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Author Topic: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version] Chapter 3 [10-11-13]  (Read 9441 times)

Offline Gomaki

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Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version] Chapter 3 [10-11-13]
« on: April 18, 2009, 08:35:49 PM »

This is the Miki version from Secret of GAM :)

I will make this one besides the Secret of GAM Aya version.
Would be better to read the Aya verson first.

Hope you will enjoy this as well! I will do my best!


Secret of GAM
Chapter 1

It’s the day before Aya and I will record the Promotion Video of ‘Melodies’.
Melodies will be our second Song that we will release together as the unit GAM.
GAM the shortcut of ‘Great Aya & Miki’ with the meaning of beautiful legs. We were really happy when we heard that we will build a unit together. It’s our friendship unit.

Aya chan is actually staying at my place for tonight. We really have to learn our lyrics more.

“Melodies in the Memories ona no ko no reality…I still can’t sing this part together with the following lines…”
“Yeah somehow it’s really embarrassing that when we would sing live this part would be playback…” Aya sighed.
“Ayaya we have to learn English! Really! Maybe we could sing English lines better then now” It was true! I really want to learn English…

“Without me Tan~ I don’t want to learn other language now”
“Then next year? I don’t want to learn it alone. Pleeease! ~” I begged.
“Mooo~ why don’t you learn with Ai-chan? She is always walking around with English books”
“Naaah…it’s boring then…” I snorted.
“I’m not stupid!” I laughed and punched her shoulder.
“Nee, let’s return to our lyrics ok?”

I really wished that she would be here by my side every day. Just like this. We spend a lot of time together over the past years but I really want the time to stop. I’m scared of losing her.

“Chiisame no shiitsu wo maki tsuketa mama…”  Aya sang.
“Nichiyou no souchou neboke kao…” I sang after Aya.

“The song is nice but…”
“But what Aya?”
“Nah…somehow the lyrics are…perverse?”
“Do you think so?”
“Yeah, somehow…look here…” she pointed at one line “My face looks like I’m crying. Ok, you wouldn’t think something here but look here” she then pointed at another line “My voice just doesn’t come out. Geez  Mikitty…”

I looked irritated at the lyrics than I looked to Aya and back again.
“Huh?” I asked but I exactly knew what she meant…I just want to play this little game a little longer!
She hit my arm.
“Mikitty!! Ok! To make it clearer to you! You know errrrrrr…hm…this girl who looks like Risa…right?”
“That girl! Every adult knows her!” Aya grabbed the papers of Today and showed them to me.

My eyes widened. “Oh…her?”
“Exaaactly…so what I meant was…what was it again?” Damn! I forgot what I wanted to say…. “

“Do you know when she comes on TV?” I giggled.
“Mondays at 03:00 a.m. why?”

Aya then slapped her hand over her mouth and her face was filled with embarrassment.
Oh this was nice to watch. I know exactly which buttons I must press to get this kind of reaction out of her. I love it.
What might she be thinking right now?

I giggled “So you have watched her?”
“No Mikitty! Let’s stop talking about that! What did I want to say…?”
“You babbled something with Lyrics.”
“Oh yes! So what I mean—“
“I know what you mean now Ayaya” I interrupted her and continued giggling.

“C’mon let’s stop…tomorrow we only have to move our lips while the music plays.” I yawned to change the topic again. I don’t want to harass my Aya chan…

“I hope we only have to move them tomorrow…after we understand the lyrics now…”
I couldn’t help but giggle again.
“I don’t want to know what you are thinking now!! If it is what I think than STOP it!!” She shouted.

“Nee, do you know what we have to do tomorrow?”
“No. Nobody said anything. We will have to wait until tomorrow”
“Our second single…great isn’t it?”
“Yes. It’s great. We are friends so long now.”
“Yeah first we both were solo singers; than I joined Morning Musume and now we build one unit. “
“So much happened over the years.”
“Somehow our conversations are strange”

But I love them…

“Yeah” Aya laughed.

“Uhaaa haaa…” I yawned a second time.
“You’re tired too right?”
I nodded and rubbed my eyes even when I was not tired.
“Let’s get ready”

We got into the bathroom and cleaned our selves, and then we jumped into our pyjamas.
My heart melts away with the thought that she will be sleeping next to me again.
Suddenly there was a strange noise.

“Did you hear that?” I whispered curious.
“This noise…”
“I don’t hear anything mikitty” Aya whispered back.

Click, click

What the?!

“There! It’s there again!”
I turned around and faced towards Aya.

Click, click

“Oi!” I cried out.
“Nani?” Aya laughed.
“You made that noise!”

“This?” Aya hit my index finger nail against the other one.
“Baaaka!” I laughed and tickled her.
“O-oii” she cried out.

After our little fight I leaned my head against her shoulder and rested my hand onto her arm.
I could feel her heartbeat. It was pretty fast…
Aya chan what do you feel for me?
Nothing right? You told me before…

‘Nee…What would I do when you get married?’
‘I mean, I would be really jealous’
‘who are you anyway?’

‘You know we can’t accept to get any closer’

Suddenly I sensed Aya moving pretty fast.

“Oi…hold still I’m trying to sleep…” I mumbled.
“Ah…Gomen.” Aya hold on her breath.

I slapped my palms against her cheeks.
“Oiii!!!” she shouted.
“Ah…you’re ok. Why are you holding your breath?!”
“Maybe you can sleep better then?”
“Just shut up…” I rolled onto my side.
I was quite pissed off somehow…




I woke up because of this noisy screaming.
But as soon as I pulled my head up I hit something.

“Oh shit! Ouch…!”
“What…?” I looked around, “Oh damn it! I’m sorry Aya!”
I jumped onto her lap and saw that her nose was bleeding very badly.
“Am I bleeding?” she asked hysteric.
Quickly I grabbed a tissue and cleaned her nose.
Aya somehow moved her head forward and was looking into my eyes.
I just concentrated onto her nose.

What the..?

She then pulled back somehow and blushed.
This made me curious. Was she trying to kiss me?
“Huh something wrong?” I asked her.
“Er no! I just ehm…felt a pain in my back that’s all.”

Aya you are such a bad liar…

“Oh.” I just said and looked at her nose again.
Maybe she didn’t lie? What is it I’m hoping for anyway? Aya and I will never be more than friends.

“It stopped. I’m sorry.” I apologized.
She shook her head, “its ok.”

“Come let’s get ready we have to go in one hour.”

Quickly we had a little breakfast and after we finished everything a car picked us up and drove us to the studio.
I still wonder why she screamed my name this morning?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 09:37:29 PM by Gomaki »

Offline JFC

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2009, 10:04:02 PM »
Miki version FTW! :thumbsup

I still wonder why she screamed my name this morning?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Gomaki

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 10:34:21 PM »
Chapter 2

“Ohayou gozaimasu!” Aya and I greeted the Staff Members.
“Good Morning. Here your scripts.” A Staff Member gave us our script.

We walked into our dressing room.
“Oho white dresses.”
“Still very short, like the first dress. But beautiful.” Aya said smiling.
Quickly we got into them.
“Ok Aya. Let’s have a look into the script.” I said with excitement.

“Girls! We start now.” A staff member came in and took away the scripts.
“Eh but we didn’t read the script yet.” I said with a high voice, pointing at it. That’s mean!
“Sorry but we really have to start.” The staff member replied.
Aya rolled her eyes and stood up from the chair.
“Come on let’s go. We can handle it.”
I sighed and nodded and we walked into the studio.

There was a bed.
“Nice…” I whispered to myself with an evil grin on my face.
Aya wasn’t looking quite happy.

“Morning Girls. This is your set.” The director said.
“Only this?” I asked with a quite surprised voice.
No whirlpools? Or candles everywhere? Aya in a hot suit? Quit that thinking Miki!

“Yes, it’s easier that way. Ok take your places, act like a couple. You will see you won’t need the script.”
“We even haven’t got a chance to read it…” Aya muttered.

We sat down on the bed. The music started.
“We can handle it Aya, don’t worry.” I whispered.
Aya smiled and nodded.
I’m excited! Maybe it gets even better without reading the scripts first?!

Aya must have sensed that I liked this very much.
First we made the lying scenes.
I went with my thumb over her lips. Those soft lips I want to kiss so badly!

“CUT!” the director shouted.
“Uwaahh tickling~” Aya laughed and scratched her lips.

It was Aya’s turn now. She let her index finger slipping up my leg.
This was turning me on… but I needed to stay calm!
When she held my head closer so that I would look at her I saw directly into her eyes.
I wanted that the world would stop again. This look…it calms me down.

“Aaand CUT! Great!” the smile on the director’s face was growing

We both had to laugh.
“You really kept calm.” Aya said.
I nodded and smiled.
“But it tickled a bit.”

There were lot scenes of holding hands, looking at each other and other romantic things. They made my heart melt.
 After a 10 minute break the director returned.

“Ok, I talked with the staff; we will now make the dance shoot version and then one last scene. The last scene is a bit difficult. But I believe you can handle it.”
“Hai~” we answered and we were wondering what this ‘last scene’ is going to be.

The dance shoot was really easy. Because there wasn’t much to dance to a calm song like Melodies.
After the dance shoot recording we went back to the bed set and sat down.

The director came to us with a serious face.
“Ok. This will be a little difficult but I think you two can handle the last scene. Aya, you have to kiss Miki.”

While Aya’s jaw dropped to the ground I was grinning badly. I can’t believe it!
There’s no way back Aya! I played along again made a sudden surprised face and took her hand.
“We can handle this too.”

“O-ok.” She replied.

“Ready?” the director asked.
We nodded.

The camera was starting to film. I was now nervous. Really nervous.
Aya placed her hand under my chin and made my head move towards her.
I closed my eyes.
‘I can do it… I can do it… I can…’
‘I can’t!’

“Hihihihi” I giggled.
“What?! Idiot!” Aya shouted at me.
“Sorry but…ahahaa…!”

The director sighed. “Ok…places! Take two! And start!”

We did everything again.
She was only a few inches away.
I could feel her coming nearer.
Her breath brushed against my lips.

‘This is it… This is it… We are going to kiss…’
“Oh oh oh ahhh!! Cramp!! Cramp in my foot!! It hurts!” I screamed in pain.


“Ouch TAN!!!” Aya shouted and hold held face.
“I didn’t want to kick you but this cramp…ahh….ouch ouch…” I whined.

“Fujimoto san? Are you ok now?” the director asked.
“H-hai. Gomen. This time it will work promise!”

Again her lips were only a few inches away from mine.
She was calm. I was calm.
Her lips touched mine. I couldn’t think anymore.  My mind was in a blur.
We kissed us.

“Ok. Cut.”


“Girls? Cut.”



Aya suddenly pushed her head away in surprise I did the same.
Suddenly she took my hand and dragged me out of the studio.
Does she want more?
“Nice work! Everyone… Arigatou, arigatou.” She babbled around.
The staffs were irritated about her behavior.

I was sitting on a chair and touched my lips. We kissed us! I can’t believe that we kissed us!
Aya was looking at me.
She held me closer when our lips touched. We kissed quite a long time. Did she do it on purpose or was it just a reflex?
This all…

“Funny…” I whispered.

“Y-yeah” Aya stuttered and sat down next to me.
“Don’t say you didn’t enjoy it?! You must have right? Because you-“
“I know what I did MikI!! It was…ok?”
“I didn’t think about that you would hold the kiss longer than expected.”
Aya blushed. “It was a reflex…”

‘So it was…?’

“But it was funny.” I brushed off hiding my sadness.
Aya smiled a bit.
Come let’s change and have a drink with the staff.” Aya said patting on my shoulder.

Aya already had her 6th drink for tonight. I told her to take it easy but she ignored it.
Well I was a little bit drunk as well…
“Ok. We are all tired. We still have to film other PV’s tonight. You two did a really good job today.” The director said and the Staff was leaving one by another.

“Ayaya…we better go now too.”
“You think so? It’s only 10:00 p.m. now…” she whined.
“But you are really drunk. I thought I would be drunker than you. Because I am older than you.” I giggled.
“Geeeeeez!! Only one year. And you said on your radio show that you want to see me drunk, forgotten that?”

I thought about what she said.
“Ok! I bet I can drink more than you!” I suddenly suggested.
“Yeah?! Ok! Let’s go to my place and make a bet!”
“Ok!!” I replied.
We paid and got a taxi that drove us to her apartment.
Why her apartment? It’s nearer and it wouldn’t be good if someone see us drunk and stupid on the street later.

“Kanpai!” We both shouted and started to drink one drink after the other.

I was winning but I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach and felt sick.
To be safe I ran into her bathroom.
Should I or shouldn’t I? Keep it all n or let it out? This was hard. I let out a few sighs and took deep breaths.
When I came out again she asked me if I was fine.
I nodded and smiled, “Just had to use the toilet.”
“Puhh…I thought you had to…you know.”
“No!” I laughed.
“Ok we are both winner. We and our stupid games…” Aya said placing a hand on her forehead.
“But one point is clear. We have NO chance against Yuko.” I joked.
Aya nodded and laughed.

We thought it would be the best to sit on the sofa and watch TV.
I placed my head on her shoulder again. 
“Ne…we had fun today.” I said.
I didn’t reply. Fun? Maybe for you…but I mean it serious.
“Eh? Oh yeah…”

Why was she suddenly staring at me?

“Do I have something in my face?” I asked, not looking up.
Aya shrugged.
“How? Did you??”
“I can see you in the screen of the Television.” I replied calm.
“May I?” I asked pointing at her lap.
I placed my head onto it. This all was pain for me. But I couldn’t tell her.

And if it couldn’t get any better our Futarigoto episode was aired on TV again. Face the truth Aya…

“Oh look. Our Futarigoto from last year.”
Aya’s eyes widened, staring on the screen.
I sensed that she was getting nervous.  But why? She doesn’t even know what I’m feeling for her.
“N-nice. Let’s see what is on another channel yeah?” Aya stuttered.
“Why? Let’s watch it. It was a long time since I saw it.”
No way back Aya.

When something stupid happened I act a laugh.
The scene I was waiting for was coming after a break.

“Excuse me. Have to go to the toilet.”
I sighed and moved my head from her lap to let her stand up.

My eyes followed her as she moved to the bathroom.
There will be no chance for me. Get it into your thick head Miki…
I threw myself in front of the sofa and rested my head on my knees.

“Tan~ that’s uncomfortable.” Aya laughed.
What was up with her now? Her mood changed quite quickly.
She took my hand and pulled me up, sat down and patted onto her lap.
I smiled.
At least I can have her this way…That means a lot to me as well.
Then the part that hurts me so much in our Futarigoto Episode came.

“Nee…Aya-chan. What would I do if you get married?”
“I mean I would be very jealous…”
“Who are you anyway?”

“What are we going to be from now on?”
“Ne…you know we can’t except to get any closer, right?”
“Uhn. Right.”

Aya had her eyes closed.
I took her hand, “I’m hungry.”
“Err, yeah. I will cook something when you like.”
“I want to help you.”
“You?! You only can cook easy things.” She laughed and poked on my nose.
I pouted my cheeks.
Aya smiled.
“Mou ok!” she gave up.
“Aya chan~” I screamed in a very playful and high voice.
“Kyeee~” she shouted back when I hugged her. Ok it was kind of struggling and not hugging.

“So what would you like to cook then?”
“Hmm… maybe…Yakitori?”
“Uhn. Ok.”
It took about 30 minutes.
Yakitori was really easy.

We took our plates to the living room and seated us in front of the little table.

“Ohhhh! Oishii~” We said at the same time and then we laughed.
“Sugoi ne?”
“Yes. We should do that more often right?”
”Of course! You can teach me some things.” I said and fed her with some yakitori. She did the same afterwards.
I smiled and giggled.
“Ah hora…” she then said and stroked with her thumb over my right cheek.
“There was a bit sauce…” she said quietly.

 I wanted to kiss her again. Why does she have to be so cute?
Suddenly I felt that my eyes were getting wet.
I must go.

I pretended that my Cell phone was ringing.

“Moshi moshi? Ah Yocchan? Really? Uhn….Ok. ….Bye.”

“Aya chan I have a sudden Hello morning recording…I have to go.”
“Oh. Ok.”
“I will send you an e mail when I’m finished ok?”
A smile appeared on her face.
“Ok. Do that.”
I smiled. I’m so sorry.
I moved my head nearer to hers.
I patted her cheeks.
Thought I would kiss ya huh?” I laughed.
Aya blushed.

I put on my shoes and went out.

Tears were running down my face that I couldn’t hold back anymore.
It was close. I can’t show my feelings to her. I can’t.

Offline Elle_Driver

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 11:49:57 PM »
Yay Miki version!  :w00t:

More please!!  :drool:

Offline JFC

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 04:47:30 AM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2009, 05:39:32 PM »
this is great  :twothumbs..
i already read aya's version 5x i guess and this miki's version would be great  :inlove:..
please continue and  will wait ..

Offline Gomaki

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2009, 12:13:19 PM »
Yay Miki version!  :w00t:

More please!!  :drool:
this is great  :twothumbs..
i already read aya's version 5x i guess and this miki's version would be great  :inlove:..
please continue and  will wait ..

Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!  :heart: :)

I will hopefully work on the next chapters next week. I'm very very busy this weekend and in school there are coming a lot of tests I have to learn for!
So it might take some while.

But again thank you all very much for your comments!!!

Offline Gomaki

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2009, 06:42:43 PM »
So sorry...
I'm still very busy... school...and other stuff. this month is a really bad month.
There are so much things going on like birthdays etc.
I found a little time to continue writing. but still the next chapter isn't finished...
I'm sorry. But don't worry, when I found my time I will post as much as I can ;)


Offline JFC

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2009, 06:34:16 AM »
No worries, we're still here, after all. :)

Liking the new Sig, BTW. :thumbsup

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Gomaki

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Re: Secret of GAM Ⅱ [Miki Version]
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2013, 07:26:54 PM »
It's been a long time since I've been active here and I decided to try and finish Secret of GAM because it's something I really enjoyed. I hope that there are still a few people who remember it and maybe want to read some more. It took me a lot of time to finish the 3rd chapter of Miki's version and it might take some time to finish the next ones too  :panic: There might be changes to the original because of my writing style and some things didn't make sense back then  :lol:

If you want to read Aya's version click here

So here it is :) Enjoy!

Chapter 3

The streets were quiet and I was sitting on a bench in a park near Aya's apartment. I sighed and let my head fall into my hands. Actually I didn't want to run away from her. I would have stayed. Being near to her, but I just couldn't bear it anymore. It's killing me. Eating me slowly up that I just can't tell her how I feel. She won't ever feel the same way about me.

“Get your act together Miki...” I mumbled and stood up, walking out of the park and heading to my apartment.

Strolling down the streets I actually remembered what I had forgotten to tell her. My hand travelled down my pocket until it reached a piece of paper. I pulled it out. Because of the light drunken state I'm in and all those trouble thoughts I forgot that I had a surprise for her. I booked flights to my hometown for us both. Our plane would take of tomorrow... I'm not going to fly alone.
Would she still come with me on this short notice if I would ask her?
Maybe it would help me to clear my head? Figure out what I really want and what I should do.
All I can do is try.

When I reached my apartment I made myself ready for bed and sat on it for a while, staring at the wall. I fumbled with my phone, still debating how I should tell her. My fingers were typing on the display until I finished the message for her.

The recording is finished. I had to do some stupid scenes with Ai and Eri...
I'm glad that Yocchan was there! I just can't handle those kids...
At the moment I'm driving to my apartment. I'm tired.
I wanted to ask you something and I know that you have the day off tomorrow so I wanted to know if you would like to meet up in the morning?
We could go to our favorite café?

Sleep well Aya-chan~

Mikitan <3

After I pressed the send button I threw myself against the pillows.
My phone started to vibrate and I was surprised that I got a reply so fast. She said that she would love to meet me and that she will pick me up.
Relaxed I sighed and cuddled myself into my bed.


I knew it. I should have known it! This is so typically her! She called me up to tell me that we'll meet in front of the café because she is running late. Again. I swear, Aya has been never on time.
Letting out an angry huff I turned around and saw a little brunette walking towards me.
My heart began to beat faster. It was her. My anger was suddenly gone.
She was dressed in a nice blue dress that fitted her body perfectly. Why does she have to be so fantastic?

“Morning Miki!” she greeted me and gave me her perfect smile.
“Morning Aya~” I smiled back.
“I'm really sorry that I'm late but the traffic was just so awful!”

I told her that it was ok and we entered our little favorite spot. There weren't many people around.
The waitress came up and asked if she could get us anything. Her smile was dropping slowly and was replaced by a surprised look when she saw that she was actually speaking with two really famous girls.

We both smiled, “I would like to have a coffee please” I said and looked at Aya.
“Uhm... I will take an orange juice.”

The girl nervously wrote our orders onto her little notepad and walked into the kitchen.
Aya turned around, crossing her arms on the table.

“So? What did you want to ask?”

I fidget with my sleeve, “Well, we both got this weekend free and I wanted to visit my hometown, so I wanted to ask you if you want to come with me?”

“If I don't make too much trouble I would love to!” she smiled.

I couldn't control my smile, “Silly, you don't! My parents can't wait to see you again and it's nice to spend some time with you! You know, take a break from work and all that.”

Suddenly she looked a little bit absent. Oh no. Did I say something wrong? She's thinking. I can see that.

“Say... Today is Thursday, when does the flight go?” she asked and scratched her chin.

I looked away, not daring to look into her eyes, “Uhm well... you know... we would... the flight... it... well, it's at 6 p.m. today...”

“Oh well, thats enough time to pack everything.” she said smiling.

I quickly looked up and I must have looked like I've just seen a ghost because she was looking at me with a quite amused face. She titled her head to the side a bit, “What?”

Does she have to be so damn cute?! I shook my head, “N-Nothing! We better go because, we have to... we have to pack your things and stuff, you know?” I stuttered and grabbed her hand.

“But our drinks!” she squeaked surprised.


We first went to Aya's place and packed her things together. Around this time of the year you never know how surprising the weather can be so I told her to pack a few warm clothes as well.
After some time I let out a frustrated groan because she always needs hours to pack one bag.
All the time she kept asking, “Miki? Does this suit me? Is this too short? Can I combine this color with this one?”.
I stood up, placed my hand over hers and looked at her. She looked into my eyes confused and I felt the heat in my cheeks.

“You look fine and everything suits you, so let's go now or we will miss our flight!” I mumbled and placed the last shirt into her bag and zipped it up.


When we finally took our seats on the plane it didn't take long until I drifted into dreamland.
I was still exhausted by the events of the previous night but I couldn't feel any happier because Aya was sitting next to me. It didn't surprise me that I dreamed of her. She took hold of my hand and looked into my eyes.

“Miki.” I heard but she didn't move her lips at all.

“Mikitty.” now I was getting confused. I felt a squeeze on my hand.

“Tan, wake up. We are almost there”.

I groaned and opened my eyes and saw Aya sitting next to me, holding my hand.
“I'm sorry but I had to wake you up.” she said sweetly.
I smiled and shook my head telling her that it was fine. She blushed when she realized that she was still holding my hand. I pushed her head to the side and started to giggle.

When we arrived at my parents house we were greeted by my mother. I gave her a tight hug and reached out for Aya's hand, “Mother I brought Aya-chan with me”.
“Hello!” Aya smiled and gave her a little wave with her hand.
“Ah, Matsuura san … it's nice to see you again! Come in you two, you must be tired, right?”

We took our shoes off and left our bags in the corridor. Our house is a small house with two floors.
Upstairs was my childhood room and the bathroom.
When we stepped into the living room I spotted my father who was sitting there, reading the papers.
I slowly crept up to him and gave him a hug. He dropped his papers and turned around, “Oh Miki-chan!”
My father then looked behind me and saw Aya standing shyly at the door.
“Welcome” he said and gave her a smile. She smiled back and nodded.
It was cute. She always was very talkative with my mother but showed huge respect to my father.
My mother stepped into the living room and told us that it's going to take a while until she prepared the dinner. I nodded and took hold of Aya's hand again, “We are going for a little walk then.”
Before we went outside we brought our bags up to my room.

“Nothing changed.” I giggled.
“Your room looks exactly like my old room.” Aya laughed and looked around.


“Ahh ... fresh air.. how I missed that.” I sighed and stretched my arms.
“Yeah. But it's a bit cold though.”

We were strolling around and ended up walking into a little forest. I knew where we were going and I just remembered that I never took Aya with me to the place which is very dear to me. At this time around the year the sight will be very clear.

My heart started to beat faster as I reached out for her hand, “I think you will be surprised now...”
“I never showed you the place where we are heading to now.” I whispered.
“Oh. Eh?” she stuttered confused.
“Wait and see.”

We stepped out of the forest and I spun around in front of her, “Tadaa!”

She slowly looked from me to our surroundings and I could see that she was speechless. There was a little smile forming on her lips when she saw those wonderful flowers that were blooming around us. From the little hill we were standing on we had a perfect view.

“T-That's so beautiful!” she whispered, still amazed by what she saw.

“I know, right? Come on let's sit down for a while.”

We sat down and I made sure that there wasn't a huge space between us. There was a pleasant silence between us and after some time Aya looked into my direction.

“Beautiful...” she whispered.
“Yeah... the flowers are really nice.”
“Hm... and cute...”
I had to giggle. The flowers are cute?
“Hm? Well yeah, kinda cute? You really think so?” I asked and looked at her and suddenly realized that she was looking at me all the time. I tried to keep it cool when I asked myself if she thought those things about me. Quickly I looked away again.

“Of course you are cute...” she whispered and I barely understood it. But I heard. I heard what she said. And I sensed that she was panicking. She didn't want me to hear it. I know her too well so I played dumb.

“Did you say something?”, I asked.
She quickly shook her head. Too quick. She's such a bad liar.
“No, no!”
“Oh ok. I thought you said something.” I turned away and concentrated on the flowers again.

Again there was silence and I think we both were banned into our thoughts. Even if I play things cool, my mind is running wild. I just can't push away the feeling that something is wrong.
Does she realize what I feel for her? It can't be, can it? Does it make her feel uncomfortable?

“Aya is something wrong?”, I asked and placed my hand over hers.
“No, no everything’s alright! Say, when do we have to go back?”
My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I remembered that my mother was cooking a lovely meal at home and I was so caught up in this moment that I totally forgot the time.
“Damn! Dinner. We should better go now!”, I mumbled, taking Aya's hand and dragging her down the hill. But I was so clumsy that I somehow tripped over a stone and lost my balance taking her down with me.

It all happened so fast and we were so tangled up that we switched the positions really quickly but at the end Aya was on top of me. I began to giggle. Her face a bit green because of the grass.
She began to laugh and collapsed beside me. I instantly missed her warmth.

“That was fun, wasn't it?”, she laughed out.
I had to recall what just happened and couldn't stop laughing but as I tried to move my leg it hurt a little bit.
“It was, but somehow my leg hurts a bit.”
“Really? Let me see...” she replied worried and had a closer look, “It looks fine though. I will take you piggyback, ok?”

How could I say no, when she was sitting there next to me ever so cute pointing at her back.
I nodded and carefully hopped onto her back and wrapped my arms around her neck.

“Whoa! You're light!” she laughed.
“Yeah?” I rested my chin onto her shoulder.
“It was a long time ago since I took someone piggyback”
I kept quiet and pressed my cheek against hers. I could feel the heat increase and smiled to myself.

I want to stay like this forever.

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