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Author Topic: Majisuka Girls High School's Lost Tradition [CANCELLED APR 6]  (Read 26474 times)

Offline gekiragakuen

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Re: Majisuka Girls High School's Lost Tradition [NEW CHPT. 2 UP || Dec 26]
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2013, 10:23:58 AM »
hello there!

i very like your story and the match-up.  :thumbsup

when will you continue your story? please don't give up with your fic. :bow:

your fic will be so interesting. i know it.  :)

i will wait for your update. :jphip:

you can do it :fap

Offline crono1036

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Man, I haven't been on here in so long...

I can't believe people still read my fics today... Wow, you guys are great!  :heart:

I've recently (like a few minutes ago) gotten a message asking me when I'm going to update my WMatsui segment of my Reaching Out to You series. Well, I think I'm going to tell you, my precious loyal readers, what I told them, what's been going on with me, and what's going to happen. You guys deserve that much for putting up with a schmuck like me.

Actually, I don't know if I'm going to continue with that series. See, I haven't wrote fanfiction in over 3 years and I don't have the motivation to ever get back into it. Like I have some new ideas plots but I don't have the motivation to actually write it out.
As for the WMatsui segment of Reaching Out to You, I still have the idea for that story in my head but will I ever update it? Probably not.
If I'm completely honest, I don't even ship WMatsui anymore so that further lessens my motivation.
I think I'm going to put my whole ROtY series on hold. Probably even put all my ongoing works on hold...

Believe me when I say that for the longest time, I've been wondering what to do about my fics on here and I've made a few decisions.

Unfortunately, I'm cancelling the tournament... I know how it all works out but I simply have no motivation to continue this series. About my other fics, those will go on hiatus as well until further notice. Well my one/twoshot collection had been jumpy from the start so... Anyways, you can note what has been put on hiatus and what has been cancelled in my signature.

However, I will not leave you all without some sort of closure! for any cancelled project, I'll be more than happy to fill you in on. If you wish to know how a story plays out and how it ends, send me a message to my fanfiction tumblr (link is in my signature). But because I like seeing people piece puzzles together, I won't give too many details unless specifically asked.  :lol:
Please, please, please, send me a message because then I'll finally be able to "finish" a story.  :bow:

I'm deeply sorry to those who have been waiting on my lazy butt to update SOMETHING within my absence I wouldn't be surprised for blame you if I'm not your favourite writer anymore because let's be real, I haven't written anything in three years and there are tons more people who are so much better than me.  :sweatdrop:

Thank you for reading my fics, though! It's really nice knowing there are people who are still fans of my works! Maybe one day I'll have something new written.

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