And here you have it! My latest update is WMatsui~!
I think it's short. Do you think it's short? I think it's short. It's short, isn't it?
I feel I also sort of rushed the events here but... Mmmmm... When I picked this up again, I found out that I had already written most of it out. But after some re-reading, I had to move, add and remove a lot of parts to make it "interesting". That's why it took me awhile. Still...
Here's a little progress report for ROtY:
SaeYuki, it is going to be very long but it's only 25% done unfortunately. It's going to take awhile. Sorry...
KojiYuu, I'm stumped because what I had planned for it, I don't think I can play it out. I think I'm going to either scrap my ideas or do some major modifications. So I ask you my fellow readers, on what do you think I should or what would you like to happen in the next or future parts.
AtsuMina, it's coming. But I'm working backwards and I don't know how that happened. I honestly don't know when I'm going to have that but I assure you, I will have it done!
WMatsui, I'm pretty solid on it. Few more parts to go until the end.
Okay, enough reports. I apologize if what you're about to read is not what you expected and is disappointed... although unexpected things are usually good... But if you are pleased then I'm glad.
It's been awhile since I last wrote so I may have lost my touch a little. I let you readers decide how you feel about this. I await comments, if any.
Now of to reading, you! *shooing wave*

Chapter Segment: Rena x Jurina [Part 4]"Jurina-chan!! Wake up!! You're going to be late for school!! Ah! I'm going to be late for work!"
Ma-Matsui yelled from the bottom of the staircase. She groaned and didn’t bother anymore to wake her daughter up; she simply just couldn’t be late for work. Grabbing her bag and car keys, he rushed to work.
"Mm..." Jurina grumbled as she awoke from sleep. She stretched on her bed and kicked off her blanket. Rising from her bed, she took a peek at her alarm clock. 8:25AM it read in fluorescent green light.
“Crap!” Jurina exclaimed in a fit of worry and jumped out of bed and got ready. She went as fast as she could to prepare for the school day and made sure that she remembered to bring her lunch this time. Out the door went the young girl, to the bus stop she dashed to.
“Aww man, why didn’t my alarm go off?” she whines while running to her destination.
Jurina slowed down as she came to view a silver Toyota waiting at the bus stop. Was it? It was! Rena had been waiting for her at the stop. Spotting her, she coolly rolls downs the window and peered through the window.
"Good morning, sleepy head." Rena smiled at her young partner. "Hop in."
Jurina looked her way and gave her questioning expression, “How did you…?”
"Let’s just say that I had a feeling you were running late, again. Hehe… I'm glad my feeling was right." Rena smirked. “Now get in before we’re both late!”
The 17-year-old took a quick look around, just to make sure that no one from school was nearby. Quickly yet cautiously, she enters the vehicle, fastening her seatbelt, and then Rena takes off down the road. At a red light, it was quiet. Jurina sat silently in her seat, staring out the passenger side window, but her view was obscured by a shipping truck that was beside them. She continued watching nonetheless.
Unbeknownst to her, Rena’s gaze shifted from the road ahead of her and brought her attention to the younger girl’s… figure. Her eyes wandered around her, her legs, her arms, hands, waist, the visible part of her ear that could be see through her hair, what she was able to glance at without being noticed. She thought that everything about her was cute, even the back of her head and the split in the middle of her hair. But she’d never let her mind think any further than that. She was pretty much full-on checking her out.
But this silence was starting to annoy her and this red light didn’t help at all. Rena resisted the urge several times to turn on the car radio in the chance that Jurina may want to talk about something. It seems that it wasn’t going to happen. This gives her the chance to attack, tease her a little bit, and entertain herself.
"So,” Rena started, catching Jurina’s attention, “No 'good morning' kiss?" she asked as watched Jurina blushed at her question.
Mission accomplished! Just seeing her all red and flustered made her all the more adorable, Rena thought. She giggled as she pouted her lips with her eyes closed, waiting for Jurina.
"Re-Re-Re-Rena-sensei... We're in public; someone might see." Jurina spoke, feeling uncomfortable.
The nurse opened her eyes, "Don't worry, we're in my car and the windows are tinted dark enough. No one will see or even recognize us." Rena then closed her eyes again, "Come on, it’s just a 'good morning' kiss. Even a light peck will do."
Jurina gulped and nodded, "Ok..." She shifted in the leather seat and slowly inched closer to Rena's face. She gave Rena's lips a soft kiss.
“Hehe… was that so hard?” Rena retracted and began driving again as soon as the light turned green. Jurina simply turned a shade redder swiftly returned to window gazing to calm down.
Rena and Jurina are dating, secretly of course for about 3 weeks now. It happened when certain events occurred (check previous part) and it then became inevitable. Because of their occupational positions, they want, or rather had to, keep things on the down-low or else a lot of commotion will occur if it got out. Rena didn't really mind dating someone younger than her or the fact that her significant other is of the same sex. Jurina didn’t mind, but with an older partner. The thing about Rena is that her job and also her freedom would be on the line if anybody caught wind of this. Jurina is still technically underage at 17.
They neared the academy, just one more right turn after two more lights and they were there. "You know, if you're ever running late or even want a ride to school, you can just call me. I'll come pick you up from home so you don't have to run to the stop every time."
Jurina nodded, "Thanks, but I don't want to impose or anything. It’d also be a waste of gas."
"It's not imposing. What's wrong with wanting to drive my… Heh, I shouldn’t be saying this but, favourite student to school when she needs it?"
"'Favourite,' you say," Jurina lips perked at the sides slightly. Maybe Jurina will take Rena up on that offer. But... "But won't people think somethings going on if I keep showing up with you?"
"Having doubts, are we? If you’re really care about that more than me, we might as well bre--”
“No! Of course not! I really do like you! I do want to be with you. It’s just…” Jurina’s reactions were very interesting to Rena but at least she was honest about her feelings.
“Oh? Then I’m really happy to hear that.” Rena grin grew a little wider, “Now, if there is one thing I know, it’s to swerve around the truth.”
“You’re telling me to lie? Should an adult really be telling student to lie to other people?”
Rena paused for a moment to sigh, “If people ask, just say that we live close by each other. It’s not entirely false since I live down the street in an apartment. Or if you want it to sound more official, say that your mom asked me to do this so that you wouldn’t be late when you sleep in, which I can arrange. Simple."
Simple she says, Jurina thought. She still thought Rena’s “swerving” as lying, which she doesn’t have much of an issue with. She just prefers not to lie if she doesn’t have to. But if it’s to protect herself and Rena in any way, she might need to. The younger girl exhaled through her nose.
The rest of the ride was in silence exempt for the radio forecasting the weather and playing some music, which Rena finally couldn’t resist turning on. The car rides are usually like this, no one would bother to speak a word if there was nothing more to talk about. They would enjoy each others’ company. Occasionally, they would sneak glances of each other; one of them certainly enjoyed doing that whenever they were together. With the surprisingly traffic light, they didn’t have those long awkward silences.
Finally, they pulled into the parking lot of the academy.
“Thanks for the ride… again.”
Rena smiled, closing her car door and looking at her secret girlfriend, “No need to thank me. Now off to class, you.” She said with a shooing-wave.
The high-school girl started in the other direction but turned around one more time to see her secret partner before class. But her eyes met with a still-smiling nurse who winked at her, mouthing the words
“I’ll see you later, honey.” Jurina walked away with her heart aflutter.
“Yo, Jurina!” Mizuki greeted her with a smile, running up to her. “I see you got another right from Rena-sensei, eh.” She whispered, nudging her with her elbow.
“Hey, isn’t that her?”
“That’s the girl from the picture, right?”
“Her and a teacher, do you think it’s true?”
“What’s going on? Everyone’s staring at you.” Mizuki pointed out, checking out her surroundings.
Jurina didn’t even notice but now that she mentioned it, it was true. Jurina took a gander around her and met the several pairs of burning eyes. If looks could kill, Jurina would have died several times over by the amount she was getting. It was really starting to worry her so she rushed to her classroom with Mizuki following closely behind, trying to get away from those stinging stares.
When she finally reached her classroom, the door opened before she can grab the handle. Kumi stepped out, almost bumping into Jurina, her with cell phone in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other, “Ah, Jurina-chan…” Kumi wore an expression of surprise and worry as she attempted to hide them behind her back.
“Ah, Kumi-chan. What’s this?” She grabbed Kumi’s cell phone out of her hand and took a good look of it. But what was on the screen put her in a state of shock. It was a snapshot of Rena and Jurina in the infirmary… kissing! In a state of confusion, she peered inside only to be stared at with disgusted eyes; students had their phones out, taking two-takes between Jurina and their device.
Mizuki took the paper from Kumi’s hand. On it was words written in large letters:
[I HAVE MORE. IF YOU DON’T WANT THEM TO GET OUT, STAY AWAY FROM SENSEI.]“That was on Jurina-chan’s desk.” Kumi explained
“This is bullying, who would do this?!” Mizuki crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trash bin.
“I don’t know but whoever sent it attached a message saying to forward it to people who go here,” said Kumi, “Everyone in the school could see it by the end of today or even by lunch.”
Mizuki whispered, “You sure you two were careful?”
Mizuki and Kumi already knew about the two Matsuis relationship, but for Jurina they kept it a secret. No one should know about it except for them four; they are very tight lipped and careful about it.
Jurina took a good look at the picture again. She remembered it was about a week ago when she and Rena kissed in the infirmary, which was their first and last time they kissed in such a public place. It was also really late after school that no one should have still been there. How it got out, how anybody was able to snap pictures threw all their heads through loops. The biggest loop of all, who was it.
“Jurina-chan...” The two friends looked at her in concern.
Jurina remained silent for a few moments, trying to keep her cool. It would do her no good if she freaked out now. If she did, it’d only make her look guilty. No matter what, she had to keep face for their sakes, her’s and Rena’s. And no doubt Rena is getting dirty looks too. And if Jurina knew her well enough, she would be very calm right now and not take any mind to any of them.
She took a deep breath, “I-I’m sure this is someone’s idea of a prank.” She spoke as clearly as she could under all the pressure. She had to play it off somehow.
Kumi was still concerned for her friend but Mizuki caught on and quickly played along, “Y-yeah! It’s probably someone just picking on the new kid or something. Look at it, it’s obviously shopped.”
Kumi cleared her throat, “Well, it really had me fooled, it looked professionally done.”
Some minutes later, class began. But paying attention in class was hard. The three girls had other things on their minds than Japanese History. Kumi and Mizuki looked over to Jurina, who was staring intently into the blank page of her notebook.
How was this happening? She’s only been at this school for roughly a month and a half and she’s being bullied, at a scale this high? She didn’t even get a note or a threat or something of the sort to start things off; it already went to full blown blackmail. Although Jurina wasn’t the kind of girl to be brought down by bullying, but the discovery of her secret relationship with Rena was shell-shocking to her, especially at this magnitude. But right now, how was not the issue, it was who and why.
However, what concerned her more was how Rena was taking it or if she even knew.
Two periods went by in what seemed like minutes rather than hours. Not a little word or even letter was written on the blank page of Jurina’s notebook. She was still deep though, not even realizing it was time for lunch.
“Hey, snap out of it, it’ll blow over soon.” Mizuki said, as she pulls a chair over to Jurina’s desk.
Kumi approaches, “Maybe you should talk to Rena-sensei.” She says in a hushed voice.
Jurina shook her head and sighed, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, it might just cause more suspicion. Perhaps another time is better but not now.”
“You should just let it come to pass first and then talk.” Mizuki suggests.
“I just hope it doesn’t get any worse,” it showed on Jurina’s face, the toll that this whole situation was taking on her and it has only been a few hours.
“Jurina-chan, if the teachers see this then do you know what that means? It would mean--” Kumi gets cut off by the chiming of bells on the PA system.
“Will 3rd-year Jurina Matsui and Nurse Rena Matsui-sensei report to the Principal’s Office immediately. Repeat. Will 3rd-year Jurina Matsui and Nurse Rena Matsui-sensei report to the Principal’s Office immediately.”A broadcast announcement echoed throughout the school grounds and sent shivers down Jurina’s spine.