JPHiP Radio (10/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: DJ Tonk - Smile (feat Shiina Junpei)

Author Topic: I can't choose... (Nyanmina vs. Kojiyuu & many other pairings)(Character Intro!  (Read 4033 times)

Offline chibi-midgetlove

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Hehe, I still have so many fics to update and I haven't posted since like last month... :nervous
But I really felt like I wanted to write this one :grin:

Some of the members will become guys in this story (just warning XD

Well, I hope you like it <3

Character Introduction

-Main Characters
Name: Kojima Haru
Gender: Male
School: Saint Kristenial Private School
Class: High School class 1C
Status: An unquestionably poor, but earnest and beautiful person. Got a scholarship to go to the school. Family has money issues. Seems to be very popular by everyone.

Name: Takahashi Minami
Gender: Female
School: Saint Kristenial Private School
Class: High School class 1B
Status: An energetic person, but can be very shy at times. Also having a beautiful heart she is the daughter of the big Takahashi Corporation. Best friends with Oshima Yuko. Loves ribbons, animals and nearly everything that is beautiful or cute. Likes to help people and make people feel happy, so she is generally very popular throughout the school.

Name: Oshima Yuko
Gender: Female
School: Saint Kristenial Private School
Class: High School class 1C
Status: A person that has caused many problems at this school and her old. She had been known as the "slut" of the school. Although she does not open her heart to people often, she knows she can trust Takahashi Minami, her best friends since childhood. Hates playing with guys but does it anyway because she can't be bothered resisting.

-Side Characters
Name: Shinoda Mari
Gender: Male
School: Saint Kristenial Private School
Class: High School class 2D
Status: A person that seems very nice on the outer appearance. But behind those glasses... Also in love with Takahashi Minami

Name: Maeda Atsu
Gender: Male
School: Saint Kristenial Private School
Class: High School class 1D
Status: A huge narcissist. Loves himself and also Oshima Yuko

Name: Watanbe Mayu
Gender: Female
School: Saint Kristenial Private School
Class: Middle School class 2A
Status: A creepy stalker of Takahashi Minami. Also in the Takahashi Minami fan-club, along with her special "friend" Kashiwagi Yuki.

Name: Kashiwagi Yuuki
Gender: Male
School: Saint Kristenial Private School
Class: High School class 1B
Status: In the Takahashi Minami fan-club. Also gathers information about Takahashi Minami to impress his childhood "friend" Watanabe Mayu.

Name: Minegishi Minami
Gender: Female
School: Saint Kristenial Private School
Class: Middle School class 3E
Status: ......... A robot..... No actually a real person in love with Maeda Atsuko.


I'll start the story when I have time, please look forward to it~ <3

あなたに出会えて本当によっかたよ、幸せです☆彡 」

“All the luggage, Takamina has been carrying alone, I’ve decided to carry it together with her.”- Oshima Yuko

Offline Tam_atsu

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  • i love Akb48 and Maeda Atsuko ❤ kojiyuu/atsuyuu

Oh Maeda Atsu loves yuko  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: ATSUYUU!!

 :lol: :lol: :lol: update soon  :)

Silent reader for now

Offline kuro808

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Mineshige character is a robot XD

I like the characters
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Kazan

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 :thumbup wow minami very popular

Offline cisda83

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Great intro of characters there...

Can't wait to see the story start

Minami seems to be very popular...

Can't wait to see how the pairing develop.

Thank you for this new interesting fic.

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Hii_chan

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  • love all Takamina's pairing
TAKAHARU one of my favourite pairs XD XD
and mariko love minami too
Minami seem very famous
jaa..cant wait for your update
please update soon and often :bow: :bow:
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline KojiYuu44

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Great character intro
There's a lot of amusing love interests
Can't wait to see how this all turns out :)

Offline XD_Monster_XD

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  • No Yuko, Wmidget= no life
Yuko has such an interesting character..
Nyahaha, Yuko and Takamina's relationship sounds interesting...
Please update!
Ima Yuko oshi and my otp are the Wmidgets!!!
Yuumina ftw~!

JPHiP Radio (10/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: DJ Tonk - Smile (feat Shiina Junpei)