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Author Topic: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)  (Read 13418 times)

Offline nezukara

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AN: Aaaaaand here I go, trying to be innovative again >.< And to think I was just planning on updating my abomination, when this storyline popped into my head. So here's something a bit more... serious? I watched an anime that went by the name Unbreakable Machine Doll and I was inspired lol. Some of the terminology I took from the anime, but the storyline is entirely my own.

Anyway, this fic is mostly SayaMilky, but there will be a decent number of MaYuki and WMatsui moments too. Add in a bit of Atsumina and Kojiyuu because I'm a trash shipper, and there you go.


Chapter 1


Set in a world where puppeteers are magicians who control weapons in the form of puppets called automatons. Sayaka is a powerful puppeteer who is among the highest ranked in the puppeteer guild of UZA48. Miyuki is Sayaka's loyal-to-a-fault automaton who is a Banned Doll (meaning that she was made from human parts).

Sayaka rolled her eyes. "Miyuki may be a Banned Doll, having been made from human parts, but Banned Dolls still can't feel emotion, Yuki. They're just like any other automaton. They're interchangeable."


"Another amazing win the arena, Sayanee." Minami praised, examining the younger girl from bottom, checking for injuries. They were in the preparation room of UZA's battle arena. "Soon enough, there won't be anyone to face you and Miyuki."

Sayaka smirked, "There's always you, Takamina. If only you and Acchan would agree to face us..."

Minami sighed in amusement, having deduced that there was nothing wrong with Sayaka. She turned around slightly, looking to see where her automaton partner, Atsuko, was sitting on a bench across the room.

"I don't think so," Minami chuckled, sharing a small smile with Atsuko. "Acchan's the strongest, and the ultimate ace of UZA. We wouldn't want to bust up Miyuki too bad."

"Please," Sayaka rolled her eyes, "I can just fix her. I've got the funds anyways. More than enough. You wouldn't mind a fight with Acchan, would you, Miyuki?"

From her position in front of the medical cabinet, Miyuki was bandaging her arm. Briefly, she looked up from her work, her signature smile spreading across her features. Her cheeks lifted up, and her eyes turned into perfect crescent moons. The perfect cheeky smile— Miyuki's charm point. It was one that she had shown to all of UZA, and although she was a mere automaton (and a reportedly illegal Banned Doll at that), many were charmed by Miyuki's antics.

"I wouldn't mind at all," Miyuki agreed immediately, "so long as it makes Sayaka happy."

"You two, I swear," Minami shook her head. "I will never understand your devotion, Miyuki. How are you doing over there, by the way?"

"Nothing too serious. Just a few cuts," Miyuki replied simply, returning back to her job of patching herself up. "The skin will heal in no time."

"See?" Sayaka grinned, "Miyuki is the world's greatest automaton. She's unbreakable. Miyuki can withstand anything."

If Miyuki had been a human, her eyes would have sparkled. "Yes! I am the world's best automaton! Sayaka, let's—"

"Sayanee!" Another voice cut the automaton off, and Yokoyama Yui barged into the room, her own automaton, Haruka, trailing behind her. "Sayanee, did you see that win? That was the best one yet!"

"Of course I saw it, Yuihan!" Sayaka laughed. "I was the one who made it!"

"To think you beat Sasshi and Rie..." Yui trailed off, excitement sparking in her eyes. "Soon enough you'll be taking on Yuko and Haruna!"

"You can bet on it! And then I'll take on you and Acchan, Takamina!"

"Hey, hey! Don't get ahead of yourself!"

From the side of the room, Miyuki had sat down next to Atsuko, silently watching the energetic exchange between the three puppeteers. She blinked, cocking her head to the side ever so slightly, observing the situation with interest. It was at times like these that Miyuki wished that she had emotions. Real emotions.  Not the expressions she had learned to plaster onto her face during the appropriate moments.

An idea came to mind.


"Milky," Atsuko shot the girl a small smile, "how many times have I told you to call me 'Acchan'? We're both automatons, after all. Our rank is the same."

"Right." Miyuki would have blushed. "Um, Acchan?"

"Yes, Milky?"

"Would you have a fight with me?"

Atsuko frowned, figuring that Takamina would have frowned at the question as well. "You too, huh?"

"It would make Sayaka happy."

"Is Sayanee's happiness all you think about?"

"I'm an automaton," Miyuki murmured, looking down at her intertwined hands seated properly on her lap. "My first and only concern is Sayaka and her wellbeing. Plus..."

"Plus what?"

"...I'd like to think that if Sayaka was happy—and I could feel emotions— I would be happy too."

"...I see." Atsuko resumed watching their eccentric masters, making eye contact with Haruka, who still stood by the door, and motioned for the reserved automaton to join them. "I would help you if I could, Milky, but Takamina is the one who makes all of the decisions. Knowing her, she would refuse, just like the many times before that she has refused."

"Hmph." Miyuki puffed up her cheeks and crossed her arms, pouting.

Atsuko raised an eyebrow, sharing a look with Haruka as the other girl made her way over.

"Where did you learn that?" Haruka asked, looking at her fellow puppet in confusion.

Miyuki shrugged, copying a motion that she had seen Sayaka do quite often. "I witnessed Haruna-san do it a few times when she was frustrated."


"Have you ever thought about taking a break, Sayaka?"

Sayaka frowned at this, becoming distracted from her work of repairing her steampunk goggles that had broken during the fight with Sashihara Rino. She had returned to UZA's dorm building, and was currently situated in the common room, next to the warmth of the fire.

"What do you mean, Yuki?"

"I mean have you ever thought about not participating in the arena or going on missions for a change?" The older girl had been watching Sayaka work in silence for the past thirty minutes, finding the sight of the younger girl so focused on fixing those goggles oddly compelling. "Not for very long, of course. That would never work, knowing you. Just for a day or so."

"Not really," Sayaka responded, scratching the top of her head. "As long as Miyuki is working and functioning, I have no reason to take a break. Nor do I want to, for that matter. My goal is to take the top."

"Your goal, huh?" Yuki muttered under her breath, pondering over Sayaka's words for a moment before shaking her head. "I should have known. Mayu and I are going out tomorrow. We're going to walk around town and see the sights. It's been quite a while since we've done that, and I thought that Mayu would appreciate the fresh air."

Sayaka snorted. "Mayu? Enjoy the fresh air?"

The idea of the stoic and stony cyborg-like automaton taking pleasure in or enjoying anything seemed so ridiculous it almost made Sayaka laugh out loud.

Yuki narrowed her eyes at the younger's reaction. "She's actually very nice, I'll have you know!"

Sayaka bit her lip, apologetic for angering the senior UZA member. "Sorry, Yuki. I know I don't understand Mayu like you do, but she's not exactly the most vocal."

Yuki sighed, plopping down onto one of the comfy couches. "I know. Sorry. It just irritates me a little. Mayu is the best automaton partner I could've ever asked for. She's never let me down, and she always comes through for me, as well as UZA. A lot of people here seem to forget that. I don't want to take all the credit."

"Well, you are the one controlling her," Sayaka reasoned. "Automatons can't think for themselves in battle. It only seems right to give you the credit."

"I know, but..." Yuki sighed, shaking her head once more. "Mayu may be an automaton, but she means more to me than that. I'm really attached to her."

"What would happen if she got destroyed beyond repair?" Sayaka questioned, her stomach tying itself in knots as she listened to Yuki describe her feelings. "What would you do then?"

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself." Yuki's response was instant. "I would quit being a puppeteer."

"You could always get another one."

"It wouldn't be the same," Yuki insisted. "I became the person I am today because of Mayu."

Sayaka narrowed her eyes. This was getting dangerous.

"I don't think that is the right mindset, Yuki-senpai."

Yuki shook her head, standing up to return to her shared room with Mayu. "I don't even care about that, Sayaka. Mayu may only be a standard automaton, but I don't think I could live without her."

She paused at the doorway. "You should really go easy on Miyuki, Sayaka. She might get hurt."

"I'm sure." Sayaka rolled her eyes. "Miyuki may be a Banned Doll, having been made from human parts, but Banned Dolls still can't feel emotion, Yuki. They're just like any other automaton. They're interchangeable."


"Are you ever going to take a day off, Sayaka?"

Sayaka only groaned. "Not you too, Rena."

It seemed that everywhere she went, be it the common room or the shared bathroom, Sayaka couldn't escape.

Rena shrugged, casually putting some toothpaste on her toothbrush as Sayaka dried her hair. "Just a suggestion. I might be rather new to the puppeteer scene in comparison to you, Sayaka, but I've spent over half of my life putting automatons together. It might be a good idea to let Miyuki rest."

"I've said this to Yuki, and I'll say it to you, too." Sayaka answered through gritted teeth as she ran a hairbrush through her short locks. "Automatons can't feel. Miyuki can't feel. Jurina can't feel. It shouldn't matter."

"That might be so," Rena answered calmly, "but don't you feel any shred of concern for her, Sayaka?"

"She's a doll, Rena," Sayaka shot back. "She's basically a plaything. I can't waste any time worrying about whatever emotion you think she feels, especially because she doesn't."

"And if she breaks?"

"I can get myself a new one," Sayaka replied curtly, collecting her toiletries and preparing to head back to her room. She headed over to the bathroom doorway and reached for the handle to exit.

"But it won't be Miyuki."

"..." Sayaka was silent, her hand still out reached for the doorknob.

"...I'm leaving now." And with that, she flung open the door and left to her room.

"There will only be one Miyuki, Sayaka!" Rena shouted after the short-haired puppeteer. "She may not be as easily replaceable as you think!"


"Milky!" Jurina squealed in a shrill tone, jumping on the older automaton's back. "Milky, how are you?"

They were currently hanging around the dorm's balcony, which was a popular spot for automatons to gather.

"Good like usual, Juu-chan." Miyuki replied, shooting Jurina her signature cheeky grin. "How are you?"

"Great!" Jurina replied, beaming. Had any normal citizen seen her, they would have thought that Jurina was human. It was probably only Miyuki's imagination, but the Banned Doll almost believed that she felt some admiration for the relatively newly made automaton girl. Jurina clearly spent a lot of time practicing her tone and facial expressions; even longer than Miyuki herself.

"And you, Mayuyu?"

"Fine," was the stoic automaton's terse answer as she leaned against the marble banisters of the balcony. Unlike most automatons who pasted expressions that looked like emotions onto their faces, Mayu never bothered. She remained indifferent to everyone except her master, Yuki— perhaps.

"I heard about your win against Sasshi in the arena today, Milky!" Jurina quickly asked Miyuki about the battle from earlier. "I wish I saw it!"

Miyuki would've chuckled. "It was Sayaka who really won. I only carry out the orders she gives me."

"Still." Jurina's smile only got wider. "You're amazing, Miyuki."

"I'm just curious, Jurina," Miyuki began, fully knowing that she couldn't actually feel 'curious' about anything. "Why exactly do you act the way you do?"

"I don't know," Jurina merely replied, "But it makes Rena happy."


"Miyuki," Sayaka greeted her automaton with a nod as she walked back into their shared room. "I'm back."

Miyuki nodded in return, seated at the small table in the center of their room. "Welcome back, Sayaka. Are you going to sleep now?"

"Yes. Or soon, at least."

"That's good. You deserve the rest."

"...Yuki and Rena both suggested that we take a break from the arena and missions."

"Is that so..."

"What do you think?"

"I want to do whatever Sayaka wants to do. And knowing Sayaka, you don't want to take a break. So therefore, I do not want to take a break either."

"I had a feeling that you'd say that." Sayaka smiled, reaching out to gently pat Miyuki on the head. "Sometimes, I think you're too loyal to me."

"In my entire life of three years, I have been with you, Sayaka. I know nothing other than loyalty to you."

"You might get yourself killed," Sayaka whispered, not removing her hand from Miyuki's feathery hair.

A soft smile, different than Miyuki's usual cheeky grin, overtook the automaton's features. It was a special smile that Miyuki seemed to be saving for moments like this, when Sayaka found herself alone with her partner. Moments where Sayaka showed her affection were rare. Sayaka didn't know if Miyuki was doing it on purpose, but especially when Miyuki was smiling so innocently, so child-like, it was difficult to remember that she wasn't actually human. And Sayaka told herself again and again that she didn't like that feeling, but God, was it hard to dislike someone like Miyuki.

"I don't really mind," Miyuki replied in an equally hushed tone. "If I break, then that means that I wasn't worthy enough to be your automaton."


"And then Sayaka can get another automaton— one that can actually protect Sayaka properly."

"..." In the back of Sayaka's head, Rena's words from earlier resounded. There would be no other Miyuki, and that was a fact. As much as Sayaka wanted to deny it, Rena was right.

"But I haven't broken yet, so Sayaka is stuck with me for a little bit longer." And that soft smile was back on Miyuki's face, and Sayaka thought that she had never seen such a sad sight.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 03:22:07 AM by nezukara »

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 1 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (17/1/2016)
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2016, 05:38:36 AM »
woooow sayamilky

 :ding: :ding: :ding:

interesting.. wmatsui and mayuki pair is in too...
waitin for next update~~~
thanks author san  :kneelbow: :on drink:
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 06:09:40 AM by Blackdawn »

Offline abcari

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 1 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (17/1/2016)
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2016, 06:33:20 AM »
omg, this is so good...

Offline hackata48

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 1 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (17/1/2016)
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 03:03:23 PM »

(Chapter 2 pls)

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 1 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (18/1/2016)
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2016, 02:31:49 AM »
Alright here we go, I'm finally getting around to commenting on this wonder of a fic.
Sorry for the late reply, I would've read it right away, but Unbreakable Machine-doll was on my list to watch and I thought I'd do that first  :P

Let's just say that your skill in writing is really showing here. Like seriously the whole mood of this story is amazing (and it's only the first chapter!)

Sad and Sweet.

That's what it felt like. I found myself smiling the whole time but I felt like crying. Is that even a thing? If it is then it doesn't happen often and I applaud you on creating that kind of atmosphere so perfectly (if that's what you were going for, if not then this is awkward :nervous)

Anyways~ Onto my ridiculous quoting as usual because I just have to. It's to good to not pick out my favorite parts. IT MUST BE QUOTED. Or else it's plagiarism just kidding.

"I'm an automaton," Miyuki murmured, looking down at her intertwined hands seated properly on her lap. "My first and only concern is Sayaka and her wellbeing. Plus..."

"Plus what?"

"...I'd like to think that if Sayaka was happy—and I could feel emotions— I would be happy too."

First example of wanting to smilecry. :cry: It's like Yaya and Raishin but without the whole pervert part, which I like.
Miyuki really wants Sayaka to be happy because she really cares about her. Then maybe she could be happy with her as well. Ugh I'm sold  XD Please spare me the wait and post chapter 2 already! I can't take it anymore! Crawls into corner to sob* Okay kidding (kind of because I really want an update) but it's all good if you can't yet.

"It wouldn't be the same," Yuki insisted. "I became the person I am today because of Mayu."

Sayaka narrowed her eyes. This was getting dangerous.

"I don't think that is the right mindset, Yuki-senpai."

Yuki shook her head, standing up to return to her shared room with Mayu. "I don't even care about that, Sayaka. Mayu may only be a standard automaton, but I don't think I could live without her."

Sayaka. Take a page from Yuki's book.
This is getting dangerous? LOL for who? Yuki? Or is it...Sayaka herself? :panic:

"And if she breaks?"

"I can get myself a new one," Sayaka replied curtly, collecting her toiletries and preparing to head back to her room. She headed over to the bathroom doorway and reached for the handle to exit.

"But it won't be Miyuki."

"..." Sayaka was silent, her hand still out reached for the doorknob.

Automatons are replaceable. They can be fixed. But will they be the same? And there's only one Miyuki as she's not exactly an automaton in the first place.

Though it seems Sayaka already realizes this. "I don't think that is the right mindset." And yet Sayaka is drifting towards (or already has) the same mindset. Even if she doesn't want to. (But I want her to! *shot)

"I'm just curious, Jurina," Miyuki began, fully knowing that she couldn't actually feel 'curious' about anything. "Why exactly do you act the way you do?"

"I don't know," Jurina merely replied, "But it makes Rena happy."

Aww that Wmatsui gettin in there~ But Miyuki and Jurina both pretend to be human and learn those expressions for their partners, that's so sad and adorable at the same time  :( Then there's Mayu who's tsundere or something LOL *shot

"But I haven't broken yet, so Sayaka is stuck with me for a little bit longer." And that soft smile was back on Miyuki's face, and Sayaka thought that she had never seen such a sad sight.

Ugh just this one part.
I really only needed to quote this one part to cover the whole chapter.
Just. UGGGGHHHHHH. You are killing me here. Literally. :cry:

That smile only for Sayaka. Not a fake one but a real one. Maybe Miyuki does have real feelings. And maybe Sayaka knows that.

UGH But that foreshadowing! *screams like a banshee* Okay not going to say all my guesses or go into detail (that's your job so I'll let you do that), but it's kind of obvious Miyuki's going to break. That's all I'm going to say.

Now I'm going to say please tell me what happens next! Soon! I'm beggin ya here! :cry:

Wow re-reading my comment really made me realize how much thought I put into this. Haha  :nervous Maybe a little too much. Over-analyzing things is my specialty, courtesy of my English teacher :banghead:

So ya nice job. Story's amazing as always and I'll be waiting and reading until the very end.  :thumbsup

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 1 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (18/1/2016)
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2016, 07:24:55 AM »
So good  :thumbsup can't wait for next chapther.. :cow:

Offline no-chan

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 1 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (18/1/2016)
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2016, 07:31:43 AM »
Uwaaa~this is a good story....almost make me cry...😢😊😊

Keep it up💪💪

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 1 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (18/1/2016)
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2016, 05:26:42 PM »
I like this fic very much! ( 」´0`)」

Wooo~~ i found mayuki here~ i'm so happy~ (>ω<)

Perfect pairing! Hahaha i'll waiting for your update! Σd(・ε・´d)★FIGHT

Update soon (╭☞´ิ∀´ิ)╭☞
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

Offline Janix123

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 1 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (18/1/2016)
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2016, 09:42:57 AM »
SAYAMILKY!!!! YEAY!!!!  :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer:



Offline nezukara

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (3/5/2016)
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2016, 03:19:19 AM »
AN: Oh. My. Frikking. God. It's been literally 5 months since I have touched this fic and I am soooooo sorry! School had suddenly gotten really, really busy for me, and I needed (and still need) to focus on stuff like that. Actually, I really should be studying for exams right now, but inspiration for this thing struck when I was doing a free write in English, so here's a new chapter!


P.S. I need some inspiration to write fanfics! Message me or leave a comment with suggestions for some pairings and/or plots! (especially SayaMilky, since I want to write some commemoration fanfics before Milky graduates!)

Chapter 2


"Mayu, come here." Yuki stretched her arms out to her automaton as she settled down on her bed. "Stay with me."

Wordlessly, Mayu allowed herself to be enveloped into Yuki's embrace, closing her eyes as the older girl exhaled in relief and buried her face into the younger girl's hair.

"Tomorrow, let's just relax, okay?" Yuki whispered. "I don't want you to think about fighting."

"It's my job to act as your shield and weapon, Yuki," Mayu reminded her master. "If your life is threatened, I have no choice but to ask you to control me."

"That's only if my life is endangered," Yuki smiled. "Otherwise, don't think about it."

The automaton looked down, "If you say so, Yuki."

Yuki frowned. "You seem a bit off, Mayuyu."

Mayu frowned as well, mirroring Yuki's expression. "I don't understand, Yuki. I'm talking to you. How am I 'off'?"

The puppeteer woman couldn't help but laugh at this. "Not that kind of 'off', Mayuyu. I mean emotionally. You seem... troubled."

Mayu cocked her head. "I don't have emotions, Yuki."

"Yes, but something seems to be bothering you regardless."

"If you mean that I have questions, then yes, I suppose I am 'feeling off'."

"What do you have questions about?"

"Miyuki... and Jurina. Earlier, Miyuki asked Jurina why she acts like... like Jurina. Jurina said that she acts that way because it makes Rena happy. It made me think about why Jurina would feel the need to make Rena happy like that."

"Why?" Yuki smiled gently, cradling Mayu in her arms and pulling her in close to rest her head on Mayu's raven hair once more. "Because Jurina cares about Rena. And because she cares about Rena, she decides to make Rena happy by acting as energetic and positive as she can."

"...I'm not like that though." Mayu murmured. "I don't act like Jurina at all... But Yuki, that doesn't mean that I don't care for you, right? I... I try my best to watch out for you, and—"

"And that's more than enough," Yuki finished, closing her eyes in content. "I don't want you being anyone other than yourself, Mayu. You're perfect the way you are. As much as I like Jurina's peppy little self, I don't want you to be thinking that you need to act that way as well. Jurina is Jurina and Mayu is Mayu."

"I understand..." Mayu trailed off, still sounding a bit troubled. "Miyuki's smiles though... I know that she cares deeply for Sayaka, but perhaps she is feeling 'off' too?"

"Perhaps," Yuki agreed, nodding, "but it's Miyuki's choice to smile throughout it all."

"Do you think she... hurts?" Mayu couldn't stop herself from asking. "We can't feel pain. Or at least we're not supposed to, but..."

"You never know." The young woman sighed. "And you, Mayu? Are you hurting?"

"I don't think so," Mayu replied with hasty a shake of her head. "I'm with you, so I have no reason to hurt, even if I could feel pain."

At this, a smile blossomed across Yuki's face.

"I'm glad."


"Ah! Jurina! You're back."

"Mmhm," the young automaton hummed in supposed contentment, walking up behind her master, who was brushing her raven hair with the utmost dedication in front of their mirror. "I was talking to Mayuyu and Milky."

"They're doing well, no?" When she received the nod of confirmation, Rena smiled softly. "That's good. I had a little talk with Sayaka earlier in the bathroom."

Jurina chuckled, her arms slowly encircling Rena's waist.

"A 'talk,' huh? And with Sayanee of all people?"

"Okay, maybe it was a bit one-sided on my part, but I think I got my point across," Rena relented reluctantly, taking one of Jurina's hands and intertwining their fingers.

"I'm sure you did, Rena," Jurina smirked and nuzzled her face into her master's neck. "Did it have to do with Milky?"

"How'd you guess?"

Rena leaned back into Jurina's strong chest, staring at their reflection in the mirror endearingly. This was how she wanted her future to look— her and Jurina, together, and at the beginning of her career as a puppeteer, Rena held the belief that as long as she had Jurina, she would be at peace. That dream was temporarily put on pause when Rena met Yamamoto Sayaka, her fellow puppeteer, who had a vastly different relationship with her automaton.

She had been momentarily silenced when she witnessed the pure relentlessness of the combination of Sayaka and Miyuki.

Rena had spent years as an apprentice to the master automaton inventor, Shinoda Mariko. She had seen the amount of care that Mariko out into every automaton, and naturally, Rena had developed some type of affinity with automatons, hence why she took caution to make decisions that would put Jurina in as little trouble as possible.

Sayaka was the exact opposite. Seeing the short-haired master mercilessly send Miyuki into the heat of conflicts with little-to-no reaction was unnerving. What was even worse was watching Miyuki return from the fray, sometimes battered, burnt, and bruised, but never even batting an eyelid. By the third time she saw this, Rena knew that Miyuki was already used to this treatment and did not mind in the slightest.

But the worst of all was that sickeningly sweet smile that would overtake Miyuki's features whenever someone talked to her. And people believed her. They fell into her trap. They succumbed to the carefully placed illusion of happiness that Miyuki had shrouded herself with. Even Sayaka herself.

Rena could see through it. She saw what was left behind the mask— a hurting shell of a girl who only wanted her master to look at her more.

Maybe automatons couldn't feel, but Rena had never felt so consumed before in her life. Seeing Miyuki staring at Sayaka in such a way only made her heart hurt.

Rena truly felt sorry for the Banned Doll.




"I don't understand her," Yuki sighed, shaking her head and bring up a palm to her forehead. "I just don't understand her."

She hunched over, resting her elbows on her knees, looking down at the floor from her bed, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples. It had been over a month. Since her talk with Sayaka, and the girl's ruthless habits had yet to change, yet along waver. What was even more perplexing was Miyuki's utter compliance to simply go along with whatever Sayaka wanted. Surely, she was getting tired? Even Mayu knew well enough to draw a line when Yuki pushed herself and her partner over the edge.

Suddenly, a weight pushed against Yuki's back, and vaguely, the human woman could hear the quiet tick tock tick tock of her partner's clockwork heart, mayu was sitting back-to-back with her.

Yuki wondered if Mayu was rolling her eyes at her (Perhaps it was sarcasm? Yuki was unsure of whether automatons were capable of sarcasm.)

"You're being too loud," Mayu deadpanned, and Yuki chuckled.

"I was just thinking to myself, silly girl," she teased.

"Then you're thinking too loud," Mayu reiterated. She pushed herself up from her previous position, turning around to bring her hands up to her partner's shoulders.

Yuki giggled as the other girl started pressing comforting circles into her back.

"Who taught you how to massage?"

Mayu shrugged (the only human gestured that Mayu successfully bothered learning).

"You'd be surprised at the things you learn when you're around Yuko."

Yuki groaned.

"Spare me the details. I don't think I want to know."

"No, you don't."

That earned Mayu another laugh.



"What is it like to laugh?"

"Hmm... It's when you find something funny or pleasing, and you start smiling so much that you're stomach starts to hurt."

"You feel pain while laughing?"

"Sometimes, if you laugh too hard."

"Why on earth would you ever want to laugh then?" Mayu asked incredulously.

A gentle smile graced Yuki's features.

"You're just going to have to trust me on this one, okay it's a good type of pain."


"Rena is rather skilled, isn't she, Sayaka?"

Sayaka momentarily took her eyes off of the arena, where Rena and Jurina were locked in combat against Okada Nana and her automaton, Megu— a rather promising, and rather young pairing. Turning to the side, she saw Miyuki's eyes remain unmoving from the clash in front of them.

"Yes," Sayaka confirmed with a sharp nod. "Rena is one of the newest puppeteers, and yet despite that—"

Rena let out a yell of victory as Jurina successfully landed behind Megu. The puppet grinned, only to lurch forwards and perform a powerful force palm, a wave of pure energy leaving her hands and launching Megu flying through the air, only for the other automaton to come crashing to the ground in a heap.

"—For her to pull off moves like that," Sayaka continued, "is something only a prodigy could accomplish."

"She has a good partner." Miyuki added, her gaze unwavering has she watched Jurina shake hands with Megu as Rena and Nana chatted about improvements a few meters away.

"Yes, yes she does." Sayaka agreed.

"Would you have liked Jurina as a partner, Sayaka?"

Sayaka paused, furrowing her eyebrows at Miyuki.

"That's silly, Miyuki," she responded, but when she saw her partner continue to gaze at her, expecting an answer, she sighed. "I really don't know, Miyuki. Maybe some other time."

"After I break?"

Sayaka shook her head, narrowing her eyes. "Miyuki, what is up with these questions? Is there something wrong with your clockwork?"

"No! There's nothing wrong with me." the automaton quickly reassured. And it was true. There wasn't anything wrong with her. "It's just that one day, I will probably break, and I—"

"Let's worry about it when it happens." Sayaka hastily cut her off, shaking her head once more before clenching her fist and letting out a quiet growl.


This is all Rena and Yuki's fault, Sayaka told herself thirty minutes later. Half-an-hour had already passed yet for some reason she was still worked up over Miyuki's statement from earlier. The talks that both girls had given to her a month ago had actually affected her more than Sayaka would have liked to admit. Nevertheless, she had gone on with her business with Miyuki as usual, taking care to make sure she seemed unaffected.

There is no way I'm going to make it to the top of UZA this way, she sighed to herself.

To make matters worse, it was becoming far too apparent that her best friends were already engaging in relationships with their automatons that were beyond Sayaka's boundaries. Although, Sayaka supposed that she really should have seen it coming.

Rena and Jurina had acted like a couple from the very beginning. It was evident that Jurina had tried her best to adapt a human-like persona for Rena alone, and admittedly, it was pretty convincing. The two of them simply looked genuinely happy with each other.

Yuki and Mayu were the same, yet different. Mayu acted like Yuki's heartless puppet most of the time, but Sayaka noticed how Mayu seemed to act more and more protective of Yuki as the days went on. And just like Jurina and Rena, Mayu and Yuki also seemed genuinely happy as well.

Sayaka had inquired to Miyuki what it was that their friends were doing, and Miyuki had tilted her head thoughtfully.

"I asked Jurina about it the other day," Miyuki had said, "I think she called it 'love'?"

Sayaka had groaned and buried her face in her pillow.

No, no, no! This was not what she needed!

"Love is weakness," she had told herself.

She chanted it like a mantra.

"Love is weakness. Love is weakness. Love is weakness."

Sayaka had also casually dismissed the blank stares Miyuki had given her from the other side of the room. She knew that Miyuki would have thought she was crazy, had the automaton the knowledge to understand the notion.

But for now, she remained sitting in the stands of the arena, waiting for her turn to fight with Miyuki by her side.

Sayaka was just plain confused.

How could Rena and Yuki have altered and screwed with her mind so fast? Why was it only affecting her now?

It's not like Miyuki was going anywhere, right?

Offline sadrilim

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2016, 04:31:12 AM »
Good fanfic author san.

I like how you describe their own POV.  Especially Sayaka.

Will wait for your update.

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2016, 10:50:47 AM »
I have been waiting for this the whole time lol. Thank you for the update!

Sayaka took Miyuki's existence for granted that she (most likely) didn't realize what she actually felt for the doll. It will be interesting to see how she would realize that, perhaps in the hard way.

Can't wait for the continuation!
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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2016, 05:16:16 PM »
Sayanee admit it that you care for Milky Haahahahaha  :lol: :lol:
Hahaha would be nice if Sayaka will (since Milky will graduate  :( :( :cry: :cry:)

Will be waiting for the next chapter  :) :)

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2016, 11:36:08 AM »
someone slap sayanee for me please :angry: i dont want her to regret later when miyuki broken :cry:

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2016, 04:06:19 AM »

First of all, I really needed this update. Period. I loved this story enough in the first place but that whole grad thing lately just had the SayaMilky feels over the top. Repeat, I really needed this update XD And dude your way of writing is just so good, I acknowledge that even as I'm reading. Real good man please continue haha :lol:

And second, YAAAASSSSS Sayanee is confused!!! XD God she needs to cut the anithero crap out and fall for Milky. Honestly :P

The character's personalities are really solid too, like you built them up really well  :thumbsup Along with the automaton and human differences (if it was me I would've forgotten to incorporate that too much) Like the whole 'feeling off' thing or 'good pain' while laughing.

And thanks for those Mayuki and WMatsui moments! Gotta love 'em XD (even though JR been irritating me lately)
WMatsui's already a couple here basically, so cute~
Ooh that Mayuki talk about how they care and 'hurt' and all that, ah it got to me. Lol at Mayu with her shrugging - 'the one human gesture that she bothered to learn' LOL that is so Mayu  :lol:

Poor Milky tho... Rena knows that she's 'hurt' and even Mayu can see that she's 'feeling off'  :cry: I don't even know what to say that's so sad...She just wants Sayanee to care about her but because she cares about Sayanee so much... :cry: :cry: :cry: and also Sayaka makes me wanna  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Pffft 'Magical Time Jump' lol :lol:

Okay, okay, hang on, I just have to quote this one part. Allow me just this one.

Sayaka had inquired to Miyuki what it was that their friends were doing, and Miyuki had tilted her head thoughtfully.

"I asked Jurina about it the other day," Miyuki had said, "I think she called it 'love'?"

Sayaka had groaned and buried her face in her pillow.

No, no, no! This was not what she needed!

"Love is weakness," she had told herself.

She chanted it like a mantra.

"Love is weakness. Love is weakness. Love is weakness."

LOL SAYAKA XD Too many good things about this part cuz it's hilarious and shows SayaMilky interaction, character development/example, gap between automation and human and Sayanee's ride on the struggle bus XD

Milky's not going anywhere.  :angry: PFFFTTT YA RIGHT SAYANEE YOU THOUGHT. YOU THOUGHT. YOU'LL SEE (I don't even know what's going to happen but it'll happen and YOU'LL SEE and I will also see :P)

So ya sorry for the late reply cuz I haven't been on lately, but I was real happy to see an update XD

Keep it up bud!  :thumbsup

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2016, 11:31:37 AM »
hope u update soon  :cow:

Offline tigers parade

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2016, 03:21:21 AM »
This is quite the fic :D you've done a really great job of writing and everything is really nuanced, so keep up the good work!!

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2016, 11:13:24 PM »
i don't really shipping sayamilky..but i really like your fic
thats how good it is.

thank you author san. would looking forward for the next chapter!

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2017, 06:37:26 PM »
Ohhhhh!!! Such an interesting story.
This seems to be more entertaining than the anime itself.   :onioncheer: :on gay:
Just kidding. But seriously, it's so cool.
I thought that this was a OS but I was wrong. I even thought that it might've been posted years ago. But was I wrong again.
I hope you do continue this author-san.

Offline Masanyan

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Re: Clockwork Doll Chapter 2 - SayaMilky, MaYuki, WMatsui (4/5/2016)
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2019, 08:54:30 PM »
Is too late to ask you to continue?
I miss Sayamilky  :heart:

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