@RenaChiiYou're gonna find out now!
@Mari07LMAO SAYAKA!! Thanks. Can't wait till pool day either.
@aoi_soraLOL Could be. Just read and find out. And don't worry about guessing games, I get them wrong most of the time. (Except for the time I was playing one with Mari) I like MaYuki too! But thanks for supporting me!
I've finalized on how many parts there will be for SaeYuki. There will be 7 parts so that means 2 more parts to go! Hope you guys can be patient. Also expect Part 7 to be really long, maybe longer than Part 4 or 5. Please look forward to them!
Chapter Segment: Sae X Yuki [Part 5]It was now 3 days until pool day. That means today is the day after the day Sae was going to tell Yuki how she felt. Today, selected Team K members are having lunch in the break room of the recording studio; that meant that Sae, Sayaka, and Yuko were there too, eating their lunches and talking about interesting topics. Sae on the other hand, kept to herself, yesterday’s events seem to have her annoyed almost to the point blowing up and nobody wanted Sae to snap on them if they spoke to her. Then, suddenly...
“ARGH!!” roared a very frustrated Sae.
“Whoa! What’s up with her?” questioned Yuko.
“I think she’s just mad about yesterday.” Sayaka answered for Sae.
“I was finally going to tell Yukirin that I was in love with her but that... that... ARGH!!” Sae growled.
“Wait... you love Yuki? I knew it! There’s a whole different atmosphere when it came to you two.” Yuko giggled and smiled. Sayaka shot her a glare to tell her to be quiet right now. Yuko stopped and cleared her throat, “S-so, what happened?” she asked. Sayaka was also curious as to what happened.
Sae sighed and calmed down a bit to explain to Yuko what happened, “Well...”
FLASHBACKSae looked at Yuki with stern eyes. She opened her mouth, “Yukirin, I lo—“
A voice shouted from nowhere, cutting off Sae, “I love you, Yukirin!”
Shocked, both Sae and Yuki turned their heads in the direction voice came.
“EEEHHH?!?” exclaimed both of them at the sight of who it was.
The random confession that came from nowhere was from a man! But not just any man, it was a random wota. He ran up to Yuki, pushing Sae off to the side as if she wasn’t there.
“Ow! Hey! We were in the middle of something!” Sae shouted at him but it was all for naught, he completely ignored her and was gazing at Yuki.
“Oh, my god! It’s Yukirin! Yukirin, I love you!” The random wota confessed again, “Well, I really love all of AKB48 but you’re my oshimen, Yukirin.” Anyone could see that there were sparkles in his eyes.
“Eh? Uh... Um... Thank you?” Yuki didn’t really know how to respond, she was really confused by how random this is all turning out.
“Oh, you’re so very welcome!” He took Yuki’s hands and held them in his own sweaty ones. “Wow, I’m meeting THE Yuki Kashiwagi, in the flesh! This is a dream! Please, can I have your autograph?”
“Hey, stop touching her!” Sae demanded, but again, she was ignored.
Yuki was slightly, if not really, creeped out by the sudden contact. She shot Sae a glance, her eyes screaming out to help her, but she answered, “Uh... Sure?” to the wota.
“YES!” Finally the wota let go of Yuki’s hands, reaching into his bag and taking out a custom-made AKB48 autograph book. He opened it to a page that was labelled with Yuki’s name, “This page is just for you. Please sign here!” He gave Yuki a pen which Yuki used to write her signature. “YES!! I finally have Yukirin’s autograph!
Sae finally decided to get in between, “Alright, alright, you got your autograph. Now can you please leave us alone?” Sae thought that this time she would get noticed by the wota since he’s been ignoring for the past 10 minutes. She also hoped that he would also ask for her autograph, too. But yet again, she was ignored as the wota took out his phone. “Eh?! He asks for Yukirin’s but not mine?” Sae moped to herself.
“I got to call my Yukirin Oshi Club and tell them about this.” The wota began dial a number and call someone. This got the attention of both Sae and Yuki now.
“’Yukirin...’” Sae began.
“’Oshi...’” Yuki continued.
“’CLUB’?!” Both exclaimed at the same time. They couldn’t believe there was a whole wota club dedicated to Yuki. Although it was very surprising since Sae had a fan club of her own.
The wota ended his call, “Alright, they are going to be here in 5 minutes and 42 seconds or less.” He smiled.
Sae and Yuki tried to get away, but the wota kept getting in the way, stalling for time. And as scheduled, a giant group of fans arrived in less than 6 minutes. There was about 37 or so wotas with most of them wearing T-shirts with Yuki’s face or name on it on. They barraged Yuki, knocking off Sae to the side into the sand and Yuki’s blue rose out of her hand. Sae picked it up and held on to it. Yuki was completely overwhelmed, she was asked so many questions, signed so many autographs, shook hands with so many people, and took so many pictures. It took 3 hours before the Yukirin Oshi Club was finally satisfied and left her alone. Yuki sat on the bench, catching her breath.
“Yukirin, are you alright? I really tried my best to help you there, but I was powerless... or they were too strong.” Sae moved in closer to Yuki.
Yuki sighed, “Haa... Sae-chan, can we call it a day? That entire ‘event’ kind of wore me out. It must have tired you too.”
“Uh... Y-yeah... ” Sae lied. It would have tired her out too if the Wota club even noticed her but they didn’t, which kind of hurt Sae’s feelings. They completely ignored her and went straight for Yuki. “Yeah, let’s call it a day. I’ll take you home.” Sae gave Yuki back her blue rose, “Here, you dropped this.” She then walked a bit ahead of Yuki.
“Oh thank you, Sae-chan.” Yuki got off the bench and took a step forward, “Oh, didn’t you want to tell me something?” she remembered.
“Hm? Oh, that can wait; I’ll tell you some other time.”
With that, Sae escorted Yuki home. The walk there was pretty much silent the whole way. When she dropped off Yuki and went on her own way home, she could help but feel angry and hurt. Angry because the wotas ruined their time together, hurt because none of the 37 wota even asked for her autograph or even a handshake.
END OF FLASHBACK“AHAHAHA!” Yuko bursts into laughter. “You got beat by a wota!” she continues to laugh, trying to stifle it every now and then. “No wait, not just a wota, a whole club of them! Ahaha!”
“It’s not funny!” Sae spat back. Yuko still laughed.
“Well, it may not be funny but it’s kind of sad, Sae.” Sayaka commented, chuckling while patting Sae’s shoulder.
“I know...” Sae agreed, pouting.
“So how’s Yuki now?” asked Yuko, finally getting all the laughter out of her system.
“She’s fine now, her ankle is all better so she working again. But now that she’s working, she has to catch up on all appointments that were cancelled. That means she’ll be busy all day and I’m stuck with you guys until late so I won’t be able to see her at all.”
“You make it sound like being with us is a bad thing.” Yuko retorted.
“Why not just call her? Or even send a text?”
“Since she’s working, her phone will be either off or on silent so there’s really no point. Remember when I tried to call her about pool day? She didn’t answer until late in the evening.”
"Oh yeah, speaking of pool day, Myao says she can't make it because it's too cold." Sayaka said.
"Oh and Miichan said she's not sure but if she does come she'll just show up." Yuko added.
“Anyways. Why not just text her? You’ve been doing that a lot with her lately. Besides, since it’s lunch time right now, she should be free. Why don’t you ask to pick her up from work? You two won’t be getting off until late tonight, anyway.” Sayaka suggested.
“I guess so.” Sae took out her phone.
“Ooh, Sae and Yuki alone at night.” Yuko teased and giggled. Sae nudged Yuko with her elbow, “Ow!”
Sae smirked and then began writing her text:
“Hey, Yukirin~!
I know you still might be working when you get this.
If you are, I’m sorry for disturbing you.
I just wanted to know when you’re getting off tonight,
I was thinking that I can meet up with you and take you home.”Sae didn’t really expect a reply right away or even at all but a few minutes later, a message was received on her phone. Much to Sae’s surprise, she wasn’t really expecting it to be Yuki, but it was from her. It said:
“Oh! Hi, Sae-chan!
No I’m not working right now,
I’m on my lunch break, actually.
You’ve been taking me home a lot lately, not that it’s a bad thing.
I think I’ll be getting off pretty late since I have a lot to catch up on.
So I don’t think you can do that.”When Sae saw it, she almost completely forgot her surroundings and replied to the message with a smile on her face.
“She’s hopeless, isn’t she?” Yuko asked.
“Mm-hm.” Sayaka nodded.
In the end, Yuki agreed to have Sae come get her and take her home. Since she had a recording last, she waited outside of the recording building. She was happy that she would be able to see Sae today but she also felt guilty that she’s always taking Sae’s time. She wondered if Sae is still well or hasn’t caught a cold or anything.
While Yuki was lost in her thoughts, someone called out for her but it wasn’t Sae, “Hey, there! What’s a girl like you doing out all alone so late at night?” Yuki turned to find 3
‘cool’ guys standing behind her, trying to pick her up.
These three guys were pretty average in height and build and their sense of style was ok but they weren’t very attractive. They could be going for the cool kind of look but Yuki thought that Ken-chan’s cool style looked much better than theirs. Each of these guys had something distinguishing about them. The one in the middle wore a bright red cap that was worn backwards, the one on the left wore several rings on his fingers, and the one on the right had a lip piercing.
“Huh? What’s with that look?” said the one with the lip piercing. He wore an intimidating expression.
“Yo, Pierce, don’t scare the girl.” The one with the rings says as he smacked the pierced-lip guy on the back of his head. He turns his head to look at Yuki, “Oh! She’s cute! Cappy, you really know how to scout them out.” He said.
“Hehe... Have you no faith in me, Ring?” The guy in the middle who wore the red cap replied. It seems that their nicknames correspond with their features. He walked up to Yuki and put an arm around her shoulders. “So babe, I couldn’t help but noticed that you looked pretty sad while waiting out here all alone. Boyfriend ditch or dump you?”
Yuki didn’t respond, she just merely moved Cappy’s arm off of her and tried to walk away. However, Ring moved in front of her, block her way.
“Now, now, don’t be like that. We just want to show you a ‘good time’. You know, lift your spirits.” Pierce said as he smirked.
“No thank you.” Yuki said sternly. This time she forced her way past Pierce. Cappy grabbed Yuki by the shoulder to try and stop her but she resists, trying to shake him off, all the while thinking where Sae is and to come quickly.
Sae is currently as fast as she can to reach Yuki. Originally she was walking quickly but then she got the feeling that Yuki is in trouble and it sent a chill down her spine. She ran hoping Yuki is alright and safe.
Cappy still kept his grip on Yuki’s shoulder as he was trying to pull her but she slapped him across his face, causing his cap to fall from his head to the ground.
“Alright, now you made me mad.” Cappy’s attitude completely changed as she picked up his cap and put it back on. He grabbed Yuki by the wrists and pulled Yuki into an alley, Ring and Pierce helping him. “You’re coming with us.”
They brought Yuki into an alley and cornered her against the wall. Yuki tried running away but their hold was too strong. Ring tried pinning her down but Yuki kept moving and resisting. She tried to scream out but Ring put his hand over Yuki’s mouth. She was scared; she didn’t know what they were going to do to her.
“Damn, this one likes to squirm. She won’t be still!” Ring said. Yuki bit down his hand hard, “Gah! Ow!” He let go of her and stepped back, holding his bleeding hand. “Son of a...”
Yuki let out a scream, “HELP!! SAE-CHAN!!”
“Shut the hell up!” Cappy shouted at her as he took hold of Yuki’s wrist with one hand. With the other, he raised it and was about to hit Yuki in the face, “Payback’s a bi—” Yuki was scared out of her mind as she closed her eyes.
Then from behind the thugs, a can hit Cappy at the back of his head. They all turned their heads at whoever it was but again, they got a face full aluminum as two more cans were shot at them.
Yuki looked to her rescuer, “Sae-chan?”
“Yukirin!” Sae ran in between, with her back facing Yuki in a protective manner. She grabbed Cappy’s hand that was holding Yuki in a vice grip. This made Cappy release his hold on Yuki’s arm.
“Ah! Ow, ow!” Cappy cried. “Let go, you bi—” Sae squeezed tighter, “GAH!”
“The hell?” Ring and Pierce said at the same time.
“Don’t you dare touch her,” Sae looked at the guys with threatening eyes, “You touch her again, and I’ll break your hand.” She tightened her grip on Cappy’s hand, causing it to hurt painfully. “Got that?!”
“OW, OW, OW! OK! We’ll leave her alone, just let go!” Cappy cried out. He tried to pull from Sae’s grip but it was clamped in there. “I promise! Ah, you’re breaking the skin!” he yelled out as he started to feel Sae’s nails dig into his skin. He fell to his knees from the pain and he could have sworn he was bleeding. Sae released him, finally.
“Damn, if she can make Cap fall then we can’t take her.” Ring and Pierce ran off while their
‘leader’was incapacitated. Sae kicked the Cappy’s butt as he was getting up causing him to fall over on his face. He manages to get up and get out there before Sae did something else to him.
"Hmph. What a bunch of wusses." Sae said as she watched them stagger off.
“Sae-chan...” Yuki watched in awe and shock. She then embraced Sae from behind, she still felt scared about the whole ordeal. Hugging Sae made Yuki feel safer, she didn’t want to let go. “Sae-chan.” she squeezed tighter.
“Yukirin,” Sae was released was Yuki’s embrace for a moment so she can turn around and face her. Yuki again, threw herself at Sae, hugging her tightly and nuzzling her face into her neck and shoulder. Sae blushed deeply but she wrapped her arms around her, she can feel Yuki trembling as she began to stroke her hair. “I’m so glad you’re not hurt. I’m not sure what would have done if you were.”
“Can I... go to your house?” Yuki asked in a hushed tone.
“My house?”
“Your house is much closer than mine and I’m afraid that those guys might come back.”
Sae nodded, “Ok, I understand. My house it is then.” She took Yuki’s hand and began leading her to her house.
The walk was quiet. As the two walked, Sae would occasionally glance at Yuki to see if she calmed down. She has for the most part which made Sae feel relieved. When they made it to Sae’s house, both girls were glad that those thugs didn’t come back. Sae’s family is still at their relatives so no one was home to greet them. When they got inside, they made their way to Sae’s room.
“I don’t really mind if you want to stay over, but if you are, you should call your mom. I don’t really want her to worry.” Sae suggested as she hung up her and Yuki’s coat.
Yuki nodded, “Alright.” Yuki looked around Sae’s room; it’s been a while since she’s last been here. It was slightly different from when she last remembered it but not much at all changed, it was still very
“Bad things keep happening to you one after another, doesn’t it, Yukirin? Maybe you’re just going through a bad luck streak, I’m sure it’ll break soon.” Sae said as she took a seat beside Yuki on the bed, a smile across her mouth.
Yuki nodded, “As long as I’m with you, I know it will.” She whispered to herself.
“Hm? What was that?”
Then suddenly Yuki leaned against Sae’s shoulder. She looked up at Sae with helpless and defenceless eyes. “Sae-chan...” Yuki began moving her face closer to Sae’s.
“Yukirin?” Sae eyes were caught in Yuki’s. It was moments later that Sae’s mind went completely blank. Then unconsciously, she started leaning into Yuki’s face, Yuki’s eyes were drawing her in. Were they going to kiss?
However, Sae returned to her senses when Yuki’s hand touched her own. Sae’s face darkened and she turned away “W-w-well, if you’re going to stay over,” she lightly pushed Yuki off of her and got up to move to her dresser, “you can wear my clothes to sleep in,” she took out some clothes and set it on the bed beside Yuki. “You get changed and I’ll get us something to drink and snack on.” With that, Sae exited out the door of her room. Yuki was left rather clueless as she watched Sae leave.
Sae leaned against her door, exhaling, “That was close, I almost kissed her. Why did she have to look at me with those eyes? I almost took advantage of her.” Sae sighed, “I’m no better than those guys from earlier.” Sae then went to her kitchen.
Yuki was still sitting on Sae’s bed, looking at the door. She then took out her phone and called her mom and tells her that she’s at a friend’s. After, she turned her attention to the clothes Sae set out for her, picking it up and bringing it close to her face and taking in the smell of it.
“Sae-chan’s scent, it smells nice.” Yuki held clothes close to her chest and laid down on Sae’s bed, with her eyes closed.
Sae returned to her room, all calm now while holding a tray of tea and snacks. She finds Yuki
‘sleeping’ on her bed, “Huh? She fell asleep?”
Yuki is not actually asleep; she’s actually faking it. Why? Maybe she can catch Sae saying or doing something strange or weird. But Sae doesn’t know nor can she even tell that she is really awake.
Sae places the tray on the table in the middle of the room and kneels at the bedside, gazing at Yuki’s face. Her closed eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips, they all seem to draw Sae in. She began to think about what happened today with those thugs.
“Yukirin, I’m really glad I came in time to save you. I’ve been doing that a lot haven’t I?” Sae smiled at the
‘sleeping’ Yuki. “I’m also really glad you’re asleep right now. That way, you can’t hear me say this.” Sae whispered. Too bad Yuki is actually awake and can hear everything she’s saying.
“I know this may sound cliché but...” Sae paused, “Yukirin, whenever you need me, whenever you’re in trouble, just call me.” She leaned in closer to Yuki’s lips, “I’ll run to you, I’ll protect you, Yukirin, always and no matter what.” She closed her eyes, now she was just mere centimetres from Yuki’s lips.
Yuki blushes deeply, but Sae doesn’t notice because her eyes were closed. Yuki’s eyes were also closed so she didn’t even notice now close Sae is to herself.
“I love you, Yukirin...” Sae presses her lips against the
‘sleeping’ Yuki’s. Yuki was too stunned to even move or react, she just froze in place.
A kiss?!
What will Yuki do now that she knows Sae’s true feelings?
Will Sae find out Yuki’s not really sleeping?
How will their relationship turn out now?
To be continued in Part Six
I've been busy with school plus I was or still am sick. Ok this part took much longer than I originally expected. I was planning for this one to be much shorter but it turned out so much longer. So about the thugs... I got the idea after reading Mari07's MaYuki Part 5 so I gotta give some props to her!)