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Author Topic: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu] 8/8/2012 [ON HIATUS]  (Read 70960 times)

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT. 2)
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2011, 08:49:16 PM »
OMG I Think I'm becoming a fan~~~~~  :ptam-glow: YOUR STORIES ARE AWESOME! :onioncheer:

Offline RJay

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT. 2)
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2011, 10:43:06 PM »
i love ur stories  XD

well i was rlly hoping dat u update about da saeyuki fanfic and wmatsui fanfic
well update soon XD XD XD
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Offline crono1036

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2011, 06:10:37 AM »
I... am... SOOOOO SORRY!!! I haven't updated for like the longest time and I started to feel bad like a long time ago that I broke my promise... :cry:. Please don't hate me! I wouldn't be surprised if you guys did, though, I kept you guys waiting for over 2 months. I will update all my segments soon, probably in the next two weeks if my workload doesn't pile. I've got so much on my plate. I've also been fallen sick every now and then. I'M SORRY AGAIN GUYS!!!

I'll tell you all my plans for writing as I have for now.
1. I have a 2 fic ideas that I plan on writing. One is another Majisuka Gakuen fic and the other is Infinity-based.. I've actually started AND finshed writing the prologue, it was made by inspiration from immortal_k. I thank you for that.
2. WMatsui 3 is almost done. I already know how it's going to pan out and end. It's all in the matter of how long it takes me to get it down.
3. SaeYuki 6 is also almost done. One thing I can tell you it's a POV part.
4. A Mistake Turned Right or AMTR for short is almost done. I have it mostly planned out but I may have to cut it short.
5. I plan to do a MASS update when all my "almosts" are done. As in, I plan on updating ALL my fics in one day when I get them all done.

This is totally unrelated but I HAVE A NEW BABY BRO NOW!!

*cough cough* Now to the topic at hand. Here it is! A new segment that is KojiYuu!! I actually had this done a while aog but for some unknown reason a chunk was missing so I had to rewrite it. And because of certain person (*cough cough* blughise *cough cough*) convinced me, I decided to post this up today.


Chapter Segment: Haruna X Yuko [Part 1]

Sitting in quaint little sweets was a fairly tall high school girl.

Her name is Haruna Kojima.

Haruna let out a resigned sigh, staring into her cup of tea as she sat at a table of a semi-popular cafe.

She was all by herself but that didn't bother her. She was taking this moment to recall the conversation this afternoon during class with her friends.

"Hey Haruna, how are things with you and your boyfriend?" Minami Minegishi asked.

Haruna looked at her classmate, "Huh? Why are you asking me that all of a sudden, Miichan?"

"Hm... Just curious. Well actually you're giving off that lonely vibe lately." How perceptive of her.

"Really? I guess that's because..." Haruna took a moment, "... I broke up with him." She said as if she didn't really care.

"Ehhhh?! Again?!" Minami Takahashi exclaimed. "That's like your fifth one this semester. What is with you going out with guys and then breaking up with them?"

Haruna tilted her head to the side, "I don't know, Takamina. They don't work out or I'm just not interested in them anymore. Boys don't do it for me, at least those boys didn't." She let out a sigh, "Maybe I should just stop getting boyfriends," Haruna said in a rather depressing tone.

"Well it could just be that none of them were 'the one,'" Takamina tried to console.

"Oooor she just doesn't swing that way. Y'know what I mean?" Miichan raised a brow and smirked mischievously. "It's not that uncommon afterall, this is an all-girls school."

Haruna looked at Miichan, she wondered what she meant. Finally, she realized, "Miichan! I'm not like you. I'm not into girls."

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm not every girl, just the cute and defensless ones. I just like playing and flirting with them."

"Sure, that's why some call you 'Pimp-Mii," Takamina cut in. She then turned her eyes to Haruna, "Anyways, Haruna, you'll find someone eventually. Everybody has a special someone; you just got to look for them." She said with a chipper tone and encouraging eyes.

Miichan nodded, "Yeah, even Takamina, the class and student body president, has a special someone," Miichan then turned and glared at Takamina, "someone she refuses to introduce us to even after knowing us for so long."

Miichan stood up and looked down on Takamina, "Five years, Takamina, FIVE YEARS!!" Miichan exclaimed, "How come you don't want us to meet your boyfriend?! Are you embarassed of us?"

Takamina couldn't retort back right away. She did a slight glance to the other side of the room to look catch a glimpse of the cute, short-haired girl that was watching the scene. Once she made eye-contact with Takamina, she turned slightly red and shook her head a bit, sending her a signal.

Takamina looked back at Miichan, "She-- I-I mean, he doesn't want to meet you guys. He doesn't have the time to spare to come out."

"Oh yeah, sure, and he has so much time for you." Miichan spat back, "I just really want to know who the guy you're so attached to is..." She sounded a little dejected.

Now at that point, Haruna was simply watching this arguement, one that has been brought up many times before. She has her suspiscions about Takamina's significant other but she didnt push it since Miichan already does enough for the both of them. So, she began to reflect on her love life as her two best friends bicker amongst themselves. Haruna did so for the rest of the day.

That’s where we come in.

After school ended, Miichan wanted to get something to eat so they went to a semi-popular cafe. The girls ordered their drinks and snacks. Haruna, Takamina, and Miichan had some general discussion about school and clubs, even a little about their love lives as well. But their time was cut short; Takamina received a text which made her take her leave, it was most likely that she was meeting her “boyfriend”. It was unusual that Miichan let Takamina leave so easily despite all the grief she gave her earlier, however, the reason was that Miichan planned to stalk Takamina so she can find out the mystery “man”. She also left about ten minutes later. Of course both girls didn’t leave without paying for their part of the bill.

Haruna was left alone. She began to drift into her imagination as she stared into her glass of juice. She began to imagine how her love life was going to turn out with all her failed relationships. It wasn't a very nice scenario that she pictured. Letting out a sigh, she looked out the window, seeing all the boys with their girlfriends and girls with their boyfriends being all lovey-dovey and whatnot. When will Haruna find someone for herself? She wants someone she can never bored of, someone that can always keep her on her toes, someone that can wisk her away from her troubles. Somone so unique they are alway be able to get her to look at them. But where will she find someone like that?

In the midst of her daydream, another girl, small but had a large presence, sat at her table in front of her. She held her head in her hands, under her chin as she leaned against her elbows on the table. She simply gazed at Haruna with a smile as she was off in her other world.

Finally, Haruna snapped out of it was confused. Who is this girl and why is talking to her? Haruna’s never seen this girl before, “Um… Can I help--”

“Do you believe in love at first sight?” the unknown girl asked. Haruna put on puzzled expression. Before Haruna could have answered, the girl continued with a smile, “Because I do.”

“Ok, but… what does that have to do with me?” Haruna asked. The stranger smiled wider and her question.

“My name is Yuko Oshima,” She introduced herself. Yuko extended her hand out, grabbing a hold Haruna’s. “Will you go out with me?”

“…” It took a few seconds for Haruna to take it in. “Ehhh???”

« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 04:58:58 PM by crono1036 »

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2011, 06:19:40 AM »
say yes!! kojiharu yeess :D

Offline haruhi16

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #44 on: October 04, 2011, 07:10:32 AM »

Please update soon!!  :bow: :bow:

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #45 on: October 04, 2011, 08:35:11 AM »
Hahahah Takamina you have to introduce Acchan to them ^^
Go Yuko!!!!

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #46 on: October 04, 2011, 11:48:58 AM »
i love Yuko's fast action..hopefully, she will get good respone from haruna..

btw, i believe in love at the first sight  :P

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Offline blughise

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #47 on: October 04, 2011, 02:29:28 PM »

you even mention my name :) hehehe

I thought you're going to have a massive update, ohhh well it doesn't really matter right now...just update whenever you can.
Anyways back to this fic...

This sounds interesting.....I love Miichan and takamina's bickering moment :)

and you even added some Atsumina interaction :heart: :heart: :heart:

Takamina don't be scared to tell them that you actually sway 'that' way :grin:

and Yuko sure is fast XD
now nyannyan won't feel bored :)

Offline RJay

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #48 on: October 04, 2011, 09:40:40 PM »
wow Kojiyuu :hehehe:
please update soon on your other fic :kneelbow:
and congrats on your baby brother :hee:
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #49 on: October 05, 2011, 08:00:20 AM »
Great , KojiYuu.. :twothumbs :twothumbs
Please update the rest of your fics fast.
Really love your fics very much.
Congrats on your baby bro

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #50 on: October 07, 2011, 06:14:01 AM »


Ohhhh This is interesting, KojiYuu  :lol: Yuko is always so straight forward and always know what she wants. HAHA Takamina, keeping your "boyfriend" a secret from Miichan and Haruna, kekeke. You just got lucky those two didn't catch the eye contact you and Acchan had for just that one moment!

Please update soon!  :twothumbs

Offline GreenAnarchist

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2011, 08:08:52 PM »
(A) So far...I've liked what i've read...keep it up ken-eh (A)
"The consistent anarchist should be a socialist, but a socialist of a particular sort. He will not only oppose alienated and specialized labor and look forward to the appropriation of capital by the whole body of workers, but he will also insist that this appropriation be direct, not exercised by some elite force acting in the name of the proletariat. Some sort of council communism is the natural form of revolutionary socialism in an industrial society. It reflects the intuitive understanding that democracy is largely a sham when the industrial system is controlled by any form of autocratic elite, whether of owners, managers, and technocrats, a vanguard party, or a State bureaucracy."
- Noam Chomsky

Offline blueangel65

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2011, 06:03:27 PM »
WeLcome back crono1036-san!  :welcome
and Congrats! on your New Baby Bro.. heHe!  :D
I Love you're New segment, heHe!  :twothumbs theres some AtsuMina too in this segment..
haHa! and Haruna, pLease say Yes! to Yuko.. Yuko is what you're Looking for.  :yep:
I like the eye contact between Takamina and Acchan here, haHa! Genius huh..  :lol:
It's interesting, pLease continue.. Update soon! and Thank You!  :)

Offline crono1036

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
« Reply #53 on: October 22, 2011, 07:58:15 AM »
Maybe one day~ They're still pretty closed about everything.
Let's hope~ That's our Korisu. Don't worry I won't tell anyone
Don't worry, I will have a mass update sooner or later. Maybe when I don't feel like posting up all my updates the moment I'm done. And of course, AtsuMina is relevant everywhere! But who's to say it really is AtsuMina? Hm... And Yuko is the kind of girl that knows what and who she wants! Kojiharu will definately keep on her toes about her now. But who knows if she'll even agreed.
Thanks, I really appreciate it when you say that. Makes me feel happy inside~
Haha~ I agree. Both about Yuko and Takamina and her "boyfriend".
Again, who's to say it really is AtsuMina? I'll just let you guys think what you want~ And who's to say that that cute short-haired girl is Acchan? Hm... I'll make you think about that. And you're welcome~
@All who congratulated me
Thank you very much~  :lol:

OK! On to the fic! This update it WMatsui this time. I kinda promised someone that I'd post it up as a surprise so... SURPRISE!! I wanted to post SaeYuki too but I had no time to work on it... sadly...



Chapter Segment: Rena x Jurina [Part 3]

The final bell rang. All the students let out an exasperated sigh of relief and pack up their things, preparing for their evening life.

"Jurina-chan, let's go!" Called out Mizuki as she walked over to a sitting.

Kumi followed suit, "Let's stop by that new sweets shop on the way."

Jurina looked up from her seat. She was in the midst of her thoughts; thinking about what happened in the infirmiry today. Rena was only teasing, right?  That was until her friends called on her, "Huh, what? Oh..."

"Weren't you listening?"

"Uhh... Yeah. Why don't you guys go ahead of me? I think I..." Jurina tried to make something up, an excuse to stay back. She wanted to talk to Rena about the events of this afternoon at lunch and she wanted to make something clear. "... left something in the infirmary. I'll catch up with you later."

Kumi blinked, “Eh, that couldn’t be. You didn’t bring anything but your bag and cell—” Kumi was cut off by Mizuki’s hand when Mizuki covered her mouth.

“Ok. Bye Jurina-chan, see you tomorrow!” Mizuki dragged Kumi with her out the classroom into the hallway then to the stairs.

Kumi forced Mizuki’s hand off her mouth, “Mizuki-chan! What’d you do that for?!” she shouted.

“Shh!” Mizuki hushed Kumi, “I have a feeling that Jurina-chan just said that so she can see Rena-sensei alone.

“Why would she want to do that?” Kumi asked, obviously oblivious to the situation. Mizuki stared at her for a few moments, as if sending a message with her eyes. Finally Kumi understood, “Ooooh, I get it. So do we just leave or do we watch or… what?”

“Mm… I kind of want to watch but Jurina'd kill us if she caught us stalking her. Espescially if she's going to do what I think she's going to do."

The two girls, regardless of the consequences, peered out from behind the wall. They saw Jurina slipping out moments after.

Jurina walked through the halls, turning at corners and down some stairs. She made her way to the infirmary where a beautiful school physician was mostly still in.  Jurina was about the knock on the door until she noticed something about it: it’s a slightly cracked open from its frame. Through the slightly opened door, Jurina peaked in. Just as she did so, a sudden confession was made.

"Sensei! I like you! Please go out with me!" exclaimed a female student to the school nurse. Jurina couldn’t see who it was exactly; they had their back towards the door.

“Please Sensei, I’ve liked you for a long time but I just never had the guts to tell you because you’re a teacher. But now I’m welling up all the courage I can to tell you this. So please, go out with me!” The girl went on a tirade, “I don’t care if this isn’t right; I just want to be with Matsui-sensei. I want to be close with Sensei as more than just your student, I--”

“Furukawa-san.” Rena cut in, “Furukawa-san, thank you for sharing your feelings towards me, I really appreciate them,” she smiled.

Jurina felt a pain in her heart; she grabbed and clutched her chest. She felt afraid and she didn’t quite understand why. Jurina was hesitant to hear anymore as well as guilty eavesdropping and took some steps back.

Rena continued, “I really do… but…” and Jurina backed up more. She couldn’t hear the rest of what Rena said and rushed away. Rena on the other hand, she had already noticed that someone was behind her office door, hearing footsteps moving away. Rena mentally sighed.

“But I have my eyes on someone else. I’m sorry Furukawa-san that I couldn’t return your feelings. Now, hurry on home. I have to get going as well.”


Jurina had already retrieved her bag from her class and was already walking outside towards home. She was glad she was out of there, out of the school; she didn’t have to listen to that conversation any longer.

“To think that Rena-sensei was like that,” She thought aloud. “She’ll probably start secretly dating that girl now after that.” Jurina began to have many thoughts, just thinking about things. But what it really came down to was Rena; she couldn’t stop thinking about her. At the pit of her stomach, she felt something, something hot emotion. Was it anger? Jealousy, even?

A honk of the horn broke Jurina of her thoughts; she looked back behind her to see where it came from. Jurina saw a familiar silver car drive up near. It was Rena’s car. Damn, why did it have to be her right now? The student thought about it for a moment, she made it seem like she didn’t know who was driving the car and continued walking. She wasn’t exactly ready to face Rena or else she’ll find out she was there when that event took place. The car finally pulled up beside her.

“Jurina-chan,” Rena called out the window as she drove. Jurina tried to ignore her and kept walking. “Come on Jurina-chan, don’t be like that.” Jurina still ignored, “I know that you were listening in on me and that student. Are you mad? Nothing happened, ok? I didn’t accept her feelings.” Rena tried to explain.

She then took notice of the sky and saw that dark clouds were rolling in. “Jurina-chan, it looks like it’s going to rain and I know you didn’t bring an umbrella.”

Jurina stopped walking and looked at the sky. Damn, Rena was right about Jurina not bringing an umbrella. She turned a bit and looked at Rena. Rena pulled up next to Jurina, she gestured and said "Come on; get in before it starts to pour down."

As reluctant as she was, Jurina hopped into the front passenger seat. She also knew that if she returned home soaking wet, she wouldn't hear the end of it from Ma-Matsui so this is just to be safe.

There was silence as the older woman drove. The occasional bump and stopping happened now and again.

"So, are you going to... take me home?" Jurina asked without making eye contact.

Rena smiled, and it was the kind of smile that someone would make when they were scheming something, “I’m taking you home alright, but not your home.

“Huh?” Jurina’s head whipped at Rena in bafflement.

“You’re not going home until you explain to me why you’re mad at me.”

 “I’m not mad. And that’s kidnapping!”

“You are mad. And it’s not kidnapping since you got into this car out of your own free will. You didn’t say anything to disagree with me. And besides,” Rena turned a corner, “I can tell that you’re not totally against it.” She drove into the basement of a condo complex.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” The student said in a defeated voice.

The car was parked in its assigned parking space; the ladies took the elevator lift. Rena told Jurina to call home so her parents wouldn’t worry as they made their way to the 5th floor.

Rena’s apartment number was 507.  The condo itself wasn’t so large, but it wasn’t small either; just enough space for 1 person, maybe even two, to live in. It was well furnished, not girly or anything but it was stylish. From the looks of it, you can definitely tell that someone like Rena lives here.

“Sorry for disturbing,” Jurina said on reflex as she enters her teacher’s home. She began to question, after looking around a bit

Rena was already halfway inside, “Make yourself at home in the living room. I’m going to change out of my clothes,” she thumbed to the open doorway to the left. She then disappeared behind her bedroom.

Jurina went to where she was directed and entered the living room. The living room was also attached to the kitchen area too. She moved to the white couch that was across the mini flat screen TV and behind the glass coffee table. She set her school bag down beside her as she sat on the far right side couch cushion and looked around, admiring her surroundings.

“Like it?” Rena’s voice came from behind. Jurina turned her head and saw Rena in regular, every day clothes. Well, they were considered everyday clothes to Rena but Jurina thought she shone brighter than she did before; even her cheeks started to change its shade a bit. “Some of the furniture here is just hand-me-down furniture from my parents and some others were bought by them. Luckily they had a sense of style and some taste.”

Rena sat down on her couch and threw one leg over the other, "Now, will you tell me why you're so jealous and angry?"

The sudden question caught Jurina off guard, "Eh? I-I'm not jealous or angry... I'm just..."

"Yes you are, Jurina-chan. I'm all too familiar with the kind eyes you looked at me with; I've had more than enough of my share in high school and in college. Even some of my own 'friends' looked at me like that." Rena tilted her head to the side, looking at Jurina fidget and shift around.

“If you like me, just tell me.”

Jurina kept quiet. She was mentally and emotionally trying to get her thoughts straight, trying to sort out her feelings. "It's impossible. There's no way it can work out. I’ve only known Sensei for two weeks and… You're a teacher and I'm a student. And what’s more, we’re both girls.” She looked at Rena and she saw that her expression remained unchanged. “Because of those two reasons, it forbidden for us to--“

With a sigh, Rena leaned in and captured Jurina’s lips with her own, cutting her off and kissing her affectionately. When Rena parted from Jurina, she smiled and looked down at her, “You talk too much, Jurina-chan.”

Jurina was still, she couldn’t say a word or even move a muscle. All you can see was her wide eyes and beet red face facing Rena’s smiling one.

“Aww, how cute~”


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Offline akinyan

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
« Reply #54 on: October 22, 2011, 08:10:25 AM »
Oh my Gawd what is this, torture?! >A< What's with the last part? ;A;

But still, yay you updated! :D

Now, back to staring at you silently as I wait for the next chapter. :3

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
« Reply #55 on: October 22, 2011, 01:02:13 PM »
GAHHHHHHH *Dies* please continueeeee~!!!!

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
« Reply #56 on: October 22, 2011, 01:27:55 PM »
I'm still waiting for the part 2 of KOJIYUU fic. <333

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
« Reply #57 on: October 22, 2011, 02:25:56 PM »
"Sensei! I like you! Please go out with me!" exclaimed a female student to the school nurse. Jurina couldn’t see who it was exactly; they had their back towards the door.

“Please Sensei, I’ve liked you for a long time but I just never had the guts to tell you because you’re a teacher. But now I’m welling up all the courage I can to tell you this. So please, go out with me!” The girl went on a tirade, “I don’t care if this isn’t right; I just want to be with Matsui-sensei. I want to be close with Sensei as more than just your student, I--”

“Furukawa-san.” Rena cut in, “Furukawa-san, thank you for sharing your feelings towards me, I really appreciate them,” she smiled.

Jurina felt a pain in her heart; she grabbed and clutched her chest. She felt afraid and she didn’t quite understand why. Jurina was hesitant to hear anymore as well as guilty eavesdropping and took some steps back.
airiiiiiiiin...HONEY... :mon uggh: :mon cweepy: :mon evil:
I'LL KILL YOU!!!$%$%$%$!!!! :mon zoom: :mon kungfu: :mon gamer: :mon fire: :mon mad: :mon woo: :mon slapself: :mon headbang:
With a sigh, Rena leaned in and captured Jurina’s lips with her own, cutting her off and kissing her affectionately. When Rena parted from Jurina, she smiled and looked down at her, “You talk too much, Jurina-chan.”

Jurina was still, she couldn’t say a word or even move a muscle. All you can see was her wide eyes and beet red face facing Rena’s smiling one.

“Aww, how cute~”
Rena-sensei.... :mon lovelaff::mon inluv: :mon bleed2: :mon crazyinlove:.....good job.. :mon determined:
update soon! :kneelbow:

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
« Reply #58 on: October 22, 2011, 10:15:00 PM »
Holy. Cow. That... XDDDD
It's so illegal, but awesome! XDDDD
Rena-sensei is hawt as heck, and I love this kind of Juri-chan.

Keep up da good work~

Offline RJay

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2011, 01:09:00 AM »
sweet an update!
wow an unexpected kiss at the end of this chapter :onioncheer:

please update soon(and the other fanfics can't wait to read them) :hee: :hee:
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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