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Author Topic: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui Reply and Sorry  (Read 43120 times)

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chap.3- The little Wedding!!
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2012, 11:34:04 AM »
yay mayu is in love yuki now :love:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chap.3- The little Wedding!!
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2012, 03:01:08 PM »
Yeah Mayu.... falling for Yuki  :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

Great update Thank you  :twothumbs :theking

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Re:Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chap.3- The little Wedding!!
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2012, 04:34:31 PM »
Mayuki kissed again  :deco:
wow they are married now  :cathappy:
yeah the end is kinda weird  :?
what do they mean " The mission begins "  :roll:
great update thank you Chanaline-san  :thumbsup

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chap.3- The little Wedding!!
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2012, 08:21:16 PM »
Omg man Yuki is so sweet!!  :wub: :wub:

MaYuki kissed!! again  :inlove: :inlove:

ehhh Ren and Jurina.. okay let's forget about that!  :nervous

MaYuki married  :inlove:

Thanks for the update!!  :grin:

Please update soon!!  :bow:

Offline Chanaline

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch4-
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2012, 11:37:24 PM »
Yes, WMastui are in my fic!!!! Because I love them too!!!

 I'm sorry for forgotten a words, a letters and all. For all mistake!

He grabbed my hand “Okay, now we go to restaurant!” he says.

I say nothing but I follow him. It is winter, the atmosphere was cold and the sky is all gray.
The sun was lost on the horizon, giving way to the night. He troll me in the dark streets lit by street lamps which gave us the illusion of the day at night.

I shiver because of the cold, when he notice it, he puts his right arm around my waist to make me closest to him and take my right hand in his large and warm hand. I haven't got gloves
He places my left hand in his right jacket pocket and smiles at me. With his actions I blush and I looked other way so that he does not notice.

   Why is he cute?

We arrive in front of a big restaurant which its name “Perfect world”.

   Wait. “Perfect world”! Isn't it a famous eatery where the celebrity go?!

We enter and Yuki speak with the concierge. He seems know about Yuki because he says something like “always the same place, Kashiwagi-san?”

My husband nodded and then the concierge leads us to the table which he spoke before.
We go upstairs.
The room is wonderfully decorated, the tables have a white table cloth and it decorate with expansive things. Trees are placed here and there.
The piece was illuminated by a little light, leaving the candles of tables to light up the client and get comfortable in a romantic atmosphere.

   It was to be expected! It's not a famous restaurant for nothing!

We sit down and we begin to read menu.
Then we ordered what we wanted.

“Kashiwagi Mayu, it is sounds good, no?” he asks.
“Ummm...” I don't know what answer.
“Ahah! Don't mind! It is okay, if you don't like it!” He laughs. “Tell me about yourself.”
“Eto... I am 18, I was live in my friend house because my parents let me with a gangst-”
“It is not what I mean, I want to know what do you love and hate. Things like this.” He interrupts me.
“Okay... Um... Since I was a kid, I love anime because it is really interesting how the seiyu can make you feel the characters' emotion and it is just a beautiful world, no?”
“Yes” He smirks

Encouraged by this simple words I continue my praise on anime. After a few minutes, I talk about my life and other things that affects my life. Like why I hate big dog, vegetable, and so on...

I don't know why I feel comfortable like this but it been a long time that I spoken much like this. While I speak, he just looks at me, eating and smiling at me.

Before I realize we are in the dessert time. I keep talking. The dinner is end and we leave.

“Ahahah! Now, I know a lot of things about you!” he says “your dream with a monster vegetable was so funny” He begins to imitate the monster “I am broccoli! Wuaaargggg(noise of broccoli monster) Eat me if you want to live!” I flush a lot because it is embarrassing and because he approaches me.
Suddenly he hugs me tight.

   One more time! What is this warm feeling?

“You can live now” he smirks “go to home!”
I nodded. He spent a call and a few minutes later a car arrived.

We arrive to the apartment. When we enter a deep voice can be heard in the apartment in the darkness.
Due that we are on the considerable height, the lights from the windows behind the dark figure seemed to darken the silhouette.

“Where were you? Kashiwagi-san?”the voice says. “You know I wait you since one hour”
“And then?” Yuki says.
“And then? How could you say that?” The man rises his hand which it have something like a gun.
“Hoho! You are serious” Yuki says mocker. I tremble and cling to Yuki.

   Why is he calm? This man have something like a gun pointed at us!

Yuki switch a light and then I can see a man with a gun.
A slender and tall man dressed in a gray tuxedo. He has short blond hair and wears glasses. He sits on an armchair like a boss.

“Mario” Yuki sighs “Why are you here?”
“For my package”
“Oh! That! It is in the weapons room!”
“Ah okay!”

They speak as nothing happened.
Both of them go to the weapons room. I follow them.

“It is your package” Yuki says as he gets a cardboard box. The man who names Mario opened it.
“It's finally here” Mario says as he pointed at me the new weapon. I was never see a weapon like this.
“Don't point it at my wife.” Yuki says with a black aura and turns the gun.
“What? It is your wife” Mario puts down the weapon and approached me. “She is cute, are you do “it”?”
“Eh! No!” Yuki says.
“Then do “it” now, in front of me” the slender man says.
“EH?!” Yuki and I say
“You are marry, right? Then, do “it”!” Mario urged.
“What do you mean with do “it”?” Yuki asks
“What I mean? Um... Two people who are in love, become a single person and express their love in the passion of the act. Now do it!” He explains.
Yuki looked at me. “We can't do “it” in front of someone”
“Of course you can!” After a few minute. Mario started to laugh. “Ah! I understand... You two are really pervert! Ahah! I wasn't mean “it” but “it”! Ahah! And you understand “it” and not “it”! Ahah! Too funny!!”
“What are “it” mean, then?” Yuki says with a glare.
“ahah! I can't stop laugh! It mean kiss... a kiss... just a kiss!” He says “wait!” the taller man says and we startled “I must tell it at everyone” he pulls his mobile phone and he started to write.

Yuki and I just looked at him. When he have finished he says “Do it”.

Yuki grabbed me and I close my eyes but instead of kissing me, Yuki hugged me.

“No. I don't want in front of you... I know that you're a troll and that you certainly in the future troll us.”
“Just an excuse”
“Can you leave? I would like to spending time with my wife.” he says which he still hugs me. And he glare to Mario.
“Okay. I leave! Don't be aggressive”

Then Mario take his package and go away. When the door closed, Yuki pushed me against the door and he kisses me roughly.

   Why did he kiss me now and not before?

----Yuki's POV----

I know I often kiss you but it is the fault of your lips. It taste delicious. It might be your lip gloss. You did not resist my kiss. You like it, right? Wow I speak like a pimp...
It is not just because I need a wife that I marry but more than this.

I continue to kiss you because I love it.

--------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------

Both of Chibi: Chuuu! Chuuu! Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


----Normal POV----

Mario is in the elevator. His phone ring and he responds.

“Hai~!Moshi Moshi!”
“Hey! Mario, what was this text with a lot of words “it”?”
“It mean “it” and “it”! Ren are you an idiot?”
“If I am an idiot, then Yuki too”
“Yes, both of you are idiot! Ah! And you, are you do “it” with the little Jurina?”
“What do you mean when you say “it”?” Ren says with a menacing tone.
“Ohoh! Don't be menacing like that, I mean kiss”
“Err...Okay and yes...”
“Ooooh! Then you slide your tongue in h-”
“No and no! She kisses me! But not in that way we jus-”
“You say it, just because you don't want to be a pedophile!”
“W-What!? Of course, she is underage!”
“You must make your move, in kiss of course, if you want to keep her”

Mario hung up the phone and he received 2 new calls.


“What is his problem?” Ren wonders.

Someone knocked the door.

“Enter!” Ren says.

“Ren-san~!” a girl voice says “It is me, Jurina!” As Ren sees the girls, he smiles.
“What are you doing, here? It is 7pm” Ren asks “You should go out with your friends”
“But I wanted to spend my time with you” She pouted.
“You already spend a lot of time with me, haven't you a homework?”
“Yes but you can help me” she says smiling as she released her business school.
Ren sighs “Okay”

They begin to do Jurina's homework.
As the time passes, Ren lost himself in his thoughts.
   Why they all think that I love Jurina? Okay, I like her and maybe more but I don't think it is love. When I say that we kisses, it was just on the cheek. And I don't think she loves me, for her I'm just an “old” man who helps and who speaks her, like a brother. So why do they assimilates has love? She is underage! For God's sake! But it is true that sometimes, I happened to feel something other than this brotherhood. Arg!! Why I feel it?? No! I become a pedophile!!

________/Ren's Chibi/___________

Gekikara: Nothing to say...
Amakuchi: But you love her!
Melopan: Melonpan!!
Gekikara: Yes I am hungry too!

“R... Re.... Ren... Ren-san!... REN-SAN!” Jurina shoots. Ren returns to his senses.
“Ah! Sorry, Jurina I was in my thoughts.”
“Mou! Ren-san, it is important I have a test”
“Hai! Hai!”
They re-started to be concentrate on the lesson.


Mayu could not manage more. She moans because she needs to breathe.

--------------Inner Mayu------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Gentle Mayuyu: Woahahahah! A passionate kiss!!!  :inlove:
Evil Mayuyu: Aaaah! Slap him! We are going to suffocate!!
Gentle Mayuyu: Nooooo! The kiss is more important!!! :drool:
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiriri Oshiri Oshiri!!!! :shakeit:
Gentle Mayuyu: Yes! Grab his butt now!!! It is your chance! ;)
Evil Mayuyu: Stop! :smhid I suffocate!!! Strangle him!!!
Gentle Mayuyu: Undress him!! :P
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri Oshiri!!
Mayu: What?! NO! I'm not a pervert :thumbdown:
Evil Mayuyu: Batter him!!! :twisted:
Mayu: Stop it, Evil!!! I can't do anything!!!

_____/Yuki's Chibi/_________________
Black Yukirin: I can see her bad side become scared!! :twisted:
White Yukirin: Woah! Her good side is a pervert!! :lol:
Singer Yukirin: Lalalalala~! Lalalala~!
Black Yukirin: Boss, you are a sadist man! :D Then, kiss her with more passion!!
White Yukirin: I don't see the S thing in it! :huhuh
Black Yukirin: Don't search!! :angry:
White Yukirin: Okay! Don't be angry like that!
Singer Yukirin: Lalalalala! Lalalala! :roll:
Master Yukirin: You should break the kiss...

Yuki break the kiss and smile.
“You are really cute when you moan” Yuki says as Mayu flushed.

Yuki looked at Mayu into the eyes. Mayu feels her heartbeat became faster as time goes. Yuki's hand went to the Mayu's cheek. He stroked her.

“I have a surprise for you! You gonna discovered it tomorrow.” He whispers in Mayu's ear. Mayu shivered.

After they change their clothes and Mayu went to sleep.
Before going to sleep Yuki went into the armory and he went to sleep.
Mayu can't sleep, she thinks how Yuki steals a lot of kiss of hers.

But then she feel asleep and she fall onto the dreaming world.
During the night, Mayu hugs Yuki like a pillow along the body. Yuki returns her hug even if he is in his dream.

-----One more time meanwhile---

Man:“They just go to a restaurant”
Phone:“I see, keep the observation on them”
Man: “Yes, sir!”
Phone: “We will surely act in a week, is it fine?”
Man: “It is fine”

@clubhappy: Thank you to read my fanfic! Oh! You discovered something !?

@mayuki_daisuki: Ummm... Yes she falls...

@javs: Thank you ro like my fanfic even if it is boring.

@cisda83: Thank you too!

@mo-chan: The end will be developed in the future. Thank you for your comment.

@cmze: Don't forget about Ren and Jurina!! Mayuki..  Yes they are married!! Thank you :)

Why I can't write more?? I know the end is boring... I am really tired right now... go to sleep  :yawn:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline clubhappy

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch4- UPDATE 11/12/12
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2012, 04:15:29 AM »
Mayuki scene is so... :wub:  :wub:!!! Love it!! Mayu's definitely fallen for Yuki!  XD
Great update!!

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch4- UPDATE 11/12/12
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2012, 02:40:30 PM »

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch5- UPDATE 12/12/12 YEAH!
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2012, 08:54:00 PM »
For everyone!
I post this chapter just because we are 12/12/12. I wanted to update this in 12:12:12 PM but I could not.
Yes, I know is weird.
I tell you this for apologize bit of the narration. (Even if I think it is better like this, because I am bad in English...).
I did it in 3 hours with lots of breaks, that's why!

Chapter 5: The little boy

Yuki wake up and he sees Mayu hugs him as she sleeps. He smiles because their faces are close.
He slide his hand on Mayu's cheek.

"Ummm... Nooo! Don't touche me! Broccoli monsteeer..."

Yuki giggles.

"I am a broccoli monster?" he thought.

After a few minutes Mayu wakes up.  She blushes when she sees that Yuki looked at her.

"Good sleeping?" he smiles

Mayu nodded.
After that both of them go to changes their cloths.

"Okay, we go to Tokyo Disney Land."

Mayu looked at him with stars in her eyes and a big smile.

"Why are you smile like this?"

"I never went to Disneyland"

"Really? It is cool that you go for the first time with me! Why are you never went to Disneyland?"

"It is not for nothing that my parents have a debt."

They go out and take a car to go to Disneyland.

When they are arrived. Mayu runs.

"Disney land!" Mayu shoots as she raises her arms.

Yuki smiles "she is funny" he thinks.

They enter in an amusement park. Mayu looked like a child. She look excited even if she wanted to hide it.

They do everything that Mayu want.

"Can we have a candy-floss?" she asks

"Of course" Yuki says.

After buy a candy-floss they eat it and they walk in the path searching a shop.

Mayu buy a lot of Disney land’s things.

When they are in the way to return to their home Mayu sees a little boy crying and alone.

Mayu runs toward him.

“Hey... Little boy, why are you crying?” Mayu asks.

The kid stop crying and look at Mayu.

“...” The kid re-started to crying with more noises.

Mayu panicked.

--------------Inner Mayu ----- Chibi's reunion -----------

Evil Mayuyu: Shake him to stop his tears! :banghead:
Gentle Mayuyu: Why? Whenever a child sees boss he cries? :smhid
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri Oshiri!! :(
Evil Mayuyu: Stop him! I don't support this!!! :panic:
Gentle Mayuyu: Oye! He is just a kid! :thumbdown:
Evil Mayuyu: Do you have a better idea?
Master Mayuyu: **sighs**


Mayu is froze, she don't know how to calm a kid.

As Gentle said, whenever a kid sees Mayu, this child cries.

Mayu did not understand why.

Yuki joined them. He notice that Mayu is panicked. He approached the little boy and he kneels.

“Hey... Boy, What's happened?” Yuki asks as he patted the boy's head.

The little boy stop his tears.

“I lost my balloon... and my mother...” the kid answer.

“Eeeeh! Really?! I can help you and my friend too” Yuki says as he pointed Mayu.

When the kid look at Mayu, his tears came back. So Yuki understood the problem.

He grabbed Mayu's arm and pulled her to kneel too.
Then he puts his arms around Mayu's shoulder.

“She is my friend, don't cry please.” Yuki prayed.

The boy looks Mayu for a while and nothing happens. Then Yuki grabs the little boy's hand and Mayu's hand. He joined them with his hand above.

The boy looks at his hand.
Then he looks at Mayu.
Finally he smiled at Mayu.

“hola! She is gentle, not a monster! Hehe!” Yuki says.

“Un! I lost my Mickey balloon... and my mother.”

“Wait his balloon is more important than his mother, because he speak about his balloon first!” Mayu thinks.

“Okay! I help you to find your mother!! And for the balloon I buy it when we find your mother, okay?” Yuki says.


Yuki put the boy on his shoulders.

“When you sees your mother tell me”

“Hai! Ano... Onii-chan What is your name?” The boy asks as Yuki started to walk.

“Yuki and my friend is Mayu, why?”

“Yaa! Just want to know!”

Mayu walks with them and could not help but think they look like a father and his son.

They were looking for one hour but no trace.

Then, Mayu decide to write a placard.

“What is your name?” Mayu asks at the little boy.

“Ryo desu!”

“Kawaii~!” Mayu says. Ryo blushes when he heard that.

“Ne... Yuki-nii, I can get down?” Ryo asks

“Of course” Yuki laying Ryo on the floor. Ryo runs toward Mayu and he helps her to write the placard. While they do it, Ryo and Mayu play with the felts.

“Yaaa! Mayu-nee, now I have a lot of colors on my hands and arms.”

“It is your fault Ryo, you started”

“Yes, but I am the kid and you, you are an old woman!” he started to run.

“What? You little!!” She runs after him.

“It is as though she is his mother” Yuki thinks with a smile.

They began again to look for the mother.
But this time, Ryo is with Mayu holding hand. They speak a lot about animé! They laughed and played together.

Suddenly, a woman runs toward us.

“Ryo! Where was you?” the woman says worried.

“He was with us, we were looking for you.” Mayu says.

“Really?! I am really sorry for bothering you!” the woman says.

“Ahh no, it is okay.” Yuki responds.

“Yuki-nii, will you buy my balloon?” Ryo asks

“Of course, I promised, no?”

“You do not need to do that, I'll buy it myself.” the woman says.

“No no no! I promised, so I do it!”

“Yay! I can spend more time with Mayu-nee!” Ryo says happy.

They go to shop to buy a balloon. Yuki and the mother are to the cashier to pay.

Ryo and Mayu are outside the waiting line and are playing.

The mother who is single try to seduce Yuki. Yuki hopes that Mayu gets jealous but nothing. She sometimes looked at them but with a cyborg face.
“She don't care” Yuki thinks.

------------Inner Yuki------- Chibi's reunion -----------

Black: Of course, she don't care! She don't love you after all! :yawn:
White: Don't say it! He will be depressed. :angry:
Singer: lalalalalala! :banghead:
Black: Yes! It is the truth!  That's life, it is filled with challenges! :D
White: Yeah, that's it... :catglare:


Ryo hugs Mayu who is kneels in front of the little boy. Mayu returns the hug which causes a reddening of the child.

“What is your relationship with Yuki-nii?” Ryo asks blushing.
“Umm... What can I say it? We are married...”
“Why?” With that question Ryo get all red.
“Eh! Ryo, you are all red, are you alright?” she says as she puts her forehead on the boy's.
“Y-Y-Yes M-M-Mayu-nee..” he look away.
“it's cold right now, you must cover yourself better, okay” Mayu says gently.

Yuki looked at them away and he is jealous of the attention Mayu has for the little boy.
“Oh no... Now I am jealous of a kid” he thinks.

This is the hour of separation. Ryo seems to be so sad that Mayu patted his shoulder.

“Here, if you want you can call me.” Mayu says as she gives a paper to Ryo. Ryo looks at paper and then he smiles.


Everyone goes home.

Yes, I know... In fact, nothing...

@javs: there will be probably more :D Thank you for your comment :deco:

@Amakuchi: OSHIRI?! XD

@clubhappy: I don't know why but I love you... Maybe it is because you comment... Sorry my question  but are you draw your avatar? :?

Sorry for not WMatsui...

Thank you all!! Even, You! everyone who gives a Thank you... But more who comment (just joking...)

Don't mind! I am weird, it is all... :smhid
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch4- UPDATE 11/12/12
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2012, 09:33:41 PM »
Mayu didn't get jealous of a women and Yuki got jealous for a kid  :lol:
what a twisted couple  :rofl:
when will they confess their they are so danse  XD

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch4- UPDATE 11/12/12
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2012, 10:23:30 PM »
@mo-chan: Thank you for your comment!
Mayu didn't get jealous of a women and Yuki got jealous for a kid  :lol:
what a twisted couple  :rofl:
when will they confess their they are so danse  XD

I wasn't notice that i make it... ( Mayu not jealous but Yuki is...) I'm an idiot... Maybe should I don't say it? Too late... :sweatdrop:

I just want to know: I write in this way (with a bit of narration) or the other way???which do you prefer?
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch4- UPDATE 11/12/12
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2012, 10:47:53 PM »
I think I prefer the other way  :grin:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch5- UPDATE 12/12/12 YEAH!
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2012, 05:46:10 AM »
I'm thinking about their son/daughter's brain if in case they make out...
Will it be...
'OshiriLalalalalala' or something like that? XD

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch5- UPDATE 12/12/12 YEAH!
« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2012, 06:38:30 PM »
nice update :)
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch5- UPDATE 12/12/12 YEAH!
« Reply #33 on: December 14, 2012, 02:51:16 PM »
 :D The inner chibi voices are so funny!
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline clubhappy

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch5- UPDATE 12/12/12 YEAH!
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2012, 07:48:52 PM »
@Chanaline: Yeah I drew my avatar, kinda ugly since it's the first time I've ever use a tablet to draw.
I'm waiting for the next chapter now  :)

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch5- UPDATE 12/12/12 YEAH!
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2012, 04:03:32 PM »
I catched up!! :thumbsup

MaYuki kisseeddd :heart:

a brocoly monster :rofl: so funny :lol:

Yuki jealous of a little kid :shakeit: :rofl:

Mayu should get jealous right?  :D

SHE'S KASHIWAGI MAYU!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch5- UPDATE 12/12/12 YEAH!
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2012, 05:55:31 AM »

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch6- UPDATE 04/01
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2013, 02:25:57 PM »
YAY :cow:

I'm here with an update!!!!! This update take me a lots of time... As I'm not English, I must translate all I want to write... Complicated! :nervous


Yuki and Mayu arrived at home around 6:00 p.m..
The sun was already on the other side of the Earth because it was winter.
They were exhausted by walking to find the mother.
They took off their shoes and their coat.
As a gentleman Yuki helped Mayu to took off her coat and he put it on the coat rack located on the side.
Mayu saw him with a gentle look and think that he is a perfect man in woman's eyes.
She rejoiced to have found this young man even though she had not really try to get it.

“Aaah... I am tired” Mayu says as she jump on the couch. “It was totally funny!” She murmured cheerfully. “Well I never think that I will spend with someone other than Miichan. And my parents...” She says unconsciously.

Yuki sat down near Mayu and sees her. The word “kawaii” emerged from his mouth without he realizes.

It was the right term to describe Mayu at this time.
She was sitting on the couch with her knees up to her chest.
She was playing with her fingers and was laughing alone.
Yuki wondered why she had fun but he don't want to break her moment so he stayed just staring at her.
She looked like a small and cute puppy.
Suddenly, Mayu stopped her actions and she saw that the man was staring at her with a gentle smile. She had heard what he said before but she didn't say anything because she was embarrassed.
“Now. Are going to prepare the dinner!” he declared. The girl look at him with a questioning look. “We can not just sit there and not eat, right? I think we have to start cooking before you starve. To warn you I'm not good at cooking.”  He revealed.

“Me too” She confessed. “But I can do simple thing.”

In the kitchen, the couple slipped on an apron. The ingredients was in the table. It had eggs, flour, meat, rice and another things.

“What can we do with that?” Yuki asked as he looked at her wife.

“I think we can cook the meat and rice” she says.

“Well, you know how can we cook the meat??” He asked.

“Um... Yes” She says as she took the meat “I cut it while you rinse the rice, we can just eat it” she smiled.

 “You're a prodigy, no? You can do it” He said. “

I do not see what you're talking about...” She answers red, the meat were cut into thin slices.

Yuki rinsed the rice but he reversed it a little into the sink.
When he finished it, he went to the cooker but before he accidentally dropped a tray of eggs. All of eggs broke when they touched the ground.

“Aaaaaah!!” Yuki shouted. His jaw dropped and he make a weird face. Mayu saw this.

Mayu POV

     Mayu, don't laugh! Don't laugh! His face... his face... ahahah! Stop!

I looked at him.
He put down the rice bowl and went to the sink for taking a towel to clean the ground.
Suddenly he slipped on the egg and fell on the groud, he tried to catch up to the table but he grabbed a bag of flour which it fell on his head.
His head become all white. It was very funny. I could not hold my laughter.

“Ahahahahahah! What are you doing? Ahahaha!” I laughed.

 His head turned to me, I could not see his look but I know that he was angry.
Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face.
He stood up and walked towards me.
He looked at me for a while and he put flour mixed with egg on my face.
I was shocked and I froze.

Normal POV

After the school time Jurina was about to return to her house but a handsome guy appeared before her.

“Jurina, I came looking for you” the man said smiling.

“Ah, Ren rea-” Jurina was interrupted by her friends.

“Jurina, is he your brother?” a cute girl said.

“I thought that he is her driver.” a boy said near the cute girl.

“He is not my driver” Jurina contradicted.

“So he is your brother because you are familiar with him” a boy said while he put his arms around Jurina's neck. “Nice to meet you, I am Takayanagi Akikane” the boy with the arms around Jurina's neck said.

“And me it is-” the cute girl tried to said.

“You don't need to present you, he knows everyone since I told him about you showed some pictures.” Jurina said.

“Then why don't we know about him?” Akikane said.

 “Because I didn't want you to know, it's simple. Now, can we go Ren?” Jurina asked.

“Of course. Oh! And I'm Matsui Ren” Ren simply said.

“Let's go!” Jurina said, already inside the car.

On the road Ren finally talk. “I'm not your your brother” he laughed.

 “I know and I'm sorry!” She apologized.

 “You don't need to apologize. Hehe! It is nothing”

“Since I think you're like a big brother to me I do not think it bother you!......... Eh! You've already forgiven me?!” Jurina was surprised at how quickly that she is done forgiven.

“Just a brother, huh?” Ren murmured to himself.

“What? You said something?” Jurina asked.

“Eh no! Nothing!”

“Mou! You and your secrets!” Both of them started laugh.

They are finally in front of Jurina's house. Suddenly the expression on Jurina's face changed.

“Something wrong?” Ren asked.
“No, It is okay.” She answered with a smile.

“You lie” That was what Ren wanted to say but Jurina was already knocking the door of her house. Then the man sighed and went away.

Ren was the lawyer of Jurina's family, this is how he met Jurina. He had to take care of her while her parents were going who knows where.
 And yes, he has become over time a sort of babysitter for her. But as he was well paid, he accepted.
This was the case at the beginning of his career, now he spent little time with her.
She would visit him when she had nothing to do. This is what is summed up their relationship.
His friends (as Yuki) for some unknown reason put them together.
 But they did not know this story because Ren, embarrassed by the story of babysitting, had preferred to keep it to himself.

Ren went to do some shopping for his food reserve.

Mayu POV

“Yuki, you'll regret it!” I said. I put my hand on his face and I grabbed the flour. Then I pulled his shirt to create an opening and releases the flour to the inside of his shirt.
Yuki, during this time, was only watching. When he felt a cold sensation run down his stomach, his mouth opened in surprise.

“Wow! Is it cold?” I said mocking.

After one or two seconds he smiled and hurled a ball of flour on the my shirt.
I got mad because it was my new shirt.
And thus the battle of flour mixed with eggs began.

In no time, we were covered with sticky flour. A smell, which was familiar to me, come to my nostrils.
It was the meat that was grilled. Then we stopped the fight.

“How do we clean up this mess?” I asked while I removed the meat.

“It's okay, the maids will do it.” Yuki answered.

 “So you're using them...” I said with an accusatory tone. He turned to me and I think he saw my cold expression that said that I don't like this because he showed an afraid face.

“Euh... They are paid to do.” he tried.

“But you are paid them just to tidy up the house not to clean up this mess...” I maintained.

--------------Inner Mayu ----- Chibi's reunion -----------

Evil: Go! Go! Go! Mayu-boss!! :thumbsup
Oshiri: Oshiri! Oshiri! Oshiri! Oshiri! :thumbsup
Gentle: Go! Go! Go! Mayu-boss!! :thumbsup
Master: :D Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E&G: Huh??? :?
Oshiri: Oshiri? :shocked


He gulped and then he said the sentence that I want, that showed me that I had a bit of power. “I going to pay them more, I promise”

I smiled and then he go out of the kitchen. I thought I heard a word like "scary". I put the rice to cook.

Normal POV

Yuki was going to the armory. “I should add frightening and kind in the list.” He wrote it in a paper.

“Yuki the dinner is ready!” Mayu shouted. Yuki came back to the table and saw the meat half burnt and a black rice. “I don't know why the rice became black” Mayu said and looked in another way.

“Did you tasted it?” Yuki asked.

“Of course not! I'm the woman here! And as men claim to be the stronger sex I do not see why I should.”

------------Inner Yuki------- Chibi's reunion -----------

Black: Woman and her pride... :smhid
White: She is so cute!!! :inlove:
Singer: Lalalalala! Lalala! Lalalala! :wub:
Black: But she is right when she said that the men claim to be the stronger sex! We're the stronger! :twisted:
White: Only force is stronger in men! 8)
Black: What? **angry**
White: Who cleans the house? Who cares for children? Who carries the child in her womb? Who lives the longest? Who work the most?
Black: I disagree with the last argument. 8)
White: Ooooh! The woman work most because she have a lot of thing to do. From the statistics women have less time to rest. :theking
Black: But-
Singer: Lalalalala! Lalalalala!
White: We had read it somewhere, right Singer?
Singer: Lalalalala! Lalala! Lalala! Yeah! :peace:
Black & White: **surprised** You say a new word Singer! :w00t:
Black: Try to repeat!
Singer: Lalalalalala! **sad** Lalala!
Master: He can't... :banghead:


They are still covered by the sticky flour.
“Okay I'll taste it. But on one condition, kiss me.”

       Mayu thought! You want to eat this thing or kiss him? This thing? Kiss him?
She approached him and kissed him on the cheek and went away.

“Eh!” Yuki protested.

“You don't say where I had to kiss you.” She replied with a cold voice.

     She is right Yuki. But my heartbeat is faster than before... Why? Maybe it os because it is the first that she kisses me! Yuki thought.

Yuki took a spoonful of rice and put it in her mouth.
“This is not bad! Taste it!” The spoon now traveling towards the Mayu's mouth.
She opened her lips to let the spoon entered and she was surprised, it tasted not so bad.
Then they tried the meat and it tasted really bad.

When they finished the dinner, Yuki proposed something amazing to Mayu.
“We are still covered by the flour, do you want take a shower with me?”

Mayu's eyes widened. “Eh?”

“Come on, it will be funny” Yuki said as he went towards Mayu.

“No!” Mayu crouched in the corner of the room.

--------------Inner Mayu ----- Chibi's reunion -----------

Gentle: Eeeeh! He make his move! :jerk:
Evil: Just what she want! :yep:
Oshiri: **with a placard that says Yes!** Oshiriiiii!! **big smile** :D
Mayu: Oshiri! Stop think about pervert thing!
Oshiri: **looked at Mayu** :love:
Mayu: What?! :?
Oshiri: ** brings up a sword** :) Oshiri! Riririririri! :twisted: **demonic laughter**
Mayu: Evil, Gentle What's happened to Oshiri-chan?
Evil: Eeeh~! :shocked You don't know her? It is your Chibi.
Gentle: :cry: That means she does not know us too! **tears**
Evil: About Oshiri, when you cut in her delirium or dream, she becomes worse than me.
Gentle: I think Evil is not evil... :roll:
Evil: What do you say??? :angry: **Angry**
Mayu: No one help meeeeeeee!!!!!! **Shouts on the bottom of a hole**


“Come on” he insisted.

“No!” She covered her ears with her hands.

The man thought for a moment and found a solution.
He approached Mayu, put his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground by behind. Funny way to bring someone.

“Get off me! Hentai!” She wriggled in all directions. “Noooo!”


Ren had taken an hour to make his purchases. When he returned home, he found a person sitting in front of his door. As he approached he heard sobs, he recognized Jurina. He took her in his arms and carried her to the interior of the house.

"What is happening? That I found outside my house so late at night?"

"My parents threw me out"

"Eeeh, why?"

"Bad mark!"

"Again! They are really weird threw you out just for that, You got what?" He said, giving his clothes to Jurina.

"75/100" She answered as she went in another room to take a shower.

"Bad mark! Do you laugh at me!"

"I think they have me thrown out mainly because they had planned a romantic night together." She said filling the tub.

"They are too weird! They could not just ask you a few days before if you could sleep with a friend? Then find the excuse that you had a bad note your exam."

"It seems they have forgotten." Jurina shouted to cover the noise of the water. The discussion was over.
When she leaving the room to show up in shorts and a t-shirt too big for her.

------------Inner Ren------- Chibi's reunion --------------

Gekikara: huhuhu!  :drool: She looks good!
Amakuchi: **gives a punch to Gekikara**  :rock: She is 15!
Gekikara: Come on! I joke! ;)
Melonpan: Melonpan! Melonpaaaan! :catglare:
Gekikara: He need his melonpan!! Our body is hungry! :sweatdrop:
Amakuchi:  :wth Can't you wait a little bit?
Melonpan: **shakes his head** :smhid Melonpan!!
Gekikara: I do not think he can wait. **Starts run**
Melonpan:  :w00t: **Run after Gekikara**
Gekikara: I'm NOT a melonpan! Melonpan-kun! XD
Amakuchi: We haven't got a Master since Melonpan.... :cry:


“I'm sorry, but to eat, I only have cup noodles.” He showed food.

“It is good for me.” She smiled, she took a cup of noodles.

“Right! Well, let's eat!”


“Eh... Jurina, can you bear spicy food?” Suddenly, Jurina coughed and pulled out her tongue.
She had already taken a bite. “I see that it is not.”

“Water! Water please!” Ren gave her a glass of water. She drank rapidly and asked several others.

“We exchange? You took this cup without I told you that it was mine...”

“Yes, and I'm sorry.”

“It's okay”

They finished their meal and went to sleep.
Ren and Jurina slept in the same bed because the sofa was very shredded.
We do not know why but there were lots of holes which came the foam filled sofa.
We wonder what Ren had been doing. A hard night waiting for Ren because he slept with Jurina.


In the bathroom Yuki put down Mayu and locked the door.
As Mayu was still in “I don't wanna hear or see anything”-mode, Yuki hid the key to prevent her from leaving the room.
 Then Yuki patted the Mayu's head, she gasped. Yuki exasperated sighed.

The water filled the tub already. Mayu, still in her corner crouched,  was sprayed by Yuki.
 This action allowed the pieces of flour, on Mayu's head, to leave. Now Mayu and her clothes were all wet.
 When she looked up she saw Yuki shirtless.
It was she believed first but in fact it was the T-shirt worn beige that Yuki was wearing.

“Optical illusion” Said Mayu.

“What?' Yuki asked. Yuki grabbed Mayu by her waist and dragged her near the tub. “Now, Go inside!” Yuki ordered while he gently pushed Mayu.

--------------Inner Mayu ----- Chibi's reunion -----------

Evil: Wahahaha! Now you are the pervert Boss!!! :)
Gentle: Ahahaha! :lol: Yes Evil is right. You thought about pervert things before he said that we go inside with our cloths!!
Oshiri: Oshiri **Sad** :(
Master: Why are you sad Oshiri-kun? :(
Oshiri: **Looked at her** Oshiri Oshiri Oshiriiiiiiiii! :cry: **tears**
Evil:  :? What did she says?
Master: She said “But I wanted him to be naked and then I could see his butt”
Gentle: I understood: “It must be beautiful without clothes especially his butt.”
Evil: All I know is she was talking about butt.
Master & Gentle: You're right! :twothumbs


Mayu entered in the tub and felt weird because she still had her cloths but then Yuki entered too.

-End of the chapter-

@mo-chan: I come back with a lot of description (for me it's really a lots...).
@Amakuchi: I don't know Amakuchi-san I wasn't think about that...
@qweakb: Thank you!
@DC2805: Really, Thank you!
@clubhappy: I don't think it is ugly
@cmze: Yay Thank you for reading my fanfic!! My friend!! I don't why she is not jealous...
@gek geki: Thank you for loving Kashiwagi Mayu.

Yes I know in my fanfic the parents are bad... But I don't say all of their reasons why they became like that!
So don't be angry, I know that the parents are beautiful in the real life! Like mine!

Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch6- UPDATE 04/01
« Reply #38 on: January 04, 2013, 04:48:45 PM »
Sorry for being so crazy  :P I'm getting crazy these days because there are no new Mayuki fics to read.
Still I want to know if Mayu was jealous back then when Yuki was with the Ryo boy's mother.
Thank you for the update.

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui -Ch6- UPDATE 04/01
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2013, 06:17:20 PM »
i agree there are not enough mayuki fics to read, also love the food fight and bath scene looking forward to next update  :cow: :deco:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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