped away the tears that had formed, and Miki was sent into a second fit of laughter as some of the egg slide off the side of Kei's face and down on her shoulder.
Mari produced a wrench and waved it in the air a few times.
"I can't say I really did think you would say no." She said to Tsuji.
She stood up and put the wrench in her back pocket.
"MariTsuji one, Kei... zero."
Mari cleared her throat.
"Tsuji!" She yelled quickly.
Tsuji immediately got up form the table and went to Mari.
The pair exited the cafeteria.
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on January 27, 2007, 02:08:22 AM
Risa stood in the hallway out side her door.
"So that's all?"
"Yeah, just how you did it that one time." Mari said.
Risa cleared her throat.
"Wrench. Chair. Eggs. Kei." She paused, switching to  a loud shout-like  tone.
"The battle had begun!"
Mari and Tsuji clapped.
"When she says it like that, it just really gets me into it, you know?" Mari stated.
"Yeah, yeah." Tsuji agreed.
"It sounds epic, you know? That's what we need it to sound like 'cause it is. Epic. That is what we are aiming for. So let's work together and do our best."
Risa coughed.
"Erm.. So should I know what's going on or-"
"When it kinda came about you were kinda busy."
"Rrrright. Was I busy with whatever gave me this massive black and blue mark?" Risa pointed to her stomach, lifting up her shirt slightly.
"Yeah." Mari confirmed.
"And this 'whatever' would be?"
Risa paused.
"Well that's an interesting plot twist."
"Yeah. See Miki thought it would be funny if she told Ogawa that you said she looked like a dancing closet. And she was right. Because it was. Until she punched you. And-"
"then is was hilarious." Risa finished.
"Right." Mari confirmed.
"Other than that..." Risa trailed off, waiting for Mari to fill her in.
"You had a pretty quiet night. You did get a little upset when Miki wouldn't let you sing backup on her Miki Fujimoto original compostion  entitled "I fucking rock."
Tsuji looked confused.
"Wait, " she called, "was that before or after she sang Boogie Blender?"
"It was before Boogie Blender, " Mari made a side comment to Risa, "It made snese at the time,  but after-"
It was here that the girl they were talking about made appearance.  Miki was halfway through opening her door before she tuned into the conversation. After realizing it was about her, she looked at Mari quizically.
"Wait, are you talking about last night?"
"What the hell, Yossie didn't say anything before."
"It wasn't really that bad."
Miki looked at Mari seriously.
"Did I keep my top on?"
"You know you came really close to losing it during your dramatic finale of coconut GIRL" Mari put heavy emphasis on the girl portion of the title, as the capitalization implied. " but when you were head banging you kinda sort" Mari clicked her touge and tapped her head with her fist " yourself on the cabinet and it was cut short.
"So, the girls stayed covered?"
"That they did."
"Which is really all you can ask for."
Mari nodded.
"Alright, carry on."
Miki entered her apartment.
"Well, that's all for us too. Later Risa!"
Mari turned with Tsuji following.
"Wait, guys!"
Risa lowered her voice, realizing they were not waiting.
"...I still don't know what's going on."
She shrugged and opened her door.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on January 27, 2007, 02:14:18 AM
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on January 27, 2007, 05:57:16 AM
Quote from: erink;294155

"So if you were wondering where I was-"
"We weren't." Miki snapped.
The girls started to chuckle. Yuuko patted Miki on the shoulder.
"That was good! Boy, you're fast..."

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Yuko is THE BEST!:ONxD:
So you are, erink! Keep it coming!:ONfarofflook:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on January 27, 2007, 12:44:40 PM
Hahah! Oh I would sell my 3rd unborn child to go to one of these H!P parties you write about.

(I say third because I sold my 1st to my friend for Park lane in Monopoly and my second for a chocolate sundae...or a burger..or maybe it was both I dont really remember. That entire evening was a little hazy)

I would totally by Miki's Single of "I fucking rock" because I totally agree. I also believe Miki is hilarious with her quick shots and I can totally picture her being responsible for Tsuji's bad english ^^ (Never finished watching Pulp Fiction. Something always came up. One time I left the room bleeding from my mouth for who knows what reason...It must be gods way of saying 'dont watch it'. I never asked, was it any good?)

Let there be war!
Let their be Tsuji-Guchi destruction
And let their be Aya!! (where has my girl gone?)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on January 27, 2007, 05:51:49 PM
I wish I could remember where I LOL-ed. But I forgot. And I'm in a hurry for a party prep. Soooooo.... Ill make it short and say you had me laughing at Tsuji and Miki till my heart bled :)

English, Motherfuckers, do you speak it?! XD I watched Pulp Fiction like twice, but sheesh, you got the lines down packt. I would have loved to see Ayaka's face when she heard that. *Surprising how they would let her sit with them too...*

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 27, 2007, 08:03:14 PM
WTF about Erika!?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on January 28, 2007, 02:52:38 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd;294770
WTF about Erika!?

She's hot. :)
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Blizzard on January 28, 2007, 04:22:45 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd;294770
WTF about Erika!?

As Miki would most likely say:  "Who?"  :P
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 28, 2007, 07:21:43 AM
Wow, my almost first post here in days and it immediately gets teased. The only Erika fixations I get now are Evil!Erika in len.chan's story and the Other Girl!Erika who Rika hangs all over (apparently) in Oh, the games we play.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Blizzard on January 28, 2007, 10:15:03 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd;295265
Wow, my almost first post here in days and it immediately gets teased.

Sorry, I had just read about Miki being a smart ass and somehow it corrupted me.  Sides, you know we luvs you rndm!  :ONluvluv2:

And welcome back!  Hope you plan to update some of your fics soon!  :ONpleeease:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 28, 2007, 10:38:20 AM
Yeah yeah, thanks
Trying to, I got the ideas, I just can't get anything down.

Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 02, 2007, 10:17:07 PM
Miki was heading out to practice. She grabbed her Adidas and slid them into her bag, checking again that she had her shirt and shorts. She took another look around the room, searching for her sweatpants.
"ah!" She exclaimed, locating them balled up on her chair over in the corner.
As she was stuffing them in the bag, there was a knock on the door.
"One min-"
"It's Ayaaaa!"
Miki brought the sweatpants up to her face trying to muffle the sound.
She stood wide eyed, looking at the door.
Within a second she started to move to her left, thought better of it, went forward, spun, and then ended up right back where she started.
Miki snapped her head from side to side.
She took off like a shot, charging towards the hole in the wall.
The hole in the wall was currently covered with lovely black and white sheets that the girls (i.e. Miki) had chosen. One end of the make shift pole that hung them came crashing down as Miki jumped through.
That wasn't the only thing doing crashing.
The second Miki had gone past the sheets, her brain began to process the painful situation awaiting her.
Her  legs slammed onto an unexpected surface that was much highed than what she had expected. After being thrown off balance, her body started to fall as she unintentionally pushed off with her legs. Her hands crashed into the edge of the table, taking the table cloth with her.
The momentum from the jump shoved her forward as her head and upper body slammed into the top of a chair, pushing it to the ground before her, directly under her.
Next her legs hit the edge of the table, while the edge of the seat hit her stomach.
She quickly put pressure on her arms, pulling her lower half away from the chair.
Risa  nearly dropped her rice.
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 02, 2007, 10:37:05 PM
Ay knocked on Miki's door.
"It's Ayaaaa!" She called cheerfully.
She heard some sort of noise come from the otherside. Aya just figured Miki stubbed her toe or somethign like that.
She waited a few seconds.
Aya opened up the door and ran inside. She looked around quickly trying to see what had happened. On her left she saw the the curtains, hanging on by only one side. She moved over to them and ripped the other half down only to see...

Risa was standing on the right, rice was stuck to the better part of her face and the rest of it covered the floor around her. A chair was knocked over and a red table cloth was balled up on the floor.

Aya was momentarily speechless. After a few seconds she managed
"Are you okay?"
Risa started laughing nervously and plastered a fake grin on her face. Some rice fell to the ground as she spoke.
"You know meee. i can just be soooo clumsy sometimes."
She chuckled awkwardly a few more times before stopping dead, losing her smile completely.
"Are, are you sure you are okay? Strange. You're acting strange."
"Who, me? Oh, I'm completely fine."
Aya continued looking at her.
She noticed Risa glance down at the table cloth, which Aya could swear she just saw move.
"I just want you to know." Risa interrupted. "That if something horrible, if something completely awful were to happen to me in the immediate future, that I always looked up to you."
They both paused, looking at one another.
"Have you seen Miki?"
"No. Not at all."
"Ok." Aya was speaking very slowly. "I'm going to leave now, Risa. And if you see Miki please tell her that I was looking for her, OK?"
Risa nodded enthusiastically.
Aya started to walk towards the door, but kept looking at Risa.
"Strange" She repeated to herself.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on February 02, 2007, 10:38:46 PM
It took a while and it was short, but it was awesome!
"Risa dropped her rice." almost killed me!
I love it when you put Risa on random scenes on your fic!
Actualy... I love random scenes of risa anywhere! :panda_love:
[Oh My Fucking God! I'm Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
[INDENT]^-- Never before these stupid-not-matching-and-extremely-long letters fit so well in a post XD XD XD][/INDENT]
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Blizzard on February 02, 2007, 10:48:22 PM
Poor Risa!  Always caught in the middle!  She better get used to it though, at least until the hole is fixed!  :ONwahaha:

I now have an image of Risa with rice stuck to her face stuck in my mind.  I seriously have tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so damn hard now.  Thanks!  :P
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 02, 2007, 11:01:59 PM
Risa moved over to Miki who was writhing in pain.
"Yes?" Risa was genuinely concerned. This was the Miki Fujimoto. Didn't they call her "Mad Dog" Miki when she started playing futsal? Now, curled up in a ball, tossing and turning, she looked like she was about to cry. Risa crouched down, moving closer to Miki.
The writhing stoped. The shaking stopped. The tears vanished and a hand forcefully slammed her own into her face.
"Uhh!" Risa yelled as the sides of the bowl hit her face. Miki removed her hand, leaving a shocked Risa to drop the bowl onto the floor where the remaining rice spilled.
Miki quickly reached down to her feet with her right hand and brought the table cloth up and over her body.

Risa stood up. She blinked a few times, shaking off the rice from her eyelids. Suddenly the other half of the curtain was torn away as Aya came into view.
At first she didn't speak. She was about as shocked as Risa was. But considerably less seeing as she just didn't have her afternoon snack slammed in her face.
"Are you okay?"
Risa did what Miki had previously instructed her to do in this situation.
Act natural.
This however ended up coming out as a nervous laugh and a cheese-y grin. Risa tried to ignore the rice that fell as she spoke.
"You know meee. i can just be soooo clumsy sometimes."
She chuckled awkwardly a few more times before stopping dead, losing her smile completely.
"Are, are you sure you are okay? Strange. You're acting strange."
"Who, me? Oh, I'm completely fine."
Aya continued looking at her.
Risa snuck a glance at Miki who had just twitched and let out a tiny grunt.
"I just want you to know." Risa interrupted. Think. Talk. Don't let her hear Miki. "That if something horrible, if something completely awful were to happen to me in the immediate future, that I always looked up to you."
They both paused, looking at one another.
"Have you seen Miki?"
"No. Not at all." Risa lied.
"Ok." Aya was speaking very slowly. "I'm going to leave now, Risa. And if you see Miki please tell her that I was looking for her, OK?"
Risa nodded enthusiastically. Natural. She was trying to act natural.
Aya started to walk towards the door, but kept looking at Risa.

When Risa heard the door close, the table cloth started shouting.
"What the HELL!!"
Miki's right arm shot up in the air, violently throwing the table cloth off of her.
"Are you on crack!?" Miki rolled over on her back, looking up at the ceiling.
"AHHH!" Miki yelled, slaming her left fist forcefully into Risa's floor.
"Why would you put the frick-en table there!?"
When Risa spoke, it was barely audible.
"The book, said it, it was Feng Shui..."
"I'm going to kill you. Rip you apart with my bare hands. Book? Book? The only books you are allowed to read from now on are books that tell you to pile nice soft comfy cushions infront of that wall and to stop making Miki Fujimoto's life hell."
Miki brought her left hand up to her face, inspecting her watch.
"I don't have enough time to kill you before futsal. I want it to be long and painful, so we'll need to reschedule."
"You, you're going to futsal?" Risa asked, shocked.
Miki got up from the ground. She put both hands on her back and turned, cracking it.
"Yes. Yes, I am going to futsal."
She lifted her left leg up onto the table, she brought the rest of her body up. She reached for the curtains, throwing them at Risa. Miki stoppped half way through the wall to throw her signature glare, before entering her room.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: black velvet on February 03, 2007, 12:18:43 AM
Miki :heart:

Why is she hiding from Aya, though? D:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on February 03, 2007, 05:12:55 AM
:lol: Feng Shui. :lol:
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on February 03, 2007, 05:33:31 PM
Sometimes tells me you have a whole bunch of Risa/Miki moments in your head. The chicken moment though will never be forgotten though...ah it still gets me.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on February 05, 2007, 12:09:12 PM
lol at Miki and Risa XD  Miki's so ebil to Risa but it's just too funny XD  Risa should trick one the Rokkies to change rooms for her while she's able to escape!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on February 05, 2007, 02:05:36 PM
Yey! Let's see what Miki has in mind...
these moments... Risa always reminds me of an animal cought surprised by a strong light and paralized with fear! XD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on February 05, 2007, 09:58:12 PM
. . . WHHHY! Why must you always fill my thoughts with Miki and Risa? My favorite youngin' and my favorite hot mama ;___;

You made me laugh. terribly laugh. Reminded me of the old times that Miki had to hide with Risa, or drank with her. Funny times. Those times where I would read your story at 4 am to catch up. Good times :)

Feng shui. Oh Risa! XDDD

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on February 08, 2007, 10:49:58 PM
Reading Mikan's comment made me look back to read the chicken part. Why did you guys tell me I have been updating so slow? How long was I on Day 11, a month? This will not do.
Sukoshi, Black Velvet- Nice to hear from you again.
Everyone else- Thank you.
I would do more individual responses, but I want to get an update in today.

The Risa/Mari/Tsuji dialouge was a Mechiake reference in case you missed it. Taken from the extra footage of the Bakajo test.
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 08, 2007, 11:30:13 PM
Kei quietly opened the door to the locker room.
Some of the showers were already running.
"I couldn't belive it." Came a shout from what seemed like the other end of the locker room, complete with weird acoustics. It was followed by a response that seemed to come from a much closer area on Kei's left.
"Uh huh."
Kei stuck her head in and looked around.
"So then I just ran up stairs as fast as I could."
In front of her was a relitivley tall divider that blocked the view of a majority of the room from the door. On her left, less than a meter, the wall turned and the divider ended opening up into a rather wide hall filled with bright orange lockers and long narrow benches. Stoping at the divide and end of the wall, sinks and two bathroom stalls were on the left, while down at the end of the lockers to the right were showers, changing stalls, another bench, and another section branching off to the left.
Kei silently crept into the room, leaning up against the divider. She put her one hand on the edge of it as she leaned her upper body around it looking at the benches and lockers.
Kei then came to the conclusion that she was Kei. It really didn't matter. Even if the enemy were to be sitting on the bench looking straight in her direction, they wouldn't see her. She was the invisible member. The Makoto before Makoto. She shrugged, stopped humming the James Bond theme song and made her way to one section of lockers.
"I was so upset." The voice was coming from the changing stalls down by the showers.
"So what did you do after that?" This one came from the bathroom, now behind Kei.
Kei mumbled the names on the lockers.
"Well it was french toast, so I wasn't just going to leave it there."
"Yeah. I can get that."
Kei paused, suddenly interested in what the two girls where talking about. She reasoned that if people were going to shout their conversation from opposite ends of the locker room, everyone inbetween would be entitled to and expected to listen(wheter they liked it or not).
Kei shrugged and went back to looking at the name tags.
"Aaaaah!" The second and closer voice yelled.
"What?" The other one asked.
"I forgot to put my underwear on."
"How the-" Kei stopped herself from asking, worried she might draw attention to herself.
"hell do you forget to put your underwear on?" Luckily for Kei the voice asked the burning question.
"Well, I was listening to your story while I was getting dressed and I just kinda went straight to pants."
Kei went back to the task at hand. She had located what she came here for.
"Ahh man, now I need to take them offf, and put them backk onnn."
"You could just leave them off."
"Gross. I'm not Mai."
It was here a thrid voice that had just entered from the other side of the locker room joined in.
"Hey, it was only that once."
Mai walked straight to the shower, not even glancing at Kei.
"Yeah. Uh huh."
Kei opened up the locker.
"MariTsuji one, Kei zero" She repeated in a mocking tone. "We'll see about THAT."
Kei took the gym bag out of the locker and every other peice of clothing she could find inside and walked over to the sink. She shoved the extra t-shirt, jersey, and shoes into the gym bag and failing to notice a crucial detail, she turned the cold water on full blast. Kei zipped the gym bag back up, sad that she wouldn't be able to see the result of her little joke and closed the locker.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on February 09, 2007, 05:04:20 PM

Muhahahah!! Yay, Sabotage and other delightful things. You usually update in long spams but this time I guess not.
Oh well time makes fools of us all *cough*whataboutayaandmiki*cough*
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 09, 2007, 10:15:03 PM
Kei walked into the cafeteria and straight over to Tsuji who was engrossed in her lunch. A smirk plastered on her face, she pulled out a chair and stared at Tsuji who was still ignoring her. She kept looking at her, waiting for some sort of response for about a minute before she just couldn't wait any longer.
"So Tsuji, how was practice?"
"Uh huh."
Kei continued smiling.
"Was the locker room fun?"
"Just dandy."
Kei was wondering why this was taking longer than it should.
Tsuji finally looked up from her sandwich.
"You know, Kei, when I think of locker rooms, I think of lockers."
"Uh huh." Kei mumbled, her smile growing.
"More than that, I think of the little name tags on the lockers."
Kei's smile had started to shift with her uncertainty of where this was going.
"And how easy it is for a person to take their index finger like so and DEN" She forcefully shoved her index finger to the left. "take the name tag off the locker and put it on a different one."
Kei's smile had completely vanished.
"You would think someone else would have thought about that too."
Tsuji smiled.
"But what do I know. I'm the idiot of the group."
It was here that Kei heard the unmistakable sound of wet sneakers squeeking on tile.
Kei swallowed. Hard.
The squeeks continued at a steady pace.
"Ts-tsuji, who?"
Tsuji smiled evily at Kei before looking up.
"Oh, hi Miki!"
Kei squealed and imediately brought a hand up to cover her mouth. She slowly turned in her chair and looked up.
What she saw was a completely wet Miki. Hair, pants, shoes, her black t-shirt clinging to her body, all soaking wet.
"Hi!" Miki yelled in her 'cute' voice.
What Kei saw next was a fist coming at her.
For the second time in one day, Kei fell off her chair.
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 09, 2007, 10:24:53 PM
Miki's rage was far from subsiding. Kei laid on the ground holding her face with no choice but to listen to her tirade.
"and what should I find when I open up my gym bag?"
Kei reasoned it would be a bad idea to answer that question. It seemed quite rhetorical.
"That it is filled with water! Cold water! So there I am, right out of the shower with only a towel on and no dry clothes. I have to go to a taping!  A show, Kei!  Do you remember what those are? That is was girls with actual careers have to do! I supposed to leave right after practice! But no, I had to come back here in soaking wet clothes to get a different pair of clothes. Do you know how bad this makes me look? I am subleader, and lets just pretend for a moment that the title actually means something,  and I can't even show up on time! You will pay for this. But not right now because... I have to go GET changed and go to a TAPING."
Miki squeeked her way out of the cafeteria.
Tsuji started laughing.
"MariTsuji two, Kei....negative one."
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on February 10, 2007, 05:53:30 AM
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH God that was good. soory cant say more
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on February 10, 2007, 06:08:58 AM
Wet Miki...damn hawt! :jerk: Also in this case...damn funny. XD

Quote from: erink;304414
Miki squeeked her way out of the cafeteria.
Tsuji started laughing.
"MariTsuji two, Kei....negative one."
ZING! :ONwahaha:
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 10, 2007, 10:52:55 PM
Maki walked past Ogawa's open door and decided o peak her head in.
"Hey, what are you up to?"
"Oh" Ogawa looked up from a box. "Hey. Nothing, I was just trying to get some stuff in order." She stood up and placed her hands on her hips, taking in a view of her apartment. "Things are starting to wind down."
"Ah, you still have a lot of time left. Plus you're staying for awhile after you graduate, right?"
"Yeah, I'm going to stay here until the semester starts. But I just figured...You know, Kon is already off studying so I might as well get a move on."
There was an awkward silence in which Ogawa started to stare at the ground.
"You know, for the energetic one of the bunch, you're acting kinda depressing."
Ogawa smiled.
"I know. It's just... I want to go back to school and stuff, but the closer I get to it the more unsure I am if I can or should. I wonder what everyday life is like after you leave here, and if I can handle it."
"I think there is substantially less drinking and less of a chance of getting KNOCKED the FUCK OUT by Miki Fujimoto, but other than that..."
Ogawa smiled.
"You heard about that?"
"Jeez, who didn't?" Maki chuckled. " Anyway. Even after you leave here, and leave the country, you're still going to be one of us. You can always come back when you need to and call when you need to. You know that right? Ishiguro still shows up at concerts and stuff.  I mean, it really doesn't matter."
"I know but... things are going to change. Like I keep thinking that if I leave, when I come back to visit, it is going to be werid. Like I am going to be doing one thing and all of you are going to keep doing this. Like we won't have anything in common and we won't be able to understand each other."
"You're just taking a break. You are still gonna come back full time after you graduate so, I mean, to have worries like that... I think if you do it once you can still relate to it even if you spent years away from it. Anyway, the important thing is you are doing what you want to do. It is your dream. We can all respect that this is what you want and you are going for it."
Ogawa nodded.
"Plus," Maki began "you shouldn't be worried about us. I mean half of us forget you were even here in the first place so it won't be that hard of a blow to take."
Ogawa started to laugh.
"In all seriousness, we are always going to be here. So you don't have to worry about that. You should be more concerned about yourself. There's alot of stuff going on, you're busy, so rememebr to take care of yourself. You need to stay your energetic self."
"Thanks Goto."
Maki smiled.
"No problem. Just don't expect me to help you pack."
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 11, 2007, 12:10:04 AM
Hello!Project was buzzing.
Girls were talking about it in the halls. The cafeteria. The dance rooms.
"You know what I heard?"
"That it was over drug money."
As news spread new and more interesting versions started to appear.
"So then she just took the bat and went "CRACK!"
 And about ten minutes after it happened everyone knew. Girls on their day off, girls in studio, girls in a different part of Tokyo, all of them received phone calls from someone telling them about it.They in return called someone else to pass it along.
"They say it was blackmail."
"I heard it was over cheeseburgers."
"Yeah, Miki went to McDonalds this one time and..."

Kei sat in the cafeteria with Yuuko and Abe.
Despite it being daylight and it being a well light room, Kei was wearing sunglasses.
Girls in the cafeteria continued talking about her, stealing glances more than a few times.

"Can you belive her? She is going around telling people that it is for 'theatre."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, something about she is playing this battered women and she wants to be able to realistically protray it."
Tear inducing laughter.
Suddenly Abe spoke up.
"Please, like she could get a role that a, wasn't a kappa, and b, lasted more than 35 seconds!"
Yuuko started to laugh.
"Nacchi!" Kei hissed. "Will you knock it off!"
"What? Come on now, you could have come up with a better one than that."
Kei shook her head.
"Well are you going to help me or not?" Kei asked Yuuko.
"Not. Definately not!"
"Because you are an absolute idiot! All you had to do was tell them 'Listen, I am really upset about this.' And you know what they would have done? The party would have continued and the next day the two of them would have showed up and cleaned up. They would have set things straight. But you stormed in there and declared war! You dug your own grave and now you are going to lie in it! And you sure as hell aren't taking me down with you!"
"But they are-"
"No. Don't even. You did this. You deal with it."
Yuuko shook her head and leaned back in her chair.
"You did this to yourself. Remember that."

On the otherside of the cafeteria, Mari and Ayaka were talking.
"I really appreciate you helping me out with this."
"Ah, no problem. As you can tell, I am a little...preoccupied at the moment, but I will work something out."
"Enough of this coconut talk."
Ayaka nodded.
Mari started laughing.
"Man... I can't believe I missed it. I would have given anything to see that."
"I know! I can't belive it even happened! Doing something like that! I wonder if Miki is going to be in trouble."
"I don't know. I can almost picture it though. God, it must have been amazing."
Mari threw her head back and looked at the ceiling.
"I know it is kinda mean to say, but I'd totally pay good money to see that. Hello! Pro fight night.Crazy. Everything is crazy around here."
Mari was in the process of nodding in agreement when something caught her eye.
"Shit!" She yelled jumping up out of her chair.
Everyone present turned to look at her.
"Shit! Why didn't I think of that earlier!?"
Ayaka had no idea what she was talking about.
Mari threw her hands on the table and leaned in closer to Ayaka.
"I just got you a way to pay for all those coconuts." She mumbled conspiratorially.
Over at the long table, Yuuko was mildly interested as to what Yaguchi was doing. She looked up where Mari was looking before.
"Shit!" She yelled, jumping up from the table and breaking into a run.
Mari sprinted her way out of the door and down the hall, with Yuuko following close behind.
The other girls looked through the glass windows at the pair who continued yelling.
"This can't be good." Kei mumbled.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on February 11, 2007, 12:30:02 AM
All you had to do was tell them 'Listen, I am really upset about this.' And you know what they would have done? The party would have continued and the next day the two of them would have showed up and cleaned up. They would have set things straight. But you stormed in there and declared war! You dug your own grave and now you are going to lie in it!
Tough love. :yep: It's harsh to hear, but it's probably true.

Mari sprinted her way out of the door and down the hall, with Yuuko following close behind.
The other girls looked through the glass windows at the pair who continued yelling.
"This can't be good." Kei mumbled.
Probably not good for Kei, but it'll probably be good (i.e. entertaining) for us readers. :D
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Amarghetta on February 11, 2007, 01:21:42 AM
Quote from: erink;304405

"But what do I know. I'm the idiot of the group.".

Idiot in academic stuff only, of course. XD


"Hi!" Miki yelled in her 'cute' voice.
What Kei saw next was a fist coming at her.
For the second time in one day, Kei fell off her chair.

I could actually hear Miki's cute voice in my head, and I can say that next to the image of her pissed off face; it's such a frightening (yet hot) combination... ;)
Title: Afternoon Day 12
Post by: erink on February 11, 2007, 08:24:58 AM
Mari and Yuuko reached the control room in record time. The room was dark save for one side illuminated by a wall of T.V screens. Once inside Yuuko dived into the black office chair and stared at the control panel infront of her. Mari immediately started looking for an eject button.
"Where is it, where is it?"
"I don't know it has to be in here somewhere."
Yuuko looked up from the panel and at one of the monitors.
"Hey, what are those two doing?"
Mari looked up at one of the monitors to see  Goto asleep in one of the dance rooms.
"God, that girl can sleep anywhere, can't she?"
"What? Yeah. No, not her. Those two!"
Mari looked one monitor over from Goto.
"Tsuji and Mako?"
"I don't know. Looks like they have a crate."
"Thanks, I didn't see that."
"Woah. The sarcasm. Let's take it down a notch shall we?"
Yuuko clicked her tounge.
"Whatever it is, probably won't end good."
"I know. I know. Tsuji is... I'm trying to keep her out of trouble."
"I was going to make a comment but, I think I'll just let it go."
"I'd appreciate it. I mean the two of us aren't exactly role models, but we have to do what we can, right?"
"Uh huh."
The girls continued scanning the monitors.
"You and Tsuji are pretty close, so it's good you're looking out for her. I mean obviously you are a horrible influence in your own way, but...She just needs to keep busy and stay away from that stuff."
"Yeah. She can be annoying and loud and a fire hazard, but she is a good kid."
"Uh huh. Kid being the key word though. I don't think she'll ever grow up."
"That's probably true. Speaking of kids..."
Yuuko and Mari turned their attention to a monitor on the lower left. It seemed to be the second dance rehersal room.
"Are they...dancing?"
"I mean, I guess if you put use the word really losely you could call it that."
"I think syncronized epileptic fits would be better."
"Just be grateful the sound isn't on."
Yuuko shuddered.
"Ah, what do we have here."
"Oh, it's Yossie!"
Yossie was walking down the hall in the forth monitor on the top row.
"Somebody needs to get some chicken breasts. And that is with the ten pounds the camera adds."
"I bet if she turned sideways you wouldn't be able to see her."
"Only one way to find out."
Mari reached for her cellphone and Yuuko started giggling.
Yuuko and Mari watched Yossie answer her cellphone.
"Ah, nothing much. No, no, I haven't seen Erika. Listen, could you turn to your left for a second."
Yuuko started to laugh.
"No, no that's it. Later!"
Mari kept looking at the screen where a confused Yossie was facing the left and staring at the cell phone's display.
"Woah!" Yuuko shouted. "Incoming!" She pointed to the first screen on the second row of monitors.
Sayu was running full speed down the hall holding a skillet which had rather large flames on the top.
She ran of screen on one monitor just to appear on the next one.
"Woah." Mari said. "The picture quality is so good, you can almost imaging the scream she is making just by looking at her."
"I know. It's like I can hear it in my head and "
Yuuko was cutoff by Sayu's ear shattering shriek as she charged past the control room. The girls continued looking at the monitors. Soon Eri entered the picture as she ran after Sayu yelling something the girls couldn't quite make out. Their confusion was cleared up as moments later Eri came running past the control room yelling "Pool!Pool!Pool!"
Mari and Yuuko sat rivieted. After a few moments Kei came into view on a monitor reminding both girls why they were there in the first place.
"The tape."
"Right the tape." Mari agreed, turning to continue her search.
After a few moments Yuuko called out.
"Here is the monitor of the can't but I can't find the tape."
"The tape."
Mari walked over and pressed the eject button six times rapid fire.
Suddenly, from the shadows, a voice called out.
"Looking for this?"
Mari and Yuuko screamed and jumped at relativley the same time.
The figure took this as their cue an launched into their attempt at an evil cackle that turned rather abrubtly into a caughing fit.
Mari and Yuuko turned around.
"Who the hell are you?" Yuuko asked.
"It's not me." Mari said."
"Obviouslt it's not you, you're right here."
"I know but they said you and if you were the one talking that would mean the you was directed at me."
"You' what?"
Before the figure could respond she was cut off by Mari.
"I don't know, I was gonna ask but then you asked about you and I told you that when they said you it was probably directed at me."
Yui was beyond flustered as she was derailed once again.
"You're stealing my thunder!"
"Who?" Yuuko asked.
"I think you ment both of us that time."
"I know that you ment you as in us but I meant who as in who are you."
"Oh, Oh."
Yui let out a squeak of frustration.
"Who?" Yuuko asked again.
"You who?"
"Yoo-hoo?" Mari asked. "The website?"
"What? No, that's yahoo."
"Oh,oh. Well then what's yoo-hoo?"
"How the hell do I know you're the one that keeps saying it."
"Milk! Man I hate yoo-hoo. Milk, that's what it is."
"I have never heard of that in my entire life."
"Yeah, no, somebody got it imported once. I mean I guess technically it isn't milk but it is close enough for me to hate it."
"Are you two done yet?"
"Huh?" Yuuko asked. "Oh, yes, continue."
"Yui. Yui Okada. Biyuuden."
"Bi you what?" Yuuko asked. She turned to Mari. "Be you den? Did she just ask if we were dens?"
"What? No. Rika's thing with the v or the b or the I don't know. The boobs and the other one with the..." Mari started making random gestures at a loss for how to describe them.
"Rika's thing?"
"You still have no idea, do you?"
"No, not really, but for the sake of moving this along let's pretend I do."
The two started nodding.
"Now what do you want?" Yuuko asked.
"The tape."
"So do we." Mari said.
"What? No." Yui began. "I have the tape."
"Then why do you want it?"
"What? No. I have the tape and you want it."
"Of course we want the tape but do you want the tape?"
"Well, I mean I have the tape."
"Yeah but do you want it?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Because having and wanting are two different things entirely."
Yui realized she was being derailed again.
"No! No! No! See I had this who plan. After I heard I came here before you two and I got the tape. And then I waited and I did the creepy 'Looking for this?' and my evil laughter..."
"Thats what that was!" Yuuko exclaimed. "I couldn't figure it out."
"I thought she was trying to eat the tape or something."
Yuuko and Mari looked at each other. Mari spoke again.
"Well, I mean I didn't know she had the tape at the time but now that I do I guess that is what I would have thought if I had known. At the time I really just thought she was choking or something."
"Uh huh." Yuuko nodded.
"Really, you need to work on that." Mari said.
"Yeah. Evil laughted should come more from the chest area like so."
Yuuko gave a spine tingling laugh.
"I got goosebumps right now." Mari proclaimed. "See that is how you have to do it. That is effective. It would have changed the situation completely."
"Yeah if you just" Yuuko moved over to Yui and put her hand on her back.
"See when you inhale make sure your back fills up so you can really project and then just-"
Yui gave it a try.
"Oh, much better."
"Much." Mari agreed.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"Wait! The tape!"
"Oh yeah, the tape." Mari said.
"I have the tape and you want the tape."
"Didn't we already go over this?" Mari asked.
"What I am saying is I will give you the tape-"
"Oh, that's nice of you." Mari interrupted.
Yui gave her a frustrated glare.
"for a price." She finnished.
"Okay, not so nice."
Yuuko snickered.
"And just what makes you think you can do that?"
"Because I know that you two would give anything to see it."
"True. We would do anything...anything like THIS!" In one quick motion Yuuko snatched the tape out of Yui's hands.
"Ah!" She exclaimed.
"Well, well, well, the tables certainly have turned." Mari said.
"Yeah. Who the hell do you think you are pulling that on us?"
"Damn fool." Mari said.
"Uh huh. We've been around a long time and you are going to have to try a lot harder."
"Just want do you want the tape for anyway?" Mari asked.
"Same thing you do."
"And that would be?" Yuuko asked.
"Money?" Mari asked.
"I was going to sell the tape to you two for a ridiculous price."
"Because I knew you would pay for it."
"Yeah but why as in-"
"Oh, oh. I get it. Why? Because I'm in biyuuden."
"Be you-" Yuuko started.
"Excactly. My salary is a joke. It'd be nice to have some pocket money for a change."
"Well maybe if you didn't suck..." Yuuko offered.
"Not the point."
"Well listen." Yuuko began. "we would never use a video tape of our dear friend being bruttally assaulted in what I am told was a hilarious manner to our advantage. Use the tape for money! You should be ashamed."
"Actually I was going to." Mari said.
"Oh hell yeah, so was I. Still am mind you, but as a leader you need to say these things sometimes."
"Anyway, we got the tape. Let's head out." Yuuko looked at Yui. "You can come with us. Unless you have something better to do."
"Unlikely." Mari retorted.
"The one two." Yuuko said, starting to laugh through her nose.
The girls left the control room.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on February 11, 2007, 12:56:50 PM
LOL that was genius XD  Flames + Pool + Biyuuden is just insanely funny stuff !
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: black velvet on February 11, 2007, 04:45:41 PM
Pool? Did Eri want Sayumi to dump the flames in a pool or something?

Poor Yui, always trying so hard, but she should mess with someone lower and work her way up the ladder. XD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on February 11, 2007, 06:49:45 PM
LOL~! Yui's evilness gone wrong. This is going to sell for (my estimate) 20 million yen on eBay?
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on February 11, 2007, 07:51:44 PM
Oh GOD THAT was too funny. I wonder what it must be like in that little brain of yours. was thinking of you in my little day dreams that I have and I concluded that I havent laugh this continuously EVER! Never have I found a movie, song, clip or joke that has kept me so entertained and kept me laughing for so long. You have a SHIT LOAD of talent, I hope you realise that and I hope you can write scripts in the near future because I couldny imagine a more criminal act that keeping your work from the world.

That being said, Im having deja Vu. Ive said this all before havent I? OH well...Omg, how cool would this be as a movie XD (sorry, now Im just rambling)

Do your teachers know how awesome you are?

Luck to you!!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Blizzard on February 12, 2007, 01:59:18 AM
^ What Mikan said!  I seriously haven't laughed so much in a while!

Mari and Yuko could totally be poster children for ADD.  They couldn't stay on topic for more that two sentences!  That was great!  And everything was so witty!  Truely awesome!
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on February 12, 2007, 05:21:51 AM
Voyeurism at it's best! XD Poor, poor Yui can't get a break. :lol:

Favourite part, right here:
"What I am saying is I will give you the tape-"
"Oh, that's nice of you." Mari interrupted.
Yui gave her a frustrated glare.
"for a price." She finnished.
"Okay, not so nice."

Poor, poor Yui can't get a break. :lol:
"And just what makes you think you can do that?"
"Because I know that you two would give anything to see it."
"True. We would do anything...anything like THIS!" In one quick motion Yuuko snatched the tape out of Yui's hands.
"Ah!" She exclaimed.
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on February 19, 2007, 09:57:10 PM
it's been a while since i laughed so hard.
"be you den" apearences are just priceless. among Mari and Yuuko... :panda_love:
I almost feel sorry for them! XD XD XD
Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on February 20, 2007, 01:02:11 AM
I don't know how the HELL I managed to skip a praise on this. Dammit, you had me rolling on the floor (well I was on the floor already...) laughing until I hit something xD.

The Yui *gyu*/you think was probably the wittiest word play I have seen relating to H!P, haha.

Ugh and the Kei plan fireback from Tsuji was... the best! I really was hoping while reading that part  that it was someone ebil like Yuko/Boss Saitou/or miki. And it happened to be the hottest of those three! Wet and angry Miki :ONshy2:. Best punch action ever.

and I'm with Mikan, I really hope you get recognition of this from school!

Title: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on February 23, 2007, 12:24:56 AM
Thanks Sukoshi.
@Black Vel- Logic takes a back seat. Eri wanted Sayu to put the fire out. Put fire out with water. Water is in the pool. You kind of panic when it happens.
@Tana- nah, the girls have got something else up their sleve.
@Mikan- Thanks so much. You've said it before, but who would get tired of hearing such a fantastic review? Thanks again.
@Blizzard- Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. The Mari/Yuuko exchange is probably my favorite of the recent chapters.
@JFC- That's my favorite part too. I can picutre it so clearly.
@HB- Mari and Yuuko are constantly suffering. I mean, who can hold a candle to them?
@OS- Thanks. For some reason it is just easy to run with the Yui wordplay. I did it a few times before but never for this long. It absolutely HAD to be Miki. It's not over yet either, she'll be back...after her taping of course.
Title: Night Day 12
Post by: erink on April 04, 2007, 11:31:47 PM
"Please continune moving all the way to your right and fill in all available seats." There was a pause. "This means you Masae. Get your ass up and over."
Masae stood up and looked back, searching for the owner of the voice. She found Yuuko standing at the top of the room,  megaphone inhand, smirking at her.
The room appartently took its inspiration from that of a band room. The front of the room was ground level and from there it expanded into several different wrap around layers each no more than a step higher than the previous. It was used mostly for large meetings within the project, when rehersal tapes need to be reviewed, but as of late some girls had taken up a liking to doing homework there because it was one of the few disturbance free areas in the massive building. In fact most girls forgot its existance, it was vary rare to find yourself in there more than three or four times every six months. It was furnished with comfortable chairs with optional desktops that rested at one side of the chair until needed.
"Cocconuts! Get your cocconuts!" Mari yelled from the bottom layer, sounding like a peanut vendor at a baseball game.
"Yeah!" Nacchi shouted, her hand raised as she raised her body slightly off her seat. "Over here!"
Mari glanced at the crowd, then spotting Nacchi, she smiled and shook her head, giving a thumbs up sign as she reached for a cocconut out of the backpack.
Mari wound up and tossed.
"Ow!" Mai screamed, grabbing at her head.
Nacchi and Mari burst into laughter. After a few seconds of giggling, Nacchi said "Sorry" and reached forward to retrive the cocconut. Mai shot her a glare as she continued rubbing at the side of her head. Nacchi handed her a pile of bills and nodded in Mari's direction. She sat back down and added the cocconut to her growing pile.
"I don't even like cocconuts." Nacchi remarked, her trade mark smile absolutely glowing.
Sayumi looked over at her, not really getting what she ment.
Yuuko had placed Reina at the door to take admission. She felt that no one would take Yui seriously and continuous questions such as "who are you?" would hold up the line. Admision was 600 yen and Mari was inside pedling various cocconut refreshments and snacks for an array of prices. Yuuko was in the middle of a head count when she heard a fight errupt.
"Jesus Christ! You're doing it on purpose. I hate you both!"
It was true. Since the girls had started to file in Nacchi had continually ordered cocconuts and Mari's throws seemed to fall about a meter short each time. Mai, who was now standing up in a fit of rage took the cocconut that had recently made its aquantince with the side of her head and threw it at the pint size culprit two levels below her. She then turned around and flailed her arms at Nacchi who couldn't supress her laughter any longer.
Yuuko smiled. It was a good day. Not only was it entertaining, it was highly profitable.
Almost all of the girls were settled when the woman of honour made her entrance. Well, at least one of them.
Miki strolled into the room and was immeadiately greeted by Yuuko.
"So glad you could join us."
"Yeah well, I had a taping.."
There was an awkward pause as Miki scanned the room.
"Is Aya here?"
"Well I guess that answers your question." Yuuko replied.
The two looked at the soloist who was excitedly making her way through the row and waving rather goofily much to the dismay of the girls who were already seated. Toes were stepped on, bodies were elbowed and at the end of it no one other than Aya looked pleased.
Miki clicked her tounge.
"Hey! Where have you been?!"
"Uh? Me? Around." Miki said crossing her arms at the end of her sentence in a stoic manner.
"Huh? I've been trying to get a hold of you for ever."
"I had things going on."
"What's with you?"
"Me?" Miki said lowering her head and pointing. "Nothing."
"You're acting strange."
"Not at-" Miki cut off her sentence. She stood on tip toe, streching out her neck and looking over Aya "What's that, Asami?" She yelled rather loudly. "I can't quite hear-" She looked back down at Aya and put her hand on her shoulder. "If you'll just excuse me for a moment."
Miki made her way up to the middle section towards a rather confused looking Asami. The look was replaced with extreme over reacting as Asami finally made out the words Miki was mouthing, and the glare she was displaying, as she moved closer.
Aya and Yuuko stared at Miki who continued to shoot glances back at them as she talked to Asami.
"Something's going on..." Yuuko mumnled to herself.
"I was about to say the same thing." Aya agreed.
Title: Night Day 12
Post by: erink on April 05, 2007, 12:06:18 AM
Yuuko had moved to the front of the room, megaphone in hand, and  stood there for a moment, her presence immediately silenced all the girls and got their attention.
The megaphone wouldn't be necessary. When Yuuko spoke, they listened.
"Welcome, on behalf of everyone invloved in that Save Ayaka Campaign and the Yuuko Needs New Shoes Drive, I'd like to thank you for your donations."
In the middle row to the far left Murata contorted her face
"Donations?" She snorted. Reina threatened to have us "taken care of" if we didn't pay."
"Yeah, but it's worth it." Masae pointed out.
"Completely and totally, but that's not the point."
Masae and Murata shrugged.
"Before we get to tonight's main event I would like to ask everyone to please raise their cocconuts and give a warm Hello! Project welcome to Miki Fujimoto. Miki could you stand up please."
Miki stood up and jerked her head in an upward motion, she then returned to her seat.
Yuuko looked around the room, smiling. She then threw her left arm in the air and yelled "hit it!"
The projection screen was lowered and a buzz of excitement filled the room as the tape started to play.
The camera in the cafeteria had provided an excellent birds eye veiw of the the table Kei was sitting at. The audio left something to be desired as only bits and peices on what Kei and Tsuji were saying could be heard over the cacophony of sound one hears in a semi crowded area, that low hum were things sometimes become indistiguishable. Shortly into the clip Tsuji could be seen smiling and Miki appeared at the corner of the frame. Finally some part of the audio came across loud and clear. It was Kei's yell and the sound of her body and chair hitting the floor.
In perfect sync the girls let out various grunts, "ohhh"s, and "aahhh"s one makes after seeing something extremely painful happen.  The room was filled with the sound a vcr makes when being rewound as it was played again. And again. And one more time for good measure. The tape was then played at various speeds. Elsewhere in the building.....

Night Day 12
Kei looked to her left and right. She didn't like it at all. The lobby was completely deserted. Not a soul, not even the usual hum of the building was found.
She pulled her glasses(a rather obvious disguise for her brand new black and blue face) down and took another look.
Kei walked over towards the elevators. Halfway there an erruption of noise was heard. It sounded like screaming and laughing and various other things. She looked down the hallway in the direction of the rucus and then looked back at the deserted lobby. This couldn't be good.
She continued down the hall stopping in front of an open door. There was no doubt that the noise was coming from there, but why? Kei found it more than a little odd that seemingly everyone would be gathered in one of the meeting rooms for no apparent reason. Upon entry however, she soon discovered that there was a reason they were all gathered, and rather apparently it was being projected on a screen half the size of that of a movie theater's. Kei immeatedly felt her jaw drop. She looked towards the back of the room to find Yaguchi pressing away at controls. Mari, who had learned more than a few things from the fine folks at Utaban had perfected her Slo-mo replay of the incident by the time Kei walked in the room. Kei heard a swell of laughter as what she felt was her rather cute voice be morphed into something resembling a wounded dinosuar at the slower speed.
"Oh, for the love of-"
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 05, 2007, 12:51:53 AM
Update! Poor Kei, she can never win.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on April 05, 2007, 02:26:57 AM
XD Poor Mai-chan! Getting beaned by coconuts! XD XD XD Naughty, naughty girls, Nacchi and Mari!  :wahaha:

"What's with you?"
"Me?" Miki said lowering her head and pointing. "Nothing."
Suuuuuure. You're also not insanely hot.  :rolleyes:

Welcome, on behalf of everyone invloved in that Save Ayaka Campaign and the Yuuko Needs New Shoes Drive,
*shakes hand as if holding a pair of dice*


I'd like to thank you for your donations."
In the middle row to the far left Murata contorted her face
"Donations?" She snorted. Reina threatened to have us "taken care of" if we didn't pay.
Good ol' Yankii persuasion.  :lol:

Mari, who had learned more than a few things from the fine folks at Utaban had perfected her Slo-mo replay of the incident by the time Kei walked in the room.
See? Being on TV DOES have it's benefits, like learning new skills! ;D
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on April 05, 2007, 06:18:54 AM
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiing! Yes I laughed rather loudly as per usual. Also brought to my attention that my voice has changed and is more....deep? I have rather a hearty laugh now...Kinda odd seeings as Girls` voices arent suppose to change, lol

I cant help but feel that your style or ideas have changed slightly. It could be just me..or it could be this posting in a new forum...but something is different. Not bad or anything...just different..

Now u must excuse me...I must look for my waterbottle as I misplaced the freaking thing for the 5th time this week...
Title: Night Day 12
Post by: erink on April 05, 2007, 02:34:13 PM
Kei remained motionless as the girls made their way out of the room. Tsuji paused momentairily, looked her up and down, and said "MariTsuji three, Kei negative one." Shortly after her Miki clenched her fists and jerked her body towards Kei causing her to flinch, much to the delight of everyone else. When all the girls were gone, Kei was left with Ayaka, Mari, Yuuko, and Yui. Yuuko and Yui were busy counting while Ayaka stood around anxiously. Mari was looking at the money and sipping on what Kei guessed was some sort of alcoholic beverage in a coconut.
Yuuko had finished counting her pile.
"Well, we'll divy it up fifty-five, forty five."
"Naturally." Mari said.
"How much is it going to cover?"
"Probably the shipping costs and a few crates."
Ayaka sighed and shook her head in a relieved manner.
"Aren't you ashamed of yourselves!?" Kei interjected.
Mari and Yuuko looked at Kei, then at each other, and back at Kei.
"Not at all."
"Yes," Mari agreed. "I'm actually quite please that such an effective and profitable system was implemented in such short a time."
"Really, considering how long it took us to throw this thing together, I think it is safe to say I am actually quite proud."
Mari nodded.
"You're profiting off of someone else's pain and suffering! My pain and suffering!"
Yuuko smiled.
"Sweetie, in this business it is all about profiting and if people get hurt in the process it is just a better story to sell more."
Kei paused, knowing she was right.
"Still... I'm one of you."
"And we wouldn't do this to you if you weren't."
Kei sighed. The logic in the Hello! Project family was sometime hazy but it made sense overall. Even though it didn't seem like it, they cared.
Title: Night Day 12
Post by: erink on April 05, 2007, 02:45:20 PM
Yuuko had returned to her apartment with Mari in tow. They sat slouched down on the couch with beers in hand.
"Did you ever wonder if this is all enough?" Yuuko asked, staring off at the TV.
"Now, now"
"I just...I feel so empty. As if this has all lost it's meaning."
"This happens every year. Post Kana depresion. Everyone gets it at one point in time."
"I know but, but what are we even doing? We make fun of people, we get drunk, we occasionally do our jobs, I mean...I'm just left wondering what else is there?"
"the new chaser! This beauty comes equiped with two reloadable cartrages and laser targeting system! And, if you call now it could be yours!" The announcers voice boomed from the televison, the infomercial was about over.
"I think it's a sign." Mari said softly.
"Yes. Yes, I think you're right."
Without looking Yuuko reached for the notepad on the table to her left and scribbled down the number.
Title: Morning Day 13
Post by: erink on April 05, 2007, 02:56:16 PM
Breakfast was being carried on as usual.
"Well with such a large order and so many different models, they said it is going to take about three days or so."
"Right." Mari said.
"Which means in the mean time-"
Mari looked at Yuuko expectantly.
"Scavenger Hunt." She concluded.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 05, 2007, 05:20:02 PM
Oh god, what have they done! *bites nails*

"I know but, but what are we even doing? We make fun of people, we get drunk, we occasionally do our jobs, I mean...I'm just left wondering what else is there?"
Best line ever btw.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: nkca_ on April 06, 2007, 04:42:34 AM
Oh god, what have they done! *bites nails*
Best line ever btw.

i second that
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on April 06, 2007, 06:05:36 AM
"Scavenger Hunt." She concluded.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on April 06, 2007, 08:32:42 AM
I'm totally diggin Miki avoiding Aya :)
Oh Nacchi, so clever!

Glad you're back and writing!

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on April 06, 2007, 05:31:23 PM
OH yeah! that's it!
ADAH!P is back!
"You're profiting off of someone else's pain and suffering! My pain and suffering!"
poor, poor kei.... It seems to me that EVERY girl in H!P does it.... xD
"Please continune moving all the way to your right and fill in all available seats." There was a pause. "This means you Masae. Get your ass up and over."
And Yuko, being sweet just as she can be.
Awesome return chapter, erink!

[Everytime I reply to this thread I question myself about a very deep and intelectual problem... Do I call it "chapter" or "chapters"?.... Maybe just erink-sama beholds the answer... xD~~~ ]
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Blizzard on April 06, 2007, 09:50:37 PM
Welcome back erink the genius!  Still hilarious as ever!  Kei needs to just admit defeat before she gets so far in the hole that she needs a ladder to get out!  But then again, it's a lot more fun if she doesn't!  Hope you keep writing more!
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Amarghetta on April 07, 2007, 07:28:49 AM
I just went back to re-read the first chapters, and somehow I enjoyed them more... (Probably because I now I know a thing or two about most H!P girls, lol.) They're pure gold!

Welcome back, btw. ;)
Title: Morning Day 13
Post by: erink on April 16, 2007, 07:18:26 PM
"Esteemed members of Hello! Project, friends, colleges, children whose names I still do not know, we are gathered here today for a very special reason." Yuuko began majestically, look out at the sea of faces before her.
"Yossie's finally coming out of the closet?" Miki asked sarcastically from the middle of the room.
"No." Yuuko said flatly, shaking her head.
"Kago-" Came a call from the back of the room.
"Oh! Oh! I know, I knowIknowIknow!!" Sayumi yelled, raising her hand so high in the air that the rest of her body was practically going with it.
"Yes, Sayu?"
"There is going to be a dedication ceremony for the new garage and you are going to name it in my honour!" Sayu jumped up from her seat. She put her arms up as if in prayer and looked dreamily at the ceiling. "After all, I am the cutest. This is just so perfect. The Sayumi Michishige Motor Complex. The cutest place to park you car in the-"
"I'd like to park a car right in your-" Miki was cut off.
"Enough." Yuuko shouted.
"Take a seat you  no good, delusional, little-" Rika was cut off by an amused but slightly annoyed Yuuko.
"I said enough."
All the girls quieted down.
"First of all, no you are not getting the new garage named after you, you twit. And second of all, the special reason were are all here today is becuase I need to make an anouncement."
"You finally found a man willing to marry you?" Mari asked. True she knew the real reasons they were gathered, but she couldn't pass up the opprotunity, especially knowing that Miki would jump at it.
"Let's rephrase that," Miki began. "You finally blackmailed, beat, or otherwise terrorized, tortured, or tricked, a man into marriage?"
"No. No I did not. And I want you to know that in one to two business days both of you will pay for that."
Miki and Mari smiled at each other while other girls started to laugh.
"The reason were are all here today is because I have a little game for us to play."
"Listen, if this is a two-ten-jack tornament, or poker again, I'm out. It took me all this time just to re-establish my credit." Masae stated.
"No. It's not. For the love of god will you all just let me get on with it?!"
"Okay, okay." Masae mumbled putting her hands up.
"This will be dangerous. This will be trying. This will be a test of friendship and sisterhood. This will be vicious.
This will be underhanded. This will be full of lying and deceit. This will be a test of strategization and wits. This will  be- "Yuuko paused and licked her lips. "Girls, if you could just cover you ears, yes, yes, just for a moment."
The members of Cute and Berryz looked at each other uncertainly and slowly brought their hands over their ears.
Yuuko nodded, and resumed.
"This will be pretty fucking awesome."
She paused and looked around, satisfied, letting her speech sink in.
Goto raised her hand.
"And what excactly will this be?"
"A scavenger hunt."
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on April 16, 2007, 11:45:29 PM
"Esteemed members of Hello! Project, friends, colleges, children whose names I still do not know, we are gathered here today for a very special reason." Yuuko began majestically, look out at the sea of faces before her.
"Yossie's finally coming out of the closet?" Miki asked sarcastically from the middle of the room.
"No." Yuuko said flatly, shaking her head.
Damn. :P

"Oh! Oh! I know, I knowIknowIknow!!" Sayumi yelled, raising her hand so high in the air that the rest of her body was practically going with it.
"Yes, Sayu?"
"There is going to be a dedication ceremony for the new garage and you are going to name it in my honour!" Sayu jumped up from her seat. She put her arms up as if in prayer and looked dreamily at the ceiling. "After all, I am the cutest. This is just so perfect. The Sayumi Michishige Motor Complex. The cutest place to park you car in the-"
"I'd like to park a car right in your-" Miki was cut off.
Damn!  :lol:

"You finally found a man willing to marry you?" Mari asked. True she knew the real reasons they were gathered, but she couldn't pass up the opprotunity, especially knowing that Miki would jump at it.
"Let's rephrase that," Miki began. "You finally blackmailed, beat, or otherwise terrorized, tortured, or tricked, a man into marriage?"
Zing! I mean...DAMN!!!  :wahaha:

"This will be dangerous. This will be trying. This will be a test of friendship and sisterhood. This will be vicious.
This will be underhanded. This will be full of lying and deceit. This will be a test of strategization and wits. This will  be- "Yuuko paused and licked her lips.


"This will be pretty fucking awesome."
She paused and looked around, satisfied, letting her speech sink in.
Goto raised her hand.
"And what excactly will this be?"
"A scavenger hunt."
LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!   :k-thrilled:
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Amarghetta on April 17, 2007, 06:31:03 PM
Oh, I loved the sarcasm flying around! It reminds me so much of my family and friends, lol.

Scavenger hunt? Uhm, it sounds like fun.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 19, 2007, 01:52:59 AM
Can't wait. I'm valley girling over here in my excitment.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on April 19, 2007, 06:29:24 PM
LOL x10 with Miki's comment on Yossui's denying gayness <3~
Even funnier when Miki put Sayu in her place for trying to act "smart" again ::) OH AND HELL YEAH, Rika finally tells Sayu off. Even with her hair half gone, no one can forget that Rika is/was the cutest girl. Oh Charmy~
Mari and Miki double team, hell yeah. XD Yuko reactions are always the grandest.
And finally.... I laughed my ASS off reading Yuko directing the kids to cover their ears. XD It's cute AND funny.

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: 00HB on April 21, 2007, 03:47:00 PM
Yeeee! Again, Yuko prepares the ground for a merciless battle!
Who knows what to expect?
[but it's sure to be a lot of fun! xD ]
Title: Morning Day 13
Post by: erink on May 25, 2007, 08:46:25 PM
"Let's not waste time. Get crackalacking on this."
"I'm sorry, did she just say crackalacking?" Miki whispered to Mari.
"I think she did." Mari replied as the two of them started giggling.
"Ya-gooch!" Yuuko bellowed.
"I need you and Tsuji to call a temporary cease fire with Kei. Can you do that?"
"Sure." Mari answered looking Yuuko straight in the eye.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Kei's ear shattering scream peirced through the room.
"Starting now." Mari said.
Title: Morning Day 13
Post by: erink on May 25, 2007, 09:14:09 PM
Kei stumbled out of bed. What time was it? She strained to see the face of the alarm clock and took an educated guess that she should probably hurry up and get to breakfast. She had overslept by quite some time.
Oversleeping in Hello!Project was like taking a leap of faith. If you weren't there, chances are that they would make plans to do something without you, leaving you all alone to scratch your head and wonder where everyone went.  If you were really lucky, there is a possibility that the girls will cancel their plans to be bitches that day and you can sleep till your hearts content, completely unscathed. Conversely if you were really unlucky they would plot against you for the simple fact that your absence meant they wouldn't have to be secretive about the evil doing that was going to happen. People tended to show up just for the reason that if you are present you are given opprotunities to make sure that whatever practical joke or trick was being meticulously planned you have increased chances of not being the person on the recieving end.
Kei made her way to the bathroom and fumbled around the counter top searching for her contact case. In the process she knocked over a tube of toothpaste, a peice of paper, and her hairbrush.
She wondered about wheter or not Miki still had hard feelings over the clothes issue. And then, dismissing a completely ludacris question that really didn't even need to be asked, she pondered about things like how much it would cost to bribe Miki, deciding that it was probably more than she could offer. While her head dismissed it all as rumors, her heart hoped that her family really wasn't in with the yakuza.
With contact on finger, she began looking in the mirror. Having a swollen eye the size of, well the size of a rather large object made this quite difficult. After a few minutes of struggling she succeded.
Only to experience a rather intense burning sensation. She jumped and screamed immediately trying to remove the contact. Thanks to the swelling, removal was about twice as hard as getting it on there was in the first place. Her eyes teared as it continued stinging. Finally after what felt like forever she held the contact back on her finger. she put her arm on the counter and leaned over.
"What a way to wake up." Kei mumbled, all traces of her sleepiness disappearing as her eyes continued to water.
Out of the corner of her eye she caught something. The piece of paper that she had knocked over. She crouched down.
The note read;
"Dear Kei,
It's plane to see your an idiot.
4 to -1."
Scrawled in the corner of the note was Tsuji's unmistakable handwritting that read.
"Hahah. You suck."
Kei shook her head. Not only was it a simple attack, it was one littered with common misspelling
They were winning battles. But she still questioned if they would win the war.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on May 26, 2007, 03:13:27 AM
"I need you and Tsuji to call a temporary cease fire with Kei. Can you do that?"
"Sure." Mari answered looking Yuuko straight in the eye.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Kei's ear shattering scream peirced through the room.
"Starting now." Mari said.
The timing is impeccable. ;D

With contact on finger, she began looking in the mirror. Having a swollen eye the size of, well the size of a rather large object made this quite difficult. After a few minutes of struggling she succeded.
Only to experience a rather intense burning sensation. She jumped and screamed immediately trying to remove the contact.
What the hell? Did Mari and Nono replace the contact solution with lemon juice or something?  :dunno:

Scrawled in the corner of the note was Tsuji's unmistakable handwritting that read.
"Hahah. You suck."
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on May 26, 2007, 03:36:20 AM
I was staring at this thread the other day wondering when it would be back. How you going? Its such an empty space in the forum without you here. Brings me back to the good old days ^^

Love the new entries, of course. Cracked a smile. Not as long as usual though.

Can I ask what the hell they put on the contact? Not that I would ever repeat this harsh and dangerous trick...
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on May 26, 2007, 04:07:02 AM
Tap water. Simple, effective. Mates said it stings like a mother.

Thanks Mikan. You make me all warm and fuzzy while kind of sort of kicking me to get back into gear.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on May 26, 2007, 10:10:14 AM
Poor Kei, serves her right for existing. Keep it coming!
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on May 27, 2007, 08:55:30 AM
Tap water! But of course!

*Cuddles Erink* I wub you. Keep em coming ^^
Title: Morning Day 13
Post by: erink on May 28, 2007, 12:24:49 AM
Yuuko stood at the front of the cafeteria holding a clip board. She looked down at it and lifted several papers.
"Alright" she began "due to the lack of time we will just be keeping the teams from Kana with some minor alterations. Everyone just go and sit with your group." She looked up at the girls. "No one remembers their group, do they?"
The girls looked around and then started shaking their heads.
"No, no not really."
"I think I switched shirts with someone so I don't remeber the colour..."
"Okay, okay. Luckily I have them here."
Yuuko readjusted her grip on the board.
"Alright, everyone just go stand over by the wall and come sit where I tell you.
She waited for the girls to relocate. Miki hesitantly moved over to where Aya had saved her a spot.
"Now," Yuuko began. "On to the altercations."
Yuuko began writing on the board furiously. After scribbling and scratching, adding arrows and subtracting names, she was ready.
"First off, referees. Any objection to Maeda, Shibata, and Inaba?"
The girls shook thier heads.
"Now then, Erika is no longer with us-"
"God rest her soul." Mari interjected, making the sign of the cross.
Most of the girls started snickering while Yossie looked as though she was going to be sick, thanks to the reminder of the rather large mess there was still left to be clean up.
"That means there are twenty six of us. Okay then. Two teams of five then four teams of four."
"Wait," Masae shouted. "Having an extra person is an advantage."
Yuuko shook her head. "Oh Masae, don't you worry. If anything I think you will be happy when you see the teams of five. I mean, the younger girls get to stay together because this is their first time doing something like this and my team, my team has Kei. If anything I have to work twice is hard to carry the deadweight."
"You're so wise and fair." Masae said as Kei rolled her eyes.
"Right then. Here are the teams, girls."
Yuuko placed the paper on the wall while reading from it.

White- Kaori, Nacchi, Kei, Yaguchi and Me.
Red- Takahashi, Eri, Sayu, Risa, and Reina
Blue- Miki, Kore, Yui, and Murata
Yellow- Masae, Miuna, Asami, and Ayaka
Green- Ishikawa, Tsuji, Goto, and Yoshizawa
Pink- Mai, Aya, Makoto, and Saito

"From now on the cafeteria will be headquarters. Refs and the kids will be here the entire time. Everyone will be given an envelope. Inside is the list. Every challenge or item is given points, team with the most points wins. Each team will be given a video camera which will be nessecary for some items. Use your cellphones to take pictures as proof. Call the refs when you complete a task and they will mark it after you send them the picture. As you know we still have the vans left over so every team gets one. Any questions?"
None of the girls said anything.
"Alright. Make sure you have the phone numbers of the refs, Berryz, and Cute members. Go get ready. Meet back here at 7 to pick up the envelopes.
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on May 28, 2007, 12:36:24 AM
Headquarters was buzzing. A gaint map was plastered on a rolling chalk board. A dry erase board had been placed at the back of the room. The long table was moved to the center. It was filled with lists, contact sheets, cellphones, and refreshments. The girls were ready.
Cute and Berryz members passed out the envelopes.
"On your mark" Shibata yelled. "GO!"
At excactly 8 o'clock. The Hunt began.

The girls ran out of the cafeteria at top speed. Some girls like Yuuko and Miki were not above shoving or triping. Mai ran down the hall screaming "Get to the van, get to the van!" while Nacchi and Kei opted to take the other hall towards the parking lot.

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Sukoshi on May 28, 2007, 04:40:45 AM
YES! you're back!  :heart:  And with the hunt too!  :inlove: 

LOL I so forgot about Erika...that poor girl..I'm sure she'll turn up sometime but when she does no one will be able to remember who she is  XD
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on May 28, 2007, 05:56:34 AM
Omg Erika! I miss you!  :cry: :'( :gyaaah:
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on May 28, 2007, 06:04:29 AM
"Now then, Erika is no longer with us-"
"God rest her soul." Mari interjected, making the sign of the cross.
They never did find her, did they?  :dunno:

White- Kaori, Nacchi, Kei, Yaguchi and Me.
Red- Takahashi, Eri, Sayu, Risa, and Reina
Blue- Miki, Kore, Yui, and Murata
Yellow- Masae, Miuna, Asami, and Ayaka
Green- Ishikawa, Tsuji, Goto, and Yoshizawa
Pink- Mai, Aya, Makoto, and Saito
Aw, Miki and Aya don't get to be on the same team? :(

At excactly 8 o'clock. The Hunt began.
And so it begins. :cool1:
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on May 28, 2007, 07:13:26 AM
Blue Team
"Read the list, the list." Miki yelled as the girls jumped into the van.
"Where should I start?" Murata shouted back.
"One with alot of points!" Yui exclaimed.
"Uhh, uhh." Murata's eyes darted back and forth. "Ah, okay! Here we go, Kidnap a member of your team! 130 points!"
"Okay!" Miki leaned forward to the driver. "Go to the university. Now!"

Red Team
"So do we just start at the top of the list?" Takahashi asked.
"Yeah, 'i naught?" Reina began. "We 'ed to go as fas's we can and prove ourrrrselves. They think we're'a joke. We gotta show'em that we can pllllay theirrr games."
"Yeah, okay. What she said." Risa said, looking around the van to see if anyone else had trouble comprehending  Reina when she slipped into dialect.
"So that means," Eri started to giggle.
"What is it?" Sayu asked
"Steal a mannequin. Ohhh, and it says here we get bonus points if we make out with it while it is still in the store."
"Sounds like a plan." Takahashi stated.

Blue Team
The girls stood outside the lecture hall. Some of the students gave the group of girls wearing all black, holding ski masks and a video camera a second glance, but not many. Japanese people just don't give a fuck.
Miki put her hand on the door.
"Wait!" Yui hissed.
"Shouldn't we, you know. Have some sort of plan?"
"What?" Murata asked.
"You don't plan kidnappings! It's shock and awe baby!" Miki exclaimed.
"No, I mean obviously we don't plan it with them. But with us. Shouldn't we have some sort of course of action?"
"Well..." Miki tilted her hed to one side. "I'll open up the door, you grab her" she pointed to Murata "and you put the bag over her head. Good?"
"Uh huh. I feel much better now."
"Okay." Miki said. She moved over to the thin window section on the side of the door. "She's on the left."
"Your left or my left?" Yui asked.
"It's the same left for both of us!" Miki hissed.
"There is nothing wrong with trying to be thorough!"
"Will the both of you just knock it the hell off?" Murata shouted, taking both girls by suprise.
"Well jeez, there is no reason to be so mean about it." Yui said.
"Honestly." Miki agreed. "Okay, on three. One, two, three!"
Miki burst through the door with Yui and Murata following close behind. She tucked into a crouch and pulled an unsuspecting Korenaga off of her seat. Kore let out a yelp as she dragged her pen over her new notes and fell to the floor. The other students continued jotting down the finer points of biochemistry as Yui put a bag over Kore's head. Two students noticed the comotion, but only one cared. She had planned to borrow Miki's notes, and now that there was a large slash going through the page she would be out of luck. The professor continued on, not paying any heed to the jumble of legs and arms the made themselves visible from behind the desk at random intervals. He payed even less heed to the sounds of the continued struggle that was currently making its way to the door. As Murata pulled Kore she accidently bumped the chair of a female student.
"Sorry about that." But the girl didn't look.
Miki pushed the door open with her back and dragged the other Miki into the hallway.
"Aha!" She exclaimed. "Blue team takes the lead with 130 points! Murata, call Shibata."
"Right!" Murata picked up her phone. She placed her hand over the receiver. "It's ringing. Ah! Murata of Blue here!"
The other girls heard a rather monotone Ayumi say "I know who you are. It comes up on the screen."
"Er, well, anyway. Jott us down for 130 points. We have successfully captured Miki."
Yui and Miki smiled at each other while Korenaga lay on her back in the hallway wondering why things like this seemed to happen to her. Quite frequently.
"What do you mean which Miki? Korenaga, of course."
Murata paused.
"I'm on Blue..."
Murata paused again.
"Yui, let me see the list."
"What is it?" Yui asked, handing it over.
"Ohhhh no..."
Murata put her hand on her head and hung up the phone.
"What is it?" Miki repeated.
"No dice."
"Why?!" Miki asked.
"We were supposed to kidnap someone from a different team."
Miki put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes.
"Are you serious?!" She shouted. "You have got to be kidding me!"
"Well don't yell at me!"
"You're the one that read the list!"
"Honest mistake!"
"How stupid are you? Why would we kidnap someone on our own team?"
"Hey! You went along with me!"
Meanwhile Korenaga tilted her hed back and forth following the sounds of the argument.
"I was caught up in the moment, and maybe I actually thought you could do something so simple as read instructions correctly! Idiot!" Miki hissed.
"Hey what one do you want to be, the pot or the kettle? Because they're both black!" Murata shouted.
"Ah, fuck you!"
"What the hell! I had nothing to do with this!" Yui screamed.
"Not you, Yui. You!" Miki pointed to Murata.
"You know what-"
"Will you get this bag off of me!" Korenaga shouted over the turbulent trio.
The girls looked down simultaneously.
"She's right." Miki said. "We are wasting time arguing."
"Yeah, there is still a whole list of things to do." Murata agreed.
"We can just look at this one as a practice." Yui said. "Next time we'll really get'em. Good. We'll get'em good."
"Yeah." Miki said. "Come on. Let's go."
"Guys, uhh, no one took the bag off yet."

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on May 28, 2007, 01:10:02 PM
AH fucking FAB. Yeah I thought it was a bit odd that they had to kidnap someone from their own team. Oh well, I wonder who they are gonna get now.

Mikis a damn awesome character. Love the Yui Jokes. Biyuuden are just too fun to insult. Can we have a Ishikawa-massive-chin-joke sometime? We dont get much of those. Oh and when is Erika coming back :P
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on May 28, 2007, 06:24:03 PM
Omg my friend officially thinks I'm crazy now, I was giggling so hard. I'm so glad you're back!
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on May 28, 2007, 09:07:21 PM
IT'S YOU!!!!! Ahhhh! I'm so happy you're back! I was hanging with one of the seniors the other day. And they needed ideas for senior pranks. I totally thought of your story :D

Miki~ You're so awesome. HA! making out with a mannequin! Keep 'em coming!

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on May 29, 2007, 12:49:37 AM
Here we go, Kidnap a member of your team! 130 points! can you kidnap someone who's already on your own team?  :O

"Steal a mannequin. Ohhh, and it says here we get bonus points if we make out with it while it is still in the store."
"Sounds like a plan." Takahashi stated.
Can't wait to see who they volunteer to make out with it.  :lol:

Miki burst through the door with Yui and Murata following close behind. She tucked into a crouch and pulled an unsuspecting Korenaga off of her seat
Nevermind the first part of my post.  XD

Two students noticed the comotion, but only one cared. She had planned to borrow Miki's notes, and now that there was a large slash going through the page she would be out of luck. The professor continued on, not paying any heed to the jumble of legs and arms the made themselves visible from behind the desk at random intervals. He payed even less heed to the sounds of the continued struggle that was currently making its way to the door.
Poor Kore-chan. Gets kidnapped and no one seems to care.  :rofl:

"We were supposed to kidnap someone from a different team."
Miki put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes.
"Are you serious?!" She shouted. "You have got to be kidding me!"
"Well don't yell at me!"
"You're the one that read the list!"
"Honest mistake!"
I knew something strange was goin' on!  :mon heh:

"How stupid are you? Why would we kidnap someone on our own team?"
"Hey! You went along with me!"
They're both right.  :mon lol:

Meanwhile Korenaga tilted her hed back and forth following the sounds of the argument.


"Will you get this bag off of me!" Korenaga shouted over the turbulent trio.


"Guys, uhh, no one took the bag off yet."
Poor, poor, poor Kore-chan.  :mon sweat:

Title: Re: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: cheesesticks on May 29, 2007, 01:40:59 AM
Japanese people just don't give a fuck.

So full of win. XD
I love the idiocy of blue team. XD

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on May 30, 2007, 11:53:33 PM

The Best Fic Ever Returns!

 :otomerika:<Obligatory Rika

KaNa Part 2!
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Amarghetta on May 31, 2007, 12:25:42 AM
Lol, they're all insane! :D
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: orangesocks on May 31, 2007, 01:05:23 AM
Haha! This whole chapter was nuts!
"Yeah, okay. What she said." Risa said, looking around the van to see if anyone else had trouble comprehending  Reina when she slipped into dialect.


"You don't plan kidnappings! It's shock and awe baby!" Miki exclaimed.
Haha! How does Miki know this?  XD

I can't believe Ai agreed to Kamei's idea of making out with a mannequin in a store either. Freakin' brilliant.   :lol:

It's nice that regardless of how the blue team is at war with itself or that the red team is working together, both teams are still off their rockers.  XD
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on June 09, 2007, 10:26:22 PM
White Team

Mari was busy inspecting the map. Yuuko, who was across from Mari, leaned forward and examined a point of interest.
"Take a right."
"Why would we take a right?" Kei objected.
"Because it is quicker than taking three lefts." Mari deadpanned.
"Becaaaussse that'll get us to the bar." Yuuko responded.
"Yeah but I doubt we are going to find a beehive there." Kei argued.
"Kei, dear sweet innocent Kei. Hold the beehive because the only thing that could make this even more fun was if we are absolutely completely smashed."
"I'm all for that" Nacchi began, "but don't you think it'd be better if we waited awhile? I mean yeah it'd be more fun if we drank, but if the other teams get more stuff done than us-"
"Nonsense. When have you ever known me to put alcohol above my leadership?"
All the girls in the van adverted their vision except Mari who just recently decided it would be a good time to look up from the map to see if she was serious.
"What's all this for? Listen. My priority here is winning the fabulous prizes. What I'm saying is while we are at the bar we can get at least five tasks that I know of done. Maybe even more, I didn't finish looking at the list. So, bar?"
"Bar." The girls agreed in unison.

Green Team

Green's van continued down the city street.
"Autograph a cow, 20 points, bonus if you kiss it and take a fan picture with it" Goto read, "where are we going to find a cow at this time of the night?"
"Well, Kago's in Nara..." Yossie offered.
"Mmmmhhh," Ishikawa began " Asami'd probably know."
The van stopped at a light.
"Wait, we need to decided like, I don't know, soon." Tsuji said. " I mean do we get the stuff we can get done in the city now or do we go out into the country and get all that stuff done?"
The girls mulled it over a bit.
"Well, everyone is probably going to stay in the city now," Yossie offered. "So if we go out to the country and beat them to all the wild stuff we can probably still have enough time to come back and not miss the deadline. Plus we can get stuff done on the way there and back."
"Being disqualified is not the way to go." Goto mumbled.
Tsuji shuffled some of the papers around.
"It says in the rules that we have to be back by nine."

Which brings us to:
Hunt Rules
Yuuko Nakazawa and the refs

Start- 8 o'clock
Ends- 9 o'clock tomorrow morning
Arriving at anytime after 9 is unexceptable. Even if you were to arrive at 9:01 you would still be disqualified, so get there on time okay? OR ELSE.
If the task doesn't require you getting something tangible, photographic evidence must be provided in order to receive points. You are all dirty little cheaters and we know better. Your word means nothing. Video is nessecarry and frankly more entertaining so take it when required and or when you deem appropriate.
In regards to behaviour,
Be as backstabbing and coniving as we all know you are cabable of in the name of glory.
Winning team gets their picture hung in the hallway and receive fabulous prizes that will be decided on upon the refs.
If at anytime you question whether or not it is worth it, ask yourself "Has Yuuko ever steered me wrong?" We all know the answer. If I say there will be good prizes you can damn well be certain there will be good prizes.

White Team

Mari put the papers back in the envelope.
"You know, those rules were really something else."
"It is important to be responsibly irresopnsible around here."

Green Team

"Sorry, but I think we should stay in town. At least for a few hours." Ishikawa stated.
"Okay," Goto agreed. "We stay in town until like two and then we go out to the country."
"Deal." Yossie said.
Tsuji nodded in agreement.

Yellow Team
"Go straight on this street." Asami instructed.
"Why?" Masae asked.
"Because I know were we can 'catch a big ass rainbow trout' "
"Shocking." Ayaka quipped.
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on June 09, 2007, 11:31:42 PM
Pink Team

The girls stood in the middle of the square as a street musician strummed away on his acoustic guitar. The park had a decent number of people passing by, but by now most had entered the resturants or shops on either side.
"This..." Aya began, "is kind of overwhelming."
Makoto started rereading some of the tasks. "I'm not really sure where we should start."
Mai clenched her hand, crumbling the the sides of the paper and making it appear like an explosion from each side of her fist.
"Take notice." She boomed. "I am going to show you what a true team player is." The girls looked at her. Mai was looking straight ahead at seemingly nothing in particular with a very determined look. "Years from now, when the kids and eggs are all grown up and they participate in a scavenger hunt of their own they will recall tonight and they will recall it vividly. I am going to put Mai Satoda on the map. And when those children, those precious children speak my name they will speak it reverence and admiration for they will know what I did and they will know it well. So you stand  there and you take notice of this, you get into position and you film it for all to see who Mai Satoda was and what she did. And when you get older, and when you retire, remember this night. Remember the bond we shared. Remember what it felt like to be in the presence of true greatness. And you, and you" Mai looked at Aya then Makoto and finally Saito," and you, remember. Remember what the real meaning of MVP is." She brought her fist with the list in it to her chest.
"Oh god, this can't be good." Aya mumbled as she stared at Mai's unwaving expression.
"I will win that MVP award and I will win it in such a way that I feel sorry for those who attempt to possess it in future years."
"Uhh that's lovely and all, and not to derail you or take anything away from that lovely speech but... What MVP award?" Saito asked.
"Oh, there is always an MVP award." Mai paused, retaining the same expression and moment from her speech. "Always."
"And just what excactly are you going to do?" Makoto asked.
"Don't you worry, don't you worry your sweet little unproportional head about it. Just turn that camera on."
"We're going to get arrested, aren't we?" Aya sighed.

Green Team

"Pull over! Pullover!" Yossie shouted looking down at the list.
"What?" Goto asked.
"Pretend to be an employee. Assist someone. 20 points."
Tsuji laughed and held up the camera. "Let's go."

Red Team

The girls stood infront of a display of the latest fall fashions, new arrivals for August.
"That bag is kinda cute." Risa said.
"It doesn't really go with the skit though." Eri offered.
"Guys." Reina said, her arms crossed.
"So, how do we, you know, decide?" Takahashi asked.
"I guess we can play janken-" Reina was cut off.
"I'll do it!" Sayumi interjected, raising her right hand in the air and taking a step towards the display.
"That works too." Risa stated.
"So, you " Eri pointed to Risa, "just go like by one of the clothes racks and film it and we'll stand over by those racks and take it when she's done."
"Be smart about it." Reina said. "Especially you." She pointed to Risa. "If somebody sees us with a camera it's going to be impossible to do it without getting caught."
"Okay. let's go." Takahashi said.

Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on June 10, 2007, 12:59:21 AM
White Team

"Now see my question is does it mean shirt OR shoes, like you could do on or the other, or does it mean shirt AND shoes." Mari said aloud.
"I'm not to sure about that." Yuuko said. "The way it it worded, I would take it as one or the other, you know?"
"Right, right. So," Mari, Kei, Yuuko and Kaori, looked at Nacchi. "Your call."

Green Team

"Hold the camera steady." Goto advised.
"I am!" Tsuji snapped back.
"Okay, so we are outside of this lovely store and Yossie" Goto put her arm around her "is going to be the employee that will do the assisting."
"Let's watch." Rika added as the girls started to giggle.

White Team

The girls were huddled outside the door to the bar.
"Kaori's on camera detail." Yuuko announced. " Nacchi goes first, she gives us a call, then I go in second, followed by Kei and  Mari, who after we have a few drinks, finishes everything up."
"So, it's settled then?" Nacchi asked.
"Yep." Mari replied.
"Good. Let's just hurry up. This is absolutely gross and I'm probably going to get some sort of disease."
Kaori zoomed the camera in on the sign on the door that read "No shirt, No shoes, No service." and then pointed the camera at the ground.
"You know, you have really cute toes. I can kinda understand why some fans have like shrines for you feet and stuff."
Kei laughed.
"Ah, come on let's just get this over with." Nacchi said while walking towards the door.

Blue Team

Korenaga refused to budge until the situation was explained to her. After listening to the other Miki's explitive filled version of what was going on and why they had just thrown a bag over her head and ripped her out of calss, she came to this conclusion.
"Well, we should at least organize the tasks in groups. That way we can get a lot of things done at one place instead of running back and forth."
"That's why she's in college." Miki walked over to Korenaga and put her arm around her. "Logical thinking, reason, and " she looked at Murata "a literacy rate higher than your average deck chair."

Green Team

Tsuji had crouched down next to a shelf filled with shoes. Goto was behind her.
"This'll be easy."
Yossie surveyed the area. She noticed a girl, probably a few years younger than her, flipping through one of the clothes racks.
"Peice of cake." She mumbled to herself. An optimum target.

Blue Team

Yui started to giggle to herself.
"What?" Miki asked.
"There are like twelve things we can do right here."
"Like what?" Murata asked.
"Liikkke, 'cardboard box stalk', 'elevator suprise', and my personal favorite number twenty-six."
"Number twenty-six?" Miki said aloud while looking down the list. "Ohhh, yeah that is a good one."
"What's number twenty-six?" Korenaga asked. She leaned over Miki's shoulder to read the list. "twenty-six, twenty- No absolutely not."
"Ah come on."
"I go to school here! I meant stay here and organize the list. Not stay here and do stuff. Especially not stay here and do twenty-six."
"And your point is?" Miki asked.
"We can't do that stuff! I'm a student here! What if we get into trouble?"
"Uh, hello, since when has the Japanese education system started enforcing punishments? What are they going to do, politely ask you to stop? They probably won't even give a fuck. Now turn that camera on, we are about to do number twenty-six."
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on June 10, 2007, 06:00:15 AM
26? Dance naked? ...hmmm
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on June 10, 2007, 07:59:57 AM
"What's all this for? Listen. My priority here is winning the fabulous prizes. What I'm saying is while we are at the bar we can get at least five tasks that I know of done. Maybe even more, I didn't finish looking at the list. So, bar?"
"Bar." The girls agreed in unison.
Okay, who made the lists again? :lol:

"Autograph a cow, 20 points, bonus if you kiss it and take a fan picture with it" Goto read, "where are we going to find a cow at this time of the night?"
"Well, Kago's in Nara..." Yossie offered.
Ouch. (

Hunt Rules
Yuuko Nakazawa and the refs
Well, for the most part they seem reasonable.  I particularly liked:
If the task doesn't require you getting something tangible, photographic evidence must be provided in order to receive points. You are all dirty little cheaters and we know better. Your word means nothing. Video is nessecarry and frankly more entertaining so take it when required and or when you deem appropriate.

In regards to behaviour,
Well that just goes without saying. Even if there were behaviour rules it's not like anyone would follow them. :P

"Because I know were we can 'catch a big ass rainbow trout' "
They have rainbow trout in Japan? Lemme guess, the zoo? O_o

"Oh, there is always an MVP award." Mai paused, retaining the same expression and moment from her speech. "Always."
"And just what excactly are you going to do?" Makoto asked.
"Don't you worry, don't you worry your sweet little unproportional head about it. Just turn that camera on."
"We're going to get arrested, aren't we?" Aya sighed.
That was one hell of a speech Mai gave. She might have delusions of grandeur, but still, it was a nice speech. :)

"So, you " Eri pointed to Risa, "just go like by one of the clothes racks and film it and we'll stand over by those racks and take it when she's done."
"Be smart about it." Reina said. "Especially you." She pointed to Risa. "If somebody sees us with a camera it's going to be impossible to do it without getting caught."
"Okay. let's go." Takahashi said.
The girls have to shoplift? Can't be. Yuko and the refs wouldn't make the teams do illegal stuff...would they?

"Now see my question is does it mean shirt OR shoes, like you could do on or the other, or does it mean shirt AND shoes." Mari said aloud.
"I'm not to sure about that." Yuuko said. "The way it it worded, I would take it as one or the other, you know?"
"Right, right. So," Mari, Kei, Yuuko and Kaori, looked at Nacchi. "Your call."
Some type of drunk strip poker?

"Good. Let's just hurry up. This is absolutely gross and I'm probably going to get some sort of disease."
Kaori zoomed the camera in on the sign on the door that read "No shirt, No shoes, No service." and then pointed the camera at the ground.
"You know, you have really cute toes. I can kinda understand why some fans have like shrines for you feet and stuff."

Kei laughed.
"Ah, come on let's just get this over with." Nacchi said while walking towards the door.
Oh crap, they have to go into a bar half naked and see if they can get the staff to wait on them? :o


"Number twenty-six?" Miki said aloud while looking down the list. "Ohhh, yeah that is a good one."
Ok, someone please tell us what number 26 is!!! :frustrated:
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on June 10, 2007, 10:24:56 PM
Green Team

"Excuse me, Miss? May I help you with something?" Yossie asked in a most impressive polite and lady like way.
"Uhh," The girl tense up and turned farther away from Yossie. "No I'mjustlookingThanksss."
Yossie glanced to the side and then back at the girl's back.
"Miss are you sure there is nothing I can assist you with? Perhaps find something in your size or point you in the direction of something in particular?"
"No. Nope. Really I'm okay." The girl started to move away from Yossie in a hurry when all of a sudden she triped on the leg of the clothes rack.

White Team

"Just one tonight?"
"Uhh, no. There's going to be five of us."
"Bar or table?"
"Table, please."
"Right this way."
Nacchi smiled as the waitress started walking away from her. This was easier than she expected.
The waitress turned around.
"Have you ever-Do you not have shoes on?"
Except when something unexpected happened.
"Miss, I'm sorry I can't serve you unless you are wearing proper attire."
Nacchi quickly rationilzed that there was two ways to go about this. One: Explain that this was part of a scavenger hunt and ask for the woman's help. Even offer to put shoes on after she was served. Or, the second one.
"Listen to me."
After hearing Nacchi's tone of voice and feeling her eyes attempting to burn straight through her, the waitress moved closer in an atempt to stop any sort of scene from occurring on her first day of work.
"One of the five members of the party is Nakazawa Yuuko, and she won't like it if she hears that you won't let me in. And your boss won't like it when he hears that Nakazawa Yuuko doesn't like it. Why's that? Nakazawa Yuuko owns you. She is this bar's biggest customer and what she wants she gets. And right now, she wants me to get a damn table. Are you getting a damn table?"
"Miss I-"
"No, no you're not. You are standing here with me asking me if I have shoes on of all things!"
"No, just forget it! I'm leaving."
"Miss-Nowait! Please, right this way."
As she started following the waitress Nacchi added:
"And she wants some chicken breasts too."
Kaori sat down a few moments after Nacchi.
"You know, competion really brings out this otherside of you."
"You think?" Nacchi asked showing her trademark smile.

Red Team

"Excuse me, Miss? May I help you with something?"
"Uhh," Risa tensed. In her mind the phrase "ohmy GOD" had just started to blast over and over again like a stero playing a disc with a scratch.  "No I'mjustlookingThanksss." Her mind went blank.
"Miss are you sure there is nothing I can assist you with? Perhaps find something in your size or point you in the direction of something in particular?"
It was if Risa's mind had rebooted itself and she could now log on and acess her documents. She decided to pull up the one named 'Miki Fujimoto'.
"No. Nope. Really I'm okay."
Her mind continued scrolling through the document. Stoping on the phrase "act natural." Yes, that's right, Risa had become acustomed to hearing Miki repeat that phrase to her whenever she decided to drop by, or more accurately jump in. Risa started to walk away. After she felt a sudden tug and her foot being pulled behind her, she came to the realization that the file was obviously corrupted. This was not natural.
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on June 10, 2007, 10:46:11 PM
Green Team

"This is bad."
Goto turned to look at Rika who had walked over to them rather quickly.
"What's bad?" She asked. Tsuji continued looking at the camera screen.
"I just saw Kamei and all those guys."
"Uhhh!" A voice yelled from the distance.
"Yeah, well if you think that's bad, it's about to get a whole lot worse." Tsuji replied.
"What's that supposed to me-" Goto was cut off.
"Miss! Miss are you okay?! HUUUU!"
There was a series of loud bangs and then a round of very familiar voices shouting:

Blue Team

"Ready?" Miki asked.
"Yeah-nowait!" Yui shouted. She adjusted her bra in most obvious way imaginable and finished it all off by pating  them quickly twice. "Okay, yeah I'm good.
"Alright, on three, Yui, you go in second Murata films and Kore goes after me." Miki took a deep breath."One two three."

White Team

"So, I'm up, right?" Yuuko asked.
"Yep. Just texted me that they're in." Mari answered.
Yuuko cracked her neck, and took a step towards the door.

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on June 11, 2007, 02:19:02 AM
The girl started to move away from Yossie in a hurry when all of a sudden she triped on the leg of the clothes rack.
If it was Miki instead of Yossi I'd half expect her to try and grope the customer while she's "helping" her up.  :twisted:

"Miss, I'm sorry I can't serve you unless you are wearing proper attire."
Nacchi quickly rationilzed that there was two ways to go about this. One: Explain that this was part of a scavenger hunt and ask for the woman's help. Even offer to put shoes on after she was served. Or, the second one.
Well, duh. Go for the second one! If you just tell her the truth there's no fun in it. ;D

"Listen to me."
After hearing Nacchi's tone of voice and feeling her eyes attempting to burn straight through her, the waitress moved closer in an atempt to stop any sort of scene from occurring on her first day of work.
"One of the five members of the party is Nakazawa Yuuko, and she won't like it if she hears that you won't let me in. And your boss won't like it when he hears that Nakazawa Yuuko doesn't like it. Why's that? Nakazawa Yuuko owns you. She is this bar's biggest customer and what she wants she gets. And right now, she wants me to get a damn table. Are you getting a damn table?"
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh intimidating Nacchi. :O

That's damn sexy.  :inlove:

"Miss-Nowait! Please, right this way."
As she started following the waitress Nacchi added:
"And she wants some chicken breasts too."
Of course!  :yep:

Kaori sat down a few moments after Nacchi.
"You know, competion really brings out this otherside of you."
"You think?" Nacchi asked showing her trademark smile.

"Excuse me, Miss? May I help you with something?"
"Uhh," Risa tensed. In her mind the phrase "ohmy GOD" had just started to blast over and over again like a stero playing a disc with a scratch.  "No I'mjustlookingThanksss." Her mind went blank.
What the? The customer was Risa? Wouldn't they have recognized each other?   :?

Oh shit, that means we got two teams at the same location trying to do their own stunts. XD

"This is bad."
Goto turned to look at Rika who had walked over to them rather quickly.
"What's bad?" She asked. Tsuji continued looking at the camera screen.
"I just saw Kamei and all those guys."
Eri? A bunch of guys? WTF??? :dunno:

What the hell happened? :o  DETAILS!!! :frustrated:

"Ready?" Miki asked.
"Yeah-nowait!" Yui shouted. She adjusted her bra in most obvious way imaginable and finished it all off by pating  them quickly twice. "Okay, yeah I'm good.
"Alright, on three, Yui, you go in second Murata films and Kore goes after me." Miki took a deep breath."One two three."
Oh I hope this is the anticipated Number 26?  :w00t:

"So, I'm up, right?" Yuuko asked.
"Yep. Just texted me that they're in." Mari answered.
Yuuko cracked her neck, and took a step towards the door.
Ok, Nacchi did the "no shoes" bit, as well as re-enforcing the fact that Yuko is a customer that the bar staff does NOT want to piss off. So then...

I hope Yuko's wearing a bra, at least.  :shakeit:
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: orangesocks on June 11, 2007, 02:47:31 AM
"One of the five members of the party is Nakazawa Yuuko, and she won't like it if she hears that you won't let me in. And your boss won't like it when he hears that Nakazawa Yuuko doesn't like it. Why's that? Nakazawa Yuuko owns you. She is this bar's biggest customer and what she wants she gets. And right now, she wants me to get a damn table. Are you getting a damn table?"
XD Nacchi!! This other side of her's is frickin' awesome.

What's happening with the Green Team?! Seems like they got involved in some drug-laundering store and now Yocchan's in trouble! (I have no idea...)  :?

Yow, Blue Team...
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 11, 2007, 06:39:33 AM
This should be a movie!~
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Amarghetta on June 12, 2007, 03:14:23 AM
Whoa, massive update! Now I'll have to wait for the next one, I just can't miss it.   :yep:
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on June 27, 2007, 04:16:13 AM
Red Team

Reina mindlessly looked at the tags on a pile of shirts. She couldn't help but be distracted. This was their chance. Truthfully at the time her mind was far away from the others, the rag tag group of fifth and six gen girls. Reina was thinking in the first person, and only the first person. The older girls had been nice and all but there was a distance. Something that was practically palpable. Whatever it was it stood between the two groups. No matter how quickly the years passed they were still viewed as the new ones. She had made considerable ground with Yuuko and being on Miki's good side for the most part certainly didn't hurt. Maybe tonight, and tomorrow for that matter could be the turning point.
Regardless, she needed to focus on the task at hand, and more importantly the very awkward clothing rack that was currently being tugged to the ground by a very nervous girl who had single handedly created a very large chain reaction that had no intention of ending  very well at all.

Blue Team

Two years at a local university and several tutors had prepared Jiro Nakata for life in the city, for life at a bigger university,  for the real world. It did not however, prepare him for three idols and a fellow student running through a classroom in the middle of an exam at breakneck speed yelling "You're it!"

Remember the days when I kept all of my stories on the front page? I'll be back with more.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on June 27, 2007, 05:33:21 AM
Two years at a local university and several tutors had prepared Jiro Nakata for life in the city, for life at a bigger university,  for the real world. It did not however, prepare him for three idols and a fellow student running through a classroom in the middle of an exam at breakneck speed yelling "You're it!"
Aw shit, he gets to play "TAG" with Miki-sama?!?!


Remember the days when I kept all of my stories on the front page? I'll be back with more.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 27, 2007, 02:21:35 PM
Reina. XD
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 05, 2007, 10:49:31 PM
Blue Team

 Murata was running after Korenaga like she just stole her solo line. Yui, who had recieved camera duties after she tagged Murata was trying to keep up. The other Miki had reached the top of the stairs on the opposite side of the room and decided that the unofficial rule of "I'm Miki Fujimoto. I can do what I want." most certainly applied outside of Hello! Project as well. With that in mind she took a few steps backwards towards the wall and took some quick steps and a hop, bending her left leg up and slaming down with force to pull the rest of her 5'1 frame up with her. Yui, who was still running at full speed, had turned the camera, and more importantly her vision, to the idol and thought she did this rather fluidly. She continued filming her as Miki ran across the row of desks much to the dismay of the students taking their exam. In front of her Korenaga and Murata ran to the side of the professor's podium. Yui however, did not.

White Team

 Yuuko continued down the isle toward Nacchi and Kaori. While walking she simultaneously looked side to side.
"no, no, no, not if my life depended on it, no, no, yes."
With that Yuuko stopped, reached down and took the fork out of the unexpecting man's hand, and took a bite of his steak. She noodded while she chewed.
"Umm.Uh. It's good." And placed the fork back in the stunned man's hand.
Yuuko turned and continued walking. At the table Nacchi crossed "take a bite of a strangers meal- 25 pts" off the list and smirked at Kaori who turned the record button off.

Blue Team

 After running head first into the podium, Yui struggled to get back to her feet. While she stumbled forward into a deask, Murata and Kore continued running up the stairs. Miki hopped off the last desk and opened up the door, disapearing into the hallway. Yui unsteadily sprinted up the stairs as Korenaga grabbed onto the door before it closed.

Green Team

 Yossie watched as the girl's foot caught on the rack and threw her on the ground.
"Uhhh!" The girl sounded like she got the wind knocked out of her. Yossie quickly took a step towards her. In her haste she bumped into the already wobbling clothes rack.
"Miss! Miss, are you okay? HUUUU!" Yossie felt the clothes rack hit her in the back.

Red Team

 Reina looked up. Just in time to see Yossie get rocked by a clothes rack. Luckily the rack did not crush Yossie. Or Risa, who was now laying under Yossie, for that matter. The tip of the rack had come to rest on a series of shelves. Reina exhaled deeply. That really could have been bad. By the time she finnished thinking that to herself, the shelves tipped. Slowly, but surely, the shelves wobbled a bit, and then, well then they hit another rack of clothes, which in turn returned the favor to the nearest rack. The bangs and crashes echoed throughout the store. Reina dropped the shirt she was holding.

Red Team

 "AAAHHHH!" was all Eri managed to get out as she kicked back on her heels to avoid the display. She landed flat on her ass and took a series of rapid breaths. She kept her wieght on her arms that were extended behind her. Out of the conner of her eye, she saw something. More importantly someone. Three someones.

Green Team

Yossie put herself in the push up position, slowly pulling herself off of the girl. The girl shifted underneath her. Upon catching sight of her face, all Yossie could manage was "YOU!"

Red Team

 Eri looked over to her side to see Goto, Ishikawa, and Tsuji crouched down on the ground. Goto, who was looking to the side, and Ishikawa, who was focusing on the action, displayed similar expression to Kamei's own. One that read "Oh fuck." but for completely different reasons. No similarities could be drawn to Tsuji however, thanks in part to the fact that she was holding a camera and smirking.

Green Team

 Goto had pried herself away from the train wreck that was taking place by quickly glancing to the side. She noticed a quite a few security gaurds and even more numerous disgruntled employees making their way towards them.
"RUN!" she yelled.

Red Team

 Risa was sprawled out on the tile floor. She knew she would feel this tomorrow. Thank god the sales woman was light. Light, but bony. Extremely so. Risa tried to shift underneath her to remove the knee that was jabbing into her side. After doing this the woman exclaimed a rather spirted "YOU!". Risa shifted her head completely to the side, preparing to appologize for the havoc. When she caught sight of the woman however, she realized an appology was the last thing needed.
"YOS-" Risa could not finnish the leader's name. She snapped her head back just in time to see the camera, the camera she was incharge of, the camera that she dropped during the fall, the camera that slid a meter on the tile upon impact, yes, that camera, be kicked by a customer walking past. "SHIT!" She exclaimed, extending her right hand out in true dramatic fashion, knowing full well it was useless.

Red Team

 Takahashi surveyed the scene. The next thing she did was look up at Sayu who was still feverently making out with a male mannequin. She leapt up onto the platform and pulled Sayu forcefully, moreso than she intended, by the shoulders.
Sayu let out an "UH!" as her leg gave out. Takahashi felt herself falling backwards to the ground taking Sayumi, who in turn took the mannequin, with her. With a thud they landed landed ontop of her.
Barely audible Takahashi mumbled "You just had to stand with your one leg bent like they do in the movies, didn't you?"

Green Team

 Yossie, still holding herslef above Risa, was looking at the previous location of the camera.
At the same time the two girls saw Goto come into their field of vision as she ran down the intersecting isle a few meters away towards the exit. Yossie and Risa turned their heads to the left to watch Goto jog out of sight, they then returned their heads back to follow Reina sprinting down the same isle.
The pair of them kept shifting their heads back and forth. As one girl disappeared to the left, another appeared at the right.
Ishikawa came next, followed by Kamei who was yelling random gibberish, Tsuji, camera in hand,  and Takahashi, who was rubbing the back of her head.
Yossie was about to say something but hesitated. She could hear something in the distance, but it was too low, she couldn't make it out. Slowly the nosie became louder, stronger. It seemed to be moving closer. Yossie saw Risa look up at her, she must have heard it too.
Yossie glanced down and gave a uncertain look to the younger. They held each others gaze a bit longer as the nosie became even louder. Suddenly, Yossie could make out a word. As the noise grew even more she could hear yet another one. Both looked back at the isle. The nosie came to full volume as Sayu sprinted by, mannequin held in a death grip by her side, yelling "OHMYGODOHMYGOD!". The girls followed her with their heads, the yelling becoming fainter again as she moved farther away. Within seconds she couldn't be heard anymore. The girls stayed completely still.
Without warning, Yossie planted her hand on Risa's back and pushed off. Time to abort. Yossie gained her balance and stood up from her crouch as she started running towards the exit.

Red Team

"UHH!" Risa exclaimed as Yossie used her as a starting block in the 50 meter department store dash. Risa, who was about to launch into some sort of "why me? this sucks" tirade stopped. She opened her eyes and quickly threw her hands down infront of her, picking her self up and starting to run. Luckily she found that the camera had come to rest on the carpet and still seemed to be functional. She hastily bent down to pick it up, barely even breaking her stride. Withing seconds Risa was out of the department store.

Tomorrow's the one year anniversary of Another day at H!P. Had to give it some bang.
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 05, 2007, 11:15:52 PM
Blue Team

 The girls had continued running a bit, putting some distance between them and the class just incase. Murata was leaning forward trying to catch her breath. Yui looked around at the other girls and they all started to laugh. After a few moments of regrouping, Miki, who had her head up against the wall, looked at Korenaga and asked "So where would the maintenance place be around here? We need a cardboard box."

Pink Team

 Mai walked forward determinedly. Makoto and Aya took a step to the side to fill in the spot she left, leaving the three girls standing in a semicircle. For whatever reasons they were completely enthralled as they watch Mai continue on so adamantly. She looked like a (wo)man on a mission.
"Former teen idol arrested in downtown shop. No, Japan's sweetheart caught up in most shocking case of century." Aya said aloud.
"Why do I feel nervous?" Makoto asked, steadily holding the camera at her midsection. "Bad. Like really bad."
"So" Saito began "like your already accepted to university, right? Like they can't kick you out if you get a record or somethin'?"
They continued watching as Mai, still looking and moving forward, swung a hand down to the street preformer's guitar neck and pulled it out of his hands.
"Oh dear jesus." Aya exhaled.

Blue Team

 On the way to the maintenance area, the girls had noticed a large box outside the cafeteria building.
"Oh this is perfect!" Miki shouted. " It is like fate wants me to win this. Fate wants me to win so bad!" She yelled as she picked the refrigerator box up for further inspection.
"me?" Murata questioned.
"Er. Us. Us. Fate wants us to win." Miki corrected. "Anyway, who want's the honnors?"
"Me! Me! I do!" Yui yelled as she put her right arm in the air.

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on July 05, 2007, 11:42:43 PM
Yuuko continued down the isle toward Nacchi and Kaori. While walking she simultaneously looked side to side.
"no, no, no, not if my life depended on it, no, no, yes."
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yuuko stopped, reached down and took the fork out of the unexpecting man's hand, and took a bite of his steak. She noodded while she chewed.
"Umm.Uh. It's good." And placed the fork back in the stunned man's hand.
Yuuko turned and continued walking. At the table Nacchi crossed "take a bite of a strangers meal- 25 pts" off the list and smirked at Kaori who turned the record button off.
Aw, and here I was thinking/hoping the challenge was for them to get away with being shirtless/shoeless in the restaurant. :(


Takahashi mumbled "You just had to stand with your one leg bent like they do in the movies, didn't you?"
OMGASS SAYU!!! :on lol:

Tomorrow's the one year anniversary of Another day at H!P. Had to give it some bang.
Sunnovabitch, already? :o

Blue Team

 On the way to the maintenance area, the girls had noticed a large box outside the cafeteria building.
"Oh this is perfect!" Miki shouted. " It is like fate wants me to win this. Fate wants me to win so bad!" She yelled as she picked the refrigerator box up for further inspection.
"me?" Murata questioned.
"Er. Us. Us. Fate wants us to win." Miki corrected. "Anyway, who want's the honnors?"
"Me! Me! I do!" Yui yelled as she put her right arm in the air.
GO BLUE TEAM! :rockon:
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 06, 2007, 04:57:32 PM

"What do you mean you only got half of it?" There was a pause. "Well then, no that doesn't count. Listen someone has to uphold some sort of rules around here. Complain as much as you want but it's no good. What did you just call me? Oh! Oh! Keep it up and I'll deduct thirty points every half hour just for you being a stupid-" Shibata noticed the distintive feeling of everyone in the room staring at her. She glanced around and noticed the children in particular looking as though someone had just told them that Tsunku was their father. She cleared her throat and turned her attention back to the phone. "As I was saying, we can not count that. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to call," Shibata quickly scanned the room and slipped a barely audible "whore" at the end of the sentence.
With that Shibata hung up the phone.
She moved over to where Inaba and Maeda where sitting. A few moments passed in silence before Maeda started to speak.
Inaba turned to look at her. "What?"
"Uh? Nothing."
All three girls stared out at the scene before them. Members of Berryz where fevernetly taking notes and recording details. Cute was busy marking maps and answering phone calls.
"I was just."
The girls looked at Maeda.
"What?" They said in unison.
"Un.. Nothing."
Shibata and Inaba returned to their previous positions.
"Spit it out already!" Shibata yelled.
Maeda's eyes widened. Shibata and her where friendly and she had certainly never had any sort of out burst like that with any member other than Rika.
"I mean, er, just tell us." Shibata corrected.
"Well, I was thinking that you know how Yuuko said we are in charge of getting prizes for the winners?"
Inaba nodded, "Yeah."
"En..the thing is.. One day I overheard one of the meetings and they were talking about how next year is the aniversary and whatnot and they really wanted to make it over the top so they have been saving for quite awhile through all the costume, pv, and recording cuts, and well they mentoned that they set alot aside for the pv's in particular so I was just thinking that, well you know, I already filmed my pv so that means I'm set for the next year and a half or so, and " she looked at Inaba " I mean, yeah, then you are kind of doing this whole indie thing so if we were to take that money it's really not like it would affect us in anyway, and money is money and Yuuko told us to get something good and I think we can all agree on that being something good so that is just what I was thinking about that." Maeda took an extremely large breath after a run on like no other that was delivered at world record speeds.
Shibata and Inaba sat in silence. After three minutes Shibata was the first to speak.
"I can't belive you wanted to leave. You fit in perfectly around here."

Blue Team

 Miki, Miki, and Murata were sitting in a tree. Kissing they were not. Laughing however, they were. Miki could barely hold the camera steady as she watched the cardboard box somewhat affectionately known as Yui scurry after the unsuspecting student. After a few seconds the student turned around. With impeccable timing Yui dropped the box to cover her feet, the only visible part, and crouched to the ground at a halt. The student looked around, finding it odd that a refrigerator box was out on the walk like this, but turned back around and continued walking. After a few seconds Yui took off as well, chasing after the student. Several other kids turned and looked at this scene, but not many. Being stalked by a carboard box wasn't exactly their issue right now. The student stopped suddenly and turned around to find the cardboard box less than two meters behind him. He turned around once more, this time walking a litte quicker. Yui waddled after him.
Up in the tree, the girls couldn't speak they were laughing so hard. In their minds, they all agreed that this video would become an instant classic. Miki paused only momentarily to give a death glare to a group of students that were staring at the three girls. Not everyday you find three girls sitting in a tree about about a Yaguchi up on a branch holding a video camera, laughing so hard they have tears in their eyes.
Miki looked back at Yui with the other girls. The boy was getting more crafty and this time he managed to stop and turn so quickly that the box was still shaking a bit. With that, much to the delight of the girls, the boy took off running. Yui was off like a shot after him. The girls were laughing so hard that they failed to forsee the imediate result in this situation. On one side of the equation was:
 Yui + (a cardboard box - a sufficent hole for sight) x 8 stairs =
Shortly after the boy ran down the stairs, the cardboard box went soaring. It skidded to a halt on the ground, leaving only Yui's legs visible from there angle. With that, Miki promptly fell out of the tree.

Red Team

 Sitting in the van, the girls were still noticeably shaken. Takahashi was turned, looking out the back window as the store grew smaller and smaller. She turned back around in the seat.
"That was AWESOME."
Eri started laughing. "So that's what being one of the older members is like."
"I told you" Reina began "this is our chance."
"That was crazy. Crazy." Takahashi said.
There was a pause.
"Well, what do we do now?" Risa asked.

Green Team

Inside the van the girls were regrouping.
"Well, I'm not going to lie, that didn't excactly go how I would have liked." Yossie, the defacto leader announced.
"Now was it the destroying half of the store," Goto pointed her finger to one side, and then flicked her wrist so it went to the other "OR being chased out by security that makes you say that?" Goto asked with a sarcastic smirk on her face.
"Presonally I think it was the fact that d-gen was there." Rika added.
D-gen. The name used by the first to fourth gen Momusu to sum up the fith gen. No one really decided on the meaning but pretty much knew it was either Disaster gen or Downfall gen. Things like taking the demographic or the overall shift in stance towards all girl groups were not considered. Life was easier when someone could point the finger of blame. And if anyone could have that finger pointed at them, it was fifth gen. The older girls never said anyhing directly to them, and certainly never called them D-gen to their face, but amongst them there was a feeling of "You ran everything we worked for straight into the ground." In their eyes the girls never became successors to what they were in personality or talent.
"Look on the bright side," Tsuji advised. "the entire thing is on tape. And that has gotta be worth something."
"Point." Yossie agreed. "Let's just take a moment to regroup. We are still staying in the city for a bit and there is plenty we can do to get some points."

Pink Team

 Makoto rested the camera on the table and sat down in the corner of the extremely crowded cafe type resturant. She was uneasy. Mai instructed her to just "Sit and film as I make history." Aya was outside trying to pacify the guitarist, asuring him that she would return the guitar in a moment, mentioning something about a past mental history, and throwing the option of them just buying him a new guitar if "something were to happen" out there.
 The door opened and Makoto put her elbows on the table and covered her face with her hands.
"Ohhhh nooo." She mumbled.
Mai stood inbetween a few tables near the window. She held the guitar and looked triumphantly forward at nothing in particular. A few of the diners stoped talking or eating to look at her while some men at the bar turned their attention to the long legged woman.
"Ohgodohgodogod." Makoto murmured, removing her hands and looking at Mai.
She struck the guitar letting everyone in the establishment know that she had no prior experience but that it sure as hell wasn't going to deter her.
"HELP!HELP!-" Mai yelled in the gruffest voice she was cabable of.
"No, way, she isn't." Makoto said aloud.
"She is." She corrected.
Makoto was almost ready to smile at Mai's heavymetal version of the tune when she noticed what she presumed to be the owner and a strapping young man making their way towards Mai.
"YOU WANT THIS ASS-" It was clear that Mai only knew the begining of the song as she had now launched herself into one of the most bizzare adlibs in recent history.
The men where standing next to Mai calmly asking her to stop but it was clear she had no intention of doing so. After the realization that they were fighting a losing battle the men settled on removing her from the premises themselves.
As Mai was being dragged out of the building she did something that Makoto couldn't have even imagined.
With her leg, strong from futsal, she kicked the nearest table, sending a beer all over the male customer.
"What the hell is your problem?!" The man yelled as he jumped up, beer dripping off of him. "You bitch!"
Another waiter had moved over to the scene.
"Sir, calm down-"
"I will not calm down!"
With that both Mai and the man were dragged out the door.

Blue Team

 After witnessing the other Miki fall out of the tree, Korenaga couldn't contain herself. The pain was intense from laughing so hard. Even her physique courtesty of futsal, tawkraw, and handball couldn't withstand the burning in her stomach. Seeing Miki tumble to the ground was the straw that broke the camel's back, and before she knew what was happening she ended up on the ground next to her. Murata realized that she was next in the chain and jumped off on her own acord before suffering the same fate. The girls rolled around on the grass. Tears soaked their faces as they made frivolous attempts to stop laughing.
By the time Yui joined them they had calmed down somewhat and were busy clutching their aching sides. Catching sight of Yui however sent them roaring again. After several minutes, Miki managed to speak.
"Well, you ripped the box but it was certainly worth it." Miki said.
The other girls laughed.
"We should go someother places. We might even find another box to do the other one."
"Yeah." Murata and Kore, who had suddenly become very interested in this, agreed.


"So let me get this straight, she went into a resturant and sang a song. Which means number sixteen, "sing a song in public" for five points. Then she got herself kicked out of the resturant." Inaba paused. "Ohh, forcibly removed for an extra ten? Okay, okay. So that means thrity-six, 'get kicked out of business, resturant, etc, for forty points with a bonus of being escorted from the permises' for an extra ten which brings that up to fifty. Then she got a man kicked out as well? Right. So thrithy-seven 'get a stranger kicked out of a business, resturant, etc' for fifty-five points. Anything else? Well, we'd have to see the video to decide if it get's extra. Yeah. Okay. Good luck."
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on July 06, 2007, 06:08:39 PM
Shibata noticed the distintive feeling of everyone in the room staring at her. She glanced around and noticed the children in particular looking as though someone had just told them that Tsunku was their father.
The kids looked like this =  :scared:

If you have anymore questions, please feel free to call," Shibata quickly scanned the room and slipped a barely audible "whore" at the end of the sentence.
CATFIGHT! :rofl:

Miki, Miki, and Murata were sitting in a tree. Kissing they were not.
Dammit.  :banghead:

Miki looked back at Yui with the other girls. The boy was getting more crafty and this time he managed to stop and turn so quickly that the box was still shaking a bit. With that, much to the delight of the girls, the boy took off running. Yui was off like a shot after him. The girls were laughing so hard that they failed to forsee the imediate result in this situation. On one side of the equation was:
 Yui + (a cardboard box - a sufficent hole for sight) x 8 stairs =
Shortly after the boy ran down the stairs, the cardboard box went soaring. It skidded to a halt on the ground, leaving only Yui's legs visible from there angle. With that, Miki promptly fell out of the tree.
YUI IN A BOX!!! STAIRS!!! :mon lmao: :on lol:

She struck the guitar letting everyone in the establishment know that she had no prior experience but that it sure as hell wasn't going to deter her.
"HELP!HELP!-" Mai yelled in the gruffest voice she was cabable of.
"No, way, she isn't." Makoto said aloud.
ROCK IT MAI! :rockon:

With her leg, strong from futsal, she kicked the nearest table, sending a beer all over the male customer.
"What the hell is your problem?!" The man yelled as he jumped up, beer dripping off of him. "You bitch!"
Another waiter had moved over to the scene.
"Sir, calm down-"
"I will not calm down!"
With that both Mai and the man were dragged out the door.
If one of the tasks was to "get some stranger kicked out of a restaurant", it had better be worth big-time points! :D

"Well, you ripped the box but it was certainly worth it." Miki said.
The other girls laughed.
"We should go someother places. We might even find another box to do the other one."
"Yeah." Murata and Kore, who had suddenly become very interested in this, agreed.
Can't wait to see what "the other one" is.  :P

And YAY!!! Kore-chan's into it now! :w00t:

"So let me get this straight, she went into a resturant and sang a song. Which means number sixteen, "sing a song in public" for five points. Then she got herself kicked out of the resturant." Inaba paused. "Ohh, forcibly removed for an extra ten? Okay, okay. So that means thrity-six, 'get kicked out of business, resturant, etc, for forty points with a bonus of being escorted from the permises' for an extra ten which brings that up to fifty. Then she got a man kicked out as well? Right. So thrithy-seven 'get a stranger kicked out of a business, resturant, etc' for fifty-five points. Anything else? Well, we'd have to see the video to decide if it get's extra. Yeah. Okay. Good luck."
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 06, 2007, 06:38:28 PM
Pink Team

 Aya paced around the lobby nervously. Getting a business' sign seemed easy enough. But no. It's not like they just could have picked some random business with a reasonably small sized sign. Mai, still on cloud nine after the cafe escapade insisted on taking this one. After a detour to Kanagawa, here they were. Aya on lookout and Saito, Makoto, and Mai trying to get the sign. The store was closed, which was a good thing. Even better was the fact that the office building next door was open, allowing them to sneak out onto the roof of the adjacent building to get the sign. Only the Japanese would leave a pretty much deserted office building free of security wide open incase someone came back to work in the middle of night. The girls only had to avoid about six workers, five of which were dead asleep at their desks. 
 One day Mai was out shopping with Ayaka  who explained to her what was so funny. Translating the English into Japanese, Aya had to admit it was worth a few giggles, but it wasn't worth all this trouble. Not to mention the fact she could get in trouble. And, you know, someone might get hurt or something like that. Aya didn't want to get started on how they were about to transport a sign that read "Takahashi's SEXY MUMPS" around for the rest of the night. The brilliant idea of tying it to the van didn't pacify her in the least, but she couldn't talk them out of it.
 Just then, the phone rang.
Aya cleared her throat. She looked at the wall to figure out what excactly this office was.
"Hello, Kanagawa accounting may I help you?"
Aya paused. In a move that even suprised her she came up with this.
"I'm sorry. The business is closed. Some employees are just here after hours. If you call back in the day time I am sure that the manager will be able to speak to you about this."
Aya, now standing behind the receptionists counter twirling a pen absentmindedly continued after listening to the woman.
"Well, if you already spoke with him."
"No, I understand completely. Like I said, I'm not sure...
"but if you two already worked this out then.. Yes."
Aya spun around in the business chair.
"Me? Yes, I'm perfectly satisfied with my wireless coverage."
Aya hung up.

Blue Team

Fate, or at least Miki's version of it, was at work again. In an alley way next to some office buildings, the girls found another cardboard box. After the hilarity that ensued the last time a box was involved, completing this task was a given. Murata and Yui went to take care of that while the Miki's stayed together to see what else they could do.
They ended up taking a seat in the lobby, Miki trying out the receptionists chair.
"Hey, what was that one on the list about employees?" She asked, eyeing the telephone and computers.
"Uhh..'pretned to be an employee, asist someone?" Korenaga read off the list with uncertainty.
"That'd be the one."
"But, how are you going to do that here?"
"Who even cares? We'll just call somebody up and offer them the services of..." Miki looked at the stationary "Tokyo wireless services."
"I'm not sure."
"Listen, we are already here, no point in us just wasting time sitting around."
"I still don't know how we could even get it to work."
"Look at it this way, this it pretty above and beyond so even if it doesn't work out they'll still give us something."
"I guess."
"Now help me pick a number." Miki said as she pulled one of the phonebooks out of the cubby.

The other half of Blue Team

"Yui" Murata whispered. "You okay in there?"
"Effs." Came the muffled reply fromt the cardboard box.
There was a ding.
"Somebody called the elevator, just a few more seconds."
Murata glanced over at the box. This should be good.
Whitin moments a relatively young salary man entered the elevator. He looked down at the box questioningly for a moment and then over at Murata who stood up against the side of the elevator. She smiled polietly and he looked back the the doors. He failed to notice that she was strategically placing her purse to film him.

The other other half of Blue Team

"It's ringing." Miki annouced excitedly as Korenaga positioned her cellphone to record this.
"Hello, this it Tokyo Wireless services. I am calling to confirm the installation of your new wireless service system."
Miki paused, rolling her eyes as Korenaga could vaguely make out someone speaking on the other end of the line.
"See the thing is that we had already previously spoken with him and this is the time he told us to call back. Perhaps he just forgot? The truth is we are kind of swamped here and I had to make a special trip back to work just to confirm this. All we need is just to write down that someone confirmed installation just incase something were to happen. We had already talked. I just want to get this taken care of so I can get home. I just need to mark down that someone at the business responded."
Miki smiled.
"Thank you so much. While I have you on the line, do you mind if I ask if you personally are satisfied with your wireless coverage? Ok. You have a good night now."
Miki hung up and looked at Korenaga.
"Nothing. Anyway, that's got to count for something."
The elevator doors opened and both Miki's turned to look.
Murata and Yui steped into the lobby.
"Well, we're all set here!" Yui announced.

The other half of Blue Team a few moments prior

The look on the salaryman's face and more importantly the girlish scream he made as he hopped in the air after Yui jumped out of the box yelling was priceless. He ran out of the elevator the moment the doors opened, not even bothering to process what had occured. Yui and Murata couldn't help but laugh as they sent the elevator back to the lobby. So I took a bit of creative freedom. Check the rest though, there are Takahashi stores, just with less entertaining names.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on July 06, 2007, 07:09:21 PM
Aya didn't want to get started on how they were about to transport a sign that read "Takahashi's SEXY MUMPS" around for the rest of the night. The brilliant idea of tying it to the van didn't pacify her in the least, but she couldn't talk them out of it.
So they're stealing a sign with bad engrish on it? And they're doing it from a business in the middle of the night?


 :shakeit: :P

Just then, the phone rang.
Aya cleared her throat. She looked at the wall to figure out what excactly this office was.
"Hello, Kanagawa accounting may I help you?"
Aya paused. In a move that even suprised her she came up with this.
"I'm sorry. The business is closed. Some employees are just here after hours. If you call back in the day time I am sure that the manager will be able to speak to you about this."


"Me? Yes, I'm perfectly satisfied with my wireless coverage."
Aya hung up.
Slick move there by Aya. Good job on keeping her cool. If she hadn't answered the phone the sleeping employees there could have been woken up.  :)

Oh, and GODDAMN TELEMARKETERS!  :banghead:

Fate, or at least Miki's version of it, was at work again. In an alley way next to some office buildings, the girls found another cardboard box.

Murata and Yui went to take care of that while the Miki's stayed together to see what else they could do.
They ended up taking a seat in the lobby, Miki trying out the receptionists chair.
"Hey, what was that one on the list about employees?" She asked, eyeing the telephone and computers.
"Uhh..'pretned to be an employee, asist someone?" Korenaga read off the list with uncertainty.
"That'd be the one."
"But, how are you going to do that here?"
"Who even cares? We'll just call somebody up and offer them the services of..." Miki looked at the stationary "Tokyo wireless services."

Murata glanced over at the box. This should be good.
Whitin moments a relatively young salary man entered the elevator. He looked down at the box questioningly for a moment and then over at Murata who stood up against the side of the elevator. She smiled polietly and he looked back the the doors. He failed to notice that she was strategically placing her purse to film him.
Yui's not gonna pop out of the box half-nekkid, is she?  :D

"Thank you so much. While I have you on the line, do you mind if I ask if you personally are satisfied with your wireless coverage? Ok. You have a good night now."
Miki hung up and looked at Korenaga.
"That's got to count for something."
I'm surprised that Aya and Miki didn't recognize each other's voices over the phone. :hee:

The look on the salaryman's face and more importantly the girlish scream he made as he hopped in the air after Yui jumped out of the box yelling was priceless.

Quote So I took a bit of creative freedom. Check the rest though, there are Takahashi stores, just with less entertaining names.
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 06, 2007, 09:24:24 PM
Green Team

Hours had elapsed and Green was still struggling to get points. Back in the van the girls sat plotting their next move.
"Well, I'm not going to lie." Yossie said. "I'm a little shocked. This isn't really turning out that well for us. I say it is time to bring out the last resort."
"The last resort?" Rika echoed.
"We do what Yuuko would do in this position." Goto answered.
"Naturally, I'm a little hesitant." Yossie  crossed her arms. " Kaori taught us to try and win fair and sqaure. To be a decent person and to look out for others. For Morning Musume, I did that too. I lead with that in my heart."
"Yeah and look where that got you." Tsuji mumbled as Goto and Ishikawa laughed through their noses.
"Like I was saying." Yossie began, giving Tsuji a Miki glare. " It really, it really tears me apart to do this."
"To do what?" Ishikawa asked for the sake of moving the dialouge along. She realized that Yossie had been having it tough lately what with losing a member of the project and being involved with the play and what not, so she wanted to give her her moment, but at the same time they still need to win this.
"To do this Nakazawa style. To be dirty, dishonest, pretty much downright horrible for the sake of winning at all costs and winning all the glory that comes with it. Back when we first joined she instilled that fighters spirt into us. The never give up attitude. We all have it, and I think it is time to use it."
Tsuji, who had been staring out the window of the van for the better part of Yossie's speech, had an idea. Thanks in part to what most of the members considered to be a slight case of ADD, Tsuji managed to notice something.
"I think I now how to get us back in this thing."

White Team

White Team had managed to get quite distracted. They were in a place where, thanks to Nacchi, the drinks were free. It was about five hours in when Kei opened her mouth.
"Hey,hey. like damn" She grabbed at her head. "Didn't we have likesomething to do?"
There was a five minute pause.
"Awww" Kaori yelled. "I totally forgot."
Nacchi started laughing.
"Well, only one thing we can do now." Yuuko said.
"What's that?" Kei asked.
"Sober up a bit and go dick everyone over." Mari finnished as she chugged the rest of her beer.
Yuuko raised the rest of her beer.
"To victory!"

Blue Team

 The girls were walking down the street on their way to the next location. All of a sudden Miki stopped.
"Guys wait up."
"What is it?" Murata asked.
"Look." Miki pointed off in the distance. "Rika."
"Are you sure?" Yui asked.
"Please. I could spot that chin form four city blocks away. It's like some massive homing device. I know her when I see her."
"I don't know. Now that you say it, I think it is." Korenaga agreed.
"Well thanks to Murata we already know we are more than capable of a kidnapping." Miki said. "If we just go into the trees and bushes there. It doesn't even look like the rest of them are around."
"Maybe they split up and we won't even have to worry about the others." Murata offered.
"Hopefully." Miki said.
"Well, I'll go and check for the rest of them." Korenaga began. "You three obviously know how to do the rest."

Red Team

"We're doing good." Takahashi said, checking another item off the list.
Risa smiled. "We might actually have a chance."

Blue Team

 The girls crept in between the trees and shrubs.Yui lead as Murata was behind her with Miki bringing up the rear.
"Guys, I just want you to know" Yui began.
"Aw jeez, what now?" Miki asked.
"Seriously." Murata said.
"You know what! I just wanted to tell you that I am really enjoying this time we are spending together but it you are going to be such asses about it-"
 All of a sudden Yui stopped short causing Murata to bump into her.
"What is it?"
"Ahh, Guys! I forgot the camera." Yui whined.
"Ahh! Come on! What are you an idiot?" Murata hissed.
There was a pause.
"Whatever." She continued. "It's too late now."
Yui trudged along and then stopped.
"What is it this time?" Murata asked, frustrated.
"Something's wrong." Yui turned to face Murata. " After I made another mistake you called me an idiot. But no one pointed out how my continued failures just prove that my lowly existance is deserved and made a bitting semi comical coment yet really not that funny because it is true joke about me being nothing more than the one with boobs."
Both girls looked at each other for a moment. Then simultaneously turned around to where Miki should have been.
"Oh my god!" Yui yelled.
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 06, 2007, 09:46:18 PM
Green Team

 Yossie had no idea how Tsuji spotted Blue Team, but she was happy that she did. Ishikawa was sent as a decoy as she, Goto, and Tsuji moved into place. After a few minutes of waiting, Yui walked along, followed by Murata, and the target. Miki.
"What is it?" Yossie heard Murata ask. She couldn't have asked for better timing. Thanks to Yui's memory lapse, Miki stopped directly infront of her. She came out of her crouch and quickly put her right hand over Miki's mouth while wrapping her left around her midsection. Yossie tugged Miki backwards. Yossie went down to the ground, pulling Miki down ontop of her. She rolled to her side so Miki was almost lying face down on the ground. Luckily for Yossie, Miki was too shocked to resist.  Yossie quickly leaned into Miki to try and stop her from moving. Goto came out of her spot and put her face in front of Miki's. She brought her index finger up, creating the 2006 edition of Ai no Bakayarou, signaling Miki to be quiet. Much to everyone's suprise she obliged. Her silence however was exchanged for part of Yossie's hand as the leader contorted her face in pain. She bit into Yossie like she was her favorite yaniku. After what felt like minutes, in reality,  only about five seconds, Miki let go of Yossie's hand. Goto smirked because she could tell under Yossie's hand Miki was doing the same.
The girls quickly moved Miki towards their van.
Tsuji was there waiting, holding the door open. They tossed Miki inside to plan their next move.
"Wow." Ishikawa, who had just joined them, said. "I can't belive we got Miki."
"This is possibly the greatest thing ever." Yossie said. "I mean the only thing better than kidnapping Miki would be getting Yuuko, and that is dicey. She would either let you win the Hunt straight up or automatically disqualify you and make your life hell for whatever was left of it."
"Because she runs the show." Goto added.
"So, what now?" Ishikawa asked.
"Someone needs to stay with her. She's a tricky one that Miki Fujimoto." Tsuji said. "We need to gaurd her. She's got to be worth extra points. No way in hell you could risk your life like that and not get bonus points for it."
"So-" Before Yossie could get the rest of her sentence out, Ishikawa, Goto, and Tsuji yelled 'not it' in unison.
Yossie shook her head.
"Okay, okay."
Yossie put her hand on the door of the van. Without turning around she said "If I don't come back, tell my family I love them."
With that she disappeared.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on July 06, 2007, 10:30:09 PM
OMG! Yui's moment of knowing the routine and being beyond the one with boobs just cracked me up. And Inaba on the phone assesing all the details of Satoda's plan. And a new MC commercial!

Gas to go to a university...............4200 yen
Cardboard Box..............................500 yen
Food at the store to fuel the plan...2000 yen
Scaring the shit out of a freshman...Priceless
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 06, 2007, 10:38:39 PM
Blue Team

Murata, Yui, and Korenaga sat in the van. They weren't looking at each other.
"Oh my god." That was all Yui could say, and all she did say as they sat, trying to comprehend what had happened.
"She's going to kill us." Murata stated. "Dead. Deader than all the Ecomoni jokes."
"You're right. I'm barely even twenty and all I've amounted to is something lower than a backup singer slash dancer. And now, I'll never have a chance to change that. I'm going to die."
"We all are." Murata corrected.
"Oh my god."
"And the thing is, she might not even wait until after the Hunt to kill us. Like she might be killing Green off as we speak and just coming to get us right now."
"I never thought about it that way. Oh you are so tot-ttalllly right."
"Guys!" Korenaga errupted, having enough of their banter.
They looked at her, a little suprised.
"You're right, okay? Miki is absolutely going to tear us limb from limb. Hell, might happen tonight, if not certainly tomorrow. The end is here,okay and there is nothing we can do about it." She paused. Murata put her head in her hands and Yui looked at the floor. "But there is. There is something we can do about it." The girls looked back up at her and Korenaga smiled to herself, happy that her dramatic speech was going so well. "Miki is competitve. She wants to win. Win at all costs. So what is the one thing that will make her less angry at us?" Kore threw in another dramatic pause for effect, but made sure it wasn't long enough for Yui to give a ridiculous response. "If we are the winners."
"She's right." Murata stood up, moved by Kore's speech. She ended up sitting back down rather quickly as she had forgoten that she was in a van.
Kore looked at Murata who was clutching her head. "They had to stick me with the dumb ones."
"What?" Yui asked.
"Nothing. Anyway, this is going to be hard, really hard. And, I...I don't want to do it but seeing as our lives are on the line we might just have to be really underhanded about it all.
"Yay!" Yui yelled, punching the air triumphantly.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Amarghetta on July 06, 2007, 11:11:06 PM
JFC, I think Aya and Miki did recognize each other's voices over the phone, hence the 'odd' and 'strange' lines. But they probably thought it wasn't likely, hehe.  ;)

erink, this is soooo great. I didn't know how much I'd missed this fic, until I started reading the updates. Thanks for making me laugh!

Whoa, they nailed Miki!  :w00t:
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 07, 2007, 02:35:11 AM
Green Team

Yossie took a seat across from Miki
"Stupid." She quickly stood back up again and tossed the camera to the other side of the seat.
She looked at Miki who was staring at her intently. Arms folded, right leg crossed over her left, with her foot swinging back and forth rythmically, Yossie was a little taken a back. She licked her lips nervously and reached into the drivers area and pressed random buttons until she heard several metalic clicks of the locks.
"Tsuji just wants to let you know that you did this to yourself. If you never gave her those spy movies to borrow it probably wouldn't have worked."
"Listen, you might as well just talk because we're going to be together the rest of the night."
"Tell me about it." Yossie shot back. They usually had exchanges like this, but Yossie was finding it increasingly difficult to read Miki.
Yossie glanced out the window as Miki kept looking forward.
"You know, " Yossie turned to Miki "you've been completely different ever since GAM or Tsuji or whatever the hell this whole Aya thing is about. Even before that. Like ever since the Rika thing. Maybe other people don't notice it, but I do. You act completely different now." Yossie lowed her voice. "It sucks."
She looked back out the window and shook her head. Yossie put her knee on the seat and turned pressing the botton for the locks. She sat back down and crossed her arms sulkily, returning her gaze to the window.
There was a deafening silence.
"It's not even my fault! I have no control over it."
Yossie turned to look at Miki.
"Hmph. You make it sound like I want to be running around like some idiot. Do you think I want this? Stupid-" Miki looked away from Yossie for a moment and took a deep breath.
"Ever since Tsunku shoved us in that stupid group everything is out of control. I was worried that if we are working together like that we might get on each other's nerves or something. Everytime I tried to talk to her about it she just went all "Oh this is so fantastic! We get to sing together! We get to-!" and she wouldn't even let me talk. So then Rika ended up staying after we watched that soccer match at my place and she actually listened to me. I mean we aren't really close other than Gatas and we down right hated each other a few years ago. But, she actually listened to me and let me talk. Unlike my best friend Aya. Her adivce made sense because she wasn't involved in it. Then what? Just when I feel better about everything Mari and Tsuji show up? How'd you feel with everyone running around like that? 'Oh, Miki is a lesbian!', 'hehe, looks like all those rumors were true!' I know that I give it out to people alot but that whole thing was out of control and it never stopped. Maybe I'm just making it into something bigger but it really pissed me off. It's bad enough when people I don't even know say stuff like that, but to have all of my friends talking about it? I know it was just a joke and stuff but it still hurt. Then things hadn't even calmed down yet and the next night Tsuji is like 'Oh, well we all know that Aya wears the pants in that relationship." And like, we were just messing around or whatever but I had no idea what she meant.  And then she is just looking at me like 'what, you don't get it?' And then the biggest idiot around explains it to me becuase apparently I'm the one that is an idiot enough not to realize something so friggin' obvious. She was just looking at me and she said 'Come on. You act like such a little bitch when you're with her.  Definately not cool and definately not tough. She has you whipped. Everyone knows it.' But I didn't know it. And while she was talking to me, she like, you could just tell that she kinda thought 'Are you serious?' and she just kept going with it. How ridiculous I act. Like 'Miki, do you honestly not notice?' Towards the end she wasn't even joking. It was too funny for even her that I didn't have a single clue about it. I was going to kill her. But, it wasn't even her fault. She was just telling me. At the end, she wasn't even being mean about it she was just like stunned.Like. Everyone has there thing? That's my thing. I'm tough and cool and I act like I am just so bored that I can't even push myself to even pretend that I'm interested. That's what I do. I know who I am when I am like that. And then I have her tell me that no one sees it like that because of Aya? What am I supposed to do then? Nobody respects me anymore and it's all becuase of stupid Aya and stupid GAM and everything else."
Before Miki managed to turn her head away from Yossie, she managed to catch sight of what looked like tears.
"Anyway" Miki said, still looking off to the side."it's not even like it matters or that I even care. If I'm just going to be stuck here with you I had to tell you."
"Miki-" Yossie said, her affection and concern unmasked, "the doors were unlocked."
Miki looked over at Yossie, then down at the floor, and swallowed. Hard.

(read the bottom part of the second page, page three, and page sixteen starting at boogie boat for a refresher)
Fitting way for the big one year, right?
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on July 07, 2007, 02:35:32 AM
"Well, I'm not going to lie." Yossie said. "I'm a little shocked. This isn't really turning out that well for us. I say it is time to bring out the last resort."
"The last resort?" Rika echoed.
"We do what Yuuko would do in this position." Goto answered.
Get drunk?   :roll:

Thanks in part to what most of the members considered to be a slight case of ADD, Tsuji managed to notice something.
"I think I now how to get us back in this thing."
Nono has an idea? MAI SHOKKU!  :P

"Look." Miki pointed off in the distance. "Rika."


"Well thanks to Murata we already know we are more than capable of a kidnapping." Miki said. "If we just go into the trees and bushes there. It doesn't even look like the rest of them are around."


"Well, I'll go and check for the rest of them." Korenaga began. "You three obviously know how to do the rest."
Obviously.  :D

After I made another mistake you called me an idiot. But no one pointed out how my continued failures just prove that my lowly existance is deserved and made a bitting semi comical coment yet really not that funny because it is true joke about me being nothing more than the one with boobs."
Both girls looked at each other for a moment. Then simultaneously turned around to where Miki should have been.
"Oh my god!" Yui yelled.
Yossie had no idea how Tsuji spotted Blue Team, but she was happy that she did. Ishikawa was sent as a decoy as she, Goto, and Tsuji moved into place. After a few minutes of waiting, Yui walked along, followed by Murata, and the target. Miki.

That's gotta be big time points right there.

"Wow." Ishikawa, who had just joined them, said. "I can't belive we got Miki."
"This is possibly the greatest thing ever." Yossie said. "I mean the only thing better than kidnapping Miki would be getting Yuuko, and that is dicey. She would either let you win the Hunt straight up or automatically disqualify you and make your life hell for whatever was left of it."
"Because she runs the show." Goto added.
Yuko would definitely do that. Anyone who valued their neck would be smart enough not to mess with the Godmother of H!P. :yep:

"Someone needs to stay with her. She's a tricky one that Miki Fujimoto." Tsuji said. "We need to gaurd her. She's got to be worth extra points. No way in hell you could risk your life like that and not get bonus points for it."
"So-" Before Yossie could get the rest of her sentence out, Ishikawa, Goto, and Tsuji yelled 'not it' in unison.
Yossie shook her head.

Well, if anyone can keep their focus and not let Miki get the better of's Yossi. It's gonna be a Yossi VS Miki taiketsuuuu! :rockon:

Yossie put her hand on the door of the van. Without turning around she said "If I don't come back, tell my family I love them."
With that she disappeared.
I just love this part.  O0

"You're right, okay? Miki is absolutely going to tear us limb from limb. Hell, might happen tonight, if not certainly tomorrow. The end is here,okay and there is nothing we can do about it." She paused. Murata put her head in her hands and Yui looked at the floor. "But there is. There is something we can do about it." The girls looked back up at her and Korenaga smiled to herself, happy that her dramatic speech was going so well. "Miki is competitve. She wants to win. Win at all costs. So what is the one thing that will make her less angry at us?" Kore threw in another dramatic pause for effect, but made sure it wasn't long enough for Yui to give a ridiculous response. "If we are the winners."
Damn. Way to go Kore-chan with the motivational speech! Granted, the main motivation is to win so that Miki doesn't kill them for letting her get kidnapped, was still a mightily impressive speech. ;D

"She's right." Murata stood up, moved by Kore's speech. She ended up sitting back down rather quickly as she had forgoten that she was in a van.

Kore looked at Murata who was clutching her head. "They had to stick me with the dumb ones."
"What?" Yui asked.
Well, Kore-chan's the only one of them still in school...:sweat:

Anyway, this is going to be hard, really hard. And, I...I don't want to do it but seeing as our lives are on the line we might just have to be really underhanded about it all.
So both Yossi AND Kore-chan are thinking of doing this "the Nakazawa way"? LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!  8)
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: erink on July 07, 2007, 05:17:14 AM
Amarghetta got it. Miki and Aya did kind of think the voice was familiar. JFC posted his after I edited Miki's strange line in because I forgot it.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on July 07, 2007, 07:19:30 AM
Finally we get to find out whats up with Miki and Aya!!! (ROLFS@Boogie boat)

CONGRATS on the 365 days that past since ur first post and a big THANKS! for all the laughs you gave it.
The quality is still up there.
Love you a million
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Tanachan on July 07, 2007, 02:35:13 PM
Holy crapness. This seriously made me fall out of my chair xD And that hurt rather badly... >.< But congrats on 365! Let's go for 730! ...or whatever the hell the number of days in 2 years in!
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on July 07, 2007, 06:19:15 PM
Amarghetta got it. Miki and Aya did kind of think the voice was familiar. JFC posted his after I edited Miki's strange line in because I forgot it.

Ah, I see. :P
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 10, 2007, 04:53:38 AM
Woot! One year baby! I laughed so hard at Yui and the box. And I can't beleive they caught Miki.
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 29, 2007, 01:54:12 PM
Blue Team

The brakes squelled, sending Kore into the dash and Yui into the back of the driver's seat.
"Hey, I'm sorry, did you want us to stop the car or something?" Korenaga asked sarcastically.
"Look." Murata instructed, pointing her finger out the window towards a gas station.
Kore and Yui followed her gaze.
"It's a gas station." Korenaga deadpanned.
"With?" Murata asked.
"I'm gonna take a wild guess and go with gas."
"Ohh, good choice." Yui added.
"No, I mean what do you see parked at the gas station?"
"Cars." Yui answered.
"More specifically?"
"A red one, a blue one, an ugly black van, another red- wait. An ugly black van?!"
Murata smilled.
"This is our chance!"

Red Team

Reina was crouched on the ground inspecting the soft drink selection. To her right Takahashi was looking at the junk food with Sayu. Eri was over looking at the frezeer section.
Risa flipped the page in the magazine she was looking at. She mindlessly started humming along with the song playing throughout the store. She turned slightly and looked over her shoulder and saw the van rolling away.
Risa turned the page.
She looked back over her shoulder and saw the van rolling away.
"OH MY GOD!" Risa yelled, still holding the magazine.
All the other girls and the cashier simultaneously looked out the windows in the front of the store.
"RUN!" Reina shouted.
Title: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: erink on July 29, 2007, 02:02:31 PM

"You know, it's been quiet lately." Shibata stated.
"Yeah, it has." Maeda agreed.
"If anything it means things have gotten worse." Inaba advised.
Shibata and Maeda turned to look at her.

Red Team

The girls sat next to each other on the curb outside the store. They were looking straight ahead at nothing in particular.
"I can't believe I just watched my chance roll away, right on down the street." Tanaka said.
"All that hard work..." Takahshi said. "for nothing."
"What are we going to do now?" Eri asked.
"I don't know. It is already late. We might as well just go home." Takahashi said.
"I'll call the cab." Sayu offered.
"No, we can't" Risa said.
"Listen eyebrows, if you are about to get all 'we can't give up. Girl power' on us," Reina growled. "You can just save it."
"No. I meant 'no, we can't' in no we can't call a cab because all the money was in the van."
"Oh." Eri said.
"Looks like we better get walking then." Reina advised.
"Yep." Risa said, barely audible.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: JFC on July 29, 2007, 07:41:17 PM


"It's a gas station." Korenaga deadpanned.


"No, I mean what do you see parked at the gas station?"
"Cars." Yui answered.
"More specifically?"
"A red one, a blue one, an ugly black van, another red- wait. An ugly black van?!"
Van? Maybe belonging to one of the other teams?

Risa flipped the page in the magazine she was looking at. She mindlessly started humming along with the song playing throughout the store. She turned slightly and looked over her shoulder and saw the van rolling away.
Risa turned the page.
She looked back over her shoulder and saw the van rolling away.
"OH MY GOD!" Risa yelled, still holding the magazine.
XD XD XD Blue team jacked thier wheels!!!

"I'll call the cab." Sayu offered.
"No, we can't" Risa said.
"Listen eyebrows, if you are about to get all 'we can't give up. Girl power' on us," Reina growled. "You can just save it."
Did Reina just call Risa "eyebrows"? :P

"No. I meant 'no, we can't' in no we can't call a cab because all the money was in the van."
"Oh." Eri said.
:on lol:

Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: almond on July 30, 2007, 01:55:12 AM
I just spent half of my Sunday reading this. It was absolutely hilarious and fantastic and I want more.  :wub:
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: -HB- on August 01, 2007, 03:00:50 AM
Ye! It's so nice to be back! :w00t:
I'm glad you'r back too!
have to say: great hunt these girls are doing!
Can't wait to see what the red team is going to do!
and Yossie and Miki! great! So lovelly! ^^
waiting for next update! xD
Title: Re: Night Day 13 the Hunt
Post by: meowz on August 01, 2007, 05:01:13 AM
Blue Team

Not everyday you find three girls sitting in a tree about a Yaguchi up on a branch holding a video camera, laughing so hard they have tears in their eyes.

lol! Couldn't stop laughing at this, brilliant!  XD
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on March 15, 2010, 01:24:14 AM
Why was this never continued? God, I had forgotten how awesome this whole story was until I read it again. Here' s a long overdue bump on this story.
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: Mikan on March 22, 2010, 02:31:25 PM
holy crap i was thinking about this story this morning and about you too rndmwrd
Title: Re: Another day at H!P
Post by: rndmnwierd on March 22, 2010, 02:42:30 PM
Double holy crap! I haven't talked to you in forever! I thought you deserted! *glomp!* :wub: