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Author Topic: Best Games of 2011  (Read 2395 times)

Offline Tuffty

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Best Games of 2011
« on: December 26, 2011, 08:09:48 PM »
So it's at that time of year for a reflection on the year behind us and I gotta say, it's been an amazing year for games. I say in 10 years time people will look back on this year very fondly. So with that in mind, I say we pool together and give our own lists of the best games to have come out this year. Ideally, here's how I see this will go down:

  • Let's make a list of your own Top 5 games of the year. It can be of any genre or platform, no game is off limits. The only exception to the rule I would suggest is that it has to be a game that you have played this year and ideally a game that was released in 2011. See this list of games in 2011 if you need clarification. If you haven't played that many 2011 games then feel free to branch out and include one that's not on the list.
  • For each game, give a summary of why it's made it onto your list. You can really sell your love of the game by sharing key moments or talking about what the game does really well. It can be as short or as detailed as you want it to be.

And that's it really! Allow me to get the ball rolling:

5. Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together

Gotta be honest, I wasn't really liking the game when I first started out. I wanted to, but the game doesn't really do a decent job in easing the player in with it's gameplay mechanics or in it's complex story of geo politics and warfare from the get go. But in given time it's hooks start to sink into you and like any good RPG, you always have that feeling of 'oh just 1 more fight' to get that new ability or possiblity of better loot. It's a challenging game, but rewardingly so, there's a real sense of accomplishment in knowing that your tactics outsmarted the often difficult AI. The story becomes engaging and usually takes wildly varying directions in where it goes based off your decisions, which can even create a different narrative which you don't see in many games. There's also Skyrim levels of depth in here, with the game unlocking more and more content the further you get into it. And thankfully, unlike Final Fantasy Tactics, the game performs well, it never slows down, load times are fast and it all looks clean and sharp. Definately recommend it to anyone looking for a good strategy JRPG to sink their teeth (and time) into.

4. Batman : Arkham City

While the sequel was never going to have the same surprise factor as Arkham Asylum, there's no denying the fact that Arkham City is a better game overall. It looks sharper and there's just more of everything to do. The new flight/gliding system across the city is so cool, the combat so elegant and satisfying with a lot of complexity despite having the controls so easy to use and the number of gadgets and options at your disposal to take down petty thugs and super villans alike is so wide that you can't help but feel like Batman.

3. Deus Ex : Human Revolution

I think fans of the series were widely susceptible of this game from the beginning. While the original is a classic for pushing the boundaries of story telling and gameplay in so many ways, the direct sequel, Invisible War wasn't widely rated. With the series having been on hiatus for so long, how then would this game turn out? Third person cover mechanics didn't sound too appealing as it seemed it might focus more on action for a modern audience. But thankfully, Human Revolution came out as a love letter to the original, recreating everything that made it so great. It's a game that allows you to play out situation exactly how you want. You could go in all guns blazing through the main entrance, or you could just as easily avoid direct confrontation entirely by sneaking around in air vents or hacking computer terminals to open up doors. And it's still fun to do. It's quite surprising that no other game has been able to recreate this kind of gameplay for 10 years now. The story is intelligent and thought provoking that's reminiscent of Blade Runner  and the soundtrack is also worthy of a mention.

2. The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Well what is there to say about Skyrim that I haven't said already? If you've been following the Elder Scrolls thread then hopefully you'll know why I love the game by reading the adventures of my character, Timeon Waters. It's an incredible game of such breathtaking scope and beauty that it's impossible to not be impressed by it. Had it been any other year, then it surely would have been my top pick. Instead, it just misses out thanks to...

1. Bastion

Now if you had said last year that my GOTY for 2011 would be an XBLA game I would have laughed in your face. But there's a multitude of reasons why Bastion is deserving of it. In fact, to give you an idea of why I picked it, let me tell you my thoughts on the game as I was playing it.

When I started the game: The game looks really pretty. Combat's cool. The story isn't really all there but whatever, I'm enjoying it.
At the midway point: The combats really opened up, the soundtrack is awesome and the story is actually really well told.

Then there comes a point, near the end of the game, where you go through a gameplay sequence which normally would typically be done through a cutscene in any AAA game you care to mention. But you're the one in control, you play it yourself and the narrative is determined and driven through your actions. You start the process, a song begins to play which you never heard of until now, events start to happen, a realisation kicks in and all of this combined quite literally, made me genuinely well up with tears in my eyes.

You have to understand, it's rare for a product of any medium to make me that emotionally invested in the story and in it's characters. It's a stunning scene, one amongst several throughout the course of the game. Not only that but the story ends strongly, it's certainly more memorable and affecting than most other games I've played that kind of leave things open for a sequel. I can say that the story was the biggest surprise about Bastion, I absolutely adore it for the way that it's told and for strength and beauty of the actual tale itself. On top of that, it looks gorgeous, plays really well and the soundtrack absolutely deserves every accolade thrown at it. It is one of the most unique games of 2011 and one I would gladly say is one of my favourite games of all time.

Honorable Mentions
  • Dead Space 2
  • Dirt 3
  • FIFA 12
  • Bloodrayne Betrayal
  • LA Noire
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 01:53:32 AM by Tuffty »

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Re: Best Games of 2011
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2011, 09:57:43 PM »
General list of favorite games over the year:
  • Dungeons of Dredmor - One of the better roguelikes I've played. There really aren't many faults to be found. It's cheap on Steam, get it.
  • Portal 2 - A great improvement on the first. While most of the game was incredibly easy, and lasted a few hours at best, it was a very memorable and enjoyable experience.
  • Revenge of the Titans - I don't generally go for tower defense, but this game has a lovely presentation, and the gameplay to support it.
  • Football Manager 2012 - The only way my Spurs will ever win the CL.
  • Sengoku - The Japan-focused sister of Europa Universalis & Victoria. The meat of the game is overwhelming better than what was put into the comparable Shogun 2: Total War, also released this year. Standard fare for the developer, but that's AOK.
  • Spacechem - Best puzzle game ever made.

Game of the Year: Dungeons of Dredmor & Spacechem
That-Got-Boring-Real-Quick Award: Skyrim
I-Gotta-Buy-That-Soon Award: Trine 2
Where-The-Fuck-Is-The-Sequel Award: Mirror's Edge 2
Stop-Ruining-A-Good-Game Award: World of Warcraft

edit: for the glory of Spacechem
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 01:30:37 PM by Amplifier »

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Re: Best Games of 2011
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2011, 11:51:10 PM »
Quality post, Tuffty :3

Unfortunately, the only games I've played that were released this year were Terraria, Minecraft & Serious Sam 3, and while the two first ones are cute and all... Well, I've got bored of them both. And SS3 is just more of the same ol' :lol: (Which isn't bad if all you want to do is mindlessly shoot at things, but for my "best games" I require a bit more than that)

I don't know if Mass Effect 2 counts for me because it seems the PS3 version was released this year and I played the PC version... And also, I didn't get to finish it due to technical difficulties...

There was one new release I guess I could gush about: The Rise of the Isengard expansion pack for The Lord of the Rings Online. At first you just think "oh yay, more quests, whoopety-doo" but somehow I felt they added some very interesting new people and areas. I'd read the quest descriptions and actually grow fond of these strange village folks I was helping out. Also, the epic storyline had one moment that made me feel "FUCK!! SHIT JUST GOT REAL!!!" ****spoiler**** There is a bit where you actually get captured (along with a ranger friend) and thrown into jail... Into Isengard. Let me just tell you. That felt EPIC and I didn't see it coming at all! I thought I'd just get to travel there eventually whenever I felt like it, then BOOM. It was great. And how many people can say that they've escaped from the motherfucking Isengard?****spoiler ends****

So anyway... Ignoring 2011 releases, the games I enjoyed most this year were...
1. Mass Effect series
2. Sims 2 (shut up)
3. The Lord of the Rings Online
4. Left 4 Dead 2 (can't ignore all those gaming hours)
5. Possibly Star Wars: KOTOR; I'm not very far in the game, but I do like it

Yeahh not a very hip list, but I can't play the newest HQ games cuz I lack the equipment, so there u go.
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: Best Games of 2011
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2011, 01:06:41 AM »
not a proper 'top 5' but moreso my take on the games i've played this year from this year...

homefront - story mode was kinda lame and really short (and the end was like wtf it's over? lol) but the online multiplayer is imho very similar to mw3 but with slightly larger maps. had an airsoft rifle built after one of the guns in the game lol

killzone 3 - some  minor improvements from part 2, story mode is fun, haven't played online too much but overall i enjoy this game

bulletstorm - over-the-top, vulgar to the point of being hilarious, and the skill shots give the game a little something extra and add to the fun

resistance 3 - i've never played the other 2 before, but i was impressed by the graphics and the story is pretty interesting. the multiplayer was great while it lasted lol (last time i tried to play literally no one was online  :sweatdrop: )

crysis 2 - just got this recently, but so far i love it. that nano-suit or whatever it's called make playing online a bit more interesting...looks great on ps3

shift 2: unleashed - awesome game if you're into racing games. looks awesome and has plenty of incredible cars and tracks

socom 4 : us navy seals - campaign is pretty cool (a bit better than homefront's but not as good as bf3 or mw3), online can be cool but compared to the other shooters out there, this one feels slow which is a bit of a drawback for me.

gears 3 - was pleasantly surprised by this, as i wasn't looking forward to it or anything, and sort of 'ended up' with it. i had played the first 2 at a friend's house so i had some idea of the story and stuff, but with the new dlc that just came out (raam's shadow) it gives you a whole new reason to play thru the campaign again

bf3 - graphics-wise it's gorgeous...the campaign was pretty fun, but the multiplayer got to be a bit 'meh' for me - imho the maps are too big and there's alot of time spent running around looking for the opposing team (there seems to be a bit too much reliance on vehicles which i personally don't like)...needless to say i've only played this like twice since mw3 came out and ended up trading it in.

mw3 - campaign was fun but of course the online multiplayer is what everyone got this game for...some people have said it's too fast-paced for them, but that's exactly what i like about it. graphicially not as pretty as bf3, but it's not that bad. going to holding on to this one for a while  :D

i've got marvel vs. capcom 3 but haven't played it enough to properly speak of it other than it looks amazing and i need a fight stick now lol, and test drive unlimited 2 is kinda fun but there's too much aimlessly driving around which can get boring

overall i've been pleased with this year's offerings  :twothumbs
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 11:54:23 AM by john_hung »

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Re: Best Games of 2011
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2011, 10:01:57 AM »
I managed to play and finish more games this year than ever before, but there is none among them, that I would call my personal "Game of The Year". I enjoyed playing everyone of them, but now loooking back I can't say this or that game was THE game this year. It's a bit sad  :lol:

The games that touched me emotionally the most were Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom and (surprisingly) Star Ocean 4.

Portal 2 was cool, the co-op is super fun.
Artsy, dark and mystirious that was Alice: Madness Returns, I had a great time with it (I must have, I played the heck out of it) also Castlevania - Lords of Shadows.

I had a hell (hohoho) of a good time with Shadows of the Damned, that I'd love to see a sequel for.

My personal dissappointment of the year, I dare not to say it, was Batman ArkhamCity. I had an awesome time playing it, but in the end, I felt a bit let down.

Honourable mention goes to Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 10:13:07 AM by coachie »

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Re: Best Games of 2011
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2011, 06:35:59 PM »
2011 being the first year sinds maybe 5 or 6 I finally played games again, these I mine:

Batman : Arkham City - Still playing it (now at 57% of the main story line)
Deus Ex : Human Revolution - excellent game!
Halo: Reach - played it online for almost half a year  :doh: (Also did some Halo 3 and Halo CEA but haven't finished those, to many play style frustrations)
Gears of War 3 Managed to finish the campain without to much problems, but never got into the online multiplayer part.

And what started the gaming again: Kinect adventures and Kinectimals - This made me buy a XBox 360 plus Kinect to try it out, which then got me into Halo Reach and other games.

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Re: Best Games of 2011
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2011, 09:01:40 PM »
wonder if I've even played 5 games this year... :P

Skyrim - Scared I wouldn't like, it, but it turned out to be a great game. I'd literally waste days on mini-quest after mini-quest and not do the story. Still am.

Witcher 2 - Same type as Skyrim. They're both fun in their own style.

Dirt 3 - I played 3-4 racers this year, this one really kept me on board.

Bulletstorm - I liked the comedy. :) And how they had no-brainer shooter stages, then turn the next into a slow horror romp with creepy shadows in corners and sounds. :P

Dead Space 2 - Nice fun horror, finished this one at least. Still haven't the first one. :D

Batman AC and Assassins Creed Rev I haven't played enough to say anything. But they're probably better than some of the ones above. Lotsa great games this year. Still want to play Uncharted 3.

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Re: Best Games of 2011
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2011, 09:11:41 PM »

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