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Author Topic: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu] 8/8/2012 [ON HIATUS]  (Read 70969 times)

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2011, 07:54:25 AM »
I wish I was Jurina now. xDDDDDD


Offline crono1036

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
« Reply #61 on: October 24, 2011, 04:32:57 AM »
Haha~ But you still love me anyways, even with the torturous Prt. 3 of WMatsui
LMAO ALRIGHT!!  :twothumbs
Alright, alright, just be patient. It'll be up soon enough~
Thank yous~
Haha~ Well, you know how I do 8)2
Again. You know how I do 8)2
You're welcome!



God I'm finally done that... Took me WAAAAY longer that I had expected too. Well I'm pretty happy I finally finished it. But it might be sloppy because it took me so long and I was pretty lazy to check it over and proofread. If you see any mistakes, please don't mind them... please... Oh! and BTW, this is a POV Part so we get to see things from the girls' POv and see what they're thinking~



Chapter Segment: Sae X Yuki [Part 6]


It was the next morning so that meant there were only two days left until we go to the pool. Why did I agree to go again? Maybe it was because I just couldn’t refuse Sae-chan.

I rose from the bed, Sae-chan’s bed, and I realize that I’m still clinging to her clothes. I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I stayed up all night trying to figure out if what Sae-chan said and did last night was a dream or not. Was it a dream or my imagination? Was it an illusion of the heart that yearns for her? I sighed; when did I poetic? Maybe I should confront her... or maybe not. She did think I was sleeping, it’d make her uncomfortable and she might start avoiding me. I don’t want that, I want to be as close to her as possible.

I look to the side of the bed and Sae-chan isn’t there. Huh? Oh yeah, after she... did what I thought she did, she left. Did she not come back? Then where did she sleep? I fold the clothes and got out of bed, heading for the door. As I exited the room, I yawned and then an aroma fills the air.

“Something smells good.” I walked down the hall and went to the dining room slash kitchen. I turned the corner to look inside the kitchen and find Sae-chan with an apron on cooking, “Sae-chan?”

“Ah!” Sae-chan let out a cute yelp and almost dropped the pan she was holding but she was able to recover. I think I may have startled her; I giggled at her reaction.

“Hehe... Good morning, Sae-chan.”

She looked over at me, “Oh Yukirin, it’s you. You scared me! I almost dropped the pan, too!” So that’s what the good smell was. Sae-chan was cooking.

I giggled again, “I’m sorry, Sae-chan.” I took a look at Sae-chan. She was wearing an apron over her pyjamas over a loose shirt and pyjama pants, how casual-looking but she looked so cute. She’d make a great wife... my wife. Ah! Stop thinking about that!

“Geez...” She sighed, “Now this omelette is out of shape. Oh well, I’ll just have this one, then.” She said as she began to fold it and puts in on a plate.

“An omelette? Did you wake up early to cook breakfast?”

“Yup! I have a day off today, but nobody else does, so I might as well make it to good use.”

Sae-chan has a day off? “Then why didn’t you use it to catch up on some sleep?” I looked at her questioningly.

“Hm... Maybe it’s because you’re here.” Eh? Me? What do I have anything to do with this? “It’d be rude to sleep in while I have a guest over and to not serve them any hospitality.” She smiled at me. I just love that smile of hers. “And besides, it’s Yukirin, she needs some comforting.”

I smiled back at her, “Well then, thank you, Sae-chan.” I can’t argue with her logic.

“Breakfast won’t be done for a while. The rice is still cooking and I still have to make your dish, too.  Why don’t you go take a shower? Considering what happened last night...” Last night... Those guys were trying to do something and Sae-chan kissed me. I blushed a bit, “ might want to clean yourself off. Who knows where those guys have been. And you have work today, don’t you?”

“In the afternoon, yes. Are you sure? I don’t want to be imposing more than I already am.” I say that but I do want that to clean myself off.

“There’s no way you’re imposing on me, you’re a close friend.” She says but I want to be closer though. “Just go, I’ll find some clothes you can wear and a toothbrush you can use too. There should be a towel you can use in the bathroom.”

Sae-chan put down the pan and turned off the stove. I watched her as she began to wash her hands in the kitchen sink, “Alright, if you insist.” I turned and left towards the bathroom.


Yukirin turned around and left to the bathroom to take a shower. I went back to my room to find her some clothes that she can wear to work today. I’m sure she doesn’t want to show up in something she wore the day before.

“Hm...” I thought to myself. Yukirin may want to look nice for work today. Although she looks nice in anything she wears. I’ll just let her have one of my favourite tops and a pair of my jeans since I have a ton of them. I’m just slightly bigger than her so I don’t think it’ll make much a difference, although, my style is significantly different than her’s. I’m sure she won’t mind, will she? Nah. But maybe I should lay out a pair of sweats as well just in case if she has lessons. Yeah, I think I should. I go back to my dresser and pull out the pants drawer and pulled out my grey sweats.

~daisuki da kimi ga daisuki da
boku wa zenryoku de hashiru~

I hear my ringtone go off. I didn’t have cell phone in my pocket or anything but it was near. After setting down my sweats, I began to search around the place. “Hold on! Don’t hang up yet!” I cried out to it, searching. I tried to follow the sound of it.

~daisuki da zutto daisuki da
koe no kagiri sakebou~

“There!” I turned and pointed at my coat, specifically at the pocket. I rush over and pulled it out.

Flipping my phone open, “Hello?” I answered quickly.

“Hello, Sae?”

“Oh, hi Yuko. What’s up?” Once I finally answered, I left my room and went to the closet in the hall. There I found a brand new, unused toothbrush. I took that and returned to my room. 

“Hi! So, how’d it go?” she said with her squirrel-like excitement.


“How was last night? You did walk Yuki home, right” Yuko seemed to be really interested in what happened, I can hear her enthusiasm through the phone.

“Yeah I did. Well actually, I didn’t walk her to HER house.” I retrieved the clothes and went to the bathroom, holding them in one hand and the phone in the other.

“Oooh? So she’s at your house, right now? Oh ho ho~” I get the feeling that Yuko is teasing me or she’s really thinking something inappropriate. “You and Yuki had some fun, didn’t you? Haha!”

“Shut up! We didn’t do anything! There was a situation last night and she didn’t want to go home. She came over and then she fell asleep. That’s all.” I stood outside the bathroom. “Hold on a sec.” I told Yuko then stuck my phone in the apron pocket and entered the bathroom.

“Huh? Uh, sure.”

When I entered the bathroom, I came into the sink area. There was a basket next to the door tub/shower area. The door was frosted glassed but when I see through it, I can only see Yukirin’s foggy silhouette. I tried not to think any more of it as I blushed and placed the items in the basket. “Yukirin! The clothes and toothbrush are in the basket, ok!” I didn’t wait for her to answer as I scurried out the bathroom. Once I left, I took my phone out from the apron pocket, “Ok, I’m back.”

“So she’s showering, and you just walk in? Oh ho ho~” Yuko teased again.

I sighed, “Stop thinking of weird things! I said we didn’t do anything. There were some complications so I couldn’t advance any further. There was a problem when I picked Yukirin up, I solved it, she came over, and then she slept. That’s all.” I made sure to make it very clear this time.

“Eh? That’s it?” She sounded disappointed for some reason. That Yuko, she’s always expecting more. Did she really think that Yuki and I were going to do something?

“I’m not like how you are with Haruna, touching and kissing her all the time.” Returning to the kitchen, I decided to put it on speaker because I returned to the kitchen to resume cooking. I placed my cell on the counter to the side.

“Well... We’re kind of going through a rough patch right now.” She sounded a little depressed when she said that. I kind of felt guilty now that I brought up a personal subject. “But this isn’t about me and Haruna. This is about you and Yuki. Have you made any progress at all?”

When I think about it, “It barely budged.” It’s true, as much as I’m trying; it’s not going anywhere because there are too many interruptions and problems. I just really want to be alone with her in a good setting and tell her how I feel. And hopefully it’ll all work out.

“Seriously? Have you even told Yuki you love her yet?”

I recall last night, “I did... in her sleep.”

“Pfft! In her sleep?! Haha! That’s pathetic!”

I ignored that last part, “And... while she was sleeping, I kissed her.”

“Whoa! You kissed her? What are you, a pervert?” Yuko snickered which kind of irritated me.

“Hey, I’m no pervert! I just... got caught up in the moment. I was telling her I love her while she was sleeping and her sleeping face kind of drew me in.”

“Oh really...?” Yuko sounded like she didn’t believe me. “Hey, I just thought of something. What if she wasn’t really sleeping and she heard everything you said and you kissed her really awake.” The thought made me panic. Oh no, then I might have ruined our friendship and Yukirin might start avoiding me. No! I don’t want that, anything but that!

“Oh my god! Then I’ve just ruined everything! Yuko, what do I do?!” I shouted into the phone. I don’t want to lose Yukirin, that’s the last thing I want.

“Hey, hey, hey! I said ‘if’ so calm down. She couldn’t have been awake anyways; she did have a lot to do yesterday so she must have been really tired out.”

“I really hope you’re right.” And I really hoped. Now I have a bad feeling about last night. When I that I think about it now, I really did take advantage of her even though I was trying not to. I almost kissed her when she was awake but I really kissed her when she was asleep. Aww... I’m the worst. But her lips... they were really soft, I want to ki-- Gah! No, I can’t be thinking about that now.

“Oh, it’s almost time for me to leave for work. You have a day off, don’t you? Then, I’ll call you later, Sae, to check up on you.” What does she mean by check up on me? Does she really want to see how Yuki and I are progressing? Honestly, I think she should be focusing more on her relationship with Haruna than on mine. She did say they’re going through a rough patch. I sighed again. “Ok, talk to you later. Bye, Sae!” With that, Yuko hung up.

I put on a somewhat amused smile and flipped my phone closed. I finished up with the rest of the cooking. I set up the table and food and then went to the couch to find the TV remote. Flipping it on to the weather channel, I sat at my side of the table. I watched the TV as I wait. Shortly after, I wasn’t really paying attention to the TV much anymore; I began to wonder what to do next and what Yukirin is thinking right now.


When I entered the bathroom, I was greeted with a nice scent that I’ve never really noticed until now. It smelled just like the clothes that Sae-chan offered me last night. Her body wash must be a good one since she also has such nice skin.

The whole time I was in the shower, I was thinking about Sae-chan and what happened last night. She said that she’d protect me no matter what, that she loved me, and then she kissed me. I really want to believe it actually happened but a part of me doubts it too. I was too shocked to even react when she did it and I may have relapsed right after. Should I bring it up or not? I raised my fingers to my lips. When I think about it now, Sae-chan’s lips were really soft. I want to feel them again.

“Yukirin! The clothes and toothbrush are in the basket, ok?” Sae shouted from behind the frosted glass shower door. I didn’t even hear her come in but as soon as she announced herself, she left.

I think I spent a good 30 minutes in here. I used Sae-chan’s shampoo and conditioner and body wash. It was refreshing at the most and I was happy that I got any germs and such off of me.

I exited the bathing area of the bathroom with the towel Sae-chan mentioned and moved to the basket with the clothes and toothbrush she left me.

I freshened up and changed into the clothes Sae-chan left me. She was right; I feel especially cleaner and maybe a little bit more closer to her since these are her clothes. I look down at the shirt I was wearing and pull up the collar to my nose. Smells just like her.

“Hey, Yukirin.” Sae-chan called to me. It snapped me out of my mental debate.

“Huh? Yes, Sae-chan?” I looked up at her. Oh? There’s a piece of rice stuck on her left cheek. “Sae-chan, there’s a piece of rice stuck to your face.”

“Eh, where?” She raised her hand to her right cheek.

I smiled, “Right here.” I reached over the table with my hand stretch out to remove the rice. When I removed it, I ate it which made Sae-chan blush.

“Th-thanks, Yukirin.” She stuttered. “Anyways, you said you have work later today so do you want me to walk you there? I literally have all day so I don’t really mind.”

Again? I’m not against it, I’m actually really happy that I get to spend so much time with Sae-chan but I don’t want her to catch a cold because of me. “Really? You’ve been doing that a lot. I think I remember you saying you didn’t like to walk. But I do see you walking with people.”

“Well walking alone is boring, that’s one of the reasons I don’t like walking. But If I’m walking with friends or with other members, it makes it more enjoyable.” Sae-chan answered. I kind of see what she means, so I do agree. I nod. “It’s really no problem for me to walk you to work.” Sae-chan smiled at me. It really reassured me that it wasn’t, but I was still worried. “So how about it?”

“I don’t mind at all, I’m not going to stop you if you really want to.”

“Great! We can leave anytime you want.” Sae-chan smiled and I can only nod and smile back.

The free time I had before work passed by quickly. In that time, Sae-chan and I watched some TV, had some girls’ talk, and me simply enjoying her company. I even caught myself a few times just watching her. I guess it really is true when they say that time passes quickly when you’re having fun; I definitely had fun with her. I wonder if she felt the same way, I hope she did.

It was time for me to go work as I have Sae-chan walk me there. I’m pretty sure today I have a photoshoot, a recording, and an interview.  Of course Sae-chan will only walk me to my shoot; it’ll just be too much trouble for her to have her walk to my other appointments. I don’t want her to think of me as a bother or anything like that.

I reached by destination, and it was rather quicker than I expected. As I walked away and reached the door, I take one look back at Sae-chan. She’s seeing me off with a big smile on her face. Haa… I’m falling for her smile even more. I wave bye to her again and she waves back.


When I see Yukirin, I feel my mood rise up. Maybe even I can say that she’s my sunshine on my rainy day. No wonder she has her own weather forecast, Hiruoubi. I guess she can be classified as the pretty weather girl on the news, the only reason why some guys bother to even watch the weather. I just feel happy when I see her. Oh who am I kidding? I love Yukirin. But I can’t tell her that, at least not yet.

However, today, it wasn’t the same when I saw Yuki enter the door. Because before she walked in, I saw her walking with Sae. Dejected, I made a small pout. Lately those two have been getting real close. As much as I want to interfere, I can’t, that would be very selfish of me.

I can’t really compete anyways. I’ve seen the look in Yukirin’s eyes, and even the gaze in Sae’s. They’re just like the ones characters in romance anime have when they’re in love. And Sae’s really pretty and has her boyish slash handsome charm; of course Yukirin would fall for that. I’m just really cute and loveable, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Besides, she has the upper hand because she and Yukirin shared a kiss, actually a few stage ones, but that doesn’t matter, they still kissed. It makes me depressed just thinking about and also really jealous. Wait... I’m the jealous type?

Yukirin is in love with Sae and vice versa. I am really jealous yes, but things like that can’t be helped. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. They’re not together as a couple.  So I’m still going to fight!

I turned to the door as I heard it open. Yukirin walked in, yay! I ran towards her, going to greet her good morning. But as I approached, I looked outside and saw Sae-chan walking away. She walked her to work? Doesn’t she have work of her own? Ah, there no point in fretting over it, Yukirin’s here! “Good afternoon Yukirin~!” I put on a smile.

“Afternoon, Mayu-chan” Yukirin greeted me with a beam across her lips. Oh how I love it when she smiles. “Sorry, I’m a little late.”

I shook my head and waved my hand, “No it’s alright,” it really was, as long as I get to see Yukirin in her nice clo— Eh? “Is that...Sae-chan’s shirt?” when I look down at Yukirin, I noticed that she wasn’t wearing something that belonged to her.

“Huh?” Yurkirin looked down to her clothes, “Oh yeah, she lent them to me after I spent the night and took a shower at her place.”

“Oh...” I tried not to sound defeated. But... she spent the night?! At Sae-chan’s?! Their relationship has already gotten that close?! And took a shower?! What have they been doing?! Oh my Yukirin has become so adult… even though she’s older than me. I made a light sigh, one that Yukirin didn’t notice.

Man… I’m so far behind Sae that it’s almost as if I can’t catch up. I mentally sigh this time.


Break time came around and getting fixed by the make-up artist, getting ready for the rest of the shoot. As I was having my make-up applied. I had some thought going through my head.

I’m already really close to Sae-chan. But knowing that I love her, it makes me what more than just… closeness. Can I really have more though? She’s also my best friend, but I still want to be more than that. Can we be more than that?

She doesn’t even know how I feel. But I know how she feels and I’m really happy about that.

I’m scared though. Should I tell her?


I reached a children’s park somewhere in my neighbourhood. I sat at a bench and let out a sigh. I’m not the kind of person to keep all my emotions inside. But it’s so hard when it comes to the person you love. I look to the ground underneath my feet, thinking to myself

This is the only time when I want to be like Yuko, to be able to express my feelings so freely.

Yukirin and I… are just friends, best friends.  But I love her not as a friend though. I want to go out with her, be girlfriends… lovers, even.

I have to tell her first of all, that I love her, that she’s the most important person to me right now.

Should I be the one to take that step? Should I be the one to give our relationship that big push?


I have to tell her. I have to tell you.

I have to tell you that I love you...

But how?

Thoughts of love crowd our girls’ minds
Will Yuki overcome her fear and confess?
Will Sae take that big step and confess??
Who will confess first???
To be continued in the Final Part
« Last Edit: October 29, 2011, 10:31:51 PM by crono1036 »

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Offline qyyzz101

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
« Reply #62 on: October 24, 2011, 06:41:30 AM »
Finally you updated saeyuki part 6  :panic:
Sae, Yuki be strong :mon headbang: :farofflook:

Offline Haruko

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
« Reply #63 on: October 24, 2011, 07:54:00 AM »
i love saeyuki thanx a lot!!

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
« Reply #64 on: October 24, 2011, 08:23:58 AM »
Go Sae tell her!!!
Somehow, I'm feeling sad for Mayuyu

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
« Reply #65 on: October 24, 2011, 02:38:30 PM »
SaeYuki~  :wub:

Didn't expect you will write Mayu's pov too~  XD

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
« Reply #66 on: October 24, 2011, 02:55:14 PM »
SaeYuki!! <3

Totally loved Mayu's PoV and her reaction! Lolol

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
« Reply #67 on: October 24, 2011, 10:04:08 PM »
ALRIGHT an update :on lol:
thank you crono-san
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
« Reply #68 on: October 25, 2011, 02:41:45 AM »
Awwwwww <33333333 Saeyuki <3

Come on you guys!! just tell what you really feel now!!

update soon!

Offline crono1036

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
« Reply #69 on: October 25, 2011, 06:46:14 AM »
@Haruko and RJay
You're welcome~
Aww... Well that was the point haha.
Well that's what I do, I'm full of surprises!
REALLY glad you loved it!
YEAH! You tell them!

After much badgering! I have another new update! I guess updating almost everyday will be considered the mass update I promised. Oh well!
I wrote this all in one day and now it's late so I'm lazy to check it over for mistakes. If you see any, ignore please!




Chapter Segment: Haruna X Yuko [Part 2]

It was the next day, mid-day to be precise. Lunch time was beginning to progress, and students were hustling and bustling through the halls to buy lunches or meet up with friends.

In Class K, Yuko, Sae, and Sayaka grouped up together and a conversation ensued.

“Ehh?!” You asked her out already?” Sae exclaimed, standing up from her seat. “You work fast! I thought it would take you like another day or two, not right after school.”

“I did fall in love with her at first sight,” Yuko smirked, “I want to make her mine, and you know when I want something, I go and get it, don’t I?”

“That’s such a Yuko-thing to say,” Sayaka commented as she stood by the both of them. “Her name’s Haruna Kojima, right? Did she even know who you were when you asked her?”

Yuko shook her head, “Nope, I don’t think she even knows we go to the same school. I wore a coat over my uniform so I’m not sure if she recognized it. I gave her my name though.”

“That must have been random and confusing for her, then,” Sae sat back down, “a girl coming up out of nowhere and then just asking her out. It probably even grossed her out.”

“Hm… I doubt it. I can tell that she’s been having boy-trouble since she just broke up with her latest one. She probably knows by now that boys are not satisfying her.”

“Well at least it’s better than Sae’s situation,” Sayaka looked down at Sae with a teasing smile.

“Sa-Sayaka!” Sae whipped her focus at her friend.

“Oh yeah! What about that girl from Class B, Sae? The Class President… what was her name… uhh…?” Yuko put her hand to her head and thought hard, trying to remember the name.

“Kashiwagi-san, Yuki Kashiwagi-san.” Sayaka pointed a finger, knowing who Yuko meant.

“Yeah! Her! Have made any progress yet?” Yuko asked. She got no response from Sae,” Is the most handsome and energetic girl of the school getting cold feet? You’re ikemen for crying out loud, you should be able to get any girl you wanted since most of them fan girl over you so hard!”

Sae began to blush a deep red, “Shut up!” she crossed her arms and looked slightly away with a pout, “… I’m working on it.”

“For how long now?” Yuko asked rhetorically, “Anyways, I was going to go to her class and ask her to eat lunch with me. You guys can come along too.” She stood up, grabbing her bento box lunch from her desk.

“Won’t she be really surprised?” Sayaka questioned.

“Oooh, I want to meet the girl who Yuko’s crushing on! Sayaka let’s go!” Sae grabbed Sayaka by the arm and followed Yuko.

The girls walked up the hall, walking by Classes J to C. When they walked by Class B, Sae took a glance into the class, she even slowed down a bit. She caught sight of a girl with long hair and kind smile, the Class President Yuki. Before she knew it, she was lagging behind.

“Sae-chan!” The two called for her.

“Ah! Coming!” Sae moved quickly.


Back in Class A, our usual girls are all group together again. However this time, Haruna was in her thoughts. Takamina moved over to Haruna’s desk and Miichan arrived shortly after leaving her own class, Class K.

“Haruna, did some happen after we left yesterday?” Miichan asked as she was leaned across Haruna’s desk, her head in her hands. “You seem pretty dazed and spacey.”

Takamina leered at Miichan, “You mean after you left to stalk me?”

“I said I was sorry, geez…”

“Well… something did happen...” Haruna trailed off as she began to recall that confusing situation that occurred yesterday after school.

“My name is Yuko Oshima,” She introduced herself. Yuko extended her hand out, grabbing a hold Haruna’s. “Will you go out with me?”

“I… got asked out.” Haruna said casually.

“Whoa! Really?” Takamina was shocked by how fast events are occurring.

Miichan got up from the desk and sat up right, “It’s probably another guy that heard Haruna was free and took that chance to ask her out. Am I right?”

Haruna thought about for a moment. Miichan wasn’t exactly head on about that, it wasn’t a guy that asked her out, it was a girl, and she wasn’t even sure if she was asked out because she was now available but that could be so. “That’s not exactly so.”

“Did you agree?” Takamina was curious.

“And unlike with Takamina’s boyfriend, do we get to meet him?” Takamina nudged Miichan because of her question.

“I’m still thinking about that, and maybe if I can get a hold of he--“

“Kojima-san!” Another student by the door, Rino Sashihara, broke her attention away from her friends. “You have visit--“

“AHH!!” Haruna let out a surprised cry when she caught sight of one of the visitors, “It’s her!!” She pointed at the shortest girl, “She’s the one!”

Yuko beamed at Haruna, “Ya-ho~! How’s my honey? Miss me?”

“’Honey’?” Miichan raised a brow in confusion; she looked at Yuko then to Haruna.

“That’s the girl! She the one who asked me out!”

A large scene was created because of Haruna’s outburst. The whole of Class A was in awe and silence filled the room; everyone’s attention was on Haruna and the group of Class K girls. Haruna didn’t even realize it until moments later. She looked around and apologized for her disturbing everyone and sat back down. When she looked at Yuko, she was still smiling as if nothing happened, seemingly not even caring that Haruna just outted her. This is definitely going to be the talk of the school for a while.

Once everything had calmed down and everyone was back to their business, introductions were made after they had moved locations to the roof of the school. Sae introduced herself as the Captain of the basketball team and most handsome girl of the school, and Sayaka as the Class President of Class K and Captain of the aikido team. Yuko really had no introduction, just the girl that really likes Haruna.

“Man… Who would have thought it was Yuko that asked you out.” Miichan tilted her head and looked at Yuko, who was attached to Haruna’s arm. “I didn’t even know you liked her. If I did, I might have set you up.”

“Well if you stayed in class during breaks long enough to talk to us, you would have known. I didn’t even know you knew Haruna either.”

“I didn’t even know we went to the same school.” Haruna looked down at Yuko.

Yuko shook her head, “Nah, it’s ok, as long as you know me now and know that I love you~” she went into lovey-dovey mode with Haruna who resisted a bit. “So, so? Will you go out with me? I gave you time like you asked.”

“Aha… Well, you only gave me a day’s worth.” And not even a full day at that, Haruna thought. She was still thinking about it.

Takamina giggled, “Hehe, she seems to really like you. It kind of reminds me of a pet.”

“Hm…” Sayaka was somewhat staring at Haruna.

Sae took notice and asked, “What’s up, Sayaka?”

“I’m just thinking about the description of Kojima-san that Yuko gave us before we met her. How did she describe her again?” Sayaka asked. Haruna’s interest was piqued, since she was the object of this small energetic girl’s affection, she was curious to see how she was described.

Sae began, “From I remember from yesterday’s conversation,” she began to list, using her fingers as counters, “Haruna-san has a really nice face, shiny long hair, a great figure, fairly tall, a bit spacey, lovely lips, sexy legs, and…” she tried to remember the last thing, “ah, and big boobs.”

“Eh?” Haruna wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about this, happy because she has these great qualities, or sad that they’re mostly about just her physical features.

“And don’t forget her cute butt!” Yuko added. Haruna inwardly sighed.

“Is that really now you see me, Yuko?” Haruna asked.

Yuko nodded, “It’s the truth! I know a lot of women would kill to have what you’ve got. You should be proud of what you have and make the best of out it.”

Damn, as much as a pervert she puts out to be, she’s also a sweet-talker. This made Haruna’s decision even harder.

Lunch progressed with laughter and smiles, well, that was until it was over. The bell rang to signal class was about to begin again, so the girls rushed to their respective classrooms.

The end of school came along and students hurried home or to club activities. As Yuko packed up, she bid her goodbyes to Sae who had basketball practise, and Sayaka who has aikido practise. When she finished up, she went straight over to Class A to pick up Haruna. Upon arriving, she noticed that Haruna was the last one left, Takamina having a Student Council meeting and Miichan had disappeared somewhere. Luckily, she hadn’t left yet so Yuko asked her if they can walk home together. Haruna agreed.

As the two girls left the school and walked through the neighbour and down a street, “Hey, Haruna, I’m sorry about today… and yesterday too.” Yuko began conversation, “It must have really caught you off guard, huh?”

“Yeah, it kind of did.”

Yuko chuckled, “And I bet what happened at lunch today kind of creeped you out and make you think I was a pervert. But I’ll be honest, I am a little pervy. Hehe…”

“Mm… Maybe a little.”

“Sorry. It’s just that, ever since I first laid eyes on you, I wanted to… make you mine. And I’ve always been told that if I wanted something, I should work hard and get it. I really did fall in love with you at first sight. And once I realized that, I had to tell you.”


“I’m not going to force you to go out with me, but I’ll fight for you. And if you do go out with me, I’m sure I’ll be able to make you smile every day and make you happy. I’ll make sure every day is fun and full of excitement, and with me around, that goes without a doubt.”

Aw man… How is Haruna supposed to decline her after something like that was said? She even felt her heart strings tug a little

“I’ve dated a lot of guys and they all didn’t work out. But dating a girl is something I don’t have any experience in.”

“I can tell” Yuko commented.

“But… If you be patient with me, I’m…” Haruna’s next few words a little hushed, “… willing to give us a try.” Her face turned red.

Yuko heard Haruna’s words very clearly, “Really?!” Haruna nodded, “YES!!” she began to jump around and let out squeals of happiness. “You won’t regret this! Ah! You’ve made me the happiest person in the world!” she smiled the biggest and brightest smile Haruna has ever seen.

“Haha…” Haruna couldn’t help but smile at the small girl’s expression of happiness. Who knew that such a small girl had so much energy in her?

“Time to celebrate! Celebratory cake! My treat! Hahaha!!” Yuko grabbed Haruna by the hand and began lead her down the street. “Onward to the sweets café!”

“The one where we first met?” Haruna asked.

“Mm-hm. Let’s go!!”

Haruna began to think to herself, ”What did I get myself into?’


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Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
« Reply #70 on: October 25, 2011, 08:09:34 AM »
YAY! Kojiyuu!!! Come one Kojiharu you won't reget it. Wait it's Yuko, Ok maybe a little lol

Offline haruhi16

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
« Reply #71 on: October 25, 2011, 08:17:08 AM »
OMG You updated the kojiyuu fic!  :heart: :heart: :heart:    I'm waiting for this!  :heart:

Thank god Haruna agreed! I swear Haruna, you won't regret it!!!  you'll be happy with the funny, energetic, joyful and cute perverted squirrel!  :cow:  you don't have to be sad now! she'll make you smile and happy everyday   :heart: :heart:

Please i want more! MORE!   :bow: :bow:

update soon   :thumbsup

Offline akinyan

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
« Reply #72 on: October 25, 2011, 05:10:09 PM »
Oh yes, I love you Kenney. You and your ranting voice, baby voice, normal voice and your singing! I'm your forever stalker, dear. This. I. Swear.  :heart: w :heart:

That aside! SAEYUKIFEDSCSRDCX even though I'm not really into this pairings that much your freaking update is so urghhhh! MAYUYU'S PoV! YES MAYU, YUKI SLEPT ON SAE'S BED TOO, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!


*Pants* Oh God, I guess I'm done spazzing for tonight now...

Time for me to go back to my position behind a post lamp, watching you from afar in a dark, dark night...


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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
« Reply #73 on: October 26, 2011, 06:38:03 AM »
aww our yuko.. always the cuttest one :D

Offline crono1036

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Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
« Reply #74 on: November 17, 2011, 05:45:19 AM »
LOL Who knows, maybe she will, maybe she won't. With Yuko around, there's no doubt there will be some action.
Haha... Don't worry, I'm getting to it
OMG!! Why you still creeping on my fics?! Why you still creeping on me?!? Yes, my updates are so (insert akinyan's frustrated groan here). It's how I do~
And man, you're really anticipating the KojiYuu.
Yes, she's always the cutest~

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Offline nana0922

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Really love the Sae Yuki part, when will the final part be coming out???

Offline immortal_K

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The lurker has surfaced again!

I'm still waiting for more SaeYuki!  :bow: :bow: OKay I'm waiting for the other pairs to be updated too
So to remind you that I'm still waiting, I decided to surface and bring this back to your attention  :panic:

Where is my V-day fic! I'm waiting for that toooooo  :twisted:
Actually looking back I notice I haven't been very active in leaving comments here... oops keke  :nervous

*runs back to hide in the shadows*

Offline mayuyuXlyukirinlover13

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DUDE please update SaexYuki!!  :banghead: I've been waitin for 5 months to read that story bu keep up the awesome stories! :thumbup :twothumbs

Offline Pandah

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ooh yes love your fics!  :twothumbs :twothumbs
definitely hoping you'll be updating soon :) its been quite a while since your last update D:
i wanna know hows sae and yuki is progressing along :P and how kojiyuu is gonna turn out now that they've started going out xD
update soon  :)

Offline mayuyuXlyukirinlover13

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Please Update SAEYUKI!!  :bow: :bow: I wan know what happens in the the end!!  :drool: And I totally  :heart: your Fanfics!!  :drool:

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