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Author Topic: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (41/41 END) [WMatsui] - REPLIES  (Read 358168 times)

Offline sophcaro

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very good chapter
I had missed Mayu and Yuki!

I missed MaYuki too. They bring necessary light to this story, so I couldn't wait to write about them again! Just needed to find the right moment in the story to justify their apparition  :)

Jurina is getting more mature day by day and accept that even if Rena had graduated from, the world has not ends

Jurina is trying to act more mature, and to accept the fact that she has no influence whatsoever on events. But keep in mind Rena has barely graduated. It's still new and the beginning. Jurina is now sole leader of SKE, and Rena will not be physically present by her side as much as before because of her new career. Is Jurina really going to be alright as times goes by? That's something that still needs to be proved.

Yahoo~  :onionwhip:
Since you love me to left comment, here I go  :shy1:

Though I'm not a big fans of Mayu, I always love JuriMayu scene as like "bromance"
and!  :bingo:
When Mayu didnt mind Jurina kissed her cheek HAHAHAHA
It's so unusual~ but since she can't move, there's nothing she can do :kekeke:

Though I always said I'll be patiently waiting for the next, but I hope to see Rena-hyon loveydovey again with J.
Or perhaps she'll use this chance to sudden visit at the beach house (?) :whistle: :whistle:

I'll be back to my hideout right now  :on crazygran: :on crazygran:

Thanks for leaving that long comment. I love long comments  XD
I love JuriMayu's friendship. They have that very special and unique dynamic, and I always have lots of fun writing about them. I wish I could write more about them. In fact, it was my initial plan when I started Heartbeat to make them interact quite a lot. However, the truth is that they work in two different cities, so they can't see each other often. And I always like to keep things realistic  :)

It's true we haven't seen a nice and relaxed reunion between Rena and Jurina for a while. Soon maybe?  8)

A new arc has begun!!

There was already a feeling of "new beginning" when I wrote chapter 24. I think every reader felt it. So it was natural for me to stop Partners at the end of chapter 23.

Well thought.
Argumentatively it had closed the story after graduation Rena.
In fact in the last chapter we are presented a new Jurina, compared with previous seasons, especially with Heartbeat.
Although I have to admit that the melodrama of the first season... I loved it.

I never wanted to finish the story with Rena's graduation. For me, this event was only a rite of passage. Life goes on after that for both of them, and I wanted to show how both their careers went on after that, and how Rena's new life impacted their relationship. So it's exactly what Destiny is going to be about.  :)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:30:37 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline sophcaro

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    • sophcaro

Arisa slid the door close behind her, sweeping the room attentively to make sure she was alone in the dojo. Satisfied to notice there wasn’t a living soul in the place, her eyes fell next on the familiar stand of bokken. She had been visiting this place in secret a few times now since her arrival at the clan Ashikaga. Without further ado her feet led her to the stand, and she took one of the wooden swords into her right hand. With her left one she brushed the wooden surface in appreciation, the fond memory of a certain training session progressively invading her mind. The face of her beloved Nobunaga appeared clearly, and Arisa’s features relaxed as she let herself go back in time.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea,” was Nobunaga’s hesitant reply when she requested to take kenjutsu lessons that day of Fall.

“Why?” Arisa frowned, looking back in confusion at her 19 year old childhood friend who was holding a bokken in his right hand. The boy had been training alone and diligently in the dojo for an hour now, like every afternoon for two years. “I know you are perfectly capable of teaching me.”

“It’s not a matter of skills,” her interlocutor replied, avoiding her questioning gaze in unease. He placed his bokken back on the stand, his back still turned to the other girl when he continued. “I’m not sure your father would approve of his daughter learning to fight.”

So that’s the reason, Arisa mused in amusement. She drew closer to the boy who was deliberately turning his back to her, but who looked back at her in curiosity when she encircled his arm gently. She leaned forward - taking in his startled expression as their lips were now just a few inches apart - before murmuring softly. “He doesn’t need to know.”

Arisa left a lingering kiss on his cheek, Nobunaga’s eyes softening at the intimate gesture. Arisa could tell she was not far from convincing him successfully. Indeed, Nobunaga was now gazing at her with a devotion that always managed to make her heart race. The 19-year-old boy wasn’t very good at expressing his feelings out loud, but such a deep emotion in his eyes always spoke louder than words. 

When his lips still refused to produce a positive answer to her demand a few seconds later, she knew she had to put an end to his last shred of resistance. She caressed softly the small scar underneath his left eye - result of an unfortunate fight he got involved into a few years ago - before slipping her fingers inside his hand. It grew stiff at the contact, and Arisa saw Nobunaga looking over her shoulder in alert.

They were both currently alone in the dojo, but Arisa was conscious of the risk she was taking if someone happened to come in at that specific moment, and witnessed such a scene. The irrepressible need to be closer to her beloved one was just sometimes too strong to resist. No one in the clan knew they were romantically involved. And no one could. Especially not her father, the shogun. Her father had taken Nobunaga under his wing at a young age, and made him a member of his personal guard as soon as he reached 18. A great honor. The 19-year-old boy with black, shoulder-length hair respected his shogun highly. But there was an insurmountable obstacle to Arisa’s relationship with her childhood friend. Nobunaga wasn’t of noble rank. As a result, their love was forbidden.

Arisa squeezed his hand lightly before letting it go reluctantly. Nevertheless, she refused to take a step back, and looked straight into his eyes when she spoke up. “Please, Nobunaga. I’ve always wanted to learn kenjutsu. Besides, we barely see each other lately. I just want to spend time with you.”

At her desperate words, Nobunaga finally tore his eyes away from the door to gaze at her. The painful reality hit him. She was completely right. Indeed, they had been separated a lot lately, due to his obligations towards the head of the clan, Arisa’s father. He gave her a soft nod, finally relenting. “Alright, I will teach you sword fighting.”

Arisa’s eyes lit up in joy, and she grabbed quickly a bokken off the stand. Nobunaga let out a small chuckle at her enthusiasm. He took a wooden sword as well, and walked towards a very decided Arisa who was now standing in the middle of the dojo, watching his every move in expectation. He stopped a few feet away from her, slightly hesitant as he observed the feminine form in concern. “Please tell me when you wish to stop. I don’t want to  exhaust you.”

“Who do you take me for?” Arisa scoffed, sounding terribly offended by the assumption. “I’m not a frail girl.”

Nobunaga was momentarily caught off guard by her somewhat harsh tone, before distinguishing a glint of mischief in her brown orbs and understanding he was being teased. He shook her head in agreement, amused. “Of course you’re not. You’re one of the strongest persons I’ve ever met, Arisa.”


“So, that’s where you’ve been hiding all this time?” The questioning voice pulled Arisa out of her thoughts instantly. Her fingers froze on the bokken, and she turned to stare at the son of the shogun currently standing on the doorstep of the dojo. So lost in her precious memory of her first training with Nobunaga, she had unfortunately not heard the door sliding open. 

Ashikaga-dono watched her carefully for a little while - waiting patiently for any sort of reaction on her behalf - until it became obvious by her lasting silence that she was not going to grant him with a reply. Hands clasped behind his back he took a few steps towards his wife-to-be, his gaze falling in curiosity on the bokken in her right hand. “Have you practiced kenjutsu in the past, Oni-”

“How did you find me?” Arisa cut him off, much displeased by the sudden appearance of the other man. The dojo was her little sanctum, a safe place where she let her mind drift off to fond memories. And he had caused the image of her beloved to vanish with his unexpected intrusion. “Have you asked my maid to spy on me again?”

“This could indeed have been the case,” Yoshiaki conceded, understanding full well the reason behind the other woman’s suspicious look. After all, the young maid assigned to her had betrayed her no so long ago by divulging her intention to flee. “But no, I’ve been doing the observation myself. I noticed your recurrent disappearances right after dinner.”

Yoshiaki’s mouth tugged into an amused smile at Arisa’s appalled expression. Since her arrival at the clan, the latter had always done her best to keep her mask in place when they faced each other. Her words were nothing but straightforward when they spoke, but she always kept her composure each time she addressed him. Somehow, Yoshiaki guessed it couldn’t possibly match what she was really feeling deep inside. That’s why he found her sudden slip surprising, but definitely not unwelcomed. He always valued honestly above all.

“I haven’t trained in a while,” Yoshiaki admitted. “But I would be happy to do so with you. I know I have been very much confined in my quarters lately. Unfortunately, work gave me little free time.”

“You’re mistaken if you believe I want to spend more time with you,” Arisa retorted, placing the wooden sword back on the stand and moving towards the exit in determination. Just as she was about to reach the door, the voice of the shogun’s son stopped her in her tracks.

“We’ll be married in three months,” Yoshiaki stated calmly.

Arisa’s lips twitched in annoyance, not appreciating in the least being reminded of this imminent event. After all - even if it had already been two months since her arrival at the castle - she kept having a hard time accepting the truth. And her latest escape plan had miserably failed because of her maid’s betrayal. Never again after that day she found the occasion to flee the castle. Her actions were always closely monitored each time she happened to leave the vicinity of the castle. In fact, she could practically feel the eyes of the guards boring into her back at each step she took.

“None of us wanted this wedding, but we have no choice in the matter,” Yoshiaki continued on the same tone. “Destiny has brought us together to unite our two clans. I solely wish to know you better, Onishi-san.”

At those words, Arisa slowly turned around to look at him. She knew his offer to be genuine. Ashikaga-dono wasn’t a deceiving man; of this she was certain. Nevertheless, it didn’t make the whole situation more acceptable. Her nights were continuously filled with visions of her dear Nobunaga, and her wish to be reunited with him had not faded. No matter the fact that their reunion was becoming more unlikely as the weeks went by. Somehow, she refused to completely lose hope of finding him again. Hope was the last thing that was preventing her from losing her sanity in this place.

“Did Nobunaga teach you kenjutsu?” Yoshiaki didn’t let Arisa’s silence deter him. On the contrary, he took two bokken from the stand and approached the woman who was cautiously keeping her distance, offering her without the slight hesitation a wooden sword. “Please train with me, Onishi-san.”

Arisa gave him a defiant look - stubbornly refusing to comply to his wishes - until grabbing not so gently the training weapon from his left hand. She could feel herself losing her calm gradually, and she knew it had something to do with the name he had so casually uttered. “Don’t say his name.”

Yoshiaki didn’t react and Arisa stared at the bokken in her hand, ill-at-ease. Until now, she had always practiced kenjutsu with only one person: Nobunaga. The idea of having another partner for the activity didn’t please her at all. In fact, the sole view of a bokken reminded her of her childhood friend. But at the same time, she couldn’t ignore the fact she had deeply missed practicing sword fighting these last two months.

“Will you allow me to take lessons if I agree to this?” Arisa heard herself asking. Startled by her own words, she kept her gaze on her bokken, wondering why she was relenting so fast. She shouldn’t be giving in to this man’s demands. What on earth was she doing?

“Yes, if it pleases you,” came the immediate reply.

Arisa looked up in incredulity. She had voiced the request without thinking, and she certainly didn’t believe it would be accepted. After all, her father never wanted her to learn sword fighting, proclaiming it wasn’t befitting of a girl. Even less of the daughter of the shogun. And, just now, her interlocutor had agreed in the blink of an eye, without the slight hesitation. Why?

Frustration washed over Arisa as she was witnessing again the unfailing kindness of the son of the shogun. Even after being brought to this foreign land and forced to marry this man, she couldn’t bring herself to hate him. The son of the shogun wasn’t a bad person. Just like her, it was victim of the circumstances. The only difference was, he seemed to have put up with this new situation much faster than her.

Arisa raised her bokken, her gaze fixed firmly on her opponent who was patiently waiting for her in the middle of the dojo. Her feet led her to him, noting the pleased smile on his lips as she came to stand in front of him. Arisa breathed in and fluttered her eyes close, letting Nobunaga’s teachings come back to mind as she let her body relax.

When Arisa gazed back at the son of the shogun, the latter distinguished the strong determination in her brown eyes. Without further ado she moved her right feet forward, clear sign that she was about to give the first hit. Her head was void of any negative thought when their weapons met in a clashing sound. Nobunaga may physically not be present by her side, he was accompanying each and single one of her attacks. And - as she cleverly defended herself against Ashikaga-dono’s dexterous bokken - she knew he would always stay in her heart, no matter what.

Rena stilled her bokken at once when the director shouted “cut”. She lowered her weapon and took a step back - aware of her heart beating fast inside her chest due to the physical exercise - and exchanged a smile with Yosuke. She may have been rehearsing this scene with her fighting coach for a few days now, it nonetheless proved to be a very energetic scene to shoot. Thankfully, Yosuke was an efficient sparring partner: they moved in perfect synchronization during the whole scene. Their mutual unfailing professionalism had enabled them to wrap up the scene in one take. Rena couldn’t be more satisfied by the positive turn of events.

More physical scenes awaited her in the following episodes, but she was done for now. The training session between her character and Yoshiaki was the last scene she had to shoot for the day. It was not dark yet outside, but it was already 6:30 PM. It was time for her to make her way back to her hotel.

As she progressively left the large set to join the dressing room, her thoughts went to a certain ace. Jurina was still enjoying her holidays at Mayu’s beach house, and she couldn’t wait to hear about her cheerful narration of her day. She had missed the enthusiast Jurina so much these last months, that she was more than glad to finally have that side of her back.

Rena checked her phone as soon as she stepped in the taxi. She was now back in her everyday clothes, and had taken a quick shower to remove all the sweat she had accumulated during her day, mostly during her last fighting scene. Rena indicated the name of her hotel to the driver and as the car moved forward, her attention went back on the white device. To her surprise, she discovered that Jurina was still not connected on LINE. She arched an eyebrow at the strange occurrence. The 19 year old girl always liked to connect a few minutes before the time agreed, just to make sure she didn’t miss a single moment of their precious time together.

Come to think of it, Jurina had not confirmed earlier that she would be present on LINE. They typically chatted as soon as the older Matsui left the set and joined her hotel, but the latter always liked to check first with Jurina that their schedules matched well. Indeed, it happened a few times in the past that they needed to postpone their conversation to a bit later, when a night event was taking up Jurina’s time.

The fact that Jurina had not replied yet to her 1 PM text was very curious. Jurina never took so long before texting back, even when she was working. An hour was the most it had ever taken her to reply. And it had already been six hours now. Rena pondered over sending her another message, when the driver distracted her by announcing they had arrived at destination.

Rena tilted her head towards the window in surprise, taking in indeed the familiar sight of the entrance of her hotel. So engrossed in her thoughts, she had not felt the time passing by. She put her phone away and thanked the driver, paying her due. As soon as she got out of the car, her fingers encountered her phone again. While moving mechanically towards the lift, her eyes stayed glued on the device as she took the decision to send another text to Jurina. Just as she was about to push the button to call the elevator, she heard a familiar voice calling her name.


The older Matsui looked up instantly and turned around, startled to see Sayuri waving at her from the entrance of the restaurant room. She didn’t even have time to react that the younger girl was already approaching fast, and had encircled her arm before she realized it. “Where are you going, Rena-san?”

“I’m going back to my hotel room,” Rena explained, confused by the strange question.

The shooting had ended. Where else could she possibly go? Her days at Kyoto went like clockwork. As soon as she left the set of the drama, she joined her hotel room to meet Jurina on LINE. Then, she went out for a bite, and got back to the hotel for a well deserved sleep. Was something supposed to happen today that she forgot? She didn’t have the best memory in the world; it could totally be possible. However, it was Wednesday. As a result, it couldn’t be her weekly dinner in town with Sayuri and Yosuke.

Rena was really wondering what was wrong with her co-star when Sayuri shook her head at her, looking very unsatisfied by her answer. She barely had time to place her phone back inside her bag that the young girl pulled her arm, and started dragging her towards the direction of the restaurant of the hotel. To say that Rena was a bit shocked by her action would be an understatement. As they stood in front of the closed door of the restaurant, Rena gave a puzzled look to the other actress.

“You know what day it is?” Sayuri broke the awkward silence that was starting to envelop them.

“It’s July 27th.” Rena frowned, failing to see where she was getting at. “Why?”

Rena was pretty sure she never saw the other girl rolling her eyes before, but that’s exactly what happened. The latter even let out a defeated sigh, before exclaiming. “Yes! It’s an important day!”

“Sayuri, I don’t underst-,” Rena didn’t have time to question her further that the young girl pushed the door of the restaurant room with one hand, and pulled her in with the other. Rena widened her eyes in surprise when she faced a room full of people. But not any ordinary people. Crew members. Actors. All the people standing in the room and looking at her were working on Destiny. What was the reason behind this gathering? She had not been informed about it; of this she was certain. Rena was about to ask Sayuri for an explanation, when her eyes caught sight of a birthday cake on a table. That’s when realization hit her.

“Happy birthday!” Sayuri’s excited voice sounded next to her ear. The room soon joined her in her congratulations, and Rena heard the words falling from the lips of all the people present in her room. Her feet stayed stuck on the ground, at a complete loss for words.

From her peripheral vision Rena saw Sayuri letting go of her arm and joining Yosuke who was standing by the cake. Both sent her an inviting smile, but Rena was still having a hard time getting over her initial shock. Of course, she was perfectly aware that she turning twenty five today, but she didn’t expect her colleagues to throw a party for her. Despite her surprise, she couldn’t help but feel moved by the thoughtful attention.

“Happy birthday, Matsui-san.” The director of the drama approached her from the left side of the room. “Sayuri organized this little gathering. I hope you don’t mind.”

“She did?” Rena exclaimed, astonished by this new piece of information. She gave a quick look to Sayuri over the man’s shoulder, before bowing politely to him. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you very much.”

Rena thanked a few more people who came to congratulate her, before diverting her attention to a grinning and seemingly very proud of what she had achieved Sayuri. The girl may be very talkative during the day, she had carefully kept this gathering secret from her. And the thought that she was at the origin of it? Rena would never have imagined it. In fact, she was pretty sure she never mentioned the date of her birthday to her. How did she come to such knowledge? Rena made a mental note to ask her later.

“Come and taste the cake!” Sayuri exclaimed, waving at her near the cake.

Rena smiled at her exuberant enthusiast and approached willingly, listening attentively while Sayuri explained in great detail that she had personally chosen and bought the cake from one of her favorite bakeries in Kyoto. According to her, their cakes had never disappointed her so far, so it should be very tasty. Rena did look up once or twice from the cake at that, not believing the girl would go to such great lengths for her birthday.

“Thank you very much, Sayuri,” Rena spoke up, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. “I’m deeply moved you did all this for me.”

What Rena didn’t expect, was to see the other girl blushing in reaction. It was actually very subtle, as Sayuri’s cheeks had only slightly turned pink. But it was definitely not the fruit of her imagination. And now, to top it all, the usually extrovert girl was acting unexpectedly very shy, avoiding her gaze a little. Rena’s mouth tugged into an amused smile at her unforeseen but cute behavior.

“Sayuri is always full of surprises,” Yosuke intervened, the same amused expression plastering his features as he observed his young friend’s emotional reaction. When Sayuri shyly kept quiet he turned towards the older Matsui, and offered her a plate and a kind smile. “Happy birthday, Rena-san. Please enjoy your cake.”

After chatting a bit with her two co-stars and tasting the - positively delicious - strawberry cake, Rena’s next thought was to join her hotel room. However, she quickly realized she couldn’t exactly do that. Unfortunately, etiquette was preventing her from leaving yet. It had already been half an hour since she entered the restaurant room with Sayuri, and - even if a few crew members had left - there were still a lot of people present. The birthday girl couldn’t possibly be one of the first persons to leave. After all, they had kindly organized this party in her honor. Not only it would be improper, it would also be very impolite.

As a result, the older Matsui took advantage of the situation to make small talk with a few other people. Even if she spent a lot of time on set with crew members and actors their conversations remained strictly professional. Moreover, the opportunity to speak with those same people outside of the working place never really presented itself before. The only exception concerned her two co-stars, Yosuke and Sayuri, with who she had unexpectedly bonded with quite fast.

For so many years, she had been a shy and introvert girl. But, as she engaged in a few conversations and discovered how natural it felt, she realized she truly wasn’t that person anymore. Of course, she still enjoyed spending time alone the most and valued her privacy above all. But those kind of conversations didn’t make her nervous as they used to. If anything, she was completely capable of handling herself in public. Not a trace of unease could be seen on her face each time she addressed a new person with a polite smile.

It was 9 PM when she finally decided to join her hotel room. At some point during the party, she had sent a message to Jurina to warn her that she would be a bit late. And, when she left the restaurant room and checked her phone out of curiosity, she was surprised to discover she had not received any answer. Those were two messages Jurina had not replied to. Now, Rena was starting to get a bit worried by her girlfriend’s unusual silence. She had not made contact with her all day.

Rena stepped inside the elevator and pushed the button of the second floor, trying to come up with a plausible explanation for Jurina’s strange behavior. Another time, she would have feared something bad happened to her during rehearsal. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time the young girl would injure herself, or even faint. No matter how many years went by, Jurina still deliberately ignored the physical limits of her body. Her wish to outdo herself was always her main objective; the rest didn’t have the slight importance.

But the older Matsui knew it couldn’t be the reason for Jurina’s current lack of reply. The latter was spending a peaceful week holiday at Mayu’s beach house, surrounded by close and loving friends. She was in a safe environment. Her physical activities were limited. And Rena knew she could count on Mayu to make sure the SKE member was eating properly.

When the doors opened at her floor Rena gazed pensively at the empty, dark corridor - wondering what to do about the odd situation - before deciding she had to know what was going on, and calling Jurina. Rena stepped inside the corridor and dialed her number, pressing the phone against her ear the moment after.

It rang. Once, twice. And a few more times. Rena stopped counting at some point, taken aback by the lack of reply. It soon fell on voicemail. Rena lowered her phone and paused in her steps. She stared at the screen at length, desperately wishing her brain could come up with a simple explanation for the inexplicable situation she was facing. 

“Why isn’t she answering?” The feeble murmur left Rena’s lips.

Her feet moved forward again, but her steps were more uncertain. Jurina wasn’t present on LINE, and not answering her phone. Something was wrong. Rena dialed the number another time, hoping her second attempt would be more fruitful. She couldn’t be more wrong. It rang a few times, and Jurina never answered. But Rena noticed a slight difference in the previous pattern. To her confusion, there was an echo in the phone. In fact, it strangely looked like her call was ringing not far from here. 

Rena turned at a corner, wondering why on earth she was hearing this persistent, inexplicable echo. While still holding the phone, her eyes suddenly fell on a feminine silhouette waiting in front of a room at the far end of the corridor. Rena squinted to try and distinguish who she was, but the girl had her back turned to her. Wait, that wasn’t any ordinary room. It was room 22. Her room. And, as she studied the silhouette attentively, she realized the girl seemed awfully familiar. In fact, it almost looked like…

The phone almost slipped from her grasp when the new presence finally turned to look at her. Yes, she could recognize that characteristic expression of hers amongst thousands. Only one person on earth could give her such a bright and loving smile. A person who had entered her life in 2008, and captured her heart a little more than a year ago. She let out a shocked gasp.


« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 02:48:02 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

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Searching around news bout this year's sousenkyou.. Jurina is getting more mature

Offline Minami-chan

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Jurinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Kyaaaah!!

Offline junchan

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Can't wait for next chapter>o<
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Hi Author-san,

My very first reaction was, “Rena had a kiss scene on the drama!”  Though it was only on Nobunaga’s cheek but still it was ‘a lingering kiss’. I really wonder about the actor who played Nobunaga. You never mentioned him, Author-san. I’m curious. And to be honest I think I began to like Yoshiaki. He looks like a gentle and neat guy who respects Arisa. His ego might be hurt by Arisa’s attitude and he could be awful, but he didn’t.

Reading Destiny is actually like reading two fics at the same time. Here we have Nobunaga-Arisa-Yoshiaki and WMatsui. I believe you have a good reason for that. Well I enjoy both though of course I enjoy WMatsui more haha! 

Anyway, Sayuri’s very subtle reaction was suspicious. I have a feeling she will have more part in this fic.

So, it’s Rena’s birthday. It seems like yesterday when the last time she celebrated her birthday with Jurina, Airin, and Churi. Last year she got model Shinkansen from Jurina. What will she get this year? I think Jurina’s presence is more than enough since they are apart for some time now? Aaaand..when Jurina finally appeared, you ended the chapter. Whyyyy?  :frustrated: It made a nice cliffhanger ending though. Maybe in the next chapter you’ll tell from Jurina’s POV? I’m surprised she had such patience to wait Rena for hours! 

Thank you for the update!

Offline sophcaro

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And to be honest I think I began to like Yoshiaki. He looks like a gentle and neat guy who respects Arisa. His ego might be hurt by Arisa’s attitude and he could be awful, but he didn’t.
Well, I'm glad to hear that. Yoshiaki is supposed to be a likeable character, for both Arisa and readers  :)

What will she get this year? I think Jurina’s presence is more than enough since they are apart for some time now?
I believe Jurina's presence will be enough too  ;)

« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:31:01 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Guacamoolee

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Hi S-chan!!
Honestly, I've been following your work since Heartbeat and it has never disappoint me.  :twothumbs
I was a silent reader back then. I'm sorry if it took so song to leave a footprints here, hehe.
Heartbeat, Partners, Destiny, your work is always amazing but my favorite is Partners  :thumbsup and I don't know if it would change after Destiny finished  :P
So please keep keep keep writing. I will always happily wait and read your updates. Though we have lost hope on wmatsui out there.  XD We should keep the ship sail, right!! 
Once again, thanks for your devotion on writing wmatsui fic!!!
I'm looking forward to the next chap~~~

Offline sophcaro

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Author's note: This is not the full version of the chapter, I had to censor the explicit content to be able to publish the chapter on JPHIP. If you wish to have access to the original version, you can read it on my Tumblr or on Ao3.


Censored version

There was always a gratifying feeling at being able to render Rena Matsui so speechless. Over the years the older girl had become more composed and eloquent, leaving behind the shy and very emotional girl. Now, Rena was capable of developing her thoughts properly, and controlling her emotions better. That was why Jurina couldn’t help but feel a little proud of herself at the reaction she had managed to provoke. Indeed, the other girl was currently staring at her in utter shock - her lips unable to produce a single sound - and her feet desperately stuck on the ground, refusing to move. Her phone was still attached to her ear, even though the call had long ago fell on the voicemail. Jurina’s mouth tugged into a smile at the amusing scene. Yes, this was a moment she would definitely remember.

“Jurina… what are you doing here?” Jurina heard the older girl finally exclaiming in surprise but she chose to keep quiet, instead sweeping over Rena’s form in appreciation. The older girl was wearing a nice, red summer dress with beige sandals, and had her hair tied into a neat ponytail. Jurina didn’t know how long she gazed at her, but she couldn’t help thinking how particularly beautiful her girlfriend looked today in those very feminine clothes.

To be honest, it was quite unexpected to see Rena wearing such an outfit. Contrary to the image she projected, Rena had always been a real tomboy when it came to the way she dressed, preferring the practicality of her favorite pair of sneakers to uncomfortable high heels. Dresses? She wore them so rarely, that Jurina couldn’t fathom the last time she saw her wearing one. And the countless skirts and dresses the girl had the wear while still in SKE48 - whether on stage or during photoshoots - didn’t count. It was different, she never had a choice in the matter: it was for her job. When it concerned her daily life clothes Rena was not too fond of wearing any of those, only doing so on very rare, chosen occasions.

No, Rena wasn’t the feminine type, despite her persistent image of Nagoya princess. That was why the view was slightly astonishing, but definitely not unpleasant. Far from it. Maybe her profound happiness in seeing Rena again after being separated for so long was influencing her thoughts and emotions more than usual. But Jurina guessed their reunion couldn’t be the only reason for the sound of her heart hammering inside her chest.

As long as she recalled, Jurina had always considered Rena as a very good-looking girl. Oh yes, Rena would argue the contrary each time she would praise her looks. But it didn’t stop her from believing it, nor complimenting her. And today, Rena’s neat and very feminine appearance was adding fuel to her deepest conviction. Even if she wanted to, she wouldn’t be able to look away.

Jurina knew she couldn’t stay away from her much longer. Rena had put her phone away and a pleased smile had replaced her initial shock, but she still had not moved forward. Only a few feet were currently separating them, but it was still way too much for Jurina’s liking. Without thinking twice she reduced the distance and encircled Rena’s waist, pulling her into a tender embrace. Jurina didn’t have to wait very long before feeling the other girl replying to her affectionate gesture, and wrapping her arms around her neck.

“I missed you,” Jurina admitted, finally uttering her first words since the awaited Rena had appeared at the end of the corridor. She nuzzled her nose inside the crook of Rena’s neck. “I really did.”

To prove her words she tightened her hold, before fluttering her eyes close and taking in Rena’s familiar, sweet perfume: a mix of mandarin and orange, with a hint of jasmine and rose. Jurina heaved a small sigh in content when fingers started caressing the back of her head.

“I missed you too,” Rena replied, her soft murmur a melody to her ears. “I’m very happy to see you.”

Jurina took advantage of their closeness to explore the exposed skin offered to her, and left a light kiss along the nape of her neck. Jurina could feel Rena relaxing in her arms, and she took it as a sign that she was not opposed in the slightest to her demonstration of affection. Jurina didn’t know if it was due to the incredible softness of her skin or the pleasant scent of her perfume, but she simply couldn’t find the strength in herself to separate herself from her. Rena’s presence was just too intoxicating to resist.

“Jurina.” Rena’s gentle calling of her name distracted her. “We should go inside.”

Jurina pulled away slightly and rested her chin on her shoulder, pondering over her suggestion. Truthfully, she didn’t wish to pull apart already. She was completely fine in her girlfriend’s arms. However, she could quite easily guess Rena’s thoughts, and the reason behind her words. Their embrace could pass as an act of deep friendship if anyone was to walk on them, but it would be a different matter if it escaladed any further than that. And a little voice inside her head told her that Rena was predicting she had more in mind that the simple kiss she had just given her.

Jurina let out a small sigh and obliged, diminishing progressively her hold around Rena’s waist. However, she didn’t separate herself from her quite yet, instead pulling away just enough to look at her. When was the last time she had been able to truly admire the girl she adored so much? Rena’s drama was getting pretty popular over time, and she had seen a few pictures of her in magazines. But the papers didn’t render her justice. Rena wasn’t wearing any makeup at the moment, and she never needed to. Artifices served no purposed: she had a natural beauty.

Jurina cupped Rena’s left cheek, brushing it with her thumb tenderly. She met Rena’s gaze - noticing her eyes softening at the caress - before looking down at those pink lips before her. Their lips were so close, that the pull to remember their softness became gradually very strong. For an instant, Jurina wondered if she would be able to steal a quick kiss. They were still very much alone in the corridor and considering how late it now was, Jurina figured it was unlikely any one would disturb them anyway.

Jurina looked deeply into Rena’s eyes, and could see how torn she also was about this. Jurina was perfectly aware of the effect she was currently having on her. Even if Rena was still keeping her lips at a certain distance, she had noticed her eyes falling on her own lips a couple of times. This sign didn’t lie: she wanted to kiss her just as much.

Now that they were so close, Jurina could feel Rena’s slightly inconstant breathing tickling her skin. And, if she placed her hand against her chest and listened carefully to her heart, wondered she would hear it beating rapidly just like hers. But she was not about to break the rule established between them, no matter how strong the temptation was. Besides, now she wasn’t completely sure she would be able to keep the kiss chaste very long once their lips would make contact.

However, it did not mean she couldn’t tease Rena a little. Decided, she inched closer to Rena’s lips, slowly enough to give her time to react. She didn’t really wish to go through with it, but only to see how Rena would react to her move. Just as their lips were about to touch two fingers were suddenly placed against hers, preventing her from advancing any further.

Jurina retreated slightly, honestly a bit startled it took Rena so long to stop her. She strongly believed the older girl would say something as soon as she made her intent to kiss her clear. And she was anything but subtle about it the moment she leaned forward. However, it appeared Rena was really considering allowing her to kiss her until the very last moment. It was so uncharacteristic of the older girl to let her emotions cloud her better judgment, that Jurina couldn’t help smiling a little at her unexpected slip.

Jurina didn’t say anything and put a little more distance between their lips, in order to indicate that she understood the warning well, and was not about to try and kiss her again. Rena seemed to understand the message and she pulled her fingers away, failing to see that it was in fact not her lips Jurina had truly been aiming for all this time. Indeed, Jurina didn’t waste time in changing direction, and she left a quick kiss on her right cheek.

When she looked back at Rena, she couldn’t help shaking her head in light amusement at her somewhat confused expression. Now, there was no point in hiding her true purpose anymore, and she addressed her on a playful tone. “Rena, you truly believed I was going to kiss you on the lips in the open?”

The older Matsui didn’t answer and for the second time that day, Jurina faced a very speechless Rena. She could get used to that reaction of hers. Not only it was unusual, it was also very cute. And to be honest, she was happy to have been able to take her sweet revenge for the little trick Rena had also played on her a while ago, during the shooting of Majisuka Gakuen 5.

Oh yes, she still remembered that moment vividly. In the classroom, Rena had strongly made her believe she was going to kiss her on the lips, before changing direction at the last moment and opting for her cheek. After all this time, Jurina still couldn’t believe the older Matsui had dared to make such move in front of others. However, as time went by, she discovered gradually that Rena could also get very playful when she wanted to.

“You…” Rena stammered, seemingly still having difficulty grasping entirely the situation. "You tricked me?"

Jurina’s mouth tugged into a mischievous smile, restraining herself to laugh at the look full of incredulity Rena was shooting her. Obviously, she didn’t realize it was payback for that time. And she was definitely not about to tell her. Jurina savored her victory, and couldn’t help placing another sneaky kiss on Rena’s cheek. Rena didn’t say anything, obviously still processing what had just happened judging by the look on her face.

After a little while she managed to regain a bit of her composure, and Jurina felt the arms around her neck loosening. The moment after, Rena’s attention shifted to her bag. "I think we should really get in,” Rena said, rummaging through her bag. “Just let me retrieve my keycard.”

Jurina nodded in agreement and pulled back, allowing her to have more space to maneuver. Once or twice during her search the older girl looked up in her direction, and by the unsettled look she was sending her, it was obvious she was still thinking about what had just happened. And having a hard time processing the fact she had just been played by the cunning ace.

Rena faced the door as soon as the keycard was secured in her hand, but that was without taking into account the presence of Jurina and her own agenda. Indeed, as soon as she had her back turned Jurina couldn’t help placing her arms around her waist again, Rena stilling at the unexpected gesture as she was about to slid the keycard in the lock.

“I really missed you,” Jurina murmured, all trace of her previous playfulness now gone. She was perfectly aware she had already uttered those words a few minutes ago, but she saw no harm in repeating them. After all, she was speaking nothing but the truth. Yes, she enjoyed very much their daily conversations on LINE and would miss them for nothing in the world, but it was nothing compared with being reunited with Rena and to physically touch her.

Jurina felt Rena’s free hand covering hers, and she immediately laced their fingers together. Jurina seized the opportunity of their renewed proximity to prove again how much she meant what she said, and she pressed her lips against her cheek in a lingering kiss. The thought to proceed further and go downwards to leave a few kisses along the nape of her neck was tantalizing, especially when Rena’s ponytail was granting her so much access. But she decided to play safe, positively sure she wouldn’t be able to stop once she started showering the girl with affection.

All of a sudden, she got distracted by the sound of a strident, unpleasant noise, and she looked up in curiosity to figure out its origin. Her eyes widen in realization: Rena had passed the keycard through the lock, but the red light was informing her that she had failed in her first attempt to open the door. And Jurina understood the reason immediately: Rena had surprisingly used the wrong side of her keycard. It was such a simple mistake - one that she should never have made - that it could only mean one thing. The older Matsui was currently being very distracted by her actions.

“Rena,” Jurina whispered in her ear in amusement. At the sound of her voice the keycard halted in midair, just as Rena was about to reiterate her attempt a second time. “You’re sliding it the wrong way.”

No reply left Rena’s lips at first, and Jurina would have done anything to see the look on her face. Rena’s hand was still frozen in mid air - a few inches apart from the lock - as if she was pondering over her affirmation. And it took several long seconds for Jurina to see the hand moving again.

“This… this is your fault,” Rena let out in a faint protest, now realizing her stupid mistake as she quickly turned the card the other side. “You’re not helping.”

The reproach lacked so much conviction, that it only prompted Jurina to giggle at the accusation. It was so unusual to be able to destabilize Rena, that she was enjoying every second of it. This was a moment she was surely going to remember, and she knew she would find occasions to tease her about it in the future.

Despite the great distraction Jurina was causing, Rena still miraculously managed to make it after the third attempt: a different and this time more pleasant noise, emitted from the door. Jurina noticed the green light indeed notifying Rena of her success. She was now granted permission to enter the room 22. With her left hand Rena turned the handle in determination, while she used the other to tug at Jurina’s. The latter complied willingly when Rena dragged her into the room.

The room was plunged into darkness, and it took Jurina a few seconds to adjust to the absence of light. Once she managed to distinguish her environment a little better - thanks to the streetlights penetrating slightly through the curtains - she watched the older girl attentively. Rena wasn’t moving nor speaking, and it didn’t look like she had any intention of turning the light on either. Jurina soon felt a hand tugging at the sleeve of her black jacket, and it was all the encouragement she needed when Rena pulled her towards her.

Jurina leaned forward and her eyes drifted close, knowing nothing anymore was preventing her from claiming what she desired. Their lips met without the slight hesitation, and soon moved slowly against each other. A jolt of electricity traveled the length of Jurina’s spine, relishing the familiarity of Rena’s soft, enticing lips.

It had been so long since they had shared such a moment of intimacy. Their one-month separation had definitely not been of any help, but the issue went back to even before that. The news of Rena’s graduation had had a devastating impact on their relationship. The following weeks Jurina was such in a deep sorrow, that she could barely look at her. Letting the older girl touch her? Unthinkable. After that day she stumbled upon Rena’s graduation letter, Jurina purposely distanced herself from the girl who had now broken her heart twice.

Despite that fact, they still managed to progressively find their way back to each other. Jurina was conscious that her dear friend Churi was no stranger to their reconciliation, far from it. She had been a faithful ally during all this time; a shoulder to lean on when she needed to cry. But most of all, she had brought them back together when Jurina was  stubbornly refusing to face the older Matsui. And the conversation Churi had provoked between them that evening in the restaurant had enabled her to understand how blind she had been.

Rena never intended to hurt her. She loved her. And Jurina’s refusal to forgive her had caused Rena a great deal of pain. A suffering she had quietly kept to herself during all this time. That day, a rush of guilt spread through Jurina’s chest when she realized what her selfishness had provoked. She never wished to make Rena unhappy, but her own distress had prevented her from seeing what was really going on around her.

After that, their relationship improved slowly, but they still had a lot of work to do to put the pieces back together. Each time Rena happened to hug her or kiss her, it was in the desperate attempt to comfort her and cure her broken heart. Rena was by her side again, but it surely didn’t prevent the tears from wetting her cheeks. Despite Jurina’s distraught state, Rena never lost hope. With tenacity she swept each one of her tears, and whispered words of affection at every given opportunity. Her unwavering persistence and devotion bore its fruit. In the end, after months of suffering, Jurina’s heart managed to heal.

Yes, Rena had hurt her deeply. Yes, she had cried for months, sometimes fearing she would never see the end of it. But, no matter how terrible those months had been on her emotional state, Jurina couldn’t ignore one simple fact. She loved Rena, just as much as she loved her. So how could she not forgive her?

Jurina had conveyed those feelings right after the graduation concert when they found themselves in the safe environment of Rena’s apartment, but hadn’t been able to do much more than that after. Rena had to leave promptly for the shooting of her new drama in Kyoto, and they had been separated merely a few days after Rena’s concert. Now, her desire to be closer to the girl she adored was stronger than anything. Her previous kisses in the corridor had reminded her of what she had missed all these months. The emotional connection had finally been restored between them, but there was still another important part missing. A flame she wished to rekindle tonight.

Jurina pushed the older Matsui against the door gently, her arms making their way around her waist to press their bodies further together. As soon as she felt Rena parting her lips, she took the chance to deepen the kiss. She pressed her tongue slowly into her mouth, their tongues immediately brushing against each other.

Jurina realized that she had been right earlier on when she believed she wouldn’t be satisfied very long with only a chaste kiss. Indeed, the kiss was gradually becoming quite heated, and a warmth spread through her chest at the sound of Rena humming lightly into the kiss.

Jurina stroke Rena’s back slowly up and down, trying to feel as much as possible through the thin dress she was wearing. As of Rena she had cleverly found a way in underneath her blue, short-sleeved tee-shirt, and was now exploring her back with her fingertips. Jurina didn’t wish to detach herself from the older girl, but her desire to touch her girlfriend more intimately grew stronger.

She pulled away to catch some air, and distinguished the desire now burning into Rena’s small brown orbs. It immediately provoked a warm feeling at the pit of her stomach, a feeling that would always emerge each time she would witness such an intense expression in her girlfriend’s eyes. She had definitely already seen it more than a few times during their lovemaking, but the effect she was capable of having on the usually so collected girl still amazed her after all this time.

Jurina playfully avoided the lips that were trying to capture hers, a light groan escaping Rena’s mouth in frustration when Jurina refused to meet her demands for the second time. An amused smile moved to Jurina’s lips at her reaction, before deciding Rena had had enough of her teasing, and relenting at the third attempt. To make it up for her cheeky behavior she let Rena take the lead of the kiss this time, following her rhythm as their tongues met in a hungry kiss.

Jurina could feel the touch growing more pressing on her back, and the older girl pulling her tee-shirt progressively up. Encouraged by her actions she pulled away her left arm from around Rena’s waist and placed her palm against her leg, slowly moving upwards and underneath her dress.

Jurina suddenly felt Rena breaking the kiss abruptly, and she shot her eyes open in surprise at her action. Her hand that was now caressing Rena’s thigh paused, and she opened her mouth to question her about her curious behavior. “Rena, is everything al-?”

Jurina felt the older girl pushing her away gently and she let her go at once, wondering for an instant if she had done something wrong. Despite the small distance Rena hat put between them she didn’t seem angry at her, quite the contrary. The same very intense expression was flashing in her eyes, and Jurina soon understood what she had in mind when Rena removed her jacket and pushed her backwards, until her feet met the end of the bed. Rena claimed her lips once more, and Jurina didn’t oppose any resistance when the older girl added some pressure on her shoulders, and pushed her down onto the side of the bed.

Jurina understood Rena had every intention of dominating the situation when she found her lap straddled by the older girl the moment after. The young Matsui had a complete different idea in mind and was adamant on reversing their roles at some point but for now, she decided to let Rena have it her way, and followed her lead willingly. 

« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 05:29:02 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

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Uuuuuu..... I want more.... After reading the tumblr ver. too I still want more... :inlove:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 02:00:08 AM by Genkikid »

Offline Minami-chan

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So great!

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Wow.. a full chapter of WMatsui! It's such a treat!  :on gay: I swear I stopped several times reading this chapter because I contemplated their moments.  :shy1: And oh, have I told you that I love the playful side of both characters? I mean..Rena did trick Jurina before and now Jurina decided to pay back haha! My favourite scene was when Rena mistakenly sliding the keycard wrong way. That composed and calm girl was "VERY distracted" by the younger Matsui. I think that's cute! Thanks for the update, Author-san!

Offline genkingblack

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Okay now I have time to comment this..
I love this chapter as if I could see the actual "longing" from both side. Yeah distance is their enemy right now ._.

though I gotta say since Yoshiaki and Arisa arent SKE or even belong to 48/46... sometimes I just skipped read them.. as if too heavy for me, for my taste.

I always read in tumblr instead here, so sometimes I just forgot.. or even busy.
but you know I always read and waiting yours :)
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline Guacamoolee

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Soph-Chan~ What an update!!! I don't think the update would be this soon.
Thanks for letting them to finally meet up  :deco:
I think I began to like Destiny because of this chapter. I might switch my favorite from Partners to Destiny. Yabai!  :panic:
Rena needs to take a break from her routine for a while though, poor J. fufufu~
Patiently happily waiting for the next chap :D

Offline Darathon

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Very cute. You really captured the reunion quite well. I'm sure anyone with a long distance relationship can relate.
You're writing just keeps getting better and better. Everything seems to be going well but will you throw in some drama? Perhaps someone at play makes a move on Rena? Or something happens with jurina that causes conflict, idk. Anyway, it's a really good chapter. Thanks for writing for us!
Atsumina and Wmatsui for life.
Takamina Oshi!!!

Offline sophcaro

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Uuuuuu..... I want more.... After reading the tumblr ver. too I still want more... :inlove:

There will be more WMatsui moments in chapter 5  ;)

So great!

Glad you liked it!

Wow.. a full chapter of WMatsui! It's such a treat!  :on gay: I swear I stopped several times reading this chapter because I contemplated their moments.  :shy1: And oh, have I told you that I love the playful side of both characters? I mean..Rena did trick Jurina before and now Jurina decided to pay back haha! My favourite scene was when Rena mistakenly sliding the keycard wrong way. That composed and calm girl was "VERY distracted" by the younger Matsui. I think that's cute! Thanks for the update, Author-san!

I love both playful sides as well. And I had fun writing that 'card' scene too... But I must admit the scene where Jurina playfully avoids Rena's kisses may be my favorite of the chapter.

Okay now I have time to comment this..
I love this chapter as if I could see the actual "longing" from both side. Yeah distance is their enemy right now ._.

though I gotta say since Yoshiaki and Arisa arent SKE or even belong to 48/46... sometimes I just skipped read them.. as if too heavy for me, for my taste.

I always read in tumblr instead here, so sometimes I just forgot.. or even busy.
but you know I always read and waiting yours :)

Well, I would recommend you not to skip the drama parts, because they are somehow related to the main story. So you may not understand a few things later...

And thanks for commenting! I know it's easy to forget - work, or just being distracted - so I appreciate you taking time to leave this comment  :thumbup

Soph-Chan~ What an update!!! I don't think the update would be this soon.
Thanks for letting them to finally meet up  :deco:
I think I began to like Destiny because of this chapter. I might switch my favorite from Partners to Destiny. Yabai!  :panic:
Rena needs to take a break from her routine for a while though, poor J. fufufu~
Patiently happily waiting for the next chap :D

It does feel good to finally reunite them, and it's not over! Chapter 5 will also be full of WMatsui moments :)

Very cute. You really captured the reunion quite well. I'm sure anyone with a long distance relationship can relate.
You're writing just keeps getting better and better. Everything seems to be going well but will you throw in some drama? Perhaps someone at play makes a move on Rena? Or something happens with jurina that causes conflict, idk. Anyway, it's a really good chapter. Thanks for writing for us!

I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. To answer your question, yes there will be some drama at some point. Let's enjoy their happy reunion until then, shall we?  :)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:31:19 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline sophcaro

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    • sophcaro
Author's note: This is not the full version of the chapter, I had to censor the explicit content to be able to publish the chapter on JPHIP. If you wish to have access to the original version, you can read it on my Tumblr or on Ao3.

As usual, comments are always appreciated and motivate the writer  :)


Censored version

Rena had been awake for the past five minutes now, but hadn’t move an inch from the bed. Indeed, she was taking advantage of the morning light penetrating the room through the black curtains to observe attentively the girl sleeping by her side. A peaceful expression was plastering Jurina’s features, and the older Matsui even noticed her lips curved up in a small smile. Was Jurina having a dream? If yes, it surely looked like a pleasant one.

Rena’s eyes flickered briefly to the alarm-clock over Jurina’s shoulder, taking in that it was 9:15 am. Today, she didn’t have to be on set until later in the afternoon, her presence not being required for the first scenes. It was quite unusual for her to have such a light day, but not unwelcomed. Since she started the shooting of Destiny a month ago, her days of work always started quite early, and ended late in the evening. And, of course, she didn’t have a single day off.

Rena was definitely used to having a busy schedule - it even seemed to her a bit lighter in comparison with her hectic daily life these past seven years in SKE48 - but today, she was appreciating the short respite because of Jurina’s presence. Once the young ace would be up, they would be able to spend a little more time together until Jurina would have to leave for the train station, and go back to Nagoya.

However, considering Jurina’s eyelids still shut, it seemed she had no intention of waking up anytime soon. Rena was aware that Jurina had been working very hard since she left the group in June. These last weeks, the young girl had been engrossed in her SKE activities, and helping everyone adjust to the absence of SKE’s second figurehead. Jurina never shared too much about her difficulties when they spoke on LINE, but Rena knew some members were still having a hard time accepting her departure, and wondering how SKE was going to move forward without her. Her absence was definitely destabilizing a lot of girls; Jurina being of course at the top of the list.

That’s why Rena knew Jurina deserved some rest after the emotional rollercoaster she went through those past months. Days off were so rare in the life of an idol, that you needed to put them to good use. Considering what Jurina had told her on LINE about her week holiday at Mayu’s beach house, she had definitely enjoyed herself and been able to relax. It had really relieved Rena to hear about it. So now, even though she couldn’t wait for Jurina to wake up in order to make good use of their reunion, she decided to be a little more patient and let her sleep a little longer.

Judging by the intensity of the sun penetrating the hotel room, Rena could predict this Thursday was going to be another hot day. Thankfully, the air conditioning of the room was bringing them necessary fresh air against the scorching weather. It had rained a little at the beginning of the week but for the past two days the air had been very humid, and barely breathable. Summer was never a season Rena favored the best.

Rena felt a little tug at her hand, and she looked up to their joined hands on the pillow. This fateful day of January 31, their morning routine had been abruptly disrupted when Jurina discovered the truth of her graduation. There was no more holding hands in the morning. No more kiss on the forehead. Jurina simply refused any affectionate gesture between them. Their daily life had been disrupted because of the sorrow her decision had caused Jurina. Rena had waited so long for Jurina to overcome her pain, and now her patience was finally rewarded. Everything was finally back to normal. Jurina had casually slipped her fingers inside hers before falling asleep, and was still holding her hand as for now. It was a very simple gesture of affection, but now she realized how much she had missed it these past months.

Rena felt the fingers squeezing her hand lightly, and she guessed Jurina was starting to wake up. The moment after she perceived a light groan escaping the young girl’s lips, and she watched her as her eyes fluttered open progressively. Their gazes locked a few seconds later, and they exchanged a silent smile. The older Matsui gave some time for the sleepy Jurina to properly wake up, until leaning forward in the intent to renew with the tradition.

To her surprise, Jurina moved slightly backwards when her lips were about to touch her forehead. Confused by her action she paused, but didn’t retreat for all that. She searched in her eyes an explanation for her unexpected behavior. Jurina was still holding her hand, and even played a little with her fingers the moment before. So why was she refusing her kiss? It was their morning ritual; surely Jurina had not forgotten about it.

Even if Jurina had strangely refused her affectionate gesture, she didn’t seem that bothered by it; quite the contrary. Indeed, her previous smile had not vanished since she stirred, even turning into a slightly amused one as the seconds went by. Rena was about to question her if everything was fine but she didn’t have time, as she felt Jurina pushing her away gently, until her back rested entirely against the mattress.

Jurina didn’t speak, but Rena could tell she was planning something. Soon, she felt fingers brushing her fringe carefully, and she understood what the younger girl had in mind when she felt her fringe being carefully adjusted to the side. A smile moved to her lips when she saw Jurina leaning over the moment after, and she closed her eyes when a soft kiss was placed on her forehead.

Rena opened her eyes again as soon as the lips detached themselves, and she looked back at her. More than anything, she was pleased by Jurina’s affectionate gesture, but also slightly curious about the change in their morning routine. Until now, it had always been the other way round: what suddenly prompted Jurina to reverse the situation? The question naturally left her lips. “Why the sudden change?”

Jurina let out a small giggle, evidently amused she had successfully managed to surprise her girlfriend, until her features grew more serious, and she leaned forward for another - this time lingering - kiss on Rena’s forehead. “Why not? Change is not always a bad thing.”

Rena found herself a bit speechless, and she observed the younger girl who was now brushing her cheek with her thumb tenderly. Was it her imagination or Jurina looked more… mature? Jurina had definitely changed physically these past months - after all, she was still growing - but it wasn’t only about her looks. Yesterday, Jurina’s self restraint had surprised her to say the least. She really expected Jurina to embrace her immediately as soon as they eyes met in the corridor, and shower her with affection. And along the way take the opportunity that they were both alone to quickly steal a kiss or two. Yes, Jurina’s playful side had emerged yesterday, but it was more toned down than usual.

“You’ve changed.” Rena finally decided to voice her thoughts out loud. No, it was not the fruit of her imagination. Jurina looked more mature. Physically, and mentally.

“I have?” Jurina’s eyes widened slightly.

“Yes,” Rena confirmed, casually tucking a strand of hair behind Jurina’s ear. “You’re more mature.”

Jurina didn’t say anything for a little while - as if pondering over her declaration - until her mouth tugged into a mischievous expression, and she leaned closer to her ear. “Are you… referring to what happened last night?”

Rena let out a small laugh, and gave Jurina’s arm a light tap when the latter started nibbling playfully at the skin along the nape of her neck. Yes, Jurina looked more mature, but her playful side was never really far. When Jurina retreated and their gazes met Rena shook her head lightly at her in amusement, not failing to notice the mischief still dancing in Jurina’s eyes. Rena took advantage of their close proximity to watch her attentively, thankful that the morning light was - contrary to last night’s darkness - enabling her this time to distinguish Jurina’s features properly.

When Jurina joined the group at the early age of eleven, she was a cheerful and cute kid. Then, around the time of Kataomoi Finally, she turned into a charming teenager, who definitely turned a few heads when she decided to adopt a more boyish look. A few more years went by, and Jurina was now nineteen years old. If truth be told, Rena didn’t believe she ever saw her so feminine. Her hair was not as long as her own, but it definitely had gotten quite long these past months. Added to that, her body was now well formed, making it impossible for people to see her as a child anymore. Rena had fully realized it when she explored her girlfriend’s skin the night before. Right now, with a very naked Jurina hovering over her, the older Matsui was convinced SKE’s ace couldn’t be more beautiful.

Rena placed her hand against the back of her head and pulled her down, shutting her eyes when their lips met. The kiss was slow and tender - a sharp contrast with last night’s passionate love making - but Rena relished every second of it. She pulled away a little while later, her fingertips soon tracing the outline of Jurina’s face. Even if she tried hard to look for a flaw, she wouldn’t be able to find a single one. Those intense eyes that were not leaving hers one moment, and those soft lips that were now kissing her fingertips as she was tracing their outline.

Jurina was not perfect. After all, she was a human being, with its qualities and flaws. But she had unexpectedly managed to capture her solitary heart. She loved her unconditionally. She couldn’t imagine giving her heart to another. Jurina was not perfect, but she was perfect for her. “I love you, Jurina. You know that, right?”

Jurina’s sudden bright, loving smile was so infectious, that Rena couldn’t help sending it back. Their lips met for another gentle, lingering kiss, until Rena progressively felt fingers slowly tracing the curves of her body from her shoulder down to her hips. She let the young girl proceed with her exploration of her skin, until Jurina pulled away from the kiss, and Rena gazed back at her in curiosity. Jurina had straightened up and was now straddling her lap, her eyes roaming over her body. Her fingers were accompanying her observation with a light caress on her chest, and as her studying seemed to reach no end, Rena couldn’t help up but question her, slightly amused by her curious behavior. “Jurina… what are you doing?”

Jurina looked up to gaze at her - but only very briefly - until resuming what she was doing. “I’m memorizing every inch of your skin.”

Another time, Rena would have giggled at her amusing remark, but Jurina’s serious declaration and focused expression caught her off guard. Where was it coming from? After all, it wasn’t like Jurina was seeing her naked for the very first time. And she had definitely mapped her skin with her fingers and lips more times that she could count. Rena truly didn’t understand the reason behind her girlfriend’s curious behavior, but she couldn’t help but tease her a little. “Why? Are you planning on leaving the country anytime soon?”

Her words did seem to stir something in the younger girl as her fingers paused all of a sudden on her chest. Rena’s smile faltered, starting to wonder if she said something wrong when Jurina’s features turned slightly melancholic. Just as she was about to question her about her sudden change of mood, Jurina spoke up. “I’m not going anywhere, but I don’t know when we’ll be able to see each other again.”

Words stayed stuck in Rena’s mouth, pained to see Jurina’s face turning even darker. Now, Jurina’s behavior made perfect sense. This was a subject they had not yet really tackled. They spoke to each other on LINE every day, and even if Jurina would sometimes confess that she missed her, she seemed to be taking her absence in a mature way. Indeed, she didn’t perceive in her voice the deep melancholy and sadness she often heard in the past when she was still in SKE48, and they sometimes had to be apart because of her Nogizaka46 activities and external jobs.

The words that had just fallen from Jurina’s lips - along with the melancholic expression she was now harboring - reminded her not to be fooled by Jurina’s apparent cheerful behavior on LINE. Just because Jurina was not devastated by the physical separation, it didn’t mean she was taking it well. And the truth was emerging now that they were face to face, with no artifice between them to hide the truth.

“Jurina,” Rena murmured, caressing her arm. When it didn’t provoke the expected reaction and the young girl was still avoiding her gaze and looking as melancholic as the moment before, she cupped her chin gently. This time, the ace complied, and she tilted her head towards her. Rena gave her a reassuring smile when she continued. “I told you I’m coming back to Nagoya as soon as the shooting is over.”

“I know,” Jurina conceded with a nod. “But for how long?”

It wasn’t an accusation. Jurina wasn’t blaming her anything; her tone was not harsh in the slightest. No, it was a simple, legitimate question, to which she could unfortunately not answer to. Rena wished she could find the adequate words to ease the worry flashing in Jurina’s eyes, but she didn’t know what to say. Jurina was entirely right. Yes, she had promised Jurina she would come back to Nagoya once the shooting of her drama would be over in Kyoto. But she was well aware she would not be able to stay very long in Nagoya. Who knew in which city her work would lead her next? Or for how long?

If she could, she would love to stay in Nagoya indefinitely to stay close to Jurina. However, her jobs opportunities were limited there. If she wished to fully embrace her new career as an actress, she needed to go where her skills were required. She was perfectly aware of that fact the moment she decided to graduate. From now on, it was very likely that she would spend a lot of time working in Japan’s capital. There were 160 miles separating Tokyo and Nagoya; a little more than 2 hours by Shinkansen. Rena often made the travel back and forth between the two cities when she was still an idol, but Nagoya was the place she would always return to in the end. Would it still be the case now?

No, Rena couldn’t currently say anything to ease Jurina’s worries. Every word she would utter would end up being a lie. She couldn’t bring herself to do that. Jurina wasn’t naive, and it wasn’t fair to give her false hopes. However, she had to find a way to erase this melancholia in her eyes at all costs. They were reunited after a month of separation. And Jurina had finally overcome the pain her decision to graduate had caused her. They needed more than ever to cherish every moment they could spend together.

Rena straightened up, and decided to bring them closer by embracing Jurina. Her fingers caressed softly the back of her head when the young girl leaned her head against her shoulder, and she placed occasionally a few kisses against her temple. Jurina didn’t speak during the process, but she could feel her relaxing progressively in her arms. At some point she even felt a kiss along the nape of her neck, followed by another lingering one. Rena let her proceed for a little while - relishing the gentle ministrations from her girlfriend - before pulling away just enough to look at her. Relief spread through her chest when there was no trace of melancholia in her eyes anymore.

Rena leaned forward to give her a kiss, before pushing onto her shoulder to reverse their position. Jurina understood her intention quite well and let Rena guide her, the latter soon crawling up over her body. Their lips never parted once during the process, Rena’s fingers now caressing the body underneath her. Jurina’s lips were becoming more demanding as time went by, but Rena had something else in mind. Before Jurina could deepen the kiss she pulled away, Jurina immediately protesting with a light groan. Rena opened her eyes and noticed in amusement the lips that were desperately trying to capture hers, but she didn’t give in to the temptation. Instead, she kissed her way down from Jurina’s mouth to her chest.

Rena still remembered vividly the first times she wasn’t sure how to please Jurina. Was she doing the right thing? Was her touch having the desired effect on her? Rena was completely inexperienced when she made love to Jurina for the very first time. And found herself naturally apprehensive, afraid to make mistakes. That’s why she was very attentive to Jurina’s every single reaction at the time, ready to stop if she distinguished the slight sign of unease from the younger girl.

Those times were long gone. It didn’t matter that they hadn’t been intimate in months: they knew each other’s bodies by heart. Yesterday, they mapped each other’s skin in an unusual craving, consequences of a longing that hadn’t been able to express itself in months. Their kisses had been heated, their lovemaking passionate. And Rena had enjoyed every second of it. But right now, she wished this moment to take another direction. There was no rush. She wanted to savor the moment slowly.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 05:28:14 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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  • Still Love You

Wonderful chapters.
The truth is that both are releasing hormones.
Jurina has every reason in the world to feel melancholy.
Not everything is so easy now that Rena no longer in AKBGroup.

Offline Guacamoolee

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Wow thanks for the update! The last two chapters are so comforting. I'm expecting more drama after these chapters :D
I think it will be cute if they did some outdoor activities together too  :deco:
Good job Soph-san :thumbsup

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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The update was fast! Not that I complained though. The beginning of this chapter reminds me of Partners somehow. It was warm and sweet (and playful). But then I felt a bit melancholic when Jurina said, “I’m not going anyway, but I don’t know when we’ll be able to see each other again.”  :on cloudeye: The time and distance have been their worst enemy. Anyway, thanks for 100% WMatsui in the last two chapters.

I think it will be cute if they did some outdoor activities together too.

I second that. They can walk in the park, they can visit some shrines and make a wish, they can start jogging together watch Ghibli's movie at movie theater or watch fireworks in summer festival, etc. But then again, their time is so short.  :frustrated:

No matter what, I believe in you, Author-san!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 05:04:45 PM by Bukiyou Taiyou »

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