Name/AKA: Sieka / Midget / Chibi (Blame my height for this two new names I got)
Age: 17
Location: Philippines
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 members: Kojiharu, Yukirin, Mayuyu, Yuko, Takamina, Mii-chan, Yuihan, Tomochin, Mariko-sama, Annin (outside AKB48, in SKE48 its Rena, Kuumin, Gomatan, Kanon, Yuria and Churi, in NMB48 its Milky and Sayanee.) But my oshimens are both Yukirin and Rena, and the new addition, NMB48's Milky.
Favorite AKB48 pairing: KojiYuu, AtsuMina, MaYuki, AnniNaga, JuriMayu, ParuPeace, KomimiDaasu, MessiYagi,
SayaMilky <=(seconding YR/BG pairing),
YukiRena/BlackGeki <=(OTP, its my guilty pleasure to write them too. ""orz)Favorite fanfic writers: I like almost everyone, but currently, my favorite would be
Divine Vengeance,
altoids and
Favorite fanfics: I like most of what I read but the most that perked my interests would be
karomuwi's L.A.M & The Akiba Family, LeNosferatu's BuraGeki no Ichinichi, anzai48's Human VS. Vampires, all of Sok's and ShibuyaDokiDoki's fics, Spicy Sapphire's Sweet & Spicy Love, SharkAttack's Broken, Black-Gekikara's The Visit, Divine Vengeance's RIVER, local-buddies' fics, altoids' Forgotten Memories and Birdcage and anyone who perks my interest with good plot lines or writes about my OTP, basically because its rare for someone to write about them.

My new favorites right now would be
melon-lover's fics,
anonymousdowner's fics &
LeNosferatu's KumiYuria fic, also the recent
SayaMilky fics here and in tumblr like
Sasshi's Just Maybe and the recent fic by
VooDoo.Doll, Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattandarou~
Do you write fanfics? I do from different forums, preferably the most prominent forum would be SSF.
I'm planning on writing one for this forum too because I want to! ^w^
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? After reading a few fanfics for KojiYuu, started getting
really into it after reading a BlackGekikara fic.