@Lost Heaven: Umechan is on wheelchair because it seems like the serum has take an effect on her body which made her very weak and was unable to walk so that's why she use wheelchair. I was inspired by Yuka's past (the real one), she is a survivor from cancer, therefore in this fic Iput in the real fact and add the serum side effect which made her cancer attacking her back. Yes, Sae will always happily be Sae!! You're welcome and please do look forward for the next on coming chapters.

@Ruka Kikuchi: I didn't quite plan Sayaka to be a tsundere before, being honest. But it seems like this is good to, eh? I'll go with it then~ SaeYaka, people!!
@BbSis: It's okay, thank you for your compliment.

Well, so far out of these people only Sayaka's power hasn't been revealed, I planned to reveal them on the next chapter. Please do look forward to it~ especially if you want to know how Sae will reacts when she finds out that she kissed Sayaka.

@Everyone: Sorry for the bad English, here's the new chapter!! Feel free to comment~
DiVA Project: Chapter 3 - Decisions
by Cometerz48
Masuda Yuka's POV"Natsuki, let's go to that takoyaki stall!" I yelled as I dragged Natsuki towards the next stall.
"Yuka, you've ate like two boxes of takoyaki already! Aren't you stuffed enough already?"asked Natsuki in disbelieve but still smiling at me.
"Nope! I never get stuffed with takoyaki, you know?" I grinned. Natsuki shook her head as she giggled.
"I guess the nickname of "Takoyaki Musume" really suited you.." said Natsuki with an approving look.
We finally arrived at the stall and bought a box of it before settling down on a bench.
"Yep?" she asked.
"Let me feed you~" I said as I took a whole takoyaki with a toothpick. "Said "aa"~"
"Yuka, it's embarrassing you know.." said Natsuki with blushing face. But she finally obeyed and opened her mouth.
"Aaaummm~" I fed her with the takoyaki. But then she opened her mouth again as she shook her legs in dismay, her face was funnily in panic.
"Gahh!! This is hot!!" she said with a mouth stuffed with hot takoyaki. "Yuka, this thing is still freakin hot you just stuff it in my mouth?" she said uncleanly due to a mouthful of takoyaki.
I laughed watching Natsuki's great expression, "Nee Natsuki, it's not good to eat takoyaki coldly. It has to be straight from the stove!" I said happily.
"Wanna see you doing that.." grumbled Natsuki. I laughed again when I heard that and pat her back.
"Stop grumbling, Natsuki.. It's such a nice day today that we some off time, why spend it on grumbling?"I asked. She smiled and took another takoyaki for herself. In a few minutes time, the box was empty with only a bit of sauce left.
"Aaah~ That was good.." I said as I leaned back on the bench. Natsuki was also leaning back before she spoke.
"Yes?" I asked back, as I glanced at her.
"You got a bit of takoyaki sauce on the corner of your lips." she said. I blushed and quickly raised my hand to brush it off, but then a hand gripped it and stopped it in the middle of the air. I glanced at whose hand is it and found it was Natsuki's.
"Natsuki..?"she leaned close to my face before I knew it and pecked the corner of my lips. I gazed at her as my cheek started to feel hot than ever, she pulled back and smiled at me.
"Thanks for taking me out on a walk like this." she said with a glint in her eyes. She stood up and tug my hand that she's still holding, "Let's get back now, Tomomi~ said that she needs some help on the new drills." she said. I nodded and followed her as she lead us back to the base..
The scene changed, we were surrounded in the darkness except for a faint red light from the sky. I felt Natsuki's back on mine as we kept our eyes wide open to our surroundings, I started hearing rustling noises around me and soon some screams.
"What's happening??!!"
"My eyes!!"
"Back up team, we need backup team now!!"
I look around in fear as my heart thumps harder to my chest. I still felt Natsuki behind me.
"Natsuki!!" I yelled. My voice was starting to get sore and also more screams occurred. Screams of agony and fears of the members I recognized.. It was horrible.
"Yuka!!" I heard her voice behind me. A sudden shriek begging for help ran through the air, I recognized that it was Kana's.
"Kana!!" I yelled and I froze when I felt no presence on my back anymore. I look around in panic as I tried to find her, Natsuki.
"Natsuki!!" I yelled as I ran through the darkness. I glanced every single time I stepped but only darkness that I see, my heart thumps faster than ever.
"Yuka run!!!" yelled a voice. I recognized that it was Natsuki's and started running towards her direction, I knew she must be in trouble somehow. But before I could find her a sudden blow to my chest knocked me back before it turned out to be painful and the red light above suddenly goes darker and darker......
"Natsuki..." I croaked before my eyes shut by itself.
What's that voice? I thought.
THUMP THUMPHeartbeat?THUMP THUMP THUMPSomeone's heartbeat?THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMPWait, why am I hearing these? Who's heartbeat are these? I thought again. In my confusement, soon I heard more voices.
"The operation is a success, she should be waking up soon.. We've removed the old cancer that grew back due to the serum, so there should be no more traces of the cancer in her body."
"Thank Goodness, Tomomi~! You really have grown aren't you?"
"Ah, thank you Meetan. If it weren't for your teaching I won't be a good surgeon, you know.."
"Meetan stop harassing Tomomi~"
"Shut up Yuko. I'm having a reunion here with one of my student.."
Hmm.. I think I recognized those voices.. I thought again
I opened my eyes slightly and blinded by the lights above, so I pinched my eyes back.
"Erm.. Too bright.." I groaned.
"Yuka!!" yelled multiple voices. I opened my eyes again and saw Yuko and Kasai's face beside my bed, Meetan was clinging at Tomomi happily. I glanced to the other side and saw Sayaka, Sae, and Nonti leaning against the wall with smiles of relieve on their face.
"You're finally awake, Yuka.." said Sayaka in relieve. I sat up on my bed and find my self surprised that my chest doesn't hurt at all after the last time it was attacked.
"Your ribs already mended in these days." said Tomomi~. "Welcome back Yuka.."
"Ermh.."I mumbled uncomfortably. "What happened?"
FlashbackNo one's POV - Room Pioneer"These are the photos that were sent to us from our satellite." said a short figured girl. She threw in the pictures to the table and leaned back on her chair as she observed her company.
"This can't be... Oh my God.." said Sayaka as she observed one of the picture. It was a horrible picture taken from above, she felt thank full that it wasn't taken from the side. If it were, she felt like she would be sick.
The picture showed an open area which seems to be recently made, since there were trunks of trees torn down by force. A symbol was made in the middle of the area, a some sort of star. When Sayaka looked closely to the images, the symbol were formed by parts of human bodies, still bloody and the expression on the beheaded heads were in total horror.
"Well, those pictures were taken around the same area where they found the four of you. Which was quite odd if I might say.." said another figure standing behind the short girl. She has a short black hair and wearing glasses. "We've been scanning the area for the last ten days with the satellite and today is the first clue on the missing back up team."
"And the last one." said Yuko. "I think I'm going to get sick.."
"Use the trash can at the corner, Yuko." said the short figure again as she pointed her finger towards a trash can which then was approached by Yuko. "Now, I've heard what happened, we have twenty members of the back up team murdered brutally and your unit which has five members of my team still missing without a trace."
"What are you planning to do now, Sayaka?"
"I don't know Takamina, I..." her voice was cut by a sudden grip on her collar by the short figure who rushed straight to her.
"Listen to me Akimoto! You're the leader of the unit, you have five members of mine, three members of your team, five member of Yuki's team and a fresh newly recruited member, and I don't give a freakin Sh*t when you say you don't know!!" yelled the short figure girl angrily.
"Oi, Takamina calm down!" yelled Sae as she gripped one of minami's hand on Sayaka's collar. "Let go off her."
"Minami, calm down..." said the short haired girl as she tried to pull her friend's hands off Sayaka. But Minami kept on gripping it as she stared angrily to Sayaka.
"No Acchan, like hell I'm dropping this off." snapped the one called Takamina to the short haired girl without glancing away from Sayaka's face. "Akimoto look at me! You're risking fourteen lives in your hand now and soon we might have none of them left if you don't start making decisions!!" yelled Takamina again. Her eyes was seriously staring at Sayaka's uncertain eyes, if eyes could kill, Sayaka would probably be dead by now.
"Minami.." said the one called Acchan "Please do calm down.."
"Oi! Takamina, let her go now!!" said Sae as she tried to get Takamina's hand off Sayaka.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" yelled another voice and all the sudden Takamina, Sae, Acchan were thrown back from Sayaka and hit the wall with their backs. They groaned in dismay as they rubbed their back after being brought hard into the wall. Shocked, Sayaka turned towards the voice and found Ayaka gripping the wheelchair's handle in one hand while the other one pointed out where the trio stood before.
"Ayaka!!" rushed Yuko towards the girl on the wheelchair and knelt beside her. Ayaka leaned back on her chair as she closed her eyes and panting hard, har face was pale. "Are you okay..?"
"Just... A.. Little.. Tired.." panted Ayaka as sweats broke off to her forehead. "And my head hurts.."
"Come on now.." said Yuko in understatement. "I'll take you back to the hospital. You had too much for a day, I think." she added as she hold the wheelchair's handle and pushed it towards the door. She stepped out of the automatic door and glanced behind.
"Guys, I'm taking her back to the hospital. While I'm there, please don't fight and come up with a resolution." said Yuko before the automatic door closed. The four people in the room didn't reply, they were still in shock of what just happened.
"Is that it?" began Takamina as she stand up. "That Project DiVA whatever thing?"
"Possibly.." answered Sae. "And so you've heard, eh Takamina?"
"Captains are informed about things like that too, Lieutenant Miyazawa." said a new voice from the door. The four of them turned towards the door and found a man in his mid forties stood there accompanied with Noro Kayo and a woman in her twenty with long black hair.
"General.." said Sayaka as her eyes focused on the man with respect before she switched it to the woman. "Yuki.."
"General Akimoto." saluted Takamina followed by the others. "What can I do for you, sir?"
"Actually, Takahashi.." said the man scratching his head before settling down on a chair in the room. "I'm here to offer what can I do for you now."
"Well, we have a lot to be discussed." said the man again. "Please sit down and Captain Kashiwagi, would you mind explaining to them what I told you before?" asked the man to the one called Yuki. The woman nodded and took a deep breath before she start speaking.
"As you can see. The unit that consist of our members were attacked nine days ago by an anonymous "thing" you might call, and we only found four members of the unit from the total number of eighteen. Not to mention after that we lost half of the back up team later then which today we found..." explained Yuki and she grabbed one of the picture on the table and held it out. "they were already dead."
"And so, we have received the news of the DiVA project later then as I may recall.." nodded Yuki towards Sayaka and Sae. "The project's purpose was to find possibility of human to developed highly power within themselves after a complex chemical reactions."
"Which we saw one just then, I think.." said Takamina. "Umeda Ayaka just produced a some kind of force field, just then I may recall. Strong enough to throw us back.." reported Takamina. The man nodded in approval and gestured Yuki to continued.
"And so, the General's plan which later then was approved by the minister of defense was to create a new unit consist of those who were injected by the project's serum. They are to be trained exclusively by the captains and later then would be sent out for new S rank missions."explained Yuki again. "And this plan will conduct as soon as they all have physically recovered."
"A new unit?" asked Sayaka to the general. The general nodded.
"You may know the unit we have right now are; No3b and NY and FK. It is decided that another unit will be added," he glanced at Sae and Sayaka. "DiVA, that will be the name of the new unit. And I am putting you as the leader again." pointed the general to Sayaka.
"Your first mission would be to investigate.." said the man again. "how on Earth these things happened .." pointed the General to the photos on the table. "to find and retrieve those who were missing, and if possible to end it so that it would not happen again."
Back to the presentAkimoto Sayaka's POV "And so that's what happened.." I concluded after explaining the recent events which she missed. Yuka nodded without a voice, I was surprised that she was listening carefully this time. Usually, she's the next person who would listen recklessly after Sae.
"The serum that you mentioned.." said Yuka. "It's meant to give us some kind of super powers right?"
"It's meant to be." answered Meetan. "But again, we scientist still don't know the details. So far we've seen the side effects of the serum and the first one we noticed it's power is Ayaka."
"Speaking of which, where is she?" asked Yuka. "Is she alright? You said she was on a wheelchair, don't tell me.."
"No she's just too weak to walk, possibly because of the serum." said Yuko. "She's just in her room, resting."
"Oh.." said Yuka. Her expression change all the sudden, it was as if she was uncomfortable all the sudden. She placed her hand near her ear as if she's trying to hear something. I glanced at Meetan who just raised her shoulder in confused, I glanced at the others but it seems like no one has any ideas what's wrong.
"Yuka..?"I asked in confused. "Are you okay?"
"Sayaka, can you open the door? There should be two people walking down the corridor towards us in the distance of.." she flinched. "about twenty metres from the door."
"What??" I asked completely dazed. But I do as she told me, I opened the door and poke my head out to see the along the corridor and saw two nurse whispering to each other as they made their way towards us. And the distance.. It wasn't clear for sure, but it's definitely around twenty meters or so from our door.
How did she know that..? I thought anxiously.
How can she tell the exact position and the number of people all the sudden?I closed the door and went back to the room, dazed.
"Sayaka, what happened?" asked Sae. "You looks like as if you just saw a ghost." she giggled.
"What Yuka said.." I said. "she was right about two people walking twenty meters from us.."
"HEEE??" said Yuko, Sae, Noro, Meetan, and Tomomi~ at the same time. They quickly glanced at Yuka who just dazed after hearing my statement.
"I was correct...?" asked Yuka still dazed. I nodded and glanced to Tomomi~, I got an idea.
"Tomomi~ can I borrow you iPod for a second?" I asked the surgeon. She nodded and produced an iPod from her pocket along with a pair of earphone attached to it before handing it to me.
"Thanks.." I said as I stand to the corner of the room. "Meetan, come here. I want to show you something."
"What are you doing?" asked Noro.
"Just watch." I said to the big lady. When Meetan stood beside me, I handed her one of the earphone and told her to put it on while attached the other one to my ear. "Yuka, guess what song we are listening to, alright?" I said as I put the volume as low as possible and chose a song.
When the song played, Yuka frowned and looked concentrated as she placed her hand near her ear again. The music that I hear was quite low in volume and only the ones that has put on the earphone can listen to it.
"Tobenai Agehachou?" she asked. I showed Meetan the iPod, it was as what she just said. Meetan's eyes widened in shock as I shuffled the song again. This time is a slow tempo with soft melodies.
"Safe and sound?" said Yuka again. Earning a squeal from Meetan and a completely shocked expression from her.
"Meetan, what's going on?" asked Noro. "Did she guessed correctly?"
"she did." answered Meetan in amazed. "I think this is your new power Yuka.. Supersonic Hearings.."
"Woa!!" yelled Yuko and Sae at the same time. Both in amazed and disbelieve.
"Oh dear..." said Yuka also in disbelieve. "I thought it was only my imagination when I heard those heart beats..."
"You what?? You can hear heart beats?" asked Sae in disbelieve, Yuka nodded.
"Okay, settle down you guys.." I said as I handed back Tomomi~'s iPod. "Congratulation Yuka."
"Thanks.. Wow.." she said still in disbelieve. "I guess the serum is a success, Meetan."
"Mweh, it was nothing." said Meetan in easiness, I punched lightly on her shoulder and laughed. which later then everyone else joins in.
"So we're officially a new team then?" said a new voice from the door. I glanced back and saw Ayaka standing by the door, smiling with her hand crossed on her chest.
"Ayaka!!" said Yuka happily.
"Hey, congratulation Yuka." said Ayaka lightly as she approached. "Supersonic Hearings? That's got to be so cool.."
"Thanks.." said Yuka.
"Anyway.." said Ayaka. "Takamina just drop in to my room and said that if Yuka is well recovered tomorrow, we start our new training then."
"Takamina, eh?" I asked. "She's a great tactician and fast attacker."
"She'll train us tomorrow along with Acchan, Mariko and Kojiharu."
"Nyan-nyan!!" said Yuko happily. "Nee can I come with you?" asked Yuko with pleading eyes to Ayaka.
"Sorry Yuko, Takamina said not to bring you specifically since she said you'll definitely bother kojiharu." said Ayaka.
"NOOO!!" yelled Yuko in dismay, we all laughed watching the squirrel's funny reaction. I stopped my laugh and stare at my friends, my nakama.
You guys are miracles in my life.. I'm so glad to have you guys. I thought as I smiled one by one to them, which they also returned.
Sae put her hand out in front of her and offered it to me, I placed my hand on hers and smiled. Just looking at her face was relieving, makes me forget about the weight has been put on my shoulder.
"Yuka!!" said Yuka happily as she put her hand on mine happily.
"Ayaka." said Ayaka putting her hand on top of Yuka's and smile energetically.
I grinned, and smiled at the rest of my friends whom watch us happily. I can feel a little tear at the corner of my eyes, but I ignored it and smile.
"TEAM DiVA, YOSHA IKUZO!!!" I yelled hard.
Chapter 3 - Decisions:
ENDTo Be Available: Chapter 4 - Training