A/N: I'm back and I'm here to bring you an update! I finally got around into finishing chapter 2, I'm sorry if I couldn't update quicker because I had to do a few schoolwork and projects since graduation is almost soon for me and I'm preparing a lot of things so that I can meet my requirements.
Anyways, I want to discuss to you how this fic will go on, you might be confused with the sudden change of POVs, so I'll tell you how this will go:
- I will only use First Person POV on Yuki for now. If Yuki is not in the scene, then the POV will switch to Third Person.
- There will be a time when I won't use First Person POV on Yuki, depending on the scene. You'll know what I mean later on.
- The thoughts are in italic, enclosed with an apostrophe ( ' )
That said, I hope you won't get confused if ever you came across with the POVs switching from First to Third, so now I'll move on and reply to everyone's comments. Also, thanks to those who read, commented and gave me thank yous! ^ ^
Replies:@sakura_drop_ - You're complementing me too much, I don't really feel worthy of being second to Divine Vengeance, his too awesome you know. I don't think I'm on his level, I'm much more lower.
@kahem - And so I shall continue as you say so, dear reader.
@oddball - I hope I can get the peek of your interests up on the later chapters.
@Chikane Himemiya - I'll try to update as soon as I can, also, your account name shocks me. That name is from Kannazuki no Miko's main character, do you like that anime/manga?
@ShibuyaDokiDoki - It's...it's you! Omg, your the one who wrote a few BlackGeki and a YukiRena fic which I all totally love. It's a great honor to have you comment!
@immortal_K - Trying hanging on more for me please, I'll try to update sooner too as much as I can.
@Megumi - Thank you as well.
@RenaChii - I'm already ecstatic to write how it will really become a beautiful love.
@SharkAttack - Thank you. I look forward to seeing you readers again in my next updates.

Chapter 2: Could this be karma?
Yuki’s POVToday is brand new day, the weather is in perfect condition and there was no commotion from my journey from home to school, but to me it was the start of my headache. I felt bad, maybe even worse due to a few deprivation of godly needed sleep. I want to complain about school, but I couldn’t.
Sometimes I wonder to myself whether I’ve done something wrong or if I have attracted the deity of bad luck, well, I may as well have with how things were going for me. I just want to scowl at myself and sulk in the corner of the nearest and most secluded room I can ever find in this school.
Believe me; I really want to.
This was just the worst day I ever had in my life. I officially screwed up many things before the day even started.
I did not even notice when my bestfriend, Sae called out my name and approached me from behind. I just kept my head bowed down a little with a sour frown on my face.
“Hey, Yuki…?” Sae called me out again, this a bit louder, but her tone carried an air of worry and concern while her hand was on my shoulder, nudging me out of my state.
I let out a sigh and looked up to Sae, showing my expression to her, much to my taller companions shock and discomfort. I watch her as she looked away and scratched her cheek with her index finger. She looked like she was in deep thoughts as she looked around the room before looking back at me.
“Did something…happen?”
Sae stared at me in concern while she took a chair near my desk before settling herself there. The only thing I could do was helplessly nod at her question while I kept my eyes on my desk.
“I see…so that’s why you’re releasing a lot of dark aura around you.” Sae mumbled, nodding to herself.
My eyes were wide open from that statement, and I immediately turned my head and stared at her in apparent irritation and offense. Sae only reacted with an eyebrow quirked up, a small teasing smile on her face.
“What are you talking about? I’m not releasing anything!” I shouted, finding myself standing up while glaring at my bestfriend, my arms crossed in front of my chest I showed my apparent irritation to Sae. Sae however did not back down on my menacing gaze and instead only smirked, finding my current actions amusing.
“Whoa, easy there princess… Your channeling too much of your darker self.” Sae said, pointing out something that I did not even know. Maybe it was to irritate me or to get me out of my sulking mood, but seriously, I felt like I was being toyed.
“Darker self? What are you talking about Sae?”
I gave my friend a poker expression while she only chose to laugh at me, as if trying to increase my irritation and misery. I find it annoying sometimes when Sae acts like this, it would have been so much better if she just kept her mouth shut right now.
“I’m talking about your temper, Yuki. You’re actually shouting right now, if you haven’t noticed yet…” My bestfriend whispered before taking a quick glance from me to the whole the classroom before nodding her head off. I simply raised my brow before looking around us and found my classmates were looking at us, or rather, at me.
I stared dumbfounded at them, my cheeks immediately reddened in embarrassment, they were all simply staring at me, some in confusion, some were curious and some amused at my sudden outburst.
I swallowed a visible lump in my throat and stared down while shuffling my feet. I quickly mumbled a small apology and bowed before sitting back on my chair stiffly, still looking at the floor, which I found appropriately interesting at that time.
I sneaked a glance towards Sae who continued smirking, her chin propped on her hand as she gave me a wink before letting out a chuckle when I rolled my eyes.
“I’m seriously going to get back on you for this Sae…” I darkly stated, sending her a quick glance, glaring at that perfectly annoying smirking expression of hers before turning back to look at the whiteboard.
I did not really know what Sae’s expression was, but I heard her make a small amused noise before I heard the chair clattering besides me and before I knew it, Sae was already in front of my desk, her hand placed down on my table as she gave me a mocking grin.
“Can you really do that Yuki?”
“Of course I can.”
I eyed her with a dangerous glint in my eyes and in turn, Sae did not back down and gave me a mock challenging look, the aura around us started to turn heatedly as we gave off a dangerous atmosphere, as if we were about to commence a fight at that very place. We did not even notice that some of our classmates were watching us in amusement.
Our classmates were not shocked with seeing me and Sae like this; in fact, they are used to seeing both of us act this way because we often have this kind of little conversations in the classroom. Moreover, before we even went too far, we often break apart, but this was different. I felt that I don’t want to back down on this one because she did embarrass me in front of the class.
Even though everyone in the room is my friend, I still want to leave a good impression to them as their class president. I also felt that Sae did not want to back down either, but before we even started, the door opened suddenly to reveal our first period teacher, which really caught the two of us off guard.
Both of our eyes were wide open and we instantly started to get nervous but kept still in our position. We slowly glanced to our right to look at our female English teacher. Good thing a few of our classmates were crowding around her, much to both me and Sae’s relief.
Both of us let our guards down and merely let our previous expressions melt into silly smiles. No sooner, Sae pushed herself off my desk, placing her hand on her waist. I watched her in amusement as she ruffled her hair.
“Miss Hirasawa just had to come of all times and I was having too much fun too…” Sae sighed, pouting her lips as she gave me a disappointed look, I only shrugged my shoulders and propped my elbows on the table before looking at her with a thoughtful expression on my face.
“Let’s continue this later at lunch then?”
“Are you sure Yuki?”
Sae raised her eyebrows teasingly at me. I let a small chuckle escape my lips before I nodded and waved my hands, signaling her to leave as our English teacher was about to start up class. I find it incredible that she was finally able to clear up the crowd of girls flocking her with questions that easily.
“Okay, later then.” Sae whispered to me before walking back to her own proper seat. Once my bestfriend was out of my sight I immediately stood up and did my usual command when I saw that our teacher had finally settled in front of the class.
After a few minutes of roll calling and boisterous jokes from Sae and the others, our lesson officially started and I once again find myself thinking of my little dilemma as soon as our teacher started her lecture. Not that her way of lecturing was boring; it was just that I couldn’t help but feel worried about my problem, which I have actually been thinking of since yesterday night that I came home.
I let a small frown form on my face before I shook my head and tried to focus back onto the whiteboard and our lecturing teacher but I failed miserably when my eyes gazed through the window. I could not help but take a quick glance to look outside the window and for a moment, I saw a slim figure of a girl wearing a white sleeved sundress, I instantly blinked my eyes, my mouth agape.
Somehow, the figure looked rather…familiar, but before I could even try to focus my eyes onto where the silhouette was to get a close look at the person’s face…
…She was already gone.
Third Person POVThree hours has already passed by, it was already nearing afternoon and the sun’s graze was warm and light. Most of the sun’s rays were filtered by the trees surrounding the school and the whole hallway was instead cool due to the small soft gust of wind passing by every now and then.
The whole hallway was quiet due to the period of classes and only soft humming filled the hallway as a short cheerful teen skipped down the empty hallway. Her long curled hair bounced and swayed with each step she took as she came to a corner and turned before taking the staircase down to the first floor.
The short bubbly girl smiled hugely, her dimples showing on her cheeks while she kept a toothy grin plastered on her cherry pink lips. She puffed out her chest in pride as she adjusted the student council armband around her left good arm. She then turned around, looked at her surroundings, and nodded to herself before she took out tons of keys from her pocket and twirled the circular piece of metal using her index finger.
“Yosh, everything’s good to go. Looks like there’s no problem at all~” She said happily, finally finishing her job of second round patrolling just after finishing one this morning.
It was an exhausting trip around the school, but the bubbly petite loved walking around the school, it was her way of appreciating their state of the art school. She also liked the relaxed pace work she does when patrolling because she always gets to sit and rest for a while before running back along, very much unlike the various paper works she had to tend after school and all the things she needed to read and sign.
The thought of the stacked up paper on her table instantly sent a shiver down the short bubbly teen. She quickly closed her eyes and pouted before shaking her head. She would think of a way on how to take care of all those work later.
Maybe she could even ask a little help from her Nyan Nyan and spend some time with her; they never mostly get to spend that much time now with their hectic and conflicted schedules mostly due to both of them being student council members.
A large smile graced the cheerful petite’s face before she closed her eyes and let a small light giggle escape from her lips as she happily jumped and skipped, just passing by the shoe locker area in the first floor where the entrance was located. Suddenly, she caught sight of a person’s silhouette just in time when she opened her eyes.
Instantly, the bubbly teen paused and stared and instantly, her eyes widened when she saw the face of the other girl. The girl however did not seem to notice the petite squirrel looking from her direction and instead, she immediately turned around and walked away.
The petite squirrel continued to stare flabbergasted where she once saw the girl standing before swallowing the lump forming in her throat.
The total look of disbelief was rather perfectly portrayed on the flabbergasted squirrel’s face as she felt her mouth move on their own. She did not even notice that her mouth moved to whisper silently to no one but herself in wonder and apparent shock.
“It can’t be…isn’t that…her…?” The stunned squirrel whispered, her fists instantly clenched and her expression turned into a small frown.
She continued to stare in oblivion for what seem to have been minutes. Not even noticing that someone was approaching her and a tall figure stood behind her. The only time when the petite snapped back into reality was when she felt a gentle hand tap her shoulders and an airy voice entered her ears, lulling her to wake up from her reverie.
“Are you alright Yuko? Do you want to rest in the student council lounge?”
The taller girl worried looked at her companion and waited as the petite teen turned her head and gave her a small smile, placing her hand over her Nyan Nyan’s soft dainty ones before grasping them tight.
“I’m fine Nyan Nyan…” Yuko said, slowly closing her eyes and brought the other girl’s hand to her lips, pressing a soft kiss on the top of her knuckles before giving her taller companion a big genuine smile. She then turned back to where she once had her eyes on once she saw the worry dissipate from her Nyan Nyan’s eyes.
“I just saw someone familiar that’s all.”
“Is that really just that?” Haruna asked, a cute frown appearing on her beautiful face.
“Of course it is. You don’t need to be worried Nyan Nyan!” Yuko exclaimed while she softly pushed the taller girl’s hand, letting it fall off her shoulder as she watched her Nyan Nyan’s hands fall to her side before she reached it and entwined their fingers together. A soft blush slowly made its way onto Haruna’s cheeks as she felt the warmth of the petite’s palm into her own.
“What are you doing?”
“Holding our hands together and entwining our fingers. Nyan Nyan’s hands are really warm, it’s so soothing.” Yuko dreamily sighed as she smiled a million watts worth, embarrassing Haruna due to the sweetness of the little squirrel beside her.
“Sorry Nyan Nyan~” Yuko simpered, winking at the taller girl as she gave a soft squeeze onto her companion’s hand.
Haruna merely looked away, cheeks flushed even more. A small pout formed on the taller girl’s lips as she puffed her cheeks, attempting to look irritated, yet failing at the same time when her lips quirked up into a smile of her own. Haruna was deeply embarrassed, but she never put up that much resistance to the way their fingers were entwined or the fact that Yuko’s hands fitted her’s perfectly.
Haruna did not even bother to word out her protest when the bubbly petite pulled her towards the direction of the cafeteria even though they were a few minutes too early before the bell rang, or when Yuko hooked her arms together.
She didn’t.
She just let the little squirrel do as she pleased at that moment because she knew that it would make Yuko smile and feel happiest.
Yuki’s POVMy mind was currently drifting off.
I was not even paying any close attention to our Calculus lesson. I did not feel anywhere near interested. I just felt quite a bit sleepy. It must have been due to the lack of sleep from yesterday night. To be honest, I was almost tempted to lay my head on my arms and sleep.
The thought of it was very inviting. I wanted to catch some sleep too after all since yesterday I kept myself up because I had to finish reading all of the books I ordered. I am actually thankful that I was able to get them before the store even closed down, those books were just dearly needed. I actually needed those books for my project and thesis.
I did not even expect myself to be able to get there at the last minute or the fact that the beautiful girl I met in the park gave me a wonderful tip on a good shortcut.
I was pretty much surprised myself when I came stumbling in front of the store after I took the directions she gave me. She was spot on when she said that I would make it in time.
I wonder how she knew about it…
Did she ever come across in this type of situation? Or was she simply good at calculating the approximate time that I would arrive there? I would not be surprised if it was the latter since I did saw many books sprawled out around her. In fact, she was holding onto a large book the very last time I took a glance at her before I left.
It makes me think though why she was only sitting there with so many books around her and the fact that she was not even attending school. I have a deep doubt that she came home and change clothes and bought that much book since most of the schools I know in our district have the same end hour as our school, so the probability of that happening was about thirty five percent to zero.
However, if that was really the case then maybe she does not study at all; or maybe because she was just sickly? Her skin was too pale for any normal shade and she was slim too. I would not doubt that that may be the case, but I frowned at my thoughts, it somehow seemed rude to just speculate about her.
I don’t even know her personally or even her name, and it was very foolish of me not to even ask her for it. I just simply forgot to ask her about her identity because of how well the flow around us was and how little time we spent together before our conversation was cut off with my dire need to get my package and how she had urged me to do my forgotten task.
I could not deny it to myself. I did enjoy that girl’s company, even if was only for a few minutes. I kind of regret not knowing her name, it would be easier for me to find her if I at least knew her last name then maybe I could give her a proper apology and thank you.
‘Yeah…like that’s ever going to happen.’A small scoff formed on my face while I close my eyes and let a sigh escape from my lips before slumping down to my seat when I officially heard the afternoon bell, signaling our lunch period.
I did not even dare to move from my seat as I kept my head on my forearm, using them as a pillow while I stared blankly outside.
I felt really out of spirit today. I also felt out of it because I’ve yet to even locate my missing cellphone and my very important file holder and a few booklets. I don’t know where and when it fell off, but it could have been because of all the running I did. It has been really my main dilemma since the night I came home. I would have looked for it if it was not dark outside or that the maids insisted that I stayed at home.
It’s just frustrating though. All of my important files, documents and schoolwork were in there. My personal diary was also even in my file holder! What would have happened if someone were to see the contents of my diary?
The very thought of it just makes me want to bury myself in a six feet deep hole and never crawl back up again. I did not even notice that I was already making horrid expressions, nor the fact that Sae was again already in front of me like this morning, not to mention that she was taking big bites from her curry bread as well.
“Again with your expressions… You really need to cut it out Yuki. Even though I seriously find them amusing, it’s somewhat unbearable to see you make so many expressions in just a minute. I can’t seem to keep up anymore.” Sae said in a teasing manner, her eyes had a glint of amusement as she took a seat from in front of me and sat there before poking my miserable self with a candy cane.
“What is it that you want from me?” I lifted up my head and release a whine while attempting to swat away the sugary cane that kept poking on my shoulder.
“I just wanted to get back on you for teasing me yesterday.”
“Teasing? That was the truth, plain and simple Sae.” I answered in a deadpan manner while I kept my eyes locked onto the cane that Sae kept waving it, she did not even bothered to give that much attention to the piece of sweet.
Instantly, an idea formed in my mind and I took my time and aimed for the perfect moment when Sae was about to take a big bite on the cane, immediately I reached up and grabbed the candy and was able to snatch it from her clutches with one blink of an eye.
A smirk formed on my lips when I saw my bestfriend’s flabbergasted expression when she took a big loud bite and bit nothing but air. Her eyes quickly widened when she saw that the cane was missing from her hand and that I was now holding onto it. Teasingly, I took a bite on the sugary sweet and let the candy roll and melt inside my mouth while Sae could only look at me helplessly as I devoured her sugary treat.
“My candy cane! You stole my candy cane!”
“Why did you steal my candy cane?” Sae wailed at her loss while she helplessly pointed at me as I only nibbled onto what little was left from the small confection with a full-blown smirk appearing on my lips.
“Because you deserve it.”
“No I don’t! I didn’t do anything bad to you Black Yuki!”
“Trying to play the act of an innocent person doesn’t let you off that easily. You should be thankful I haven’t gotten back at you
properly from that morning event a few hours ago.” I waved my hands nonchalantly while giving her my usual poker face.
“Ugh! Just try and do something, karma’s gonna get back at you!”
Sae reacted with a gruff before she rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her waist, pouting as she still felt the loss of her supposed to be dessert.
“Karma you say? I think I already received it yesterday, it was presented to me with a big surprise.” I commented dryly.
“Eh? Interesting… Heh… Seems like karma works fast, doesn’t it?” Sae smiled triumphantly while I only gave her my usual poker face before I shook my head, I think she’s getting the wrong idea from that with that sparking eyes that said victory.
“…As if karma delivers advance payments…” I sighed, shaking my head in pity as Sae still kept her happy expression intact, not even bothering to even try to understand what exactly I said.
For a fact, I do know that I have not done anything wrong with Sae. If teasing her about her love life was a sin, I and Yuko would have died already.
“What? You’ll never know. Karma works magnificently in almost any possible way.”
Sae placed her hand on my desk loudly and stood up from her chair, pounding a fist into the air while she walked proudly away from me, marching like a silly looking soldier as she walked out of the classroom. Sae looked quite silly though since she had this huge happy smile on her face when she left. It was hilarious.
I however do agree to her statement.
Karma does work in such ways that anything could happen, but I wonder why this happened to me? I did not really have any enemies, nor have I hurt anyone’s feelings, I think. Well, I did tease many people like Sae and do a few pranks and such with Yuko and the rest but I doubt its karma that is responsible for the items I lost though.
I seriously doubt it.
I just hope that my belongings are still intact and safe. I’m somehow hoping for the best that someone kind finds them.
A/N: Will come back later on and correct any errors. Thank you for reading, see you in the next update!