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Author Topic: The Hardships of love - chapter 7 (AtsuMina) 28/5/2014  (Read 22928 times)

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) HELP! NOT A UPDATE 16/2/13
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2013, 05:50:36 PM »
when will turn hate to love  :P

i love your fic please update soon  :bow:
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Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) HELP! NOT A UPDATE 16/2/13
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2013, 07:16:13 PM »
Hardships of love
chapter 4

Maeda's pov

Detention I can't believe i'm stuck in detention because of a small stupid idiot! God I hate my life! And if things cant get any worse not only is she here so is her annoying friend Oshima Yuko. Tomochin and Tomomi are here but that doesnt make things any better as it seems the pair are in their own little lovey dovey disgusting world. It makes me want to puke my pure eyes have to put up with that crap everyday but I suppose I have got to be happy for them considering it took them forever to finally become a couple. I sighed and put my head on my desk using my arms as pillows so that I could use the detention time to sleep rather than to argue or watch the ever so annoying couple moments between my two best friends. Before I even had a chance to shut my eyes something hit my head. I shot my head up from my arms and looked around the room to see that stupid idiot Takahashi Minami with a straw and pieces of small scrunched up paper laying on her desk. She had a huge grin on her face and looked like she was trying to hold her laughter in that is until she couldn't any longer and started to chuckle.

I glared at her making her freeze. Maeda Atsuko you have still got it. I smirked and decided to get some payback. I opened the top of my desk and started to look for my ruler and rubber. It didnt take long for me to find them and with the top of my desk up Takahashi-san had no chance to fire a spit ball at me and actually hit me. I closed the desk then started to rip off bits of my rubber. Takahashi-san obviously oblivious to what I was doing as she looked at my confused. I placed half of my ruler on the desk and placed a small bit of the rubber on that bit that wasnt on the desk. I pressed the ruler back then let go letting the rubber fly through the air and hit Takahashi-san directly on the head. Then did the same only this time missing the target and hitting Oshima Yuko.

The latter jumped up from her desk which was next to Takahashi-san's and charged towards me. Then before she reacher me Tomochin quickly stood in her way the pushed her back. "Don't even try it while i'm here." She said giving oshima-san a death glare. HellTomo activated thank God i'm not on her bad side. I tore my eyes away from Oshima-san and Tomochin and looked at Takahashi-san who seemed to be in a daze for reasons unknown. I replicated my actions from earlier and once again hit her head sucssessfully snapping her out of her daze. "What the hell smurf!" I chuckled then replied "What I just wanted to take that stupid look from your face it was distracting and you should really keep your dog on a leash don't want her hurt especially since HellTomo has been activated and Tomomi looks like she doesnt want to stop it any time soon." detecting a glare coming from Oshima-san's direction I turned my head to face her. "You have a problem?" I asked trying to sound like I cared.

She just growled proving my point about her being a dog. Tomochin shook her head and took Oshima-san by her collar lifting her off the ground. Tomomi took this as a sign to get up from her desk and control her girlfriend. "Tomo~~~chin stop you promised no more fighting so stop." Ordered Tomomi softly walking over to Tomochin and rubbing her soothingly. Tomochin's soon calmed down and her let her grip on Oshima-san's collar soften until she finally let go.

"Yuko calm down or Vic will get mad." Takahashi-san's said her voice slightly raised as if she was trying to calm herself down. Oshima-san huffed and went back to her desk. "You are seriously like her trainer or something." I remarked trying to make Takahashi-san angry because I need some entertainment. I spotted her fist starting to clench and her left foot starting to tap in anger. I smirked inwardly knowing I was getting my way. " Aww why so silent stupidity got your tongue?" I asked. Just as she was about to say something back the classroom door slid open and the new teacher came in yawning. "Yuko Tomomi you can leave and so can you Tomochin your parents called saying they need you home." With that the teacher left the room not even looking back. I shot Tomochin a confused glance and all she did in reply was wave her phone at me. I shook my head then something clicked and it seemed the midget clicked on to the same thing to. "Hell no i'm not being in the same room as you alone its bad enough I have to be in the same room as you with other people!" We screamed in unison. "Wow that teacher seriously is new if she is letting you guys stay in the same room together." Said Tomochin taking Tomomi's hand in hers leaving the room saying "See you later that is if your still alive." the two of them could have at least stayed with me!

"Sorry Takamini I have to go as well me and Nyan Nyan have a date planed cya." Oshima-san said taking her things in her hands and running out of the room leaving a angry Takahashi -san behind. The air in the room became tense and uneasy. We just glared at each other our eyes not leaving each others just incase the other trys something. "This is all your fault." We both accused "Stop copying me!" we both shouted once again at the same time. "I hate you." We both said. Furious with her saying everything I was I stood up and walked towards her in return she stood up and walked towards me until we were face to face well not exactly face to face considering how small she is I was facing the air while she was looking up at me in the middle of the empty classroom.

"Enjoy what your looking at?" I questioned with a teasing tone is my voice. I looked down so that I could look her in the eyes. "I would you have an ironing board as a chest so nope." she insulted emphasizing of the p. "Oh and your one to talk flat chest and your so small I feel like I have to use binoculars just to look at you." I retorted. She smiled then said "Thats okay say what you want however Statistically speaking, tall people die younger than short people. I already feel better, knowing I have that to look forward to."

"I guess as long as I dont get to see your face anymore I can count that as bonus."

"What so you want to go to hell?"

"Who said I was going to hell I mean surely i'm already there if your here."

"I'm sorry can you repeat that my brain cant process shit."

Before our little argument could go any further the classroom door once again slid open this time revealing the music teacher Miss Heo (A/N: Exid's Solji) "Do you ever stop arguing?" She asked calmly. "The midget started it." I answered taking my sight from the giant to look at Miss Heo. "Thats it I have been discussing this for a while with the head and this argument just sealed the deal the both of you are going into the schools couple therapy together."

TBC >>>>>>>>>>

A/N: So yer I just remembered about this fic recently I have been more concered with my soosica ver rather than this one so for that I am sorry espically since the Soosica one is now 3 and almost 4 chaps ahead of this one. Im sorry guys thanks for reading hope you liked it.

@Arrow27: Well I might just leave the teacher as said lol since I cant remember who to put in however the therapy person they will see will be someone we all know lol and i'm glad they have a back up to but as you can see that did not alot of good in this chap lol but thank god for miss Heo =) And yer Takamini loves her food lol

@Cisda83: Glad you like it and the hole falling in love might be hard for them but then with whats happing with their familes they might not even notice it

@Kahem: Lol yer Saeyaka have a lil boy lol and yer they dont mess around lol

@Adam: The fact u have read this all ready lol

@Haruko: Thanks for reading and commenting I am glad u like the fic

@Elo: Sorry u had to wait long but here is the update lol hope it was worth waiting for =)

Offline farquhar97

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 4 UPDATED 8/3/13
« Reply #42 on: March 08, 2013, 07:27:34 PM »
Hahaha yeah ive read this already but its so good it deserves a second read lol and i like the ironing bored tease lol and umm them two in therapy together that can't be a good thing ? Update soon please Robyn and btw good luck next week :)

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 4 UPDATED 8/3/13
« Reply #43 on: March 08, 2013, 10:21:50 PM »
Thanks for the update :D Great chapter as always ^^ Enjoyed reading it! Haha couples therapy, I wonder how that'll work out for them :D Looking forward to the next chapter! :)

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 4 UPDATED 8/3/13
« Reply #44 on: March 09, 2013, 12:10:50 AM »
hahaha..this is fun..please continue...
too bad that i have examination tomorrow for a whole week...gotta stop reading fanfic for a week.. :(
jaa ne... :hand:

Offline Elo

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 4 UPDATED 8/3/13
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2013, 01:08:40 AM »
yep it is worth it  :w00t: :P

i hope they will like each other soon  :D :P

and why dont takamina and yuko fight back ma ma please update soon  :bow:
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Offline kahem

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 4 UPDATED 8/3/13
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2013, 01:41:35 AM »
lol school couple therapy hahaha!!!!

Offline Haruko

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 4 UPDATED 8/3/13
« Reply #47 on: March 09, 2013, 03:56:40 AM »
of course i llike atsumina fighting is awesome :B

Offline cisda83

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 4 UPDATED 8/3/13
« Reply #48 on: March 09, 2013, 11:09:02 AM »
As usual.... Takamina and Atsuko are arguing with each other, they are so not close to each other...

They can't stand each other....

What's going to happen to make them like each other?

I can't wait to find out how the story going to develop

Thank you for the lovely update

 :heart: :love: :inlove: :wub:

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 4 UPDATED 8/3/13
« Reply #49 on: March 09, 2013, 09:50:45 PM »
Hardships of love
chapter 5

No ones pov

"COUPLES THERAPY!" The pair shouted. Their eyes widening in the process. "Yes couples therapy lower your voices or I will give you both detention for a week." Said Miss Heo shaking her head at the pair in front of her. "There is no way I'm going to go to couple therapy with this thing." Complained Atsuko with a look of disgust. "The so called thing has a name stick and that beautiful name is Takahashi Minami remember that." Retorted Takamina glaring at Atsuko who looked like she was ready to rip Takamina's eyes from their sockets.

"And the two of you have just proved my point of why you need it congratulations dummies your therapy will start tomorrow after school with the school's therapist Miss Ono no ditching because if you do you will be suspended simple okay?" Explained Miss Heo earning a nod from each of the two annoyed girls. "And here I thought you were the nice teacher." Said Takamina crossing her arms. "Oh I am be thankful it wasn't Miss Park that found you otherwise instead of therapy you would have been suspended here and now anyway you are both dismissed go home or whatever." Replied Miss Heo waving her hand as she walked out of the room. Atsuko didn't have to be told twice she quickly gathered her things and left the class that is before remembering to bump into Takamina on the way out.

Takamina growled under her breath and started to place all her things in her designer bag that she had gotten off her parents for her birthday and left the class room.

Takamina's pov

Couples therapy are you kidding me. I have to spend time with that freak of nature. May God strike me down where I stand what did I do to get tortured like this. Is it because I refused to not take over the company? Is this my karma? God I hope not I now Karma bites like a bitch but this is over the top. Leaving the school I turned right the opposite way of from which I usually go thinking back to this morning I don't really want to go home. I scratched my head and decided to go to the arcade since its the only place that I can think of that might calm me down.

Arriving at the arcade I saw that there was a huge crowd gathered around it all looking memorized at what was before them. Curious I walked forward and pushed people out of my way so that I could get to the front of the crowd. People around began chanting as the specimen before me started to beat the high score on the dance game. Which also happened to be my high score which was also before I beat it Yuko's. I only won because I managed to get Koji to distract her go me. Brown blackish hair bounced up and down to the beat of the song and the sound of the girls breathing could be heard. "NEW HIGH SCORE!" Screamed the game causing the crowd to cheer in response. Impressed I decided to speak to the now tired girl. "Amazing you beat my highscore." I complimented "Thanks can you believe its my first time playing it." Spoke the girl turning around to face me ........ OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME ITS MAEDA ATSUKO!

The smile that was on her face was short lived because as soon as she seen me her face dropped into a ugly frown. "Are you stalking me midget?" She questioned obviously not liking my presence. "Explain why I would want to stalk something as ugly as you." I answered the crowd that was once cheering was now silent and listening into out little exchange of insults. "Isn't it obvious why would stalk me I'm every ones dream girl while you well your you." She responded looking me up and down. "Your a arse no wonder your parents don't spend time with you." I said and she looked like a kicked puppy.

Not feeling any sympathy for anything I said I continued "Your parents obviously love your sister more considering they went to all her plays and everything while they went to maybe one of yours how does it feel to be lonely?" I asked. She didn't say a word instead she let her hand do the talking.Her hand came flying towards my face landing firmly on my face with a loud noise behind it. "Don't ever mention my family again you stupid midge you should just die!" She snapped however she found her shoes more amusing to her as she kept looking at them. Suddenly small droplets of tears started to hit the ground forming a small puddle. She didn't want me to see her tears ......

"You jerk look what you did!"

"How dare you make that girl cry!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself!"

"Say sorry!"

The crowd shouted. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt no guilt no anything its like after all these years I've become immune to her feelings that I don't feel anything when we argue its like I'm numb. Maeda didn't even look up to face me and I wasn't even able to hear her sobs all I could see was her tears crash to the ground and look at clenched fists that looked as if they were trying to stop herself from hitting me again. Then she began shouting again. "Just go away I hate you more than I've ever hated you just die get out of my sight!" She cried though it seemed that she was begging slightly.

"Whatever see you tomorrow stick."

And with that I turned around and once again pushed through the angry this time having to escape from peoples death grips that managed to clasp on to my body every now and then. God they don't even no the girl weren't they listening to the argument she started its not my fault she cant handle the truth.

What a baby....

Atsuko's pov

I cant believe she mentioned my sister ..... my parents!

Who gave that stupid ugly giant the right to talk about them!

"Excuse me miss are you okay?" Asked a calm voice. I looked up from the tear soiled ground to be met with a face of a handsome male. My hearts pace increased and I felt stunned tears that threatened to fall didn't. "Y-y-yer." I answered wiping away any left over tears. "You shouldn't do that use this." He said passing me a handkerchief. Hesitantly I took it from him and started to wipe my face. I thanked him and which in reply her just smiled. "No one as pretty as you should cry by the way I'm Donghae." He introduced himself showing a charming smile. "I'm Atsuko." I said leaving out my last name so he wouldn't find out who I was. "Atsuko-san let me walk you home a beautiful lady like you shouldn't be walking home when feeling the way you do." He requested. I agreed and told him a road that was my sisters girlfriends road and house number. "28 Sone road." I said. He smiled then took my hand making me blush but I didnt refuse.

Arriving infront of the house I thanked him once again and told him that he should leave but he refused and said "No I want to see you to your front door and see you go inside the house so I know your safe and Atsuko-san maybe we could do something sometime." He said looking down shyly. "Yer sure Donghae-san I would love to here is my number." I said taking a pen from my blazer pocket and jotting down my number on his hand. I turned around then knocked on the door to the house with Donghae looking at me confused and I mouthed to him that I had forgotten my keys. He chuckled then the door opened. "What are you doing here sis?" Asked my sister who just had to open the door at least her girlfriend would have gave me a chance to speak. Quickly I pushed her inside and muttered a quick goodbye to Donghae.

"Yah what the hell!"

"Shut up Rena!"

"Why are you even here?!"

"Because I am get over it!"

Rena shot me a dirty look and thrown her hands up in the air in defeat. she signaled for me to go to inside the front room with her. I walked inside to see a sleeping Jurina holding onto the the teddy bear Rena got her for her 5th birthday. "Your here while she is sleeping?" I asked. She nodded and said "She has been off ill for a week and she wouldn't let me visit until now since her parents just went out of town plus she wouldn't let me come saying she was was to ill." I laughed and sat down on the floor with Rena sitting by my side taking Jurina's hand in hers as she did so.

I wonder if I can have love like this someday ..

TBC <<<<>>>>

Thank you everyone for the comments I hope this update and the last one was enough for your forgivness since I didnt update for a while

Oh I need u guys to imagen that Jurina is like a year younger than Rena lol

@Adam: Thanks good luck to you aswell

@Arrow27: I am happy that it is good lol thanks and well it will work good for them i hope

@No-chan: I hope you do good at your exams and you are unlucky that you cant read for a week so I will update alot so you have things to look forward to

@Elo: They dont fight because they dont want to loose their tempers lol dont worry tho because I will show one of those consquences about them loosing their tempers later on

@Kahem: Yup look foward to it lol

@Haruko: Your right its odd to see them argue in fics tho considering how close they are in real life lol

@Cisda83: I am sure you can make a sort of gusse about how they will end up liking eachother lol and yer they really dont get along they are like fire an ice

Offline farquhar97

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 5 UPDATED 9/3/13
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2013, 10:00:52 PM »
That was mean what she said in the arcade I hope they can sort it out and her sister didn't look to pleased to see her lol update soon

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 5 UPDATED 9/3/13
« Reply #51 on: March 09, 2013, 10:23:18 PM »
Thanks for the update!Wow, that scene at the arcade was intense. Hopefully they can work things out! They did technically get along for a split second at the arcade when they didnt know they were talking to eachother :P that shows potential! :D

Atsuko has it tough with her fam it seems.

looking forward to ur next update, thanks again :D oh, & miss heo is an interesting kind of teacher lol

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 5 UPDATED 9/3/13
« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2013, 02:36:14 AM »
This chapter made me cry a little bit T_T

Offline cisda83

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 5 UPDATED 9/3/13
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2013, 04:37:00 AM »
hahaha couple therapy.... it's going to be funny session  :lol:

Ah... Minami is kind of a jerk there....

Saying all those hurtful words.... making Atsuko cried

Ah... is there going to be love relationship with Atsuko and Donghae...?

How is the couple therapy is going to proceeded now that Minami was being a jerk the day before?

I can't wait to find out what's going to happen to Atsuko and Minami....

How they are going to be together?

Thank you for the lovely update

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

Offline Elo

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 5 UPDATED 9/3/13
« Reply #54 on: May 07, 2013, 01:33:51 PM »
then show me hehe update

hohooo rena is here it is getting interesting update
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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 5 UPDATED 9/3/13
« Reply #55 on: July 12, 2013, 03:35:59 PM »

Please u.u'

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 5 UPDATED 9/3/13
« Reply #56 on: July 12, 2013, 05:06:00 PM »
Hardships of love
chapter 6

Takamina's pov

When I got home the first thing that I was met with was the sound of my parents screaming at one another which was pretty rare. Silently I crept up the steps wanting to avoid getting involved in the argument. I went inside my room and dropped my things on to the floor then dropped on my bed. Why do I feel guilty? That is not important now anyway I am more concerned about why my parents are arguing yes I avoided getting involved but I still want to know.

And well its seems curiosity has took over me because as of now I'm stepping down the stairs quietly until I got to the final step where I sat down and let the screams and shouts into my awaiting ears.








Then it turned into slight whispers that my ears were finding hard to catch.

"W-wait what?"

"They wont my mother is dying you know that yours is in a home do you remember little Jurina well her mother and father have lost their jobs and had to tell her they will be out of town while she doesn't know they are looking for jobs this family needs our income or we wont survive Minami needs to take over because we are getting to old."


"Come here."

My body froze. I was being selfish if I don't take over the company my family wont survive I have to do the right thing and forget my dream I will look after my family. I could feel tears about to roll down my face quickly I wiped them away and stood up. Okay Minami it's time to forget about your selfish dream and do what is right to protect this family. I slowly breathed in and out calming myself down before I faced my parents. I stepped down from the last steps and went to the living room as that was most likely where the couple was. "Mommy mama (A/N: Mommy is Mariko and mum is Miichan) I want to take over the company." I stated walking inside and the pair released from their hug and looked at me in surprise. "Minami when did you-" "I came in a little while ago is it true about Jurina's Mama and Papa?" I asked the pair then nodded their heads. "Then that settles it I will take over the family company." I announced faking a smile. "You don't want to be a nurse anymore?" Mommy asked with a look of sympathy in her eyes. "That was my fake dream I just want to look after the family company." I lied looking Mommy in the eyes. Obviously not noticing that I was lying she smiled at me and pulled me in to a hug. Slowly I wrapped my arms around her tall body and rested my head on top of her shoulders since I was smaller and caught my mum's eye. "Thankyou." She mouthed.

I just let out a small smile which practically told her it was okay then she joined the hug.

Looks like my dream will have to be put on hold my family is more important.

Next day after school couple therapy

So little miss perfect is late for after school therapy. While I am sitting here with the councilor Mr Kwon waiting for her stupid arse. Tik tik tik minutes and seconds went by I have no idea how many had passed when the door finally opened raveling a very tired looking Jessica. "Okay Maeda-san please site down next to Takahashi-san since you have finally arrived and then I will begin to explain things to the both of you." Maeda shot me one of her famous glares and sat down beside me that is not before she moved her seat away. I rolled my eyes and waited for Mr Kown to explain. "Okay now that you are both here I am Mr Kown but just call me GD the two of you are here because you lack respect for each other and you hate each other you have no choice but to come here or you will be suspended unless you are ill then you are obviously excused now the first thing I want the two of you to do is introduce yourselves and tell me one thing about you." He explained grinning at the end. He pointed at Maeda to introduce herself first. "I'm Meada Atsuko daughter of the owners of Mayuki corp and I hate this stupid midget." She said. GD gulped a little when hearing who her parents were. I chuckled and introduced myself "I'm Takahashi Minami daughter of the owners of MariMii corp and this giant who I hate only hates me because I am small and sexy well I am the entire package." I bragged.

I could see another gulp come from GD as he who my parents were. I force myself not to giggle then awaited for him to speak. "O-o-okay then Maeda-san can you please name three things you like and dislike about Takahashi-san." He requested looking a bit scared. "She only cares about food she is stupid she is ugly she never thinks before she speaks she never stops eating she acts like a five year old an-" GD interrupted her before she could say anything else and said "I thought I asked you to name three good and bad things." Maeda tilted her head to the left then replied "I could only think of bad things she doesn't have anything good about her." she then turned her head to face me and stuck her tongue out at me. "Takahsahi-san can you please do as the same as I asked Maeda but actually name three good things." I nodded then began "She is ignorant thinks she is better than everyone else and she thinks she can tell people what to do the things I like about her are ...... erm I cant think of any but my list of things I dislike can go on and on and on." he shook his head at me. "You are both hopless." He muttered pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Now why don't we see if you guys have anything in common okay I'm going to ask you guys some questions and both of you answer at the same time okay?" The two of us looked at him rolling our eyes hinting that we didn't want to do this but he didn't get the hint since he started asking the damn questions. "Okay so things you hate?"



"O-okay erm food you dislike."



"You guys arnt food."

"Well we can be eaten by sharks right so we are food so the thing I dislike that is food is Maeda."

"And I dislike Takahashi."

"Aish okay things you like."

"Things that arnt Maeda or her friends."

"Things that arnt Takahashi or her friends."

GD looked as if he was about to scream that was until a light bulb lit up in his head. He clicked his fingers and jumped up from his seat landing firmly on his feet screaming "I've got it I've got it!" I just looked at him unfazed by this since I was use to it because of my cousin Jurina. "What have you got?" Inquired Maeda clearly not impressed by GD's little jumping kid like faze. "Takahashi you will walk home Maeda tonight and Maeda will walk you home tomorrow and you cant refuse or you will be suspended." He answered smiling proudly to himself.


"I am not walking that thing home!" Myself and Maeda exclaimed jumping from our seats. "Isnt it worse enough we have to do this and see each other everyday?" I asked. GD laughed and shook his head not wanting to hear what I had to say. "Come on please I don't want to go to prison for killing her I'm 18 please I'm begging and a Meada never begs." She begged getting down to her knees. GD just shook his head once again then said "Okay you can leave now Minami take her home." I sighed and took Maeda's hand in mine dragging her up from the floor and pushed her towards the door. "I need to get home so hurry up idiot."
"Don't touch BAKA!" She shouted opening and slamming at behind her as she walked out. "Go get her or you are both suspened."

"This school sucks."

"Get use to it."

I went after Maeda quickly catching up to her since I am fast. "Idiot wait up just let me walk you home I don't want to get suspended." I ordered she didn't stop much to my disappointment. "Stop now and let me walk you home or I will tell the school your secret!" I demanded. She stopped in her tracks. Truth be told I really don't know any of her secrets but if just saying that this is enough to stop her then I think I will use this more often. "What secret?" She whispered once I caught up to her. "Thats for me to know and you to find out." I replied walking a head motioning for her to follow which she did. "But I already know it after all it is my secret." She said. "Well now its mine to keep secret." I said.

The walk to her house felt like years had passed when in reality it was about half an hour the air around us was tense and awkward. Standing outside her house I waited for her to enter. "Go inside so I can go Idiot." I said she groaned at me and flipped the middle finger up in response and entered her house.

I hate my life.

TBC <<<<>>>>

@Adam: Lol not updating my fics yet i'm updating the one you have already read lol

@Arrow27: Lol It does show some potential but maybe not enough lol they both have it tough with their familys something that will be shown frequently throughout the fic

@Kahem: Dont cry lol thanks for the comment

@Cisda83: I hope the theorphy was good enough for you and thanks for the comment and as for you question about Donghae and Atsuko I cant say yet lol

@Elo: Rena has arrived lol she will have apart in the next chap I think lol I cant really remember what I have writ and what I havnt =)

@Archer1992: I've updated lol It may have been a long wait but I have =)

@Everyone: Im sorry for the wait my internet went down for a long time and I'm badly ill and the doctor said I might need my tonsels out I hope this chapter was good enough thanks for waiting I will make sure to update more in the future thanks for reading =) Also if anyone watches Pretty Little Liars I would love for you to tell who you think -A is and why =)

Offline farquhar97

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 6 UPDATED!!! 12/7/13
« Reply #57 on: July 12, 2013, 05:32:16 PM »
Lol finally you updated this fic but i read lol n poor her needing to give up her dream but it was verty noble of her n hope feel better Robyn :) and update soon

Offline arrow27

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 6 UPDATED!!! 12/7/13
« Reply #58 on: July 12, 2013, 06:10:05 PM »
thanks for the update!!!!

LOL the couple thearpy was hilarious, those two need a lot of work in order to get along :P nice suggestion with the walking home idea :D

& aw, it was very considerate of Minami to give up on her dream to be a nurse in order to help the family. But also really sad :(

looking forward to your next update!

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 6 UPDATED!!! 12/7/13
« Reply #59 on: July 12, 2013, 06:23:11 PM »
LOL the therapy is AWESOME! :mon yeah:
I really can't stop laughing~  :mon lmao: too funny~ xD
So is the idea of walking home together...hmmm...wonder if that will at least improve their temper against each other...  :mon noprob:
thanks for the update! looking forward to the next one...  :mon thumb:

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