This is a compensation for not posting on Valentine's day. So I kinda made a sequel from the
MaYuki fanfic. And if you had read it before, you'll probably know that another pairing is also featured in it...This time it's White Day!


THE STAR OF MY HEARTOn Valentine ’s Day…A tall girl with a ponytail hair walked along the hallway with a smile etched on her face with bags full of chocolates and sweets on both hands. No one knows if the smile is sincere or fake but either way it is truly a wonderful smile to look at. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why she had gotten so many Valentine’s gifts by her admirers and fans. She reached for her shoe locker, not expecting anything else except for her shoes, of course. However, what she found inside was a bar of expensive, high-class brand chocolate with a pink stamp-it note. It was nothing than the ordinary compared with the others but what caught her eyes was what written on the piece of paper.
To: The most admired and cherished president…
Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score
Then to that twenty, add a hundred more
A thousand to that hundred, so kiss on
To make that thousand up a million, treble that million.
And when that is done, let’s kiss afresh; as when we first begun.
From: I don’t think you wanna know… 
Oh, she doesn’t want to know alright. She already knows…
- - - - - -
Mayu can’t help but feel giddy today. She had been all smiles since the alarm clock went off. Wait, screw that. She’s been smiling since yesterday actually. It’s like her cheeks automatically lift up bringing together the edge of her lips to form a sunny smile on her face. Only a cyborg could do that… Meanwhile, a puppy-like creature named Jurina is pacing around her with a worried face. Her action had made Mayu’s head felt slightly dizzy. Gritting her teeth in annoyance, she pulls PupJurina by her ears.
“OWOWOWOW!!! What was that for?”
“For ruining my mood. What’s up with you?”
“I got a major problem!”
“Oh, the cool and collected JyuriBaby have a major problem? This is new…”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing.” Mayu replied nonchalantly as she continued walking to her class with Jurina tagging behind her.
“Hey, Mayu… What should I do if someone has a crush on me?”
“Isn’t that what you’ve been doing every single day?”
“I flirt with them, not the other way! That’s my rule…”
“Who’s the girl?”
“Ummm… Riho-chan…”
“Wha…? You serius?” Jurina nods her head fretfully.
“Damn, you’re lucky! That girl is a keeper. There’s no way you can’t fall for her.”
“That’s the problem…” Mayu halt her step, looking at Jurina with judging eyes.
“Don’t tell me…”
Mayu kept her stare on the girl as the latter lets out a defeated sigh, her shoulders slump in the process.
“I… like someone else.” The puppy girl scratched her nose coyly, her eyes looking everywhere except Mayu’s.
Somewhere else...“
Rena rubs her nose, trying to ease the itchy feeling as Yuki opens the door of the long forgotten storage room.
“You okay?”
“Yeah… this place is a bit dusty.”
“I wonder why we have to do the cleaning duty…”
“We’re the student council representatives; of course they’ll hand over the dirty job to us.”
“Shouldn’t it be the opposite?”
Rena pondered for a while, a finger under her chin as she thought of the logic Yuki had just said to her.
“Why didn’t I think of it earlier…?”
Hearing Rena’s statement made Yuki stifle a giggle. She wondered how did her friend get her position inside the student council if she is acting a bit… dumb? Okay, not dumb… Perhaps, naïve? No… that won’t do… innocent?
A slap broke Yuki from her thoughts. She shoots a glare at the culprit, “That hurts.”
“Then start working! We have to finish early.”
“Oh, yeah… I had to meet Mayu today.”
“For what?”
“Today’s White Day so I’m going to give her something.”
“Oh gosh you guys sure act like a couple…”
“We’re not! Well… not yet.”
“What’s holding you?”
“Ummm… I’m waiting for Mayu to confess since, you know… she wears the pants.”
“I thought you’re the guy?”
“No! Like… ewww! Can’t you see how lady-like I am?”
Rena lets out a laugh as she shakes her head. Sure Yuki is lady-like but she’s one you don’t want to mess with when she’s in hell-mode. Your life will end in misery.
“What about you, Rena-chan?”
“What about me?”
“Don’t think I didn’t saw the shortcakes you brought this morning.”
“That’s my lunch.”
“Yeah right and your melonpan is the side dish. Don’t try to kid me, Rena…”
The girl feigned ignorance, sweeping the floor in a haughty manner. But she can’t run from Yuki’s keen observation, all thanks to Mayu. It’s like her skills of observing had upgraded into advanced level since she started hanging with the cyborg girl. Besides, she had known Rena for so long, she can read her friend like a book.
“It’s for
her, right?”
“W-what are you talking about?” Bingo! The way Rena stuttered showed that Yuki had successfully hit bull’s-eye. She put aside the ragged piece of cloth, wiping her hand with a clean one before resuming cleaning the windows.
“Honestly, you guys look cute together.”
“I don’t need to know that, thank you.”
“Oh, come on! Stop denying yourself…”
“I’m not! Look, she gave me chocolate on Valentine’s Day so I’m just getting even… That’s all…”
Yuki nods her head in a laidback manner, not buying whatever excuses Rena is giving her.
“So… when are you giving it to
Rena exhaled deeply, once again the problem surfaced in her mind. It had been nagging her since the day she decided to make the shortcake. And now, she has no idea how to give it to
“I don’t know…”
With a playful glint in her eyes, Yuki hung her arm on Rena’s neck.
“No worries… you can count on me.”
- - - - - -
Mayu was tidying her things when Jurina rushed towards her seat, hiding under her table while trembling like a scaredy puppy.
“If someone is looking for me, just say I’ve jumped down the window okay?”
“That’s suicide…”
“Oh, actually I should be doing that…”
“Then jump.” Mayu opens the window widely without an expression on her face.
“Thanks a lot, BEST FRIEND!”
“Just helping my buddy.”
Jurina glared daggers towards her so called bestfriend with gritted teeth, thinking of any possible ways to drag her friend together on her suicidal act. However, a voice of doom sounded from the door of their class.
“Jurina-honey, where are you? Come here, puppy! Let’s take you out for a walk…”
Mayu glanced towards the door, watching Riho as she scans the classroom for a certain girl/puppy. On the other hand, a loud whimpering sound could be heard from Jurina.
“Save me!” the girl whimpered.
“What’s the catch?” Jurina widens her eyes, not believing this girl can actually ask her for some sort of payment right now.
“Anything! I’ll buy you anything after school!”
“Hmmm… deal. Hey, Abiru-san!” Mayu walked away from her seat as she blocked the latter’s view from the hiding girl.
“Watanabe-san! Glad to see you! Have you seen Jurina?”
“Oh… haven’t you heard?” Mayu wears a sad face…
“Jurina got injured. She broke her leg for jumping down the window. She’s in the infirmary right now.”
“Eh?! My poor puppy! I got to see her… thanks, Watanabe-san!” Riho sprints her way to the infirmary as Mayu signaled to her friend ‘Line Clear’. Jurina followed suit, running out of the class to anywhere she can, as long as she can hide from Riho.
Feeling her stomach growling, Mayu heads out to the canteen but the presence of a goddess walking in the hallway like a model with the sun shining its ray from the window halted her step. She swiftly turns her back on the beautiful being, her heart thumping in a wild beat. She takes a couple of breath, trying to calm her racing heart. Rubbing her clammy hands on her skirt, she chants some words before the goddess shouts her name.
Hearing the voice she had been longing to hear since yesterday makes her twirl like some Disney’s Princess story. Her face beams with light.
“Yukirin!” with both hands under her chin and a slight nudge of her knees, she greets her bestfriend/senior/crush with a blinding smile,“What are you doing here?”
“Meeting you, of course.”
“Oh! Ehehehe…” The giggle was sickeningly girly that if Jurina was present at that time, she would have throw up her lunch.
“Say… you free after school, Mayu?”
“Ummm… I’m free.”
Only for you… wait. Did I promise someone this evening? Ah, screw that.“Great! Well… wanna hang out together? It’s been ages since we’ve last spent time together…”
Are you serious? I would love to!!!Mayu was jumping and rolling in her mind but she acted like she is thinking with a serious face in front of her crush.
“Hmm… I guess.”
“Alright! Meet me at the gate after school.”
Yuki wears a subtle devilish smirk in front of the clueless Mayu as she proceeds with her plans.
- - - - - -
“What is the egg face doing here?”
Jurina said loudly on purpose, the question actually directed to her bestfriend. Mayu could only muster a tight smile as Yuki tries to pacify the said egg face. All of them were gathered in a café as planned by Yuki. She had suggested for a double date but now, the plan had backfired. Rena was literally fuming with Jurina’s presence and things are about to get heated.
“Yukirin, I don’t think this café allow any PETS in here.”
“Such a pity. The president can’t even differentiate between a human and an animal.”
“Ugh, I don’t think I can stand the fleas flying from this puppy here…”
“Hey! I'm sensitive with that subject!”
Rena grabbed her friend closer, glaring the poor girl straight into her eyes.
“You said everything is under control...” Rena said with gritted teeth.
“Ahahaha… well, I’m not a fortune-teller.”
“But how am I supposed to-“
Before Rena could finish, someone cleared her throat.
“You do realize there are at least two more people in this table?”
Yuki smiled in apology while Rena proceeds in shooting lasers to the girl from her glaring eyes. Yuki nudged Rena’s side, trying to calm the fuming girl. Feeling slightly guilty for ruining the evening for Yuki and Mayu, Rena decided to excuse herself to the ladies for some anger management.
“Sorry, nature calls. I’ll be right back.”
“It’ll be better if you’re gone forever.” Jurina said with a small voice but Rena caught her loud and clear. She decided to ignore the conceited puppy before she unleashed her inner Gekikara.
“That was harsh, Jurina.” Mayu reprimanded her bestfriend for her childish act but the latter keeps her tough front, paying no heed to Mayu.
“I think Mayu is right, Jurina. You’ve really gone too far... Besides, I was the one who insists with this double date…” And now Yuki joined Mayu, trying to put some guilt into the kid’s naive heart. Taking a deep breath, Jurina drops her shoulders in defeat.
“Fine… I’ll talk to her…” Jurina step away from the table towards the restroom. And now, there’s Mayu and Yuki. After sending Jurina with her eyes, Mayu keeps her gaze on the tablecloth, somehow finding the checkered design interesting. Yuki on the other hand, could feel the tension brewing in air. She is as nervous as Mayu but they can’t keep quiet for a long time.
“Mayu are you okay?”
“Huh?” Not ready with the question, Mayu maintain her expression as cyborg as possible, if that’s even a word.
“You seemed a little quiet today…”
“Ah, no! I was just thinking about something…”
“I’m right here if you want to talk.”
Mayu would talk of course, if it doesn’t concern both of them. The thing is, Mayu had been thinking about them. About Mayu and Yuki. MaYuki. Oh, how good it sound coming from her mouth. If only she could tell the world that she wants Yuki to belong to her. Only her. Then MaYuki would become the talk of the school and everyone would feel envious of their relationship. They would overcome any obstacles and troubles antis would throw and they would stand still by each other side until love conquers them all. Oh, how lovely it would be…
“You’re daydreaming again!”
“I did?”
Yuki giggled from her dumbfounded face. She can’t help but to think an airhead Mayu is really cute and adorable. The latter could only scratch her head in embarrassment, laughing along with her senior.
“Oh! Before I forgot…” Mayu watched as Yuki rummage through her bag for something.
“Here it is... Happy White Day!” She hands out a white box with a transparent cover, showing a pink colored chocolate with a star shape. There’s a drawing of a face but it was smudged and weird looking, like it was made by an elementary kid.
“It’s nothing much but I hope you like it. I made it myself, you know?”
Mayu can’t help the fluttery feeling she felt inside. She was deeply touched that Yuki had made a chocolate for her on White Day. She took the box and handled it with utmost care, as if it was a fragile package.
“I… don’t know what to say, Yukirin…”
“That’s okay. Sometimes, action speaks louder than words…” what Yuki said had triggered something inside Mayu’s mind.
What did she mean… Wait! This is…? Mayu gulped. But before she could do anything, Yuki had already acted on her own will.
As a pair of lips came in contact with her skin, Mayu suddenly felt herself floating in cloud nine. The softness of her crush’s plump lips touching her left cheek lingered as her eyes widen from surprise. Mayu could feel her heart thumping in frenzy… This was just a kiss on the lips, but the reaction had made the cyborg fly to the outer sky, reaching another universe.
“I was thinking of doing this on Valentine but I was so busy that day, I couldn’t find the time to meet you.” Yuki averts her eyes sideways, her hands starting to sweat with the nervousness. A blush creeps on her pale cheeks.
“Thanks for the cookies the other day… It was really good!”
Mayu tried to keep her cool despite her flustered state right now. “That was nothing… ahahaha!”
“You’re really cute…” The words came out of Yuki’s mouth without warning. The blush deepens on both cheeks.
“So… what’s with the star?”
“A symbol of our friendship… and because you are the star of my heart.” There’s a glint of honesty shown on her eyes as Yuki said those words. But Mayu is a smooth talker, she replied smoothly as she looked deeply into Yuki’s eyes.
“And you are the moon to my heart, Yukirin... Cause stars and moon can’t live without each other…”
Okay that was cheesy… smooth talking there, Mayu.They were both staring lovingly into each other’s eyes, basking in their own MaYuki world just when the duo decided to interrupt their moment.
“Oh gosh! I can’t stand the love blooming in the air!”
“Just get married, you two!”
Yuki could only muster a shy smile as Mayu smacks Jurina’s head with a fist.
“Way to ruin the moment, cockblocker…”
“Ooooh, chocolate!” Jurina attempted to snatch the chocolate away but Mayu again smacked her hands.
“This is mine! Go get yours from Rena-chan…”
Crap. Mayu thought in her head as all eyes turn to Rena. “W-what are you talking about, Mayu?”
Mayu tried to think of some excuses but Jurina beat her to it. “You got something for me, Miss President?”
“Its… ummm… well… arrgh! Fine! Just take it!” Rena rummaged her bag for the paper bag before throwing it to Jurina. The latter caught it smoothly with a smirk on her face…
“What’s with the gift?”
“Oh don’t act like you don’t know…”
“I… don’t?”
“That branded chocolate with a pink note inside my shoe locker?”
“Oh… Oh! That! Wait… How did you know it was me?"
"No one would dare to give a kiss poem to me except you..."
"Did you... eat the chocolate?”
“Of course I would eat it... I don't like to waste. Why?”
Laughter reverberates in the café as the girl fall into a fit of giggle. Jurina tell the most unpredictable news to Rena between her laughs, “The chocolate was expired!”
“I can’t believe you ate it!”
“Why you… How could you?!”
“Hey… not my fault. You should have checked the expiration date first. Everyone knows that…”
“But no one gave out an expired chocolate on Valentine’s Day!”
“Congratulations, then.. You’re the first!”
“Grrr… Give that back!”
“Nuh-uh! I wanna taste the luuurv you put in this cake… HAHAHA!”
“Love you too~”
As the Matsui bickered with each other, Mayu and Yuki shared knowing looks as they stealthily escape from the heated scene. They walk by the sidewalk hand in hand, talking whatever nonsense they could make, giggling and laughing without a care in the world while sharing affectionate stares with each other once as they wandered into a faraway land only known by the couple named MaYuki.
A/N: I'm not feeling well these days coz of the heavy haze goin on in my place. The weather is quite bad too. The heat is rising up with the absence of rain for a month, even the water supply is being rationed daily. Right now we're just waiting for the rain to fall down real soon. Have you ever experienced this? My advice is to drink a lot of water to keep your body always rehydrated and keep praying for some miracles to happen...
Ahahahahaha was that some educational talk going on?

I gotta get some sleep soon...

REPLIES:@Zhen: HERE!!! Just take this fic... TAKE IT!!!

May your waiting be in vain~
@gilangfajri: Did you read all my fics? Man I love youuuuuu

Thanks for reading! Make sure to read this one toooo (if you're a MaYuki & WMatsui shipper
