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Author Topic: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Completed) (Update 05/02)  (Read 76316 times)

Offline yukofan

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rena is jealous..hoho..

what did happen to jurina in the past??!!!

i love your story..
please update soon

visit my tumblr :

Offline kurogumi

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Yeah update soon...
What happend wit jurina past and why rena comeback...and what her relationship with airin?

Really want the update fast..:ehehehe



Offline Megumi

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Can't wait for next update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline okotteru

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woah!! that's amazing i'm brazilian too  :wahaha:

it's been a while since your last uptade, i'm wondering when you're going to post the next chapter.  :dunno:

i just want you to know that : I'M STILL WAITING !!!

and about the story... well it's awesome, i love wmatsui they look so good together :heart: :heart: i'm looking forward to see what jurina will do to make rena be her girlfriend.

AAAAAAAAAH~~ i hope you do not abandon this fic, please uptade.  :mon pray2:
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 01:27:59 AM by okotteru »

Offline Juribait

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Everyone, sorry for making you wait but somethings happened, what make me take more time to write.  :kneelbow:
I'm finishing this chapter and he will be long, so be patient, I promisse that I'll update soon.
So now will just answer some reviews and the next time I update will be the chapter ^^

@turratar: hahaha I loved your review, well sorry for make you wait for this chapter, but I promise that you will like it  :twothumbs

@ohayou: I'm sorry ohayou-san I know that you are waiting, but don't worry I'll update the next chapters more fast (I hope :mon sweat:)

@kurogumi: finally I'll answer this questions in this chapter, so just wait a little more  :mon sweat:

@okotteru: You're brazilian too!!? cool  :mon cute: so in this case I'll answer in portuguese: desculpe pela demora, é fiquei sem net por uns tempos, mas não abandonarei a fanfic não, eu irei continuar, então apenas espere ^^

Everyone: Don't worry I'll not abandon this fic, and thanks for keep waiting and reading this fanfic  :mon cute:

Offline mo-chan

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yatta you're back  :on woohoo:
 I can't wait for the chapter  :onioncheer:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Jori

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What will happen to Rena and Jurina? And what about the Jurina's past  :frustrated: I'll be waiting for your update  :farofflook:

Offline sakura_drop_

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Sorry for this late comment!!!!!!!!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

I'll be waiting for the next chapter patiently!  :bow: :bow: :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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drama :panic:

will be waiting for your update :thumbsup

Offline Juribait

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Here I'm guys and with the update  :cow:
I hope that you enjoy~~


Chapter 5

Rena was stuuned, why Mizuki asked to her mother tell Jurina’s past ? And what happened when she was not there to that story be so important ?

" You gonna tell me Jurina’s past? "

" Yes, you have notice that the girls don’t call Mizuki by the surname Matsui, but them call her has Kuwabara, right? "

The older girl make a expression of confuse, she noticed this but when she asked why to Mizuki they was calling her by that name she just said that was a long story and changed the topic of the conversation.

" Yeah, I notice... but what is the connection between Mizuki change her surname and Jurina’s past ? "

Mrs. Matsui sighed, to her have to tell that story was hard, because that make her remember the things that her and her daughters was trying to ignore and forget.

" You will understand, everything started 2 years ago, when after my negligence when me, Jurina and Mizuki was cleaning the attic and they find the papers of Mizuki adoption..."

Rena cannot help but just make a surprise expression and said "Eh!!? " after hear the woman worlds. Ignoring Rena’s reaction Mrs. Matsui continued to talk after the girl interruption.

" Well Mizuki in reality is my sister’s daughter, she died in a car accident just 1 years after gave birth to Mizuki, and her husband not much time after her dead, died when he work has policeman, some years ago was discovered that they deads was planed by the mafia and the culprits was taken to the prison. Mizuki was just one year older than Jurina, so I adopted her and decide to keep secret until she be older enough to know, but when she discovered the truth, I saw no solution but say the truth…"

The atmosphere in the chicken was heavy, and the silence make the things worst, the things remained in this way until the older woman start to talking again.

" After this Mizuki decided to change her surname to Kuwabara that was her surname before I adopted her, and then she started to avoid me and Jurina, she was confused and needed to think, this all happened at the same time that Jurina most needed me and Mizuki by her side. She and her friends Anna and Kumi was being bulled by some older girls from her school, and is now that Jurina’s story start. "


Jurina, Anna and Kumi was surroudend by 8 girls, they was days bulling Anna and Kumi, but how Jurina start to protect her friends and challenge the girls they started to bulling the young girl too. Jurina was already used to get in fights with the girls because of this, and this time she know that she will have to fight again to protect her friends. The leader of the group approached of Jurina smiling.

" Hey, in the other times you was lucky and win the fight, but this time me and my friends will make you fall! "

Anna and Kumi just watched the scene, they was scared, for them and for Jurina, they don’t want to see her friend be injured but they know that will be impossible to stop this fight. Jurina just glared the girl and smiled, in that moment Kumi and Anna know it that Jurina will not give up of that fight even if they told her to do that.

" You can come how many times you want, in the end I still will beat you! "

Annoyed by Jurina words, the girl tried to punch urina in the face, but the young girl just blocked the punch and then hit the girl right in her face.

" Started…"

Said Anna with a afraid look to Kumi. Before them even know, the fight finish, with 8 girls seriously injured in ground and Jurina smiling with some cuts and bruises in her face.

--------------- // ------------------

The young girl was in the school infirmary with the nurse treating her injuries, the principal released Kumi and Anna to go to home but she have to wait to her mom come and talk with the principal about the fight, but she don’t mind about that, now Jurina believe that she, Kumi and Anna will not have more problems with the bullies. Jurina feeling happy because of her thought smiled.

--------------- // -----------------

6 Months passed after that fight, but Jurina still have problems and fight with other girls. After that fight Anna and Kumi didn’t have more problems with bulling but Jurina still was getting in fights, because she never lost a fight, her popularity increased and gangs of Yankees start to challenge her, the young girl seeing not other choice, decide to fight with these girls thinking that should resolve the issue but that just turned the things worst. Then Jurina seeing a solution to stop start to enjoying fight, the girl started to get late to school, always with cuts and bruises over all her body and a horrible mood, she was not more that smiling and funny Jurina, now she was a yankee that everyone from the school feared, because of her fame, Jurina started to avoid everyone, even her friends, because of the fear to get them involved in her problems. What make the girl solitary.
That was just a normal day for Jurina, she get late for the school again and was scolded by her teacher, and sleep it in some classes, the others students avoided her in the break time, that now she normally pass in the rooftop alone just looking the view and thinking.

I wonder what Rena say it if she saw what I’m now?
She probably be mad and say to me to stop with this stupid fights

Jurina face was taken by a bitter smile when she remembered of the older girl, 2 years passed already, she is now a 14 years girl and should forget about things that happened in the past, but she still remember, she still miss Rena.
After the end of the break the classes pass really faster to Jurina. When she saw it she was saying goodbye to her friends in the school gates and going to her home. Jurina was calmly walking in a desert street when a group of girls surround her, when she looked the girls better she recognized them. She defeated that gang 1 week ago, Jurina know that for they be there have just one reason: revenge.
Jurina immediately started to run away with the girls chasing her,the young girl tried to look for some place to hide but she didn’t find anyone and ended surround again by the girls but this time in a yard of a abandoned buiding. The girls seeing that Jurina was no able to escape smiled.

" So you are not so brave how we thought hum. "

Yelled the leader of the group, and the girls started to laugh.

" Get her for me."

After hear the leader words de girls immediately run in Jurina’s direction, even that they was in a large number,she was able to avoid a lot of kicks and punchs, she even hit some girls, what make she believe that maybe this time, she will be able to survive again, but unfortunately she was wrong. A girl in her back took something from her poked what make a shine hit Jurina eyes. Taked some seconds until Jurina realize what happened, she was stabbed and a lot of blood was running out of her body by the cut in her abdomen. The girls seeing what her friend make screamed and runned away scared, leaving Jurina alone. The young girl vision was blurred, she need help, and she need this now!
Jurina joing her last energy took her cellphone from her poked and calling a random number from her list, when the girl heard her sister voice she sighed with relief.

" Mizuki... Save me. "

When Jurina wake up, she was in the hospital, with her mom by her side crying and praying.

---------------- // ---------------------

Shock, was the word that explained the current state of Rena after know what happened to Jurina, she never thought that Jurina passed for something so hard like this.

" Because of my negligence, I almost lose my daughter in that day, and now you know the truth, so please Rena be easy with Jurina, she really missed you, so gave her some attention okay? "

Hearing the Matsui quest, Rena cannot say no to the woman, she nodded in affirmation, making the Mrs Matsui sigh in relief.

" So in this case, I think, I finish here, and Rena-san, can I make one question?"

" Yes. "

" Why did you come back? "

" Well, after my mom be cured of her cancer she started to work again and because of this I started to pass most time alone in our home, so after my dad received a propose to work in England, he and my mom decided to go and live there but I wanted want to finish my studies here in Japan, so we decide that the better option was I comeback and live with my grandmother here, until decide to go to England and live with my parents again. "

" Oh, I understand, but well you are not here to talk with me right, you want to see Jurina, she is in her room, I know is been many years that you are not here but I believe that you remember the path. "

Rena nodded and then go to Jurina’s room, she still remember the path exactly how Mrs. Matsui said, she knocked the door and asked if she could enter, but after not here any answer, she just entered in the room. The room was neat, was surprise Rena, because Jurina never have the habit to keep her room neat.

Some things can change after so much time.

The older girl then saw Jurina’s bed, the young girl was sleeping peaceful, smiling Rena approached to the young girl bed and sit next to her, Jurina shirt was little raised showing her scar in the abdomen, without think Rena passed her finger gently in the scar, that scar was like a imperfection in Jurina skin but at the same time show how much stronger she was.

" Don’t worry, I don’t feel any pain from the scar. "

The older girl give a little jump hearing the voice, Jurina was awake looking her with a look bitter.

" I hear my mom talking to you… So, why you are? "

" I wanted to see you, and say I’m sorry, I was a idiot saying that things"

" I don’t needed to come here see me just because you are feeling guilty. "

Rena sighed annoyed, how can Jurina be so stubborn?

" I don’t come here because I was feeling guilty, I come here because I was worried! "

Jurina turned her back to Rena when the older girl just sighed.

" Jurina stop with this, I want to us be good friends again! Like we was in the past! "

So you just think me has a friend hum.

Jurina then trying to avoid her thoughts shake her head, no, she have to have faint! And then she smiled when a idea come to her mind, quickly she turned her face to the older girl with her cat smile in the face.

" So you want me to forgive you? "

Rena sighed in relief and nodded in affirmation.

" Well... I will forgive you but with just one condition. "
Rena expression turn into confuse, what was Jurina’s condition ?

" Which condition ? "

" You have to kiss me. "

" EH?! Jurina I cannot do this, you have a girlfriend! "

Jurina give a jump from her bed and look to Rena extreme confused.

" WHAT!? No, I don’t have any girlfriend! "

Who became confuse then was the older girl.

" But... Kumi said..."

Snap, Kumi tricked her and make her pass for this embarrassing moment.
Furious Rena pronounced Kumi’s name, understanding what happened Jurina start to laugh.

" You thought that Churi was my girlfriend then ? "

" Yes, wait no... how you know? "

" Well because you saw me and her hugging that day, and you was with jealous of me"

Teased Jurina

" No, why should I be jealous of you ? "

Jurina smiled with Rena answer, she make exactly what the young girl wanted to she do.

" Because..."

Before finish her phrase Jurina grabbed Rena arm and push the girl under her, in the bed, making Jurina be in the top.

" ... You want to me give my attention just to you. "

Without expect Rena felt something soft in her lips, Jurina was kissing her.

WHOA! Jurina is fast doesn't ? :lol:

Well this chapter is more short than I planned but I decide to finish him in this way because the Wmatsui kiss that we have some days ago.
I hope tha you liked and I see you in the next update  :on GJ:

Offline xxx220

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2012, 10:45:00 PM »

Jurina past is kind of sad and full with Friendship

What Mizuki is adopted  !!!!!

Kumi tricked Rena

Awww WMatsui Kiss
WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

Offline kurogumi

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #51 on: August 14, 2012, 10:50:33 PM »
Awwww... An UPDATE!!

Thank Juri-chan! Love love love it!!

Jurina is so fast eh? LOL Rena admit it! You love Jurina too!!
Kumi...good job!
Hope the next chapter...LOL...

Thank for the update,hei i love Brazil...someday i will go there...LOL


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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2012, 11:09:59 PM »
Really good jop : :on GJ:
Thanks for up!

I' ll wait for the next chapter!  :)
Go! Go! Go! Juribait-san :3

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #53 on: August 14, 2012, 11:23:41 PM »
So Mizuki was adopted by Jurina's mama, huh?

Jurina got stabbed, just like in Majisuka, huh?

Poor girls, they both had a sad past..

Oh Jurina, this move was NICE!!  :wub: :wub: WMatsui Kiss FTW!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline mo-chan

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #54 on: August 15, 2012, 02:36:26 AM »
Mizuki is adopted  :OMG:
Jurina was a yenkee  :scared:
wow Jurina kissed Rena  :shy2:
Jurina is the boss  :on GJ:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Jori

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2012, 07:10:24 AM »
Well done Jurina, you kissed Rena, what will your next move?  :on asmo: Thanks for this chapter and  :wriggly: update soon please.

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #56 on: August 17, 2012, 12:27:06 AM »
oH things change so much since Rena was gone...

 :shy2: Oh...wait eh?  :angry1: Juribait-san! that's a total cliffhanger!
How will Rena react? Pissed? Confused? Embarrassed?

 :err: Can't wait for next update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline kurogumi

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2012, 06:19:46 PM »
Yeah the next update...uuh..

I want to know...pleasaee juribait-san..pleasee


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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2012, 05:47:01 AM »
Uuuuh. . . .too much wmatsui for me. . .i got a hangover. . .anyways jurina you're always cool as an ex-yankee. . .i'm still waiting of what's gonna happened on their  oh so cool/but cüte lüv story. . .
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 5) (Update 14/08)
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2012, 07:55:21 PM »
Here I'm again~~  :onioncheer:
Well I have to say sorry guys but today the chapter will be short.
I wanted to make he more long but I have to study to 3 tests today, so I'll not be able to do that.  :mon sweat:

@Kurogumi: Sorry for making you wait for this  :mon sweat:
But I'm happy that you like of Brazil, and if you come here to visit you will like  :mon determined:

@Lightning: Thank you, I hope that you enjoy this chapter ^^

@sakura_drop_: Yes, yes Wmatsui FTW  :onioncheer:

@Megumi: hahah Sorry for this Megu-san  :mon sweat: but I think you will enjoy this chapter  :on asmo:


Thanks for still reading this and sorry again for the short chapter, I hope you enjoy ^^


Chapter 6

Jurina observed the sunny day by the class windows class, already passed 3 days since she have kissed Rena, she still smile when remember the older girl reaction.


Jurina pulled back and looked Rena, the older girl was extremely blushed, Jurina smiled , thinking how cute Rena was when she is shy,  but before she was able to say anything Rena pushed her and get out of her room running, just saying a " I’m Sorry" before she closed the door.

*End Flashback*

Jurina then look to Rena empty chair, she sighed feeling a little of guilty because the older girl get a cold from her. She still remember how mad Mizuki was when the girls said that Rena was not able to come to the school because of the cold and Jurina said that she kissed the older girl when she visited her.


The young girl don’t remember how much time she was lost in her thoughts when Kumi touched her shoulder making her jump in surprise.

"Calm down Jurina, is already break time, I was calling you but you was so concentrate that not listen to me "

"Sorry Kumi, I was just thinking about something’s..."

"Is because Rena-chan cold? Stop blame yourself Jurina is just a cold, soon she will get better and will be with us and you will be able to stolen more kisses from her

Jurina laughed, Kumi was right, but still she cannot help but feel guilty.

"Argh, come on Jurina, come with me, I need you help in something. "

Kumi grabbed Jurina’s arm and pushed her through the corridors of school, ignoring Jurina protests.

"Where we are going? "

"You will discover when we get there. "

When Kumi finally stoped, they was in the cafeteria of school, she then pointed to a girl that was sitting alone eating her lunch. She had a juvenile look. Jurina without understand anything looked to Kumi confuse.

"What has the girl? "

Kumi sighed annoying with the young girl attitude.

"What you think of her? "

"Well she is cute but..."

Jurina then realized what was going on, she looked better the girl and then Kumi, she make her cat smile and said.

"You are in love in her"

Kumi glared Jurina, she knows that the young girl wanted to tease her.

"If you tell to somebody, I’m going to kill you. "

Jurina nodded with her head signaling that she will keep secret. Seeing Jurina agreeing Kumi sighed in relief.

"So, what her name? "

Excited Kumi started to talk about her crush.

"Her name is Kimoto Kanon, is in the same year of us but in a different class, we have a lot of interests in common, normally she is surrounded by her friends but today seems that they not come to the school. "

"Understand, so what exactly you need my help? "

Kumi looked to her embarrassed.

"I don't know how approach her... "

"EH!? But why you ask my help for this? "

Kumi then looked Jurina with a pleading eyes.

"Please help me Jurina, you are popular between the girls, you make Churi fall in love with you, even that she is popular between the boys! "

"Okay I’ll help you. "

"Yay!, Thank you Jurina! "

Kumi jumped in Jurina arms and hugged her tight, after release her, Jurina make her cat smile again.

"And I’ll help you now! She is alone today so go buy some lunch and ask to her if you can sit in the same table of her and just start chatting about things that you like. "
"WHAT?! B-but I don’t even have money! "

Jurina sighed, Kumi really needed her help.

"Here, I’ll borrow some of mine to you. "

After Kumi take the money she did exactly what the girl said to her. When Jurina leave the cafeteria the last thing that she saw it was Kumi chatting with Kanon with a smile on her face.


Kumi, Mizuki and Jurina was going to Rena house to visit her, Anna was not able to come because was her mother birthday, but she asked to the girls said by her to Rena that she was missing the girl. Kumi was in heaven since she changed e-mails with Kanon in the break time.

"She is so cute..."

"Yeah, we already know how cute she is Kumi. " Said Mizuki.

"Jesus! What’s the problem in our group of friends?! Why everyone is in love with someone else?! "

Jurina laughed with her sister protests.

When they arrived in the Rena house, the older girl was the person who received them, she was better and didn’t seems be sick, but she still was more pale than the normal. Her grandmother left the house to go buy something’s
So the girls was able to talk about everything that they wanted without have to worry to bother someone. They chatting and have fun for some hours, until Mizuki and Kumi decide to go buy some snacks in the convenience store, leaving the two Matsui alone. Jurina was sitting next to Rena and decided to break the silence.

"I’m sorry for kissed you, if I didn’t have do it that, you was not be sick now. "

"Is okay Jurina, is not really your fault, I know that you like to kiss..."

Rena face palmed herself mentally when she realized what she said.

Why I said this stupid thing?

The young girl didn’t know what to do just looked the floor and grabbed the older girl hand, doing that make the young girl remember the day that Rena leave her.

"Ne, Rena-chan"

"Yes Jurina? "

"The way that we are now is exactly how we was when you went away…"

Rena was surprise, Jurina was right, the way that they was, Jurina looking the floor and holding her hand when they two didn’t say anything. When the older girl remembered that day a pain reached her chest, she then released her hand from Jurina and hugged the girl.


A lot of thing have changed since that day, Jurina now was taller than her and her hair now was short. Rena rarely talked with her parents and the person that she most talk now was Airin. But the older girl missed the past, when Jurina was not taller and was not carrying a scar with a sad past. She missed that Rena that was not so selfish like she is now. Before Rena realized she was crying and Jurina was holding her tight.

"I promise Jurina, I’m not leave you alone anymore. "

Jurina don’t remember how much time she and Rena stayed in that way, the only thing that she was able in that moment was hold Rena and whisper the phrase that she was not able to say to the older girl in that day.

"I love you Rena-chan... "


YES A CONFESSION!!! oh god I wanted so much make this chapter big  :farofflook:
But well I don't have choice, Now I'll go study  :on study:

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