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Author Topic: Don't be ashamed when you love me (WMatsui fanfic) - COMPLETED  (Read 96205 times)

Offline Jori

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Oh gosh Rena-chan where are you taking Jun? :shy2: and Churi please stay away from Jun :grr: Great chapter as always, update soon please  :luvluv2:

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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KAWAII  :luvluv1:
I sense WMatsui moment fufufufu  :glasses:
Updatooo soon  :hee:
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline kurogumi

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Churi you make a will regret that soon~ but when you realized that,its too late~

Now jun has Rena on his side..he not lonely anymore~ he will love rena more and more day by day~
And jun never get rejected from rena,because we know that rena love him too...

Mo-chan~ arigatou for the update..LOL


Offline Juribait

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I cannot belive that I take so much time to decide read this fanfic, she is EXCELENT!!!!  :shocked
I loved, is simple, but cute and good!!!! please mo-chan update soon, I can't wait for the next chapters  :panic:

Offline mo-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #84 on: August 12, 2012, 03:31:19 PM »
haaaaai mo-chan deeesu!! I'm here for a new chapter  :on grad:

so I wanted to upload the chapter faster  :hee:

Chapter 12 : I had fun

“ Rena-chan where are we going ? “ Jurina asked

“ wait and you will know  “ Rena said and continue walking holding  hands

“ ano… Rena-chan?”


“ are we going to walk more ? I feel tried “

“ as I think you are in the athletic club this kind of think wont made tired” Rena said laughing

“ but it’s not running and I was in a festival I run so much today “ Jurina complained

“ hai hai Jurina we’re almost arrived “ Rena said calming Jurina

“ Jurina?”

“ yes Jurina iit’s not ok?  “ Rena said and smiled to Jurina

“ no no I’m ok with it “ Jurina said blushing and smiled back

After along way walking finally they stopped

“ amusement park? “ Jurina said

“ Yes there is nothing better than going to an amusement park to have fun it’s what my father said “ Rena said smiling to Jurina

“ your father takes to the amusement park when I feel guilty or sad “ Rena answered
“ you’re lucky~” Jurina said

“ my parents never took me to a place like this “

“ what!? Really!! Don’t tell it’s your first time “ Rena shocked

“ yes “ Jurina said sadly

“ It’s ok now we are here to have fun ! let’s go! “  Rena said and take Jurina’s hand and dragged her into the amusement park .

In the amusement park everyone laughs and enjoys the games. They are kids and parents running after them.

“ poor those parents “ Rena said laughing

“ yes you’re right “ Jurina said laughing

“ ne ne Rena-chan let’s go there !” Jurina said and take Rena’s arm ( Rena blush)

“ where ? “

“ to that cars “

“ ah you mean Bumper car ok let’s go” Rena said

The game start . Rena presses the pedal of her car and hit Jurina’s one  from behind.

“ ouch! Rena-chan you’re so mean you can’t do it “ Jurina complained

“ hehe it’s the game fight or you will lose “ Rena said laughing

“ It wont be easy to win to me Rena-chan “ Jurina said prode and hit Rena’s car  and laugh

“  It’s your first time  we will see . War starts ! “

*end of game*

“aah~ I liked it so much “

“ say you liked how I win to you  Rena-chan “ Jurina said laughing

“ I didn’t know that you were good  next time I will not lower my guard” Rena said laughing too

Jurina and Rena walked next each other. But The environments was very crowded.

They had a lot of people that made Jurina separate from Rena and moves away from her.

“ Rena-chan where are “  Jurina said

“ I’m here Jurina”

“I can’t see you”

Suddenly a hand grabbed Jurina’s one .

“ There are a lot of people here it’s normal it’s Sunday today and all families come with their children “

“ yes I see “

“ I think we had to hold hand not to lost “ Rena smiled to Jurina

Jurina nodded and smiled back ( the two are blushing)

“ hey hey dear couple come here and play this game” a seller said

“eh you’re talking about us ? “ Jurina asked

“ yeah come here play take this carbine if you hit only you of this 5 balls you can have a prise and you can give it to your girlfriend” the man said

“ m-me girlfriend”  Rena said blushing

“ yes of course who is else is here with this handsome guy there are only a beautiful princess like you “ the man said smiling

“ B-but we’re no-“

“ I want to play it we have a prise It’s interesting ! “

“ be careful use your balls carefully you have only 5 balls “

“ don’t worry mister I’m a pro! “ Jurina said

“ a pro ? “ After Rena saying Jurina hit all the balls only in a one round

“You’re amazing boy you didn’t even concentrate”

“ wow sugoi Jurina you’re so good “ Rena said clapping

“ here is your prise a big  teddy bear”

“ here is for you Rena-chan !” Jurina said and winked to Rena

“ Kawaii Arigato Jurina “ Rena said and hugged Jurina

“ iina to be youth is beautiful” the man said

“ we look a good couple right mister “ Jurina said

“ J-Jurina stop it “ Rena said blushing like a crazy

“ sorry sorry let’s go play other thing”  Jurina grabbed Rena’s hand and start running with her

“ I was to go there!!!” Rena said exited

“ no no Rena-chan not the house of frights” Jurina said

“ What you’re scared ?” Rena said laughing

“ no no I’m not” Jurina said

“ ok then let’s go” ! Rena said and they enter the house

 Jurina took Rena's arm..

“what? Jurina didn’t you say that you’re not scared!” Rena said laughing
“ I'm not scared..I'm just cold! Jurina answered

“WRAAAAAAAAA”  a man covered of blood shouted

“AAAHHHHHHH...!” Jurina shouted and presses Rena's arm

“ It’s just a man with a zombie costume! Rena said laughing

“It's not funny Rena-chan! Jurina said

“ AWOOOOUUUU!!” a sound of a werewolf lanced

“Ahhhhhh!” Jurina shouted again pressing Rena's arm harder

“ ouch! It’s my arm Jurina” Rena said

“ Let’s go out Rena-chan it’s really scary I can’t stay I hate dark!!“ Jurina said

“ ok ok we’re almost finished I’m here I wont go I’m with you“ Rena  said

“ Finally we’re out I thought that we will stay eternally there” Jurina said

“ If ones from school see how they handsome and cool is acting you looked like a puppy grabbed on my arm “ Rena said laughing

“ stop it Rena-chan you’re so mean!!” Jurina said and made a face of puppy

“ sorry sorry I’m only joking “ Rena said laughing and Jurina laughed

“ ah wait Rena-chan I’m coming back “ Jurina said and go

“ wait Jurina where are you going??”  Rena shouted

After 7 min Jurina came back with two ice cream cones

“ here is one for Rena-chan “ Jurina said gave Rena ice cream and smiled to her

“ thank you Jurina “ Rena said and smiled back

“but you shouldn’t leave me like that I was worried that you get lost” Rena said worried

“ It’s ok Rena I’m ok and nothing will happen if I will do it again” Jurina said smiling

“ but I’m your personal maid and I have to take care of you “ Rena said

“ Rena-chan forget now about your job we’re here to have fun right? “ Jurina said

Rena nodded

“ okey then forget about it now I’m Jurina and you’re Rena-chan my best friend” Jurina said smiling

Rena smiled back but inside her she wanted to be more then best friends with Jurina .

“ then where should we go? “ Rena wonder

“ I was to go there “ Jurina said and point to a small cabin

“ purikura? “

Jurina nodded

“ but we can do it an other time there are more other interesting games”  Rena said

“ I want to pictures with Rena-chan “ Jurina said blushed “ why I’m blushing…” Jurina thinking

“o-okey” Rena nodded and blushed

*Inside the cabin*

“ get ready Jurina it will start “

“ don’t you thing it’s a little cabin how can we fit in “ after saying it Jurina stumbled and felt something soft on her lips . It was Rena’s lips

Jurina broke the kiss and got up fast from Rena’s arms

“ I-I’m sorry Rena-chan “ Jurina said her head down

“ I-It’s ok “ Rena replayed

The two were blushing so hard like a tomato

“ my second kiss with Jurina but it’s an accident again” Rena thinking

“ why my heart ! my heart pounding like a crazy  what is this feelings?? I never felt before “  Jurina’s thinking

“ Jurina!”

Jurina didn’t answer

“ Jurina”

Jurina was thinking about those strange feelings

“ JURINA!!” Rena shouted

“ YES”  Jurina yelled

“ where were you “ Rena said

“ ah sorry I was lost in my thinking” Jurina said blushed

 “what did you say? “ Jurina added

“ I said you want to stay more ? “ Rena asked

“ of course I want to get a ride on a game “ Jurina said

“ where? “

“ this one!” Jurina said exited

“ no no no not the roller coaster” Rena said scared

“ what scared? “ Jurina said teasing Rena

“ no I’m not I think only it’s dangerous “ Rena said

<< behind the wagon >>

“ it’s our turn Rena-chan let’s get on “ Jurina said and grabbed Rena’s arm and they sit

“ It’s not a good idea Jurina I think we have to go  “ Rena said

“ no we can’t it’s about to start” Jurina said laughing

<<< they start moving >>

“Wooo hooo start now!” Jurina shouts

 “ nooo I don’t want to die!!” Rena screamed

“ It’s ok Rena-chaaaaan” Jurina said take Rena’s hand Rena blushed

“ If you will die then will die together “ Jurina said laughing

“ don’t say it KYYAAAAAAAAAA!!”  the wagon go dawn

“ yeeeehyyy!! Wooohouuuu!! “ Jurina shouted laughing

“ don’t let my hand KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Rena shouted again

“ don’t worryyyyy!!” Jurina yelled and hold Rena’s hand tighter

<< the game ends >>

“ I feel dizzy” Rena said and put her hand on her head

“ you screamed a lot Rena-chan who is the puppy now Rena-chan “ Jurina said try teasing Rena

“ It’s a dangerous game and I feel not good now” Rena said

“ here to forgive me “ Jurina kissed Rena’s cheek 

“ eh!?” Rena blushed

“ what you don’t like it?” Jurina asked worried

“ no no it’s not it but you said the last time that you save your kisses for Takayanagi-san “ Rena said confused

“ mmm I know I said it but I changed my mind now “ Jurina said

“ why ?“

“ because Rena-chan you’re special and thanks to you Rena-chan I had fun today playing with you  “ Jurina said and smiled to Rena

“ no no I should thank you too I had fun too “ Rena said blushed

“ and I’m sorry”

“ about what?”

“ about yesterday I was mean with you and it wasn’t Rena-chan’s fault “

“ It’s ok nothing happened “ Rena said and smiled to Jurina

“ I think it’s getting late now we should back home” Jurina said and extended her hand to Rena

“ yes let’s go home” Rena said and take Jurina’s hand

@miyumi : yes it's all Churi's fault  :angry1: what I'm saying it's me the writer  :on ksweat:
@Jori : don't worry Jori-san I'll make sure that these chpater I'll make Churi stay aways from Jun/Jurina  :kekeke:
@ChuuuPuffss : you got it Chuu-san  :glasses:
@kurogumi : who know what will happen after kurogumi-san  :bigdeal:
@Juribait : wow I was waiting for you to read my fic I'm happy you liked it  :hee:

I hope you liked the chapter  :byebye:
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 08:12:32 PM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #85 on: August 12, 2012, 03:45:07 PM »
Wah this chapter was so cute!  :luvluv1:

Jurina and Rena's date was just too adorable! :luvluv2:

I'm glad they had fun. Oh and they kissed. Hooray!  :on lol:

Please update soon!  :hee:

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #86 on: August 12, 2012, 03:59:20 PM »
Waaaaaaah ~ I knew it ! WMatsui moment is too adorable !  :nya:
Jurina, Rena wants more than a best friend relationship !  :on thumbb:
YAY No Churi on this chapter fufufu  :kekeke:
Nice chapter as always  :on GJ:
BTW, I was shocked on seeing that kissing WMastui pic on Tumblr  :hiakhiakhiak:
I thought it was photshopped  :stoned:
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline Juribait

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #87 on: August 12, 2012, 06:26:42 PM »
Your timing in update this fic after they kiss was perfect  :on GJ:
I loved this chapter, so cute they date  :nya:

Offline Jori

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #88 on: August 13, 2012, 06:57:12 AM »
OMG they kissed again, again! (and not only in your fic  :farofflook:) waaaa i can't :gyaaah: , the next time, Rena should be your girlfriend Jurina i'm just saying  :whistle: Perfect chapter   :luvluv1:

Offline lizzie

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #89 on: August 13, 2012, 07:56:46 AM »
Chapter 11
i feel bad to jun mother...
sorry for jun's lose
and thank you to rena-chan ... she's always there.

Chapter 12
they kissed again  :inlove:
today it's wmatsui day hahaha  :yossi:

update soooooooooooooooooon
 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Offline kurogumi

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #90 on: August 13, 2012, 09:31:00 AM »
After read so into wmatsui world again...(But im always on wmatsui world)

Well ske48 new single...on their perfomance...uuuuh i have nosebleed again..!!

Thank mo-chan for the update...ah...i want more kissing scene!! Wohoo Wmatsui forever!


Offline Aya-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #91 on: August 13, 2012, 07:21:48 PM »
i love ur writing style  :)

its just so cute from mo-chan  :cathappy:

love ur fanfic and love Wmatsui  :heart: :heart: :heart:

keep the hard work   :thumbsup

Offline kurogumi

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #92 on: August 17, 2012, 06:45:32 AM »
*cough*..*cough*...up..*cough*update*cough* where..LOL


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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #93 on: August 17, 2012, 04:42:55 PM »

I was really exited by the news that SKE performed their 10th single Kiss datte Hidarikiki  :on gay:
and then at the end of the song Wmatsui kissed  :shy2: :luvluv1:

aahhhh!!~~ maji???? rena and jurina kissed!!  :luvluv1: :mon lovelaff: :luvluv1: oh God i'm dying due to too much of blood loss  :on bleed: :mon blood: btw mo-chan, u write a very interesting fic! this is awesome!
i love WMatsui so so much!! thank you for writing a great fic and for the awesome picture too!!  :luvluv2: please update soon!!
I love FTM. Nuff said.

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #94 on: August 19, 2012, 10:17:16 AM »
Mo-chan continue please :panic: I'm really curious about the next chapter  :panic: Thank you btw, I'm new here :peace:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #95 on: August 19, 2012, 04:27:31 PM »
The storyline is giving me excitments. . .waiting and stalking here. . .
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #96 on: August 20, 2012, 01:28:12 AM »
minna sorry  :depressed:
 I'll come back with the chapter soon wait a little bite  :ding:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Jori

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 12 : I had fun (Wmatsui)
« Reply #97 on: August 21, 2012, 05:49:23 AM »
Mo-chan :fainted: update soon please  :pleeease:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 13 : Special KumiXKanon
« Reply #98 on: August 21, 2012, 06:57:41 PM »
minna mo-chan ossu!  :on cigar:
I come back with a new chapter I'm sorry for who is waiting to know what is going to happen to Jun/Jurina and Rena you have to wait for the net chapter  :depressed:
this chapter is epiclulz-san's request  :hee:
so here is the chapter dozo  :whistle:

Chapter 13 : Special KumiXKanon

<< Rena’s thinking >>

This school year finished . Several events have happened. I’m happy that we are friends now .

I made an agreement with her that I’ll help her to be with Churi .

I know that I’m stupid . I’m helping the one I love to get the one she loves . Everything I care about is to see Jurina smile.

  If Jurina is happy then I’m happy too .

<< Flashback >>

*in Jurina’s room*

“ what do you want Jurina it’s time I have to-“

“ shhht!” Jurina

“ what!?” Rena asked

“be careful we are at home if Kanon hear you we sure will have problems”

“ aaah sorry Juri- I mean Jun”

“ Rena-chan you said that you will help me you really mean it “ Jurina asked

“ of course but you must fulfill your part of the contract you have to help me in my study don’t forget it “ Rena said

“ I know !” and the two laughed

“ what will we do? “

“You have to pretend that you care about me then her” Rena said

“ does it really have effects I don’t think “ Jurina said

“ yes it has Churi get easily jealous when she see you with you”

“ that’s mean that I have” 

“ a chance “ Rena complete

“ wait for me Churi you will be mine !! “ Jurina said proud

“ thanks Rena-chan~” Jurina said and hugged Rena

“ I-I have to go help Kyoka-san now” Rena said and quickly left the room . she brought out her cell phone.

And she sow under the cache of mobile it was a pic  she smiled a weak smile and murmured “ I had fun me too……”

<< end of flashback >>

You all know what this pic is . you all remember in the amusement park what happened  actually the two of us had this pic . I wonder what Jurina did with this



“ WHAT!” Rena cried surprised

“ I called you several times but you didn’t answer” Kanon said complaining

“ aah sorry “ Rena  laughed

“ what is it keep you thinking so much ? “ Kanon asked

“ Maybe she slept up who knows Kanon “Jun pat on the head of Rena laughing

“ yea you’re right Jun-san!” Kanon laughed

“ stop it you too “ Rena sad with a puppy face and they all laughed

*ring bell*

“ hai hai I’m coming “ kanon said and run to the door


“ Kumi-san you arrived ! come in” Kanon said

“ Kumi-san hello” Rena said

“ ah! Hi Kumi !”

“ hi everybody” Kumi said

“ why you come you didn’t tell me that you’re coming?” Jun asked

“ who said to you that I’m coming to you “ Kumi said laughing

“  for who then? ”

“ me!”

“ Kanon? “ Rena and Jun said at the same time

Kumi nodded

“ from when you two get close “ Rena asked

“ from the first time I saw Kumi when become friends “ Kanon said smiling

“ or more…” kumi murmured

“ what did you say Kumi “ Jun asked

“ n-nothing “ Kumi said

“ then shall we go Kumi-san?” Kanon said and grabbed Kumi’s arm

“ o-of c-course!” Kumi said blushing

“ let’s go !” Kanon said and the two left

“I feel that something is going to produce between those two “ Jun said

“ Jurina what do you mean? “ Rena asked
Jurina took Rena’s head and put it under her arm and said “ mou Rena-chan didn’t I say to you to watch out didn’t I say to you to be care ful at home “

“ but Kanon is no more at home “ Rena said

“ aaah yes I forget “ Jurina said and hit her head

“ I’m not the only one as I see you can be discreet you too Jurina “ Rena said and laughed

“ but I don’t sleep like you all the time “ Jurina said and laughed


“ where should we go then? ” Kanon asked

“ as you like “

“ but you are the one who said that you wanted us to go out “ Kanon said

“ yes hehe but I didn’t think where should we go I only wanted to be with you “ Kumi said and laughed

“ you are weird Kumi-san “ Kanon said and blushed

“ then Kanon-chan where do you want to go “

“ mmm let’s do some shopping “ Kanon said

Kanon thinking:

Why my heat poud so fast when she said it

When I’m with Kumi-san I feel I’m always in security

When I’m with Kumi-san I always had fun .

She always act really weird and it’s like what I like about her 

What I like you her?

Sure I like her Kumi-san is my friend.

But why she always made my heart pound like a crazy

What I’m talking about ?

I really can’t understand myself

What is this feeling ?

Should I ask Onee-chan?


Kanon kept watching Kumi’s face and Kumi was busy watching clothes .

Kumi thinking :

“Stop watching me like that

I can’t hold myself

I really want to take you in my arms

Hug you strong .

I don’t want to let you go .

I want to spend all the day with you

Ony the two of us

No one will brother us

You are always cute as ever

I want you to be mine

I want to kiss you small lips

I’m so scary that you will reject me like Churi did to Jun

I really don’t have to courage to say it to you

I don’t want to loose our friendship

I don’t want to loose you

I love you Kanon-chan”

“Kumi-san let’s go eat some crepe “ Kanon suggested

“ okey let me buy it wait here “ Kumi said and to get it

Crepes came

“ yey Thanks Kumi-san “ Kanon took her strawberry crepe happily

Kumi watched Kanon eating her crepe

When they finished eating

“ Kanon-chan you have some on your cheek cream crepe” 

“ where ? “ Kanon asked and wiped it with her hand

“ no no not there “

“ here ?”

“ let me do it for you “ Kumi said and licked the creem on Kanon’s cheek

Kanon shocked she was blushing like a crazy . She was so shocked that she couldn’t talk or move.

“ L-let’s go t-to the k-karaoke I-I think we w-will have f-fun “ Kumi said nervous her face was red

“ Y-yes l-let’s g-go “ Kanon replayed nervous

<< karaoke >>

Kanon thinking :

“Stupid stupi stupid stupid stupid

Why did I do that

She will think I’m a weird girl

What should I do if she stop hanging out with me

No no it will be ok

Nothing happened nothing happened”

“ what do you want to should to sing Kumi-san? “

“ choose you first “

“ you want to sing with me Aishite love ru I love this song”

“ okey sounds fun” Kumi said and laughed

Kumi and Kanon sang many songs . They danced and sang . they had great time

 “Aozora kataomoi

Boku wa kimi no sora ni naritai

Mimamotteiru koto Kizukanakute ii yo ” Kumi singing  ♩♪♫♫

Beep beep beep

“Aozora kataomoi Mi- ”

“ ooh no continue I like it when you sing it “ Kanon said

“ sorry Kanon-chan it’s my mother calling me I have to call her she called me many times “ Kumi said and leaves the room

“ moshi moshi Oka-san “

“ aah Kumi-chan “

“ you forget Oka-san why you don’ call me lately you don’t love me anymore“

“ it’s not like that Oka-san I’m only busy “

“ how busy you even didn’t want to come back home you are in holiday “

“ School is coming and I’ll become a senior Oka-san“

“ mmm tell me the truth you get a boyfriend right!”

“ Oka-san! Stop talking nonsence “

“ Hai Hai I want to talk to you about………” ( I wont make you all bored with Kumi’s mother stories let only kumi get bored )

After 30 min

“ why always she take so much time talking on phone I know that I leave alone
 but and she is worried about me but still I why she call me at this time when I’m with Kanon-chan “ Kumi thinking and she saw the in her mobile

“ what 30 min talking to me!? Kanon-chan did she left “ Kumi run where is Kanon she find Kanon sleeping peacefully on the sofa .

Kumi thinking :

“Kanon-chan you’re tired

I’m sorry I kept you waiting .

You waited for me until you sleep

You look so cute when you are sleeping

I want to kiss them

I want your lips”

Kumi approaches the face of Kanon. She could feel Kanon’s breath . Kumi didn’t want to do it but her heart was asking her .

Her heart wanted it desperately. Kanon was so cute thet Kumi followed her heart and kissed the young .

Kanon was already awake but she pretending .
I hope you like it mata ne  :byebye:
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 10:10:00 PM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 13 : Special KumiXKanon
« Reply #99 on: August 21, 2012, 07:18:21 PM »
KumiXkanon was soo fast! LOL love it
More fast than JunXRena..beside Kuni already notice her feeling toward kanon, not like Jun notice his feelin toward rena...
Man jun,why you still want churi?? Poor rena, but fighting! Its about time until jun fall for you

Arigatou Mo-chan! Hehe


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