@48matama: Portraying Daasu here as a hilariously cute chef here~ Oh you will see what I've got in store...
@NewHeaven: Yes they are sweet couples. I do think this is one of the greatest potential couples in the 48 shipping business. Well, thank you for your attention to this fic.
@kuro_808: It certainly is, Kuro-san.. Just wait for it to come out..
@qr.rima: You read me well.. You seemed to be new here, welcome to jphip fanfic!!
Okay minna, been busy with things and I'm back. Credits for wonderful things I've got here to
http://www.jamieoliver.com/ because I get a lot of ideas for lot's of cooking there in my daily time (Yes, Cometerz loves to cook at home). Sorry for the bad English and I shall awaits for your wonderful replies and feedbacks~
Knives and Forks – Chapter 2
That morning, I woke up thanks to a strange sound of a rooster playing in my ears. Groaning slightly, I sat up and saw the TV in front of the bed was turned on with Airin in control next to me.
“Morning~” greeted Airin with that classy smile of hers. I bobbed my head a little and turned my attention to the TV.
“Since when you watch things about farming?” I asked with curiosity from the choice of her TV program currently.
“Thought I might try thinking to become a farmer once I retire..” answered Airin. “You probably can take care of the poultries and I can take care of the cows.”
“Right the cows…” I said. “Like hell I don’t know you actually want to grope the cow’s milking point!” I retorted and shot a look at her.
Airin poked her tongue, “You got me, churi~”
“Mou.. You’re such a hentai, Airin!” I pouted and turned my back to her and pulled the blanket up to my neck.
“Hehehe.. Gomen ne, Churi.” Apologized Airin. But I didn’t responded to that and still turned my back to her. I wasn’t that mad honestly, it’s just that sometimes having a girlfriend that is perverted and like to think indecent things makes you a bit insecure somehow. And that’s how I feel right now.
I felt movements on the bed and the next thing I knew, the hair on the back of my neck rises from a gentle air blew to it.
“Chu~ri.” Whispered Airin in my ear. I swear I could feel my face blushed slowly in shade of red and warmness. What’s more to add is when she managed to clinged her arms on my waist, straining me completely so that I could not move further from her.
“Gomen ne.”she spoke softly on my ear with such a caramelized covered chocolate, bitter yet sweet and smooth that melts in your mouth.
That’s it, I gave up. So I faced her again and pecked on her lips as we hold into each other’s body. I could not help to always admire Airi’s dark brown shade of her iris and the smile that’s plastered right there on her face.
“Mou, Airin..” I pouted and looked down, flustered.
Airin chuckled and leaned in to kiss me on the lips as she played with my hair. The coffee on the side table clearly approved my mind that she just drank coffee because of the slight bitter creamy sensation she gave.
“Well, what’s your plan today?” asked Airin after we finally settled down and just hugging each other on the bed.
“Hmm..” I hummed. “Yuka told me that it’s time to change the menu in two months, so there will be a taste examination by Yuasa and her to decide on the menus we suggested. I probably going to be in the kitchen for the rest of the day and opened up my recipe notes then trying it out. But before that, I think I’ll need to go to the super market.”
“Well, today is free day after all since the restaurant is closed till tomorrow.” Said Airi. “I guess I’ll do the same then.. But I think I’ll go down to the restaurant tonight.”
“Hee? What for?” I asked.
Airin shrugged, “I just got a feeling that Ryoha would forget to prepare some liquor soaked pear for my menu tomorrow. She’s still new after all, so I think I’ll check on that and probably help easing Kaotan’s burdens on marinating other ingredients.”
“I guess you’re right..” I nodded. “We only have two kitchen assistants after all when the kitchen is actually quite big. I’ll come with you then~”
“Hee? Really?” this time it was Airin asking it.
I nodded, “ Then probably later we can get some dinner at Mieko’s Ramen House.”
“Sounds perfect then.” smiled Airin before giving me a light peck. “Should we invite some testers?”
“Sure, invite Jurina, Rena, Yukko, and the others.” I replied. “I wonder if they already prepared for the menu change..”
“I heard Rena and Jurina finished theirs already.” Said Airi. “They’re both are genius after all..”
“WMatsui, as expected..”I nodded. “
I laughed and kissed her nose before getting out of the bed and headed to the kitchen as well as grabbing my recipe notebook from my desk. I opened the cabinet supply and checked out for any shortage of flours and yeast.
“Seems like a visit to the super market is necessary after all.” I hummed as I tick of the list for the supermarket visit.
“Can’t find some from mine too.” Inspect Airin with the fridge open and her own recipe notebook in her hand.
In just half an hour then, we were ready to go after a quick shower and a piece of toast for each of us. We were just about to go by the door when I suddenly remember something.
“I forgot to feed my birds!!”
Airin smiled as she shook her head, watching me going back to the apartment and get to the balcony. She’s still there after I finished my daily job as a bird lover plus owner then shuts the door once I’m out.
It was a quick stroll to the super market since our apartment located nicely near the center of the city. It doesn’t take that long until I found myself in front of the butcher and watched my orders being taken care of.
“I thought you don’t like using birds, Churi.” Frowned Airin with a basket full of her ingredients.
“Chicken is a different story, Airin.” I said. “Although they’re all so cute when they hatched from their eggs.”
Airin smiled and shook her head again before leading me to the cashier after receiving my items from the butcher.
Once we arrived back to the apartment, I unpacked my loads.
“What time are they coming in?” I asked as I unpacked the butters.
“One o’clock.” Said Airin as she also started dealing with some vanilla pods. I looked up at the clock, still two hours to go.
“Wonderful.” I said before leaving the two of us to work in silence. We always do that to let each other concentrated with each of our own work. Just a bit protesting once it comes to oven, but we managed it.
Just as I got my dish out to the cooling rack, the doorbell rang. Airin runs for it and revealed the WMatsui.
“Yo, expecting to have a good lunch here Miss and Miss Furuyanagi!” said Jurina quickly approaching the counter while Rena puts down a bottle of wine on the table.
“Need help on setting up the tables?” asked Rena.
“Sure do.” Said Airin handing a tablecloth before going back to decorations for her dish.
“Airi, that looks wonderful!” said Jurina. “Can I-“
“No you are not getting a lick of that!” snapped Airin as she slapped Jurina’s hand away from her dish.
Jurina pouted and I couldn’t help to laugh a bit as I get my plates down. The doorbell rang again and this time it was Akarin and Yukiko with them dragging Azumarion.
“What’s with dragging Azumarion here?” I asked the two of the older girl.
“She has something to share with us later, right?” said Akarin smiling sadistically at the young girl.
“Oh man..” exasperate Azumarion.
“It seems like a boy has touched her dear innocent heart.” Winked Yukiko with a grin.
“It has not!” flustered Azumarion.
“Well whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll grow into something nice~” said Airin shot a smile at me which I replied back. The doorbell rang again and this time was Anna, Miki, and Makiko.
“Where’s Yuria?” asked Rena curiously pouring Akarin a glass of wine.
“She says that she has something to do and couldn’t come at all.” said Miki settling down. “Are we on time?”
“Yes you are~” I announced as I put down my first dish on the table.
Cornish Cowboy Pasties" I smiled. "Perfect for lunch time."

"Churi, this is so good!!" exclaimed Miki followed by nods of approvals.
"Very buttery, but still tasty pastry!" said Akarin.
"I thought you wouldn't use any type of birds on your dishes, Churi." said Rena pointed out the chicken.
"She managed to grew out of it." said Airin as she patted my back.
"That's not the only one though.." I said as I bring out the second dish. "
Salmon Filo Pie"

"THE CHEESE!!" yelled Yukiko as she ate the first bit from her plate. "Freakin perfect.."
"This is definitely good combination, Churi." nodded Jurina. "Salmon and feta.."
"I figured out that the restaurant needed some Greek taste." I shrugged before taking a bit off my portion. "But I think it's lack of salt though.."
"Nah, I think you got it just right." said Airin from her portion. "Don't you think?" she asked the others.
In just a few minutes, the visitors were sitting and satisfied with the meal I served. All of them recommended the two dishes must be assigned for the tasting examination.
"It's good for both lunch and dinner." said Makiko.
"Guess it's time for mine then." said Airin bring out her dish. "
Sour Cranberry Bakewell With orange & lemon sherbet drizzle sauce"

"My,my... These praline are rich!" exclaimed Akarin enjoying the sensation in her mouth.
I put a mouthful in and tasted the warm sweetness and sour, "The pastry was sweet and buttery then you get the sour cranberries blending in with the praline.."
"Don't you think it's a bit too overly taste, Airi?"asked Anna sipping in a glass of water.
"Nah,I think it's perfect." said Makiko spooning a mouthful of the praline. "Sweet and sour then adding the creamy nutty praline, super dessert."
"That's not the only super one I've got." smiled Airin giving each person a plate of the next dish. "
Green tea & Vanilla Pannacotta with chocolate sauce
"Glad someone else is going to do an Italian dish." smiled Azumarion.
"You're thinking of Italian dish too, Azumarion?" asked Airin which was answered by a nod from the younger girl. "Well this one isn't really one, I kind of gave a twist of Japanese by putting green tea into the cream.
"Ohh, Airi..." said Miki rolling her eyes to the ceiling. "This is heavenly heaven.."
"It melts in your tongue as soon as it gets there.." said Yukiko nodding in agreement.
"You can taste the green tea blending with the dairy nicely." said Akarin. "I care for second portion here, Airi!"
"Gomen nee Akarin, this is a tester event remember?" said Airi. Akarin pouted and managed to grab a spoonful from my plate naughtily.
"OI!!" I pouted at the cheerful girl which was replied by her angelic smile trademark. Everyone laughed watching the next act of Akarin running around the room with my plate in her hands and my self chasing behind her.
"Okay, so we each got two of our dishes recommended for the next tasting examination." concluded Airin as she rinsed the plate on the sink. The visitors have gone home now except for Jurina who's waiting for Rena which was still drunken.
"That's what you get if you're dating a girl way older than you, Jurina." she pointed at Rena who's snoozing on the couch with such a red face thanks to the wine.
"I suppose so.." sighed Jurina caressing Rena's silky black hair. "But still, she's the best thing that's ever been on my life." she kissed her forehead.
"Ouu.. This is so sweet~" I whimpered looking at the young couple. "Hope you guys will marry someday.."
"Speaking of which, when are you guys going to marry?" asked Jurina innocently.
I froze and I could tell Airin also did the same, we met each other's eyes instantly as if signalling for answers.
"Well..?" demanded the young girl.
Airin cleared her throat, "now, now Jurina... We both are still loving our career here and to get married and settle down it takes..."
"It takes a lot of considerations and decision making!" I finished off Airin's words. "Right, Airin?" I asked her and she nodded furiously.
"I suppose you're right.." said Jurina."I'm just worried about Rena though.."
"What's with her?" I asked.
"Just keep it between the three of us okay..?" asked Jurina. The both of us nodded, "She got an offer in New York."
"That's wonderful!" I squealed. "America got lot's of talented chefs and variety of culinary techniques gathers there in New York."
"I know.." said Jurina. "But the thing is I got an offer too from Tokyo's AKIBA."
"AKIBA as in that famous five star restaurant which consist of top cooks in different range of culinary and considered to be the number one in japan?!" said Airin with a shocked face.
"Yes.." nodded Jurina.
"When the hell did you two get these offers??" I asked with a dropped jaw.
"Yesterday night after you guys went back home and there were only the two of us left with Yuasa."
"Is this one of those crazy plan that the council said? The shuffle??" I asked again mortified.
"I think so.." said Jurina sadly. "I don't want to get separated from Rena.."
I looked at Airin for a hint, she looked confused too with the Jurina's situation as she wiped her hands before joining us on the couch.
"Listen kid, you two have to decide on something. But once you do, respect each other's decisions. If you're meant to be together, you will be no matter what's gonna happen." said Airin patting Jurina.
"Are you saying we both should break up?"
"No we're not saying that Jurina.." I said. "There are chances that you two can still become couples like for example you both can do Long Distance Relationships."
"With chances 13% of success, Akane." growled Jurina.
"Now I definitely don't want to get separated." I sighed on our way to the restaurant. The WMatsui left our place around sunset with Jurina goes a bit moody and Rena confused.
"I don't want that too happen to, Churi." said Airin. "The councils seemed to be doing a really good job giving these offers for the shuffles.."
I started to pout sadly in Airin's arm but then I felt her fingers on my chin and rose it so we both met each other's eyes.
"Listen to me, we'll get through this no matter what okay? Remember our dream later?" she asked.
"Yes." I nodded and turned my head towards the an abandoned building in front of us. The thin iron plates covered it's cracked windows and doors where I used to remember the colorful brightness of the goods inside when this place still operated. I smiled remembering the sweet scent of flours and butter blending with other ingredients giving my childhood a colorful memories which inspired me to become a
"We'll revive this place no matter what." said Airin. "The Ramune Bakery.."
To be Continued~