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Author Topic: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (41/41 END) [WMatsui] - REPLIES  (Read 358173 times)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (22/?) [WMatsui] (26/04/16)
« Reply #400 on: April 29, 2016, 07:15:07 PM »
My heart :mon cry: read the chapter and almost scream out of habit in the middle of a class.

Rena..... :pleeease: :pleeease:

Sorry for breaking your heart. I tried not to make it too sad though  :nervous

AN UPDATE!!! :mon squee: :mon squee:

RENA!! WHY YOU HAVE TO GRADUATE!!  :mon waterworks: :mon waterworks:

JURINA IS NOW ALONE BUT SHE HAS TO LEAD SKE.  :mon dunno: :mon dunno:

YEAY AIRI IS IN THE CONCERT. FURUYANAGI!!!  :mon XD: :mon XD:    WMATSUI!!! :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff:

I thought it would be a nice touch from Rena to invite Airi to the concert. After all, she went to her graduation concert back in January as well! At first, when I wrote the script for Partners back in late 2014, I was planning on writing a duo between them (not going to say on which song!) but when I wrote the chapter, I discovered it didn't work anymore, because of the lyrics. So I took it out. In the end, Airi is only mentionned during her conversation with Churi, but I thought it was nice to have Airi supporting her dear friend  ;)

Now certainly you are going to start the dramatic part.


Well... yes. Rena's graduation is not a meaningless thing. So of course it's going to have an impact on the story and WMatsui. It already has, and it's going to continue.

Mmm that update. Welp, it was cute yet meloncholic.

The graduation finally happened.
I fear what comes next :(

I tried to make the concert filled with cute/beautiful/funny/memorable moments. But I understand if you feel it's melancholic as well, because it's a graduation concert. Graduation concerts always have a melancholic side, I guess? Especially when you're attached to the girl who's graduating.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 11:47:09 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (22/?) [WMatsui] (26/04/16)
« Reply #401 on: May 07, 2016, 12:16:33 AM »

thanks for the answers sophcaro san!

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (23/23 END) [WMatsui] (09/05/16)
« Reply #402 on: May 09, 2016, 12:32:01 AM »


It was over. Rena’s graduation concert had ended more than half an hour ago, and the previously fully booked stadium of Nagoya was now completely deserted. After sharing on her way backstage a few words with a couple of SKE girls and staff members who demanded her attention the now graduated girl had finally managed to reach the much awaited shower, more than eager to let the water wash away all the sweat she had accumulated during the two-hour concert.

Rena removed her clothes and turned the water on - waiting a little until it was at the right temperature - before stepping under the shower head. As she closed her eyes a small sigh left her lips in content, relishing the pleasant sensation cooling down her body and relaxing her sore muscles. She really needed that after the very enjoyable - but definitely energetic - two-hour concert.

Just as she was about to take the soap to wash herself she distinguished a light - but perceptible - sobbing coming from another shower nearby. Her hand froze in mid air when she recognized who it belonged to. All the chatting that had been going on in the other showers had now completely ceased. Rena leaned her back against the wall behind her, her chest tightening in pain at the sound of Jurina’s crying.

The young ace had managed to keep her sorrow to herself during the whole concert, even during the last very emotional song Sore wo seishun to yobu hi. The lyrics of that particular song always managed to moisten a few girls’ cheeks. But Jurina had not cried. Not even at the end when Rena passed the doors of the main stage with a broad smile, and her face progressively disappeared as the doors closed on her.

Of course, she was going to let it out at some point. Rena had expected so from the moment the concert started. But, when she bravely confronted the two-hour concert without shedding a single tear, she believed Jurina was not going to crack in front of an audience. In fact, she figured she would probably prefer waiting until they were just the two of them alone to finally show her true feelings. After all, that’s what she had been doing during all these months.

Rena listened to the sound helplessly, hoping Jurina would manage to find the strength in her to calm down. However, when the sobbing could still be heard a while later - even intensifying a little - Rena understood that was not about to happen. Jurina couldn’t control herself anymore. In front of others, she had kept her emotions to herself during six long months. Now, she had reached her limits.

Rena slowly turned the water off, pondering over her options. There was nothing more difficult than to hear the usually so cheerful ace cry her heart out. In the past, each time she happened to witness any sign of distress in Jurina’s eyes, she made sure to comfort her as best as she could. Of course, she was aware that her words had little to no effect, but it didn’t prevent her from trying.

The current sound of Jurina’s constant, loud crying was becoming unbearable. Decisively, the older Matsui stepped out of the shower. Her eyes fell on the clean, large towel hanging by the sink and she seized it, enveloping her body in the red fabric. Her feet led her to the door leading outside and she stepped in the corridor, halting when she immediately noticed a few members staring at her.

Rena felt self-conscious at all the silent looks directed at her. After swift observation, she realized there was not a hint of disapproval in their eyes, as she half expected. Every single girl in the bathroom knew perfectly well what had triggered the tears of SKE’s ace, but they did not seem to hold it against her. Rena found it somewhat reassuring, even though she would not blame them if they did. After all, she was the only one responsible for Jurina’s distress.

Rena had to admit the unwilling attention was making her slightly nervous. Everyone was looking at her in expectation - watching her every move - and obviously wondering what she was going to do about the situation. However, she didn’t say a word, instead moving towards the shower from where the sobbing was still emitting loudly.

Her steps slowed down when she turned at the corner and saw Churi already standing in front of Jurina’s door. The girl was clad in a green towel and her fist hanging in the air - a few inches from the door - as if she was about to knock. When the latter took in Rena’s presence by her side she lowered her arm and turned around to look at her. Rena was caught off guard when she distinguished the pain visible in her eyes as she addressed her. “Please make it stop.”

Rena found herself at a loss for words. She was conscious that Churi’s demand was only motivated by the deep concern she felt for her young friend - a concern that was justified and that she understood well - but what could she really answer to that? She was already doing her best to put an end to Jurina’s sadness. She had been trying desperately for six months. And each and single time to no avail. When Jurina’s tears thankfully happened to stop, it was only a short respite. 

In the end, Rena gave her interlocutor a soft nod and small smile in reply, sign that she was acknowledging her request. Yes, she was confident she would find a way to make Jurina’s tears stop for now. But a tiny voice inside her head immediately reminded her that it would only be a momentarily success. Only one person could truly put an end to Jurina’s misery: Jurina herself. Rena couldn’t wait for that moment to come as she couldn’t bare seeing the object of her affection in such a state of grief. But until then, she would be here to help her in any way she could.

Rena finally tore her eyes away from Churi and turned towards the door, knocking on it twice. “Jurina, I’m coming in.”

No answer. Not that she truly expected one, anyway. The crying was still going on strong as if she had never spoken, but she knew Jurina heard her well. She made sure her voice was loud and clear enough. Rena waited a few seconds - just in case the young girl would manifest herself in any way - until turning the handle when nothing happened. What she found behind made her heart sink. Jurina was standing in the shower - water splashing over her trembling body - her face turned towards the direction of the wall. Judging by the hand placed in front of her mouth, it was obvious she had all along tried her best to choke back her tears.

Jurina showed no sign that she acknowledged her presence, but the sound of the door opening had obviously alerted her. Rena closed the door behind her and moved forward, her eyes shimmering with emotion at the view of the crying girl. Her fingers detached the towel that was hindering her body until now - letting it slip carelessly on the floor - before sliding the door open and embracing the young girl from behind.

Rena didn’t miss the way the naked body tensed against her. Rena felt the warm water now cascading over her own shoulders, but she focused entirely on the girl in her arms. Jurina was not hindering her face with her hands any longer - her arms now falling by her side - but she was not responding to her gesture of comfort. For a moment, Rena feared she was going to reject it, and she tightened her hold around her waist.

The events of January 31 were still vividly imprinted in her mind. At the time, Jurina had denied her affection. Even distanced herself from her. It is true to say things had evolved positively since, but Jurina’s suffering seemed to have reached a higher level today. What if her graduation concert was the last straw for her? What if there was no coming back from that?

“I’m here,” Rena whispered into her ear. Her lips tentatively caressed Jurina’s moistened right cheek, placing a light kiss here. When the action still didn’t provoke much of a reaction, she placed another lingering one. Rena waited, alerted when she saw no sign of improvement.

Rena murmured many words to her. Some were of comfort. Others of love. Words she had relentlessly uttered again and again for the past six months. And that she was ready to repeat if it could help ease Jurina’s sadness just a little. She didn’t know exactly how long it lasted. As the minutes went by, she felt the body against her finally relaxing. And the sobbing dying down a little while later. She pressed her lips against Jurina’s cheek anew. And saw Jurina nodding silently when she told her again how much she truly loved her.

Relief spread through her chest when Jurina’s hands came to join hers at her front. No words were exchanged, but Jurina was finally accepting her demonstration of affection. Now, she hoped Jurina would one day finally be able to return her words of love.

“I don’t want my fans to see me like this,” Jurina murmured, refusing to follow Rena who was about to open the door.

Both girls were now fully dressed and ready to leave, but Rena could well discern the unease in Jurina’s puffy eyes when she turned to look at her. Rena pondered over her declaration - much confused as she was failing to see where she was getting at - before noticing the way Jurina was not gazing at her, but staring at the door leading outside. That’s when it hit her. Jurina didn’t want her heartache to be caught on camera. The cameras that would assault them as soon as they would make their way outside.

Indeed, cameras had not stopped following the members backstage and during the whole time of the preparation of the concert. It was expected, as footage needed to be taken for the DVD and Blu-ray to be released in a couple of months. Everyone was used to cameras following them. In fact, after so many years, they practically forgot their presence. As a result, cameras managed to capture successfully many moments of intimacy. And viewers seemed to love those.

Rena knew what Jurina was implicitly asking of her. But would her demand be fulfilled? She was seriously doubting it, but she wanted to try for Jurina’s sake. “Alright, stay here.”

Rena left the room, and it didn’t take her long to find who she was looking for. In fact, the two familiar cameramen were waiting in the corridor not far from here, and immediately raised their camera in alert when they noticed her approaching. The older Matsui had a slightly embarrassed look on her face when she addressed them. “Please, can you not film Jurina and I?”

Both men lowered their cameras slowly and looked back at her in astonishment. It was definitely not the first time she tentatively tried to prevent cameras from filming her. It happened a few times the very first years she joined the group, especially when she got caught crying alone by the cameraman who followed her practically everywhere.

After realizing her pleas had no effect whatsoever and the camera kept on rolling nevertheless, she accepted her fate. Unfortunately, she had no choice in the matter. The man was only doing what he was told, and it was part of her job as an idol to have cameras filming her all the time. 

Rena was very familiar with the two men gazing at her. They had been filming and following Jurina and her for years. Sometimes, they would even chat a bit off-camera. However, what she was asking of them was unconceivable. And she knew she still had not fully convinced them when she read the unease in their eyes. Just as she was about to formulate her request again, she saw her personal cameraman opening his mouth to speak.

“I guess we have enough footage,” the man agreed, turning to look at the other cameraman. Considering the silence of the latter, it was obvious he was hesitating a lot about this. Rena was more than glad that her cameraman was going to comply to her wishes, but if Jurina’s cameraman refused to cooperate, then it was much useless.

“Takumi-san, I know this is a difficult decision to make,” Rena addressed kindly the twenty eight years old short-haired man. “But Jurina would be grateful if exceptionally you did not film her this one time.”

Rena opened the bathroom’s door and took a look outside, glad when there was no sign of the two cameramen anymore. At the sound of soft footsteps behind her she tilted her head, noticing Jurina now standing by her side. Despite her previous crying evident all over her face, she could discern the relief in her eyes. Both cameramen had thankfully complied to her wishes.

“Thank you,” Jurina uttered in a soft murmur.

Rena took her hand and squeezed it, not letting it go once as she lead them both through the corridor. There were a few staff members and SKE girls present, and Rena acknowledged the faint smiles directed at her. Some girls even bid her farewell one last time on her way. The older Matsui replied to each of them politely, while feeling the trembling of Jurina’s fingers inside her hand.

Rena kept advancing, aware that the young girl was still in a fragile, emotional state. And hearing everyone around them saying goodbye to the Nagoya princess and wishing her the best, was another reminder that she wouldn’t be considered a SKE member once she would have passed the door leading outside. Clearly, it was not helping in any way Jurina to control her emotions.

Rena quickened up her a pace little, willing to pull Jurina out of her torment as soon as possible. When the large door leading outside was finally within reach she pushed it without further ado, and stepped aside to let Jurina move towards the taxi awaiting them. After checking that the young girl was inside, she turned one last time in the direction of the corridor.

Without surprise, all pairs of eyes were still glued to her. In fact, the place had suddenly fallen dead silent. Everyone was conscious that it was probably the last time they would ever meet the older Matsui. Or even gaze at her. Rena even noticed her personal cameraman appearing alongside Jurina’s at the end of the corridor. Both their cameras were lowered, clear sign that they were not filming that moment. And considering how everyone seemed currently moved by Rena’s departure, it would definitely have made a very touching scene.

Rena couldn’t help but send them one last grateful smile at the concession they had agreed to make. She stayed on the doorstep a little while longer - reflecting whether she should make one last statement - before thinking against it. She had already spoken to each member; and in great lengths with a few very emotional ones. She had thanked all the staff members she had worked with during all these years.

What more could she say? No, nothing more needed to be added. Rena gave them one last smile and inclined her head to them, before passing the door that led to the outside world.


The ride back to her apartment was painful to say the least. As soon as Rena joined the other Matsui in the taxi tears sprang to Jurina’s eyes, and the young girl didn’t waste a second to settle her head against Rena’s shoulder. Rena did catch at some point the driver gazing at them through the rear mirror curiously - definitely wondering why one of the girls on the backseat of his car was crying her eyes out - but not a word left his lips nonetheless.

By the time they reached her apartment, Jurina’s sobbing had stopped. But it did not reassure Rena. Somehow, she knew it could start again at any minute. Once she was facing her front door the older girl rummaged through her bag in determination, impatient to get inside as fast as possible.

She still remembered vividly a conversation in particular she had six months ago with her next door neighbor. That day - just as she was about to enter her apartment - the elderly woman had startled her by opening her door suddenly, and asking her worriedly about her ’young and nice friend Jurina-san’. Apparently, when the latter left her apartment in a haste that day of January 31, she looked quite distraught.

Rena had to admit she found herself at a loss for words, and it took her a few long seconds to come up with a semblance of an explanation. Frankly, she wasn’t even sure she managed to convince the older woman successfully, considering the light frown the latter gave her once she finished babbling an answer. Matsuda-san may be 70 years old, she was not senile yet.

That’s why Rena had absolutely no wish to cross path with the older woman tonight, or any other neighbor for all that. She valued her privacy more than anything, and it always made her uncomfortable when people tried to pry into her personal life. Of course, her neighbor was only showing her concern for the young Matsui she happened to meet a couple of times over the last year and a half. But as she had no other choice but to leave important elements out of her answer, it was a very tricky subject for her to broach.

Rena’s fingers finally met the small, metallic object and she retrieved it at once, inserting the key in the lock and opening the door at once. Rena leaned her back against the door once she shut it behind them, gazing at Jurina who was silently taking her jacket and shoes off. She was more than glad that they managed to make it safely to her apartment without meeting anyone on their way. At least, that was an issue she didn’t have to worry about anymore.

But it didn’t ease her mind. She watched Jurina’s every move carefully, bothered to see her avoiding eye contact. Jurina abhorred appearing weak in front of others. Somehow, she believed she had to maintain this image of a strong person at all cost. That it was her duty as ace of SKE and leading member. That was why Rena guessed she was deeply embarrassed by the fact she had cracked in front of others earlier on in the shower.

“Go and take a seat in the kitchen. I’ll make us something to eat.” Rena heard herself saying, albeit the fact she was not feeling hungry. And Jurina wasn’t probably much either. Nevertheless, she saw her nodding at her and doing as instructed. Another time, maybe the young girl would have argued. Rena figured she was probably too exhausted right now - mentally and physically - to even consider voicing her disapproval one second.

Rena was in her pajamas and ready to go to sleep when she heard the light sobbing coming from her bathroom. She looked up from her book at once - a manga she was only half distractedly reading anyway - and tried to catch a glimpse of Jurina through the partially closed door. When she failed miserably to do so she put her glasses and book away and got out of bed, pushing the door softly a few seconds later. Jurina - clad in her pajamas - was sitting on the stool, tears falling down her cheeks for the umpteenth time today.

“No, Jurina,” Rena pleaded, moving forward to stand right in front of her and pulling her head into her chest gently. Two arms wrapped around her waist in reaction, and she caressed the young girl’s hair to try and soothe her.

“I’m sorry,” Jurina’s muffled voice sounded against Rena’s red tee-shirt. “I want to make it stop. But I simply can’t help it.”

Rena felt the tears wetting the thin fabric of her tee-shirt progressively, and she listened again to the manifestation of Jurina’s despair. She had heard it so many times these last few months. And even more these last couple of hours. She should be pretty much used to it by now. But the truth was, it still affected her as much as the very first time. And feeling discouraged at how powerless she was.

After a little while, Jurina calmed down on her own, and Rena took that opportunity to take a step back to look at her. Her beautiful face looked puffy and tear-stained, and the older Matsui brushed away with her thumb one last tear that was sneakily escaping Jurina’s left eye.

Then, she turned on her heels and kneeled in front of the cupboard under the sink, retrieving a clean washcloth from the pile. She made sure to dampen it enough under the water, before facing Jurina again and starting to wash her face softly.

Rena was aware that it was not going to erase completely the signs of her distraught state, but she couldn’t stand seeing her like that. The young girl had always been such a bright and joyful person. Tears were not meant for her. Sadness was not an emotion that qualified Jurina Matsui.

Lost in her musing, Rena felt suddenly Jurina’s hand covering hers and stopping her in her process. Their eyes met silently, and she found herself a bit confused when Jurina removed the washcloth from her cheek and put it aside. Her confusion grew even more when the young girl pulled her tentatively into her lap. Rena looked at her questioningly, but when it was obvious by the other girl’s silence that she was not going to provide her an explanation, she simply did as asked.

Jurina leaned her head against her chest, and for a moment Rena was afraid she might cry again. She even waited expectantly for the tears to fall, already patting lightly Jurina’s head in anticipation. To her surprise, no such sound came out of Jurina’s mouth. In fact, they stayed in each other’s arms for a while, without sharing a single word. Rena did now and then kiss Jurina’s temple, not missing the way it made the other girl’s body relax.

Rena didn’t know how long they stayed in that position. To be honest, she truly missed this kind of closeness. It had been so long since they had really held each other. Lastly, it was always Rena holding Jurina, and mostly for comforting reasons. She missed their true moments of intimacy and Jurina’s affectionate behavior.

That was why she was pleasantly surprised when she noticed Jurina pulling away from the embrace, only to lean forward to initiate a kiss. A mixture of joy and hope spread through her chest when their lips met. If anything, she was happy Jurina was finally making the first move. Jurina never rejected her when she happened to hug her or kiss her, but it was obvious by the uncertainty in her gestures that the intimacy was making her somewhat ill-at-ease. She still had not completely forgiven her for her decision to graduate.

Now, after witnessing Jurina’s change of attitude, she was starting to have hope. She definitely wouldn’t have felt so confident a few hours ago, but maybe the tide was finally turning in her favor. It was not a desperate kiss. Far from it. In fact, it looked a lot like any other gentle kiss they had shared in the past. It was not invasive. There was no will to dominate the other. It was a simple show of affection. One she almost feared she would not see any more when she let - a couple of times - dark thoughts invade her mind.

This evening, something had changed. A page had been turned. Not only for her, but also for Jurina. She had released all the sadness she had accumulated these last six months. Shed so many tears it had probably drained the little energy she had left after tonight’s concert. And maybe it was for the best. Now that she had completely let everything out, she was going to be able to move on. And finally forgive her.

Rena couldn’t help but smile when Jurina deepened the kiss. The young girl was prolonging their moment of intimacy, much to her delight. And Rena made sure to pour all her feelings for her into that kiss when she followed her lead willingly.

The older Matsui was pretty sure her face was glowing with happiness when - a little while later - they pulled away to catch some air. Maybe her joy was infectious, because she saw Jurina’s mouth tugging into a genuine smile. Oh, how much she missed seeing it.

I got her back, Rena thought, caressing the girl’s cheek gently. There were no words strong enough to describe how happy she was feeling right now. This loving expression that she adored so much. She was finally seeing it again. And her smile broadened even more when Jurina leaned into her touch.

However, Rena got a bit concerned when she saw Jurina now looking back at her with a serious expression. Unconsciously, she held her breath in anticipation, feeling that she was about to say something important. Jurina didn’t make her wait very long, as she opened her mouth to speak soon after.

“I love you Rena,” Jurina affirmed with a soft nod. “But please don’t break my heart again.”

Rena didn’t say anything, letting the words sink in. Warmth invaded her at the declaration of love she had waited for so long. She had now forgiven her. There was not a single doubt about it. And it couldn’t make her happier. However, she also paid carefully attention to her very last words. Those that reminded her of what she had done. Of the deep sorrow she had caused Jurina all this time.

“I promise,” Rena answered. She did notice her own voice slightly quivering, and she momentarily wondered where it was coming from. Was she being emotional because Jurina was finally forgiving her? Or was it because she was reminded of all the pain her decision had caused them both? In the end, Rena realized it didn’t really matter. They were finally reunited. And she didn’t want anything to split them apart again.


EDIT 03/06/16: I’ve made some changes, and decided that Partners officially ends with the chapter 23.

Partners was getting way longer than initially planned - not because I’m adding things along the way - but because it’s taking me longer than I thought to properly develop the plot I had in mind when I started Heartbeat in early September 2014. And I wish to keep each part of this long series as much balanced as possible. That’s why I think it’s a good place to stop Partners with chapter 23, as it closes an important narrative arc.

So the story continues with its sequel and final part, Destiny.

I hope you enjoyed reading Partners. I want to thank all the readers that have been showing me their constant support by leaving a “like”, a comment, or even sending PMs. As a writer, all those things (as little they may seem) give me in fact great motivation to write. I really mean it. So please keep showing me your support in the sequel :)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 03:16:52 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (23/?) [WMatsui] (09/05/16)
« Reply #403 on: May 09, 2016, 02:03:14 AM »
Now that Rena is officially graduated, no more Rena in pvs, no more WMatsui duet, no more WMatsui sweet moment on cncerts
Haaaa my heart :gyaaah: :gyaaah:
But I'm glad Jurina finally forgive Rena. Rena you better not hurt Jurina anymore :on thumbb:

Offline mirurunky

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (23/?) [WMatsui] (09/05/16)
« Reply #404 on: May 09, 2016, 07:18:35 AM »
 :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:
It really made me loss for words

Offline Janix123

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (23/?) [WMatsui] (09/05/16)
« Reply #405 on: May 09, 2016, 08:44:54 AM »
 :( :( :( :( Rena left SKE already... Iyadaaaaaaaa  :cry: :cry:
Yah but since the two already made up  :D :D :D The best!!!
Hehehe Yeay To be continued.  :) :)

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (23/?) [WMatsui] (09/05/16)
« Reply #406 on: May 09, 2016, 05:00:28 PM »

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (23/?) [WMatsui] (09/05/16)
« Reply #407 on: May 10, 2016, 12:15:59 AM »
It is time to say goodbye to Rena ...
Luckily Jurina at least has forgiven Rena graduating from SKE48.
But I am convinced that everything will be problematic ... just had to see how unstable was Jurina the months after graduation, she lost so much weight that was afraid to see her dance and put an injury being done.

Offline sophcaro

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Author's note: If you enjoy my stories, don't hesitate to let me know by leaving a comment. I love to hear people's thoughts, their favorite moments & scenes, their intuitions, guesses etc. I love writing, but it's something I do on my free time and it takes me quite a while to write a chapter and publish regular updates. That's why positive feedback/comments are welcomed and truly give me motivation to keep on!

by Sophcaro


The woman - whose face was hidden carefully under the hood of her dark cape - stopped in her tracks and took a peek over her shoulder in concern. There was not a soldier in sight as she feared, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being followed. This morning, the sun was shining brightly over her head, and the village buzzing with sounds and voices. The market was monopolizing everyone’s attention. And the woman was precisely taking advantage of the agitation to make her way through the village unnoticed. She had been waiting three long weeks to execute her escape plan. It couldn’t fail now. Not when she was so close to reaching her goal.

She took a cautious look around the main street, before raising her gaze in the direction of the distant castle. She was glad she managed to make it safely out of the vicinity of the castle without alerting a single guard, but she was aware that she was not completely safe yet. The castle she had fled still represented a serious threat, and she needed to distance herself from it as fast as possible.

Her heart was still pounding inside her chest when she tugged at the top of her hood to bury her slightly pale face underneath it. It didn’t matter how many precautions she had taken on her way here: the apprehension simply refused to leave her. Her identity was cleverly hindered by her dark cape. And it was not the few strands of long, black hair escaping her hood that could have alerted any bystander. Since she had left the castle, she had crossed the path of many. But not a single person could have guessed the surprising identify of the woman who was trying to flee the lands of the clan Ashikaga.

The longer she stayed in that place, the longer she was in danger of being captured. That notion in mind she set her eyes back in front of her, and moved forward in determination. There was no turning back now. It was out of the question to return to the castle. She was definitely not going to comply to her father’s wishes, and marry the shogun’s son. Her father could dishonor her for all she knew. It was impossible for her to forget about a certain someone. Someone she had been forced to lie to.

Her eyes lit up in expectation when she noticed the gates leading outside the village. Once she would have passed them, she would finally be free. Free to look for the person who had stolen her heart so many years ago.

Apprehension gave way to relief when she noticed her personal maid waiting at the entrance, holding the reins of a saddled horse. Perfect. Everything was going according to her plan. Just a few more steps, and she would finally escape this place.

Just as she was about to send a smile of gratitude to her maid, five guards in arms suddenly appeared behind her servant. She stopped her advance at once and froze: it was the personal guard of Ashikaga-dono. Considering their very calm appearance, it was evident they had been waiting for her this whole time. Her eyes flickered back to her maid in incomprehension, noticing the way she was nervously avoiding her gaze. That’s when it hit her. She had been betrayed by the only person she trusted in the castle.

Without thinking twice, she turned abruptly on her heels and walked in the opposite direction, her eyes seeking desperately left and right for another escape route. She had made it all this far. She couldn’t give up now. She simply refused to. Her pace quickened up, and she rushed into a narrowed alley on her right.

Think, Arisa,
the fugitive repeated in her head over and over. She was trying her best not to panic at the unforeseen turn of events, but her mind was stubbornly refusing to come up with a solution for her problem. There was only one way out of the village, and her means of transport was now out of reach. How was she going to make it, now that her escape had been discovered? Where could she possibly hide?

The view of five guards waiting for her at the far end of the alley jolted her out of her thoughts. She halted immediately - ready to retrace her steps - when she discovered five other men blocking her way on the other side. She was completely trapped. A mix of anger and despair invaded her when she saw the captain of the guards walking towards her. Angry she was to have placed her faith in someone she wrongly believed trustworthy. And desperate when she realized she would be brought back to the castle. The last place on earth she wished to be.

“Onishi-san, could you please follow us back to the castle?” The dark-haired man, now standing in front of her, inquired politely.

It was nothing but an order. Arisa didn’t fool herself into believing she had any choice in the matter. Only her noble rank was forbidding the man to grab her by the arm, and bring her back to the castle forcibly. She could already hear the steps of the guards getting closer behind her. And she knew struggling was much useless against ten armed men. Her tanto hidden under her kimono was of no use. She was at an impasse.

“I will not try to run away,” Arisa affirmed as she addressed the captain. “So tell your men to leave.”

Arisa knew she had not chance to leave the village now, but she certainly didn’t wish to be brought back to the castle surrounded by ten soldiers like a vulgar criminal. Everyone would be turning on her way and staring at her in curiosity. She had too much pride to let such a thing happen.

The captain gazed at her for a little while - as if measuring the sincerity of her words - before waving at the guards with the back of his hand. Out of the corner of her eye, Arisa saw the men obeying and moving back from the pair, though still staying close by enough. The captain stepped aside and raised his hand to indicate her to move forward. Maybe it was out of refusal to accept the harsh reality, but her feet stayed stuck on the ground at first.

Her attempt to flee had failed miserably. And there was no way the shogun’s son would ever take the risk of it happening again. After today, her guard was going to be doubled. And her every move closely monitored.

Arisa looked up in distress at the castle that was going to be her prison for the rest of her life. The hope of being reunited again with her childhood friend vanished from her mind progressively. Never will her soul mate learn the truth of her actions: that she had only lied to protect him. Forgive me, Nobunaga.


The captain was still standing by her side when she was presented to Ashikaga-dono. The son of the shogun was immerged in a mountain of work when she entered his office, and reading attentively a scroll spread in front of him on the desk. After a little while he finally acknowledged her presence, and raised his gaze to look at her. Arisa expected to read anger in his eyes - a predictable reaction to her attempted flee - but to her surprise, she saw no such emotion. If anything he looked a bit… saddened. That definitely took Arisa off guard, and her silent, defiant look softened slightly.

“You can leave,” the son of the shogun ordered the captain.

From her peripheral vision Arisa saw the latter bowing politely to him, until making his way out as indicated. As soon as the door slid closed behind her, the son of the shogun looked down to his desk and paid attention to his work. Arisa didn’t know how to interpret his behavior but she refused to move from her spot near the door, studying him from afar.

The young dark-haired man was a hard worker: of that she was well aware. Each time she happened to be brought to him since her arrival to the castle a month ago, she found him reading or working. If anything, he was definitely not the bloodthirsty warrior she would have feared. Indeed, he rarely left the vicinity of his office. Moreover, he always had been very respectful towards her, addressing her politely and calmly when they met. He wasn’t a very talkative man: their conversations were few and far between. But Arisa could tell it was a man of knowledge. A quality he had probably inherited from his erudite father.

Arisa was conscious she could have stumbled upon someone worse. For example, having no choice but to marry a brutal man who would have forced himself onto her the first days. No, this young man was nothing like that. He wasn’t violent or rude and - if she had to admit - was quite good looking. Nevertheless, it didn’t change the fact that she wished nothing more than to leave this place. This person may not be the atrocious monster she dreaded, she harbored no romantic feelings towards him whatsoever. Only one man would ever hold her heart. And he was far away from Ashikaga’s lands.

“Do you abhor my presence so much that you felt the need to flee, Onishi-san?” The questioning voice disrupted the heavy atmosphere as the son of the shogun gazed at her again.

This sadness she had distinguished in his eyes was now perceptive in his tone. Arisa truly didn’t know what to make of it, and it took her a few seconds to formulate an answer. Her voice was less harsh than initially intended when she replied. “You know why I left, Ashikaga-dono.”

“Yes,” the young samurai conceded with a small sigh. “You wish to find the one your heart truly yearns for.”

Words stayed stuck in Arisa’s mouth as she looked back at him in bewilderment. How could he possibly be aware of that? Her relationship with her childhood friend had always remained a secret. Not even her father had managed to discover the truth. The only person who ever knew about it was…

Realization hit her. There was in fact one girl she had confided in a few weeks ago, out of deep sorrow. That day, the separation with her loved one had become too hard to bear with, and she had let the confession leave her lips. Unfortunately, her slip of her tongue had reached the wrong ears. Because the only witness of her confession - her maid - had betrayed her not long after by divulging her decision to escape. And evidently also shared all her secrets with the son of the shogun.

Fear took hold of Arisa as she understood the possible consequences of her indiscretion. The son of the shogun was aware of the existence of her childhood friend. Which meant he could be in great danger right now. It may already be too late.

“I would never hurt him,” the son of the shogun reassured her, as if he could read her mind. “Your childhood friend has not been harmed by my soldiers.”

“How can I trust your word?” Arisa couldn’t help but ask, her voice quivering for the first time. Never the son of the shogun had demonstrated any sign of violence in the past, but they did not live in peaceful times. Nuisance was taken care of without any remorse, and her dear Nobunaga could still represent a threat in the eyes of her interlocutor. Nevermind if she purposely put some distance between them - and shamefully lied to him - in order to desperately try to protect him.

“This union doesn’t please me more than you,” the son of the shogun declared, leaving aside his work to focus entirely on her.

There was a small pause, until he got up from his seat and walked towards her, his hands clasped behind his back when he came to stand a few feet before her. “Believe me when I say I wish there was another way. But we need to unite our two clans.”

“I know the politics,” Arisa retorted. Yes, he was speaking nothing but the truth. They needed peace. And this wedding would assure it. But it didn’t make the facts any more acceptable. That’s why her tone was decisive when she continued. “But you have to understand I will never be able to love you.”

A faint smile fell on the young samurai’s lips, and he nodded slightly. “I’m not naive enough to believe I will ever replace him, but I still hope you will one day find a place in your heart to accept me.”

Arisa watched silently as he walked back towards his desk, and sat down to focus on his work. She was in the presence of a good man. Of this, she was now completely certain. Was it truly her fate to marry him and stay forever by his side? Or would destiny enable her - one day - to be reunited with her beloved Nobunaga? For the first time since she joined the castle of the clan Ashikaga, the answer wasn’t as clear as before.

It was still daylight that Friday evening when Rena left the dressing room, and prepared herself to leave the set. Three weeks ago - just after her graduation concert in Nagoya - she had left for Kyoto for the shooting of a new drama: Destiny. A long, period drama of thirty episodes, in which she played the leading role. Arisa Onishi. A woman forced to marry Yoshiaki Ashikaga - the son of a powerful shogun - while still being in love with her childhood friend, Nobunaga.

As Rena left the large set progressively, she replied on her way politely to every staff member who thanked her for her work. The older Matsui knew she was very lucky to have landed on such a big project. And chosen by the director to play the main character. It was undreamt of for a young actress such as her. That’s why the thought of refusing didn’t even cross her mind when her agent brought this project to her attention. It was an opportunity not to be missed.

As Rena turned around to admire the beautiful castle of Kyoto she let her mind wander, and bring her back in time three weeks ago.

The shooting needed to start not long after her graduation concert, obliging her to leave Nagoya quickly. Jurina was nothing but supportive when she told her about her new drama, but Rena knew the young girl would be dreading the long separation. Two months. They had never been apart for so long. Not even when she occasionally left for Tokyo in the past for Nogizaka46 related works.

Jurina didn’t try to stop her from leaving. In fact, she even accompanied her to the train station. But, as they hugged each other goodbye, the older Matsui couldn’t help but notice the apprehension behind Jurina’s smile. That look made her pause in her steps on the platform. Was it truly reasonable for her to accept such a big project - that would force them to be apart for two months - after everything they had gone through recently?

They had talked about it a few times, and Jurina had assured her that she was okay with the separation. But was she really telling the truth? That day, as Rena was about to step into the Shinkansen leading to Kyoto, she found herself hesitant. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Jurina had sent her an amused smile and squeezed her fingers. Come on Rena, you’re going to miss your train.

Ah, you’re right, Rena exclaimed - her attention caught by the announcement of the prompt departure of the train by the station manager - until her eyes fell quickly on the girl standing in front of her. She took a step forward to embrace the young girl one last time, and placed a kiss on her cheek. She didn’t miss the way Jurina returned the embrace tightly, and only let go of her after a few long seconds. When Rena stepped back to take a look at her, a smile was still plastered on Jurina’s face, as if everything was really fine. But the previous gesture was a hint that it was not the entire truth.

We’ll stay in contact every day, Rena promised, raising her Smartphone in the air. I’ll come on LINE at the end of each day of shooting.

Jurina simply nodded, and helped her move her suitcase up the three small stairs leading inside the train. Once inside Rena turned to gaze at her, mimicking her action when Jurina waved her hand at her. Rena heard the final signal, and knew the door would close at any minute. She addressed SKE’s ace one last time. Take care of yourself, Jurina.

There were three little - but important - words she wished to also add, but knew she couldn’t utter out loud because they were in public. However, warmth spread through her chest when - just before the door closed - she saw Jurina’s lips forming silently those exact same words. I love you.


Rena jolted out of her thoughts when she heard a masculine voice calling her name, and she tore her eyes away from the place where she had the privilege to work at almost every day. Standing by the side of a taxi were two people whom she knew very well. They were both her co-stars.

Yosuke Masada - 25 years old - was 5 feet 10 inches tall with short, black hair. Very polite and respectful, he always arrived in advance on set. Although quite shy and introvert at first, he gradually became a bit more talkative with her as the weeks went by. After all, they shared most of their screen time together, as the young actor played the role of Yoshiaki Ashikaga, the son of the shogun.

Sayuri Kaneko, 21 years old, played the role of her maid. She was the exact opposite of Yosuke. She had shoulder-length black hair, and a very cheerful personality. Sometimes, she even reminded her a bit of Jurina by her playfulness between two takes. And her astonishing capacity to get immediately back into her role as soon as the cameras were rolling again. 

Rena sent them a smile and walked towards them, knowing full well what they were expecting of her. Each Friday night, it was their little ritual: they would go out to a restaurant and spend a carefree evening together. The first week Sayuri suggested the idea to both Yosuke and her, Rena found herself a bit hesitant. The shooting of the drama had barely began, and the older Matsui preferred to spend a quiet evening in her hotel room. However, the younger girl had insisted greatly and - in the end - Rena had relented. A decision she never regretted since, considering they always spent a nice time the three of them.


Sayuri had a very low resistance to alcohol. That’s a fact Rena discovered their second week of shooting in Kyoto, when they happened to go out to a restaurant. Usually, Yosuke would stop her from drinking too much as soon as he noticed the effects of the beverage on the young actress. If truth be told, Rena did wonder about the nature of their relationship. Both actors knew each other before joining the shooting of Destiny, and Sayuri always behaved in a very carefree way with him.

Indeed, it wasn’t unusual to hear Sayuri address him in a familiar way on set, or have a few affectionate gestures, such as holding his arm or hugging him. As for him, he didn’t seem to mind any of those, even laughing a bit when she happened to crack a joke. To be honest, it wouldn’t have startled Rena to learn that they were dating. All the signs would have been right in front of her eyes from the start.

But she never questioned them about it. During their conversations, their own personal lives always remained off topic. Rena didn’t mind it as she was a private person. And Yosuke also happened to be very discrete. Sayuri however… it was a different matter. And when she started to drink, the situation could escalate quickly. Tonight, after three weeks of shooting, alcohol was going to loosen her tongue as never before.

“I’ll never be truly happy,” a now heavily drunk Sayuri stated, staring into space. “I work all day, almost 24/7. How am I supposed to meet someone? Love is not possible for people like us.”

Rena looked up from the ramen she was eating to gaze at the young actress seated opposite her, before stealing a glance at Yosuke who was eating beside Sayuri. Considering the surprise now written all over his face, he truly didn’t expect such words to escape her mouth. It wasn’t surprising to see Sayuri slightly getting carried away when she had too many drinks, but never had she looked so drunk.

Yosuke always stopped her before it went too far, but it seemed the actor was quite lost in his thoughts all evening. And, to be honest, Rena had been the same way, thinking about a certain someone waiting for her in Nagoya. That’s why they had both completely missed what was going on under their nose.

Rena held her breath when Sayuri’s eyes fell suddenly on her. There was no way to predict what she was going to say next in her current drunken state, and it rendered the older Matsui slightly nervous. To her relief, the young actress diverted quickly her attention to Yosuke, before opening her mouth. “You’re so nice.” She declared, placing her head upon his shoulder. “So why do I only see you as an older brother?”

“I think we should bring you back to the hotel,” Yosuke affirmed gently, extracting the bottle of saké from Sayuri’s fingers and pushing it away, out of reach. “You’ve had too much for tonight.”

Sayuri didn’t oppose any resistance to the action and laced her hand around his arm, burying her nose inside the crook of his neck and closing her eyes. Rena watched them as Yosuke let her stay into that position for a little while, until disentangling himself from her and helping her getting up. Unfortunately, the steps of the drunk girl were far from steady, and he seized her arm at the last second when she was about to stumble. His eyes fell on Rena once he made sure the girl was stabilized. “Rena-san, can you please help me? I’m going to call a taxi.”

“Of course.” Rena nodded immediately, joining the young Sayuri and placing her arm around her waist to make sure she would not fall again. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Yosuke making the call, while feeling the scent of the alcohol reaching her nostrils when Sayuri leaned her head on her shoulder.

Rena had no idea what prompted the usually so cheerful girl to drink so much tonight. And felt bad for not seeing what was going on until it was too late. A few customers were currently looking at them in curiosity, and the older Matsui was glad when Yosuke came back to help her lead Sayuri safely out of the restaurant.

Rena - standing by the front door of the hotel room - watched worriedly Sayuri who was seated on the bed, her back leaning against the headboard. Yosuke was trying to make her drink some water, and Rena couldn’t help but feel moved by his kindness and gentle attention.

“I’m going to leave the glass here and a few pills for tomorrow’s headache,” Yosuke declared as he placed the glass on the bedside table. He received a few incoherent words in reply. “Try to sleep.”

“I’m sorry about that,” Yosuke spoke when he approached a still concerned Rena. “I don’t know what took hold of her. It’s my fault, I didn’t see it happening.”

“It’s not your fault.” Rena shook her head lightly at him. “I didn’t see it either.”

“Sayuri is a very cheerful person,” Yosuke continued, his gaze falling on the girl who was falling asleep on the bed. “But sometimes, she has that distant look in her eyes. As if she wasn’t really here. As if… she was thinking about someone.”

Rena looked back at him, slightly startled by the turn of their conversation. Never had the young actor spoken so freely about Sayuri. And, as he opened his mouth again, she could predict he was about to say more.

“I’ve known Sayuri for a year now. She’s like a sister to me. She’s very cheerful and affectionate. You witnessed the way she sometimes sneakily kisses my cheek on set,” Yosuke said, giving an amused side-glance to Rena, to which she agreed with a smile.

However, his features darkened progressively, and his tone grew more serious. “But sometimes, I feel like she’s keeping something important from me.”

Yosuke watched one last time the sleeping girl, before making his way out of the room. “I can see you two have a close bond,” Rena declared as she followed him, and he closed the door carefully behind them. “But everyone has an inner sanctum. I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“You’re right.” Yosuke nodded. “It’s human nature to want to keep some things to yourself. But is it worth it if this secret makes you unhappy?”

Rena didn’t reply, watching instead Yosuke sending her one last smile before turning on his heels. The older Matsui didn’t know why, but she could feel deep down inside that his words were going to stay engraved in her memory.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 05:01:18 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (24/?) [WMatsui] (24/05/16)
« Reply #409 on: May 24, 2016, 11:18:45 PM »
 :cry: :cry: It seems that rena is doing very well without SKE48  :cry: :cry:

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (24/?) [WMatsui] (24/05/16)
« Reply #410 on: May 25, 2016, 01:59:28 AM »
Just hoping there would be no bad paparazzi making some bad news and Jurina getting hurt again

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (24/?) [WMatsui] (24/05/16)
« Reply #411 on: May 25, 2016, 08:40:59 PM »
:cry: :cry: It seems that rena is doing very well without SKE48  :cry: :cry:

Well, yes. Rena is now a full-time actress. SKE48 is behind her.

Just hoping there would be no bad paparazzi making some bad news and Jurina getting hurt again

I hope so too!
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Darathon

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (24/?) [WMatsui] (24/05/16)
« Reply #412 on: May 26, 2016, 09:14:28 PM »
Wow that beginning threw me for a roll. I was so confused, i thought you misplaced a Warriors update or something LOL.
Its nice to have an intermission chapter where we relax from prior drama.I like that you added this aspect of acting as well. Nice update, thank you for writing! :heart: :heart:
Atsumina and Wmatsui for life.
Takamina Oshi!!!

Offline sophcaro

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Jurina looked out the window, waiting for the imminent departure of the Shinkansen. This Friday morning, she was heading towards Mayu’s beach house for her annual week holiday by the sea. A moment she would miss for nothing in the world: she always enjoyed herself so much in the company of her AKB best friend. But, this time, she had to admit she also really needed the respite. With everything that happened these last six months, her mind deserved a break.

She had not been sleeping very well these last months, and the current light swaying of the train as it finally left the train station of Nagoya should have put her to sleep right away. However, her thoughts went quickly to Rena when she tilted her head right towards the empty seat by her side. The seat the older Matsui had occupied last year at the same period, when they both had joined Mayu and Yuki for a week holiday. As she gazed pensively at the desperately empty seat, she felt a tinge of melancholia.

The sound of her phone beeping distracted her, and she took a curious peek at the device placed on the tray in front of her. Her mouth tugged into a smile when she discovered it was a text by Rena. Have fun at Mayu’s beach house. Considering the fact it was still quite early, Jurina guessed the actress must be very busy on set working on her new drama. But it pleased her that she still found a little time to send her a message between two takes.

Jurina typed a reply before leaving her phone aside, and closing her eyes to relax. Her recent conversation on the phone with the older Matsui soon came to the forefront of her mind. They had been messaging each other on LINE everyday as Rena promised. But Jurina couldn’t help calling her one day of mid-July. 

“Jurina?” Rena’s startled voice greeted her when she picked up her phone a few seconds later. “Is everything alright?”

Jurina perceived her slight concern through the phone. It is true to say they had never called each other once since Rena joined the shooting of her new drama in Kyoto. They both agreed that they would communicate on LINE. It was indeed easier that way, considering their mutual busy schedules. That’s why Rena’s worry didn’t come from left field. She was probably believing something important must have happened for Jurina to be calling her. Especially as she had not warned her beforehand of her intention to do so.

“Yes,” Jurina reassured her quickly. It was currently 7 PM and Rena was usually done for the day, but she still wanted to make sure she was not calling at a bad moment. It happened a few times that the shooting lasted a little longer than originally planned. “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“Not at all,” Rena’s calm reply put her mind at ease straight away. “The shooting ended half an hour ago. I was heading towards the hotel. I’m currently waiting for a taxi.”

Jurina distinguished across the phone the voices of people talking in the background - although they were mostly inaudible - and the sound of cars moving in the streets. It seemed Kyoto was still very animated at that time of the day. “I can call you later if you wish.”

Rena giggled, and Jurina could almost imagine her shaking her head in amusement through the phone when she spoke up. “Jurina… I’m not busy. Tell me why you called.”

“I just…” Jurina started, now realizing she didn’t have a real motive for calling. In fact, as soon as she got home after work, she had dialed Rena’s number without thinking. Somehow, after a long day of rehearsing with the other SKE members, she felt the irrepressible need to hear her voice. The admission left her lips naturally. “I miss you.”

There was a pause on the other side. Jurina listened to Rena’s soft and constant breathing. With the phone pressed to her ear, it gave the strange sensation that Rena was right beside her. When, in fact, she was 80 miles away from her in a completely different city.

“I miss you too,” Rena murmured softly.

Warmth spread through Jurina’s chest in happiness. It was not uncommon for them to manifest their affection towards each other through messages on LINE, but there was a different feeling to voicing it out loud. And to hear the words back. The desire to pull Rena into her arms and kiss her suddenly became strong. And her joy progressively gave way to melancholia when she realized she couldn’t do any of that.

“How did your day go?” Jurina asked in an attempt to change the subject, and therefore lighten up her mood.

Rena didn’t waste any time to start narrating her day, and her enthusiasm was showing in her voice as she spoke. The older Matsui was enjoying very much her new life as an actress: of this Jurina had no doubt. On one hand, she couldn’t be happier for her that everything was going fine for her. It was evident that after this big project, Rena was going to be offered many more jobs opportunity.

On the other hand, Jurina was dreading the consequences of Rena’s new life outside of SKE on their relationship. She was already feeling her absence each time she stepped on stage, and the older girl was not by her side as usual. Unfortunately, she had no other choice but to deal as best as she could with this new imposed situation. Rena’s graduation had set so many things in motion. There was no turning back possible now.

“I’m sorry I won’t be able to come with you to Mayu’s beach house. I would have loved to come,” Rena ended her narration by reminding the young ace of her imminent holidays. And along the way that the older Matsui wouldn’t be with her during that time as she would have hoped.

“I know you do,” Jurina replied, remembering indeed all the fun they had the four of them together last year. And Rena voicing her desire to come back the next year. To be honest, she was really looking forward to renewing her annual vacations with Rena, but fate had decided otherwise. “Maybe next year.”

All of a sudden, Jurina heard through the phone someone calling Rena, and she kept quiet to let the older girl answer. Albeit the fact she couldn’t hear clearly what her interlocutor was saying, she could tell that it was a man. For a moment, she wondered if it was that actor Rena was working with. The name of Yosuke Masada did come up a few times during their previous conversations as well as Sayuri Kaneko, the other actress she worked closely with. It appeared Rena managed to get along quite well with her two co-stars.

“I’m sorry Jurina, but I’ve been invited to the restaurant,” Rena’s voice became clearer as she addressed her again. “If you wish, I’ll connect on LINE when I get back to the hotel. Except if it’s too late, then we can postpo-”

“I’ll wait!” Jurina exclaimed in determination. She heard the older girl laughing a bit in reaction. She knew Rena was only trying to get her to go to sleep early - as she was aware of her bad habit to go to bed late - but it was useless trying.

Their conversation had been cut short by the unexpected interruption, and she still wished to tell her a few things about her own day. Not to mention, she knew she would never be able to go to sleep if she didn’t chat with Rena first. It was always their little ritual when they happened to be apart, one that she was not ready to put an end to. Even less now that they were going to be separated for two long months.

“Alright.” Rena’s amusement was still perceptible through the phone. Until another voice - this time feminine - called her, and her tone turned serious. “I really have to go. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”

As soon as Jurina replied the line died down and she pulled the phone away from her ear, watching the familiar name still present onto the screen. A few seconds later the screen turned black and she was about to put it away, when the sound of her ringtone brought her attention back to it. She frowned when she realized that it was Rena calling her back. She quickly picked up and placed the phone against her ear. “Rena?”

“I forgot to say something,” Rena’s voice sounded a little erratic. There was a pause - during which Jurina could tell the older girl was now walking down the street - until Jurina heard her addressing two other people, and asking them to go inside the restaurant first.

Jurina waited in anticipation for her next words, wondering what could be so important for her to call her back, until curiosity got the best of her. “Rena? What is-?”

“I know this situation is hard for you.” Jurina went silent at Rena’s declaration, distinguishing the worry behind it. “But never doubt my feelings for you.”

Jurina was momentarily caught off guard. Since Rena left for Kyoto, they talked about many different subjects on LINE. But Jurina didn’t want to burden Rena by telling her how painful it was without her in SKE. It was a fact the older Matsui had no influence over anyway, so she didn’t see the point in bringing up the obvious.

Nevertheless, she remained a complete open book to her girlfriend. Those last few words were again a clear reminder of it. Even if she tried her best to stay her usual cheerful self when they talked, Rena could see right through her.

She could have confirmed that she was right. That, indeed, this situation was more than difficult for her. And that she feared it would get worse the longer the separation would last. But somehow, she guessed Rena already knew all of this. So she settled for four little words.

“I love you too,” Jurina murmured with affection. Those were words she had uttered many times this last year and a half, but never hesitated to repeat.

Some people could say you didn’t need to voice such words again and again, when the love was already obvious between two people. But Jurina strongly disagreed. She was convinced it was necessary to show your affection to your loved one on a constant basis, no matter how many months or years passed by. Lately, she had felt so much grief because of Rena’s graduation, that she had almost forgot that rule. She was definitely not about to repeat her mistake again.


Jurina - her blue suitcase in hand - stepped off the train, and swept the platform in search of a familiar face. After a well deserved nap on the train she had finally arrived at destination, and was glad to see the sun shining brightly over her head. It was already quite hot at 11 AM, and she was thankful for her blue baseball cap protecting her from its heat. Like last year, the weather forecast was promising a beautiful sky without rain for her week holiday at Mayu’s beach house. Her vacation couldn’t look more promising.

All of a sudden, the young ace heard a characteristic cheerful voice calling her name on her right. An amused smile moved to her lips when she tilted her head and recognized Yuki walking towards her, and waving at her energetically.

“Hi Yuki,” Jurina said when the older girl stopped in front of her and pulled her into a hug. A gesture she replied to with the same enthusiasm, admitting she really missed the older girl.

Considering the fact they both worked in different cities, they were unable to see each other as much as she wished these last months. And, to be honest, she grew quite fond of the always overreacting girl these last years. Mayu and her were both very different - from their personality to their hobbies - but so complementary. Moreover, their long time relationship inspired respect. No matter what, it was a couple she would always look up to.

“Where’s Mayu?” Jurina frowned when she pulled away, startled that her 22-year-old best friend was nowhere to be found.

“She’s waiting in the car,” Yuki explained, while they both made their way out of the train station. “She has decided to drive.”

“Really?” Jurina exclaimed, surprised by this new piece of information. The last time she spoke on the phone with Mayu, the latter did not inform her of her intention to take the driving test. What possibly could have prompted her to do so? After all, Yuki already had a driving license. 

“She doesn’t like my driving,” Yuki mumbled. “She states I drive too slow. Do you believe it too?”

Jurina cautiously kept quiet when she understood the very tricky situation she was facing. She was conscious of Yuki’s questioning eyes never leaving her, but she knew she had to tread carefully with this question before answering. Indeed, she remembered Mayu voicing a few times her displeasure about Yuki’s driving. Speed limits were very low in Japan, and it appeared Yuki liked to respect them scrupulously. Sometimes, going even slower than required: much to Mayu’s frustration. So now that Yuki mentioned it, it did make sense that Mayu would wish to take matters in hand. Didn’t a famous saying state: “If you want something done, do it yourself”?

“You’re being cautious,” Jurina decided to play safe. Yuki could sometimes be very sensitive when it came to certain subjects - her cooking being famously one of them - and she figured it was wiser to stay diplomatic. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Exactly!” Yuki exclaimed loudly, raising both her hands in the air. A few heads turned on her way, but she didn’t seem to care about the attention she was getting. Obviously, she was more than relieved someone was finally on her side.

Jurina chuckled a little at her reaction, but her smile vanished when Yuki turned to look at her very seriously. She didn’t know why, but she could sense Yuki was about to ask her something. Something that may involve her AKB best friend. “You need to explain it to Mayu. Maybe she’ll change her mind if it comes from her best friend.”

Jurina swallowed nervously when she discovered she hit the bull’s eye. And the mistake she just made by trying to preserve Yuki from the truth. Her interlocutor was still looking at her intensely, and she understood she would not let it go until she agreed. As a result, she gave her a quick nod and tentative smile, hoping it would do the trick and convince Yuki successfully.

No, she was definitely not going to have that particular conversation with Mayu. The idea of being caught in a crossfire didn’t appeal to her very much. However, she had to make sure Yuki still believed it. Luckily, her poor attempt of a lie seemed to work, as a broad smile soon plastered Yuki’s face. Jurina heaved a sigh of relief as soon as the other girl looked the other way.

When they all arrived at the beach later that day, Yuki and Jurina decided by common consent that Mayu would be the one buried in the sand. Mayu didn’t even have time to react that both girls knelt to the ground and started digging into the sand, in the intent to make a large hole compatible with her body size. And, considering how deep it had gotten over time, it didn’t take her long to figure out she would not be able to get out of it without help.

Without a word she complied and placed herself into the hole as soon as it was finished, before feeling the sand progressively covering her skin and swimsuit. Judging by the pleased expression on both girls’ faces, they seemed to be enjoying themselves very much. But Mayu couldn’t help wondering why she had been chosen for this task. “Remind me why I’m the one being covered with sand?” Mayu grumbled.

“You were driving too fast,” Yuki stated casually. She was so focused on the task at hand, she didn’t even bother to look back at her. If she had, then she would have seen the shock on Mayu’s face.

Too fast? Mayu wanted to blurt out. The speed was limited to 37 miles all the way leading to her beach house, and she certainly didn’t recall driving like a road hog. Alright, she may have raised her speed a little a few times, but never more than 5 miles. Apparently, it was still too much for Yuki’s liking. Her lips were twitching to retort that she was overreacting, but her better judgment was telling her to keep quiet. If she protested, there was a high possibility Yuki may never let her drive again. The risk was too high. Better be safe and keep her mouth shut.

Instead, she tilted her head in the direction of the younger girl on her left who was placing sand over her body, and having lots of fun in doing so. “And you,” Mayu started, noticing Jurina now looking up at her in curiosity. If she could, she would have pointed a finger at her. Unfortunately, her arms were already trapped under the sand. That’s why she settled for a simple - but hoped effective - intense glare. “What’s your reason for agreeing to this?”

A mischievous smile immediately fell upon Jurina’s lips, and a little voice inside Mayu’s head told her that her explanation was probably not going to satisfy her any more than Yuki’s. “You’re smaller, so there’s less skin to cover.”

Mayu’s jaw dropped, not believing Jurina would come up with such a bad excuse. Smaller? She was only 3 inches smaller than her! How dared she bring up her height to justify her alliance with Yuki! It was unacceptable. Her girlfriend was slightly mad at her because her driving didn’t appeal to her. Fine. But who could she count on if even her best friend sided with Yuki? And for such petty reasons? The truth was, she was outnumbered. And there was nothing she could do about it.

“And we’re done!” Yuki exclaimed after a little while, getting up on her feet. The way she studied Mayu from head to toe, it almost looked like she was admiring a beautiful painting. A masterpiece even, considering how long her eyes traveled her body now entirely covered with sand. Except of course for her head that was popping out of the sand.

Mayu looked back in forth between the two girls who were standing in front of her, kind of glad that they were finally finished. She didn’t know how much time had passed but considering she wasn’t allowed to move the whole time, it certainly looked like an eternity. Thank God the beach umbrella over her head protected her from the heat of the sun.

All of a sudden, Yuki turned on her heels and moved towards her beach bag. Mayu watched in confusion the older girl rummaging through it for a few seconds, before all her senses became alert when she saw Yuki’s fingers retrieving her Smartphone. Mayu froze. It didn’t take a genius to figure out her girlfriend’s intention.

“Wait,” Mayu stammered. Out of reflex, she tried to get up to stop her, until remembering she was completely trapped under the sand, and therefore couldn’t move a muscle. “You’re not going to take a picture of me like that, right?” Mayu realized how stupid her question was when Yuki pointed her phone at her without the slight hesitation.

“Smile, Mayuyu,” Yuki quipped, the faint click of the camera being heard right after. A disappointed look plastered Yuki’s face when she checked the picture, and Mayu was harboring her cyborg look. “Come on, you can do better than that.”

Mayu really didn’t want to relent. Especially when she saw Jurina grinning annoyingly by her girlfriend’s side. However, she feared it would never end if she didn’t do as instructed. After all, Yuki could prove to be very stubborn when she wanted to. Mayu let out a small sigh, and a tentative smile moved to her lips when she looked in the direction of Yuki’s phone.

“Perfect!” Yuki’s cheerful voice sounded, obviously satisfied with the result as she checked the picture taken. “I’ll post it on my Google + immediately.”

Mayu’s face turned white as a sheet. She could see Yuki typing frenetically on her phone, but she knew she couldn’t do anything to stop her. She did - at some point - give a pleading look to Jurina, but the latter was smiling like an idiot while reading the message over Yuki’s shoulder. No, there was definitely no use in expecting help from her. Mayu surely wasn’t eager to read the seemingly amusing message Yuki had written to describe the picture. Even less when she heard both girls laughing together.

“This would never have happened if Rena was here,” Mayu muttered quietly, looking the other way. The laughing suddenly ceased, and curiosity brought her attention back to them. She realized she said something wrong when she noticed Jurina’s smile faltering, and Yuki giving her a disapproving look.

Mayu cursed herself for the slip of the tongue. It was never her intention to be heard from the two other girls in the first place, but her words had unfortunately managed to reach Jurina. Mayu knew how hard it had been for the younger Matsui to deal with the idea of Rena leaving SKE. They spent many hours on the phone talking about it these last months. Albeit the fact Mayu was not physically present to witness her best friend’s reactions, her sorrow was always palpable through the phone, even when she did her best to choke back her tears.

Now, it seemed Jurina was feeling a bit better, and to have accepted her departure. But the repercussions of Rena’s absence still needed to be dealt with on a daily basis, especially now as Jurina was officially sole leader of SKE. There was no WMatsui anymore. No one to share the pressure with her.

Moreover, Mayu knew how much Jurina was looking forward to this week holiday, and to renew it with Rena this year again. It will do us both some good, she even stated once over the phone to her. When the older Matsui told Jurina she unfortunately couldn’t join because of her work, the latter felt more than down.

And what did Mayu just do? By letting her frustration out, she unconsciously reminded her of Rena’s current absence. Why didn’t she pay better attention to what she was saying? Jurina seemed so happy at her arrival at the beach house. And she had just erased that smile in a split second. Well done, Mayu. “I’m sorry,” Mayu started, trying desperately to come back on her words. “I didn’t mean-”

“I think we’re going to let you buried into the sand a little while longer,” Yuki deadpanned after putting her phone away. She then tilted her head towards Jurina with a broad smile on her lips. “Want to go in the water?”

Mayu didn’t protest when she saw Jurina nodding and the light making its way progressively back into her eyes. From her peripheral vision she saw the two girls drawing away and moving towards the ocean, until Jurina stopped in her tracks and retraced her steps to Mayu. The latter watched her in apprehension as she kneeled beside her, really hoping her best friend was not too angry at her for her unfortunate words. The last thing she expected was to see Jurina leaning forward, and leaving a quick kiss on her cheek. 

“Don’t worry.” Jurina shook her head lightly. “I’m not mad at you. It’s true Rena is not here, but I’m still going to enjoy myself with you two.”

A smile moved to Mayu’s lips when she saw Jurina’s mischievous expression. Yes, her best friend had taken advantage of her current immobility to sneakily steal a kiss from her. Another time, she would definitely have voiced her disapproval at the intimate gesture. But right now, the thought didn’t even cross her mind. She knew it wasn’t just the kissing monster in action. It was also Jurina’s way of reassuring her that she didn’t hold her words against her.

Mayu watched from the sofa Yuki who was finishing adjusting Jurina’s yukata. There were so many steps to follow when you wore such a particular outfit. It was definitely not a matter wrapped up in a few seconds, and someone else’s help was always deeply appreciated. Last year, they didn’t have the opportunity to go to the Matsuri, but Yuki had insisted not to miss it this year. Mayu was not terribly fond of the idea - never liking too much crowded places - but she had quickly relented. According to Yuki’s words, she swore to her last year that they would go to the summer festival in 2016. Strangely, she had no recollection whatsoever making such a promise. Maybe the words had involuntarily escaped her lips in an attempt to please her girlfriend at the time. Yes, that was probably the explanation for her failing memory.

And now here they were indeed in the living room a year later, getting prepared to go to the famous event. Yuki and Mayu were both already clad in their traditional clothes. The only one left was Jurina, who was now attentively checking her outfit in the mirror after Yuki had stated she was all done. Mayu’s eyes swept her best friend from head to toe, acknowledging that she looked very mature with her blue yukata, and her hair tied up in a neat bun.

“How do I look?” Jurina asked, turning towards the two other girls in curiosity.

“It’s perfect,” Yuki assured with a sincere smile. “You’re beautiful, Jurina.”

Mayu nodded in agreement, but soon rolled her eyes when she saw her best friend checking herself in the mirror nonetheless, and adjusting her bun one last time. Always wanting everything to be completely perfect. It was the core definition of Jurina Matsui. Mayu realized she had to put an end to her antics when the young girl was still standing in front of the mirror a minute later. Without further ado, she stood up from the sofa.

“Alright, let’s go,” Mayu affirmed, her tone leaving no room for discussion. Decisively, she walked towards the front door - hearing Yuki’s steps following her closely - and almost had her hand on the handle, when Jurina’s voice stopped her in her tracks.

“Wait!” Jurina exclaimed, moving towards her handbag quickly. Well, as fast as her yukata allowed her, of course. Mayu sent her a confused look when she saw her rummaging through her bag frenetically, until Jurina’s fingers retrieved her Smartphone. “I want to send a picture to Rena.”

Yuki and Mayu shared a glance, both astonished by the mention of the older Matsui. Apart from the little incident involuntarily provoked by Mayu at the beach the day before, Jurina had never mentioned her girlfriend once since her arrival. Mayu knew it wasn’t that Jurina wasn’t thinking about Rena. On the contrary, she was pretty sure she was never very far from her thoughts. However, Jurina had clearly indicated her wish to take advantage of this week holiday to take her mind off things. Which - she figured meant implicitly - not delving over the older girl’s absence, and enjoy herself as much as possible. That’s why it startled her a little to hear the name falling from her lips.

Jurina was too busy with her phone to notice the reaction her declaration had provoked. In fact, she was already getting prepared to take a selfie - a smile already moving to her lips - when Yuki intervened. “I’ll do it,” she said, walking towards her. “Rena won’t see your outfit properly otherwise.”

“You’re right,” Jurina conceded, lowering her phone and giving it to the approaching girl. “Thank you, Yuki.”

Mayu - who was still standing by the front door - couldn’t help but shake her head in light amusement when Jurina made a V sign with her fingers, and tilted her head slightly to the left with a cheerful expression. It was a cute pose the younger girl sometimes liked to make, but definitely a sharp contrast with her current mature look. In the end, Mayu concluded it suited her personality to the perfection. Technically, Jurina was now an adult. But the child within her was never very far.

Jurina had a fun time at the festival, playing many games at the stands all afternoon, and eating lots of sweets. What could she say? She loved candy floss. Albeit the fact Rena was not physically present, she could almost imagine her reaction if she had seen her in action. That’s too much sugar for you, the older girl would have chastised her gently. The thought made her smile once or twice.

After that, Yuki wished to make a stop at the nearest temple. Mayu didn’t seem very happy about the prospect, probably dreading the long queue. Jurina remembered seeing her best friend making a face when Yuki suggested the same idea during New Year Eve’s of 2014. At the time, she successively managed to get out of it. But definitely not in 2015 when Yuki reiterated her demand with determination. And not this time either when Yuki gave her a somewhat pleading look. To be honest, Jurina had to restrain herself from laughing when she witnessed the amusing scene. Mayu was sometimes a very stubborn girl, but she could never say no to her girlfriend very long.

Jurina clapped in her hands and closed her eyes, wondering what kind of wish she could make now that she was standing in front of the temple. She already had everything she wanted: a job she adored, trusted friends and a girl she loved with all her heart. What possibly could she want more?

Of course, her life was not perfect. If it depended on her, she would have wanted to still have Rena by her side in SKE48. But it was a carefully thought decision Rena had taken for her future. It did pain her at the time to discover Rena had been thinking about graduating - and without consulting with her first - but it was now all in the past.

The fact that Rena’s new career as an actress forced them to be physically apart clearly didn’t please her. And a little voice inside Jurina’s head had been nagging her for a while that she would need to get used to it quite fast. Their current two months separation was definitely not a onetime thing. Jurina had a feeling it was going to be a recurrent occurrence from now on.

Jurina frowned slightly when her brain refused to come up with something. Yuki and Mayu were standing a few feet away - and patiently waiting for her to finish - but she refused to leave before making a wish. After all, it was the tradition. Some wished for good fortune, others to be healthy. But none of those appealed to her.

She almost came to the point of giving up when an idea suddenly emerged. A smile grazed her lips in satisfaction when she discovered she finally found her wish. Why didn’t she think about it sooner? It should have been obvious from the start. Jurina took a deep breath, and formulated her deepest wish inside her head. I’ve accepted the idea that pain is part of life. However, no matter what the future has in store for me, my ultimate wish is to be happy at the end.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 02:45:27 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (25/?) [WMatsui] (01/06/16)
« Reply #414 on: June 02, 2016, 12:35:59 AM »

very good chapter
I had missed Mayu and Yuki!

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (25/?) [WMatsui] (01/06/16)
« Reply #415 on: June 02, 2016, 01:56:01 PM »
Jurina is getting more mature day by day and accept that even if Rena had graduated from, the world has not ends

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (25/?) [WMatsui] (01/06/16)
« Reply #416 on: June 02, 2016, 04:22:11 PM »
Yahoo~  :onionwhip:
Since you love me to left comment, here I go  :shy1:

Though I'm not a big fans of Mayu, I always love JuriMayu scene as like "bromance"
and!  :bingo:
When Mayu didnt mind Jurina kissed her cheek HAHAHAHA
It's so unusual~ but since she can't move, there's nothing she can do :kekeke:

Though I always said I'll be patiently waiting for the next, but I hope to see Rena-hyon loveydovey again with J.
Or perhaps she'll use this chance to sudden visit at the beach house (?) :whistle: :whistle:

I'll be back to my hideout right now  :on crazygran: :on crazygran:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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I’ve made some changes, and decided that Partners officially ends with the chapter 23.

was getting way longer than initially planned - not because I’m adding things along the way - but because it’s taking me longer than I thought to properly develop the plot I had in mind when I started Heartbeat in early September 2014. And I wish to keep each part of this long series as much balanced as possible. That’s why I think it’s a good place to stop Partners with chapter 23, as it closes an important narrative arc.

So the story continues with its sequel and final part, Destiny.

I hope you enjoyed reading Partners. I want to thank all the readers that have been showing me their constant support by leaving a “like”, a comment, or even sending PMs. As a writer, all those things (as little they may seem) give me in fact great motivation to write. I really mean it. So please keep showing me your support in the sequel :)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 02:10:04 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

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A new arc has begun!!

Offline Minami-chan

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Well thought.
Argumentatively it had closed the story after graduation Rena.
In fact in the last chapter we are presented a new Jurina, compared with previous seasons, especially with Heartbeat.
Although I have to admit that the melodrama of the first season... I loved it.

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