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Author Topic: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread  (Read 301122 times)

Offline creamcracker

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #60 on: November 03, 2011, 02:18:30 AM »
Name/AKA: creamcracker
Location: edinburgh (but made in the philippines ^_^ )
Favorite AKB48 members: aachan,takamina,yukirin,mayuyu,miichan hmmm all of them hahaha
Favorite AKB48 pairing: TakaAchan, Mayuki
Favorite fanfic writers:all
Favorite fanfics: all
Do you write fanfics? i'm trying ^_^
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? i think it's because of majisuka gakuen.

Offline Megumi

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #61 on: November 04, 2011, 10:39:49 PM »
Name/AKA: Megumi
Age: 22
Location: Between 2 countries/Stockholm-Bangkok
Favorite AKB48 members: I'm a DD or MD but my kamioshi is (Matsui Jurina)
Favorite AKB48 pairing: Atsumina/MaYuki/KojiYu/WMatsui
Favorite fanfic writers: arisa03, dark-atrox, anoni2, karomuwi <--TOP! But I like everyone!
Favorite fanfics: Currenty "Love in a fastlane" by  AFLynx I hope that she/he will update soon...
Do you write fanfics? -I'm currently new here and decided to create an account because of enthusiastic fanfic writers here.
I'm very impressed! I might write my own AKB fanfic but I need to get inspiration and motivation first so please take care of me until then.
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? AKB- I read about them on Guinness Record book.I'm watching AKBingo since then.
Fanfics- Just surfing around AKB related stuff and saw jph!p! andddd I'm hooked!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 12:51:12 AM by Megumi »
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline Otochan

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #62 on: November 07, 2011, 06:33:09 PM »
Name/AKA:  Otochan XD
Age: 20
Location: Colombia
Gender: F
Favorite AKB48 members: Takamina (my oshimen), Miichan, Yuko, Kojiharu, Myao, Amina. Ucchii
Favorite AKB48 pairing: I think Kojiyuu, Atsumina and TomoTomo
Favorite fanfic writers: I'm new here so...
Favorite fanfics:...
Do you write fanfics? Yes xD but in spanish (I still learning english, sorry for my poor english ><)
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? I follow them since 2 years ago .  relate to fanfic, is fault of an kojiyuu image  XD
I wrote a kojiyuu fanfic in a spanish AKBforum, I never read an akbfanfic before so i wanted to read one, in googlesama I started to search akb fanfics. is hard to find an akb fanfic in spanish... so many fanfics in english xDDjejeje  I ended up here xDD

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu ><
I'm not a pervert ,I just like skinship >///>

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #63 on: November 08, 2011, 05:59:08 PM »
Favorite AKB48 members:Miyazawa sae,Kashiwagi Yuki,Oshima yuko,Takahashi minami,Maeda atsuko..(still got a long list to wrote) :nervous
Favorite AKB48 pairing:(of course) Saeyuki  :heart:!!! Kojiyuu,atsumina,marimii,...
Favorite fanfic writers:Nah,the question that i don't want to answer since everyone is INCREDIBLE!!!  :thumbsup
Favorite fanfics:The God of Rock!!! but others fanfic also into my fav list ~
Do you write fanfics? Nope,but I'll try~
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? Because of AKB48's song name "river" then i notice sae-chan then slowly into saeyuki,now ended up into the fanfics... (my english grammar wasn't that good yet,but i'll try to fixed it  ^^)

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #64 on: November 09, 2011, 09:03:59 AM »
Name/AKA:   AKBlover_99
Age:   14
Location:   Malaysia
Gender:   Female
Favorite AKB48 Members:   Atsuko Maeda,Yuki Kashiwagi,Yuko Oshima and all of them! :)
Favorite AKB48 Pairing:   SaeYuki,JuriMayu,KojiYuu,Atsumina,AtsuYuu
Favorite fanfic writers:   All of them cuz they're AWESOME!  :twothumbs
Favourite Fanfics:   All SaeYuki's fanfic and many more!
Do you write fanfics? Yes.For the first time
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics?  It's when I watched their song "Baby Baby Baby" and at that time,I like SNSD but when I watched many more AKB48's song.....'WOW,THEY'RE AWESOME!' I thought and I dislike SNSD.LOL  :heart:

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #65 on: November 28, 2011, 12:27:08 PM »
Name/AKA: Loveforever.
Location:United States.
Favorite AKB48 members: Takahashi Minami (Oshimen) Itano Tomomi and Maeda Atsuko.
Favorite AKB48 pairing:Atsumina and Takatomo.
Favorite fanfic writers: Flean and Moekare because they have all the atsumina's.  ;)
Favorite fanfics: Baby don't cry.
Do you write fanfics? I try to...but i stink at it lol.
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? Takamina.  :heart: :heart: :heart:

Offline Sok

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #66 on: December 20, 2011, 06:19:46 PM »
Name/AKA:  Sok or sok9

Age: 19

Location: California

Gender:  depends (Some say I'm a girl, others say I'm a guy.) But who knows beside myself.  :twisted:

Favorite AKB48 members: Takahashi Minami, Kojima Haruna, Yuki Kashiwagi (if SKE counts RENA MATSUI)

Favorite AKB48 pairing:  YukiXRena, AtsuMina and many more

Favorite fanfic writers:  All

Favorite fanfics:  Don't know, there's just so many.

Do you write fanfics?  Yeah, but I don't think that good... 

How did you get into AKB48/fanfics?  In high a friend of mine had my watch one of AKB's DVD vol. the whole thing. I thought that they were good and had many beautiful women, but Takamina, Yuki and Haruna were the ones that caught my attention more. After that my friend kept bugging me to go with him to Anime Expo cuz they would be performing. I bought our tickets (dude didn't even pay me back  :smhid ) and I was like wow!  :luvluv2: blow away  :mon squee: , since then I have been watching their dramas and AKBingo! but never really went for the fanfic section until recently that the same friend sent me links to fanfics and told me to write some and post them. (He wanted strange pairings, explaining why my fics have some not so much seem pairings.) And knowing how crazy my imagination can be, you never know what I'll write. (usually random thoughts.) Now I can't get enough reading fanfics.

Offline Wolfbarrier

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #67 on: December 24, 2011, 03:40:46 AM »
Name/AKA: Tory or Wolfy
Age: 16
Location: New Orleans
Gender: F (biologically) I'd much rather be called a guy. To be specific, I'm a transgendered male.
Favorite AKB48 members: For AKB.... Sae, Mayuyu, Yuko, and Takamina. (But for the whole family, my #1 is Rena Matsui!  :wub: )
Favorite AKB48 pairing: Eh.... there's so many..... If just AKB.... Kojiyuu. For everyone, WMatsui.
Favorite fanfic writers: No one currently (Btw, I'm terrible at names! :sweatdrop: )
Favorite fanfics: (Yet again, bad with names) I like stories with a lot of depth....
Do you write fanfics? Sometimes, as a hobby.
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? I feel bad for saying this, but I grew up from MoMusu. Plus, these girls are just adorable!
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 05:55:58 PM by Wolfbarrier »

Offline caecus

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #68 on: December 28, 2011, 03:12:42 PM »
Name/AKA: caecus
Age: 20
Location: Taiwan
Gender: Male
Favorite AKB48 members: Takamina, Acchan, Tomochin, Mayuyu and Yuki
Favorite AKB48 pairing: Atsumina, Takatomo and Mayuki XD
Favorite Writers: cmze, Flean, moekare, sorakamiya, Sok and more :nervous (Too much favorite...)
Favorite Fanfics: ALL... They are all so interesting and addicting XD
Do you write fanfics? Nope
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? I watched Mendol and I took a liking in Takamina then later on AKB48 :D I like AKB48 and somehow I ended up here.

Offline Chellesei

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #69 on: January 28, 2012, 03:30:56 PM »
Name/AKA: Chelsy / Chellesei
Age: 14
Location: Philippines
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 members: Oshima Yuko, Kashiwagi Yuki, Maeda Atsuko, Kojima Haruna, Takahashi Minami, Watanabe Mayu
Favorite AKB48 pairing: Kojiyuu, Atsuyuu, Atsumina, Mayuki
Favorite fanfic writers: Many~ But if I have to choose, it'll be Flean and cmze
Favorite fanfics: I've got many but then, if I have to choose, it'll be Dancing Butterfly, AKB Boarding School, and When Rebel meets Nice
Do you write fanfics? Nope. But I've got some stories in my head and I'll probably post them when I feel like writing.
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? My friends told me to read some fics and I came to like them. :)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 10:37:55 PM by Chellesei »

Offline Nakamii

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #70 on: January 28, 2012, 05:31:21 PM »
Name/AKA: Nakamii
Age: 13
Location: Indonesia
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 members: I like all the members... But, The one who captured my heart is 'Maeda Atsuko (Acchan)'  :inlove:
Favorite AKB48 pairing: AtsuMina and AtsuYuu  :heart:
Favorite fanfic writers: All! But, My most favorite is 'Flean'!  :love:
Favorite fanfics: Um... All Fanfics that made by 'Flean'! and (All AtsuMina's Fanfics!)  XD
Do you write fanfics? Yes, I do.
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? AKB48 = From my sister | Fanfics = Don't know. Just found it... The first Fanfics I knew was in JPH!P.. If I'm not mistaken, It was Moekare's Fanfics!  :sweatdrop:
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Offline LeNosferatu

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #71 on: February 02, 2012, 08:47:13 AM »
Name/AKA: Eru/LeNosferatu/Eiji/Gure
Age: 17
Location: Indonesia
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 members: Mayuyu, Yukirin, Yuko, Hillary, Erepyon, Erechan.
Favorite AKB48 pairing: MaYuki, KojiYuu, AtsuMina.
Favorite fanfic writers: Chii-chan/heartstation, Shi-chan/Shibuyadokidoki, Black-gekikara, melon-lover.
Favorite fanfics: lots
Do you write fanfics? I do ^^
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? Reading Chii-chan's and Shi-chan's fic. :p

Tumblr: 48andtheconceptofbreathing

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| 柏木由紀 | 平田梨奈 | 山田菜々 | 島田玲奈 | 矢神久美 | 村重杏奈 | 秋吉優花 |

| Kashiwagi Yuki | Hirata Rina | Yamada Nana | Shimada Rena | Yagami Kumi | Murashige Anna | Akiyoshi Yuka |

Offline Sieka

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #72 on: February 12, 2012, 04:32:30 AM »
Name/AKA: Sieka / Midget / Chibi (Blame my height for this two new names I got)

Age: 17

Location: Philippines

Gender: Female

Favorite AKB48 members: Kojiharu, Yukirin, Mayuyu, Yuko, Takamina, Mii-chan, Yuihan, Tomochin, Mariko-sama, Annin (outside AKB48, in SKE48 its Rena, Kuumin, Gomatan, Kanon, Yuria and Churi, in NMB48 its Milky and Sayanee.) But my oshimens are both Yukirin and Rena, and the new addition, NMB48's Milky. :cathappy:

Favorite AKB48 pairing: KojiYuu, AtsuMina, MaYuki, AnniNaga, JuriMayu, ParuPeace, KomimiDaasu, MessiYagi, SayaMilky <=(seconding YR/BG pairing), YukiRena/BlackGeki <=(OTP, its my guilty pleasure to write them too. ""orz)

Favorite fanfic writers: I like almost everyone, but currently, my favorite would be Divine Vengeance, LeNosferatu, anzai48, altoids and anonymousdowner. :cathappy:

Favorite fanfics: I like most of what I read but the most that perked my interests would be karomuwi's L.A.M & The Akiba Family, LeNosferatu's BuraGeki no Ichinichi, anzai48's Human VS. Vampires, all of Sok's and ShibuyaDokiDoki's fics, Spicy Sapphire's Sweet & Spicy Love, SharkAttack's Broken, Black-Gekikara's The Visit, Divine Vengeance's RIVER, local-buddies' fics, altoids' Forgotten Memories and Birdcage and anyone who perks my interest with good plot lines or writes about my OTP, basically because its rare for someone to write about them. :sweatdrop:

My new favorites right now would be melon-lover's fics, anonymousdowner's fics & LeNosferatu's KumiYuria fic, also the recent SayaMilky fics here and in tumblr like Sasshi's Just Maybe and the recent fic by VooDoo.Doll, Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattandarou~

Do you write fanfics?

I do from different forums, preferably the most prominent forum would be SSF.
I'm planning on writing one for this forum too because I want to! ^w^

How did you get into AKB48/fanfics?

After reading a few fanfics for KojiYuu, started getting really into it after reading a BlackGekikara fic.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 01:18:46 PM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #73 on: February 12, 2012, 10:21:21 AM »
Name/AKA: sakura_drop_
Age: 22
Location: Lithuania
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 members: Oshima Yuko-sama, Matsui Rena-sama, Maeda Atsuko, Kashiwagi Yuki, Furukawa Airi, Watanabe Miyuki-chama, Iriyama Anna, Matsui Jurina
Favorite AKB48 pairing: YukoRena, AtsuYuu, wMatsui, JuriAnnin, YukiRena, TakaYuu, AtsuMina, MariMii, MaYuki
Favorite fanfic writers: Everyone!!! Especially Divine Vengeance and Sieka-sama. Also Karomuwi, LoyalFlutist, Lenosferatu, Flean, Tako (from AKBlasphemy48). And definitely Seigus-san. And of course, Miyumi, katekyohit, nori
Favorite fanfics: I read lots of them. The most memorable of course was R I V E R by Divine Vengeance. And now another memorable one is of course Chinmoku by Sieka-sama. Also MaYuki in UZA by Seigus-san and Who is my prince? by katekyohit
Do you write fanfics? Yes. My head is full of crazy ideas, I have to put them somewhere, hehe
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? AKB48 - I got into AKB48 while browsing online a long time ago, and since Team K formation got my attention fully on Yuko-sama.
Fanfics - I was going through this forum called 'jphip', and found a place full of talents, who write such amazing stories that my jaw dropped literally. I found out I am not the only one fantasizing about these kinds of thing, hehe  XD
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 01:48:46 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline Ryuamakusa4eva

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #74 on: March 05, 2012, 04:14:41 PM »
Name/AKA: Ryutsu
Age: 17, turning 18 next month
Location: Indonesia
Gender: manly, manly, handsome gurl. *shot*
Favorite AKB48 members: totally Oshima Yuko, 'cause she's an Oji-san 8D
Favorite AKB48 pairing:KOJIYUU, Atsumina, Saeyaka, Mayuki
Favorite fanfic writers: all of them are all the goddesses authors from FFN, at K-ON fandom.
Favorite fanfics: I'm still new I dunno...oh but I ever read this fic "In Heaven" and it's awesome! Kojiyuu is LOVE.
Do you write fanfics? Yep, for years, but not here....
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? I got into fanfics 'cause I want to write some original stories for my fave animes....while AKB48's fanfics on the other, it's SO OBVIOUS how. Dem Kojiyuu just can't hide from my yuri goggles.

Offline crazywota

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #75 on: March 09, 2012, 12:24:20 PM »
^ OMG OMG OMG  :w00t:

i can't believe it!! one of my favorite K-on! fanfic writer!! You're here!!!!! waaaah  :bow: :bow:
Please do write a shot if you have time.  :thumbup


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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #76 on: March 09, 2012, 01:26:32 PM »
^Whoa, there's actually someone HERE who read my K-ON fanfics??  :shocked Oh my god....I dunno what to say.....

Thanks for the warm welcome! I will write some fanfic for AKB48 (specifically, Kojiyuu) soon!

Offline crazywota

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #77 on: March 10, 2012, 04:56:47 AM »
^Whoa, there's actually someone HERE who read my K-ON fanfics??  :shocked Oh my god....I dunno what to say.....

Thanks for the warm welcome! I will write some fanfic for AKB48 (specifically, Kojiyuu) soon!

I DO. I've seen almost all of your K-on! fics in You and AdrenaVeris are my favorite K-on! fic writers  :bow:

gonna wait for your update  :cow:

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #78 on: March 10, 2012, 05:52:29 AM »
Name/AKA: XXX220
Age: 14
Location: Malaysia
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 members: Kasai Tomomi , Itano Tomomi , Matsui Rena , Matsui Jurina , Yagami Kumi , Maeda Atsuko , All Akb48
Favorite AKB48 pairing: W Matsui , Tomotomo , Mayuki , Atsumina
Favorite fanfic writers: i don't Know ...I have a lot in Mind
Favorite fanfics: I have a lot
Do you write fanfics? YES
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics? : just Know It I Guess
WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

Offline pamela89

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Re: The AKB48 Fanfic Author/Reader Profile Thread
« Reply #79 on: March 10, 2012, 09:16:24 AM »
Favorite AKB48 members:Atsuko Maeda, Takahashi Minami, Yuko Oshima
Favorite AKB48 pairing: Atsumina
Favorite fanfic writers: Flean, moekare
Favorite fanfics:Atsumina fics
Do you write fanfics? yes
How did you get into AKB48/fanfics?  because of atsumina's love power.

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