Milky Gets JealousMilky paced nervously outside Sayaka's apartment room. She had finally decided to tell Sayaka how she felt about her. She was ready. She could do this. She just hoped it didn't scare her off. Sayaka did have a tendency to run when things got a little too real. "Oh god. I'm not ready. I can't do this. She's going to hate me and run away and I'll never see her again. No, no, no. I can't do this." Milky thought as she stopped her pacing. Milky hurries away from Sayaka's door and out of the building. She walks a little ways away and sits on a bench. She tries to control her breathing and pulls out her phone to call her best friend Akari. "Akari, it's me."
"Hey Milky. How did it go? Does Sayanee feel the same way?""I didn't tell her." Milky said, speaking softly.
"I thought you said you were going to tell her no matter what.""That was before I got here and started thinking. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if I tell her and she runs away and I never see her again? I can't risk that. I like having her in my life. I need to have her in my life."
"Milky, we've been over this. She likes you too. Everyone can see it. I don't know why you can't.""But Aka-What the heck?" Milky said staring at the door to the apartment building.
"What's wrong? What happened? Milky are you still there? Do I need to call the police?""Sayaka-chan just came out of the building and she's with some girl. Oh my god she even gave her a kiss on the cheek." Milky said, eyes narrowed and watching.
"I didn't know she was seeing anyone.""She never said anything to me about it. Oh shoot! Hold on a sec." Milky pulls the hood up on her sweatshirt and turns so her face is hidden from anyone walking by. "Sorry. Sayaka-chan was leaving with that girl and were coming towards me so I had to hide my face."
"Do you want me to come get you?""No, I'll be home soon." Milky said, her tears evident in her voice. Milky hung up the phone and sat on the bench for a few more minutes. She wiped some tears that had fallen before getting up and slowly making her way back to her apartment. Akari was waiting for her when she walked in. She took Milky in her arms and let her cry.
"I'm sorry Milky." Akari said as she stroked her hair.
"It's my fault. If I hadn't been so afraid to tell her I liked her, we might have been together already." Milky said between tears.
"Maybe you still have a shot. If she hasn't said anything about this girl, maybe it's new. If you tell her you like her, she may decide to be with you." Akari said. Akari knew she was grasping at straws but Milky was her best friend. It is her duty to keep her best friend from falling apart.
"You really think so?" Milky asks pulling back to look at Akari.
"Of course. She'd be crazy not to." Akari says.
"No more crying. I'm going to text Sayaka-chan and ask her to meet me. All she can do is tell me she's with someone else. At least then I'll know." Milky says as she wiped her eyes. Milky pulled out her phone and texted Sayaka.
To Sayaka-chan 
Hey, can we meet up? there's something I want to talk to you about.It was a good ten minutes before Sayaka responded. Milky was sitting on the sofa biting her thumbnail with her leg bouncing up and down.
From Sayaka-chan 
Must be I'm portent since you didn't use any emojis. Everything ok?
To Sayaka-chan 
I just wanted to talk.
From Sayaka-chan 
Meet me at the diner for breakfast tomorrow at 9:00. There's someone I want you to meet."Akari!" Milky yelled after reading Sayaka's text.
Akari came rushing out her room. "What's going on?" She asked when she saw a pale Milky sitting on the sofa staring at her phone.
"I texted her to see if we could meet up and talk and she said that she wanted me to meet someone." Milky said and choked up a little. "i really don't wanna go anymore but I'm going to be a good friend and go meet her girlfriend. I'd expect her to do the same for me. Although I kind of hate this girl already." Milky said sadly.
"I could go with you you know. To make things a little easier for you." Akari suggested.
"Would you? I'd feel better with you there." Milky said excitedly.
"i'll be there. You just need to try and hide your jealousy if this girl really is Sayanee's girlfriend. You said you wanted to keep Sayanee in your life. She won't want to be around you if you're not nice to this girl." Akari warned Milky.
"I can only promise that I'll try. I'll text Sayaka-chan back and let her know we'll meet her."
To Sayaka-chan 
Akari and I will be there.
From Sayaka-chan 
Great. Akari can meet Nana too."She's glad your coming so you can meet Nana too." Milky says.
"Nana, huh? Sounds like a brat name." Akari said.
"Maybe you should start following your own rule of being nice." Milky said with a little laugh. "I have to just go and see how they act together. If it looks like they're really into each other, I'll just have to accept it."
"What if Sayanee asks you why you needed to talk to her?" Akari asked.
"It'll be fine. I'll figure something out. It's getting late. I'm going to turn in. Goodnight, Akari." Milky stands up and heads toward her bedroom.
"Goodnight, Milky." Akari said and went to her room. She sits on her bed holding her phone. She pulls up a contact and sends a text.
To Sayanee
I need to know if you have any feelings for Milky.
From Sayanee
To Sayanee
Do you like Milky? And I don't mean as a friend but as something more.Atari's phone rings and she sees it's Sayaka calling so she answers. "Well?" Akari asks.
"Why are you asking me this?""Because she really likes you. She went to your apartment earlier to tell you and now my best friend is heartbroken because she saw you hugging some girl outside your apartment building. Is she your girlfriend?"
"What? No, she's not. It's not like that at all.""Then what is it? Because I'm pretty sure that Milky is in her room crying herself to sleep. And don't be surprised if a very jealous and somewhat hurt Milky shows up to breakfast tomorrow."
"She's crying?""I'm fairly certain that she is. So who's the girl?"
Nana, Yamada Nana. She's my cousin. She's a high school junior and she came to Osaka so I can give her a campus tour around the college because she's thinking about applying to the same college with me.""That's it? She's really your cousin?"
"Yes, she's really my cousin.""What are you going to do about Milky?"
"That's a conversation I need to have with Miyuki but not until tomorrow. I'm still a little overwhelmed to find out she actually likes me as more than friends.""Fair enough. I won't tell her anything about this conversation. We'll see you in the morning. Goodnight, Sayanee."
"Thanks. Night, Akari."The next morning, Milky gets up and takes a shower. She puts on her yoga pants, a sweatshirt, and her white shoes. She goes out to the kitchen and finds Akari sitting at the table having a glass of juice.
"Are you ready?" Akari asked.
"I guess." Milky says and the two girls leave to meet Sayaka and Nana.
It's a quiet walk to the diner. Milky spends most of the time with her arms wrapped around herself and chewing on her bottom lip, something she does when she's really nervous. When they arrive at the diner, Akari spots her first.
"There they are." Akari says and points in Sayaka's direction.
"Oh god, she's even prettier in the light. Let's go. I can't do this." milky says and turns away.
"Too late. Sayanee saw you." Akari says pulling Milky back. Milky sighs and follows Akari over to Sayaka's table.
"Hey, you guys look nice." Sayaka says and Milky furrows her brow and looks down at her outfit. She looks back at Sayaka but doesn't say anything. She and Akari sit across from Sayaka and the mysterious Nana. "So um...this is Nana. Nana, this is Miyukibut you can call her Milky and the other one is Akari." Sayaka explains.
"It's nice to finally meet you both. I've heard a lot about you both. especially you, Milky." Nana says with a smile.
"Funny, can't say the same." Milky says rather rudely.
"Milky, don't be rude." Akari whispers to Milky.
"So, how long have you two known each other?" Milky asks ignoring Akari.
"Forever. Sayaka was just two when we first met." Nana says with a laugh.
"And how long have you two been together?" Milky asked.
"What?" Nana asked, confused by the question.
"Miyuki, Nana's my-"
"Look, I'm Sayaka-chan's friend and if you do anything to hurt her, I will hunt you down. Understand?" Milky says ignoring Sayaka and Nana looking at her. Sayaka and Nana look at each other and start laughing. Milky crosses her arms across her chest and glares at Sayaka. "What's so funny?"
"Milky, you've got it all wrong." Sayaka says regaining her composure.
Akari smiles at the look of utter confusion that crosses Milky's face. "Nana-chan isn't your girlfriend?"
"No. It would be all kinds of weird if she was. Nana's my cousin."
Favorite cousin." Nana says with a smirk.
"Wait. Cousin? She's your cousin? Not your girlfriend?" Milky asks still a little confused.
"That's right." Sayaka says with a nod.
"But yesterday you kissed her cheek. You never kiss anyone's cheek." Milky said, trying to wrap her head around this piece of information.
"I kiss you on the cheek." Sayaka says.
"No, you let me kiss you on the cheek. Big difference." Milky said.
"Nana's my family. You're...Miyuki."
Akari and Nana are watching the interaction between the two. They are just sitting there staring at each other across the table and Nana can't take it anymore. "Okay, you know what? This is just getting sad to watch. Milky, Sayaka likes you...more than friends. She hasn't shut up about you." Nana finally says.
"Nana!" Sayaka yells and stares at Nana with her mouth agape. Her cheeks bright red and she is afraid to look anywhere but at Nana.
"And Sayanee, Milky really likes you too. Why else would she be jealous of Nana-chan without even knowing who she was?" Akari jumps in.
"Akari!" Milky says as her face reddens. She suddenly finds the table very interesting.
"Let's leave this two to talk and I'll show you around. We can meet up with them later." Akari says looking at Nana. With that the two got up and left. Akari turns back to the table and looks down at Sayaka and Milky. They turn back to the table saw both Sayaka and Milky looking down. "You two should really take this time to talk to each other." Akari and Nana turn and walk out of the diner.
" like me?" Milky says, finally looking at Sayaka with a grin.
"I do. I'd love it if you would go out with me and maybe be my girlfriend?" Sayaka said with a small smile.
"You'll have to work up to that." Milky said with a wink. Sayaka leaned in and kissed Milky. Milky was a little surprised by the bold move but kissed Sayaka back. "That's a good start." Milky said and kissed Sayaka again.