Second, and last, chapter's finally here! 
Sorry for the wait though...
Again, disclaimer for any materials used for the anime series 'Amagi Brilliant Park' used in this fic. I take the time to promote this anime to you all as well! It's nice 
Hope y'all will enjoy this lengthy update! 
Thanks again for all the support!!!
Replies to peeps who commented~:
@ChibiRine: Finally it's done! >O< I hope you'll like it~ and thanks >< Though you're really exaggerating on my fic being one of the best ><
@cisda83: Ahahaha that was intentional~ hope you enjoy this update!
@phoenix0i: Update granted at last. Thanks for reading and waiting!
@Haruko: Please enjoy this update~
Chapter 2 - END
And so, the day has finally come.
Atsuko had arranged a driver for Minami to pick up Haruna while she herself had her own driver. She had asked Yuko the day before if she required any assistance in which the latter turned down politely, saying she had a transport ready.
Boy was she worried.
It was already 10 minutes after the meetup time, and still all three of them were not in sight. She kept pacing herself at a space near the entrance, worrying that something went wrong. That was until she was alarmed by a pat on the back.
“Yo. Sorry to have kept ya waiting.”
Atsuko turned back to see the midget after recognizing her voice, alongside a taller figure. Minami had worn a plain, grey sweatshirt accompanied by a pair of black-coloured jeans and a pair of white sneakers which was pretty much the epitome of ‘not standing out’. Haruna, on the other hand, wore a loose and casual, elegant white dress which had laces and a pair of brown, fashionable knee-high boots, her eyes being covered by a pair of sunglasses. As expected of one of the beauty queens of AKB48—Kojima Haruna. Atsuko herself noted that she was not wearing anything too extravagant; being a casual yellow, sleeveless dress with a decorative belt and a black mini blazer jacket that had her sleeves rolled up slightly to cover her exposed arms.
“I didn’t expect Acchan to be here~ long time no see~!” Haruna gave a brief wave and flashed a bright, excited smile.
“Long time no see, NyanNyan,” Atsuko smiled back, “Thanks for taking care of Takamina when you both are working in Team A.”
“Aww don’t mention it~” Haruna giggled, “Takamina’s the one who always takes care of me actually.”
“Hehh~ really,” Atsuko gave a brief glare to Minami who shivered in fear in return.
“O-Oh come on…! You can’t be jealous over that, Atsuko!”
“I never said I was~” Atsuko replied nonchalantly.
“With that glare? Seriously?” Minami crossed her arms and sighed.
The trio turned back to the source of the loud voice coming towards them, only to see a certain squirrel with disheveled hair, panting when she arrived right in front of them. She gestured a peace sign while she was still panting, facing the floor with a hand on her knee to catch her breath before looking towards them with a shocked face as her eyes locked onto the tallest member of the small group.
“You’re finally here, Oshima Yuko!” Minami grinned.
Yuko had worn a white blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her arms and a pair of short jeans, exposing a majority of her slender legs and a pair of brown, feminine sandals.
“Takamina?! … Wait,” Yuko smirked, “… you’re awfully ‘fashionable’ as always.”
“Oh shut up!” Minami retaliated, “Who the heck wants to get caught by the media on a fine day here?!”
“NyanNyan… why are you here?” Yuko turned to Haruna, obviously ignoring Minami with a straight face.
“O-Oi! Don’t ignore me just like that!”
Haruna tilted her head, with her index finger to her chin, “Well Takamina asked me out… so I agreed. And she picked me up today too~.”
“Why you…!” Yuko jumped behind Minami aggressively and started ruffling her hair while holding her in a playful arm lock, “You asked NyanNyan out behind my back?!”
“I-I had to!” Minami struggled to break free of Yuko’s hold.
“Hmm… now that you mentioned it,” Atsuko voiced out, “Yuko,” Yuko shifted her gaze to Atsuko, “Why are you in such a mess? Plus, you practically ran towards us from somewhere else.”
“Ahh…” She let go of Minami who was trying to breathe properly after all the struggling, “… Well, the driver dropped me at where the buses would drop the passengers—Amagi Brilliant Park bus stop, but it turned out being a love hotel.”
The trio were shocked and blushed.
“Don’t look at me like I actually went in to pay a visit or something,” Yuko gave an unimpressed look to them, “… Anyways, I asked the guard outside of the hotel about the whereabouts of the amusement park and then I came running all the way here. That’s pretty much my explanation, since I got here late.”
“Fine that’s understandable,” Atsuko turned to Minami, “But what about you two? You both were late as well.”
“NyanNyan was taking her time with choosing her attire for today apparently…” Minami said while tidying her messed up hair.
“Yup! And Minami had to wait for quite a while in the car~”
“Wow NyanNyan… don’t you feel apologetic…?” Atsuko smiled wryly.
“I did apologise~” Haruna pouted, “Right Takamina?”
“Yeah she did,” Minami gave a nod, “Well, let’s get on with the programme. We haven’t got all day.”
“Looks like Leader Minami’s taking charge eh~?” Yuko made a sarcastic remark.
“Shut it Yuko.”
- - - - - -
Off they went, through the barrier where they had their tickets checked by security and into the park. They were welcomed by a cheerful atmosphere bustling with people; parents bringing their excited children to explore the amusement park, mascots being surrounded by a group of children wanting to play with them and a whole row of booths to visit which had indoor games and an adorning Ferris wheel and roller-coaster ride that can be seen on the outer grounds. Screams coming from the roller-coaster ride resounded throughout the amusement park, accompanied by notices being broadcasted and an amusement park-like background music to fully captivate the hearts of the visitors.
“Uwaaaaa!!! This place is amazing!” Yuko shouted out, bursting with excitement as she spun around happily with her arms out.
“Yuu-chan, be careful~ you might hit someone…!” Haruna warned Yuko with a soft, but stern voice.
“Sure sure I’ll be—“ That was when she really bumped into someone without looking at where she was going and just continued spinning, “O-Oh crap… s-sorry!” She apologized immediately, only to find out it was someone she knew out of coincidence.
“Oww… that hurts…” The person rubbed her arm before looking at Yuko, “Ah! Yuko!”
“M-Mariko?! What?! Why the heck are you here?!”
Mariko looked around her surroundings, only to see the other trio she had already knew, “Oh, you guys too eh~? Wow wow~ on a double date now? Woohoo~”
“Don’t disregard me!” Yuko exclaimed before continuing her sentence in a softer voice, “A-And we’re… n-not on a date…!”
“Karma Yuko, karma,” Minami put out her tongue at Yuko who did the same in return before turning to Mariko, “I’m surprised to see you here, Mariko-sama. It’s been awhile.”
“Likewise, Minami,” Mariko gave her a wink and greeted back when the other two greeted her, “Anyways, I’m off to look for a lost sheep named Mii-chan, so see ya around~”
The four were utterly speechless at how Mariko came and went off just like that. She was definitely the ‘Master of Trolling’ for a reason.
“So… she’s with Mii-chan huh. That’s unexpected,” Yuko cupped her chin in a pondering manner.
“Yuu-chan are you okay?” Haruna approached Yuko tugging her by the arm in concern.
The latter blushed at the touch of the person she liked, “U-Umm… yeah. Of course.”
“Let’s get a move on,” Atsuko urged, winking at Minami at how Yuko and Haruna were progressing, slowly but steadily.
- - - - - -
The four of them had decided to follow the main attractions route on the guide map they received when they entered the amusement park. Hence, their first destination was a peculiar shoot-out range. The goal was to exterminate as many mice as possible with a water gun provided and the one who shot the most targets in that match, wins. Yuko had challenged Minami to compete who could shoot the most mice in which the latter agreed energetically. Haruna and Atsuko could only smile wryly at their respective partners before stepping into the shooting range.
It felt like a physical shooting game, with the mice coming out of holes on the colourfully decorated wall that had a scene from a picture book for children, and it was split into two separate rooms to give it more realism. The four of them had hectically tried to aim at their target but the mice was appearing and disappearing at rapid speed that they ended up shooting each other in the process. Yuko had sprayed Haruna by accident a few times, leading to the latter spraying back at her with a playful look on her face as if she had forgotten about the main aim of the attraction. Atsuko and Minami had distanced themselves from the pair they were planning to match-maker and continued trying their best to spray at the mice, though shooting at each other was inevitable as well.
By the time they got out, the upper part of their bodies were considerably drenched, after all the accidents of spraying at each other. When Yuko and Minami checked the score, it was disappointingly a tie, with just three mice each while their respective pairs did not score at all. The Chibies shrugged, admitting the game was a bit too hard, and decided to settle the score some other time.
An attendant greeted them at the exit after they went through the final room “Hello there. I hope you had fun.”
“Yeah totally. We totally had fun,” Yuko commented sarcastically, drying parts of her hair that was wet.
“Please come along with me for a commemoration photo with our theme park’s main mascot—Moffle-san~”
The four of them nodded and followed the attendant. Suddenly, a mascot with the form of a mouse with a hat appeared from the back door and slowly approached the four girls while gesturing for them to come to it.
“Woah, Bonta-kun?!” Minami exclaimed in a happy tone.
Bonta-kun was a character in an anime she liked in the past. But after she had stated that, the mascot seemed to have been slightly irritated.
“Ahh excuse me,” the attendant patted Minami on the shoulder before whispering into her ear, which made Atsuko shoot glances at the female attendant, “… our mascot is quite sensitive when someone calls him a rip-off or something similar…”
“O-Oh really?” Minami gasped momentarily, “S-Sorry… I’ll take note of that.”
“What’s Bonta-kun, Minami?” Atsuko asked innocently, which made the mascot look even more ticked off than before.
“W-We can keep that conversation till later or something!” Minami quickly stood near the mascot despite feeling a strange, dangerous aura emitting from it.
She gestured for everyone to hurry up before the attendant helped them with the photo-taking with a polaroid camera. Since there were four of them, they had four shots and before leaving, the prize that Yuko and Minami both won were an autograph each on their photo with Moffle’s stamp on it.
Boy they were disappointed with what they had gone through. Plus, they were kind of drenched. The attendant had advised them to visit the washroom as it fortunately has a hair dryer for the visitors to use, that also gave them a chance to relieve themselves before moving on.
Yuko and Haruna were the first to head out from the washroom. They had quite the awkward atmosphere going around them, in which Yuko decided to break.
“U-Umm so… why didn’t you tell me it was because Takamina asked you out?”
“I thought Yuu-chan didn’t need to know…” Haruna fiddled with her fingers glumly.
“Kojipa,” Yuko gave Haruna a stern look, “… If you don’t tell me the details, I’d be worry sick about you!”
“Y-Yuu-chan too!” Haruna returned the same look, “You didn’t mention anything at all as well! I don’t have to tell you everything now should I?”
“Of course you should!”
“And why is that?”
“Because what?”
Yuko looked away, clenching her fists hard and was rendered speechless.
“Yuu-chan is so selfish at times!” Haruna crossed her arms in frustration, and looked away from Yuko too.
They both had their backs turned against each other. Yuko looked like she was on the verge of tearing up while Haruna felt guilty for acting that meanly towards Yuko. When Atsuko and Minami got out from the washroom, they were immediately made worried by the KojiYuu pair and gave each other worried glances before approaching them.
“O-Oi Yuko, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Yuko walked on ahead, “Next attraction. Let’s go.”
“NyanNyan…?” Atsuko put a hand on Haruna’s tensed up shoulders.
The taller figure forced a smile, “… L-Let’s get going Acchan, Minami.”
- - - - - -
There was an awkward and tense atmosphere among the girls as they proceeded to their next destination, which was the infamous Haunted House. When they arrived, they were utterly surprised by a familiar trio who shot out of the entrance, with incoherent screams.
“Those three are…” Atsuko voiced out softly.
“Sayanee!” Minami greeted, “Yuihan and Miyuki-san too!”
“T-Takamina… san…” Sayaka shakily greeted her 48 Group senior while panting, “… H-Hey.”
“H-Hello…” Yui greeted shakily as well.
“Ya~ ho~” Miyuki, on the other hand, greeted everyone with a bright smile, “I’m really surprised to see a familiar gang of people today~”
“What the heck Miyuki…” Sayaka looked towards the other three seniors she had yet to properly greet, “E-Eh?! Ah… Kojiharu-san… it’s been quite some time, Atsuko-san and Yuko-san.”
“Wow~ it’s surprising to see you all rattled up,” Yuko flashed a grin as if everything was back to normal, in which Haruna pouted, “Was it
that scary?”
“Nope~” Miyuki answered before pointing at Sayaka and Yui with a mischievous smirk, “These two are just chickens.”
“A-As if!” Yui protested.
“I-If you yourself are brave enough then why the heck did you follow us out darn it?!” Sayaka protested too.
Miyuki pouted and crossed her arms cutely, “That’s because Chin Woman here literally dragged me out~.”
Sayaka blushed, “S-Shut up Gum Face!”
“U-Umm well, you guys continue bickering amongst yourselves then~…” Minami said softly before gesturing her gang to follow her into the Haunted House.
Upon entering the Haunted House, an attendant was there to brief them about the layout of the Haunted House before letting them go. It was surprisingly just a straight hallway that was refurbished with the idea of making visitors feel like they have been walking for ages with all the scares and mirror tricks ahead of them.
Minami decided that they move in a pair, with one pair guarding the back and one pair leading the front. Of course, she made Haruna and Yuko a pair despite the awkward air around them and she went with Atsuko. And so, as they went through the curtain a few steps ahead, they were enveloped in darkness, with slightly eerie coloured lights dimly lit on the floor and a horribly, creepy sounding background music playing in the background.
The KojiYuu pair were asked to walk behind the AtsuMina pair as directed by Minami despite Minami herself being considerably hopeless when it comes to scary things, Atsuko as well, but they had no choice but to deal with it. Haruna and Yuko, on the other hand, with each step they took, slowly closed the gap that was between them and the both of them had instinctively grabbed onto each other for their dear lives as they proceeded through the dark, and seemingly endless, hallway.
That was when, an eerie laughter resounded from behind them.
“O-Oi, Yuko! What the heck was that?!” Minami asked while panicking.
“Y-You think I know?!” Yuko squinted her eyes bravely to find the source behind her with Haruna clinging tightly onto her arm.
“Y-Yuu-chan… I’m scared…”
“D-Don’t worry NyanNyan… I-I’ll protect you!” Yuko forced a grin and that was when a figure quickly crept up in front of the KojiYuu pair that made them shriek and dash off ahead of the AtsuMina pair.
“Y-Yuko?!” Atsuko yelled out before she got tugged on the sleeve by Minami who was pointing at the slimy,looking, black shadow that scared off both Yuko and Haruna, “W-WAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!”
Atsuko ended up pulling Minami all the way to the exit, disregarding all the other scares along the way as they were blinded by fear. Literally bursting through the exit, they both fell onto the ground, hand in hand, panting like crazy. Yuko and Haruna were already there, huffing and puffing while still shaking in fear as well.
“S-Screw this!” Yuko exclaimed, “I ain’t afraid…!”
Minami slowly got up, pulling Atsuko to her feet, “W-Wanna go back to prove your courage, Yuko?!”
Yuko immediately hid behind Haruna and put out her tongue at Minami once again while clinging onto Haruna’s arm unconsciously.
“A-At least… Haruna and Yuko are okay now… huh?” Atsuko flashed a drained smile at KojiYuu, who then blushed at each other and Yuko leapt away from Haruna in embarrassment.
“We’re going to the roller coaster next yes…?” Haruna smiled wryly, “Let’s not waste any more time and get going~”
“I agree!” Yuko grinned, “I need another thrill to get rid of a… distasteful… thrill.”
“I knew you were afraid, Yuko!” Minami smirked.
“Say what you have just said when you’re courageous enough, Bakamina!” Yuko gritted her teeth at Minami in which both their respective partners pulled the two midgets away from each other to prevent a physical fight from beginning and dragged them towards the roller coaster ride.
- - - - - -
They rode the ride as a pair once again. Once the ride had started moving, Haruna’s legs had started to shake nervously, in which Yuko noticed and decided to renew the ‘coolness’ she had lost back at the Haunted House.
“Hey, Kojipa.”
“Y-Yes… Yuu-chan?”
Yuko winked, “It’ll be alright okay? Roller coasters are fun~ trust me.”
“B-But I’m scared I will fly out of the seat…” Haruna grabbed onto the protective handle in front of her tightly, “… if I do fly out…” she looked at Yuko with a miserable, but cute face, “… will Yuu-chan catch me?”
“Of course I will!” Yuko grinned before overlapping her hand onto Haruna’s, “There! If I’m grabbing onto you, you won’t fly out that easily!”
Haruna could not help but blush at the little actions of the midget, “Y-Yuu-chan…”
Minami glanced at the KojiYuu pair seated behind her and gave Atsuko a reassuring wink in which the latter nodded happily before the ride approached its peak and the craziness begun. All four of them were shouting both in fear and in enjoyment. Yuko had grabbed onto Haruna’s hand really hard throughout but instead of hurting her, Haruna was glad that Yuko’s presence was able to diminish most of the fear factor of riding the roller coaster. She had also noticed how happy Yuko looked as the ride went on, making her want to enjoy the ride till the end.
The four got off the ride in a wobbly but energetic state. The roller coaster ride seemed to have worked in bringing back colours to their faces after being terrified in the Haunted House. As they walked past the next line of people, they had ran into two more familiar faces.
“J-Jurina… maybe we can ride another time…?”
“Oh come on, Rena-chan! It’s going to be fun!”
“Hey~ Kiddo~!” Yuko greeted in an energetic voice.
“Y-Yuko-san?! And Kojiharu-san… Atsuko-san and Takamina-san too?!” Jurina widened her eyes at the sight of all her respected Senpai together, “You guys came to have fun too?!”
Minami and the other two greeted them in return, and vice versa.
“Yeah why not~” Yuko swung her arm over Jurina’s shoulder and gave a playful smirk to Rena, “Hey Rena, if this Kiddo tries to pull something funny when you guys are on the ride lemme know kay?”
“W-Why the heck would I be doing funny things to—"
“Alright,” Rena smiled in response.
“E-Eh?! R-Rena-chan?!”
“Yuu-chan~ last ride~” Haruna had gestured Yuko to leave.
“Enjoy your ride then~” The midget Ace gave Jurina a hard pat on the back before leaving with an energized laugh.
“… Geez… she ruined my plans to flirt with you before the ride really starts…” Jurina mumbled in a soft voice with a frown.
“Jurina? What’s wrong? Want to call it quits?” Rena gave Jurina an innocent look.
“It’s nothing,” she pouted, “And there’s no way we’re calling it quits after queuing up here for quite some time.”
“Mou……” Rena shrugged.
- - - - - -
Back to the KojiYuu and AtsuMina team, Atsuko advised them to sit in a different cabin instead to enjoy the scenery and also, because she wanted personal space with Minami, which she bluntly said, causing Yuko and Minami to blush with Haruna acting innocently dense as always. Atsuko had then nudged Yuko’s arm and gave her a thumbs-up gesture. Knowing that she had indirectly consulted Atsuko privately with regards to her true feelings towards Haruna, she became flustered by that gesture alone, realizing that Atsuko created a chance for her and finally realizing the point of this whole ‘date’ today.
Atsuko had planned this gathering, most likely with the intention of making Yuko confess her feelings for Haruna.
They entered their cabins and short after, the Ferris wheel had started to move, slowly but steadily. The view overlooking the whole amusement park with the city at the backdrop, covered by a wide, orange sky was breathtaking, as the wheel rotated and stopped at the perfect point to enjoy the view of the sunset.
- - - - - -
On AtsuMina's side…
“I really hope everything’s fine… if Yuko blows this chance, at least she’ll have one last go at the movies later,” Minami held her hands together, as if she was praying for Yuko’s success.
“About the movie Takamina…” Atsuko frowned.
“I uh… bought tickets for next Saturday instead…”
“W-WHAT?!” Minami was flabbergasted by her best friend’s mistake, “You have GOT to be kidding me!”
“I-It’s true…” She searched her purse and handed the tickets to Minami to reconfirm, “… I just noticed this morning when I was checking if I had forgotten anything for today…”
“Gosh… this is a predicament… and I told NyanNyan that we were going to watch a movie later too…” Minami facepalmed.
“I told Yuko the same thing…” Atsuko shrugged, “Sorry Minami…”
Minami gave Atsuko a pat on the head to comfort her, “Hey, even an ex-Ace makes mistakes. No worries.”
“Minami…” Atsuko smiled despite being on the verge of tears out of guilt.
“But…” The Chibi Leader suddenly had a darkened expression, “… That would mean this is the only chance Yuko’s got to confess…”
Atsuko gasped, “… Oh no…” She looked downwards, “… I really hope Yuko gets the message we’ve been trying to send today…”
Minami clasped Atsuko’s hands within hers, “Yeah… but knowing Yuko, I’m sure she’s smart enough to realise.”
Atsuko lifted her head upwards and gazed into Minami’s eyes with a smile forming on her lips, “… For now, let’s just enjoy this peaceful time together yes?”
Minami blushed at how the light of the sunset made Atsuko look so beautiful, “… Mmhmm.”
- - - - - -
On KojiYuu's side…
It was quiet. Yuko was sitting right opposite Haruna who was enjoying the view with sparkling eyes. The squirrel was fiddling with her fingers nervously, with a lot of thoughts going on through her mind until she was cut short by Haruna, who finally broke the silence.
“Yuu-chan, you’re still mad about just now?”
“H-Huh?” Yuko stopped playing with her fingers and both eyes focused straight into her partner’s beautiful orbs which made her feel like she would enter a trance if she continued to stare without a word, “N… No. I’m not. Sorry about that though…”
“I’m sorry as well…” Haruna smiled wryly, “I didn’t mean to hide anything from you really… It just slipped my mind that I should tell you…”
“I know… likewise…”
“So… we’re back to being friends again?”
“We have never stopped being friends, Kojipa,” Yuko laughed nervously which made Haruna laugh as well. They were glad that the small misunderstanding was finally out of the way, and all is back to normal.
“Say… Kojipa…”
Haruna returned a puzzled look.
“I umm… I have something to tell you.”
Yuko could feel her heart pound faster and faster, blood quickly rushing to her face, making her blush uncontrollably. She put both hands on her chest, in hopes of calming her rapidly beating heart.
“… Kojipa… I…”
Haruna quickly silenced Yuko from continuing her sentence by getting out of her seat and placing an index finger on her precious friend’s soft lips.
“I think I know what Yuu-chan wants to say.”
Yuko looked blankly at Haruna who slowly took a seat beside Yuko, taking Yuko’s balled up hands into hers, filling her nervous hands with Haruna’s own warmth.
“Yuu-chan,” Haruna blushed, “I like Yuu-chan too~”
The squirrel could not believe what she had just heard from the lips of someone she had been secretly admiring despite all the fanservices they had to perform in front of fans while she was still in AKB48. She had been trying to find ways to convey her true feelings to the dense airhead but now her target of interest actually beat her to it?
“S-Since when…?!” Yuko exclaimed nervously in disbelief.
“Since… since…” Haruna looked like she was deep in thought, “… I wonder when~…”
“O-Oi…” Yuko could imagine a big, animated sweat drop hanging on the side of her head.
“B-But! I really do like Yuu-chan a lot!”
“I have doubts that your definition of ‘like’ is the same as mine now…” Yuko looked away in disappointment.
When Yuko shifted her head back to face Haruna after she had called out to her rather loudly, Haruna had placed both her hands on Yuko’s cheeks and closed the gap between their faces, kissing her. Feeling Haruna’s soft, plump lips unto her own, Yuko unconsciously wrapped her arms around Haruna’s waist, wanting to feel more of Haruna’s warmth, alongside the kiss.
Breaking away from the kiss for fresh air, the two looked dreamily into each other’s eyes despite the close distance they had in between their faces at the moment and smiled shyly at each other.
“Will you marry me, Kojipa?”
Haruna pinched Yuko’s cheeks lightly and giggled, “You’re rushing things Yuu-chan~”
The lovey-dovey cabin for KojiYuu was then filled with laughter as they enjoyed their remaining time together as the Ferris wheel slowly begun to spin once again.
- - - - - -
Returning back to the ground, Atsuko and Minami felt a sense of accomplishment as they saw Yuko and Haruna, hands intertwined with each other’s as they got out of their cabin. They knew that the plan was a complete success.
“Hello you two. Had a great ride I presumed?” Atsuko directed a wink at Yuko who gave a giddy smile in return.
“Yup~ it was really beautiful~” Haruna responded with an airheaded tone of voice.
“Looks like all’s well, ends well huh. I’m relieved,” Minami let out a sigh of relief.
“So~” Yuko grinned, “Movie time yes?”
Minami and Atsuko looked briefly at each other before turning to Yuko, “Umm…” Minami started, rubbing her neck fretfully, “You see… Atsuko kinda booked the wrong date for the movie… so we might have to postpone the second part of this day event to next Saturday…”
“That’s great!” Haruna smiled.
“Sorry—huh?” Atsuko stopped her apology when she heard words with the tone she did not expect out of Haruna’s mouth.
“That means I can hang out with Haruna and you guys for one more weekend! It was fun after all!” Yuko grinned.
“Yup~ I’d love to hang out with Yuko and Acchan and Minami once again~” Haruna continued her smile of excitement.
“W-Wow. Talk about development… even using your actual first names instead of nicknames with each other in public now?” Minami’s eyes widened in surprise.
Haruna and Yuko smiled at each other shyly, hugging closer to each other more than ever. Atsuko and Minami could certainly ‘feel the love’ with their innocent gestures.
“I actually expected you both would want to hang out alone, just you two together…” Atsuko placed her index finger to her chin in thought.
“Well~” Haruna nudged Yuko’s shoulder lightly in which the latter nodded.
“I’ll be living with Haruna from tomorrow onwards!” Yuko grinned, gesturing a peace sign.
“E-EH?!” Atsuko and Minami gasped.
Yuko chuckled nervously, “… I’ll probably have to inform my family though but they don’t mind, since they know Haruna. Plus, they’ll think it’s for work~ but don’t worry, I’ll return home from time to time! Hehe~”
“What a lax household you have, Yuko…” Minami deadpanned.
“Well, mission accomplished at least, right? Minami~” Atsuko smiled at her best friend.
Minami smiled and crossed her arms relaxingly, “Yup. Mission accomplished.”
Even though they did not watch a movie as planned due to Atsuko’s mistake, at least, Yuko’s feelings towards Haruna had been successfully returned by the one she loves herself. Atsuko and Minami were happy for the newly established, happy couple that is not just for fanservice—KojiYuu. The day ended on a high note with a beautiful fireworks display at the center of the amusement park, with both couples holding onto their respective partner’s hands, enjoying their company and the moment together.
As they say…
“All’s well, ends well.”